Bursar's Bulletin September 2018

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Bursar’s Electronic Bulletin For all Support Staff September 2018

We are holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September) between 10:30 and 11:30 either outside or inside the Bursary, weather dictating. I do hope that you are all able to come along and support this worthwhile event, everyone is welcome. Please come along and support us and encourage your colleagues to join us in making this our most successful coffee morning yet. If you know of colleagues that do not have access to email please tell them about the Coffee Morning.

Charity of the Year: I would welcome suggestions from you as to which Charity you would like the School to support for the coming year. Please email Lesley at l.foster@kingsbursary.co.uk or write to me at the Bursary with your suggestions. With next month’s Bulletin we will send out voting slips listing the charities that have been put forward as a suggestion. I am very grateful to Tom Drake, who, as in previous years, for the European Days of Culture and English Heritage, opened the Old Synagogue to visitors on Sunday 16th September. The nationally run Open Days provide an opportunity for people to visit buildings (free of charge) that are not otherwise generally open to the public and once again Tom was there handing out leaflets and answering general questions about the Synagogue.


A Message from the Health Centre Would you please note that the King’s School Defibrillator is positioned on the right hand wall just inside the Undercroft entrance at Green Court and the Defibrillator at St Augustine’s is positioned on the wall opposite the door to the Porters Lodge. There is also one placed in The Rec Centre reception and downstairs in Birley’s first aid room. Finally the Junior King’s School Defibrillator is located just outside the Common Room in the main building. You may in the case of an emergency be asked to go and collect it. Child Protection Training A reminder that Child Protection training is compulsory for all members of staff. If you have not yet received Child Protection training, or have any questions or concerns regarding Child Protection, please contact Emma Chivers (HR); 595721 e.chivers@kings-bursary.co.uk

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