NEWS | 3 RIPI begins spring 2022 speaker series
LIFE | 14
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Old Gold&Black
VOL. 108, NO. 21
WA K E F O R E S T ’ S S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R S I N C E 1 9 1 6
MARCH 3, 2022
“Covers the campus like the magnolias”
University to lift indoor mask mandates Beginning March 5, WFU will rescind campus-wide mask mandates in two phases CHRISTA DUTTON & EMILY TORO News Editors
Starting March 5, Wake Forest will begin to lift its campus mask requirements in phases, it announced in a Feb. 24 email. This decision comes one week after the city of Winston-Salem announced that it will lift its city-wide mask mandate by the end of the month and just a week after Governor Roy Cooper encouraged schools and local governments to end their mask mandates. Per advice from infectious disease expert Dr. Christopher Ohl, the university will implement the new mask protocols in a two-step approach. On Saturday, March 5, the first day of spring break on the Reynolda campus, masks will be optional in all indoor campus spaces, excluding classrooms, healthcare facilities and university transportation. On Saturday, March 19, masks will no longer be required in classrooms but will continue to be required in healthcare facilities and transportation. “Each week, a group of campus leaders meets to discuss new questions and decisions that relate to the pandemic,” Vice President for Campus Life Dr. Shea Kidd-Brown said. “This is a collaborative group that represents various functions on campus. In reviewing the campus COVID-19 dashboard daily, observing a steady decline in cases, overlaying that with the city’s updated policies and in accordance with the ad-
Katie Fox / Old Gold & Black
Per a Feb. 24 email, Wake Forest University will begin revising mask mandates on March 5 and no longer require masks in classrooms starting March 19. vice and guidance of Dr. Ohl and endocrinologist Dr. Catherine Price, we felt ready to make changes appropriate for this stage of the pandemic.” Before these two dates, on Tuesday, March 1 at 4 p.m., a virtual forum was held for faculty and staff to provide thorough details on the new policy and
the public health rationale behind this decision. Since masking has been required in classrooms and indoor spaces since August 2020, university administrators are expecting the implementation of the new policy to be a major time of transition. Those who have been in-
volved with the university’s response to the pandemic are hopeful that the phased approach will allow the university to align itself with the city’s new policies while also continuing to exercise caution.
See COVID-19, Page 3
Environmental justice series catalyzes conversation The Indigenous Environmental Justice Leadership series hosts two keynote speakers LUCY ROBERTS Contributing Writer
On Feb. 23 and 24, the Wake Forest University Intercultural Center and the Program for Leadership and Character hosted the Indigenous Environmental Justice Leadership series, which consisted of three events that amplified the voices of Indigenous environmental justice leaders. The goal of the Indigenous Environmental Justice Leadership series is to encourage participants to
broaden their ideas of leadership, especially as it pertains to the environmental justice movement. The first event was a film screening of “The Condor and the Eagle”, a film depicting the story of four Indigenous environmental justice leaders and their communities, whose shared voices proved powerful in the fight against threats such as the environmental contamination of and forced removal from ancestral lands. The second event began with a lecture and Q&A session with Dina Gilio-Whitaker, a scholar, journal-
ist and author who teaches American Indian studies at California State University at San Marcos. A member of the Colville Confederated Tribes, Gilio-Whitaker has been concerned about environmental issues from a young age and was a Native American studies major at the University of New Mexico. However, as she continued her studies, she found that there were gaping holes in the literature concerning environmental issues and justice. “It became really clear to me that the way mainstream ideas of envi-
ronmental justice are written about are really incomplete for Native people,” Gilio-Whitaker said. While environmental racism — or the racialized discrimination in environmental policies and regulations — is present and harmful to many marginalized communities, Gilio-Whitaker emphasized that environmental justice theory “must also acknowledge that there is a political difference of American Indians as nations, not ethnic minorities.”
See Environment, Page 4