School Uniform Consultation Planning for 2014 –2015 Parents, carers and friends are advised that Oldmachar Academy is developing plans to implement a formal school blazer and tie for all students for August 2014. This builds on the steps we took in the current session to implement these arrangements for S4—S6. The blazer, modelled by students on the right is black in colour. A white shirt should be worn with it. The tie is purple, with two pairs of stripes (grey and blue). There is an achievers tie (see the students with Mr Brown on the next page), which is blue in colour which is awarded to students who have had particular achievements. It is expected that boys wear black trousers and shoes—girls have the option of wearing skirts, but these should be of reasonable length. We had an arrangement last session with Logo-Xpress, who provide an ordering service for blazers. Logo-Xpress reps will brief parents on their service in the coming months. The Logo-Xpress ordering and delivery facility is designed to take the hassle out of uniform buying for parents, while ensuring quality. The key dates section below shows how this will work.
Key Dates for Parents Wednesday 5th March (6.00pm): P7 Parents Briefing— Logo Xpress will attend and give information Wednesday 5th March : S1—S3 (7.00pm): Parents Briefing—Logo Xpress will attend and give information Wednesday 2nd April: Logo-Xpresss Sizing and order process August: Logo-Xpresss deliver uniforms to school
Consultation Process We have surveyed the perceptions of our parent body about uniform and found that they supported the idea of extending current arrangements to S1—S3. The Parent Council has subsequently discussed this and endorsed the idea of consistenly applying uniform policy. Students have also been consulted in the recent S1—S3 parliaments and also in assemblies. The planned briefings will also give parents the chance to seek more information.