2014 Olibia’s Portfolio 陳怡君的作品集
Resume 經歷
Olibia Chen
國立台中科技大學 商業設計系應屆畢業生, 曾接過幾個人像及婚禮背板繪製的案子, 除此以外尚無插畫相關經驗。 插畫是我的興趣與最愛。 現實中實現不了的夢、看不見的色彩, 都能透過它打成,讓我覺得很浪漫。 曾經以每日一圖為目標畫完365天, 喜歡在自己的粉絲團上與大家分享創作。
聯絡方式 0910 828 226 doballbl@gmail.com www.facebook.com/OBisSingingHere/
Cases 接案作品
1. 情侶人像繪製 2. 個人圖像繪製 3. 婚禮背板(家族人像)繪製
Paintings 插畫作品
插畫就是一件如此快樂的事, 才能讓我達成365天每日一圖的挑戰。 我不是傳統科班出生的學生, 沒有穩扎穩打的素描、水彩、麥克筆技巧, 只能透過電腦繪圖軟體, 讓現實中不敢做的夢, 繼續透過我的畫筆發光。
Works 課堂作業
是一則希臘神話故事, 即是在講那位因為太靠近太陽, 翅膀融化而摔死的少年。 受到那不顧一切也要去闖看看的精神感動而創 作了這系列作品。 整體用黑白表現這齣悲劇, 用複雜的線條表示其中的糾結, 原本以為伊卡魯斯和父親觸怒宙斯 被關在海中央的高塔上, 因此用蠟燭、閃電和海浪構成畫面, 其實是國王怕戴德勒斯洩露迷宮祕密, 將他們關在迷宮中央的高塔上。
Daedalus is a brilliant craftsman, but the King afraid that
he might leak the secret of labyrinth, so the King put him and his son, Icarus in the tower to imprison them.
Daedalus feels so desperate. Icarus finds some candles
on the ground, and try to convince his father makes a pair of wings by these candles so that they can escape form here.
Icarus is so excited when he got the wings, totally
forgot what his father said " Don't fly too high." Young Icarus just fly as high as he can, straight to the sun.
However, the wings made by candles can't stand for
the heat and start to melt, Icarus falls to the ground and died, but hell opens the gate for him as if he is a hero they waiting for.
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