09/21/23 Full Edition

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VOL 110 , NO. 2

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SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

Evan Harris/Old Gold & Black

Wake Forest falls out of the top 30 in latest US News rankings 7KH 1R UDQNLQJ UHÀHFWV FKDQJHV WR WKH QHZV RUJDQL]DWLRQ¶V PHWKRGRORJ\ MADDIE STOPYRA & AINE PIERRE News Editor & Online Managing Editor The U.S. News & World Report ranked Wake Forest No. 47, down 18 spots from 29 in 2023, on its list of 2024 U.S. News Best National Universities released today. This is the first time the university has been ranked out of the top 30 since 1996 and its lowest ranking since joining the National Universities list. Wake Forest tied with five other universities for the No. 47 spot — Lehigh University, Texas A&M University, University of Georgia, University of Rochester and Virginia Tech. According to Vice President of Communications & Chief Communications Officer Brett Eaton, 17 of 19 measures used in this year’s list are different from last year.

U.S. News did not consider small class sizes, instruction by professors with a terminal degree, alumni giving average, graduate debt and students’ high school standings in this year’s ranking. These five measures had a collective weight of 18% in last year’s algorithm. “Private universities that prioritize undergraduate teaching, small class sizes and faculty who are top scholars and experts in their fields, like Wake Forest, lost ground in the rankings,” Eaton told the Old Gold & Black. Many public universities saw significant improvement in their ranking. More than a dozen public schools rose at least 50 spots, and 21 of the 29 top-50 universities whose ranking improved are public. “U.S. News no longer takes into account some of the key features of the Wake Forest experience. It would be a mistake to confuse ranking with quality,” Eaton said.

“We know we can improve in some areas but we won’t change to chase the rankings.” The algorithm added seven new indicators — four related to faculty research, two related to first-generation graduation rates and one related to graduate income. It also considered the number of students who received Pell grants. With 10% of the freshman class receiving Pell grants, Wake Forest is ranked No. 271 of 287 schools on the New York Times’ Top U.S. Colleges With the Greatest Economic Diversity. The list average is 21%. According to the Times, the share of Wake Forest students receiving Pell grants has decreased by four percent since 2011, compared with a two percent average decrease among schools on the list.

See Rankings, Page 3

What's Inside NEWS Jell-O shot competition leads to donation Page Five

FEATURES The Barons are back in town Page Seven

ENVIRONMENT Community takes on urban farming

Page Nine

OPINION Wake falls in ranking and it's your fault Page Twelve

SPORTS The cost of the college football spotlight Page Sixteen

ARTS & CULTURE Life through the lens: Ameera Moinuddin Page Twenty

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