Urban Rivals Comics - Chapter 0 Episode 1

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In one of the GHEiST’s secret hideouts.

Stay cool, Garbage boys

Hi everyone!

don’t stand up.

rick ?!

editor in chief: nicolas caris produced by studio makma: script & letters: edmond tourriol pencils & inks: samuel ménétrier colors: fred vigneau

we drove here with the black maria.

you asked for the best?

hi guys. look at what I just found.

Let us take Wallace and Gromit here and we’ll be on our way.

I know this stuff. it’s a chip from the junta which was stolen by the MONTANA. Bryan told me about the theft last week.

Josh will escort the prisoners alone. Rick, you’re gonna come with me for a tough interrogation.

like in the good ol’ days?

like in the good ol’ days!

chloé and havok, you go to borgia’s palace !

c’mon, wake up!

klaus, I’m sure you’ll make it through! I’ll go with rick to the Get ‘O’ Bar... ... it’s the best place to look for edd, the king of the black market!

enough! I can walk by myself!

don’t worry, you’ll sit by yourself!

Did I hear that right?! a radio call!

...kssh shrrr...

klaus ?

so... do you still think that Ielena is sexier than chloé ?

watch out, kid... josh may have a sense of humor... ... but it won’t be enough to stop chloé from teaching you how to behave!

er... you know josh... he has a weird sense of humor.

soon after...

he’s here.

hey edd !

somebody sold some military stuff to the Nightmare... ... Only a Montana’d be dumb enough to do that!

I told you so.

make this clown talk, rick!

tss tss ! waaah !


So... you gonna tell us what we wanna know, or do we have to keep on asking?

eat this... ... you’re gonna spill the beans anyway!

all right, keep cool.

Estalt called me a few weeks ago with some unusual requests.

the kind of stuff that I would sell to the GHEiST.

but it ain’t my problem after all... they pay and I provide.

tell me...

was there anything else in addition to the chip?


Just come clean, Edd! You know how I get when I have a drink.

do you want us to tell General what happened to his chips?

you’d make a great target for practice, you know? okay!

no need to get excited.

Bryan and his friends are dying to try out the new weapons they just got.

the deal is taking place right now at Borgia’s palace.

You won’t have the time to stop them anyway

MONA stole this sort of bizarre egg from them, that a construction team found.

I don’t know what they intend to do with it.

to be continued!

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