There will be a phased return to school on Monday 8th March (6as and 5th form) and Tuesday 9th March (6bs, Removes and Shells) to facilitate testing on arrival in a safe, managed way. This will take place at Birley’s where staff will be ready to welcome pupils back and to see them safely through the testing system. 6bs, Removes and Shells will have lessons online under KEO on Monday and then no lessons on Tuesday. 6as and 5ths will have no lessons on Monday but start their new ‘live’ timetable on Tuesday. Everyone will be on the new timetable from Wednesday. Pupils will need a consent form: Test and Trace Consent Form for Pupils to be filled in by their parents prior to arrival, and an appointment time booked by ringing 01227 595602 beforehand so that numbers arriving can be well spread out throughout the two days. Pupils will need to wait with their parents in their cars for their test result, so a book or newspaper might be useful to have to hand for the wait. To ensure the smooth running of these tests on the day of arrival, the Health Centre Team will register all pupils due to return to school in advance with NHS track and Trace.
Testing has been put in place to make school as safe as possible for everyone, but testing is not mandatory. Parental consent is required for your child to be tested. The pupils returning to school will be tested using a lateral flow device. Once the first three tests have been carried out, pupils will be issued with home test kits for further twice weekly testing at home / in house, under adult supervision.
FURTHER INFORMATION Whilst the lateral flow tests are quick and easy using a swab of the nose and throat, they are more accurate with effective swabbing, therefore swabbing will be conducted by trained staff for pupils for the first test and pupils will be trained in how to perform their own tests for test two and three. Results (which take around half an hour from testing) will be shared directly with pupils participating. Only positive results will be communicated with parents, in addition to the pupil. The tests are good at picking up cases when a person has higher viral load, hence the need to test frequently.
What if a pupil tests positive? Participating pupils who test positive will be informed about their results individually, and parents or legal guardians will also be notified. If the first test is positive the parents/guardians waiting with the pupil at Birley’s will be asked to take the pupil home and to isolate them. If subsequent tests are positive: Day pupils will be given guidance on safe travel home and additional precautions will be provided along with test results. Boarding pupils will be isolated in the School’s designated and supervised isolation facility unless it is possible for them to travel safely home. A positive lateral flow test during the first three tests will trigger a legal duty to isolate for 10 days.
What happens if the test is negative? If the test is negative pupils will be able to stay in school and resume their activities as normal. A parent will only be told if a pupil tests positive on a ‘lateral flow’ test, so if you do not hear you can assume it was negative. A small number of pupils may need to repeat the test if the first test was invalid or void for some reason.
What if my child develops symptoms? This testing programme at school is for people with no symptoms. If your child develops symptoms at any time (such as a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste) they must immediately self-isolate, and book a test by calling 119 or visiting Similarly, if a pupil develops symptoms in boarding whilst at school they will be isolated, a PCR test will be arranged for them and a school track and trace of contacts will be carried out. We will support our pupils throughout, but please contact the Health Centre ( ) if you need any further information The School has resources to support the physical and mental wellbeing of any pupil who is required to self-isolate. Boarders will be accompanied if they need to go for a test outside of school. Meals will be delivered to outside pupils’ rooms if they need to self-isolate and pupils will be checked daily by a nurse. The school has two main self-isolation units available. If pupils feel well whilst self-isolating, they will be able to join their lessons virtually so that they do not get behind with school work. There are plenty of resources available to pupils on the intranet to help them with their mental health, and the school counsellors and peer listeners are also available.
KEEPING SAFE AT SCHOOL Deep Cleaning There will continue to be rigorous cleaning and disinfecting of all communal and public areas every day, including common touch points such as door handles, light switches, toilets, sinks and handrails. Tables and chairs are cleaned between diners in all of the school dining rooms. Hand sanitising A key preventative measure is regular handwashing or sanitising throughout the day. There are hand sanitising stations outside every classroom block and at the entrances and exits of all houses, as well as at places such as the Recreation Centre and Birley’s. Hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes are also available in all classrooms and pupils are well practised in using these at the starts of lessons. Pupils are asked to bring their own pocket-sized personal hand sanitiser too so they have this available at any time they might want it. It will be possible for them to refill these bottles in school. Social distancing We will continue to remind all members of the King’s community of the need to socially distance whenever possible. Pupils will continue to be organised in year group Bubbles during the day, and ‘households’ when in their day and boarding houses. Everyone should aim to stay at least 2 metres apart when possible (or 1 metre plus if other measures are also taken). As we move to better weather so everyone will be encouraged to spend time outside when possible.
Face coverings In line with the most recent UK government guidance issued to schools, pupils and staff are expected to wear face coverings when moving around inside all buildings, in classrooms and in other communal areas where social distancing is not possible. The additional measures with regard to pupils and staff wearing face coverings in classrooms are anticipated to be for a limited period only and we will continue to monitor government advice on this. Day pupils are advised to bring at least one spare face covering into school each day so they can replace any damaged or dirty face coverings. Boarders should return to school with a supply of face coverings (washable or disposable) to see them through to the end of term. Ventilation Windows and doors will be open where possible to increase ventilation. Pupils are advised to wear extra layers if they feel the cold. Fire Fire drills will take place as usual. Fire evacuation procedures remain the same, with the requirement to maintain 2m social distancing where possible. Health The Health Centre remains available to all pupils for everyday ailments.
THE SCHOOL DAY For the final three weeks of the Lent term we will revert to a ‘live’ timetable very similar to that of the Autumn term. There will continue to be staggered starts to lessons so as to avoid large numbers of pupils and staff all moving around the school at the same time. A few one way systems exist but otherwise there is a general ‘keep left’ rule when people are passing. There are however a few changes for these 3 weeks: • There will be no formal year group or school assemblies, allowing pupils a little more time in the morning to enjoy breakfast with their friends and get ready for school. Housemasters and Housemistresses might on occasion use time before school for house meetings, and tutors might see tutees at this time. • Lessons in the morning will be 35 minutes long, but those after lunch will be just 30 minutes long. By also decreasing the Central hour, this means we will finish afternoon lesson by 4.0pm each day rather than 4.45pm. • Saturday morning lessons will return (so freeing up Wednesday afternoons for activities mid week), but with a later start time of 9.20-9.30am Pupils unable to make it back to King’s before the Summer term will be able to attend lessons virtually although the lessons will be marginally longer. All work will still be set on Teams.
Sport is allowed in schools, following official guidelines for each sport, although unfortunately matches against other schools can still not take place. We will continue with the sport choices in place at the end of the Autumn term for games sessions, with emphasis in particular on outdoor sports. Games sessions take place three afternoons a week. There will be opportunity for other sports to be played as activities. All sports are carefully risk assessed, with outdoor sport prioritised as much as possible, and any equipment cleaned frequently. Some individual music lessons will take place in person whilst others will remain online for the rest of this term. Ensembles will begin to meet ‘live’ where social distancing and safe playing are possible although these will still be in Bubbles. Activities after school and on Wednesday afternoons will continue but these will still take place in year group Bubbles. Some activities will be online to enable greater mixing across year groups.
Meals will still be taken in houses or year group Bubbles. Pupils are given a good choice of dishes at every meal, with plenty of salads and fresh fruit available. The Social Centre will be available for snacks but all pupils and staff are expected to remain socially distanced and to wear face coverings when at the counter. Snacks are also available every day in the houses at break times. Canterbury Dress should be worn during the formal part of the school day as usual although jackets remain optional. Pupils are reminded to wear extra layers in cold weather as doors and windows will be open for ventilation. King’s sports kit should be worn for all PE lessons and games sessions. Whilst it is acknowledged that hairdressers have been closed, hair should still be neat and tidy. School rules on items such as jewellery and makeup still apply.
NOTES FOR PUPILS Houses will be seen as households, but within these there will also be mini households. Pupils will not be required to wear face coverings when in their houses, but they should continue to try to socially distance when in the house, and face coverings will be encouraged when larger numbers are using communal rooms. As much as possible different year groups should not share facilities and pupils should not visit the rooms of those in different year groups. Pupils should only use the bathrooms allocated to them. As pupils realised last term, maintaining these ‘mini households’ and sticking to the rules in house means that should there be a suspected Covid –19 case, fewer people are generally required to self-isolate as a precautionary measure. Visitors, including parents, will not be allowed in houses at any time. Exeat weekends will be allowed for boarders but only to go to their own homes. It is expected that all day pupils and boarders at home will continue to observe local rules and guidance around face coverings and social distancing in public places. There will be no school services in the Cathedral on Sundays but there will be opportunities for pupils to attend voluntary Eucharists at weekends. Pupils should only go into the city with permission and this will only be granted for boarders to buy essential items. Day pupils are allowed to use public transport if necessary but must adhere to national rules with regard to wearing face coverings whilst on trains and buses. School rules as issued in the Autumn term still apply.