Volume 1: Issue 1 — February. 2017
Hosted by the Indivisible Snowcap, and the DPLC
In the spirit of the congressional staff workers who gathered our energy through The Indivisible Guide, this little zine, The Indivisible Front comes to you from the mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico. We are the storm, and The Indivisible Front lets you know what’s coming up, and what kind of tasks you can do in the meantime. Those seeking to customize this zine for their own group can access a how-to guide here. We ask only that you proceed with a civil tongue, a positive tone, and laser-sharp determination that the democracy worth fighting for is truthful, civil, and compassionate for all. Share the link, and reach for The Indivisible Front for resources, tools, morale, and ideas to support local, state, and national action items. Make it work for your group. It’s gonna take all of us.
This painful time in our nation’s history yields these insights: 1. Ours is a heritage of movements, and as descendants of immigrants, suffragists, and civil rights advocates, we are tough enough for this journey. 2. Renewing our commitment to preserve democracy brings us out of complacency and into unity.. Such renewal carries a fresh energy, and with it, perhaps the change that hope alone did not.
TOOLS What will we need on this journey? This zine will give you the field kit. Included are great finds and suggestions for how to personalize for your own regional or group needs. We’ll include resources such as, but not limited to:
Sage Advice on Not Getting Drawn in to Trump’s Drama Some sound advice about coun- tering Trump without being drawn into his self-induced frenzy. How to Cope With PostElection Stress Psychologists weigh in on how to manage politi- cal anxiety and move forward. Hang in there. You’re part of something indivisible!
Websites Books, art, music ideas movies w/message programs & speakers Indivisible do’s and don’ts Organizations Identify fake news Graphics Reframing Arguments How to start an Ezine Templates for letters
Got an idea, an article, or a cool link to submit? theindivisiblefront@hotmail.com
ACTIONS Once you have your mindset and tools, there is much to be done from the comfort of your own home, and from sea to shining sea. This zine will include: EVENTS Protests, meetings, seminars, and opportunities to gather. FUNDRAISING EFFORTS CRITICAL ISSUES Calls for action, links to information, templates and pressure points of contact ORGANIZATIONS Indivisible, faith-based efforts Trusted news Petition sites USE OF TALENT Turn your hobby, talent, interest or money into political action. Couch potatoes? We’ve got a use for you too!
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Democratic Party of Lincoln County The idea to create The Indivisible Front received considerable encouragement from the Democratic Party of Lincoln County. The 2016 presidential election has galvanized the DPLC to more than double its active members to over 70 local New Mexicans at the February meeting. Like others across the state, they seek to harness their time and talent in fending off the threats to democracy under the current administration. Next meeting: Thurs, March 2, Sacred Grounds, 2704 Sudderth Dr. Ruidoso, NM
Retake Our Democracy
New Mexico Progressive Action Blog This well designed site is a great clearinghouse for progressive issues in New Mexico. It has a strong focus on activities in Santa Fe, but then, that’s our capitol! To sign up for blog notices go to retakeourdemocracy.org Retake Our Democracy Toolkit Moral Monday Rally in Santa Fe : Monday, February 20th, 2017
ProgressNow New Mexico This non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots communications and advocacy organization works to unite, empower, and enhance the progressive voice in the Land of Enchantment. We function as a progressive communications hub and our mission centers on the promotion of progressive issues and policies, correcting conservative misinformation, and holding elected officials and corporations accountable. Sign up for notices.
Retake Our Democracy Radio Show
Weekly Retake Our Democracy Radio Show on KSFR 101.1, Saturdays, 11 a.m. Next show: Feb. 18 – This is the third in a series of shows focusing on immigrants and deportation threats. The show will be weekly and will soon be available via podcast. This show is in the pilot phase, so it is not listed on the KSFR website. After 3-4 shows, a committee will decide if the show should continue. A big part of whether or not the show continues depends on listener input, so please write to KSFR at merrylin@ksfr.org and let KSFR know that you like the show and want it to continue.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Regarding Steve Pearce New Mexico's only GOP congressman has no town halls slated SF Gate Russell Contreras, AP
New Mexico
Congressional Representatives Store this number in your speed dial, and phone once a day: 202-225-3121. Remember you have TWO U.S. Senators - and if you don't know their names, the friendly Congressional operator will tell you who they are and connect you. They will also give you the numbers and info below.
Tom Udall, US Senate
531 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 P. (202) 224-6621 Link to email form: https:// www.tomudall.senate.gov/?p=contact
Martin Heinrich, US Senate
303 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 P: (202) 224-5521 Link to email form: https:// www.heinrich.senate.gov/contact/write-martin
MONDAY FEBRUARY 20, 6:30 PM In-Person & Facebook Town Hall Michelle Lujan Grishom, 30 days left in the legislative ses- Congressional District 1 sion. Hear what progressive legis- 214 Cannon House Office Building lators need us to do. Washington, DC 20515
LEGISLATIVE ACTION Roundhouse Committee Meetings: Click here to find scheduled hearings on all bills for the next week. Santa Fe City Hall Advocate for Expanded Sanctuary City Resolution February 22, 2017 at 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm City of Santa Fe, 200 Lincoln Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA Advocate for Somos Un Pueblo Unido and their resolution to expand Sanctuary policies.
Here’s Why You Should Call, Not Email, Your Legislators New York Times ,
P:(202) 225-6316 Link to email form: https:// lujangrisham.house.gov/contact
Steve Pearce, Congressional District 2
2432 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 P: 855-4-PEARCE (73-2723) or (202) 225-2365 Link to email form: https://pearce.house.gov/ contact-me/email-me
Ben Ray Lujan, Congressional District 3
2446 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 P: (202) 225-6190 Link to email form: https://lujan.house.gov/issuesubscribe
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
By Tony Davis
he public lands issue, from a political perspective, should be an easy one. Our Public lands – National Monuments and Parks, U.S. Forest Service forests, Bureau of Land Management lands – are very popular. Most Americans see them as national treasures to be cherished, not state or private properties to be exploited. We cherish them for the sake of preservation, recreation, water, education, science, history, archeology, economy, and inspiration. So, what is the deal? -- Some politicians want to turn them over to the states to “be better and more productively managed.” NM Rep. Steve Pearce points at the Lincoln County Little Bear fire of 2012 and accuses the USFS of not thinning the trees and putting the lumber to commercial use. According to him, federal lands should be given to the State and mineral (mainly oil and gas) proceeds would provide badly needed funds for education (not to mention profits for the developers). The counter arguments vary. From the public perspective, access is the issue. Hunters, hikers, skiers, fishermen, horse riders, and outdoors people in general want to be able to go to their favorite places for recreation.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
From the legislators’ perspective, the big argument is the economic value public lands generate as they are. The outdoor recreation industry generates $646 billion annually in the U.S. However, if the public lands were to be sold off, that would generate only 2/3 of that, for one time only. Public lands boost the local, “gateway” economies immensely. Think Ruidoso, and the other areas of tourism and recreation. Because of the popularity of public lands, those who wish to turn them over for development must be devious. State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn has offered the Trump Administration a trade of lands in support of the ‘Wall’ the Republicans want to build. In that trade, New Mexico would give a total of 22 miles of State land along the New Mexico - Mexico border to the federal government, in exchange “for more desirable land assets in Chaves, Lincoln and Otero counties”. We consider this a “nose of the camel” move – getting the public used to swapping federal and state lands, for bigger transactions in the future. What to do? – Remain vigilant, and counter arguments for transferring public lands. Make making your state legislators aware of your opposition when “nose of the camel” bills come up.
State leaders introduce bill to prevent border wall, land commissioner proposes trade KRQE News 2-2-17 Inside the GOP's unpopular plan to sell off public wilderness The Verge, 2-5-17 Western Voters Just Want The GOP To Leave Their Land Alone, Poll Finds: Their representatives in Congress, however, don’t seem to care. Huffington Post 2-1-17 This article is about the broader issue of this GOP strategy across the border states. The Economics of Public Lands from the National Wildlife Federation Blog 8-18-14 Progress Now.com Multiple articles and petitions related to this issue. The New Mexico Land Commissioner website argues that these are not “public lands” but are instead part of a public trust to support education. The distinction noted; the plan is still the same. Commissioner Dunn answers questions at the bottom of his FAQ page.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Here we are! At least 49 Indivisible groups in New Mexico, sorted below, by zip code. The site only allows one to search by zip, so searching within 100 miles of various locations yielded the following. The link for this zine will be sent to each of these addresses, with a request that leaders forward the link to members. If you have something to add to this zine, email Indivisible Snowcap at theindivisiblefront@hotmail.com. To find the group in your area, go to Indivisible Find a Group and enter your zip. For the moment, it seemed like a good idea to have a list should we need it. We’ll just see how this goes, eh?
TONIGHT, Sunday, February 19: National Planning Call to Reclaim Congress Join MoveOn.org, Working Families Party, People's Action, and Center for Popular Democracy tonight at 8 p.m. ET. We’ll be covering how to make the most of your MoCs’ time back on home turf. RSVP for this call now.
81328 Four Corners Indivisible ecomainstream@gmail.com
87008 Indivisible East Mountains indivisibleeastmountains.wordpress.com
87031 Los Lunas Indivisible https://www.facebook.com/loslunasindivisible/
87035 Progressive Writers Club editor@progressivewriters.club
87048 Corrales Indivisible corralesindivisible@gmail.com
87083 Cochiti Lake Indivisible clindivisible@gmail.com
87102 Indivisible.abq indivisible.albuquerque@gmail.com
87104 Indivisible ABQ indivisibleabq@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/143537892808837/
87106 Indivisible Nob Hill https://www.facebook.com/groups/1904434253030449/
10. 87106 Nasty Women NM nastywomennm@gmail.com 11. 87106 North Campus Action Group nityamo@yahoo.com @nityamol
Alamogordo Indivisible Against Trump Gathers over Sixty Members in Just a Few Weeks. Got an idea, an article, or a cool link to submit? theindivisiblefront@hotmail.com
12. 87107 The National Resistance Network erinloliver@theresistancenetwork.org https://www.theresistancenetwork.org/ @erinloliver 13. 87109 Albuquerque Indivisible! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1184362198285991/ 14. 87110 Let's Not Be Silent! https://www.facebook.com/groups/565584893631942/
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
15. 87111 Together New Mexico https://twitter.com/together_nm
33. 87801 Indivisible Socorro County https://www.facebook.com/isc.resist/
16. 87112 Roadrunners Indivisible ebrightwater@gmail.com
34. 87801 Indivisible Socorro County https://www.facebook.com/isc.resist
17. 87113 United We Stand ABQ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1850338058571039/
35. 87901 Indivisible Truth or Consequences dmdhayes@gmail.com
18. 87123 Indivisible Duke City dbstrongin@aol.com
36. 87935 Stand Up https://www.facebook.com/groups/1034367386675289
19. 87193 NM Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice nmrcrc.org
37. 88007 Indivisible Southern New Mexico martitr@icloud.com
20. 87402 Step by Step Supporting Progressive Ideals in San Juan County lauramsgarden@comcast.net
38. 88011 We're in! Southern New Mexico wearein575@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/we.are.in.SNM/? hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf
21. 87501 Indivisible Santa Fe indivisiblesantafe@gmail.com
39. 88034 Mimbrenos wandaspitzer@gmail.com
22. 87501 Indivisible Santa Fe peggy@baddogdesign.biz
40. 88038 Indivisible 535 sharmanrussell@gmail.com
23. 87501 Lean In lbrainerd@msn.com
41. 88042 Black Range Indivisible resistbri@gmail.com
24. 87501 Santa Fe Stands Up santafestandsup@gmail.com
42. 88042 Black Range Indivisible robltut@yahoo.com
25. 87505 Face2Face A Trump Resistance Movement face2face-action.org
43. 88061 Puerto Penasco Women kubiak1948@gmail.com
26. 87505 Santa Fe Indivisible nmc31@aol.com
44. 88061 Silver City Indivisible silvercityindivisible@gmail.com
27. 87506 Retake Our Democracy retakeourdemocracy.org
45. 88201 Roswell Awareness Revolution http://meetu.ps/c/2vkf4/ylgnj/a
28. 87507 Trump Opposition Resource Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1756807764644306/
46. 88220 Resist Trump Carlsbad NM resisttrumpcarlsbadnm@gmail.com
29. 87527 Action Alliance-Embudo Valley kmackain@sbcglobal.net; pilar.roadrunner@gmail.com
47. 88310 Alamogordo Indivisible Against Trump oteroindivisible@gmail.com
30. 87532 We Are Indivisible – Espanola espanolaindivisible@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/964044920366281/ https://twitter.com/espindivisible
48. 88345 Indivisible Snowcap—editor of this zine theindivisiblefront@hotmail.com
31. 87571 Taos United taosunited@gmail.com
49. 88345 Ruidoso Indivisible Opposition to Tyranny (RIOT) https://www.facebook.com/ruidosoriot/
32. 87801 Indivisible Socorro County https://www.facebook.com/isc.resist/
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Operation 45: Freedom of Information Act guru Ryan Shapiro, shares the “special skills” needed to navigate the new bureaucracy of transparency. Wall-of-Us: Sign up for a weekly “act of resistance,” and pledge to follow through.
Women’s March 10/100 Campaign Sign up and commit to participating in ten concrete actions during the first 100 days of the Trump regime. Movement Match: Works to direct people who are new to the movement to organizations led by experienced activists and seasoned organizers. The Town Hall Project is an unfunded, crowdsourced, Facebook-based project that researches “every district and state for public events with Members of Congress,” and makes the info available via a Google spreadsheet in the hope that people will engage their representatives face to face. Their team of organizers that works with local groups to coordinate efforts and encourage citizens to amplify their voices.
Whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com, aims to capture and chronicle “the daily shock and awe in Trump’s America” and the most important news in a digestible form.
Help with Your Hobby The Pussy Hat Project: Knitting circles produce handmade pussy hats for participants in the women’s marches, as well as family and friends. They also plot the resistance!
Marches & Protests #ResistTrumpTuesdays is a joint project of The Working Families Party, MoveOn, and People’s Action. Turn out large numbers of activists out every Tuesday to fight back against a different element of Trump’s agenda. You can follow the action by clicking on the Twitter hashtag above, or go here to find a local action near you here. February 20: We are Muslims Too (faith-based support of Muslims) March 8: Day Without Women March 15: Ides of Trump (pink postcard mailing) April 15: Trump’s Tax March April 22: March for Science (Earth Day) More info can be found here.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Crafting Candidates Co-founded by The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, Justice Democrats is recruits progressive candidates to challenge “corporate-backed Democrats” in primaries and “rebuild the party from scratch.” Run for Something: Recruits and supports millennials running for down-ballot offices.
Get Out the Vote #KnockEveryDoor: Reaches out to the persuadable citizens, and the profoundly discouraged. This group organizes canvassers to…knock on every door in the country.
Swing Left: Enter your zip to see the nearest most vulnerable House seat to target for the 2018 election. Research their record and vulnerabilities. On March 4, hold a house party for those interested in learning about the candidate an how best to assist efforts to unseat. This organization was founded by former top aides to Obama and Clinton, and it means BUSINESS! Consider partnering with a vulnerable district to assist in their efforts. Read more.
Donate $$ Indivisible! Producing the tools, webinars, town hall packages, and staff to support over 7,000 group of Indivisible resistance groups across America. Movement 2017: A tool for those who want to offer financial support to lesser-known organizations in their communities. Millennials for Revolution, a group of former People for Bernie organizers, realized that activists, need a base of operations to strategize and if necessary stay for a few nights when in Washington DC. They’ve neared their goal of raising $50,000 to cover rent on a space near the Capitol for a year—90 percent of their donations turned out to be $27—and signed a lease on a property this week. For more info, or if you want to support their effort, check out District 13 House. The ACLU reportedly raised $24 million during the weekend following the announcement of Trump’s “Muslim Ban,” but there are dozens of local legal aid groups that will also need support as the resistance spreads. Rewire compiled a list of 24 of smaller legal-aid organizations, with brief descriptions of each. Check it out here. Many thanks to Joshua Holland, contributor to The Nation and a fellow at the Nation Institute for his article, Your Guide to the Sprawling New Anti-Trump Resistance Movement reviewed many of these wonderful groups in greater detail.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Sign up for Moveon.org Petitions It only takes a minute to sign a petition. Help bring about progressive change by signing up or going regularly to the site. You’ll also see the catalog of victories that the petitions have effected. We’ll post a few here that seem of particular importance. It’ll cheer you up! Sign up for The Nation’s Take Action List The Nation will be in touch with more ways you can fight the Republican agenda. Sign up for Rogan’s To Do List Whatdoidoabouttrump.com is a wonderfully comprehensive blog with up to date action steps designed to block the Republican agenda. Sign up for updates.
Tell House Government Oversight Chair Chaffetz: Do your job. Investigate Trump Petition to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz: "Do your job. Investigate Trump's ever-widening web of potential corruption, from personally profiting off of the presidency to his refusal to release his tax returns." Petition to Members of the House Judiciary Committee which says: "Vote in favor of a House investigation into Donald Trump’s financial conflicts of interest and ties to the Russian government." Sign the Petition: Oppose Trump's budget that destroys funding for the arts and humanities!
The Ides of Trump: On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses our opposition to him. For more information and details: https:// www.facebook.com/TheIdesOfTrump/
Donald Trump's administration is promoting a budget blueprint that completely eliminates the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Your Guide to the Sprawling New AntiTrump Resistance Movement
"Donald Trump has declared war on journalism, a free press, and the truth. Do not normalize his presidency and elevate his dangerous and unconstitutional actions by attending the 2017 White House Correspondents’ Dinner."
An explosion of new activism offers a ray of hope in these dark political times.
Tell the media: Skip Trump’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Volume 1: Issue 1 February, 2017
Words Being Bandied About For the less politically inclined, words like “oligarchy” and “emoluments” are now being used with great regularity, and some of us are left behind, without a freshening of our vocabulary. Google any word, or ask a friend. Here’s a few to get you by! Corporatocracy: a society or system that is governed or controlled by corporations. Demagogue: A leader whose impassioned rhetoric appeals to greed, fear, and hatred, and who often spreads lies. Kleptocracy: (rule by thieves) cynical term used to describe highly corrupt governments where politicians, bureaucrats and their protected friends engage in sales of government licenses, perquisites and other fraudulent or dishonest acts or practices. Oligarchy: a form of government where rule is by the few and in their own interest
Buttons for Bobbie
Couch Potato Activism
Got a loved one who can’t be at the front lines? A long-passed suffragist grandmother? A friend sick a-bed? A person you want to honor as walking this journey with you, at least in spirit? Pull out that safety pin and thread on a button for your buddy. Bring them along with you!
Wanna help, but you’d rather stay home? There’s plenty to do with minimal effort! (When you think of them, let us know for this segment.) For now, keep a list of good ideas from what you see on TV or Facebook and text them to us! You are our Rocking Chair Reclining TREASURE!!
Protesting for Introverts
Under the Weather, but You Wanted to March?
Send your ideas for those who like to work backstage. Proofreaders, Sign makers, researchers, Watch for a jillion ideas! Manage a mailing list. Blog. (See also “Couch Potato Activism” for additional home-based ideas.)
Let Your Pet Protest Got one of those cozy doggie coats for your little Precious? Consider letting Tiny Spot wear a pin that says, “Nevertheless She Persisted!” Name your new puppy, Persistence.” It’ll be a dog whistle. Got an idea, an article, or a cool link to submit? theindivisiblefront@hotmail.com
If you have a hospital bound chum who so wanted to march, make that pal a little sign that says “I PROTEST!” or “PERSISTING!” Plop a pussy hat on his or her head, and together wag your signs at the incoming doctors and nurses. Protest even when sleeping! soundly! :)
Protest Sign Tips Make them in front of your TV; let the kids bling them up with glue and glitter and magic markers. Google for greatness. Chop up those Amazon boxes and make a sign! Pass them out to strangers at the next protest, or otherwise make sure they get to participants.
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!
Susan Travis Indivisible Snowcap the indivisiblefront@hotmail.com
We are the storm, and we will leave light in our wake!