2 minute read
Story of a Friendship with Luigi Caricato
Una vacanza attiva, two short stories. He has first-rate graphic designers and his avant-garde graphics are a driving force behind the festival. In the autumn he will be publishing another of my books, La gita d’Ognissanti, a (political) novel of ideas. And this winter will see the publication of Conversazione in Brabante, the first volume of the three-volume autobiography by Daniele Grassi, who worked with me at the Council of Ministers of the European Community, as the European Union was then known. While this erotic poet of perfect modern classical language may still be unknown, I firmly believe that he will go down in history for his extensive exploration of Pandemian love in the stories told in his 17 full-length books of poems. This first volume of the autobiographical trilogy is itself extraordinarily powerful. It recounts life in Morra De Sanctis, the birthplace of Francesco De Sanctis, and its fierce struggle with poverty in the first half of the 20th century.

local authorities, this lack of consideration and assistance given to someone who deserves it more than most, especially since I visited Heidelberg in Germany, where a scientist friend who gave me a tour of the science laboratories where he had worked on the Königstuhl, the city’s big hill, made me realize that the German government does not hesitate to intervene with large amounts of aid in all ventures and projects it consid- ers worthy. As an affectionate and grateful friend of Luigi and his family, whom I have had the pleasure to meet in the Salento peninsula (they are also producers of an excellent wine), this piece is intended as a testimony to him and his highly deserving work. It’s such a shame that, in order to achieve something important in Italy, it’s not enough to be a normal person but you have to be a hero.
Story of a Friendship with Luigi Caricato
local authorities, this lack of consideration and assistance given to someone who de serves it more than most, especially since I visited Heidelberg in Germany, where a sci entist friend who gave me a tour of the sci ence laboratories where he had worked on the Königstuhl, the city’s big hill, made me realize that the German government does not hesitate to intervene with large amounts of aid in all ventures and projects it consid romanzo”
Raffaele La Capria

Tra più originali pensatori contemporanei in Italia, in questo romanzo di idee il filosofo Sossio Giametta, attraverso la narrazione di vicende umane e le discussioni dei personaggi, svolge con radicalità una polemica contro l’inquinamento ideologico, specie quello marxistico, che in Italia raggiunse il culmine nel 1975. Oltre che di comunismo, vi si parla di fascismo, di Nord e Sud, della pena di morte, di Nietzsche, Omero, Pasolini (ucciso nel giorno di Ognissanti 1975), di scrittori e pubblicisti di oggi (ieri) e di qualche VIP. euro

ISBN 978-88-94887-35-8
9 788894 887358
The fact is that Luigi, about whom I have only mentioned the things that seem most important to me, is a volcano of thought and activity, a raging volcano that, to my constant surprise, never stops erupting, but who is a calm, self-possessed, generous friend, notwithstanding his lack of means. As such, he supports me from near and far (I live in Brussels, but have been enjoying long stays in Milan since my retirement), both directly in what he does for me and allows me to do with him, and indirectly in the invigorating infectiousness of his activism, which is a message of objective optimism – the optimism of determination – and with the solace his initiatives give me and many others. He is a quiet, heroic fighter, resistant to “inclement weather” of various kinds, just like the twisted olive trees of his land, and above all to the culpable lack of attention and assistance given by the state and local authorities to his main activity, of primary importance for agriculture in our country. I am scandalized by this absence of state and