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Overview The Olivet Foundation
In 2019, the Olivet Nazarene University Foundation marked 50 years of service to students — thanks to you.
The Foundation secures, manages and distributes funds that assist ONU students. Your investments from endowed gifts — and funds from other planned giving instruments — advance Olivet’s mission today and will benefit future generations of world-changers.
We express our appreciation to those who take advantage of thefollowing options: • Gifts of cash, property, stockor othersecurities • Gifts in memory or honor of a loved one • Gift Annuities, Bequests, Life Insurance and other retirementassets
Every endowed gift is directed by a Gift Agreement between the University and you, the investor. During academic year 2019–2020, $1,372,661 is being awarded to 929 students, averaging $1,563 per student.
The Frances R. Wertz Memorial Scholarship The Birchard Family Scholarship The Donald and Dorothy Weber Memorial Scholarship The Coach Hodge Memorial Scholarship The McGraw School of Business Engagement Endowment The Samuel H. and Mary Jane Lyle Scholarship The Paul and Phyllis Harp Family Scholarship The James H. and Lynda T. Boardman Scholarship The Alfred and Mary Cobb Memorial Scholarship The Linda Meissner Shattuck Memorial Scholarship The Gibson-Vance Education Scholarship The Frederick and Laura Baker Endowed Scholarship The Morse Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fiscal Year 2019 ONU Foundation Gifts: $3,931,796 Fiscal Year 2019 ONU Foundation Assets: $55,493,263