Planning Positive Destinations

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Oldmachar Academy

Planning Positive Destinations from School


Inside this issue Describing Learner Pathways


Websites That Can Help You


Special Features Read about  

The Scottish Baccalaureate Pathways to Work , College and University

“There has been a proliferation of different pathways beyond school in recent years, which is great in one sense, but potentially confusing to young people. Providing illustrations of how others are negotiating the pathways beyond school is part of the job we now have to do to help them.” Mr Brown

Our Aim for Learners We aim to ensure that all our young people have a positive plan for the future that helps them to ensure that they move successfully beyond school. There are considerable economic opportunities in the North East of Scotland, but young people can struggle to engage with these. All young people have an entitlement in Curriculum for Excellence to support in planning a positive destination from school. How we provide this support is evolving, as we gain experience of managing transitions beyond school. And we are establishing important partnerships with parents, employers and providers of further and higher education to improve our work in this area. We hope that the information provided in this e-magazine is an important part of the process for all of our young people in which they find out about what is possible and become inspired to achieve something. To that end, we tell the stories of a number of our young people’s experiences of life beyond school. We explore what happened to them at school and what they then did. We hope that in doing so, we help others about to embark on that journey and make our senior phase curriculum planning for every individual more coherent and relevant as a result.

Managing Positive Destinations Our aim is that everyone has a positive destination beyond school. While we have a good track record in this regard, we want to do improve our work. Almost all of our young people leave school and go on to a positive destination. However, it can be a challenge for people to decide on what they actually want to do with their lives. Unless we can get to the stage were we can shape up a plan for them, we can’t structure effective support for them. We ask our young people and their parents to think deeply about the following questions when considering the materials in this e-magazine:    

What do I enjoy doing in school? Can I become really good at it? Can I make a career out of it? What are the routes towards such a career?

What our Young People Go On and Do in the World This pathways our former students have taken when they left school are of great interest to everyone in Oldmachar Academy. We are interested in how they got on in school and how they were able to progress onee they left us. We chart their stories, focusing on how they did in school and then what opportunities they were able to secure for themselves thereafter. Some of the pathways have led straight to the work place. Others have led to training, college, or university. We are proud of all of our students and what they have achieved—and what they continue to achieve.

Our Learners’ Pathways to the Workplace Pathways to the World of Work

Rhys Small Currently

Working as a trainee draughtsman for Fowler McKenzie. This involves on-site training

Academic Study in School

Rhys achieved an A pass in Higher Graphics and 4 good grades in Intermediate 2 subjects in S5. In S4 he achieved 4 Credit Awards at Standard Grade.

School Experience

Reece feels that he received a lot of support in school from his teachers. He did additional classes in a number of subjects which reassured him. This also raised his confidence, especially in S5. He particularly appreciated the enthusiasm of his teachers and credits Design and Technology teachers with inspiring him towards the career pathway he has chosen.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Conversation with the school’s Support Services Manager, Mrs McKenzie, led to Rhys considering whether to enter the workplace directly at the end of S5—at that point he had a number of options, including returning for a sixth year, or going to college.

Future Plans

Rhys is happy with the on-site training he is doing and has no long term goal other than to make sure he does a good job as a draughtsman.

We work hard with employers to create opportunities for young people in Oldmachar Academy. Some of our students go straight from school to the workplace. Since it can be difficult for young people to know what kinds of options are available, this section is designed to show some examples of the kinds of jobs our students have been able to go on and do following school.

Ryan Bishop



Working as an apprentice bricklayer for BANCON Construction

Academic Study in School

Ryan achieved 5 Credit / General Grades at Standard Grade, including a 2 for Craft and Design.

School Experience

He proceeded into this line of work because of his study of Craft and Design and Graphic Communication at Standard Grade. He always received positive feedback on his work in these courses and enjoyed them. The hands on aspect of these courses suited his learning style.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

The job with BANCO was offered after his Guidance teacher had got him to sign up for an on-line system of application for apprenticeships. He had wanted to do joinery, but was offered a job as a brick layer.

Future Plans

In future he plans to complete his two year bricklayer apprenticeship. He might want to become a site manager. Alternatively, he would do a further apprenticeship in joinery, to build up a set of trades.

Ryan Kennedy Currently Academic Study in School School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans

Working full time and in addition to this, supporting S1/2 pupils in the Maths department at Oldmachar Academy. Intermediate 2 English - C; Highers – Maths – B, Music – B, RMPS – C, Biology –C, Modern Studies – C; Advanced Higher Maths – Unit assessments In S6 there were a lot of opportunities. I led the Prom Committee developed skills such as organisation, planning and communication skills. This was a challenging experience because there were 100 people in the year which meant deciding on things such as venue, date and menu posed a problem. It was difficult to please everyone but in the end we had an enjoyable event. I also had a chance to be part of the World Challenge team. As a result of this, I developed close friendships as we spent 2 weeks together. Skills required when working as part of a team were developed. The project involved working in an orphanage with people of various ages from 6 months to 50 years old with a variety of disabilities. This had a significant impact on me as the stories they told made me realise how lucky I was that I had a I’m using this year out to earn money to fund myself through University and gaining experience in the classroom. After Christmas I intend to help in a primary school which will mean I have experience of both sectors. In addition to this as part of the Boys’ Brigade I am undertaking my Queens Badge which involves working with the local church, community involvement, 3 months of learning a new skill and 6 months of physical tasks. Aim is to move into a profession that involves working with people. This may be teaching Maths. The idea of this came from working with Mrs Moir as I liked the way she was able to help us understand what was being taught

Blair Milne Currently

Academic Study in School School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans

Partnerships with Employers We are developing a number of partnerships with employers which create opportunities for young people post school. Some of these employers will be involved in our Careers Fair, which will take place for S3 students in May. Others will provide apprencticeships, which are advertised in the school. Others still support the delivery of some of our Skills for Work programmes, which create structured opportunities for work related learning in the senior phase of education. Others provide support for pro-

4 year Apprenticeship at Weatherford in Mechanical Engineering. This will result in an HND. The apprenticeship is on a 2 week ro-

grammes of work related learn-

Standard grade results – PE -1, English, Craft and Design and History – 2, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and French – 3. Liked the fact that there was a wide range of subjects to choose from. The teachers were always helpful when you had any questions and were approachable. Enjoyed the fact that there were extra-curricular activities. I was involved in playing for the school golf team and took part in a number of matches. During the summer holidays he organised 2 weeks of work experience at Weatherford and enjoyed the hands on aspect of it. When he returned to school, he spoke to his guidance teacher about the various options open to him when he left school. He felt that an apprenticeship would be the best. He is glad that he made this decision. Following the completion of his apprenticeship, he plans to either go on to university or work offshore.

to prepare themselves for the

ing, which help young people future beyond school. We are always looking to hear from partners who might work with us. Please contact the school for information: 01224 820 887.


Managing the Direct Transition to Work Moving to Work from School For a number of our young people, the opportunities to enter the workplace are attractive, on leaving

Natalie Gordon Currently

Recruitment co-ordinator for M&S (3 months)

Academic Study in School

Higher – Business management and Modern Studies Intermediate 2 English, Biology and Childcare

School Experience

Childcare enabled me to complete a 12 week placement at Glashieburn Primary where you taught p1/2 pupils. Gave the skills and confidence to manage a group of pupils, organise activities, deal with adults outwith school. This had a big impact in terms of raising confidence and ability to speak out whereas very shy and quiet prior to this.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Felt that wanted to try something new after S5 and had discussions with those who had completed the Applied Social Sciences course and enjoyed the course. Left at the end of S5 to go to college to study Applied Social Sciences HND (2 year course. Course was hard work but prepared me for University. Felt more confident about going on to University following this than I would have been straight from school due to having to mix with older people on the course. Then went into third year at RGU to continue studies in Applied Social Sciences. Achieved a 2.1 BA Honours. Graduated and then went on to work for Marks and Spencers. Would like to take up a HR role in an Oil company in the near future.

school. In this section we tell the story of how three of our young people have managed this transition directly on leaving school. Each of the stories is different, with the people concerned having different academic profiles and aspirations. The stories are also interesting because they show how the transition to work can lead to further study later. This might reassure some young people planning a similar pathway. Future Plans


Lisa Duncan Currently

Receptionist at University of Aberdeen, Campus Services.

Academic Study in School

Achieved General level Standard Grade Maths, English, Science, German, Office and information studies – Credit, Modern Studies - Foundation Practical Catering - pass Liked school as the teachers were friendly. S1/2 same people in the class gave you chance to settle into the academy and then felt comfortable by the time S3 came and classes were mixed. Felt that following S4, employment would be the best option.

School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Left at the end of S4 and initially worked as a domestic assistant at Foresterhill Hospital full time before successfully gaining employment at Travel care as a modern apprentice. Took part in on the job training with day release to college. Achieved a SVNQ level 3 in Travel and Tourism. Gained promotion to a Travel Consultant before being further promoted to cashier in the Bureu de Change. Left to work in the University of Aberdeen.

Future Plans

Currently Grade 2 at University of Aberdeen. Would be looking for internal promotion through the grades. Building on skills developed so far.

Jordan Clarke Currently

Working at Scotia Instrumentation – 3 year apprenticeship – Apprentice technician.

Academic Study in School

PE – 2 Maths – 5 English – 4 Biology – 5 Computing – 4 Modern Studies – 4 Geography – 3 Craft and Design - 3

School Experience

Really enjoyed school – Good Part of the school football team run by the S6 – played in regular matches. Played for under 17 at Inverness Caledonian Thistle – sad to leave – wanted to put all efforts into job. Now play for Turriff Highland team. Felt that teachers were really helpful especially in preparation for exams, wanted to do well.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Mr Strudwick told him about the apprenticeship and they were a good company. Was unsure about what to do at the end of S4 – through discussion felt this was the best to . Feel that this was a good decision as he enjoys what he is doing.

Future Plans

Would like to continue to work for the company. In the apprenticeship you are in all departments within the company there are approximately 8 deprtments , – change department every 4 months. Go to work in the department where excelled.


Our Learners’ Pathways to Further Education Transition to Further Education

Sean Bruce Currently

Studying Hospitality at Aberdeen College 3 days a week and to compliment his course he has 2 part time jobs at AECC and Pittodrie Football Stadium.

Academic Study n School

Standard Grade awards at Foundation/General Level including Intermediate level for Hospitality.

School Experience

During his time at school, Sean felt especially supported by his Guidance teacher and Head of House who kept him focused and on track to be successful. He felt his Hospitality teacher Mrs Thomson always had faith in him and if things didn’t go quite to plan, she would give him extra help and

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Sean feels that he was given the right advice about what he should do for a job when he left school. This advice came from both the school careers advisor and his Guidance teacher Ms Dowie. He had a positive work experience placement at Forehill Primary school in the kitchen which gave him an idea of what a job in hospitality would be like and the sort of things he would be doing. Sean is undecided as yet about what he intends to do once he has completed his college course but feels he may stay on at college or look for a job in the catering industry.

One of our key aims is to help our young people find a positive destination beyond school. One possible route that students can access is that of further education. We are building strong links with the College of the North East of Scotland to ensure that young people are aware of the opportunities they have at college. This section tells the story of

Future Plans

four young people who have accessed college programmes.

Charlie Taylor Currently

Studying Electrical Engineering at Aberdeen College – 1 year course

Academic Study in School

Standard Grades General Level – German and Geography Credit Level – Maths, Chemistry, Physics, English and PE Charlie’s favourite subject in school was PE. He also enjoyed English as Mr McCabe was ‘really smart, made the class laugh, and kept everyone interested’. He always felt that if he needed help, his teachers would be there for him. His initial interest in Engineering came from discussions with his step-dad who is an electrician. Charlie started a 5th year but felt it wasn’t for him and so, he was then supported by his Guidance teacher Mrs Carnie with his application for college. Despite the late application he was pleased to get on to the course. Following his college course, Charlie would like to go on to do an apprenticeship in electrical engineering or in one of the other trades.

School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination


Future Plans

Rachel Mathers Currently

Studying an HNC social care at Aberdeen College – really enjoying it.

Academic Study in School

Intermediate 2 Maths – B and Intermediate 2 Biology. Higher Dance – A (Dance centre – school encouraged to do this) Higher Accounts – C Higher Biology and English - D Relationship with teachers was really good – felt you weren’t just a pupil, could approach teachers and vice versa – relaxed atmosphere and mutual respect. Liked that Mr Brown made an effort to interact with pupils, cared about how you were getting on and got involved with extra-curricular activities that were organised. All through school was unsure about what to do after school. Did own research with regards to working with people. Discussion with Mrs Carnie about university versus college and suitability of courses. Did not feel ready to go to university straight after school and felt college was a better option.

School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans

Application submitted for degree in Social Work at RGU. This was as a result of discussions about progression from college.

School-College Link Programmes The colleges is a partner for us in delivering the senior phase of education. This session we have around twenty students attending college in S4, as part of their curriculum plans. These students are undertaking programmes in Automotive Engineering, Hair and Beauty and Beauty Therapy. In addition, we have our own school delivered Skills for Work programmes in Energy and Retail, as well as work focused programmes such as Hospitality, Practical Craft Skills and Engineering

Louise Fraser Currently

Academic Study in School School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans


College to study Applied Science HNC Started working for Bilsinger Salamis as accounts assistant. Training to be a chartered accountant - ACCA. On the job training at present and then start a 5 year course through the company. Higher Biology – B Higher English – C Enjoyed learning especially Biology. Had an interest in the human aspect of the course. Felt that teachers were supportive and helped through challenging aspects of S5 as they were approachable and believed in me which raised my confidence. Pushed with work to achieve my potential. Wasn’t sure about exactly what wanted to do after school but wanted to go into further education. A year long course meant that could change if it was not for me. Enjoyed the subjects being taught on the course but felt employment was more for me. Accountant within oil and gas. Like to travel, possibly take a year to do this.


Managing the Transition to Further Education College Programmes Further Education at college offers a

Robyn Scott Currently

wide range of opportunities for young people on leaving school. The college sector is geared up to address the needs of people aged

Academic Study in School

16—25 and has a strategy to ensure that they all develop skills and

School Experience

knowledge that will help them to progress to employment. The stories that shown here are of students who saw an opportunity at

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Careers advisor – had a meeting, narrowed choices to business but not specific area at College course (accounts / marketing / economic/ HR) did HR and enjoyed this.

Future Plans

Plans to complete CIPD at college / RGU in order to gain promotion.

college to find a pathway forward. These pathways have led on to other opportunities for them.

Nicole Gordon Currently

Recruitment co-ordinator for M&S (3 months)

Academic Study in School School Experience

Higher – Business management and Modern Studies Intermediate 2 English, Biology and Childcare Childcare enabled me to complete a 12 week placement at Glashieburn Primary where you taught p1/2 pupils. Gave the skills and confidence to manage a group of pupils, organise activities, deal with adults outwith school. This had a big impact in terms of raising confidence and ability to speak out whereas very shy and quiet prior to this. Felt that wanted to try something new after S5 and had discussions with those who had completed the Applied Social Sciences course and enjoyed the course. Left at the end of S5 to go to college to study Applied Social Sciences HND (2 year course. Course was hard work but prepared me for University. Felt more confident about going on to University following this than I would have been straight from school due to having to mix with older people on the course. Then went into third year at RGU to continue studies in Applied Social Sciences. Achieved a 2.1 BA Honours. Graduated and then went on to work for Marks and Spencers. Would like to take up a HR role in an Oil company in the near future.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans


Working at Hydra Sun – HR administrator Left at end of S5 to do HND at college – Administration and Information technology – 2 year course Originally a 2 + 2 course – Intention to go to University – work experience at company – offered job. Achieved three Intermediate 2 awards in Biology, English and Maths and two Higher awards in Geography and Business Management Really enjoyed school – Felt that S6 was not for me. Looked at college courses and went through the process of application. Ms Rennie inspired the desire to Business.

James Burns Currently Academic Study in School

School Experience

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans

Alan Duncan

Left school and went to study Electrical engineering at Aberdeen College – NC level 6. Currently working as an Instrument technician at Scotia Instrumentation Int 2 English – C Int 2 PE – A Int Product Design – B Int 2 Biology C Higher Maths – Unit passes Enjoyed time at Oldmachar. Really enjoyed the Product Design class with Mr Paterson as the course was very varied and gave an insight into design and different materials could be used. Mr Paterson was also enthusiastic about the subject. Felt that would not have passed English without the help of Mr McCabe. This was down to the way in which he taught the course. He was enthusiastic and would go into depth about what was being covered. Was unsure about a career path in S4 so stayed on to S5 to get an idea about what he wanted to do. Half way through S5 started to look at college courses and decided on a course. Went along to the college open day and spoke to the head of Engineering who discussed the subjects he was taking and offered a place which meant that he did not need to have an interview for a place. Had to ensure that passed the units for Higher Maths. Progressed from electrical department and now in research and development. Have an interest in the future to possibly work offshore as an instrument technician.


Assistant Accountant at QTEC Energy Services Limited

Academic Study in School

Achieved five Credit Standard Grades in S4 and three Intermediate 2 passes in S5

School Experience

1st to 4th year was a very positive and enjoyable experience, having a great group of friends and some helpful teachers to achieve this. Found that it was important to give subject choices a lot of thought and consideration as this begins the foundations of your career path, if chosen wisely. Guidance teacher was very helpful with picking standard grades and very supportive with career choices which helped a lot. Appointment with career advisor in 5th year then confirmed my thoughts/plans for what I was going to do after I left school. I felt that 5th year was the right time to leave.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

After leaving school I went on to complete a 2 year HND Accounting course, at Aberdeen College, and then on to complete a 1 year Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance at RGU (this could have been a 2+2 course with the final year being Hons year at RGU but chose not to do this as UNI was not for me). After leaving Uni I then went on to work as a temp administrator with the NHS before landing the job I am in now. I am now in my 3 year with my current job.

Future Plans

Hoping to progress my accounts and finance career and within the next 3-5 years qualify as an Chartered Accountant. To achieve this I will need to register with ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) and undertake the required examinations.


Our Learners’ Pathways to University Baccalaureate Projects

Leanne Keith Currently

Studying Biomedical Science at RGU

country at preparing young people

Academic Study in School

Leanne achieved four passes at Higher Level and 1 at Advanced Higher Level.

for the Scottish Baccalaureate.

Baccalaureate Project

Leanne explored the effects of substance misuse on pregnancy. The reason she chose that was that initially she had thought about studying to become a midwife, following school. She undertook independent research but also met a couple who fostered babies with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. She issued questionnaires at Parents’ Evenings to develop research data. She was able to apply her learning by speaking to S3 classes who were studying pregnancy at the time. She says that this was a welcome opportunity to study something different, instead of normal lessons. Leanne is unsure about her pathway from here. Her course at the moment is a broad one, but it splits into different options for the future.

Oldmachar Academy is one of the most successful schools in the

This programme challenges learners to do an Interdisciplinary project, which uses learning from different subjects to explore an area of interest. They have to work in ways that can help them to bridge the gap to university.

Future Plans

Ali Baker Currently

MEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering – 5 year course at Aberdeen University

Academic Study in School

Higher – 5 A’s (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English) Advanced Higher 3 A’s (Maths, Physics, Chemistry), B (Biology) Baccalaureate - C Felt the teachers were good and were willing to answer questions. They were especially helpful in S6 projects and cared about any problems you had. He felt that it was clear they wanted to get the best from their students. Baccalaureate – The project was to establish a database of oil and gas jobs which included those that people may not expect. The information was then presented to a group of S2 pupils with the idea that this would help them to plan for their future. Following the presentation, Ali evaluated the impact of the presentation by asking questions about what the pupils had learned from it. Wants to work in the oil and gas sector, in particular BP. He would prefer to stay in Britain initially but would be open to the idea of travel in later years.

School Experience

Baccalaureate Project


Future Plans

Spotlight on the Scottish Baccalaureate Kathryn Marr

Having an Edge


Studying Engineering at Aberdeen University

Academic Study in School

Kathryn achieved 2 A passes and 4 B passes at Higher and one Avdanced Higher (Physics) at A.

The Scottish Baccalaureate offers

Baccalaureate Project

Kathryn was in the first cohort of Baccalaureate students we presented. She was interested in eye health because she discovered that she needed glasses and wanted to do a project with a Biology slant, as she had only ever focused on Physics and Chemistry. Her initial intention had been to produce a leaflet as she was shy about speaking to large groups. In fact, she ended up doing presentations to a lot of groups. She went to Shetland as part of a school link with Anderson High School and spoke about her project to students there. Undertaking the Baccalaureate gave her a unique application for university. She also feels that the challenges she undertook in the course of the study have given her more confidence to approach university study.

people that can help them to make

Application for university is a complicated and competitive process.

Future Plans

She has no specific plan for the future other than to get as much out of university as is possible. She is considering industry options related to her course of study.

something distinctive to young a more persuasive application. Baccalaureate projects can be tailored towards subjects that students aspire to follow at university—this can be a really rewarding way to use their last year in school to orientate themselves towards their longer term goal. The project tests research and presentation skills that will be needed at university—students also

Liam Boston Currently

Studying Chemical Engineering at Aberdeen University: 5 years Masters Course The last two years involve a group integrated project to design a chemical plant

Academic Study in School Baccalaureate Project

Liam achieved 5A passes at Higher and 3 passes at Advanced Higher, as well as the Baccalaureate.

Leadership Development

Liam was also a member of our World Challenge Group who visited Malaysia last June. Working on this project helped him to develop skills in team work and personal organisation. It gave him a significant personal challenge. He is pleased that this opportunity was available to him at Oldmachar Academy.

Future Plans

In future Liam is considering entering one of the following industries: Oil and Gas; Renewable Technologies; Pharmaceuticals

build partnerships with other or-

In S6 Liam undertook a Baccalaureate project to look at sustainable development. The idea came from the bay area of Singapore. The idea was to look at the technologies that were used and how these ideas are currently being deployed in Aberdeen: ground source heat pumps and solar panels, for instance. He did presentation to S3 Science classes; the Baccalaureate Group and the Eco Schools Group.


Our Learners’ Pathways to University Clue Yourself Up We are living in an exciting but

Matthew Harazim Currently

Matthew is doing a single honours Music degree at Aberdeen University. He is doing an auxiliary course in Latin.

Academic Study in School

In S6 Matthew got 2 Advanced Highers—an A in Music and a Higher in Psychology. In S5 Matthew achieved 5 Highers passes.

School Experience

Matthew felt that the Highers and subjects he chose were both challenging and enjoyable. He also felt that the opportunity to study Advanced Higher courses was good preparation for university. He feels it is important to apply yourself in all of your subjects because they all count later—he gave the example of how he is now glad he devoted time to other subjects than music.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

From S3 to S6 he felt that there was good progression in the extent to which he was encouraged to be an independent learner. He says he worked with really committed teachers, who supported him.

Future Plans

He wants to follow his course up with a Masters in Music Technology, which would lead to work in the music industry. He hopes to open a recording studio and have his own record label.

complex period in Scottish Education. There are wider-ranging opportunities available, but information can be complicated and difficult to understand. Our message to young people is that you can never be too clued up. Undertaking personal research is part of the process of planning for success.

Jessica Gomez Banderas



Studying for a four year honours degree in Biomedical Sciences at RGU

Academic Study in School

In S5 Jessica achieved 5 Highers, with 4 A passes.

School Experience

In her senior years she felt the classes were focused and that everyone in the classes wanted to do well. That was helped by teachers who took time to listen and answered any queries, which helped students understand. She felt that Mrs Grant and Ms Cussac were examples of teachers who were particularly helpful to her when she needed particular support in her work.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

She chose to do this particular field of science because it is relevant to life and she feels she can relate to it. She had enjoyed subjects which explored issues which related to the field of study she ended up following.

Future Plans

Jessica has no particular plan for what she wants to do in her chosen field of science, but thinks that the course she is doing will be a positive experience.

Eve Henderson

Academic Success


Eve is currently studying Chemistry at Aberdeen University. This is a 4 year Honours degree.

Obviously, universities recruit

Academic Study in School

Achieved 3 Advanced Highers at Grade A; Art and Design, Biology and Chemistry.

successful academically, But ex-

School Experience

Eve especially enjoyed S5/6 at Oldmachar as she felt that the teachers treated her like an adult making her and the other senior pupils want to work hard and achieve. They were also helpful and she never felt afraid to speak up in class. There was a nice atmosphere in classes. Initially she had not planned to study Chemistry at University but her experience in Advanced Higher Chemistry was so enjoyable that she was convinced it was the course for her. The opportunity to study Advanced Highers had made a significant impact on her and without this opportunity, things may have been very different.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Future Plans

Upon completing her Honours Degree, Eve would like to have a career in the Oil and Gas Industry / research. The project chosen during her honours year will determine what she does.

those students who are the most amination passes on their own may no longer be good enough to get you in. The stories our students tell in this section show how the school created innovative schemes to ensure that their experience of learning was unique and challenging to them. In addition, these experiences gave them resources to draw on when making applications—the work they were doing gave them an edge.

Natalia Milne Currently Academic Study in School

Natalia is studying Law with options in Management Studies at Aberdeen University. Achieved 4 Highers at Grade A – Biology, Modern Studies, German and Business Management. 1 Higher at Grade B. Advanced Highers – RMPS (A), Modern Studies (B) and English © Social Subjects Baccalaureate at Grade A.

School Experience

For her Baccalaureate project ‘The Evidence of Success of Restorative Justice’, Natalia established a link with the organisation SACRO and gave a presentation in front of the student council. Having to interview to members of SACRO, increased her confidence as an independent learner.

Preparing for a Positive Destination

Natalia felt that the Advanced Highers she took prepared her well for University as they involved completing dissertations. She also felt that teachers provided a great deal of support to help her achieve the grades she needed for University. Mr Mc Cabe, Mrs Duncan and Miss Gordon were especially helpful.

Future Plans

Natalia has chosen a law course that is broad enough to give her a number of options when she leaves University. At present she is thinking about becoming a practicing Lawyer.


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