Aleksandra Lemieszka
2020 - 2024
The Bartlett School of Architecure
Pages 3-20
Paradise Regained Depression Year 3 Final Project
Pages 29-39
Treaty of Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis
Year 2 Final Proejct
Pages 40-46
What if Freud was an Architect in Disguise?
Year 3 Project 1
Pages 22-28
Paradise Regained Dementia Year 3 Final Project
Pages 53-54
The Belly of The Jelly Year 1 | Final Project
Pages 47-52
Prelude to Heaven Year 2 Project 1
Axonometric View
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 12 PARADISE REGAINED Our mental health facility design aims to create modern-day Garden of Eden, providing healing and rejuvenation for individuals with ADHD, dementia, and depression. By tailoring environments to each group’s unique needs, we offer playful and energetic space for children with ADHD, nurturing environment for adults with depression, and peaceful setting for elderly individuals with dementia. Inspired by the Garden’s symbolism, our design fosters holistic healing, providing solace, guidance, and opportunities for growth. Our goal is to create a sanctuary where individuals can find support, engage in therapeutic activities, and embark on journey towards well-being. Project Summary Critical Thinking Critical thinking is essential in designing mental health facilities that address the needs of individuals with ADHD, dementia, and depression. By critically analyzing research, case studies, and expert opinions, designers gain insights into the challenges faced by each group and identify effective design interventions. Critical thinking enables the identification of potential issues and the development of innovative solutions, weighing the pros and cons of different approaches. Design choices are informed by critically evaluating research studies and evidence, ensuring they are grounded in empirical knowledge. User-centered design is facilitated by critical thinking, allowing designers to empathize with end-users and create spaces that cater to their well-being. Ethical considerations are navigated through critical thinking, evaluating the impact on diverse user groups and prioritizing privacy and comfort. By applying critical thinking skills throughout the design process, mental health facilities can effectively support the complex needs of individuals, promoting their well-being and recovery. Funding WHO, Spain Government REGAINED aims to create modproviding healing and rejuADHD, dementia, and deenvironments to each group’s and energetic space for environment for adults setting for elderly indiby the Garden’s symbolhealing, providing solfor growth. Our goal is individuals can find supactivities, and embark on Summary Thinking designing mental health needs of individuals By critically analyzing expert opinions, designers challenges faced by each group interventions. Critical identification potential issues innovative solutions, weighdifferent approaches. Design critically evaluating research they are grounded in User-centered design is faciliallowing designers to empacreate spaces that to considerations are navigated evaluating the impact on diprioritizing privacy and comthinking skills throughout the facilities can effectively individuals, promoting (Aprovaciodefinitiva_Document, 2015)
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 1313 14 Reference: Meteoblue Reference: Meteoblue Reference: Meteoblue Reference: Meteoblue (Aprovaciodefinitiva_Document, 2015)
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 16 In winter, the sun's path is lower the sky, resulting less direct sunlight and shorter daylight hours. Shading during winter aims minimize heat loss and protect against cold winds while still allowing for sufficient natural light and warmth. contrast, summer shading focuses on blocking or reducing the intensity direct sunlight to prevent overheating and excessive solar gain indoor spa Direct sunlight during winter can contribute solar heat gain, which can be beneficial in colder climates. Buildings can be designed maximize solar heat gain during winter by positioning windows capture direct sunlight and absorb its heat. This can help reduce heating energy requirements. In winter, the duration of daylight is shorter, with fewer daylight hours compared to summer. This means there is generally less time for direct sunlight to illuminate and heat the surroundings during the winter months. The angle at which the sun's rays hit the Earth lower, resulting less intense direct sunlight. olar Intensity: The intensity of incident solar radiation varies between winter and summer due the angle at which the sun’s rays hit the Earth’s surface. winter, the sun lower angle, resulting longer path for the sunlight to travel through the atmosphere. This longer path leads to more scattering and absorption of solar radiation, resulting lower solar intensity compared to summer when the sun higher in the sky.
West Elevation
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 1717 18 Depression Residential Space Ground Floor Depression Residential Space First Floor Depression Residential Space Third Floor Depression Residential Space Fourth Floor
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 1919 20 PASSIVE DESIGN PASSIVE DESIGN The Design process strated with the Illumincae, daylight, zone sensible heating and Cooling analysis. One residential unit was analyzed and iterated terms the window size and its arrgament. The difference in loads is not significant terms of the iteration and meaning the iteration with windows and windows Moreover when comes to iteration the Zone Sensible Cooling increased singiicatnly. When comes zone sensible haeting that one decreased in comparison tothe previous iterations. Moving on to iteration zone sensible heating didnt change but zone sensible cooling increased nearly twice up to 151.34 kW/m2. Finally iteration was conducted. In the final iterion Zone Sensible Cooling decreased very significantly however Zone Sensible Heating increased twice up 51.86 kW/m2.
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 22 Two different roof types were investigated. The U-value those was equal to 0.158 and 0.102 W/m2-K. As the Further simulations will be coducted with the lower U-value which 0.102 W/ m2-K as the internal operative temprature is usually closer to CIBSE acceptibility comfort range then the option with U-value 0.158 W/m2-K. After changing Wall U-value three different Values were iterated. The highest Wall U-value gave the highest number of the hours out comfort which simultensously affect the internal temperature. The best option seems to be the one with the lowest U-values giving the lowest sensible Cooling & Heating well as least amount of comfort hours. conclusion, different shading options were tested. meaning different size overhangs and louvres. Generally, terms sdaptive comfort overhangs were the most effective gave the greatest amount hours within comfort range. However was noticed the internal temperature graphs temrpature within some rooms were worst therms thermal comfort then was before adding shading optiond Therfore the rooms that did not need the shading system was turned And based on the results aboe the total amount comfort hours increased however when comes zone sensible heating and cooling that aspect was improved significantly. Thus with option called ‘‘Shading adjestement’’ simulations were proceeded. 7602 6456. Final iteration was successful. ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES Futhermore amount changes hours investigated order check sufficient amount fresh air entering the room Moroever that was indicator mechanical ventilation needed within room. Secondly was investigated thermal wmass actually workd. Above you the internal temprature graphs which indicates that curve fluactuating much after applying thermal mass model. Moro ever slight thermal noticed which proves that this theory was successfull. ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES Internal Temperature - Iterations Air Changes Per Hour
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 2323 24 TH First optimisation was performed on Cooled Beams, Air Cooled Chillers and DOAS. Firstly Cop was iterated with eventual vhosen value 5. Moreover supply confitions were increased and heat recovery turned on. Then Air water heat pump were iterated terms of Cop. The reults improved. Then Ground source heat pump were iterated in terms of Cop. The reults improved. Based on the above analysis was decided that Air-to-Water heat pumps are the best solution. Eventually the final design meets the benchmarks. 60 no no N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 55 Air water Heat Pumps are the most effective system Due to the fact that Heat pumps dont use Gas as energy fuel seems that those are the most effective. On the other hand Air Water heat pumps are the most Carbon intensive. Cooled beams Doas Displacemetn ventialtion the most expensiv HVAC system. Air water heat pumps and Cooled beams+Air Cooled Chillers+Doas are comparably teh same price.
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 26 The main prioirty was keep the dome no heavy therfore aluminimum was use. Knowing that the alumnium is oone of the most carbon intensive materials coud not be chosen. Moreoevr the dome need to have repaeting patterns as the light pattern created throughout the dome are meant ot replecate the sky during the night. Base connection Existing building dome strcutural system
Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project
Paradise Regained 1:1
Late -stage
For elderly people with dementia, the facility creates peaceful and calming environment inspired by the Tree of Knowledge. The garden of knowledge, with its paths of discovery, learning stations, and library, provides opportunities for learning, reflection, and growth. The use of natural materials, such as stone and wood, and the incorporation of elements of nature, such as gardens and water features, help to create an environment that is supportive and restorative, just as the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden was a source of wisdom and guidance for Adam and Eve. Additionally, the paths within the garden of knowledge are designed to wind and meander, like the river that flowed out of Eden, symbolizing the journey of knowledge and discovery.
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 30
balustared was designed safest possinle way. The height considerbaly hight prevent elderly people from falling from balcony. has secondary beams which enhance strength protection. balustradesigned made out timber enhance the natural appeal apartment. Exploded drawing balustrade. The diagram shown the hand side shows laods applied the structural element well as the materiality. The spae the element was simplified to catelievered beam support one column.
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 32 The intiital design included tree shape elevated building. The floowing pattern supporting the ctailiverd part the building was incorporated incudes ome more ogranic shapes the spirit the intial design considerations. Due the fact the additions of the glass dome thre structursystem need considered. As structural glass was not desirable steel frame was added. Final considertaions cond;uded that the shape itslef chunky and not organic enough. Therfore the sqaured supports which were designed from the beginning were removed. Moreover additonal connecting pttern was added order to create more welcoming enviornmt for peropl suffering form late stage dementia Lorem Ipsum simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into elecLorem Ipsum simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into elecLorem Ipsum simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 3333 34 Final Render
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Dementia Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 3535 36 First Floor Early Dementia Stage Ground Floor Early Dementia Stage Curtain Wall Section The curtain wall will be used for coustruction residential space. The mansory will be taken from the demolshed build ing of the existing site.
Final Drawing
Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 3737 38
Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 3939 40
Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 4141 42
Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 4343 44
Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 4545 46
Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect Disguise? 48 Aleksandra Lemieszka Treaty Mannequins: The Ectypal Book of Genesis Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 4747
Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect in Disguise? Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect Disguise? 4949 50
Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect in Disguise? Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect Disguise? 5151 52
Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect in Disguise? Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka What Freud was an Architect Disguise? 5353 54
Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven 5555 56
Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven 5757 58
Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Prelude to Heaven 5959 60
Exposed Stairs and Walkways
The exposed pathways offer means of navigating the space, emphasizing the delicate balance between indoor and outdoor realms. Citizens, like Truman, move through these spaces, yearning to break free from the confines of deception and step into
The grand projection screen
The grand projection screen, towering on the east surface, mirrors the grandiose displays of propaganda. It's a canvas for the authorities to disseminate their narrative, reflection of the pervasive flood of misinformation that attempts to drown out the truth.
Adjustable Solar System
In the "Truman Show," Truman's world is meticulously controlled, including the lighting. The sun, moon, and weather are all carefully orchestrated to create the illusion of a natural environment. Truman is completely unaware of this manipulation, living his life under this artificial sky. It a representation of control over the environment.
The grid of screens, reminiscent of Truman's constructed reality, represents the layers of deception that shroud society. Within this, an ingenious adjustable solar system emerges. It possesses the power to either shield spectators from the external world, perpetuating the illusion, or allow unfiltered light to
Regular maintenance and adjustments scheduling also play crucial role ensuring comfort without relying heavily on mechanical systems. By prioritizing these elements, theaters can create comfortable environment for both performers and audience members, all while demonstrating commitment sustainability and energy efficiency.
Aleksandra Lemieszka Paradise Regained Depression Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Final Project 62 INLETS OUTLETS OUTLETS
VENTILATION NORTH South East View NORTH North West View SOUTH South East View SOUTH North West View EAST South East View EAST North West View PV PANELS POTENTIAL 6300000 kWh WEST South East View WEST North West View
EAST WEST North West View
Aleksandra Lemieszka The Belly of The Jelly Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka Year Project Aleksandra Lemieszka The Belly of the Jelly 6363 64