Pre-Preparatory Parents’ Handbook
From the Head
It is a great pleasure to welcome you and your family into the Junior King’s community and the Pre-Prep in particular. I hope that you will be very happy here as you quickly get to know other families and members of staff. May I encourage you to take full advantage of all that the school has to offer, not least through the Friends of Junior King’s organisation, which provides valuable social contact across the year groups. Our Pre-Prep Department provides a safe, caring and nurturing environment where every child is an individual and we get to know each of them. We lay down the foundations for a love of learning during these formative years and we provide a breadth of different experiences to give the children the confidence to be what they want to be. Mrs McConkey takes day-to-day responsibility for the Pre-Prep Department and is keen to get to know all our new children really well. I will also be available for advice at any time and Emma O’Brien, my PA, will be very happy to book an appointment if you would like one. We look forward to a close and happy relationship in the exciting years ahead. Yours sincerely Emma Károlyi Head 3
Welcome to Junior King’s Pre-Prep
We all look forward to working with you and your child in the Pre-Prep and to making the transition from home to school life a positive and enriching experience for all concerned. We believe it is very important that parents are involved in their child’s day-today education and share the aims and objectives of the staff. You will be kept informed at key stages of development and are encouraged to support your child’s learning throughout the school. Above all, we believe that children should gain the confidence to grow through a love of learning in all its forms. This handbook aims to give an overall view of your child’s life in the Pre-Prep and hopes to address any queries you may have about our school routine. However, do ask if you are unsure. As your child takes this exciting step, we look forward to gaining a clearer understanding of their potential and developing it in partnership with you.
Dee McConkey Head of Pre-Prep
It is vital that there is good communication between home and school, particularly when joining a new school where everything is strange. At no stage is communication more important than during the first few weeks. If you should have a query or a problem, here are some contacts who should be able to help.
Useful Phone Numbers and Email addresses The Pre-Prep Department
01227 714004
Head of Pre-Prep
01227 714016
The Prep School Office
01227 714000
The Health Centre
01227 714022
The Head’s P.A.
01227 714008
The Bursar
01227 595544
The Registrar
01227 714019
Most other staff can be contacted by email using a first initial followed by surname and then
The School Website
You can find a great deal of information about the school on our website including school policies, term dates, the School Calendar, photographs and news of recent events and current and past copies of the weekly newsletter. From the website you will have access to the Parent Portal, here you will be able to access: • • • •
School Reports Academic Information Music Reports EAL reports
Via the website you will also be able to access the JKS Sports Portal where you will get a great deal of information about school fixtures. You will be sent details of how to access the Parental Portal and the JKS Sports Portal at the start of your child’s first term in school.
Twitter and Facebook
Information and news about various school events, both current and future, are ‘tweeted’ and published on our Junior King’s Facebook Page. Please follow us on Twitter @JuniorKingsSch.
Every Friday, a newsletter called ‘The Week’ is emailed to parents and posted onto the website. It contains information about the forthcoming week with reports of events in Pre-Prep being found in The Mini Week section.
Letters home
From time to time letters are sent home, via the children, which include general letters with information from the Head of Pre-Prep and from staff members regarding school trips. 7
Termly Calendar
A calendar of events is published each term. It tells you about meetings with the teaching staff and dates for key events. Additional letters will be sent out regarding any class based trips.
Preparation for School
For our younger children, it will help your child to settle into school if he or she has already acquired such skills as going to the lavatory unaided, eating with cutlery at the lunch table and attempting to dress and undress himself or herself.
The School Day
The school day is divided into several sessions, as follows: The school is staffed from 8.00am and the door opens at that time. We encourage all the children in the Pre-Prep to come into school via the front door in The Hamels. There will always be a teacher on duty to help with welcoming and escorting children to class. Messages for the class teacher can also be verbally passed on at this point. We register the children at 8.30am and at that time we close the front door. If you should arrive later than this, we ask that you simply ring the bell and a member of staff will come and let you in. The children attend a daily school assembly where they reflect on a chosen theme in readings, songs and prayers. Successes are also celebrated in accordance with the Pre-Prep Code (listed under Guidance and Discipline). Large gatherings can prove stressful to young children and so the Nursery children, initially, have a separate assembly of their own. The four year olds then join the assembly for the award of stickers and hymns during the Summer term.
08:00 – 08:30am
Door opens for arrival
08:30 – 08:35am
Class registration
08:35 – 08:55am
09:00 – 10:00am
10:00 – 10:20am
Morning play /Snack
10:20 – 11:50am
11:50 – 1:00pm
Lunch followed by lunch play
1:05 – 2:40pm
2:40 – 2:55pm
Afternoon play/snack
3:00 – 3:30pm
End of Day (3:00pm on Wednesdays)
On Wednesdays, children should be collected at 3.00pm, unless they are attending an after school activity.
Lunch times
Lunch is taken in the Prep School Dining Hall. The Pre-Prep children and staff sit together at their own tables where table manners and greater independence are gently encouraged. Older children sit in their class groups with a member of staff who supervises general table manners. A nutritious two-course meal is served, followed by a choice of fresh fruit. Children are encouraged to make sensible choices about food. If they really do not like it, then they can leave it. Special diets can be catered for and letters requesting these should be sent to the Head of Pre-Prep. Our very youngest children take lunch in the Nursery and also enjoy the same wide variety of delicious food. 9
Collecting your child
Parents collecting Nursery children after lunch at 1.00pm should come directly to the black gate access in The Hamels. A member of the Nursery staff will bring the children out to meet you. Children in our Nursery (staying for a full day) and Reception classes are collected five minutes before the end of the school day. The children line up in their class groups and it would be appreciated if you would collect your child from their class teacher and not allow them to run to you - tempting though this is for the children. In this way we can monitor who each child leaves with, and make sure that no child wanders off. Once children have been officially signed off into the care and responsibility of the adult, families are more than welcome to use the Adventure Playground situated next to the Sports Hall. See notes below (Waiting for Siblings)
After-School Late Service
Our After-School Late Service operates from 3.40pm (3.10pm on Wednesdays). Children need to be collected before 6:00pm. Further details, including charges, are available on our website or from the Pre-Prep Department.
Collecting from club activities
Clubs usually run from 3.30pm until 4.15pm. We ask that parents enter the playground via the black pedestrian gate and make their way to the outer hall doors where children will be dismissed directly. However, should parents wish their child to attend the Late Service then they will be taken there where they will have tea, relax and enjoy some unstructured activity time with friends. They can be collected from Late service at any time before 6.00pm. We ask that parents use a booking in form, this way we can provide appropriate staffing and refreshments for the children each day.
Waiting for older siblings
From 3.30pm onwards there is usually the option to take refreshments in the Dining Hall but please be aware that the older children will still be in lessons and we would ask that you ensure your child is within your sight and under your control during this time. It would be helpful if parents could refrain from allowing their children to play on the grass outside of Junior House or from waiting inside the main corridor of the Prep School as this can disturb lessons.
Sturry Library Hours
At the end of the school day, and particularly for those parents waiting for older siblings, the Sturry Library is open and provides an opportunity to spend time with your child sharing books. It is open at the following times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm(Closed 1.00pm – 2.00pm) Wednesday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Saturday: 9.00am – 1.00pm
Curriculum Planning and Record Keeping
The planning within the EYFS is based on the Development Matters statements from the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. These plans are flexible so that your child’s teachers can respond to the needs, achievements and interests of your children. Planning especially within the Early Years is therefore often referred to as ‘in the moment’ planning’. This fostering of your children’s interests develops a high level of motivation for the children’s learning within the 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas. Your child’s teacher will make regular assessments of learning and this information is used to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs. Assessment in the Foundation Stage takes the form of both formal and informal observations. These observations are recorded in a variety of ways, and contribute to the child’s individual online ‘Learning Journey’ profile. A smooth transition is essential for your child’s wellbeing and therefore the teachers spend time consulting and exchanging information about children prior to the beginning of each academic year. In Years One and Two, topic approached planning is based on the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. Teachers use this to frame their lessons and longer term objectives. In order to ‘track’ children’s progress throughout the school we engage in National assessments both at the start of the academic year, providing a ‘baseline’ and again at the end of the year, to form summative information. This is recorded and the results held by the teacher and the school’s Academic Deputy Head.
Learning Support
Learning Support is essentially an umbrella term within which there are different strands: special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), English as an additional language (EAL) and HAPs (Higher Achieving Pupils). The Pre-Prep has a Learning Support Co-ordinator, working with the Head of PrePrep and Head of Learning Support in the Prep School, to monitor pupil progress and provide the appropriate intervention. Children have diverse needs and many children experience additional barriers to learning at points during their education. These are often mild and do not need extra educational provision. This is where we consider how we can offer carefully differentiated opportunities or alternative approaches to learning to help them progress. Of course, parents will be kept informed and play a major role with any matters requiring extra support. However, if after close observation and monitoring, a child appears to be experiencing a barrier to learning and is not making significant progress within differentiation, an additional educational need may be identified and Learning Support staff become involved to assess and provide appropriate intervention as is necessary. If progress is still not made and concerns remain, external agencies may be consulted. An Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be sought from the Local Authority in some situations.
Forest School
During their time in the Pre-Prep, as well as the formal curriculum, children take part in ‘Forest School’ activities. These take place in our own woodland site on school grounds – Forest Park, and aim to provide experiential education through interaction with the natural environment, which is proven to promote health, learning and emotional well-being. Within this learning programme the children are developing a variety of life skills, independence, competence, cooperation and communication. These skills are encouraged and enable children to assess safety issues for themselves and others. We intend to engender a sense of respect and appreciation for woods and instil an environmental ethic.
All children have weekly lessons with a specialist French teacher. In Nursery and Reception, the children have one 30 minute lesson per week and in Year One and Year Two, there are two 30 minute lessons. Year One and Year Two both share a French workshop for parents during the year.
Dance and Music Classes
All children have weekly dance lessons with a specialist teacher. In addition, a specialist music teacher will take each class for two music lessons per week. We also offer the opportunity for children to have individual music tuition during the school day. Through our extensive after school activity programme, we encourage children to join a number of different group music sessions. Music also plays an important part in our daily worship and church services.
After School Clubs
A number of after school activities are available to the Pre-Prep children. These are offered every day and the vast majority will finish at 4.15pm. The specific details of what is on offer and when it takes place will be sent to you before the start of term along with details the costs and of how to sign up.
All children who are ready from Reception age and above will usually take a reading book home with them at least three times a week, having read individually to their class teacher or one of the classroom assistants. It is important that reading is seen as an enjoyable activity and not as a chore, so the school will make every effort to stimulate and promote the reading of appropriate material. Parents are encouraged to read a little with them every day, referring to the Reading Record book that goes between home and school for comments about reading - or other topics - and noting the teacher’s guidance about how much the child should read. Some children in the Pre-Prep will be given flash cards along with their reading books in order to reinforce core vocabulary. Reading is actively encouraged as it is the basis for so many activities, and if a particular child is keen to read more, he/she should be encouraged to read a different book or other reading material. It is not necessary to purchase the reading books used in school. It is important that children do not feel that the only thing that constitutes a reading book is the one they bring home from school. Children should be encouraged, wherever possible, to choose books from our Pre-Prep library or indeed their own local library. In addition to their reading books, the older children will be given homework. Children in Year One will be given weekly spelling lists linked to their phonics work. They will also be given a maths activity each week. Once they are in Year Two, children may be given more structured homework. This will be linked to their phonics work and numeracy. A child’s homework should not take longer than 15 or 20 minutes each evening. If it is taking longer, then the parents should mention this to the class teacher. If parents find that their child has a particular difficulty, they are always welcome to come into school to talk to the child’s class teacher.
Parents visiting school
Parents are welcome to visit the school, and we appreciate your involvement in the education of your child. If you need to discuss a particular problem with your child’s class teacher, it may be best to make an appointment after school. Small issues, however, can be discussed briefly in the morning with the member of staff on door duty, who will pass on the message or when you collect your child at the end of the day. 15
Induction Meeting, Parents’ Meetings and Reports
An Induction meeting is held at the start of each academic year. The meeting provides parents with opportunities to meet their child’s teacher and to learn more about the distinctive nature of their year group. There are currently three parents’ evenings in the Pre-Prep, just before half term in the Autumn, again at the Spring half term and finally at the Summer half term. Parents will also be given the opportunity to have a consultation at the end of the Summer Term to discuss the summative report and/ or the EYFS Profile. Parents are able to make individual appointments with their child’s class teacher to discuss progress at any point.
Guidance and Discipline
The Pre-Prep has a discipline expectation that enables every child to feel safe and secure within the school environment. We believe that children will learn well in a happy and caring environment, and great importance is placed on creating an awareness of the needs of others, making the right choices and building the selfesteem of every child. Emphasis is placed on offering support and kindness to others at all times, and children are encouraged to be polite and show respect towards adults and other children. Children are rewarded with stickers and stars for good behaviour and for following the Pre-Prep Code.
The Pre-Prep Code
The Pre-Prep Code is as follows: • • • • •
Show good manners Be tidy Work hard Be thoughtful Be friendly
This code is reinforced throughout the whole of Pre-Prep. In short we have an umbrella of three ‘rules’, Be Ready, (to learn), Be Respectful, Be Safe! Positive Behaviour and Anti–Bullying Policy - please refer to our Policy on the School Website.
Health Care
Please see that the Health Form and consent forms for your child are sent to school before the start of term. All communications regarding health should be addressed to the Head of Pre-Prep, Mrs D McConkey or directly to the Health Centre. If your child has an operation, accident, serious illness, inoculation or special treatment during the holidays, a full report should be sent on return to school. It is the parents’ responsibility to keep the Health Centre updated with any new matters relating to your child’s health or well-being.
In the initial stages of any illness, the best place for recuperation is at home. Towards the end of any prescribed course of medication we are quite happy to administer it in school. All medicines must be handed directly to our Pre-Prep secretary upon arrival at school. She will pass this on to the Health Centre staff in the Prep school. Please note, it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure medication has been returned at the end of the school day if it is required at home in the evening.
Absences and Illnesses
Please phone the Pre-Prep between 8.00am and 9.00am if your child is ill and unable to come to school. Parents will be called during the morning if a message has not been received.
General Illness
In order to prevent cross-infection, parents are requested to keep children away from school if unwell. Following a one-off episode of diarrhoea OR vomiting, a child should not return to school until 48 hours has elapsed since the last episode. Children should return to school when they are tolerating a normal diet without continued stomach cramps or discomfort, and feeling fit and well. If parents have any queries, then they should telephone the Health Centre before the child returns to school.
Illness during the school day
If your child becomes ill during the school day, you will be contacted to come and collect your child. In the case of more serious accidents and emergencies every effort will be made to contact parents prior to a child being taken to hospital. If it is not possible to contact parents the Head’s appointed representative would act ‘in loco parentis’ and escort a child to hospital
Children with complex medical needs
Parents are asked to liaise closely with Mrs McConkey and the Health Centre to devise an appropriate plan of care and protocol for their management.
School Counsellor
We have a school counsellor who visits the school once a week to see children who have been identified as needing support of an emotional nature. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy with over 20 years’ experience. If you have any concerns about your child you can contact the Health Centre or the Head of Pre-Prep, who will liaise directly with us.
If a child is in contact with an infectious disease, the school must be informed. Mrs McConkey will take the School Nurse and Medical Officer’s advice on when the child should be allowed to return.
Head Lice
This is a recurrent problem in any school environment. Parents are requested to check their child’s hair each week and to treat accordingly. In cases of serious infestation, parents may also be requested to take their child home for treatment.
Sun Protection
It is preferable for children to have their own named supply of Sun Screen with them during the summer months. The cream / lotion must be clearly named and be at least Factor 30. Within Pre-Prep there is a sunscreen dispenser, which is available to all children.
Food in school
Food and drink should not be removed from the Dining Hall/classroom or consumed around the school. We cater for all dietary requirements. Sweets, chocolates and cakes should not be brought to school without staff permission as they can sometimes contain substances harmful to the health of others. The chewing of gum is forbidden. On the day of your child’s birthday, should you wish to, a boxed cake may be sent in along with napkins. The cake will be sliced and wrapped in napkins and sent home in your child’s book bag. The cake will not be consumed in school.
Holiday Absences
If it is unavoidable that you take your holiday during term time and your child will be away from school, please make such a request in writing to the Head. Please also, wherever possible, try to avoid routine doctor and dentist’s appointments during term time, or alternatively make the appointments for out of school hours. Mrs McConkey should be made aware of any such appointments.
Parents’ Absences
If you are going to be away for a few days or longer, it is helpful for your child’s class teacher to know this, since parental absences often affect a child’s behaviour or work in school. Mrs McConkey should also be told with whom your child will be staying in your absence, and who will be collecting him or her, giving any emergency telephone numbers which are relevant.
Change of address or phone number
If you change your address or phone number, please notify Mrs McConkey in writing. It is clearly important that we have an up-to-date address and phone number for you, particularly if we need to contact you urgently. A member of the Pre-Prep staff will call parents on any occasion where it is deemed necessary. Children in the Pre-Prep should not bring mobile phones into school under any circumstances.
Visits to the Prep School
All children have several opportunities to visit the Prep School in their final year of the Pre-Prep. For Year Two parents there is a special ‘Open Morning’ in the Autumn or Lent Term when there is an opportunity to visit Junior House and to have a tour of the Prep School. At the end of the Summer Term preceding your child’s entry to the Prep School there is also a ‘Welcome Afternoon’ tea.
Please make sure that ALL items are clearly marked, including plimsolls and shoes. It is also helpful if your child’s name is clearly visible on the outside of his/her P.E. bag.
Hair styles must be neat, tidy and consistent with the school uniform. For girls, hair must be tied back if it would otherwise cover the face and the means of doing so should be plain navy, black or brown hair band or clip. Colour braids are not to be worn. For boys, hair must be neat and tidy.
Children should wear navy blue or black shoes or closed in sandals with buckles or Velcro-fastenings. They should not wear trainers or lace-up shoes.
P.E. Uniform
Please refer to the uniform list.
Painting Apron
Please provide your child with the long-sleeved, appropriately sized, painting apron, purchased from the King’s School Shop and clearly marked with his or her name.
King’s School Shop
The School Shop is open in term time daily from Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and on Saturday from 9am – 1pm. During the school holidays times vary so please contact the shop at your earliest convenience for specific details. Telephone: 01227 595551 or Email: Please note the School Shop in Canterbury does get extremely busy, so outfitting for new and existing pupils is carried out by appointment only. Payment for outfits should be cleared by cash, or credit card on the day of purchase (we do not accept American Express). The School Shop offers a sewing service for the name taping at a cost of £50.00 per uniform. The charge for this will be added to your first term school bill. All uniform must have name tapes before the start of term. If you wish to make use of this service please ensure that you have name tapes either ordered at the time of making an appointment, or previously sourced. If you wish to provide your own name tapes please ensure labels include your child’s first and last name. Please check deadlines for the purchase and sewing of name tapes with the school shop. Parents must provide name tapes after the deadline date. The school shop recommends name tapes are purchased from The Friends of Junior King’s run a second-hand uniform shop every Monday morning from 08:30 – 09:00, although an appointment may be possible at other times, please contact the School Office. The shop is situated in the Prep School, on the Sports Hall balcony.
Complaints by Parents
The Junior King’s School has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils. However, if parents do have a complaint, they can expect it to be treated by the School in accordance with the Complaints Policy. Please see the school website for full details: policies/
Payment of Fees
The Bursar will send out information about the school fees and private medical and fees insurance. Should a problem ever arise please let the Bursar or the Head know as soon as possible. Such matters are treated in confidence.
The fees are inclusive of meals, textbooks, stationery and compulsory activities. Extras are optional (for example Late Club) and have to be requested or agreed by parents in advance.
Insurance of Belongings
The School’s insurance policies do not cover the personal effects of the pupils, and your attention is drawn to the leaflet, which will be enclosed later with your school account.
Insurance of School Fees
We also recommend the School Fees Remission Scheme insurance for pupils who miss school through illness. A leaflet on this insurance scheme will be enclosed later with your account. 25
Safety in School Grounds
It would be appreciated if parents could approach the Pre-Prep Oast Building slowly and be vigilant when reversing in the car park. Our main concern is the safety of you and your children. Car parking space is available in front of the Oast House in the Hamels, beside the astro and in the car park behind the Sports Hall, as well as in front of the Prep School. Please park sensitively and do not block driveways of houses in The Hamels. Please observe the 5mph speed limit at all times when driving within the School grounds. Please be aware that, out of school hours, the school playground and equipment is out of bounds to both pupils and siblings alike. The Junior Adventure Playground is available for use at other times, but strictly under close parental supervision and responsibility.
The Milner Gate – Cars at Junior Kings
Entrance to the school is through Milner Gate which is open for entry via Milner Lane, directly off the A28. Please drive carefully through the lane and be especially careful on entry to the Junior School. Once on the school grounds do not exceed 5 mph. Please do not park in the lane or obstruct the gates in any way. Exit from the school is via The Hamels onto Church Lane and following the oneway system on to the A28.
School Transport Services
The school operates a number of organised transport services in the mornings only. Further details are available from Elizabeth Jerman in the School Office.
On arrival at the School all visitors should sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. Doors to the Oast are kept locked during the school day for security reasons. There are also 24-hour video cameras and alarms on Pre-Prep external doors. This alarm is activated by anyone coming in or going out. Both doors have a bell beside them, so if you need to come in to school to collect your child during the day or later than 3.30pm, please use the bell and you will be let in. The Pre-Prep metal school gate is always locked during the school day and this is opened 15 minutes before the end of the school day. This remains open until 4.40pm when all children should have been collected from after school clubs. Access must then be gained via the Pre-Prep front door once the gate has been locked.
The King’s School Recreation Centre
All children have free membership of the Recreation Centre in St Stephen’s Road, and parents can become members at a reduced rate. Application forms for parents can be obtained from the Centre.
Friends’ Association
The aim of the Friends’ Association is primarily to bring together parents, staff and others interested in the well-being of the school through social, cultural and other activities. We hope that you will be interested in supporting these events. Any surplus money raised is given by the Committee for the use and benefit of the school. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the Friends’ Association unless they specifically wish to opt-out and a number of parents act as Class Representatives. The Friends run a coffee morning on most Friday mornings at 8.30am in the Dining Hall to which all parents are welcome. They also organise ‘Classlist’, a digital communication tool enabling parents to talk to each other with ease.
The Friends of