Old Gold&Black “Covers the campus like the magnolias”
VOL 110 , NO. 4
WA K E F O R E S T ’ S S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R S I N C E 1 9 1 6
OCTOBER 19, 2023
'Our student body is hurting:' ϔ Ǧ As they have read the news and spoken with family and friends, students at Wake Forest have struggled to navigate The ongoing war in Israel and Gaza hits close to home the violence and political unrest in both for Wake Forest students with cultural and familial ties Israel and Gaza. to the region. “I’ve spent a lot of hours on my phone Last weekend, the Palestinian militant group Hamas refreshing Twitter, seeing what the new attacked Israeli towns bordering the Gaza Strip — a news is, how many people have died Palestinian territory that Israel and Egypt have block- and what areas are getting affected,” aded for the past 16 years. In response to the attacks said sophomore Andrey Ismail-Zade afthat left at least 1,400 Israelis dead, Israel has carried ter last week’s vigil. “It’s me texting my out airstrikes and killed more than 2,800 Palestinians, mom once an hour asking how our famaccording to the Palestinian Health Ministry. ily friends are in Israel who are serving Thousands of miles away, American college campuses on the border and if they're alive.” have become flashpoints for protests and advocacy. AdSenior Hasan Pyarali expressed feelministrators at Columbia closed campus to the public ings of frustration and hopelessness. due to hundreds of protesters that gathered on campus “It just still feels like there’s so little we for pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations on can do [to help],” Pyarali said. “So that’s Oct. 12. On the same day, UNC Chapel Hill’s Students kind of where the anger comes from. It for Justice in Palestine held a protest that was met with is the feeling of being hopeless.” Evan Harris/Old Gold & Black counter-protests from those supporting Israel. Four students declined to speak with At Wake Forest, Jewish students hosted a candlelight the Old Gold & Black. One Muslim The Instagram account @freepalestinewfu annouced a vigil on Oct. 10. An Instagram account called @freep- student cited concerns of being “black- demonstration that will be held on an unannounced date. alestinewfu posted about a “Liberate Palestine” student listed.” said. “And their goal is the eradication of Israel and all demonstration a few days ago. The demonstration, origiMuslim Life Chaplain Naijla Faizi nally scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 18, has since been explained that Muslim students fear the backlash they Israelis, and I think that's wrong. I unequivocally conpostponed to an unannounced date. The managers of may receive from speaking out. She said student fears demn that and the attack that happened where people at the account did not return the Old Gold & Black’s re- have grown since hearing about students at Harvard be- a concert and kids were killed. There's never a need for quest by Direct Message for an interview. ing doxxed after writing a statement in favor of Palestin- that ever, ever, ever.” According to the New York Times, the leader of ians, saying that Israel was “entirely responsible” for the violence that Hamas’ military wing Muhammad Deif said in a recorded message that the attacks were in response to Iskilled hundreds of people. “Muslim students feel like they rael’s occupation of the West Bank, Israeli police raids must stay silent and avoid attention on the Holy Land site Aqsa Mosque and the thousands or risk being publicly blacklisted or of Palestinians currently in Israeli jails. “You know, a lot of times, people said this was unprodoxxed,” Faizi said. voked,” Pyarali said. “I take a little bit of issue with the Hamas’ attack and Israel’s response word ‘unprovoked,’ because there has been an occupation since 1967 of the West Bank. Gaza, since 2007, has On the morning of Oct. 7, Hamas been basically an open-air prison.” He continued: “It often leaves a situation where there's released thousands of rockets into Isa lot of hatred. So while I understand that hatred is not rael, targeting cities like Tel Aviv. Approximately an hour after the rockets an excuse for what they did, there is some context for it. were fired, Hamas fighters crossed If you lock people up in a cage for so long, there is going into Israel, attacking 22 Israeli towns to be an explosion. Do I think that was the right way to and army bases. Hamas also took do it? Absolutely not. But I think that context has to be there and has to be recognized.” nearly 200 people hostage. Alongside carrying out airstrikes, Israel responded to “This is a war and a terror against Hamas attacks with a “complete” blockade of Gaza — all Jews across the world,” President ordering that no food, electricity or fuel be sent to the of Chabad Chloe Mazo said after last territory. On Wednesday, Israel said that Egypt will be week’s vigil. “And we're not talking about land right now. That is a fully allowed to deliver “limited quantities of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.” Approximately 360,000 Israeli different issue.” Pyarali, who is Muslim, said that reservists and troops are stationed at the Israel-Gaza borEvan Harris/Old Gold & Black Hamas’ taking of innocent lives is der and Israel has demanded for civilian evacuation of Gaza. ϐ against his religion. “Hamas is a horrible group,” Pyarali See War, Page 3 hosted by students in the Jewish community on campus. MADDIE STOPYRA News Editor
What's Inside NEWS WFU Jewish community hosts unity vigil Page Four
Sowing the seeds of reconciliation and resilience
Foraging fruit on campus
Page Six
Page Eight
OPINION Divided politics at Wake creates room for growth Page Twelve
SPORTS Colton twins face off in womens' soccer match Page Fifteen
ARTS & CULTURE The best Wake Forest name drops in hip-hop Page Eighteen