Presentation Sustainability Class

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SUSTAINABILITY BLOG Fi nalpr oj ect Ol eksandr aKazymi r ska

SUSTAINABILITY BLOG Thi spr oj ecti nt enti st oi nf or m and educat e peopl eaboutsust ai nabi l i t yi n Russi an speaki ng count r i es. Themai n emphasi swi l lbeon ar chi t ect ur e and gener alnews/i nf or mat i on t o at t r act mor er eader s.

Educat i onalPr oj ectgoal : -af f ectpeopl e’ shabi t s, -r ai set heawar enessoft he ecol ogi calf oot pr i ntpr obl em and ener gysavi ng pot ent i al

Ext er nal i t i es Sust ai nabl eBl og wi l lbeaf f ect i ng i ndi r ect l ypl anet ,ecosyst em,ci t i es, and peopl ewho wi l lr ead t hebl og. Negat i vel ymi ghtbeaf f ect ed some i ndust r i esorpr oduct st hatpeopl e woul d st op buyi ng,af t err eadi ng post s.

Li f eCycl e Anal ysi s Thi spr oj ectdoesn’ t haveaphysi cal componentand does notr equi r eext r ai mpact t o nat ur e

Chal l enges Thebi ggestchal l engei nt hi spr oj ecti s t or each peopl ewho ar enotyeti nt o sust ai nabi l i t y.Usi ng Soci alMedi ai t woul d hel pt oi nvol vemor epeopl ei nt o conver sat i on and i nt r oducet hem new i deasand wayofl i vi ng. Iti st i meconsumi ng. Thebl og needst o beupdat ed ever y dayort wo t o mai nt ai n asol i d amount ofsubscr i ber s. Itwi l lr equi r esomef i nanci ali nputi n or dert o commut eand conduct i nt er vi ews. Techni calpar t– vi deot api ng coul d be donewi t h acel lphoneand adj ust ed on al apt op

Met hod ofImpl ement at i on Phot ogr aphy,Gr aphi cski l l s,f i l mi ng i n caseofi nt er vi ews

Cont act s Itwoul d begr eatt o cr eat easer i esofi nt er vi ewswi t h pr of essi onal st o show how sust ai nabi l i t yi si mpl ement ed i nt heU. S.orot hercount r i es

Schedul e Pot ent i al l yIcan st ar twi t h 3 newsaweek.Itshoul d besomeshor tar t i cl est hat peopl ecan r ead f ast .Mor eover ,Iwantt o cr eat easer i esofaf f i r mat i onsf or peopl ewho ar ei nt er est ed i n sust ai nabi l i t y.Al so,i tcoul d beser i esoff actt hat peopl ecoul d shar ewi t h ot her st o show how badl ywear eaf f ect i ng ourpl anet

Topi csand Exampl esofashor tpost s Sust ai nabi l i t y-Gener ali nf or mat i on -Gener aldescr i pt i on -Pi ct ur ewi t h def i ni t i ons -Mot i vat i onali mages -Gener alnewsofwhatwasaccompl i shed i nt hewor l d bef or e -Sust ai nabi l i t yr el at ed quot es Sust ai nabi l i t yt hatr el at est o ar chi t ect ur e -Met hods -Cer t i f i cat es-LEED,W ELL,BREAM et c -Mat er i al s -Bui l di ng exampl es-pi ct ur es -Casest udi es -Ar chi t ect s’quot esr egar di ng sust ai nabl e bui l di ngs Food and wai st -Heal t hyhabi t s -W ai str educt i on exampl es

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