Caredx News June 2017

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ISSUE 3, June 2017

Olerup acquires SBT product line from Illumina In efforts providing high-quality and innovative products and services through the pre- to post- transplant continuum, CareDx in January 2017 announced the acquisition of Conexio Genomics HLA SBT business from Illumina.

Olerup QTYPE® supports multiple platform The Olerup QTYPE system enables speed and precision in HLA typing that requires a fast turnaround time. The system now supports selected QS platforms. The Olerup QTYPE RT PCR system consists of the Olerup QTYPE HLA typing kit and the SCORE™ 6 interpretation software. It is currently validated on the Roche LightCycler 480 II® RT PCR instrument and now also supports the QuantStudio 6, QuantStudio 7 and the ViiA-7.

■ Page 6–7

■ Page 8

AlloSure® is analytically validated as a sensitive, accurate, and precise measurement of dd-cfDNA AlloSure is a clinical-grade, NGS based test that detects donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in order to identify organ injury in kidney transplant recipients

■ Page 4–5

Olerup QTYPE demonstrated in Barcelona, Spain Olerup is currently launching the Olerup QTYPE real-time SSP HLA typing product at several sites across Europe and the US. Recently we visited the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.

■ Page 10

Olerup SBT™ evaluated for high resolution typing in Pakistan The effectiveness of the Olerup SBT HLA typing solution was clear at a recent product demonstration at the National Institute of Blood Disease & Bone Marrow Transplantation (NIBD) in the heart of the city of Karachi.

■ Page 11


CareDx news JUNE 2017

Advancing the pre- to post-transplant continuum It is with great pleasure that we bring you the latest issue of CareDx news. As you already know, in April 2016, CareDx, Inc. based in Brisbane, CA acquired Olerup’s parent company Allenex AB. Both companies have well established core products in transplantation, the combination of which creates a focused diagnostics company covering the pre- to post-transplant continuum.

I encourage you to turn the pages and learn more about our new venture together as we join forces to bring you new, innovative transplant diagnostics. In this issue we have decided to highlight important development within our core product lines for HLA typing.

Olerup QTYPE

Olerup SBT

Olerup SSP

The global introduction of Olerup QTYPE 11 and our SCORE 6 software continues. With a run time of just 43 minutes on the Roche LightCycler 480 II, and full HLA typing of 11 loci within one hour, Olerup QTYPE sets a new standard for speed in your laboratory. Our multiplexed TaqMan® approach provides the resolving power necessary to combat the persistent description of new alleles. Even with using only 1/3 of the plate capacity, Olerup QTYPE resolves the majority of single antigen bead alleles.

We have further strengthened our commitment to the HLA community by acquiring the rights of Conexio Genomics SBT portfolio (SBT Resolver™, HARPS™ and Assign™ SBT) and we have also signed an agreement with ThermoFisher making distribution of Big Dye Terminator and ExoSap possible. This facilitates both for us and our users by us now being able to provide all reagents needed in Sequence Based Typing.

For our Olerup SSP ® product line the work with updating never ends. Only the last months this year we have introduced over 300 new new primer mixes to our already benchmarking product making us baldly stating the we provide our users with the most updated product line in SSP typing.

Dr. Roswitha Keller, General Manager, Olerup GmbH

CareDx and venues 2017 CareDx products and representatives can be seen throughout 2017 at the following meetings, conferences and exhibitions. We look forward meeting you.




EFI & DGI Joint Meeting

May 30  –  June 2

Mannheim, Germany



Turin, Italy

ASHI Regional Meeting

June 8  –  June 10

Providence, RI

ASHI National Meeting

September 11 – 15

San Francisco, CA

Eurotransplant Jubilee Meeting

October 4  –  6

Leiden Netherlands

ASN Kidney Week

October 31 –  November 5

New Orleans, LA

Journée éducative




November 13  – 16

Düsseldorf, Germany

CareDx news JUNE 2017

Speed and Precision in Real Time • From setup to final results in an hour • Single sample workflow avoids errors associated with sample batching • Flexible technology with the ability to maintain resolution as new alleles are described

For Research Use Only



CareDx news JUNE 2017

AlloSure: Better Monitoring. Better Outcomes. CareDx continues to expand its testing services for post-transplant patients with AlloSure, the first and only noninvasive blood test that directly measures allograft injury and identifies the probability of active rejection to better manage kidney transplant patients. AlloSure is a clinical-grade, proprietary Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) based test that detects donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in order to identify organ injury in kidney transplant recipients. Donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) is an analytically and clinically validated biomarker for kidney transplant rejection monitoring. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has been established as a biological marker in other areas of healthcare such as prenatal testing and oncology. AlloSure is analytically validated as a sensitive, specific, and precise measurement

of dd-cfDNA. Analytical validation studies of AlloSure have observed that circulating dd-cfDNA levels are higher at the time of active rejection compared to levels found in non–rejecting patients. The quantifiable range of dd-cfDNA is 0.20% - 16%. The analytical validation of AlloSure included




Lower limit of quantification


Results below 0.2% are not accurately quantified as different from zero • Results in kidney clinical validation studies range from 0% -8%

Quantifiable range

0.20% – 16%

Variability (CV)


ALLOSURE TEST PERFORMANCE ROC/AUC 0.74 AT 1% THRESHOLD (95% CI 0.61-­‐0.86) Sensitivity



0.74 (95% CI 0.61-0.86) Specificity








AlloSure test performance at 1% threshold



Excellent test reproducibility

AlloSure provides a clear risk stratification with higher risk of active rejection at 1% dd-­‐cfDNA cutoff metric


• Stable kidney recipient med = 0.21% • Critical decision point ~1%

Higher risk of active rejection at 1% dd-cfDNA cutoff Performance


an all internal processes from sample accessioning to results reporting. The steps taken by CareDx for the analytical validation of AlloSure meet the recommended standards of several laboratory guideline groups, including the CLIA / CAP Guidelines. (see Fig. 1 and 2)





Active rejection


Bloom RD et al. Cell-­‐free DNA and active rejection in kidney allografts. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034.

1% Cutoff



References 1. Bloom RD et al. “Cell-free DNA and active rejection in kidney allografts.” J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. 2. Christopherson, C et al “Analytical Validation of a Clinical-grade Next-Generation Sequencing Assay for Assessing Allograft Injury in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients” AACC 2016 Poster presentation B-365 August 3 2016. 3. Grskovic M et al “Donor-derived Cell-free DNA in Plasma Increases with Rejection and Decreases after Treatment in Kidney Transplant Recipients” Poster SA-PO1124, Late-Breakers, American Society of Nephrology, November 2015. 4. Grskovic M et al. “Validation of a Clinical-Grade Assay to Measure Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.” J Mol Diagn. 2016;18(6):890-902. 5. Kobashigawa et al “Initial Analysis of the Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA Outcomes AlloMap Registry (D-OAR) Study in Heart Transplant Recipients Undergoing Surveillance for Rejection” ISHLT April 28 2016.


CareDx news JUNE 2017

Further studies have been performed for clinical validation. For kidney transplantation, methods that are currently available for diagnosing active rejection are limited to either non-specific tests (e.g. serum creatinine) or invasive procedures (e.g. biopsy). The clinical validation study for AlloSure — Circulating Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA in Blood for Diagnosing Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplant Recipients (DART) — was a nationwide study encompassing 14 transplant centers across the United States. The study started in 2015 and completed enrollment in June, 2016. The study’s objectives were to determine the ability of AlloSure to discriminate active rejection (acute active ABMR, chronic active ABMR, or TCMR) from no rejection, to compare the performance of AlloSure to serum creatinine, and to determine the ability of AlloSure to discriminate ABMR from the absence of ABMR. The results from the DART study found that AlloSure detects active rejection (acute ABMR, chronic active ABMR, or TCMR) with high accuracy, that it also outperforms serum creatinine in kidney transplant recipients, and that it is highly sensitive in distinguishing ABMR from no ABMR. (see Fig. 3) Information and data for AlloSure has been presented at several conferences, most recently as an oral presentation at the American Transplant Congress in May. AlloSure testing is conducted at the CareDx CLIA-CAP-accredited clinical laboratory in Brisbane, CA. Further information on AlloSure can be found at

AlloSure detects o active rejection, Serum creatinine does not AlloSure utperforms serum creatinine AlloSure outperforms serum creatinine AlloSure

Serum creatinine

AlloSure AlloSure

Serum creatinine Serum creatinine

Serum creatinine does not Serum creatinine does notdiscriminate Serum creatinine does not active rejection from discriminate active ractive ejection from activediscriminate rejection from no rejection.

AlloSure 5.3-fold higher AlloSure 5.3-­‐5.3-­‐ fold higher AlloSure fold higher (by medians) in (by (by mrejection edians) in aivs ctive ractive ejection vs vs medians) n ano ctive rejection active rejection. no no active rejection active rejection

no no active rejection active rejection

AlloSure outperforms serum creatinine AlloSure outperforms serum creatinine AlloSure AlloSure

Serum creatinine Serum creatinine

Bloom RD eRt D al. NA DaNA nd aand ctive rejection in kidney allografts. J Am Soc 2017. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. Bloom et Caell-­‐ l. Cfree ell-­‐fD ree active rejection in kidney allografts. J A m SNephrol. oc Nephrol. 2017. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. Serum creatinine AlloSure

Receiver-Operator characteristics Receiver-­‐Operator characteristics Receiver-­‐Operator characteristics curve shows AlloSure discriminates shows AlloSure curve curve shows AlloSure active rejection. discriminates active rejection discriminates active rejection


Serum creatinine doesdoes does Serum creatinine Serum creatinine not not not discriminate active rejection. discriminate active rejection discriminate active rejection


AlloSure is very is avccurate in distinguishing ABMR ABMR AlloSure ery accurate in distinguishing from nfrom o ABMR no ABMR

Bloom eis t afree l. sensitive Cell-­‐ free DNA and raejection ctive rejection in kadistinguishing idney allografts. J ANephrol. m Santibody-mediated oc Nephrol. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. Bloom R D et aRl. D Cell-­‐ DNA and active in kidney llografts. J Am Soc 2017. d2017. oi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. AlloSure and specific in rejection

(ABMR) from no ABMR1



Median dd-­‐Median cfDNA in ABMR 2.9% dd-­‐ cfDNA in ABMR 2.9% versus 0.29% for n0o .29% ABMR versus for no ABMR

AUC=0.87 (95% CI, 0.75 to 0C.97) AUC=0.87 (95% I, 0.75 to 0.97)


Bloom RD et al. Bloom Cell-­‐free and active rejection kidney allografts. J Am aSoc Nephrol. oi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. RD DeNA t al. Cell-­‐ free D NA and ain ctive rejection in kidney llografts. J A2017. m Soc dNephrol. 2017. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016091034. 5



CareDx news JUNE 2017

Olerup QTYPE supports Roche LightCycler  4 The Olerup QTYPE system enables speed and precision in HLA typing at a low to intermediate resolution for samples that require a fast turnaround time. The research use only product was launched at ASHI 2016 and consists of the QTYPE HLA typing kit and the SCORE 6 interpretation software on the Roche LightCycler 480 II RT PCR instrument. The last months we have been working hard on adding more real time instruments supported, namely the ViiA7 and QuantStudio 6 and 7.

Supported RT PCR instruments Roche LightCycler 480 II QuantStudio 6 QuantStudio 7 ViiA7

We are now proud to announce that Olerup QTYPE now also supports these three instruments.

Simple workflow The kit includes all necessary components for PCR, including a hot-start master mix. Only water and DNA need to be added to the master mix prior to dispensing across the plate. The assay is sensitive and requires only 5 μg of DNA, including overfill, for a full low to intermediate resolution 11 loci typing. Once the plate has been prepared, seal it with the included optically-clear sealing sheet, briefly centrifuge and place it in the real-time cycler. Data is collected in real time. After the run finishes, the raw data can be imported into SCORE 6, our purpose built software for real time data analysis. Our well-known software has been simplified for increased user-friendlyness and the database technology upgraded for improved reliability. In the software, an Olerup QTYPE run is associated with sample-specific information to obtain the final typing result.

HLA typing within an hour ”An Olerup QTYPE 11 run on a validated real time PCR instruments takes approximately 45 minutes and, when adding time to prepare the plate and the results analysis, we have a full 11 loci typing in around an hour”, says Ben Passey, Development Manager at Olerup.

Precision in real time, multiplexing for best possible resolution The Olerup QTYPE HLA typing kits use hydrolysis probe technology, a powerful and flexible multiplexing tool. This will allow us to have a kit with no ambiguities, the best resolution and gives us the flexibility to grow with the HLA database. Hydrolysis probes also eliminates primer dimers and PCR artefacts with no waiting for end point melt curves. Briefly, hydrolysis probes are sequencespecific primers with a fluorescent reportor molecule on one end and a fluorescence quencher molecule on the other end. Due to their close proximity on the probe, all the fluorescence emitted by the reporter is

A complete workflow offering speed and precision in real time Olerup QTYPE HLA typing kit KIT CONTENTS – 384 well plate containing pre-aliquoted, dried primers and hydrolysis probes

10 min

45 min

– Mastermix including Taq polymerase

• Prepare DNA/Master Mix

• Set up instrument

– Tubes to make the reaction mix

• Dispense plate

• Insert plate

– Optically clear adhesive sealing sheet

• Seal plate

• Run

– Lot-specific kit information

• Centrifuge


CareDx news JUNE 2017

er  480II and selected QS platforms absorbed by the quencher molecule, resulting in no net signal. They are designed to bind between the two PCR primer and during the extension step, the PCR polymerase cleaves the hydrolysis probe, freeing the fluorescent probe into the supernatant. With each cycle, the real time instrument automatically monitors the accumulation of fluorescence over time. These parameters are then used to automatically detect a positive or negative amplification.

used for HLA-specific reactions. This gives a potential of 1,149 HLA-specific reactions in a 384 well plate. In its current format, Olerup QTYPE 11 has 418 HLA-specific reactions, using approximately 35% of its’ total potential.

Overall, each reaction comprises of at least two SSP primers and a sequence-specific hydrolysis probe. Hence, each reaction uses three layers to determine specificity. Clearly, this increases the resolution power of each individual mix.

Trusted and reliable support

Continuous product improvements A full plate consists of 384 wells, with a single well to detect potential DNA contamination. With 383 wells dedicated towards HLA-specific reactions, and four colors, we have a total of 1,532 potential reactions. A single channel is dedicated to the internal amplification control, three channels can be

Similar to our trust and proven approach to our SSP product line, we will continously develop and improve the Olerup QTYPE product based market needs.

With more than 20 years experience in HLA, Olerup is your trusted partner in transplantation. We pioneered the way with our innovative SSP product line in the 90’s. We have continously maintained a high-standard for this product line and are known for having the kits with the best SSP resolution on the market. This is a promise we will continue to deliver on with our real-time product Olerup QTYPE, delivering speed and precision.

Ben Passey, Development Manager, Olerup SSP AB

MULTIPLEXING – 384 wells and 4 colours allowing 1,536 individually detected reactions – One color reserved for internal amplification control leaving 1,152 reactions available for HLA-specific reactions

5 min • Transfer data • Automatic data analysis • Review results

– Capacity to continue to develop and upgrade the kits with new database releases


CareDx news JUNE 2017

CareDx has acquired the HLA SBT business from Illumina/Conexio-Genomics In efforts to provide high-quality and innovative products and services through the preto post- transplant continuum, in January 2017 CareDx announced the acquisition of Conexio´s HLA Sequence-Based Typing (SBT; Sanger method) business from Illumina. With the acquisition, CareDx’s Australianbased subsidiary, CareDx Pty Ltd, takes complete ownership of manufacturing and future development of the SBT Resolver product line. The manufacturing site will stay in Freemantle, Western Australia, as will former Conexio key employees in R&D and manufacturing. The acquisition comprises the complete SBT product line, including HLA locus-specific assays, HARPS to

resolve heterozygous SBT ambiguities, and the Assign SBT software for HLA sequence analysis.

ensuring on time delivery and expert help from our technical support team when needed.

Visually, the SBT product line will change name from SBT Resolver to Olerup SBT. Customers will start to receive our new branded SBT products in late 2017 / beginning 2018. Building on an already extensive and proven product line, ongoing software and assay development promises coming releases and distribution of new and improved Olerup SBT products and accessories.

We are excited about the acquisition as it enables us to continue providing flexibility in HLA typing solutions and ensure a high level support to the HLA community. HLA sequencing with Olerup SBT is greatly complements our other HLA typing solutions; HLA SSP typing with Olerup SSP kits and HLA typing in real-time with Olerup QTYPE.

Distribution and support of the HLA sequence-based typing products will continue to be managed by the Olerup organization,

For more information, please contact your local Olerup representative, or visit:

Products for

HLA Sequencing Based Typing LOCUS





• C omprehensive set of HLA Class I and II HARPS • Compatible with OLERUP Assign SBT v4.7 and v471 • D RB3, DRB4, DRB5 and B57 typing kits





CareDx news JUNE 2017

BigDye and ExoSAP-IT ®


- Now distributed by Olerup Since November, 2016, through collaboration with ThermoFisher Scientific, Olerup is distributing BigDye Terminator v1.1/v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kits and ExoSAP-IT for PCR Product Cleanup to the HLA community. Being committed to providing our HLA customers the best level of service we are pleased to announce the addition of these two new accessory products to product portfolio. Including BigDye and ExoSAP-IT reagents to our product portfolio will provide SBT Resolver users a more complete SBT solution.

Accessory reagents for Olerup SBT • BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit v3.1 and v1.1* • ExoSAP-IT for PCR Product Cleanup




BigDye Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

100 reactions [800ul]


BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

100 reactions [800ul]


ExoSAP-IT for PCR Product Cleanup

100 reactions [200ul]


* License grant: BigDye is available for purchase in combination with SBT Resolver products. For more information please contact your local Olerup distributor,


CareDx news JUNE 2017

Close collaboration with our end users Olerup GmBH, responsible for distributing the Olerup-branded pre-transplant products throughout Europe, is working closely with its distributors and direct end-users. We interact as frequently as possible to assist users and understand the critical needs in an HLA laboratory. This is often done through product demonstrations, either of new products to

the lab or existing products and developments done through our organization. Our three different HLA typing products are all in different stages of their life-cycle. Olerup SSP, introduced more than 25 years ago, is still considered a key product for the company and is constantly going through our updating procedure. The table below reflects

our recent work in this area. New lots that have been produced in 2017 until end April now include 1,045 unique primer mixes. Of these, 32% were new formulations, either through multiplexing (27%) or through adding new wells to the kits (5%).

Olerup SSP allele updating work in numbers across the product line

Jan – Dec 2016

Jan – Apr 2017

Total number of produced and unique primer mixes (wells)



Out of which: Multiplexing instances for resolution of new alleles





Added wells





Sum of changes on primer mix level for allele updating





For the Olerup SBT product line we continue to introduce both the reagents and the well-known Assign software. We have now acquired the rights to these products from Illumina enables us to increase flexibility in product offering as well as providing critical supplementary products at affordable pricing. Concerning Olerup QTYPE, our

newly introduced RT PCR product based on the established TaqMan technology, we are receiving very positive feedback from users all over our territories and are engaged in product demonstrations in many laboratories wishing to evaluate the positive features of TaqMan vs existing melt-curve based products. On this page you will find two stories

from our interaction with HLA laboratories evaluating our products. If you and your laboratory wish to have a visit, demo or general contact with us, please visit our webpage,, for contact details.

Olerup QTYPE – experience from the Hospital Clinic Barcelona Olerup is currently launching the Olerup QTYPE real-time typing product at several sites across Europe and the US. Olerup QTYPE 11, which offers low to intermediate resolution at eleven HLA loci (A-B-CDRB1345-DQA1-DQB1-DPA1-DPB1), is the first product to be officially launched from Olerup’s real-time PCR product catalogue. Utilizing the multiplexing capabilities of hydrolysis probes on 384-well trays, Olerup QTYPE 11 offers a robust, easy-touse HLA product line with minimal ambiguities, whilst still retaining plenty of capacity to cope with future IMGT / HLA allele database updates.

Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain


CareDx news JUNE 2017

The ability of Olerup QTYPE 11 to provide a typing result at 11 loci in a total turnaround time of approx. 60 minutes (from DNA sample to final result) is highly attractive to labs that are running a program for typing deceased donors, where high quality, reliable HLA typing results are required in the shortest possible time frame. The Centro de Diagonóstico Biomédico – Inmunología at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, headed by Dr Eduard Palou, processes a large number of samples per year in the context of cadaveric transplantation. Dr Palou was interested to have an Olerup QTYPE product demonstration in his facility. With ready access to a Roche LightCycler 480 II, the demonstration consisted of running a color compensation plate, followed by two test samples. The Olerup QTYPE 11 master mix is ready to use, requiring simply

the addition of the correct volume and concentration of DNA to ensure 10ng of DNA per reaction. The DNA samples used in this demonstration had been extracted using a QIAsymphony device at a concentration such that less than 50µl of DNA was required to set up one full typing in each case. The test set up on the Olerup QTYPE 11 384-well tray was facilitated by the use of a multichannel pipette and the run time on the LightCycler 480 II took approximately 45 minutes. After the runs were run by the LightCycler 480 II , the test data output files were transferred to a computer with the latest version of SCORE 6, a software package specifically designed to interpret the results obtained with Olerup QTYPE 11. SCORE 6 shares a lot of features with the widely-used Helmberg SCORE™ 5 software for Olerup

SSP, making it easy for current SCORE 5 users to adapt to the new SCORE 6. Within seconds of importing the data files, the results of the two test samples had been interpreted and showed concordance with the reference typing at all loci where reference data was available. The ease of use of the Olerup QTYPE 11 product and the SCORE 6 software, combined with the rapid time from DNA sample to final result, were the features of this test that most impressed those attending the product demonstration. The success of the Olerup QTYPE real-time SSP product demonstration at the Hospital Clinic was due in no small part to the support of Miguel and Patricia from our regional distributor Zmway Lab Solutions (

Olerup SBT evaluated for high resolution typing in Pakistan Olerup’s parent company, CareDX, recently acquired the Conexio SBT Resolver products and Assign SBT analysis software for high resolution HLA typing from Illumina. These products are now known as Olerup SBT and Assign SBT. While the products’ names have changed, the design and quality of this highvalue diagnostic solution for HLA typing remains at the same standard. The effectiveness of the Olerup SBT HLA typing solution was clear at a recent product demonstration at the National Institute of Blood Disease & Bone Marrow Transplantation (NIBD), an 80 bed hospital in the heart of the city of Karachi. The NIBD has facilitated over 1500 successful bone marrow transplant procedures. The Division of Molecular Medicine and Genomics, headed by Dr. Tahir Shamsi and competently supported by Clinical Scientist Shariq Ahmed, already has extensive experience in HLA typing using PCR-based techniques. The

lab also has considerable experience using sequencing based methods to test for other genetic disorders. They were looking to increase the resolution of their HLA typing by combining their HLA experience with their sequencing experience. Over a period of four days, the lab worked with the Olerup SBT products at all major loci. In collaboration with Olerup’s dedicated SBT application specialist, Shariq and his team were able to optimise the sequencing test procedure in this laboratory, learn about result interpretation using the Assign SBT v471 software and generate results that were 100% concordant with their reference typings. Now the lab has added the Olerup SBT products to their product offering, facilitating higher resolution typing results from their laboratory and ensuring their patients receive the highest quality treatment.

Paul Kyle, Regional Sales Manager at Olerup GmbH, discussing SBT with key lab staff

The success of the Olerup SBT product demonstration at NIBD owes a significant amount to the hard work and expertise of Shah, Wishal and Shoaib from our regional distributor LabServ. (



Olerup Inc Orders: General inquiries:

Olerup GmbH Orders: General inquiries:

Technical support:

Technical support

Tel: +1-877-OLERUP1 Fax: +1-610-344-7989

Tel: +43-1-710 15 00 00 Fax: +43-1-710 15 00 10

901 S. Bolmar St., Suite R West Chester, PA 19382

Loewengasse 47/6 1030 Vienna, Austria



To place your order please use the Nordic Webshop, alternatively contact us via below addresses:

CareDx Pty Ltd Orders: General inquiries:

Orders: General inquiries:

Technical support

Technical support

Tel: +61 8 9336 4212

Tel: +46-8-50893900 Fax: +46-8-7178818

20 Collie Street, Fremantle, WA 6160, AUSTRALIA

Franzéngatan 5 112 51 Stockholm, Sweden

©2017 CareDx, Inc. All service marks and trademarks are owned or licensed by CareDx, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. LK-10378 Rev. 1 08/16

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