Co-educational 13-18 Boarding and Day School


The origins of our historically rich school can be traced back to the year 597AD, when St. Augustine was sent from Rome to evangelize England. But it was much later, in 1541, that the institution was re-founded under Henry VIII and earned its name as The King’s School. Situated in the World Heritage Sites of Canterbury Cathedral and St. Augustine’s Abbey, the architecture reflects a respectful mix of old and new, ranging from the 13th-century Meister Omers House to the 21st-century New Grange. This setting creates a community that is spiritually aware, historically informed and appreciative of aesthetic beauty.
A calling from St. Augustine

Aims & Ethos

An illustrious setting to inspire modern sensibilities Our aim is to anchor a 21st-century education within the school’s historic and illustrious setting. Lower and Middle School learning combines a broad sweep of both arts and sciences, while our vibrant Sixth Form embraces a diverse A Level programme that allows pupils to focus their studies in preparation for applications to Oxbridge, Russell Group, and other leading universities in the UK, USA and beyond.
The academic structure works in tandem with our ethos of developing individual passions that become lifelong pursuits. For every pupil, there is a wealth of sporting, musical, and artistic opportunities on offer.


Over thirty subjects are on offer, including seven Modern Languages. Sixth Form subjects as diverse as Psychology, Philosophy, History of Art, Government & Politics, and Economics can be studied.
Whilst our academic reputation has been built on historic foundations, we are committed to delivering a curriculum that embraces the digital world, with relevance to both contemporary life and a reverence for what we value from our past.
A broad and balanced curriculum that nurtures excellence Supported by our pastoral and tutorial system, the development of the individual is central to The King’s Learning Experience. In an environment where an enquiring mind is encouraged and each pupil can feel stretched but not stressed, we work hard to achieve the very best for our pupils.

Pastoral Care

The two School Chaplains are also on hand to offer pastoral assistance to both staff and pupils of any religion. For those with learning difficulties, a comprehensive system of support is available.
Full support to enrich the confidence of every pupil
The well-being of each pupil is of the utmost importance to us. Whether Boarding or Day, all pupils are members of a House with a Housemaster/Housemistress, Matron and Tutor Team. There are four counsellors available to pupils –male and female– backed by a modern and wellequipped Health Centre staffed by fully-qualified doctors and nursing staff.

House Community

The resident Housemaster or Housemistress is likely to be one of the most influential people in a pupil’s school career. He or she is ably assisted by the Deputy, a Matron and a team of five or more PupilsTutors.identify strongly with their House, as there are many inclusive activities such as concerts, plays, sports competitions and charity fundraising events.
Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding Houses are ‘twinned’ for social events, as well as for House plays and Althoughconcerts.
A stimulating blend of camaraderie and competition
There are seven Girls’ Houses, six Boys’ Houses, and three mixed Day Houses.
friendly rivalry exists, the overall ethos of The King’s School outweighs local differences between Houses.


Regardless of the individual’s chosen sport and the level to which they wish to pursue it, we emphasise enjoyment as the focus.
With over twenty sports on offer, our excellent facilities and strong coaching structure have given us an enviable track record of pupils who have gone on to gain international honours in sports such as hockey, rugby, fencing, rowing, table tennis and Paralympic skiing. We encourage pupils to adopt a balanced approach towards winning and losing, both as an individual and as part of a team. Our expert coaches include former England international cricketers, Mark Ealham and Susie Rowe; Scotland Womens’ Hockey coach and triple Olympian, Jennifer Wilson; and England’s 2014 Commonwealth Games rowing team manager, Jon Williamson.
Enjoyment at the heart of achievement


Masterclasses with leading soloists, orchestral concerts and overseas choir tours are a part of the regular programme of events.
Informal concerts are held regularly throughout the year, with even more musical celebrations during King’s Week.
With eight full-time staff, forty visiting music teachers, six choirs, two orchestras, a wind band, a big band, and a selection of rock, jazz and chamber groups - as well as over six hundred individual lessons given each week – it is hardly surprising that The King’s School has an international reputation for music.
An exceptional programme of international renown


Enlivened by opportunitiesextra-curricularandculturalexcursions
Outside of the normal curriculum, there are numerous opportunities to participate in art, design and photography workshops throughout the year. Visits to the London Galleries and other art venues, along with overseas trips, provide a valuable source of inspiration and cultural learning.
The Art department also oversees an artist-inresidence scheme, designed to give insight into the methods of working practitioners. Pupils’ artworks are displayed throughout the year, with special significance given to the major exhibition held during King’s Week.


Outstanding performances showcased in elegant facilities
Our thriving Drama department boasts an impressive list of past productions, including The Crucible, Arcadia, Cyrano de Bergerac, Twelfth Night, West Side Story, Romeo & Juliet, A Streetcar Named Desire, Joseph K, The Taming of the Shrew and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The Malthouse, opened in 2019, was fashioned from within a Victorian industrial building, and comprises a 334-seat theatre, with orchestra pit and specialist drama and dance studios.

Outside King’s

An education that extends well beyond the Cathedral Precincts
Sports tours are a regular feature of the school holidays. Both girls’ and boys’ teams enjoy the opportunity to compete abroad, whether it be rugby in South Africa, cricket in Dubai, lacrosse in the USA, or netball in Barbados.
The Crypt Choir has developed an international reputation, with concerts performed to large audiences in venues as far afield as China and Hong Kong, South Africa, and the USA. Whether it be the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, serving in the CCF, participating in the extensive Community Service programme, or designing costumes for the Charity Fashion Show, there is something for every individual at King’s.
Our pioneering Partnerships programme has built extensive links with local primary and secondary state schools. King’s is a key member of the East Kent Schools Together Project, which was launched in Departmental2017.trips are a highlight of the academic programme: a Mandarin trip to China; a Russian trip to St. Petersburg; an Art History trip to Florence and Venice; an Economics visit to New York; History trips to Berlin and the First World War trenches in Belgium; and a Geography department expedition to Morocco are among some of the recent excursions.

King’s Week

A unique festival of celebration Celebrating the pupils’ passions and enthusiasms with an inspiring mix of old and new events, this unique festival of music, drama, dance, art and sport has been held in the final week of the Summer term every year since its inception in 1952. King’s Week consistently attracts thousands of parents, friends and visitors. With over one hundred events in more than thirty different locations, King’s Week provides a glorious conclusion to the academic year.

Satnav postcode: CT1 2EX, The Borough, The Mint Yard Gate.
Eurostar - Paris to Canterbury from 2 hours 40 minutes. Car - from London follow the A2/M2, or the M25 to the A2 exit.
How to get to The King’s School Air - London Heathrow, Gatwick and City Airports are all within 90 minutes transfer to Canterbury. Train - direct from London St. Pancras, Charing Cross and Victoria to Canterbury from only 50 minutes.

For children who are at schools where they leave at Year 7, a route to The King’s School is via the Junior King’s School:
A limited number of places do become available and competitive entry exams are held in the January of the year of entry. Sixth Form Entry Entry is by competitive exam and interview which are held in the November preceding September entry. Academic, Music, Art and Sports Scholarships are awarded early in the year of entry. Entry
Prospective parents are welcome to visit the School and should contact the Admissions Department to make an appointment. Open Days take place each term when parents and children are taken on a guided tour of the School by current pupils. These days are particularly suitable for younger children.
the School at 13+ (Year 9). Academic, Music, Art, Sport, Design Technology, Drama and Dance Scholarships are available. Entry
Full details of the Admissions Procedure, Admissions Policy, Open Days and Scholarships are available on The King’s School website
Visiting the School
The King’s School 25 The KentCanterburyPrecinctsCT12ES

The King’s Canterbury,SchoolKent CT1