N oe u d

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olga s. pons w in t e r s e m e s t e r ADB K

p rof . ca r m e n g re u t m a n n - b o lz e r n p rof . u r s g re u t m a n n a s s . a l ex a n d e r re h n

A ka d e mi e d e r B ild e n d e n K端 n s t e M 端 n ch e n b a ch e l o r of a r t s inn e n a rchi t e kt u r l e h rs t uhl f 端 r p ro d u ktg e s ta l t u n g



seite 05

Sketching and testing with materials and shapes in small dimensions. Knowledge of connections and unions.


seite 13

Creative process of the real one. Details of unions. CONCEPT

seite 03

The main goal, references and clear photographies about the research


seite 09

Creation of new shapes turning on a real chair shapes. Chosen material: felt

CHAIR Protoype scale 1:1 photomontage


seite 17

C O N C E PT “wenn kopf und hand sich einig werden” greutmann bolzern

g o a l Konzeption, entwurf und realisation eines stuhles.

Funktional soll der stuhl als besucherstuhl, arbeitsstuhl oder im privaten bereich einsetzbar sein. Voraussetzung ist, das eine selbsttragende struktur entwickelt wird, die auf der web- flecht- und oder wirktechnik beruht. Es gibt keine einschränkungen bezüglich material oder materialkombinationen.

re fe re n c e s We made a global research about the technique and

material including different kind of braids, from the smallest object to the biggest, as architecture. I made a photo research and after that I focused on some special models and techniques that I found it useful for my new construction.



S T U D I O “only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning” walter gropius

g o a l Abgabe und präsentation analyse.

Themas: techniken und ihre materialien.

s ketc h i n g Sketching of the diferents possibilities. Making changes in the chair’s legs.

At first I was thinking about different possibilities to hold the seat and the back, cantilever or fitting shapes. Then I start using different kind of materials because the best way to achieve the shape would be depending on the material.



te st i n g Flechten & Knoten in 3D surfaces.

From the chosen testing in 2D I tried to embody this shapes that at first were just in a decoration way to create a 3D volum which could work with the back and seat of the chair. There are series of tests and all of them includes the main material with I want to work, the felt, mixed with others.



M O D E L I N G “a design is a designer’s mind in a suit” nasa munir

g o a l Grundlegende konzeption in form und konstruktion, ideenansätze, statik, anwendung und materialeinsatz. In der konzeption werden gleichzeitig immer mehrere varianten anhand von studienmodellen und skizzen entwickelt.

c o n c e pt When I decided to build the chair with the chosen material, the felt, I tried to make the whole chair with only material, and I tried to mix with wood. The both material transmit a relation between the soft and warm materials but at the same time they are serious and lineal. With the first testings with small pieces of felt, I choose some techniques and I employed it with a real models with a “chair shape”. This is the developing of the model.

p o i nt s The chair has three important points where it turns in a knot when the felt do some movements. This new shape allowed to the back and the seat to have a good ergonomy and adopt the contour to be used.

i n s p i rat i o n a l

ninna - carlo contin

globe chair

FF1 - james van vossel


frock coats - dinner jackets


0 1 sheets The first part of the process was the studio of the sheets and how this material works. Material: dark synthetic felt

0 2 intertwined Then I tryed using just one piece of material to intertwined and achieving a chair shape which works when everyone seats in it. Material: light synthetic felt

0 3 flechten + n채hen One of the last parts of the studio and process was to achieve that the chair hold it for itself and create a new flechten with this special and hard material. Material: grey natural - wool felt

m ate r i a l

felt - knoten - flechten The seat and the back are entirely made following some steps that allows the felt to give the form through knots and intertwining it.



P R O C E S S “the details are not the details. they make the design� charles eames

sta rt With the best things of all the models, this three above all, i made it in a real scale, 1:1.

m ate r i a l

108 cm

171 cm


dimensions: 171 x 108 cm thickness: 8 mm natural wool felt color: grey


p l a n s Testing of different possibilities to build and design the

inferior surface of the chair, the legs and the best way to hold the seat and back for itself.


a s s e m b l y seat and back with wood support.


C H A I R “whatever good things we build end up building us� jim rohn

g o a l Formale und technische detailierung anhand von cad-

zeichnungen und studienmodell. Zwischenpräsentation der finalisierung des stuhlmodelles finalisierung der planunterlagen und der 3d-datei.

v i e w s Different views and final dimensions.



n a m e Nœud means knot, bow. I chose this french word because to pronounce it, you should write in this way, braiding the “o” with the “e”, so the word for itself is a kind of braid. In my point of view, I think that is appropriate and gives another meaning, always referring to the main one.


knot bow braid

nœud 20

N œ u d This work is the result of mixing my expe-

rience in product design with strongly ideas about materials, techniques and connections. With the course of time, I could stare on observing the new facts and improving my skills as a way to find a real solution. With a indoor useful, Nœud has the opportunity to stay between the natural,

organic and biologic products. Its because the main material, felt -waterproof and repulses the dust- , is made by wool and it’s shared with wood and rope. This way born Nœud, fired by my passion for research even in a foreign possibilities and chances that I found in this different context.




P h oto g ra fi e s








A ka d e mi e d e r B ild e n d e n K端 n s t e M 端 n ch e n b a ch e r l o r of a r t s inn e n a rchi t e kt u r l e h rs t uhl f 端 r p ro d u ktg e s ta l t u n g

p rof . ca r m e n g re u t m a n n - b o lz e r n p rof . u r s g re u t m a n n a s s . a l ex a n d e r re h n 2 013 - 2 014

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