Fibre Week 2022

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Welcome to Fibre Week 2022! Join us for a great week of experiences planned with you in mind. We have a diverse collection of weekend workshops, social events, a Fibre Pop Up Shop and more!

JUNE 17 - 23, 2022

FIBRE WEEK 2022 All courses run from 9:00am – 4:30pm, lunch break from 12:00pm - 1:30pm unless otherwise noted

Enrolment updates on homepage of website – Confirm class is proceeding before booking airline tickets


AT A GLANCE All courses run from 9:00am – 4:30pm, lunch break from 12:00pm - 1:30pm unless otherwise noted

Enrolment updates on homepage of website – Confirm class is proceeding before booking airline tickets 3

MASTER PROGRAMS All courses run from 9:00am – 4:30pm, lunch break from 12:00pm - 1:30pm unless otherwise noted Instructor biographies and supply lists can be found on the Fibre Week website –

MASTER SPINNER PROGRAM: The Master Spinner Program consists of five progressive levels of classroom and independent study involving skill development, research studies and project assignments in the area of hand spinning of all major types of fibres, yarns and the end use of the spun yarns. Module content competencies and skill lists are available for viewing or download on the Master Spinner Program page at:

LEVEL 1 This is NOT a beginner spinning class. Students should have a working relationship with a spinning wheel. The Beginning Spinning course is strongly recommended for those with little or no experience. Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 2 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 3 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 4 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 5 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)


There are a limited number of wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis. Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes.


This is NOT a beginner course (see Beginning Weaving in the Fibre Arts section). The Olds College Master Weaver Certificate Program is a formal process of sequential learning and evaluation consisting of 5 progressive levels of instruction and independent study involving skill development, research studies and project assignments, thus providing an educational environment in which an individual can acquire the skills to become an independent weaver. Prerequisite: Students should be experienced weavers, and are expected to be able to warp a loom independently at the outset of the class, and be conversant with basic weaving language and tools. Independent weaving experience is essential. Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 2 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 3 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)

LEVEL 4 Sunday, June 19 - Thursday June 23 $655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)


Independent study course - check website for details.

Check for updated information –


FIBRE ARTS `All All courses runrun from 9am – 4pm with a one-hour lunch break unless otherwise noted courses from 9am – 4:30pm, lunch break from 12:00pm - 1:30pm unless otherwise noted Instructor biographies and supply lists can be found on the Fibre Week website –

FRIDAY WORKSHOPS: BEGINNING SPINNING This class will cover basic mechanics of spinning wheels and how to make your wheel work for you. Using wool rovings and top, we’ll learn how to spin singles, how to ply those singles together, and how to get a balanced yarn. We will cover drafting, both woolen and worsted, what the difference between the two is, and when and where you might want to choose one method over the other. Topics covered include: • Spinning wheel mechanics (how your wheel works)

tools and skills to learn to spin them, and introduce you to their long and fascinating history. Covering everything from extra-long flax to super-short cotton with a few stops in between, it will be a day of learning and experimentation that will leave you loving plant fibres at the end. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of spinning, able to spin both woollen and worsted drafts preferred. Student Supplies: Spinning wheel with multiple bobbins, support spindle with bowl, small shallow container for water, hand towel.

$195 + $40 Materials + GST

DEFLECTED DOUBLE WEAVE WORKSHOP (DDW) Participants will learn about the basic elements of DDW, how draft, yarns to use and wet finishing contribute to the finished product. Done in a round robin format, students will leave the workshop with 4-5 samples. Weaving will be the major focus and consume most of the time. Prerequisite: Advanced Weaver - must know how to warp loom, follow a draft to weave a sample.

Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov

Student Supplies: 8 shaft portable loom to bring to class

Fri June 19 (9am-4:30pm)

Instructor: Lynn Ivany-McEachern

• Plying methods for 2-ply / 3-ply yarns

$195 + $20 Materials + GST

Fri June 17 - Sat June 18 (9am-4:30pm)

• Finishing techniques


$295 + $25 Materials + GST

• Understanding wool preparations • Drafting worsted-style singles • Drafting woolen-style singles

• Fibre characteristics and how they affect the final yarn Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: Spinning wheel, at least 3 bobbins, lazy kate (if available), hand cards (optional), permanent marker for labelling supplies, notebook and pen, non-slip mat for under wheel (optional) Instructor: Christie Schulze Fri June 17 - Sat June 18 (9am-4:30pm) $295 + $30 Materials + GST

INTRODUCTION TO SPINNING PLANT FIBRES Cellulose fibres are a completely different animal – or plant, really! – than wool and other protein fibres, so put aside everything you know about spinning and learn to appreciate these fascinating fibres! Plant fibres are among the earliest fibres man ever spun, and can create wonderful yarns once you meet them in their comfort zone. This full-day class will help you leave behind your preconceptions about plant fibres, give you the

Join Diana for a full day of colour experimentation and fun in a workshop devoted to blending, and spinning up and assessing the results. In the first half we will use some portable tools for blending colour for spinning: hand carders, blending boards, and hackles. In the second part, we will spin it up and experiment with different spinning techniques to allow the colours to blend or stay true and reflect on our results. In addition to experimenting with different blending tools, you will learn colour theory in a practical and applied way.


Creating felt from wool goes back thousands of years and has a rich history in many cultures. In this workshop, we’ll start by making a sample piece of felt to help understand the unique, natural properties of wool. Each participant will then put their new-found knowledge to use making a felted bird pod. Wet felting is a handson, sometimes messy art process. Wear comfortable clothes that you can get wet and not worry about. This class is suitable for beginners and people with some felting experience. Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every Prerequisite: Must be able to spin a continuous thread with a spinning wheel person is an artist - they just need to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. or spindle and have experience with Try felting and find out! plying for a two-ply yarn. Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in excellent operating order, 6 empty toilet paper rolls for making centre pull balls, lazy kate, extra bobbins. Blending board (can be shared between three people), hand carders.

Prerequisite: None

Instructor: Diana Twiss

Student Supplies: 2 hand towels, 2 bath towels, 2 plastic grocery bags. We will have bottle sprinklers for participants to use. If you have a ball sprinkler/sprayer feel free to bring it and a bowl. Bring lunch, snacks and water bottle

Fri June 17 (9am-4:30pm)

Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald

Remember to register early to avoid disappointment


FRIDAY WORKSHOPS CONTINUED: Fri June 17 (9am-4:30pm)

Fri June 17 (1:30pm-4:30pm)

$195 + $25 Materials + GST

$99 + $25 Materials + GST



Come learn the wonderful art of needle This class will include an introduction to felting and create your own cute little stitched shibori and the indigo dyeing vat. felted sheep with nothing more than Prerequisite: Ability to sew stitches on wool and felting needles (and lots and fabric using a needle and thread. lots of stabbing!) This is a versatile form Student Supplies: Hand sewing needles, of soft sculpture that can be used to sturdy polyester sewing thread, embroidery make so many things. Participants will scissors, thimble, apron, rubber gloves, receive a felting kit (felting foam and small kitchen timer, plastic bags to carry felting needles), and enough core wool, wet samples home. natural lamb curls, and glass eyes to make two little sheep. These sheep have Instructor: Gayle Vallance a wire armature and wire is also included. Fri June 17 (9am-4:30pm) Prerequisite: None

$195 + $15 Materials + GST

Student Supplies: All materials and supplies are provided for this workshop, except students must bring: small sharp scissors and a multiple felting needle (3-5). If you do not have one or can’t find one, the instructor will have some for you to purchase or try out. They cost $20$25 each. Instructor: Lois McDonald-Layden Fri June 17 (9am-12pm) $99 + $25 Materials + GST

NEEDLE FELTED SHEEP COLORED (PM) Come learn the wonderful art of needle felting and create your own cute little felted sheep with nothing more than wool and felting needles (and lots of stabbing!). This is a versatile form of soft sculpture that can be used to make so many things. This workshop is suitable for beginners or those with some experience. Participants will receive a Felting kit (felting foam and felting needles) and enough coure wool, natural lamb curls, and glass eyes to make two little sheep. These sheep have a wire armature and wire is also included.

SPUN TO THE CORE A thorough look at core spinning, we will start with options for cores, how to mitigate twist, and create both lofty and dense core spun yarn. Prerequisite: This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin singles and ply them together. Student Supplies: A spinning wheel, a lazy kate, 3 bobbins, spinning wheel maintenance kit. Optional but recommended: hand cards or hand combs, extra fibre from your stash, a batt you’ve been saving that calls to you. Instructor: Kara Perpelitz Fri June 17 (9am 4:30pm) $195 + $25 Materials + GST

ONE POT MANY COLOURS Using just one pot, learn how to dye oneof-a-kind multi-coloured wool fleece and braids to spin or felt, using all natural dyestuffs. Fun for novice dyers and experienced dyers alike.

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Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: Apron or old clothes, gloves, note-taking materials, bag to take home wet fibre.

Prerequisite: None

Student Supplies: All materials and supplies are provided for this workshop, except students must bring: small sharp Instructor: Lorelei Sommer scissors and a multiple felting needle Fri June 17 (9am -4:30pm) (3-5). If you do not have one or can’t find $195 + $40 Materials + GST one, the instructor will have some for you to purchase or try out. They cost $20$25 each Instructor: Lois Mcdonald-Layden

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SATURDAY WORKSHOPS: ATYPICAL WEAVING: HAND MANIPULATIONS & FIBRES Manipulations and Recycled Materials is a two-day workshop in which participants will explore numerous fibres and hand manipulations on a rigid heddle or table loom. At the end of the two-day session, participants will leave with a notebook of techniques and a cloth full of exciting options.

$99 + $10 Materials + GST


Some of the most beautiful tools in the hand spinning world these days are the supported spindle. Simple, elegant and easy on the body, they are a wonderful way to make light airy yarn. If you have ever wanted to try making yarn this way, or just interested in knowing how Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of these simple tools work, this workshop weaving. Previously completed at least is for you. In the workshop you will 2 projects. be introduced to the various styles of Student Supples: A table loom (or supported spindles and shown what to floor loom) pre-warped with a solid look for when buying one. You will learn colour 8/2 cotton warp set at 10 epi, and practice all the skills needed to: get between 30 – 40 cm (12 – 16″) wide started, prepare your fibre, flick your and 3 m (3 yards) long, threaded tabby; spindle for a good long spin, draft your also shuttles and bobbins, scissors, fibre, wind a good, stable cop, remove pins, needles, and any other favourite the singles for plying, and ply yarn. weaving tools. Prerequisite: Must have some Instructor: Karla Mather-Cocks experience with spinning, and be able to spin a continuous thread. This is not Sat June 18 - Sun June 19 (9am a class for someone with absolutely no 4:30pm) experience spinning. $295 + $25 Materials + GST

MAKING YARN WITH TURKISH SPINDLES Making yarn with a spindle is fairly straightforward, but people often wonder how to get started. In this workshop you will be introduced to the variety of styles of suspended (or drop) spindles, with a focus on the cross-piece spindle – also known as the Turkish spindle. Beautiful and highly portable, they are a great choice for your entry into the world of making yarn. You will see and try a variety of spindles, learn what to look for when buying a spindle, learn how to get started making yarn, preparing and drafting fibre, wrapping singles into a turtle (what’s that you say?) and plying to make yarn.

Student Supplies: Support spindle (2035g) and bowl. Please communicate directly with instructor to make sure you have a spindle that will ensure success. Shoebox or basket to be used as a lazy Kate to hold spindles. Hand carders (optional)

Student Supplies: Spinning tool (wheel with multiple bobbins/at least three spindles) Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov Sat June 18 (9am-12pm) $99 + $15 Materials + GST

ALL ABOUT WORSTED AND WOOLLEN The difference between worsted and woollen is a fundamental concept and one that every spinner should understand. It relates both to fibre preparation and spinning technique, and having a good understanding of how these affect the character of your finished yarn will help you spin the right yarn for your project and fibre. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of spinning. Student Supplies: Spinning tool (wheel with multiple bobbins/at least three spindles) Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov Sat June 18 (1:30pm-4:30pm) $99 + $10 Materials + GST

Instructor: Diana Twiss Sat June 18 (1:30pm-4:30pm) $99 + $15 Materials + GST


Have you ever had a great pattern and great yarn that just didn’t work well together, whether commercial yarn or your own handspun? Don’t worry, we all have! Yarn construction makes certain yarns suitable for certain end uses and completely unsuitable for others. This Prerequisite: Must have some half-day class will teach spinners about experience with spinning, and be able six different aspects of yarn construction to spin a continuous thread. This is not and how they affect what your yarn a class for someone with absolutely no is – and isn’t – good for once it is spun. experience spinning. You will also experiment with spinning Student Supplies: Cross-piece spindle outside your default zone and learn to be also known as Turkish spindle between more deliberate about your choices of 20 and 40 grams. fibre and spinning techniques. Instructor: Diana Twiss Prerequisite: Working knowledge of spinning (wheel or spindle). Sat June 18 (9am-12pm)

SPINNING WHEEL AND WEAVING LOOM RENTALS There are a limited number of spinning wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis. Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes!

Remember to register early to avoid disappointment


SATURDAY WORKSHOPS CONTINUED: INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL DYES Natural dyes can offer an ecofriendly source of colours ranging from pastels to brights, depending on the techniques used. This short introductory class will provide you with the basic knowledge needed to explore the craft of natural dyeing, including yarn preparation, gathering and preparing dye materials, and mordanting and modifying. Participants will have the opportunity to use three natural dyes and methods to lay the foundations for further learning at home



Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: apron or cover-up, sturdy rubber gloves (like dishwashing gloves), light particulate mask or cloth face covering, old towels for blotting and clean-up, plastic baggies for transporting wet samples. Please be aware that there may be allergens or strong smells in this workshop. Instructor: Michelle Boyd Sat June 18 (9am-4:30pm) $99 + $25 Materials + GST

INTRODUCTION TO WEAK ACID DYES Weak acid dyes are simple chemical dyes that give us bright, permanent colours on protein fibres like wool, alpaca, mohair, and silk. This workshop will give participants a hands-on

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these dyes safely to achieve a variety of effects. Solid colours, kettle dyes, and painted yarn techniques will be explored on both yarn and prepared spinning fibres, giving participants the basic knowledge to confidently dye their own yarns. Prerequisite: None. This workshop is suitable for students with no weaving experience and weavers of any level of experience. Student Supplies: apron or cover-up, sturdy rubber gloves (like dishwashing gloves), light particulate mask or cloth face covering, old towels for blotting and clean-up, plastic baggies for transporting wet samples. Please be aware that there may be allergens or strong smells in this workshop.

Sat June 18 (1:30pm -4:30pm) $99 + $30 Materials + GST

FELTED TREE LANDSCAPE Each participant will make a large felted wool “Painting”, of a landscape scene of their choice with lots of detail. Using different “painting with wool” techniques, we will be focusing on trees in this workshop, but I can also teach flowers, rocks, moons, depending on the class interest. You will then be shown various ways to mount or use your work of art when you take it home. This workshop is suitable for beginners or experienced felters as your wool painting can be as intricate or as simple as you like. We will be learning both needle felting and wet felting and using merino, silk and other embellishments. Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: 2-3 large bath towels, small sharp scissors, one piece of cushion foam at least 2” thick and 24” x 16” (available at Wal-Mart or Fabricville)

hand cards, preferably with tooth density of 50 to 80 teeth per square inch. Apron and rubber gloves for dyeing. Instructor: Gayle Vallance Sat June 18 (9am- 4:30pm) $195 + $20 Materials + GST

SPINNING YARN FOR RUG HOOKING Spinners will learn about wool and wool blends as well as ply structures suitable for use in rug hooking. Spinners will create yarn samples from different breeds of sheep’s wool to explore the characteristics of each for use in traditional rug hooking and expand that exploration to blended fibres and different ply structures like chain ply, crepe, and cable. This course will help the hand spinner design yarns to capitalize on durability and texture when making a hand spun, hand hooked rug!

Instructor: Lois Mcdonald-Layden

Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working order with 4 bobbins, lazy kate.

Sat June 18 (9am-4:30pm)

Instructor: Lorelei Sommer

$195+ $50 Materials + GST

Sat June 18 (9am-12pm)


$99 + $25 Materials + GST

Bast fibers (flax, bamboo bast, ramie, hemp) are amongst the most ecofriendly of spinning fibres. We will study the fiber characteristics and techniques for preparation, spinning and finishing. Used by themselves they form wonderful yarns, but their characteristics can also be modified through blending. A variety of yarns can be spun using blending, plying, and cabling. Fibers will be dyed with fiber reactive dyes.


Prerequisite: An understanding of wheel mechanics and the ability to spin a continuous yarn

Sat June 18 (1:30pm-4:30pm)

Learn traditional rug hooking using fabric scraps and yarn to create a colorful wall hanging or small mat. You’ll enjoy learning about the possibilities for creating different textures using a variety of fibres including handspun yarn, hand dyed yarns and fabrics, fleece, and more. Student Supplies: none Instructor: Lorelei Sommer $99 + $40 Materials + GST

Student Supplies: Own spinning wheels, lazy kates, bobbins, a small bowl and sponge for wet spinning, hand towel, medium-sized bath towel,

Instructor: Michelle Boyd Check for updated information –


SUNDAY WORKSHOPS: BEGINNING WEAVING This class is designed for those who are brand new to weaving, as well as those who want to refresh their knowledge of fourharness loom weaving. Students will learn how to prepare a warp, put the warp on the loom and how to operate the loom. The “how-to’s” of planning a project, reading a draft, choosing materials and finishing a project will be covered. Your supplies will include a practice warp and enough yarn to weave a beautiful scarf. Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: Notebook, pen or pencil, ruler, fabric measuring tape, scissors, large blunt tapestry needle, pencil crayons, masking or painters’ tape, a ball of string, threading hook/reed hook, if you have them. Instructor: Tracy LaRose

BLENDING AND SPINNING TWEEDY YARNS From soft heathers to speckled Donegal-style, tweedy yarns add depth and character to our knitted garments. Learn to combine colours for bright tweeds and mellow earthy tones, add in noils and neps for a flecked effect, and spin the yarns to take advantage of our preparations.



Prerequisite: Students should be able to spin a continuous length of yarn comfortably. Student Supplies: a spinning wheel in good working order and orifice hook, at least 3 bobbins, lazy kate, niddynoddy, hand carders, scissors, labels or baggies for samples, notebook or paper for making notes, pen.

Sun June 19 - Thurs June 23 (9am-4:30pm) Instructor: Michelle Boyd Sun June 19 (9am-12pm) $495 + $65 Materials + GST

BE THE BOSS OF YOUR YARN This full-day workshop is all about busting through “default yarn” - that yarn you make over and over again despite attempts to do it differently. In this workshop you are going to work on techniques that will expand your yarn repertoire. You will experiment with and learn about the effect of twist on your singles and your plied yarns. You will also learn about yarn structure by making samples of soft singles, 2-ply, chained (Navajo ply), and cable yarns. You will earn strategies for making the yarn you want. At the end of the day, YOU will be the boss of your yarn.

$99 + $20 Materials + GST

TWIST IN THE BALANCE How much ply twist makes a balanced yarn, anyway? Compare and contrast two ways of thinking about balanced plying. We will spin the singles and ply the yarns both ways, using a variety of fibre types. We’ll assess the yarns for durability, elasticity, and warmth to decide which style of balance we want for our projects. Warning: Participants may be exposed to small amounts of math and/or treadle counting.



Prerequisite: Students should be able to spin a continuous yarn comfortably.

Prerequisite: Must have some experience with spinning, and be able to spin a continuous thread. This is not a class for someone with absolutely no experience spinning.

Student Supplies: a spinning wheel in good working order and orifice hook, at least 3 bobbins, lazy kate, niddynoddy, hand carders, scissors, labels or baggies for samples, notebook or Student Supplies: a spinning wheel in good paper for making notes, pen. working order and all supporting equipment Instructor: Michelle Boyd (oil, orifice hook, etc), 1 or 2 bobbins, Sun June 19 (1:30pm-4:30pm) scissors, labels for samples, pen and paper $99 + $15 Materials + GST for notes. Instructor: Diana Twiss Sun June 19 (9am- 4:30pm) $195 + $25 Materials + GST


sample piece of felt to help us understand the unique, natural properties of wool. Each participant will then put their newfound knowledge to use making a felt bowl or vessel. Wet felting is a hands-on, sometimes messy art process. Wear comfortable clothes that you can get wet and not worry about. Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every person is an artist - they just needed to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. Try felting and find out! Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: 2 hand towels, 2 bath towels, 2 plastic grocery bags. We will have bottle sprinklers for participants to use. If you have a ball sprinkler/sprayer feel free to bring it and a bowl. Bring lunch, snacks and a water bottle. Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald Sun June 19 (9am-4:30pm) $195 + $25 Materials + GST

FELTED FLOWER LANDSCAPE Each participant will make a large felted wool ‘Painting’ of their choice with lots of detail. Using different “painting with wool” techniques, we will be focusing on flowers in this workshop, but I can also teach flowers, rocks, moons, depending on the class interest, You will then be shown various ways to mount or use your work of art when you take it home, This workshop is suitable for beginners or experienced felters as your wool painting can be as intricate or as simple as you like. We will be learning both needle felting and wet felting and using merino, silk and other embellishments. Prerequisite: None Student Supplies: 2-3 large bath towels, small sharp scissors, one piece of cushion foam at least 2” thick and 24” x 16” (available at Wal-Mart or Fabricville) Instructor: Lois Mcdonald-Layden Sun June 19 (9am - 4:30pm) $195 + $50 Materials + GST

Wet felting is a method of creating art using wool as your medium. This felting method is thousands of years old and has a rich history in many cultures. In this workshop you will learn about different breeds of wool and their properties. We’ll start by making a Remember to register early to avoid disappointment


SUNDAY WORKSHOPS CONTINUED: LET’S SPIN SPIRALS Have you dreamt of beautiful spiral yarns and wished you knew how to spin them? Learn the basic spiral yarn and variations of it as we demystify spinning spirals. Prerequisite: This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin singles and ply them together. Student Supplies: A working spinning wheel, either people powered or an e-spinner (a bulky spinning head would be an asset but it is not essential), three empty bobbins, a lazy kate, niddy noddy for winding off your yarn, small amount of finished yarn to make ties for your finished skeins. Instructor: Elana Goodfellow Sun June 19 (9am-12pm) $99 + $40 Materials + GST

LET’S SPIN CABLES Do you love cables but are not sure where to start? Let’s get your cabling going! Learn the basic cable yarn and variations of it as we explore the world of spinning cables. Prerequisite: This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin singles and ply them together. Student Supplies: A working spinning wheel, either people powered or an e-spinner (a bulky spinning head would be an asset but it is not essential), four empty bobbins, a lazy kate, niddy noddy for winding off your yarn, small amount of finished yarn to make ties for your finished skeins. Instructor: Elana Goodfellow Sun June 19 (1:30pm-4:30pm) $99 + $40 Materials + GST

SPINNING WHEEL AND WEAVING LOOM RENTALS There are a limited number of spinning wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis. Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes! Remember to register early to avoid disappointment



Debit Visa/MasterCard AMEX Cheques

BOOTH REQUIREMENT: Booth Size: 10’ x 8’ No. of booths x $250 each = _______________________ ______ Minus Sponsorship Discount: - ______ + GST (x 5%) = ______ TOTAL: __________ No. of tables (0, 1, 2): ______

FOIP STATEMENT: The personal information which you provide on this application form is being collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation of the Government of the Province of Alberta for the purpose of registering for a Program or Course through Continuing Education at Olds College. In certain instances, this information may be shared with third party organizations who are actively involved in providing specific educational offerings. If you object to information being shared with third party organizations associated with Olds College courses, please check the box to the right. 



Olds College Continuing Education Room 143 Duncan Marshall Place Mon-Fri, 8:15am-4:30pm VENDOR SETUP: Thurs, June 16: 12pm–6pm Fri, June 17: 8:30am-12pm VENDOR TAKE-DOWN: Sun, June 19: 6pm-9pm Mon, June 20: 8:30am–12pm

REFUND POLICY: Refund requests, If you wish to declare that you accompanied by the original are an Aboriginal person, please course receipt, received at specify: Olds College three (3) full  Status Indian/First Nations working days prior to the  Non-Status Indian/First start date of a course will be Nations  Meti granted in full, less course specific material fees that  Inuit have been incurred, nonFor further information or inquiries refundable deposits and an contact the FOIP Coordinator, Olds administration fee of 20% of College, the course tuition or $150, 4500 – 50th Street, Olds, AB T4H whichever is less. No refunds 1R6, will be issued less than three Phone: (403) 507-7912 (3) full work days prior to the start date of a course. Nonattendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal. In the event that a course is cancelled, registrants will receive a full refund. ABORIGINAL ANCESTRY:

Remember to register early to avoid disappointment






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Come experience what our Olds College campus has to offer during Fibre Week from June 17 - 23, 2022!



Remember to register early to avoid disappointment


FIBRE POP UP SHOP Our Fibre Pop Up Shop is a collection of vendors with a little bit of something for everyone with fibre in their fingers. Drawing in 25+ vendors annually, this is a fantastic destination for a road trip or an afternoon outing to restock your most needed supplies. Whether you’re registered for a class, or just want to come in to shop, the Fibre Pop Up Shop is a must-stop destination for everyone. Open to the public, the hours are below. Curious as to who will be there? Check out our website for a list of vendors!

Fri June 17, 2022: 12pm – 6pm Sat June 18, 2022: 10am – 6pm Sun June 19, 2022: 10am – 6pm Are you a vendor? If you want to reserve a booth, you can do so for $250 per booth. Details on our website or call for more information.

Check for updated information –


SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY How can you get more involved with Fibre Week? BECOME A FIBRE WEEK SPONSOR

Platinum: $2000+ Gold: $1000– $1999 Silver: $500– $999 Bronze: < $499 For more information, visit our website or contact:

Thank you to all our 2022 Fibre Week Sponsors! A list of current sponsors can be found at 15

SOCIAL EVENTS In addition to workshops and the Master Spinner and Weaver programs, Fibre Week hosts a variety of events open to the public. No registration is required, and we highly encourage participants and walk-ins to make Olds College a destination to drop by, unwind, spin in, and shop! These events are held across campus – for more information ask at the Registration Booth in the Atrium of the Land Science Center.


Fibre Artists unite to enjoy a casual evening of your favourite craft. A casual, no commitments, informal social, come as you are, in and out as you like, and try a variety of fibres donated from vendors in the Fibre Pop Up Shop. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow participants, and try out some new fibres before you make that big purchase! Fri June 17, 2020 at 6:30pm


Join us for a celebration of Fibre Arts: the craft and the people that carry it forward. This celebration is a formal presentation of the graduates of our program and a keynote speaker. It’s an evening that recognizes hard work and appreciates our mutual passions. Light refreshments will be provided, and presentations will be followed by a social. Sat June 20, 2020 at 6:30pm


Are you proud of your first handmade item? Have you finally completed that epic project? Made something cool in class? Show off your stuff and inspire other kindred spirits with your handiwork. All fibre work welcome! Items can be dropped off with an entry form at the Registration Booth before 1pm on Sunday (day of show). Sun June 21, 2020 at 7:30pm


Donations are gratefully accepted and will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Bring your item when you come. Items can include fibres, tools, creations, or anything you think fibre artists might be interested in. Fill out a “Friends of Fibre Week” donor form at the information desk and leave it with your item before 10am Sunday. Proceeds are used to offset Fibre Week expenses. Sun June 21, 2020: Bidding opens at 12pm & closes at 6pm


Join us to explore the world of fleece through a collection of shows brought to Fibre Week by our Fleece Show Partners. These fleece shows display local fleece product and can include live judging and sale of fleeces. Check the website or at the registration table for more information on what each of these shows has to offer. These shows take place over the weekend. Sat June 20, 2020 and Sun June 21, 2020.


Back by popular demand, Fibre Week is calling on all fibre enthusiasts, samplers and artists to let their creativity run wild. A mystery box of fibre will be available for purchase by donation, and the challenge is simple: use it to create something wonderful, wild, beautiful, meaningful, fun, or all of the above! Then bring it back next year to show off and share! There will definitely be prizes. Ask at the Registration Desk. Want to see what was created by the minds of your fellow fibre fanatics? Check out last year’s participants and vote on your favourite at the Silent Auction. There are prizes for the people’s choice! Did you participate last year? Be sure to bring your creation back this year to the Registration Desk or the staff at the Fibre Pop Up Shop.

Check for updated information –


TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS & MEALS CALGARY TO OLDS AIRPORT SHUTTLE SERVICE Select options will be available to registrants only for a shuttle between Calgary airport and Olds. There will be a $65 fee (one way) for this service payable upon registration. Check the website, as pre-registration is required.




Check our website under “Guest Information” for directions to the College. Free parking is available for the duration of Fibre Week!


Accommodation arrangements are the responsibility of Fibre Week Participants. It is recommended that airline tickets not be purchased until courses have been confirmed. College Accommodation: Townhouse & Dormitory Rooms on campus are available. A booking form can be found on the website under “Guest Information.”


On-campus food venues will be available and there are a variety of restaurants and fast food outlets accessible in the Town of Olds.

It is recommended that airline tickets not be purchased until course has been confirmed.















Check for updated information –


2022 EVENT REGISTRATION CHECKLIST All fees payable upon registration


Tuition Materials


Registration Opens

March 1, 2022

This form is available for download on the “Registrations” page of the Fibre Week website.

How can you get more involved with Fibre Week? BECOME A FIBRE WEEK SPONSOR Platinum: $2000+ Gold: $1000– $1999 Silver: $500– $999 Bronze: < $499 For more information, visit our website or contact:

Spinning 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 755 Spinning 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 755 Spinning 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 755 Spinning 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 755 Spinning 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 755

. . . . . . $ . . . . . . $ . . . . . . $ . . . . . . $ . . . . . . $

85 85 85 85 85

Weaving 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 655 . . . . . . $ 65 Weaving 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 655 . . . . . . $ 65 Weaving 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 655 . . . . . . $ 65 Weaving 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21 - 25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 655 . . . . . . $ 65 *Please remember to add 5% GST to all prices


Beginning Spinning. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17 - 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 295 . . . . . . $ Introduction to Spinning Plant Fibres. . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Color and Spinning Playground . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Deflected Doubleweave Workshop. June 17 - 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 295 . . . . . . $ Make a Wet Felted Bird Feeder. . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195. . . . . . . $ Needle Felted Sheep (White). . . . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Needle Felted Sheep (Colored) . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Stitched Shibori and Indigo Dyeing. . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Spun to the Core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ One Pot Many Colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Atypical Weaving: Hand Manipulation.June 18-19 . . . . . . . . . . $ 295 . . . . . . $ Making Yarn with Turkish Spindles. . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99. . . . . . . $ Making Yarn with Supported Spindles . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ All About Worsted and Woollen. . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Introduction to Natural Dyes. . . . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Introduction to Weak Acid Dyes . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Felted Tree Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Having a Blast with Bast. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Spinning Yarn for Rug Hooking. . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Beginner Rug Hooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 18. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Be the Boss of your Yarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Blending and Spinning Tweedy Yarns. . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Beginning Weaving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19-23. . . . . . . . . . . $ 495. . . . . . . $ Twist in the Balance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Wet Felted Vessel/Plant Pot . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Felted Flower Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 195 . . . . . . $ Let’s Spin Spirals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $ Let’s Spin Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19. . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 . . . . . . $

30 30 20 25 25 25 25 15 25 40 25 10 15 10 25 30 50 20 25 40 25 20 65 15 25 50 40 40

*Please remember to add 5% GST to all prices

OTHER FEES Loom/Wheel Rental ($15/day, $70 max)

$ ____

Airport Shuttle Service ($65 one way)


Subtotal: 5% GST: Total: TOTAL PAYMENT IN FULL:

11 for updated Remember to register early to avoid disappointment Check information –

$ ____

$_____ $____ $_____ $____ $_____ $_____ _$______________



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