It is difficult to summarize the work of a university. With more than 100 areas of study and students engaged from doctoral to associates programs, online and onground, why aren’t we a “multi-versity?”
What keeps us a university? A unified people is the primacy of Christ in all things. Discipleship, not only diplomas, is our business.
That great cause means we dare not be distracted by limitless “good” things, but serve the “best.” Our five priorities for 2022-2027 already prove fruitful
— helping students persist all the way to graduation, assuring Olivet is affordable to populations of greatest need, applying our institutional virtue to moral needs of our time, operating efficiently, and stabilizing through niche enrollment foci.
To God be the glory for a year of tremendous blessing.
This 2023 Annual Report is a snapshot of accomplices and resources gathered around Olivet. Thanks to you, the University moves ahead in productivity, not mere activity. To God be the glory for a year of tremendous blessing.
Katelynn Roscioli discovered an early affinity for the power of music, joining the school band in fourth grade and choir in sixth in her hometown of Bangor, Pennsylvania. For Katelynn, music provided peace and a spirit of collaboration. So, when she was concluding her high school years and beginning to consider her college plans, she felt confident that music would be an integral part of her academic pursuits.
It was after she had concluded her college search and committed to a school that she received an email from Olivet. She discovered that Olivet offered both a marching band and the University Honors Program. By the end of her senior year in high school, despite never having visited Olivet, she enrolled at Olivet as a music education student.
From a young age, Katelynn understood the underlying power of music, but, at Olivet, she experienced it with greater clarity. In her freshman year, she immersed herself in the Olivet community by playing clarinet in the ONU Tiger Marching Band, the University Orchestra and the Wind Ensemble and playing saxophone in Jazz Band. During her Olivet tenure, she has also worked in the Office of Admissions, served as a member of the band council and the council for Kappa Delta Pi, and worked as a tutor in the Department of Music.
“Music gives a sense of belonging and provides a natural structure of community,” Katelynn says. “I have found some of my closest friends by playing in different ensembles. We’re always in the same building together, and the professors make an effort to connect with students.”
Students who are accepted into the University Honors Program enroll in four core classes as a cohort during their freshman and sophomore years and then formulate a topic proposal for a capstone research project to individually explore during their junior and senior years.
Katelynn knew before entering the program that she wanted to more deeply examine the power of music — specifically, how music affected elderly dementia patients.
The finalized version of her capstone project centers on writing content for caregivers of dementia patients to use as a tool in administering home-based music therapy. She will have multiple opportunities during her senior year to share the research, including at Olivet’s annual Scholar Week.
“I wanted to create a resource that my mom could have used while she cared for my grandpa for six years,” Katelynn says of the personal inspiration for her project. “People don’t realize that
there are many ways to help dementia patients recall memories with lucidity. The point of this project is to make the information accessible and interactive so that caregivers, regardless of their own musical talents, can provide some therapeutic benefits to those with dementia.”
Throughout her time at Olivet, Katelynn has learned to trust the process and embrace the sometimes-inconsistent rhythms of life, even when it is difficult to maintain a steady beat.
Music is an outlet to authentically express yourself. I am excited to encourage that in others.
“In music, and in life in general, it is good to embrace challenges,” she reflects. “I hadn’t even visited Olivet when I moved across the country for my freshman year. But I felt in my heart that I had to come here. Now I understand why. Music is an outlet to very authentically express yourself, and I am excited to be able to encourage that same expression of joy in other people.”
Faithful, annual gifts encourage students and bolster confidence across campus to ensure Olivet excellence. Your support awards scholarships based on merit and financial need. You strengthen academic resources for faculty to develop relevant curricula. You provide student athletes with exceptional opportunities.
Isabelle, Class of 2024, says, “I am so thankful for the opportunities I have been given to lead and encourage the ONU Cheerleading team through athletics, as well as be a representative for our school. I know this will help to further my career and personal growth. I am excited to see what the future brings!”
Many of Olivet’s alumni and friends have discovered they can realize personal benefits while they support the mission they love. Explore estate and planned giving options through Olivet!
Pastor Phil ’83 and Brenda ’82 Kizzee explored and committed. Phil says, “A legacy commitment says a lot about what you value. We decided to make a statement through our estate and membership in the Olivet Heritage Society — to make a difference for the next generation.”
Please contact Walter “Woody” Webb for a no-obligation conversation: 815-939-5171 or
Dr. Gregg Chenoweth recently shared, “A mature University knows what it is doing, has good reasons for doing it, and has the will to do it through difficult times.” We are committed and intentional to serve with continued transparency and careful stewardship.
We present this summary of financial operations to you, the mission investors of Olivet Nazarene University, with sincere appreciation for your generous gifts, influence and prayers.
Tuition & Fees $97,909,046
Room & Board 20,523,248
Gifts & Grants 25,919,246
Miscellaneous 7,150,296
Auxiliary 1,372,694
Total $152,874,530
Scholarships $54,650,892
Instruction 31,614,130
Student Services 17,969,088
Institutional Support 14,822,049
Operation/Maintenance 9,515,274
Auxiliary 11,464,545
Interest Expense 3,402,362
Total $143,438,340
Net Revenue Balance $9,436,190
University and The Olivet Foundation
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 (restricted and unrestricted)
Bequests 2.81% | $527,650 Foundations 7.57% | $1,404,533
Alumni (General Sources) 7.66% | $1,420,832
Churches & Religious Organizations 11.75% | $2,180,526
Corporations and Businesses 11.91% | $2,210,551
TOTAL GIFTS $18,563,808
Parents & Friends 42.59% | $7,904,942
Olivet designates approximately 90% of all revenue received toward instruction, scholarships, student services, institutional support, and operations/maintenance.
Angel Colón ’90 arrived at ONU with one suitcase, one baseball bag and an English-Spanish dictionary in 1986. He came from Puerto Rico on a baseball scholarship. “Students, teammates and ONU leaders loved and cared for me as I learned to adjust to a new culture,” he says.
While at Olivet, he met Naomi (Ritchie) ’88/’18 M.S.N., a nursing major from Kentucky. “Naomi invited me to attend a campus revival with her,” he recalls. “I accepted Christ that night, October 15, 1987. That decision transformed my life from being all about me to being all about serving others. Naomi discipled and mentored me, and she still does today.” They have been married for 34 years and are the parents of three adult children.
Angel says, “Olivet gave me the foundation and tools I needed to succeed personally and professionally.” He graduated with a degree in business administration and a solid faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He received his MBA from Cardinal Stritch University and holds a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion certification from Cornell University. Today, Angel is the head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with Designer Brands in Columbus, Ohio. To honor his commitment to serving others, Angel also helps teach English as a Second Language to immigrants in Cincinnati.
His Christian faith and education continue to influence how he carries himself at work, interacts with others and lives his life. “To succeed in the business world, you have to have a great balance of integrity, resilience and education,” Angel says.
When Naomi was a sophomore at Olivet, her father was killed in an automobile accident. She experienced the Olivet community come alongside her emotionally, spiritually and monetarily. “The people of Olivet supported me so that I could finish my degree in nursing. Today it’s a joy to give back so that other students may be blessed to fulfill their calling!”
it’s a joy to give back so that other students may be blessed to fulfill their calling!
Olivet gave me the foundation and tools I needed to succeed personally and professionally.
Naomi’s perspective regarding giving back began when she was a young girl. “I grew up as a Nazarene preacher’s kid and I saw firsthand the joy my family received in giving to others. We didn’t have much money, but our time and talents could always help those we served. I live by the motto, ‘We are blessed to bless again.’”
Angel agrees, saying, “Anytime you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don’t, then you are wasting your time on Earth.” Inspired by his hero, outstanding Major League Baseball player Roberto Clemente, Angel has established an ONU baseball scholarship for Puerto Rican students. He summarizes his story in two words: “Only God. Solo Dios in Spanish."
The Olivet Foundation exists to secure, manage and distribute funds that assist ONU students. Your investments from endowed gifts — and funds from other planned giving instruments — advance Olivet’s mission today and will benefit future generations of world-changers.
Please ask us about these endowed fund opportunities:
1. Faculty Chairs & Professorships
2. Academic Programs
3. Classrooms & Lab Technologies
4. Capital Projects
5. Student Scholarships
Every endowed gift is directed by a Gift Agreement between the University and you, the investor.
Olivet Foundation: Fiscal Year 2023
Total Gifts: $3,488,429
Net Assets: $58,927,663
New Endowments Established in Fiscal Year 2023:
The Wilfred Wentworth Scholarship
The Richard and Debbie Dykhouse Endowed Chair for the Dean of Student Persistence in the Center for Academic Excellence Fund
The Ovid Young Memorial Organ Concert Series Fund
The Ellen Herrmann Scholarship
The K. Lowell Short, Jr. Accounting Scholarship
The Stimson Family Scholarship
The Mary "Sharon" Young Nursing Program Fund
The Accounting Student Scholarship
The Madeline Grace Bloom Music Scholarship
The Rebecca Belcher-Rankin Scholarship
The Barbara Morrison Nursing Scholarship
The Dr. Harold and Mrs. Henderson Ministry Scholarship
The Rev. Jim & Rosemary Green Scholarship
The Foundation Matching Funds Account (non-endowed)
Dr. Gregg Chenoweth
University President
Dr. Timothy Crump
Rev. Tim Kellerman
Vice Chairman
Dr. Mark Hostetler
Rev. Andy Albright
Rev. David Anderson
Rev. Terry Armstrong
Rev. Wesley Ball
Dr. David Bartley
Dr. Cheri Betz
Dr. Steven Bohall
Rev. Lloyd Brock
Mr. Darin Brown
Rev. Ken Bushey
Mrs. Jennifer Caplinger
Dr. Bill Clark
Dr. Jeff Crowder
Rev. Chris DeMott
Mr. DeWayne Doty
Rev. Rodney Durr
Rev. Brad Dyrness
Rev. Phil Edwards
Rev. Tim Fisher
Rev. Jim Frye
Mr. Daniel Garde
Mrs. Lisa Garvin
Mrs. Phyllis German
Rev. Daniel Gilmore
Rev. Nathan Gray
Rev. Aaron Gregory
We are grateful for the commitment of those who serve on the Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board and the Alumni Board. Their prayerful governance — along with the exemplary leadership of our administrative team — guides the University with integrity.
Mr. John Harris
Mr. Daniel Hirst
Mr. Douglas Jones
Dr. Michael Kitsko
Rev. Phil Kizzee
Mrs. Elizabeth Kring
Rev. Garrett Lee
Mr. Stephen Lyle
Mr. Matt McBurnie
Rev. Mark McCall
Dr. Larry McKain
Rev. Travis Myers
Rev. Darin Nossett
Mr. Rick Parks
Rev. Michael Postell
Rev. Rob Prince
Mrs. Jill Rice
Mr. Ken Roat
Mr. Mel Sayes
Mr. Ken Schmidt
Dr. Stacey Schmidt
Mrs. Cheryl Seymour
Mrs. Cheryl Sherwood
Mr. Lowell Short
Mr. Ben Smidt
Rev. H. Gordon Smith
Dr. Brian Wangler
Rev. Francis Warren
Rev. Josh Woods
Dr. Gregg Chenoweth
University President
Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb Executive Director
Mr. Mel Sayes Chairman
Dr. Dan Rexroth
Vice Chairman
Mr. Barry Huebner Secretary
Dr. Jeriel Beard
Dr. Jill Bowling
Mr. Richard Dykhouse, Sr.
Mr. Harvey Gifford
Mr. George Kalemkarian
Rev. David McCool
Mr. Michael McGraw
Mrs. Beth Pennington
Mr. Chris Shride
Mr. Kevin Sims
Dr. William Slattery III
Mr. Don Walker
Dr. John Workman
Dr. Brian Allen
Dr. Timothy Crump
Mr. Matthew Foor
Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ‘90
University President
Dr. Brian Allen ‘82
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Mr. Erinn Proehl ’13
Director of Alumni, Church & Constituent Relations
Mrs. Lisa Garvin ‘90
Alumni Association President
Mr. Ryan Walker '90
Alumni Association Vice President
Mr. Tim Alderson '75
Alumni Association Historian/ Secretary
Rev. Phil Kizzee ’83
Trustee Ministerial Representative
Mr. Ben Smidt ’07
Trustee Lay Representative
Mrs. Karen Bontrager ’86
Mr. Matthew Buller ’10
Mr. LaMorris Crawford ’06
Mrs. Lisa Evans ’90
Mr. Jordan Gallup ’06
Mrs. Melissa Guerdan ’97
Mrs. Katie Jimenez ’06
Dr. Eric Johnson ‘94
Mr. Scott Lingle ’90
Mr. Matt Lyle ’09
Dr. Cassie Mecklenburg ’03
Dr. Chris Peal ’86
Mr. Bill Religo ’67
Mrs. Jordan Schriver ’15
Dr. Jessica Swanson ’06
Mr. Gordon Tommy ’97
Dr. Amy Williams ’90
The Campaign for Olivet Nazarene University has united all members of the Olivet community in a commitment to the priorities most relevant for our time. Thank you for leaning in through your prayers and gifts!
thanks to you...
Enrollment growth broke a six-year negative trend. This includes the largest undergraduate student body in four years.
Affordability is in-reach for target populations. The average educational cost to students was reduced from the previous year for the first time in memory. Average college debt was one-quarter less than the national average.
Mental health counseling waiting lists have been reduced from 100 to zero. More than 100 students use self-paced online-format mental health modules.
We’re increasing discipleship initiatives. Olivet encourages worship, prayer, Scripture reading, bearing witness, displaying stewardship, service and fellowship in the Body of Christ.
PERSISTENCE: supporting student success
AFFORDABILITY: increasing student access
VIRTUE: preparing thought leaders
EFFECTIVE STEWARDSHIP: securing Olivet’s future
RECRUITMENT: expanding Olivet’s influence
Operational efficiencies will result in significant cost reduction. For example, Olivet will see $3.9M of energy and software savings over these Campaign years.
With gratitude, we joyfully share this progress in our shared mission. We value your partnership in opportunities to ensure the accessibility, vibrancy and sustainability of Olivet for the next generation and beyond. Thank you!