Light, Shadow & Time Press Release

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Light, Shadow & Time May 20- September 10, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C.- The Old Print Gallery is excited to announce its upcoming summer show, Light, Shadow & Time, a group of contemporary prints from 16 talented emerging and established printmakers. The prints selected are eclectic mix, but all explore the patterns found in our natural and manufactured world. Whether by exploring the layering and rearrangement of natural textures or the effect of light and time on a subject, these artists see compositions in the everyday, the fleeting, the organic, and the microscopic. Light, Shadow & Time opens on Friday, May 20 and runs through Saturday, September 10, 2016. With an important focus on the temporal and ephemeral interplay between architecture and light, Patrick Anderson and James Haggerty create dynamic scenes out of shifting shadows, highlighting the emotive warmth and coolness of light. Similarly, Grace Bentley Scheck’s collagraph explores the passage of time “recorded in the marks left by functional changes made in structures over many years, by human design or the elements, and in changing patterns of light and shadow as the sun makes its daily journey across the sky.” In a trio of highly patterned, organic collages entitled “Room to Grow” Heather McMordie links the puzzle-like nature of printmaking and geology. Creating three large editions from one woodblock and one lithographic stone, and then drawing on, cutting apart, and piecing together these editions, McMordie takes the composition in as many different directions as possible, paralleling how a combination of just a few elements can create countless different minerals, rocks, and soils. Pattern in nature is further explored in Barbara Milton’s dizzying examination of layered tree leaves, Cleo Wilkinsons’ haunting portrait of the folds and subtle curves of a hibiscus flower, and Nancy Previs’ intimate, mystical composition of water flowing over rough rock, printed in green tint. All together, the show encourages the viewers to pause, see, and reflect on the spaces, natural or manmade, that they occupy throughout the day. Selected Artists: Patrick Anderson, Philip Bennet, Grace Bentley Scheck, Steven Brigidi, Richard T. Davis, James Haggerty, Heather McMordie, Barbara Minton, Jake Muirhead, Ilse Schreiber-Noll, Ellen Nathan Singer, Nancy Previs, Steven Walker, Larry Welo, Art Werger, and Cleo Wilkinson.

About The Old Print Gallery: Established in 1971, and known for its wide selection of antique prints and maps, in the last eight years The Old Print Gallery has expanded into the world of 20th century and contemporary printmaking. It hosts printmaking demonstrations, discussions, and publishes informative quarterly showcases. The Old Print Gallery has established itself as a source of inspiration for print artists, enthusiasts, and the general public. Image Credits: Early Morning Light. By Patrick J Anderson. Serigraph, 2003. Ed 3/11. Desk with Pencils. By Patrick J Anderson. Serigraph, 2003. Ed 3/10. Reflections on a Crosstown Vista. By Grace Bentley-Scheck Collagraph, 2015. Ed. 1/60. Celestial Light. By James Haggerty. Etching and chine-collĂŠ, 2004. Ed.2/50. ### Media Contact: Caroline Bonardi / 202-965-1818/ The Old Print Gallery 1220 31st Street NW Washington DC 20007

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