Urban Rivals Comics - Chapter 8 Episode 1

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HelLoOo? Can you hear us, chief?

Can’t open n the damn thing! We have some bad news and some goOd news. The goOd news is, the B-Team has finalLy found the place where the Clan leaders are kept…

… the bad d news is that getTing the leaders out of the stasis pods Zlatar r put them into seEms imposSible!

Maciej j is right. Let’s unplug the pods and take them with us. We’lL figure out the rest when we’re out of this mesS! No time for finesSe. I’lL just carRy the bosS. And we should make it fast, toO! Isn’t the Gheist supPosed to pop in any minute now?

I can’t believe it! They’re loOting my talent reservoir!! I’m not done powering up my best elements, but I supPose they’lL stilL do a betTer job than those nincompoOps at my service!

It’s up to you, boys!

AsSault under clint river part 2

Editor-in-chief: Nicolas Caris

ic English Translation: Jérôme Wicky

hahaha! As if things weren’t complicated enough!

No, Zlatar had to send us his souped-up ninja robots as welL!

As if on cue, another menace enters the fray…

gheist... to the atTack!

We’re betweEn a rock and a hard place! Protect the pods above alL else!

SeEms we’lL have to use BlaAster’s secret weapon right now!

LoOk out, Dayton… That fake CopPer packs a mean punch, like the real one!

Taking advantage from the sudDen apPearance of the Gheist troOps, Colin, ElLiotT and Zatman exit the scene unseEn…

… leaving the burden of actualLy fighting to Zlatar’s robots…

You’re just a carbon copy of our leader, stupid machine!

LeviatonN, retrieve Sigmund, over there!

… and to the Gheist as welL!!

The Gheist is here… And my men desert the batTlefield??

What is it… a joke?!?

… loser.

Come back, you damn croOks!

You wilL pay for this!

Oh welL… With luck, the Gheist and that “B-Team” wilL neutralize each other, making my cyber-ninjas’ task even easier!

As for you, Havok… I’lL show you who the loser is!

You showed us plenty, already.

You may mock… You’lL pay for the others!

You’lL pay… in bloOd!

clic Havok to B-Team… Havok to B-Team… It’s getTing hot in here!

Oh no… Not the old “SelfDestruction” trick!

It’s getTing hot in here, alL right! GrR…

Have a nice death! hahaha

haha !!

Have a nice barbecue!

LesS than a minute ago… uranus!

The sensors have analyzed the robots. The Chameleon n can change colors!

Is the StereoHolographic procedure ready?

t ek

te k

action! k

Check this out… They alL loOk k like Zlatar!

Pri Pr Priority rio ior ori rity ty y

Sig Si Sigmund’s igm gmu mun und nd s pod nd’s po pod. od. d.

Havok to B-Team… It’s getTing hot in here!


Hey! My earplug!



Whenever you’re ready, BlaAster! AlL right!

On your left… You should seE the camera Chloé wrecked.

Burger, are you stilL on the line?

Burger… is it you? mM-hm.

Nope… It’s Santa Claus!

You forgot to bring a sack this year?

No sack indeEd, Chloé, but…

?! … I got a present for you!


I’d stay and ofFer you more, but I’m no big fan of fireworks.

With or without Sigmund, I’m out of here. SeE you in HelL! { PtoOy! }

Now’s not the time, Honey…

What’s the hurRy, Vlad?

And it never wilL be, ugly. Since you hurt my feElings…

… the kid gloves are ofF! sveltlana!

No matTer how strong you are… I’lL get you for this.

yaAah! That’s it, c’mon!

MisSed me!

But I’m not misSing you!

tch ac

rgh !!


clic Two birds with one stone!

Yeah… Great aim, Sveltlana.

ToO close for comfort, though. Try to be quicker next time.

Next time? What next time?

The Rescue HQ. Later…

What’s your diagnosis, Lea?


LoOk, KerRy here might have an idea…

I don’t get it. We just can’t wake them up. None of our methods are working.

We of the Rescue have never seEn anything like this before, so…

… I think we could use the B-Team’s talents again…

And I could use the talents of a goOd nurse!

IzZat posSible? PretTy please?

To be continued… But in the meantime, next month, an interlude showcasing “One day among the Montana”!!

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