sales department / dział sprzedaży: ul. M. C. Skłodowskiej 20 • 56-100 Wołów • Poland
tel. +48 71 389 13 40 tel. +48 71 389 17 03 fax +48 71 389 37 68
Copyright © 1989-2013 RONDO Polska Sp. z o. o. • All Rights Reserved. RONDO Polska Sp. z o. o. • ul. Rawicka 1 • 56-100 Wołów • Poland
Catalog of ideas for your comfort. Collections of furniture and accessories 2014.
Szanowni Państwo,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Let us present you with a brand new catalogue of Rondo, for the season of 2014. It contains our offer of garden furniture and accessories. They are made of a beautiful, endurable and first of all natural material – black-locust wood (robinia). We have been manufacturing for you top quality garden furniture for years. We always do our best to keep up with the current trends in the design area. Every year our creative designers’ team prepares new collections offering interesting and innovative solutions, popular style, endurable materials and intriguing colour palettes. We are aware that the devil’s in the detail. That is why all production stages are important for us and our technologies are constantly improved. Since the very beginning of our company, in 1989, our primary goal has been top quality of our products and consequently, full satisfaction of our customers coming from using our furniture.
Several thousands of European families use furniture manufactured by our company. At the moment they are supplied to eighteen European countries. We are glad of the trust we gained and our dream is to see a smile on the faces of more and more satisfied customers. We hope that this catalogue will tell you more about our company as your business partner. We believe that both you and your customers will enjoy our new products and you will continue using our services in the friendly atmosphere of our company. We think that in such diverse offer everyone could find something for oneself. We are open to all individual projects, too.¬
Marcin & Waldemar Gołębiowscy
Marcin & Waldemar Gołębiowscy owners of RONDO Polska
Chcielibyśmy zaprezentować Państwu nowy katalog Rondo, na sezon 2014. Zawiera on naszą ofertę mebli i akcesoriów ogrodowych. Są one wykonane z pięknego, wytrzymałego, a przede wszystkim, naturalnego materiału – drewna robinii akacjowej. Od lat produkujemy dla Państwa meble ogrodowe najwyższej jakości. Zawsze staramy się być na bieżąco z aktualnymi trendami w dziedzinie projektowania. Każdego roku zespół naszych projektantów przygotowuje nowe kolekcje oferując ciekawe i innowacyjne rozwiązania, w popularnym stylu, z solidnego materiału i w intrygującej gamie barw. Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że diabeł tkwi w szczegółach. Dlatego wszystkie etapy produkcji są dla nas równie ważne, a nasze technologie są wciąż ulepszane. Od samego początku naszej firmy, w 1989 roku, naszym głównym celem było osiąganie jak najwyższej jakości
naszych produktów i w konsekwencji, pełna satysfakcja naszych klientów, wynikająca z użytkowania produkowanych przez nas mebli. Kilka tysięcy rodzin w Europie korzysta z mebli produkowanych przez naszą firmę. W tej chwili są one dostarczane do osiemnastu krajów europejskich. Cieszymy się z zaufania, jakie już zdobyliśmy, a naszym marzeniem jest widok uśmiechu zadowolenia na twarzach u coraz większej liczby naszych klientów. Mamy nadzieję, że ten katalog przybliży Państwu naszą firmę jako partnera biznesowego. Jesteśmy przekonani, że zarówno Państwo, jak i Państwa klienci będziecie zadowoleni z naszych nowych produktów i będziemy mogli rozwijać współpracę w przyjaznej atmosferze. Uważamy, że w tak różnorodnej ofercie, każdy może znaleźć cos dla siebie. Jesteśmy otwarci także na wszelkie indywidualne projekty.
Marcin & Waldemar Gołębiowscy Marcin i Waldemar Gołębiowscy właściciele firmy RONDO Polska
About RONDO Rondo supplies Caring about the environment Whats our secret? About Design Accesories Cushions & Materials Reference Materials Used Finishing List of products
8 12 14 16 18 132 141 142 144 146 150
O firmie RONDO W trosce o środowisko naturalne Jaki jest nasz sekret? O wzornictwie Akcesoria Poduszki i materiały Lista produktów
10 15 17 19 132 141 150
Verno 60
Solano 66
Director 72
Galaxy 78
Sun 84
Maja 90
London 96
Weekend 102
Stella 106
Havana 22
Verona 28
Toscania 34
Kansas White 110
Kansas 112
Manhattan 118
Roma 42
Torino 48
Milano 54
Barman 124
Farmer 126
Giant 130
Have You
already visited our new website?
ABOUT RONDO It’s 25 years of history! The beginning of Rondo Polska dates back to 1989. Since that time it has been a family company. A constant struggle for perfection, hard work and gaining new experience helped to turn a small workshop into a company manufacturing furniture and garden accessories with a very strong position in Europe. At first it focused on metal products; after several years of work and new skills it started to design and manufacture garden furniture. The co-owners of the company are father and his son – Waldemar and Marcin who confront the traditional with the modern to create a cohesive whole. Our management is based on such values as honesty, reliability, and respect for others. We believe that the quality of the product is of central importance and we do our best so that our furniture is practical, beautiful and durable. ‚’I have simple taste. I like the best.’ Oscar Wilde We have full control of our production process. All stages take place in our plants. We produce the furniture from scratch. We have two production plants equipped with modern technology. The first produces metal elements, the other ready furniture. Our seat is in a Polish town, surrounded by beautiful forests, called Wołów. The uniqueness of our products, resulting from the cutting-edge technologies and highly qualified staff made us an important manufacturer. It has been proved by a number of contracts with both local and foreign partners. We supply our products to most European countries. For the last twenty years we have been employing more people in our experts’ team. At the moment there are over 100 people working for us. Since the very beginning we have been regularly updating our offer including new products to meet requirements and expectations of all our customers. We follow current market trends and our designers set more and more ambitious standards by designing new own styles. The exclusiveness of our products is commonly appreciated by our customers all over Europe. We have been a reliable partner for years and we sincerely hope to become yours, too.
We Believe
in nature
O firmie RONDO To już 25 lat historii! Początki firmy Rondo Polska sięgają 1989 roku i od tego czasu pozostaje firmą rodzinną. Trwałe dążenie do perfekcji, ciężka praca, oraz nabywane doświadczenie pomogło rozwinąć firmę z małego warsztatu rzemieślniczego w firmę produkującą meble i akcesoria ogrodowe o silnej europejskiej pozycji. Początkowo firma skupiała się na wykonywaniu wyrobów metalowych, by po latach pracy i nabranego kunsztu, zająć się kompleksowym projektowaniem i tworzeniem mebli ogrodowych. Współwłaścicielami firmy są ojciec i syn - Waldemar i Marcin konfrontujący tradycję i nowoczesność, łącząc je w jedną spójną całość. Zarządzania naszą firmą jest podyktowane takimi wartościami, jak uczciwość, rzetelność i szacunek do drugiego człowieka. Wierzymy, że to jakość produktu jest najważniejsza i dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby nasze meble były praktyczne, piękne i trwałe. ’Mam całkiem prosty gust: zadowalam się zawsze tym, co najlepsze.’ Oscar Wilde
Prawdziwe piękno płynie
z natury
Mamy pełną kontrolę nad produkcją - wszystkie etapy tworzenia mebli przebiegają w naszej firmie. Wykonujemy meble od podstaw. Posiadamy dwa zakłady produkcyjne, z nowoczesnymi parkami maszynowymi. W pierwszym powstają elementy metalowe, w drugim gotowe meble. Nasza siedziba zlokalizowana jest w polskim miasteczku Wołów, w otoczeniu pięknych lasów. Wyjątkowość wyrobów, uzyskana dzięki zastosowaniu najnowocześniejszych technologii i wysokich kwalifikacji naszych pracowników sprawiła, że staliśmy się znaczącym producentem. Zostało to poparte wieloma kontraktami z firmami zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Dostarczamy nasze produkty do większości europejskich krajów, zbudowaliśmy własną siatkę logistyczną oraz sieć magazynów. W ciągu ponad dwudziestoletniej działalności stale powiększamy zespół naszych specjalistów, zatrudniając na dzień dzisiejszy ponad 100 osób. Od początku istnienia firmy systematycznie aktualizujemy ofertę o nowe produkty, spełniające wymagania i oczekiwania każdego z naszych klientów. Dopasowujemy się do trendów panujących na rynku, a nasi projektanci wciąż podnoszą poprzeczkę kreując nowe style. Ekskluzywność naszych produktów jest na co dzień doceniana przez naszych klientów w całej Europie. Przekonało się o tym wiele znaczących na świecie firm, a także tysiące odbiorców indywidualnych. Dla naszych klientów jesteśmy od lat wiarygodnym i sprawdzonym partnerem handlowym. Mamy nadzieję, że nasza oferta zyska Państwa uznanie i wkrótce dołączą Państwo do szerokiego grona naszych kontrahentów.
Rondo supplies / Zasoby
„ „ 12
280000 55000 5000 100 18 1
pieces of furniture sold sztuk sprzedanych mebli satisfied customers zadowolonych klientów
square metres of production halls metrów kw. powierzchni produkcyjnej
production hall hala produkcyjna
experienced employees zatrudnionych specjalistów destination countries krajów w sieci dystrybucji goal: cel:
„ „
office building budynek biurowy
Create wonderful furniture aiming at perfection. Combining beautiful design with lightness and endurance.
Tworzyć wspaniałe meble, ciągle dążąc do perfekcji. Łączyć piękny design z jakością i trwałością.
warehouse magazyny
Caring about
W trosce
The basic material we use to produce our furniture is black locust wood, acquired and processed in accordance with all the standards and regulations of the Forest Stewardship Council.
Podstawowym surowcem do wyrobu naszych mebli jest drewno robinii akacjowej, pozyskiwane i poddawane obróbce, przy zachowaniu wszelkich standardów i zasad Odpowiedzialnej Gospodarki Leśnej FSC®.
the environment
Out of concern for the environment, we make sure that all of our products have a certificate from the FSC®, which promotes responsible forestry. We guarantee our clients that the wood we use to make our products does not come from: - forest areas where tradition or civil rights are violated - forest areas of special environmental value - genetically modified trees - illegal felling - natural forests converted into fields or any non-forestry purpose - areas cultivated with dangerous chemical fertilizers By using the FSC logo we make a commitment to the rights of the workers and to the welfare of local communities.
o środowisko naturalne
W trosce o środowisko naturalne zadbaliśmy, aby wszystkie nasze produkty opatrzone zostały certyfikatem FSC®, popularyzującym racjonalną i odnawialną gospodarkę leśną na całym świecie. Kupując nasz produkt maja Państwo pewność, że drewno użyte do jego produkcji nie pochodzi z: - obszarów leśnych, na których dochodzi do pogwałcenia tradycji lub praw cywilnych, - obszarów leśnych o szczególnych walorach przyrodniczych, - drzew genetycznie modyfikowanych, - nielegalnego pozyskiwania, - lasu naturalnego, który został przekształcony na plantacje lub tereny o innym niż leśne przeznaczeniu, - uprawy sadzonek z zastosowaniem niebezpiecznych nawozów chemicznych. Ponadto używając znaku FSC® przestrzegamy praw pracowników, dbając o dobro społeczności lokalnej.
By choosing our products you lend support to extensive environmental protection programmes aimed at countering illegal overfelling, which impoverishes biodiversity of forestial ecosystems around the world. Each time you buy a product with an FSC certificate, you support responsible forestry. You know that your purchase will not cause harm to the world’s forests or support companies which violate human rights. Your choice matters...
Wybór naszych produktów to wspieranie szerokich programów ochrony środowiska naturalnego, negujących nielegalną politykę rabunkową lasów, prowadzącą do zubożenia bioróżnorodności ekosystemów leśnych na całym świecie. Kupując produkty z certyfikatem FSC® wspierasz odpowiedzialną gospodarkę leśną. Wiesz, że Twoje zakupy nie przyczynią się do niszczenia lasów na świecie i nie wspierają przedsiębiorstw łamiących prawa człowieka. Twój wybór ma znaczenie...
What is our secret?
Jaki jest nasz sekret?
All our furniture is made of black locust. It is often commonly but erroneously called acacia (or erroneously associated with Vietnamese acacia). Its wood is extremely resistant to changing weather conditions, so typical for our climate zone. Wood hardness is along with thickness one of the most important features of wood. Black locust is considered as very hard’ wood
Wszystkie meble z naszych kolekcji zostały wykonane z drewna Robinii akacjowej. Jest ona często potocznie, ale nieprawidłowo nazywana akacją (oraz błędnie kojarzona z akacją wietnamską). Drewno Robinii odznacza się wyjątkową odpornością na zmienne warunki pogodowe, charakterystyczne dla naszej strefy klimatycznej.
Scope kG/cm2
Scope MPa
Example species
very soft wood
fewer than 350
fewer than 34,4
asp, poplar, willow, spruce, fir
soft wood
lime, pine, birch,
moderately hard wood
oak, elm, chestnut
hard wood
very hard wood
bone-hard wood
more than 1500
ebony, coconut
Wood hardness classification according to. Source: wikipedia
Because of its features, black locust wood is used for building bridges, playgrounds, posts and sport equipment. Robinia (black locust) trees provide very valuable wood – light in colour and weight, hard and resistant to rotting. The beautiful and warm colour of black locust wood ideally matches the full of green garden scenery. Such additional components of black locust as tanners, rubbers, resins and essential oils improve wood resistance. Tanners are natural preservatives which prevent it from rotting. Others, e.g. resin compounds, are a kind of mechanical barrier which stop mould from spreading in the wood. But it’s not everything. Thanks to impregnation (using oil- and wax-based substance) you can also enjoy the ideal look of the furniture for a long time, without bothering about time-consuming maintenance or losing the original look. Such substance not only protects our furniture, but it also shows up the natural beauty of black locust. We guarantee top quality of our products and we hope that you will share the satisfaction of our numerous customers.
Zajres kG/cm2
Zakres MPa
Przykładowe gatunki
drewno bardzo miękkie
mniej niż 350
mniej niż 34,4
osika, topola, wierzba, świerk, jodła
drewno miękkie
lipa, sosna, modrzew, brzoza, eukaliptus
drewno średnio twarde
dąb, wiąz, orzech
drewno twarde
jesion, jatoba, teak
drewno bardzo twarde
. drewno najtwardsze
98,1-147,1 robinia akacjowa, grab, palisander, cis
więcej niż 1500
więcej niż 147,1
ash, jatoba, teak
98,1-147,1 black locust (robina), rosewood, yew, hornbeam more than 147,1
Twardość drewna jest to obok gęstości jedna z najważniejszych cech charakteryzująca materiał, jakim jest drewno. Robinia jest zaliczana do klasy twardości drewna: „bardzo twarde”:
heban, kokos
źródło: wikipedia
Ze względu na walory, drewno Robinii wykorzystuje się do budowy mostów, placów zabaw, słupów, masztów i sprzętu sportowego. Robinia dostarcza cennego drewna: jasnej barwy, lekkiego, twardego, odpornego na gnicie. Piękna i ciepła barwa Robinii doskonale harmonizuje z ogrodową, pełną zieleni scenerią. Uboczne składniki drewna Robinii, jak garbniki, gumy, żywice czy olejki eteryczne wpływają dodatnio na trwałość drewna. Garbniki są naturalnym konserwantem, zapobiegając rozkładowi drewna. Inne np. związki żywiczne, są rodzajem przeszkód mechanicznych, które utrudniają przestrzenne rozrastanie się grzyba w drewnie. Ale to nie koniec. Dzięki zastosowaniu impregnatu (środek na bazie oleju i wosku), mogą Państwo długo cieszyć się także idealnym wyglądem mebla, bez obaw o jego kłopotliwą pielęgnację czy zmianę pierwotnego wyglądu. Taki impregnat nie tylko chroni i pielęgnuje nasze meble, ale również uwidacznia piękno struktury naturalnego drewna Robini. Gwarantujemy najwyższą jakość naszych produktów i ufamy, że podzielą Państwo zadowolenie naszych klientów.
About Design
O wzornictwie
Rondo furniture is the essence of modern and innovative technology as well as fine and skilful craft. It is a combination of subtle chic and intriguing, sophisticated design.
Nasze meble staną się nieocenionym elementem wystroju salonu, tarasu czy ogrodu. Obszerne, wygodne miejsca do wypoczynku dodadzą dostojności i uroczystości każdemu wnętrzu.
Unique, elegant and timeless design
Solidne konstrukcje tworzą reprezentacyjne, a jednocześnie sprzyjające wyciszeniu i relaksowi miejsca.
Our furniture will become a priceless element of the décor of your living room, terrace or garden. Large and comfortable places to relax will also add some dignity and formality to every kind of interior. Solid constructions create representative and at the same time calm and relaxing places. All our collections are easily distinguishable because of their interesting and elegant style. They are toned down and subtle, and at the same time comfortable, functional and practical. But we design our furniture also bearing in mind their price, endurance so that they can be easily maintained and used for many years. Our offer has got something for everyone. Those who are keen on simplicity as well as more romantic souls. Let us offer garden and terrace furniture, hotel and bar sets as well as swimming-pool ones. With the variety of our offer we try to meet the expectations of different needs, tastes and dreams. People who want to live a pleasant life in a beautiful place. Each collection can be accompanied with some practical accessories including deckchairs, cocktail cabinets, footrests or cushion cabinets. The most endurable materials and innovative technological solutions. We have built our strong position on the market manufacturing solid and endurable furniture. As we aim at customer’s satisfaction. RONDO always selects best materials: European wood: black locust, light and endurable aluminium framework together with carefully forged, endurable metal constructions. Our designers and technology experts cooperate with the suppliers and also rely on the opinion of each customer to manufacture top-quality products. We develop manufacturing methods which are more effective and innovative, and the materials we use surprise with their look and endurance. Rondo collections are a genuine prestige in your garden, living room or on your terrace. They will excite all exclusive design lovers. We believe that you will share the satisfaction of the thousands of our customers.
Wszystkie nasze kolekcje odznaczają się ciekawą i elegancką stylistyką. Są stonowane i wysmakowane, a jednocześnie wygodne, funkcjonalne i praktyczne. Ale projektujemy też z myślą o przystępnej cenie i trwałości, tworząc długowieczne, łatwe w konserwacji meble. W naszej ofercie każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Zarówno miłośnik minimalizmu i prostoty, jak i romantyczna dusza. Proponujemy meble ogrodowe, tarasowe, zestawy hotelowe, barowe a także basenowe. Wszechstronną ofertą staramy się sprostać oczekiwaniom ludzi o różnych potrzebach, gustach i marzeniach. Osób, które chcą upiększyć swój dom, sprawić by ich życie stało się przyjemniejsze. Do każdej z kolekcji można dopasować również praktyczne akcesoria: takie jak leżaki, barki, ławki, podnóżki czy skrzynię na poduszki. Najtrwalsze materiały i innowacyjne rozwiązania techniczne Zbudowaliśmy swoją silną pozycję na rynku tworząc solidne i trwałe meble. Ponieważ stawiamy na zadowolenie klienta, w RONDO wybieramy zawsze najlepsze materiały: europejski gatunek drewna: robinię akacjową oraz lekkie i wytrzymałe aluminiowe stelaże lub starannie kute, wytrzymałe metalowe konstrukcje. Nasi projektanci i specjaliści ds. technologii pracują wspólnie z dostawcami, a także biorą pod uwagę opinie każdego naszego klienta, by otrzymać produkt spełniający najwyższe wymogi. Rozwijamy metody produkcji, które są bardziej efektywne i innowacyjne, a wykorzystane w naszych meblach materiały zaskakują swoją wytrzymałością i wyglądem. Kolekcje Rondo to prawdziwy prestiż w Państwa ogrodzie, salonie czy tarasie. Wzbudzą zachwyt w każdym miłośniku ekskluzywnego wzornictwa. Wierzymy, że podzielą Państwo zadowolenie naszych licznych klientów
Furniture for individual order We manufacture furniture for bars, restaurants, pubs and individual customers. We are open for new ideas and keen on challenges. Our customers have dreams, we make them come true. This catalogue contains our regular offer. Let’s do business together!
Meble na indywidualne zamówienie Tworzymy meble do gastronomii, hoteli, pubów, restauracji oraz dla klientów indywidualnych. Jesteśmy też otwarci na nowe pomysły i chętnie podejmujemy się wyzwań - stworzymy mebel, jaki wymarzy sobie klient. Ten katalog pokazuje nasze meble seryjne. Zapraszamy do współpracy!
Bona’me Restaurant , Germany - Köln
Havana designer: Waldemar Drozdowski
Havana Collection is the crowing glory of every garden and patio.Light antrazit aluminium frame with stylish wooden feet and very comfortable cushions is the ultimate in modern design. Orange pillows against the white seat cushions creates an eye catching set – but it’s only our proposition.
Turn the terrace into a place for relaxation with Havana furniture. Create a welcoming space to spend summer time drinking cool lemoniade with friends. It can be arranged to suit your taste. The connectors supplied will hold the set in the position you choose and you also can
reconfigure your lounge, whenever you like. Havana may be an interesting alternative for cafes, transforming ordinary room, adding softness and incredible sense of comfort, what will make coffe drinking even more enjoyable and cause that customers will come back often and willingly. 23
sumptuous comfort
juicily modern, with style smashing retro Collection: Havana
Chair Index: 1000 W×D×H: 70×84×64 cm
Sofa with left arm Index: 1002 W×D×H: 144×84×64 cm
Sofa with right arm Index: 1003 W×D×H: 144×84×64 cm
Chaise lounge Index: 1001 W×D×H: 144×120×64 cm
Table 120x70 Index: 1004 W×D×H: 120×70×42 cm
cushions & materials
page 141 26
Verona designer: SĹ‚awomir Wiecha
Enviable style. Unbeatable comfort Muted surrounding, simplicity, a place to rest. Or maybe a variety of colours, beautiful materials, glitter and luxury? Both sceneries will make a perfect background for Verona collection.
approach and design closed in its form, our collection of sofas sets a new trend in garden furniture design. Verona offers a tasteful elegance, comfort, extraordinary style and climate.
A unique shape, being a combination of the juicy modern with the smashing retro style, brought about an impressive effect. Thanks to innovative
It impresses with its uncommon line giving the place a character. It will become an excellent ornament in a tasteful living room,
a modern hotel or on a comfortable terrace. Verona is a collection for all moods.Excellent for a party with your friends and for a cold drink. And for all kinds of weather. Thanks to modern materials and careful finishing we came up with lounge furniture design combined with the resistance of garden furniture. In one piece. 29
juicily modern, smashing retro
Collection: Verona
Armchair Verona Index: 020601 W×D×H: 132×98×85 cm
Sofa Verona Index: 020602 W×D×H: 212×98×85 cm
Table Verona Index: 020603 W×D×H: 118×71×42 cm
designer: Marta Zięba
Imagine a combination of timeless elegance with refreshing modernity. Imagine a spohisticated design that comes together with unbelievable comfort.Imagine Toscania... Thanks to a unique composition – powder-painted aluminium, with large, shaped, pastel cushions – the collection perfectly reflects the newest trends.Toscania will add style and harm to unique hotels, sophisticated restaurants, peculiar gardens and terraces. Progressive stylistics will grant beautiful houses, residential lofts and apartments with new character.Simple, geometrical shape, together with soft, comfortable places to rest, highlight the magnificence of the collection. On the other hand, the Toscania set will perfectly highlight modern architecture.
Collection: Toscania
minimalist but not modest r
Collection: Toscania
cushions & materials
Armchair Toscania
Sofa Toscania 3-persons
Sofa Toscania with right arm
Table Toscania
Sofa Toscania with left arm
Index: 191001 W×D×H: 97x90x75 cm
Index: 191002 W×D×H: 288x90x75 cm
Index: 191003 W×D×H: 201x90x75 cm
Index: 191007 W×D×H: 124×70×40 cm
Index: 191004 W×D×H: 201x90x75 cm
page 141
Aqua Dome, Austria - Tirol Therme Längenfeld
Roma designer: Waldemar Drozdowski
Provide the perfect lounge spot for every guest with these versatile components of Roma. White colour of wooden frame helps to create fashionable contrasts e.g. with dark cushions and cheerful orange of small pillows , but also look great with sober shades of beige. You can choose colours but each of the cushions is made of fabric dralon, Teflon impregnated, what makes
it damp and dirt resistant, filled with 8-cm foam, which gives a sense of the highest comfort. It’s your choice if you’d rather entertaining guests or simple enjoying the summer with family, because our Roma is versatile, made up of modular elements, what helps you design your own perfect lounge space. Such unlimited arrangement options
is one of the best solution for caffes or hotels. Roma furniture are distinguished by softy curved lines and elegant swept back profile, manufacture of hardy robinia 4- times painted white, what guarantees impeccable apparance for a long time.
Armchair Roma
Armchair Roma with left arm
Armchair Roma with right arm
Chair Roma
Index: 2001 W×D×H: 78×90×80 cm
Index: 2003 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 2004 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 2002 W×D×H: 71×90×80 cm
Corner Roma
Footstool Roma
Table Roma 70x70cm
Table Roma 110x70cm
Index: 2005 W×D×H: 90×90×80 cm
Index: 2006 W×D×H: 70×70×40 cm
Index: 2007 W×D×H: 70×70×30 cm
Index: 2008 W×D×H: 110×70×30 cm
Collection: Roma
arrangement options
cushions & materials
page 141
milano 46
Torino designer: SĹ‚awomir Wiecha 48
If you agree that dining alfresco is a quintessential summer pleasure, let me introduce our Torino collection. Crafted on solid robinia wood painted white, our dining table, armchair and bench let you create a welcoming outdoor dining space instantly. Adds elegance white hue is clean and bright,
in combination with vivid colours of seat cushions looks really interesting. Another advantage is table with extension function, in case when we want to have more guests at the table. So gather friends and family together and enjoy breakfast on sunny days.
Torino collection is ideal not only for private terraces, but also for restaurants, because of stackable armchairs (also benches). Moreover, the robust but graceful armchairs and benches are of the highest craftmanship and can withstand any weather. 49
scandinavian whiteness
Collection: Torino
Armchair Torino Index: 3001 W×D×H: 58×59×89 cm
Bench Torino 3-persons Index:3002 W×D×H: 156x59x89 cm
Table 90x90cm Index: 3004 W×D×H: 90x90x73 cm
Table 150x90cm Index: 3005 W×D×H: 150x90x73 cm
Table 170/220x90cm Index: 3006 W×D×H: 170/220x90x73 cm
cushions & materials
page 141
Milano designer: Waldemar Drozdowski 54
The most comfortable garden furniture ever. Can garden furniture be as cosy and spacious as, for example, your favourite living-room armchair? From now on they can! The combination of Black Locust wood with great soft cushions makes an ideal couple. Come and sit, feel at home and you will love the group. It’s beautiful and minimalist but this is just the beginning.
The collection includes all the best regarding garden furniture – beautiful, durable and first of all natural material: black locust wood. This, along with cutting-edge technologies we use to produce the cushions (high temperature foam, a patented material – dralon nad teflone-impregnated fabrics) gives you an ideal piece of furniture. Comfortable, spacious and in your favourite colour. You can choose from a number of pastel as well as more vivid upholstery.
Milano gives you an unlimited number of arrangement options. Thanks to symmetric shapes and modular system you have full freedom of creation. Both on a small area and on a huge patio. MILANO set looks perfect in gardens, stylish terraces, in hotels and restaurants. It looks good both outside and in a modern apartment so... I guess you already know where you will put it when it gets colder outside?
Armchair Milano
Armchair Milano with left arm
Armchair Milano with right arm
Chair Milano
Corner Milano
Footstool Milano
Table Milano 70x70cm
Table Milano 110x70cm
Index: 190106 W×D×H: 78×90×80 cm
Index: 190109 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 190108 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 190107 W×D×H: 71×90×80 cm
Index: 190110 W×D×H: 90×90×80 cm
Index: 190111 W×D×H: 70×70×40 cm
Index: 180109 W×D×H: 70×70×30 cm
Index: 180108 W×D×H: 110×70×30 cm
cushions & materials
page 141
arrangement options
Sun Resort Hotel, Poland - Pogorzelica
KOFUKU Restaurant, Poland - Wrocław
Hotel Słoneczny Zdrój Medical SPA & Wellness, Poland - Busko Zdrój
Verno designer: SĹ‚awomir Wiecha
The VERNO set offers modern style and elegance combined with comfort and functionality! For your comfort and satisfaction, the design includes shaped seats and backrests. Thanks to this technology, the chairs in the VERNO set can serve as comfortable seats
at a barbecue in the garden or terrace, but also during an exquisite dinner in a stylish restaurant. The VERNO chairs can be folded and stacked together, a feature highly valued in restaurants and outdoor cafĂŠs, where the ease of cleaning and storage after the season means a lot.
The VERNO set looks great in gardens, stylish terraces and restaurants in all parts of the world. It is a perfect decoration for any setting, be it Polish townscape, French Riviera, the Mediterranean or under Florida sun.
modern style and elegance Collection: Verno
Armchair Verno Index: 010601 W×D×H: 58×59×89 cm
Bench Verno 2-persons Index: 010603 W×D×H: 110x59x89 cm
Bench Verno 3-persons Index: 010602 W×D×H: 156x59x89 cm
Table Verno 80x80cm Index: 4003 W×D×H: 80×80×73 cm
ABC Restaurant, Serbia - Beograd
Słoneczny Zdrój Hotel, Poland - Busko Zdrój
Table Verno 90x90cm Index: 010604 W×D×H: 90x90x73 cm
Table Verno 150x90cm Index: 010605 W×D×H: 150x90x73 cm
Table Verno 170/220x90cm Index: 010606 W×D×H: 170/220x90x73 cm
Solano 66
Solano Line of furniture combines tradition and modernity of style and material. Solid acacia wood and light aluminium will satisfy even the most demanding tastes. Contemporary design accentuates and adds to the modernistic character of your garden or terrace and enhances its appeal. Solano furniture is perfect for other places, too. Its exceptional allure works great In stylish modern restaurants, hotels or spas.
Another advantages is its armchairs are stackable. Why is Solano furniture a good choice? Because it is tastefully elegant, incredibly comfortable and offers unique style and atmosphere. Its delightfull form will add refinement to any place. Esthetic and modern, it is truly hard to beat. 67
and functionality Collection: Solano
Las Tapas Restaurant, Poland - Wrocław
Armchair Solano Index: 4001 W×D×H: 56×60×81 cm
Table 80x80cm Index: 4002 W×D×H: 80×80×73 cm
Table 90x90cm Index: 070201 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Table 150x90cm Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Table 170/220x90cm Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
cushions & materials
page 141 70
Director designer: Waldemar Drozdowski
Lights. Camera. Action! Coming soon to your home or covered patio - our star Director’s Chair. Lightweight yet sturdy, it is carefully crafted of solid, robinia hardwood finished with glaze and covers made of soft batyline, which is polyester fibre grid, coated with PCV, retains its original appearance and flexibility for a long time.
These director-style, versatile chair is the ideal solution for temporary and permanent seating anywhere in your home or beyond. Can be folded in half for easy transport and storage-making them useful for trade shows, outdoor events, as well as for casual seating on the balcony, or in the living room. Moreover it’s interesting
idea to equip restaurants with these stylish, stable and very comfortable chairs. Bring comfort and casual style to your home with a pair of director’s chairs. For extensive orders we offer these chairs in a few colors to choose from so that you can easily match them to your home decor. 73
mobility and convenience Collection: Director
Folding Armchair Director Index: 5001 W×D×H: 57×56×88 cm
Table 70x70 cm Index: 010502 W×D×H: 70×70×72 cm
Table 110x70 cm Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Galaxy designer: Lesław Bąk 78
Comfortable relaxation, fantastic design and unshaken quality – these are the main features of Galaxy group. Sit in this armchair and everything will be so clear. This is an ideal set for any occasion. We clashed the ageless classics of garden furniture with some intriguing modern design. And we hit the bingo! Not
only did we get a fantastic fresh style, but also one of the most comfortable collection of garden furniture. To make timeless chairs even more interesting, we gave them unusual profile. They are unusually comfortable. Both a coffee with
friends and a lengthy business meeting are just as comfortable – as long as you have Galaxy. The table was rounded and its outline was smoothed. Its top is fixed on slender frame and reliable legs. Hard and solid black locust wood makes this set a purchase for a long, long time.
Folding Armchair Galaxy Index: 020501 W×D×H: 56×60×82 cm
Table Galaxy 90x90cm Index: 020502 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Table Galaxy 180x97cm Index: 020503 W×D×H: 180×97×73 cm
Table 70x70 cm Index: 010502 W×D×H: 70×70×72 cm
Table 110x70 cm
Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Sun designer: Waldemar Drozdowski
The Sun furniture will suprise you with their fine lightness! Its filigree style lends warmth to the surroundings and make sit ideal for small spacer such as balconies or terraces. But that is not all ! Its astonishing and unique class, together with cozy romantic style make sit a perfect choice
when it comes to small, atmospheric restaurants, cafes or clubs! A unique thing about the Sun Line is the quality of the wood. It is solid furniture, made entirely of durable acacia wood. Despite its lighteness, it is tough and functional and will serve you for many years to come!
the Lightness of form
Collection: Sun
Hotel, Majorca Spain - Lloseta
Resturant Olimpic Port, Spain - Barcelona
Chair Sun Index: 010501 W×D×H: 170×100×73 cm
Table 70x70 Index: 010502 W×D×H: 170×100×73 cm
Table 110x70 cm Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Maja MAJA is a line of beautiful, comfortable and functional furniture for your garden! It will accentuate the stylishness of your garden, terrace or balcony. Its classic style imbues your surroundings with the spirit of the old days. Metal elements – hand-forged by blacksmiths – show their beauty and strength, but also typical black locust lightness. MAJA furniture will revolutionize your garden! The wide array of products – tables, chairs, benches – goes beyond a mere family barbecue or a meeting with friends.
Elegance and comfort of MAJA furniture in the privacy of your garden makes for a perfect setting for conversing with your close ones, meeting your clients or enjoying a book. MAJA is a perfect set for the garden, terrace or balcony! Why wait any longer? Make your dreams come true and enjoy MAJA furniture!
Resturant in Palace, Poland
classics and style
Collection: Maja
Armchair Maja
Chair Maja
Bench Maja
Index: 050101 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 050102 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Index: 050501 W×D×H: 132×60×87 cm
Table Maja Round Φ85
Table Maja Round Φ110
Table Maja 70x70cm
Index: 050201 Φ×H: 85x78cm
Index: 050202 Φ×H: 110x78cm
Index: 050301 W×D×H: 70×70×78 cm
Table Maja 80x80cm
Table Maja 120x80cm
Table Maja with frame 80x80cm
Index: 050302 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Index: 050401 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 050404 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Table Maja with frame 120x80cm
Table Maja with frame 160x80cm
Index: 010607 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 050402 W×D×H: 160×80×78 cm
London London collection is a fresh approach to classical and timeless garden design. Inspired by sunny Crete we equipped this collection with beautiful light frame of calcareous white. Backrests and seats became more subtle thanks to applying alternative type of screws hidden in the back of the frame. A delicate glittering colour gives the gently bent metal shapes a totally new look.
In spite of solid metal construction the furniture look light and delicate. Powder-coated frame guarantees top resistance to external factors. Hard black-locust wood is the best possible choice to produce reliable furniture and its honey colour ideally corresponds to the bright metal. This style has got a lot of faces. It perfectly matches  a garden surrounding, a romantic
manor house as well as a bright terrace in pastel colours. It will ideally tone down a garden full of flowers or match light and clear design. Our Maja and London collections enjoy a great popularity with pubs and restaurants. Thanks to their solid construction they can endure hard everyday work and, as they fold easily, their storage is not a problem at all.
but designer
Collection: London
Armchair London
Chair London
Bench London
Index: 010607 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 010608 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Index: 010609 W×D×H: 132×60×87 cm
Table London Round Φ85
Table London Round Φ110
Table London 70x70cm
Index: 010610 Φ×H: 85x78cm
Index: 010611 Φ×H: 110x78cm
Index: 010612 W×D×H: 70×70×78 cm
Table London 80x80cm
Table London 120x80cm
Table London with frame 80x80cm
Index: 010613 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Index: 010614 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 010615 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Table London with frame 120x80cm
Table London with frame 160x80cm
Index: 010616 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 010617 W×D×H: 160×80×78 cm
Armchair Weekend
Chair Weekend
Index: 7001 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 7002 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Chair Stella Index: 5001 W×D×H: 43×49×87 cm
Kansas White 110
Kansas designer: Lesław Bąk
Kansas is a lavish set of shaped garden furniture, characterized by functionality, comfort and elegance. All thanks to delicately shaped seats with adjustable tilt. Vertical slats add an interesting touch to this line
of furniture, making it ideal for a barbecue or just pure leisure. Another merit of the KANSAS set is that you can easily fold it and save precious space in your summerhouse during cold winter! 113
Armchair Kansas 7-positions
Armchair Kansas
Index: 010101 W×D×H: 61×65×113 cm
Index: 010102 W×D×H: 59×62×90 cm
Bench Kansas 2-persons
Bench Kansas 3-persons
Index: 010103 W×D×H: 131×62×90 cm
Index: 010104 W×D×H: 156×62×90 cm
Footstool Index: 180102 W×D×H:42×44×32 cm
Table 150x90cm Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Table 90x90cm Index: 070201 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Table 170/220x90cm Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
Manhattan designer: Lesław Bąk 118
The MANHATTAN set offers a rare combination of various merits of garden furniture.
which goes well with deeply shaped seats and backrests, resulting in exceptional comfort.
sipping your favourite cold drink or a glass of wine in the evening.
The MANHATTAN set is comfortable and functional owing to its seven-way back tilt adjustment,
Get your MANHATTAN furniture now and enjoy your dinner in a comfortable chair, relax while
Looking for elegance, functionality and robustness? The MANHATTAN set will not disappoint! 119
noble comfort
Collection: Manhattan
Armchair Manhattan
Table 150x90cm
Table 170/220x90cm
Index: 060101 W×D×H: 62×65×113 cm
Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
Bench Barman 120 cm Index: 010625 W×D×H: 120x40x80 cm
Bench Barman 150 cm Index: 010626 W×D×H: 150x40x80 cm
Bench Barman 170 cm Index: 010627 W×D×H: 170x40x80cm
Table Barman 130 cm Index: 010628 W×D×H: 130x70x110 cm
Table Barman 160 cm Index: 010629 W×D×H: 160x70x110 cm
Table Barman 180 cm Index: 010630 W×D×H: 180x70x110cm
Bench Farmer 120 cm Index: 010619 W×D×H: 120x40x45 cm
Bench Farmer 150 cm Index: 010620 W×D×H: 150x40x45 cm
Bench Farmer 170 cm Index: 010621 W×D×H: 170x40x45 cm
Table Farmer 130 cm Index: 010622 W×D×H: 130x70x73 cm
Table Farmer 160 cm Index: 010623 W×D×H: 160x70x73 cm
Table Farmer 180 cm Index: 010624 W×D×H: 180x70x73 cm
Giant Giant
Hoker Giant Index: 010631 W×D×H: 35x35x80 cm
Table Giant 60x60 cm Index: 010632 W×D×H: 60x60x110 cm
Table Giant 120x60 cm Index: 010633 W×D×H: 60x120x110 cm
Created for furniture. Ready for everything. Make the fine even more wonderful. This is the task our accessories, as our additional offer, have to face Joy for the eye. And the body. The materials used for cushion production were selected to give you the sense of luxury and comfort. They ideally match all the furniture, and the covering fabric Dralon®, are 100% acrylic fibre. This durable and functional fabrics are excellent material for outdoor furniture. Unlike most of manufacturers, we additionally waterproof them with Teflon so that they are more resistant to rain, dirt and temperature. The extraordinary . softness of our cushions comes from special polymer and neoprene fillings. They are soft and at the same time bounce – sitting in such an armchair or on a sofa with such filling you can feel the seat gently matches your weight. A patented channel system removes water from the cushions, so even after a heavy rainfall they are ready to be used. The play of colours Totally trendy piano black or timeless Arctic white. Or maybe juicy red or electric blue? Our palette of colours has something for everybody. Both calm and vivid fabrics. We also offer a variety of materials, from delicate natural cotton to all achievements of textile industry including Sunbrella®, Dralon® and Batyline®. Accessories of great importance Our ACCESSORIES section also offers furniture supplementing our collections. Our couches – huge and comfortable – are some of the most spacious available on the market. They are also practical – they have wheels which help to move them around easily. Deckchair got a comfortable footrest, wide and comfortable armrests as well as graded bending adjustment. It’s folding and also has wheels – using it is nothing but pleasure. Practical and elegant box for storing cushions, garden and grill accessories has pneumatic lifts to open and close gently and safely. We also offer a rocking chair and black locust floor systems. Enchant your garden with our accessories!
Sun Resort Hotel, Poland - Pogorzelica
lounger milano
Villa Park Hotel, Poland - Wisełka
lounger classic
Lounger Milano
Lounger Classic
Index: 193002 W×D×H: 196×68×54 cm
Index: 090908 W×D×H: 200×58×31-80 cm
deckchair rocking chair
cushion chest
Rocking Chair
Index: 193003 W×D×H: 65×90×101 cm
Index: 4398 W×D×H: 50×64×36 cm
trolley / minibar
Trolley / Minibar Index: 9001 W×D×H: 60×40×85 cm
Cushions & Materials
Acrylic Dralon 100%
56 Nacar
02 Vanilla
55 Perla
15 Petroleo
22 Negro
05 Roble
23 Tabaco
20 Taupe
73 Castana
54 Vision
Verde mar
26 Pistacho
59 Bosque
30 Verde S
19 Marino oscuro
09 Rojo
10 Burdeos
28 Fucsia
47 Fresa
67 Morado
24 Naranja
07 Teja
27 Turquesa
17 Royal
folding mattress
Folding mattress Index: 190311 W×D×H: 74×67×74 cm
18 Marino claro
Reference Our dream is to see a smile on the faces of more and more satisfied customers.
Materials Used We select our materials with utmost care. We look not only for good appearance, but also for quality and robustness. There are most popular:
Black locust (Robinia) commonly called acacia. This fast growing tree makes a very handsome furniture material, shows excellent hardness, and is extremely resistant to decay. Robinia is a first resistance class wood along with the most valuable European timbers. These qualities make it extremely versatile for exclusive outdoor furniture. All the wood used in the manufacture of our furniture is sourced from Europe and is 100% FSC certificated.
Batyline Batyline is a PCV - coated netting based on polyester fibre. It ensures excellent fiber stability. The material stays perfectly smooth even after extended use. Batyline is characterized by: - resistance to UV rays - resistance to mould and microorganisms - resistance to tearing - easiness of preservation - good ventilation - elasticity
Steel Used in the production of frames. Because of its high mechanical endurance it performs well in very busy places. Metal frame furniture are usually found in hotels, restaurants and buildings of historical value.
Aluminium Aluminium used in the production of frames is characterized by: - resistance to UV rays - resistance to dampness, microorganisms and corrosion - easy maintenance – it is smooth and shiny and does not gather dust or sand - is safe and non-flammable - is very durable and does not break - is environment-friendly and qualifies for low-cost recycling - is very light - has a modern appearance
HPL - resistance to UV rays - resistance to dampness, microorganisms and corrosion - easy maintenance – it is smooth and shiny and does not gather dust or sand - is safe and non-flammable - is very durable and does not break - is environment-friendly and qualifies for low-cost recycling - is very light - has a modern appearance
Cushions: Dralon®
- the fabric is 100 % acrylic - filled with 6-20 centimeter compact foam - additionally, the material is impregnated with Teflon, which increases resistance to damp and dirt - the cushions have an adjustable headrest and a zipper (for removing and washing the cover)
Finishing We know about the power of detail. That is why we pay close attention to every stage of furniture production and we continuously strive to improve our technology. Here are some reasons why our furniture beats the competition:
Powder Coating Powder coating is a technology in which metal elements are covered with powder paint and the surface is hardened afterwards. Elements painted with such method are characterized by high resistance to corrosion and pleasant appearance that lasts for long. Powder paint is safe and environment-friendly, it is certified and can come into contact with food and potable water. No harmful solvents are used in the painting process. The paint is applied once and the thicknessof the layer corresponds to three layers of solvent-borne paint. No harmful substances are discharged while the coating hardens.
Two-stage sanding Why is our furniture so smooth? Unlike our competitors, we sand our furniture by machine, but also manually. That is how we obtain ideal smoothness – and we don’t have to worry that our child will get hurt while playing in the garden.
Varnish The unique composition of our varnish is based on a formula which mixes oil and wax. Such a weatherproof layer not only protects and preserves our furniture but also reveals the beauty of the structure of our natural Black Locust wood.
Wrought frame We run our own metalwork shop where we make frames that are later used in the production of our furniture. We forge and bend them manually to add character and individual appearance.
Packing Each piece of our furniture is packed separately in a durable multi-cardboard box so as to assure safe delivery all the way to your garden.
Enchant garden With Rondo!
Havana Sofa with right arm
Sofa with left arm
Index: 1003 W×D×H: 144×84×64 cm
Index: 1002 W×D×H: 144×84×64 cm
Index: 1000 W×D×H: 70×84×64 cm
Table 120x70
Index: 1001 W×D×H: 144×120×64 cm
Index: 1004 W×D×H: 120×70×42 cm
Sofa Toscania 3-persons
Sofa Toscania with right arm
Index: 191001 W×D×H: 97x90x75 cm
Index: 191002 W×D×H: 288x90x75 cm
Index: 191003 W×D×H: 201x90x75 cm
Sofa Toscania with left arm
Table Toscania
Index: 191004 W×D×H: 201x90x75 cm
Index: 191007 W×D×H: 124×70×40 cm
Chaise lounge
Armchair Toscania
Armchair Roma
Armchair Roma with left arm
Armchair Roma with right arm
Armchair Milano
Armchair Milano with left arm
Armchair Milano with right arm
Index: 2001 W×D×H: 78×90×80 cm
Index: 2003 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 2004 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 190106 W×D×H: 78×90×80 cm
Index: 190109 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Index: 190108 W×D×H: 74×90×80 cm
Chair Roma
Corner Roma
Footstool Roma
Chair Milano
Corner Milano
Footstool Milano
Index: 2002 W×D×H: 71×90×80 cm
Index: 2005 W×D×H: 90×90×80 cm
Index: 2006 W×D×H: 70×70×40 cm
Index: 190107 W×D×H: 71×90×80 cm
Index: 190110 W×D×H: 90×90×80 cm
Index: 190111 W×D×H: 70×70×40 cm
Table Milano 70x70cm
Table Milano 110x70cm
Index: 180109 W×D×H: 70×70×30 cm
Index: 180108 W×D×H: 110×70×30 cm
Table Roma 70x70cm
Table Roma 110x70cm
Index: 2007 W×D×H: 70×70×30 cm
Index: 2008 W×D×H: 110×70×30 cm
Table 70x70 cm
Table 110x70 cm
Armchair Verona
Sofa Verona
Table Verona
Index: 5001 W×D×H: 57×56×88 cm
Index: 010502 W×D×H: 70×70×72 cm
Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Index: 020601 W×D×H: 132×98×85 cm
Index: 020602 W×D×H: 212×98×85 cm
Index: 020603 W×D×H: 118×71×42 cm
Folding Armchair Director
Armchair Solano
Table 80x80cm
Table 90x90cm
Index: 4001 W×D×H: 56×60×81 cm
Index: 4002 W×D×H: 80×80×73 cm
Index: 070201 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Table 150x90cm
Table 170/220x90cm
Table Galaxy 90x90cm
Table Galaxy 180x97cm
Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
Index: 020502 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Index: 020503 W×D×H: 180×97×73 cm
Folding Armchair Galaxy
Table 110x70 cm
Index: 010502 W×D×H: 70×70×72 cm
Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Index: 020501 W×D×H: 56×60×82 cm
Table 70x70 cm
Armchair Torino
Bench Torino 3-persons
Index: 3001 W×D×H: 58×59×89 cm
Index:3002 W×D×H: 156x59x89 cm
Table 90x90cm
Table 150x90cm
Table 170/220x90cm
Index: 3004 W×D×H: 90x90x73 cm
Index: 3005 W×D×H: 150x90x73 cm
Index: 3006 W×D×H: 170/220x90x73 cm
Armchair Verno
Bench Verno 2-persons
Bench Verno 3-persons
Index: 010601 W×D×H: 58×59×89 cm
Index: 010603 W×D×H: 110x59x89 cm
Index: 010602 W×D×H: 156x59x89 cm
Table Verno 90x90cm
Table Verno 150x90cm
Table Verno 170/220x90cm
Index: 010604 W×D×H: 90x90x73 cm
Index: 010605 W×D×H: 150x90x73 cm
Index: 010606 W×D×H: 170/220x90x73 cm
Kansas Armchair Kansas 7-positions
Armchair Kansas
Index: 010101 W×D×H: 61×65×113 cm
Index: 010102 W×D×H: 59×62×90 cm
Footstool Index: 180102 W×D×H:42×44×32 cm
Bench Kansas 3-persons
Table 80x80cm
Index: 010103 W×D×H: 131×62×90 cm
Index: 010104 W×D×H: 156×62×90 cm
Index: 4002 W×D×H: 80×80×73 cm
Bench Farmer 150 cm
Bench Farmer 170 cm
Index: 010619 W×D×H: 120x40x45 cm
Index: 010620 W×D×H: 150x40x45 cm
Index: 010621 W×D×H: 170x40x45 cm
Table Farmer 130 cm
Table Farmer 160 cm
Table Farmer 180 cm
Index: 010622 W×D×H: 130x70x73 cm
Index: 010623 W×D×H: 160x70x73 cm
Index: 010624 W×D×H: 180x70x73 cm
Table 150x90cm
Table 170/220x90cm
Hoker Giant
Table Giant 60x60 cm
Table Giant 120x60 cm
Index: 070201 W×D×H: 90×90×73 cm
Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
Index: 010631 W×D×H: 35x35x80 cm
Index: 010632 W×D×H: 60x60x110 cm
Index: 010633 W×D×H: 60x120x110 cm
Bench Barman 120 cm
Bench Barman 150 cm
Bench Barman 170 cm
Index: 010625 W×D×H: 120x40x80 cm
Index: 010626 W×D×H: 150x40x80 cm
Index: 010627 W×D×H: 170x40x80cm
Table Barman 130 cm
Table Barman 160 cm
Table Barman 180 cm
Index: 010628 W×D×H: 130x70x110 cm
Index: 010629 W×D×H: 160x70x110 cm
Index: 010630 W×D×H: 180x70x110cm
Table 90x90cm
Bench Kansas White 2-persons
Bench Kansas White 3-persons
Index: 9002 W×D×H: 131×62×90 cm
Index: 9003 W×D×H: 156×62×90 cm
Kansas White
Bench Kansas 2-persons
Bench Farmer 120 cm
Armchair Manhattan Index: 060101 W×D×H: 62×65×113 cm
Table 150x90cm Index: 070202 W×D×H: 150×90×73 cm
Table 170/220x90cm Index: 010402 W×D×H: 170/220×90×73 cm
Chair Maja
Bench Maja
Armchair London
Chair London
Bench London
Index: 050101 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 050102 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Index: 050501 W×D×H: 132×60×87 cm
Index: 010607 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 010608 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Index: 010609 W×D×H: 132×60×87 cm
Armchair Maja
Armchair Weekend
Chair Weekend
Chair Stella
Table London Round Φ85
Table London Round Φ110
Table London 70x70cm
Index: 7001 W×D×H: 53×60×87 cm
Index: 7002 W×D×H: 43×60×87 cm
Index: 5001 W×D×H: 43×49×87 cm
Index: 010610 Φ×H: 85x78cm
Index: 010611 Φ×H: 110x78cm
Index: 010612 W×D×H: 70×70×78 cm
Table Round Φ85
Table Round Φ110
Table 70x70cm
Table London 80x80cm
Table London 120x80cm
Table London with frame 80x80cm
Index: 050201 Φ×H: 85x78cm
Index: 050202 Φ×H: 110x78cm
Index: 050301 W×D×H: 70×70×78 cm
Index: 010613 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Index: 010614 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 010615 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Table 80x80cm
Table 120x80cm
Table with frame 80x80cm
Table London with frame 120x80cm
Table London with frame 160x80cm
Index: 050302 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Index: 050401 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 050404 W×D×H: 80×80×78 cm
Index: 010616 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 010617 W×D×H: 160×80×78 cm
Table with frame 120x80cm
Table with frame 160x80cm
Index: 010607 W×D×H: 120×80×78 cm
Index: 050402 W×D×H: 160×80×78 cm
Table 70x70 cm
Table 110x70 cm
Index: 010501 W×D×H: 170×100×73 cm
Index: 010502 W×D×H: 70×70×72 cm
Index: 010503 W×D×H: 110×70×72 cm
Index: 193003 W×D×H: 65×90×101 cm
Index: 4398 W×D×H: 50×64×36 cm
Armchair florida with footstool
Table 50x50cm
Cushion Chest
Trolley / Minibar
Index: 190105 W×D×H: 66x90/127x91 cm
Index: 180105 W×D×H: 50×50×32 cm
Index: 090909 W×D×H: 153×65×50 cm
Index: 9001 W×D×H: 60×40×85 cm
Chair Sun
Rocking Chair
Wooden Plates Index: 193001 W×D×H: 30 x 30 cm 11pcs/1m2
Lounger Milano
Lounger Classic
Index: 193002 W×D×H: 196×68×54 cm
Index: 090908 W×D×H: 200×58×31-80 cm
Folding mattress Index: 190311 W×D×H: 74×67×74 cm
Deckchair Index: 090907 W×D×H: 88/164×63×97 cm
Flowerpot low
Flowerpot medium
Flowerpot high
Index: 8001 W×D×H: 40×40×50 cm
Index: 8002 W×D×H: 40×40×65 cm
Index: 8003 W×D×H: 40×40×80 cm
Copyright Š 1989-2013 Rondo Polska Sp. z o.o. All Rights Reserved. Distributing, permanent reproduction without written permission Rondo Polska Sp. z o.o. based in Wolow is not allowed. Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without prior notice. This directory does not constitute an offer within the law. All products and designs shown are subject to copyritght laws of the individual manufacturers according to orginators, pattern and pattent laws.