7 Secrets Acne Sufferers Must Know. When you have an ailment, a stubborn one like acne, you need to be armed with some knowledge to defeat it quickly and effectively. Otherwise, you will be beating about the bush wasting resources, including time and money. Here then are the top things you should know to wrestle your acne to the ground and give yourself a new life. (1)What Is Acne? Acne is a skin disease involving the sebaceous (oil) glands at the hair follicle's base and is known as Acne Vulgaris in medical parlance. It occurs commonly in both sexes at any age, but are more predominant at puberty when the oil glands arrive. These sebaceous glands are stimulated by hormones called Androgen produced by the adrenal glands. However, puberty-acne is more predominant with males because they produce more of the hormones. Acne is not life threatening, but sufferers may develop low selfesteem which may lead to depression. Besides, the pimples may result in scars. (2)Little Known Secrets About Acne
 In afflicting adults and teens, it appears acne has a pattern. It seems to affect some parts of the body in adults as against teenagers. With adults, acne seems to affect the lower part of the cheek and the jaw. They also seem to be deeper in adult skins as opposed to teenagers. So the first thing to understand is that there is a difference between teen and adult aces.  Outside there, there are many solutions proffered for acne but almost all of them treat the effect not the cause. They strike at only one component of the menace : the boils on the surface and forget or pretend to forget the root cause. In addition, the products on the market are tough on the skin while some cause sensitivities to the chemicals while leaving the real problem unaddressed.  Now is time for you to take a different but effective approach. You see, acne on the body is a warning or sign that something is wrong inside. You have to attack the root of the problem. It is not surprising that many chemical acne treatments give temporary solution as they treat the surface only. The acne will disappear only to reappear with time. What a waste of time and money. When you use natural method of working on the inside to effectively deal with the acne, you give your system a new life. The skin heals naturally and permanently. In other words, you get your acne-free- life back.
After fixing the internal imbalance, you will need to follow these tips. You will have to first of all get rid of the existing blackheads. Black heads are dead cells blocking the pores of the skin thereby shutting out air and preventing the skin from breathing. The result is, you get irritated and inflammation may occur which all will culminate in outbreak of pimples. Clean the surface always but do not be harsh on it so as not to exacerbate the problem. One has to be careful about cosmetics. Some of them are so harsh on the skin. Using them continually may lead to scars which is another problem on its own. There are some safe nonacnegenic cosmetics that will not affect your acne. Look out for them, read cosmetic literatures and ask questions. You should also not attempt a quick-fix solution. They do not work. Your acnes did not get there in a day and they will not go in a day. Patience is the word. So do not pick, pinch or squeeze them. You may end up making things worse and can result in you getting scars which could be worse. When this happens, you are talking of moths of curing. You sure do not want a permanent scar. It may be sensible to wear clothes that allow the skin to breathe. Clothes made of cotton for instance are good here. If you go tight always, acne outbreak may be triggered
On a final note, remember that temporary solutions do not work. They are what they are, temporary. Using chemicals will only give you temporary relieve. Go and repair the imbalance inside and get a final solution to your acne problem. (3)How Do Acnes Occur? Our skins have small holes or pores which are connected to the sebaceous glands beneath the skins. They do this vide the canallike follicles. These sebaceous glands produce an oily liquid referred to as sebum which carries dead cells to the surface of the skin. Remember the hairs on the skin grow through these follicles.
Now, when these follicles get blocked, an accumulation of oil happens under the skin and this makes pimples or acne to grow. To put it succinctly, the hairs, skin cells and sebum may cl uster together and form a cork which when infected by a bacteria swell up. When these plugs or corks start to break up, acne or pimples begin to develop. However, it is not all acne bacteria that develop pimples. Some researchers believe that a particular bacterial strain contribute in keeping the skin acne free.
This Is Achievable
(3) Types Of Acne Types Of Pimples Which May Result As Cyst Acne On Chin These are the types of acne. 1 Blackheads – Like its name, they are black and appear on the skin surface and are visible. Be sure that black heads is not caused by dirt as erroneously believed by some people. So vigorous scrubbing of the face does no help. 2 Cysts - visible painful, and filled with pus and can 3 Nodules – Hard pimples deep down the skin and very visible and usually with pain.
4 Papules - small bumps, pink, visible on the surface of the skin 5 Pustules – Red at base with pus and clearly visible on the surface of the skin. 6 Whiteheads - These are very small and stay beneath the skin. For sure acne does not discriminate. It has no respect for race, age or sex. It affects young and old but it is very common to adolescents and young adults even as it appears on the skins of people who are more than sixty. It is believed that more than 17million Americans suffer acne at any particular time. Skin specialists (Dermatologist) say that 75% of between 11 and 30 years old suffer acne at some time. (4)The Cause Of Acne Researchers are not agreed on what causes acne but experts believe that acne is caused by a rise in the level of androgen, a type of hormone that rises in level during adolescence. When the level of androgen rises, the level of oil glands beneath the skin also rises which in turn produces more oily liquid called sebum. Too much sebum can fracture the cellular walls of the pores giving room for bacteria to grow. When Acne appears on the chin as a cyst, it is referred to as cyst acne on chin Genetics may also have a role to play just as some medications containing Lithium and Androgen may cause acne. Hormone level changes during pregnancy may also cause acne while some susceptible people may develop acne if they use greasy creams.
Experience also shows that a haphazard and rough shaving by men may cause acne on the chin and face. (5)Acne Treatments The market is saturated with acne treatment products both prescribed and over the counter (OTC). Most are applied on the surface of the skin as topical medicines. They range from cream, lotions to pills and prescribed injections. Some of them are: Azelaic Acid Benzoyl Peroxide E cretin-A Resorcinol Resorcinol Salicylic Acid Sulfur Severe cases Accutane Interlesional Corticosteroid Injection Isotretinoin Oral Antibiotics Oral Contraceptives Topical Antimicrobials This Is Treatable.
(6) What Is The Way Out For Acne? Simple. Natural therapy. There are natural diets and skin care alternatives with absolutely no side effects.
For example food rich in Beta carbonate and vitamin A will reduce oil reproduction by the sebaceous gland. Homemade peels of carica papaya (pawpaw) will easily replace the peeling effect of some of these drugs. Exercising regularly with intake of vitamins C and E and colostrums with Zinc will boost immunity of the body thereby reducing inflammation. Drugs are not the answer. They treat the symptoms and not the cause. It skims the oil but what of the source of the oil. Using drugs will only give you dry skins which will make you look older. In addition, the potent ones among them like Accutane may damage your liver and makes it lose its hormone balancing function and also destroy your immunity and healing abilities. This is doing the opposite of curing and this surely is not what you want. Any long term solution to a problem must attack the root of the problem. Similarly, any long term solution for acne must attack the root.
Do You Need Drugs & Chemicals To Treat Acne? No, you don’t need them. Why? Simply, because, these drugs treat the effect and not the cause. They cut the branch of a well nourished tree leaving the trunk and the root. The branch will eventually reappear. They all give temporary relief.
(8) So How Do You Choose A Natural Cure? There are some free information on the net. Like all things fee, they cannot take you far. They are basic at best.
A professional program will be exhaustive but straight to the point. An eBook on acne should be devoid of lots of theory to fill pages. Those should be left to medical students. It must also have stood the test of time. We say this because there are products out there quickly put together to part people from their money. They do not offer much. You cannot buy experience. If a book is years old and still in the market, some credibility must have sustained it. So what do you look for when buying an e book for acne cure? 1 There must be a phone number on their site so you can contact them easily. If they do not have this, then their customer service is suspect. 2, Claims must be honest and believable. If they claim your acne will disappear overnight, run in he other direction. It does not happen like that. Do not forget, anything that sounds too good to be true-it likely is 3. Check the testimonials. If they look unbelievable or fake test them out randomly. You can ask for written proofs. Video testimonials are better. 4. Check review sites by third party. From here you will be able to know which products can be trusted and which cannot. 5. Of course it must accept major credit cards and secured. When you see a padlock and a'HackerSafe' logo, it means the site is secured and checked regularly for safety. 6. The product must be guaranteed, the longer the better. And you must be backed by paypal and clickbank.
An effective solution. Acne Remedies by Victora West, an acne sufferer has proved effective to thousands of acne sufferers in over 75 countries. It comes comes with rich bonuses and guaranteed for 60days backed by click bank and PayPal. You can always ask for refund if you are not satisfied for any reason. You get the following and more The tested and proven step by step holistic system that will eliminate the root causes and external symptoms of acne. The "bucket list" of the foods that can cause acne. Once you read this list, you won't go near these foods again! Celebrity skin secrets: You won't read this in a magazine, they are only found in the Acne Remedies Guide! Complete recipe collection for all natural acne fighting masks and cleansers that you can make right in your own kitchen. If you are interested in these benefits, then go have a look at Acne Remedies by Victoria West. To your glowing skin. Jide Richard. http://acnewipeoff.com/
There is evidence that there is a link between diets and acne with dairy products and foods high in glycemic index as culprits. Ultimately, you will have to go natural By Jide Richard