From the Treasurer Jennifer Eustis Personal Membership Institutional Memberships Total as of 5/7/2020 Checking Account Balance
204 22 226 $15,731.38
Dear Members, As the OLAC Treasurer, I would like to share a snapshot of our finances from fiscal years 2014 to 2019. I will include information on our current fiscal year at the time of writing this report and will share the final quarterly report at the close of our fiscal year on June 30, 2020.
Personal memberships follow two trends. There is an increase in membership following an OLAC conference. The other trend is a continued decrease in membership.
The change from the past 2 fiscal years is significant. Our current number, 204, is another drop in the total number of personal memberships compared to last year. Though institutional memberships increased last year, the total has decreased returning to a downward trend. Our EBSCO subscriptions reflect the trends of membership. This fiscal year, OLAC received $450 in