The Z88 Source Book is designed to be a good reference on the Z88, how to interface it with the world, how to do things with it, what products are/were available, and what dealers carry them.
It is not
designed to be a replacement for the Z88 User Guide, but as a supplement to it, filling in areas not covered by the User Guide.
This Source Book also comes with a number of utilities and files for the Z88 on QL or MS-DOS disks.
Although the
Z88 can interface
with any computer with a serial port, these are two that I have chosen to focus on.
Those who have interfaced the Z88 with other
computers can submit the details so that they may be added to this book.
All utilities that come with this book are either Shareware,
Freeware, or Public Domain and may be freely distributed.
The reason for this book comes from when I was a new Z88 owner and did not know how to get it to interface with any computers.
initially got some help from Dave Bennett, but still had to fumble a bit in the dark.
The Z88 documentation assumes that one purchased
the QLink, PC-Link, or Mac-Link software and cable and does not discuss the ways to transfer files to another computer.
From my
initial lack of knowledge came the idea for a Source Book to assist new (and old) Z88 users, including utilities to help.
This book relies heavily on the work of others and their exploration of the Z88.
A lot of the information in this book comes
from a variety of publications and people.
I am indebted to both