Scholarships & Exhibitions for 2025 entry

13+ Entry
Examination/Assessment Date
Tuesday 4 - Friday 7 February 2025 (inclusive)
Music Monday 27 & Tuesday 28 January 2025
Monday 3 February 2025
Sport Friday 31 January 2025
Design & Technology Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30 January 2025
Monday 27 & Tuesday 28 January 2025
Dance Thursday 30 January 2025
Closing date for Scholarship applications - 13 December 2024
Examination/Assessment Date
Friday 8 & Saturday 9 November 2024
Music Saturday 16 November 2024
Art Saturday 16 November 2024
Sport Thursday 7 November 2024
Closing date for Scholarship applications - 25 October 2024
King’s Scholarships were first established in 1541 by Henry VIII under the Statutes of Canterbury Cathedral. There are now seven main classes of entrance awards to the School:
1. Academic (King’s Scholars)
2. Music
3. Art 4. Sports
5. Design & Technology
6. Drama 7. Dance
Honorary King’s Scholarships are awarded for excellent GCSE results. Scholarships are awarded for entry into the Shell (Year 9) and 6b (Year 12)
Those who win any of the awards described within this brochure are eligible to apply for means tested financial assistance (a Bursary) of up to 100% of boarding fees (if applicable) in addition to the 10% fee award (for Scholarships) or 5% fee award (for Exhibitions).
The provision of Bursary support is contingent on the circumstances of applicants and is subject both to annual review and to the School’s ability to fund these within the context of its overall budget.
The award of non-academic Scholarships is subject to candidates meeting normal academic entrance requirements.
Enquiries about scholarships and application forms are available from The Admissions Office:
+44 (0)1227 595579
Candidates will sit the following compulsory papers: General Paper, English, a Modern Language (and discussion), Mathematics, Science (including a practical assessment and data analysis discussion) and have an informal interview.
Candidates will also sit three papers chosen from: a second Mathematics paper, Geography, a second Modern Language (French, Spanish or Mandarin), History, Classics (either Latin or Latin & Greek) and Religious Studies & Philosophy.
Up to twenty King’s Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are awarded as a result of examinations held early in the Summer Term.
King’s Scholars are members of the Canterbury Cathedral Foundation.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate a sharp, enquiring mind supported by a love of learning, together with the ability and desire to engage in independent research.
Examinations take place in Canterbury although special arrangements can be made in exceptional circumstances.
The assessments are wide-ranging and provide opportunities to excel in a variety of areas.
Three or four Sixth Form Scholarships can be awarded for outstanding performance in the Sixth Form entrance examination held in November prior to entry.
Music at King’s has a distinguished history with the finest reputation for performances of outstanding quality and variety.
Up to 12 Music Scholarships (10%) and 3 Music Exhibitions or Choral Awards (5%) are available. Successful candidates also receive free tuition in two instruments (Scholarships) or one instrument/voice (Exhibitions/Choral Awards).
Candidates should have outstanding ability/ potential for their age in one instrument and strong skills in at least one further study or voice. Although not obligatory, an approximate standard of Grade 6 is expected, and candidates are advised to attend a pre-audition with the Director of Music in order to assess suitability, ideally in Year 6 or 7 of Prep School.
Assessment Day is held in the Lent term with candidates presenting two contrasting pieces on the first choice study instrument. They will also undertake sight-reading and ear tests. There is no written paper.
One or more Music Scholarships for Sixth Form entrants are also on offer, together with free tuition in two instruments. Eligibility is in line with the criteria for 13+ awards, although the recommended level of achievement is in excess of Grade 7. Again, pre-auditions with the Director of Music are advised, ideally taking place in Year 10.
Scan here to watch all of our major concerts
Art Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are available to candidates of outstanding ability.
The examination consists of two practical papers: Objective Drawing (2 hours) and Imaginative Composition (3 hours).
Candidates should provide examples of their work: a few specimens of a high standard are better than a portfolio filled just for the occasion. Portfolios are required one week before assessment. Three-dimensional work, such as pottery or sculpture, should not be sent, although photographs would be most welcome.
Art facilities at Blackfriars and King Street Studios are excellent. Regular visits are paid to London galleries and to many other venues, as well as overseas trips to galleries and exhibitions.
The department operates an Artist-in-Residence scheme, which gives an insight into the working methods of professional practitioners.
Art Scholarships are also available at Sixth Form entry.
David Gower Sports Scholarships (10%) and Awards (5%) are available for boys and girls of character and integrity who display both excellent sporting ability and sportsmanship in at least one of the main School team games.
The awards are determined by recommendation and an assessment day. This is held in the Lent term where candidates will undertake a skills and leadership test followed by participation in two chosen sports.
Sports facilities are excellent, centred on the Sports Centre at Blore’s, the outdoor playing fields at Birley’s, and Westbere Lake. The sports programme promotes key educational values that include fitness and a healthy lifestyle. We also encourage pupils to adopt a balanced approach towards winning and losing, both as an individual and as part of a team.
Sports Scholarships are also available at Sixth Form entry.
In 2010 the School introduced a Sports Excellence Programme. This aims to raise the standard of sporting performance and encourage excellence in all sporting activities. The programme is offered to Sports Scholars and others who display enthusiasm, commitment and potential. Those selected to be part of the programme are able to take advantage of knowledge and experience from elite training spheres.
Design & Technology Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are available to candidates who demonstrate a genuine interest and aptitude in the subject.
Scholarships will be determined by recommendation and assessment.Candidates will be required to present a portfolio of work illustrating their experience, ability and interest in Design & Technology. The portfolio may include projects completed by the candidate both in and outside of the school curriculum.
The Assessment will involve three elements: an interview, during which the candidate will have the opportunity to discuss their portfolio, a written assessment task where candidates will be expected to demonstrate creativity, written and graphical communication skills, and an appropriate understanding of at least one aspect of this wide-ranging subject, such as Product Design, Electronics or Mechanical Engineering, The final assessment is a practical task to assess the candidates’ ability to excel in the classroom environment; following detailed instructions and performing practical operations safely and with a high degree of accuracy.
Drama Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are available to candidates with flair and ambition.
It is expected that candidates have an interest in all aspects of Drama and Theatre, not limited to performance. Drama scholars and exhibitioners will have strong performance skills and be expected to play a significant part in school productions, although an award is not a guarantee of being cast in a major role.
Auditions will involve two practical assessments: a practical group workshop, and the performance of a two minute monologue of the candidate’s own choosing.
During the academic year two major productions and at least one junior play are staged. The two main school productions, sometimes musicals, usually take place in November and during King’s Week in July.
Recent productions – some performed outdoors in beautiful settings around the Cathedral Precincts – include: The Crucible, Arcadia, Cyrano de Bergerac, Twelfth Night, West Side Story, Romeo & Juliet, A Streetcar Named Desire, Joseph K, and The Little Shop of Horrors.
The Drama department finds its home in The Malthouse, a converted Victorian building which holds a 334-seat theatre, drama and dance studios and state-of-the-art dressing rooms.
Dance at King’s is taking on ever higher prominence with a burgeoning group of talented dancers and the opening of The Malthouse Theatre, a spectacular development complete with a state-of-the-art stage space and Dance Studio.
Aside from building on technique, the Department enjoys preparing for regular performances as well as taking part in drama productions. Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are on offer to talented and committed candidates. Applicants for Year 9 entry to King’s are invited to apply.
A successful candidate would perform in every suitable project we undertake, whether as a soloist, or in an ensemble. They will be required to practise regularly, and to show good character and determination to improve.
Candidates will be required to prepare two 2-3 minute solos of contrasting styles for their audition. They will also take part in a group dance lesson and an improvisational session. Candidates should have a sound technique in their chosen discipline, an engaging performance quality, good stamina, and an ability to work positively with others. They will also be given a short interview.
A Dance Scholar will be offered one private lesson a week in their chosen genre.