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This year was like no other before, and the pandemic required great patience and perseverance. In September we wondered if there would be a chance to play any matches against other schools in the Autumn Term. Little did we know it would not be until May that inter-school fixtures would begin again.

During the first term, we played LOTS of football in our games sessions. Within our year group bubbles, we played regular internal games, tournaments and House matches, and saw a significant improvement in the overall skill levels. In November, we moved to rugby and found that not only were we unable to compete against other schools, we were not even allowed to ruck, maul, scrum or tackle. As a result, we focused on our fitness and passing skills, doing drills, practices, playing tag and touch We were fortunate to have regular input from a number of top RFU coaches who worked with our JKS coaching staff to help the boys reach a higher level of handling skills than in any previous year.

January saw a new term and sadly a whole new period of online learning. It wasn’t until the beginning of March that we could get back to school and by this time we were on to hockey. The boys relished the opportunity to be back to sport once more. Then came summer when – at last – we were able to play other schools once more. The thrill and excitement of representing the school again was incredible.

In addition to our traditional team sports we were able to enjoy some fabulous sporting House events. The inter-house Cross Country event in October was a great afternoon of fun, vigour, determination and endurance, the eventual winners being Macaws. We also had a fabulous Sports Day, which saw every child running their hearts out for their House. The results on the day were 1st Macaws. 2nd Kakas. 3rd Keas and 4th Cockas. We have made the most of our disjointed year but look forward with enormous excitement and anticipation to a whole new year of sport ahead as we seek to build on all the skills we have learnt in this past year.

Mr Jamieson, Director of Sport What a year it has been for everyone! Who would have thought that the matches fifteen months ago, in March 2020, would have been the last representative sport in which the Girls’ Games Department could take part? Certainly not me… With that said, I am delighted that we have been able to resume matches during the latter stages of this summer term in both tennis and cricket.

Although we have faced unprecedented times, I would also like to think of this time as an opportunity. We have been able to focus our attention on developing fitness, technical skills, tricks, penalty strokes and shuffle competitions, as well as all sorts of inter-year-group matches. Whilst we would have addressed some of these areas in a normal year, having an increased amount of time on the training field has allowed all the girls to fine-tune their skills. By working in year group bubbles, it has also provided the chance for the girls to play with others that perhaps they would not normally. This has had a hugely positive impact on so many, picking up skills from the more experienced players and allowing for far greater leadership to shine through. All in all, I can see many positives from this year.

It has been lovely to see the joy that the return of fixtures brought to all our teams. Seeing excited young sportswomen waiting for oppositions to arrive, re-establishing friendships with local schools, getting on the bus to travel to an away match, reading a match report and quite simply enjoying the buzz that sport brings to us all has been truly heart-warming. I congratulate all the girls for their perseverance and commitment this year; it will certainly be a year we all remember!

Finally, I would like to thank the Girls’ Games staff for their ongoing commitment and dedication to the girls. It has been a hugely demanding year, but, as ever, they have gone above and beyond to ensure the pupils have had a great sporting experience.

I wish all of our leavers the very best for the future and wish them well for their sporting careers.

Miss Scott-Kilvert, Head of Girls’ Games

Hockey Kit Handed Out

It was heartbreaking to postpone our hockey tour to Holland and Paris in March last year due to the pandemic. In September, the kits for the tour that would were handed over to the Year 8s to wear with pride. The bobble hats especially went down a treat!

Year 5 warmed up after the summer break with some football drills.

Year 4 ready to clash sticks on the hockey pitch. Hockey practice with the Year 6 girls.

Practice for the inter-house cross-country featured in Autumn Term PE lessons.

Year 8 competed in their bubble.

Zara Back in the Saddle

Zara (Year 8) represented The King’s School in the National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA) Show Jumping Qualifier in early September at Petley Wood. She competed at 70-75cm and 80-85cm and went clear. In the 80-85cm she was fast against the clock and eventually came 12th in a class of 58 competitors. The following week she also competed at Chilham Park in a one-day event of show jumping, dressage and cross-country, coming second in her class. Absolutely fantastic results. Well done, Zara! Lottie (Year 7) and Archie (Year 8) pursued their passion for hockey through attendance at the Kent Development Centre Hockey Training programme in the Autumn Term.

Year 7 tackled the start of rugby season.

Our rugby season was sadly cut short by the national lockdown in January, but we made the most of the time we had, welcoming five RFU coaches who joined us to assist with coaching. The coaches worked across all ability groups with the focus on developing core skills and, of course, having lots of fun.

Year 8 honed their hockey skills in their training sessions

Lucinda Landed Junior Associate

We were thrilled to hear over lockdown that Lucinda (Year 3) had successfully auditioned with the Cecchetti Ballet Associates and offered a place as a Junior Associate. Initially unable to attend training in person due to Covid restrictions, Lucinda joined the other Junior Associates on Zoom for virtual training.

Oliver Made Waves in Dubai Swim Series

Whilst taking part in the online learning programme in Dubai in March, Oliver (Year 6), competed in his first open water swimming competition, coming an amazing 11th place in the 200m Open Water Swim Series with a time of 5 minutes 30. Well done Oliver!

Years 3 and 4 enjoyed their first Prep School cricket Games lessons this year. The boys worked with our experienced staff coaching team and the girls trained with a specialist from ECB Cricket. The boys caught the end of the hockey season post-lockdown.

Year 8 got some pre-season netball in just before the lockdown.

Jack Fences Competitively Again

In the Summer Term, as easing restrictions allowed some sporting events to start up again, Jack (Year 7) was able to take part in a number of competitive events, including an U12 competition for the Luso Épée Cup, in which he finished second overall, and a Youth Series event in Manchester, where he walked away with a bronze medal.

Years 3 and 4 got to grips with the basics of cricket.

Year 8 practised their bowling and batting. Year 7 faced the ball machine to brush up on their tennis form.

Year 8 enjoyed some mixed doubles tennis.

We continued our fencing coaching this year with covid-safe one-to-one lessons.

Year 4 practised their high jumps in PE.

Breaking the Grass Ceiling

We experienced a historic moment in the life of the school in the Summer Term when, for the first time ever in Junior King’s history, we played mixed cricket house matches. Boys and girls bowled, batted and fielded alongside each other to win points for their houses.

The Year 6 girls hit us for six with their cricketing prowess.

It was wonderful to have the entire school out in the sunshine for our annual Sports Day. Congratulations to the Macaws, who won by an incredibly narrow margin of just 10 points from the Kakas.

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