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News from the Chaplaincy

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Harvest Festival

On 8 October we held our Prep School Harvest Festival. Although we missed the beauty of being together in St Nicholas’ Church, we embraced a new way of giving thanks. Junior House enjoyed a service with Rev Collins in the dining room, with all the generous harvest donations provided by our wonderful community laid out on the tables. Mr Frost sang the harvest hymn, For the Fruits of His Creation, for everyone, which was also recorded for the online service that everyone else enjoyed in their bubbles. We also heard a recording of Maël (Year 4) playing Andante in F by Joseph Haydn beautifully on the piano. Catching Lives and Canterbury Food Bank do amazing work in our local community and we were so grateful for everyone’s support for them in such a difficult year.

We are very grateful for the close relationship we have built over the years with St Nicholas’ Church, which lies on our doorstep in Sturry. We said farewell and a big thank you to its Rector and Methodist Minister Peter Cornish in June as he begins his retirement after 23 years at the church. Peter has always been very supportive of Junior King’s and has attended many of our school events over the years. We presented Peter with a beautiful drawing of the Barn – a view which he has enjoyed from his rectory. We all wish Peter the very best for his retirement.

Act of Remembrance

On 11 November, the Prep School gathered in their year group “bubbles” to undertake our annual Act of Remembrance. Fanned out around the flagpole near the entrance to the school, pupils and staff gave thanks to all those whose great sacrifice allowed future generations to enjoy peace and liberty. Led by Rev Collins and Father Martin and with 2020 marking the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, we remembered those, in particular, who helped defend our skies from attack during this campaign. Our School and Boarding Heads gave four exceptionally assured readings, with Head Girl Pani delivering a reading on George Edwards from Kingston, Jamaica, who died as one of many who came from overseas to help Britain in its hour of need, and Head Boy Theo reading to us from Micah 4:1‑5. Heads of Boarding Ruby and Youmans then led an Act of Commitment to pledge our support for those who work towards peace and welfare around the world. The service ended in a silent, reflective procession around the front of the Barn towards our Memorial Garden. Here, the wreaths were laid and every pupil and member of staff placed their poppies in the urn at the centre of the garden.


Our Virtual Carol Service

As December approached and pandemic restrictions were set to prevent us from gathering together as a community in Canterbury Cathedral for our much‑loved and anticipated end of term Carol Service, we were presented with the challenge of how to bring an alternative service to parents and pupils. The finished product was a creative take on our usual celebrations, with carols sang at a social distance in year groups in St Nicholas’ Church, lovely readings from pupils and a dramatic nativity tableau from Junior House (featuring a very special four‑legged guest), all woven together to produce a film that could be enjoyed virtually by our community. Although we were very sad to not be able to gather together in the cathedral, our virtual production allowed us this year to share our service with all members of the community, including those who would not normally be able to make it to Canterbury.


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