Olivet The Magazine; The Celebration Issue - Autumn '22

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first week

Colorful, bold and fun sums up the start of the 2022–2023 academic year. The first day included the school year’s first chapel service, which featured a message from Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90, Olivet Nazarene University president, and worship led by student musicians. In addition to jumping into in-person classes, labs and on-campus jobs, students explored the many extracurricular opportunities available.

The first weekend of school included the first round of Ollies Follies competitions, with classes competing for points through various contests. Sports competitions gave students the opportunity to wear class colors and cheer for their class; wacky games featured relays; and the Variety Show, the grand finale, showcased the classes’ choreographed shows.

These events and others — including an outdoor movie, intramural sports, theatre performances, music ensemble concerts and revival services — exist to engage the student body during the first weeks of the fall semester.

OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

VOLUME 91 ISSUE 4 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright ©2022

Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 800-648-1463

PRESIDENT Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ‘90/M.A./Ph.D.







Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Lauren Beatty ’13 Erinn Proehl ’13/’19 MBA

ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson Rebecca Huber



Jones Foto, Image Group, Mark Ballogg, Joe Mantarian ’16, Austin Siscoe ’17, Kelli Neal ’22, Eric Decker

Additional photography submitted


Adam Asher ’01/’07 M.O.L. for 989 Group, Alicia (Gallagher) Guertin ’14, Rebecca Huber, Andrew Perabeau ’20, Austin Siscoe ’17, Heather (Kinzinger) Shaner ’98

STUDENT SUPPORT Skyler Blanton ’23, Brenna Johnson ’23

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Dear Friends,

In the fall of 2012, we wrote the following as we launched the first issue of Olivet The Magazine:

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Olivet The Magazine.

Each edition will center on a key word or phrase intended to capture the imagination and encourage a broad, ecumenical audience. Our goal is that this publication will not only be a source of inspiration for current ONU students and alumni but will also engage new audiences.

The tempo is upbeat, crisp, positive, engaging — and not overly verbose. Each article will be complemented and endorsed by images of the Olivet experience and its surrounding world. And in most cases, additional articles, photos and videos can be found online to augment your reading.

It is only fitting that the first issue revolves around the theme of “hope.” Olivetians have always been a people of hope and promise — an optimistic people, determined to follow a great God who spoke the world into existence and is capable of accomplishing anything.

May your hearts and minds be filled with hope this day. Enjoy!

Now, 10 years and 40 issues later, as we publish this celebration issue, we continue the privilege of telling the remarkable Olivet story.

We must pause and say thanks to Brian Allen, vice president for institutional advancement, for championing this idea; to Dr. Gregg Chenoweth, president; and to Dr. John Bowling, president emeritus, for their support and excellent contributions over the years.

We also want to express our immense gratitude to our incredible creative and production team for their remarkable work down through the years. George Wolff, Matthew Moore, Lauren Beatty, Donnie Johnson, Erinn Proehl, Rebecca Huber, Alicia (Gallagher) Guertin, Austin Siscoe, Thomas Dinkleman, Andrew Perabeau, Adam Asher, Heather (Kinzinger) Shaner, Monique Cartier, Heather (Quimby)Day, Laura Warfel, Luke Olney, Remington Anksorus and Sheryl Feminis, thank you and congratulations on this wonderful body of work!

And as we begin again, we say look what God has done in and through the people of Olivet.

Blessings to all of you. Enjoy!


over the last

of Olivet

including a double



The Magazine
10 years,
digital-only issue
2020. IN THIS ISSUE 9 OLIVET NEWS Headlines From Campus and Beyond 18 HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER Olivet Students Making a Difference 24 10 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Looking Back at the First 40 Issues 43 THE CLASSES Notable Accomplishments and Passings


The Why of Olivet

Dr. Gregg Chenoweth, President

I’ve learned over the years that if you capture your why, you can rally around almost any what.

People ask about my why for Olivet. Why do I get up early every Monday morning with excitement? Why work evenings or weekends? Why all the travel, the prayer, the striving?

Three answers: First, when students receive spiritual help, it fuels my tank. It’s the only eternal thing we do — our highest return on investment. Second, I find a fifth gear when alumni really deliver, professionally and missionally, for the communities they occupy. They are Olivet’s amazing force multipliers across the world. Third, this job requires that I always work on a distant future, trying to birth things unseen. That’s hard. But it’s worth it when you cut the ribbon on a big and difficult project that will bless thousands of people for decades to come.

I have a good report: All three of those whys are happening here. My terrific colleagues rally around people and priorities in consequential ways.

Sophomore Jacob Sims is just one example. This finance major from Texas is one of my whys this year.

Jacob was born to an unmarried couple whose household never found stability. His dad spent 15 years in jail from recurring DUI infractions. In fact, when Jacob was just 3 years old, his dad placed him in a seat without a belt, drove drunk and crashed, ejecting Jacob through the glass. He crushed all his ribs on one side against a tree, then his head bounced off the pavement, splitting it open and causing severe injury. The intense suffering elicited family prayers to take Jacob to Heaven if necessary.

Meanwhile, Jacob’s mom was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, creating more instability in the home, including deep poverty. Jacob ate Ritz Crackers for a meal more than once. When there was occasional cash in the house, it was usually used on cigarettes.

When he was 11 years old, Jacob’s mom left him alone for two days while she went to a casino. He got himself to school, fed himself and slept alone — a mere fifth grader at a school where he was misdiagnosed with a learning disability. By the time he was a high school senior, his mom passed away from breast and lung cancer.

However, a turn came. Jacob’s involvement in the Boy Scouts gave structure and awakened his grit. He persisted to become Eagle Scout, a standard met by just 8% of young men in America. He also outperformed expectations with excellent grades.

During COVID, he got a job at Sonic. The franchise was 15 miles from home. So, he skateboarded there! He worked 60 hours per week while in high school, eventually saving enough to buy a car.

Now, Olivet enters his story. His maternal grandmother (Becky Powell Lightner) and paternal grandfather (David Miller) are alumni. They watched these dire circumstances and believed God could redeem Jacob’s story through a college education at Olivet. They brought him for visits during middle school and twice in high school. No other places — only Olivet.

Grandpa David delivered Jacob to campus last summer, saying in hopeful tears, “Maybe he can have ‘an Olivet experience.’” That inspired me to frame Jacob’s photo in our conference room, where our executive team often prayed for him before doing University business.

What happened during Jacob’s first year? Midway through the fall semester, he had a little too much fun in Chapman Hall, leaping from the third to second floor stairwell, blowing out his knee upon landing. To compensate for limited mobility during recovery, he moved to the first floor of Hills Hall. Even so, Chapman Hall Resident Director Ralph Kalfas kept visiting Jacob to encourage him.


At around the same time, ONU Public Safety Director Darren Blair heard Jacob’s story. In compassion, Darren called Jacob while he was still recovering at the hospital to say he believed in him, wanted to help and offered a campus job.

Shortly after, Jacob bumped into professor Doug Nielsen in the McGraw School of Business. They talked about the Investment Club in which students directly manage an $800,000 investment portfolio, with proceeds going to scholarships and academic experiences. This intrigued Jacob, so he declared a finance major. When I asked him why he chose finance, he said that he wanted to become a certified financial planner to help people find financial stability that evaded him as a child.

Did you hear it? Now Jacob has his why. He wants to help create new legacies of financial stability for his peers.

Little wonder he earned a 3.9 GPA last semester.

Little wonder he is a resident assistant in Chapman Hall, under Ralph’s leadership, to serve others the way he was served. This is Olivet. This is our why. I wonder what’s in store for Jacob this year?

GREGG CHENOWETH ’90, Ph.D., has been president of Olivet Nazarene University since 2021. As an Olivet alumnus, former faculty member, former dean, former vice president for academic affairs and parent of an alumnus, Dr. Chenoweth implicitly understands the value of Christian higher education. He has published works in more than 30 media outlets and is the author of the book, Everyday Discernment: The Art of Cultivating Spirit-Led Leadership, through The Foundry Press.

The President’s Cabinet and PAVER Lead Council (from L to R): Dr. Lisa Vander Veer, Dr. Stephen Lowe, Drew Benson, Dr. Brian Allen, Luke Franklin, Dr. Gregg Chenoweth, Jason Johnson, Jason Stephens, Mark Reddy, Dr. David Pickering, Susan Wolff IMAGE GROUP


First Person

Stella Barrera ’22

“It’s a memorable achievement for me to be the first in my family to graduate from college. Additionally, I’m incredibly thankful to say that with the help and support from my parents, relatives, teachers, friends and Olivet donors, I graduated college debt-free!”

Everyone’s story holds valuable experiences that uniquely unfold to shape each individual. My name is Stella Barrera, and I am a first-generation Hispanic/Latina student. My parents were born and raised in Mexico. Although we faced many financial hardships, my parents were always encouraging, supporting and inspiring me to pursue a college degree. For this to happen, there were several sacrifices my parents faced, such as working extra hours and keeping expenses as low as possible.

My parents had limited knowledge regarding the college process. I researched and sought guidance from teachers, college resource centers and relatives to ensure I had all the information needed. I prayed for patience, trust and wisdom through this challenging and daunting process. As a recent music education graduate from Olivet Nazarene University, I strongly believe that God paved a way for my family and me so that I could attend college.

My experiences at Olivet can be described as a roller coaster of emotions I am eternally grateful for. I remember thinking my freshman year of college, “Wow, I came to the wrong place.” I grew up in a racially diverse community in Aurora, Illinois, and attended a large public high school with a graduating class nearing 700 students. Coming to Olivet was a culture shock, and I most definitely felt like the minority — an outsider. Dealing with the experiences of living away from what I called home for 18 years and leaving the people who were my constant supporters was also heavy for me.

During this time, I questioned my faith. I specifically questioned denominations, wondering if there was a correct faith path to follow. I felt alone and confused. With these conflicting thoughts in the first few weeks of college, I definitely believed I

did not belong. However, it is only through those moments of vulnerability where God is able to perfect His love and strengthen you immeasurably more than what you or I can even imagine.

At Olivet, I met an amazing community of faith-filled individuals who lovingly serve in God’s Kingdom and share that love with those around them. I became highly active in the many clubs, activities and ministries Olivet offered and met incredible people that would soon become my lifelong mentors.

Sophomore year through senior year, I served in leadership positions in the Tiger Marching Band, University Orchestra and Wind Ensemble. Junior year, I auditioned for the Commencement Concert; became the vice president for Kappa Delta Pi, an education professional honor society; and became the treasurer for Olivet’s chapter of National Association for Music Educators(NAFME). During the summer of my junior year, I marched professionally and toured the East Coast with The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps.

Included in the list of life-changing events was working at the Academic Coaching Center as a peer coach. The program started as a way to walk alongside first-generation Olivet students. I started as a student in the program for a semester and then became a coach for two years. I loved working in this program, and I grew a passion for investing in students who needed the extra guidance. Just as people were there for me when I started college, I wanted to be present for other students.

As I navigated the highs and lows of my college experience, I realized I had a home at Olivet. I belonged on campus — as does everyone else. My hope is that students — like me — who


are beginning their first year of college or are unsure about the unforeseeable future may know that it certainly gets better! You matter, and your story matters.

Before I even started college, my parents agreed they did not want me to take out loans. So, I made sure that I sought out every possible opportunity to apply for scholarships. I received scholarships for academics, music and marching band directly from Olivet, and I applied for outside scholarships and the ONU Foundation Scholarship, which provided financial assistance that helped bridge the gap of what my family still owed.

After graduating this past May, I accepted a job offer for the middle school band director position at Limestone Middle School. In my freshman year of college, my dream job was to become a middle school band director, start a fifth grade beginning band and be an assistant marching band director at a local high school. To this day, I am still in shock that that is exactly what I am doing right now. I am completely blown away by how God works in wonderful and mysterious ways and thankful for how Olivet played a part in my story.


let’s connect

Olivet has fans in every corner of the globe. A great way to stay connected is through Olivet social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter. We even have a special Facebook group devoted to parents.


U.S. News Recognizes Olivet’s Value in Its 2023 Best Colleges Rankings

U.S. News & World Report has released its 2023 Best Colleges Report, and Olivet Nazarene University has received distinguished rankings and recognitions, including a ranking in the Best Value School – Regional Universities (Midwest) and Regional University (Midwest) categories. Additionally, the school was recognized as a Top Performer on Social Mobility; Best Undergraduate Engineering Program for national non-doctoral engineering programs; and Best Undergraduate Nursing school. These rankings took into consideration factors including retention and graduation rates, faculty and financial resources, student excellence and alumni engagement.

For more than 30 years, the rankings and advice from U.S. News have served as a valuable consumer reference. The annual report provides nearly 50 different types of numerical rankings and lists to help students narrow their college search. This type of third-party endorsement provides clarity for prospective students as they navigate the college search process.


Glenn Named ONU Athletic Department’s Senior Woman Administrator

Olivet Nazarene University (ONU) Director of Athletics Mike Conway ’83 recently announced that Lauren Glenn ’09 M.O.L. will serve as the senior woman administrator (SWA) for ONU’s Department of Athletics. The senior woman administrator is the highest-ranking female involved in supporting an institution’s intercollegiate athletics program. The intent of this designation is to promote meaningful representation of women in leadership and management within the Department of Athletics.

“Lauren represents what ONU Athletics is all about,” Conway said. “She is well respected on campus and in the community and will continue to support our coaches and student-athletes as well as provide valuable input to the athletic department as our SWA.”

Glenn, who is entering her 11th season as head women’s basketball coach and 16th year at the University, will be taking on the SWA duties effective immediately.

“It’s a privilege to serve our athletic department in this role,” Glenn said. “I am grateful to coach Conway and our administration for entrusting me with this opportunity, and I look forward to collaborating with our coaches and leadership to continue moving ONU Athletics forward.”

For more ONU Athletics news, visit ONUTigers.com.


President’s Dinner for Faculty and Staff

On Aug. 25, Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90, along with his wife, Tammy (Salyer) ’89, hosted the annual President’s Dinner for Faculty and Staff in Chalfant Hall on campus.

Professor Ashley Sarver ’15/’18 MBA, director of the theatre program, opened the event with a Scripture reading, set against a backdrop of floral architecture and the ambient sounds of nature. Later, professor Sarver and alumni musicians provided musical entertainment, including a modern arrangement of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” and an original song written by professor Sarver.

The pervasive theme of the dinner was “Fruitful Community,” which was reflected in everything from the table setup and decor to the charcuterie hors d’oeuvres. In his remarks, Dr. Chenoweth encouraged everyone in attendance to seek a community atmosphere that demonstrates the fruits of the Spirit in actions and words.

Tom Ascher ’08/’17 MBA, director of human resources, acknowledged the milestone accomplishments of faculty and staff during the event, and Dr. Tiffany Greer ’97 and Drew Benson ’09/’21 MBA were honored as the 2022 Faculty Member of the Year and 2022 Staff Member of the Year, respectively.


Shine.FM Expands With New Frequency for Spanish Network

The Olivet Media Group recently closed on the purchase of WEGN 88.7 in Kankakee County, Illinois. The acquisition, fully funded by donations from Shine.FM listeners, is the new flagship station for the Brilla.FM Spanish Network.

Brilla.FM began in 2013 as an HD2 channel on Olivet Nazarene University’s parent channel, WONU 89.7. In 2020, translators at 89.3 FM in Goshen, Indiana, and 89.5 FM in Elkhart, Indiana, were added.

Brilla.FM plays all Spanish Christian music in genres ranging from worship and pop to Latin styles like Tejano, salsa, reggaetón and merengue.

New Chaplain Sets Tone for Spiritual Development on Campus

Olivet Nazarene University announced this past summer the appointment of Antonio Marshall ’13/’16 M.A. as the University’s chaplain. Previously, Marshall held the position of associate chaplain in the Office of Student Development. Marshall set “My Story, His Story” as the theme for the fall 2022 chapel series, which started on the first day of undergraduate classes.

“I think I am most excited about the opportunity to partner with God in developing leaders that will leave this place and transform the world,” Marshall said. “When it comes to chapel, my prayer is that students would experience God, fall in love with the process of learning and growing in that setting, and find that it is an oasis they can have throughout each week. I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to be a chaplain and privileged to partner with God back at this place.”

To watch chapel services, visit Olivet.edu/chapel.


Olivet’s Ruffatti Organ

Featured on Faculty Album

Dr. Josh Ring ’13, faculty member in Olivet Nazarene University’s School of Music, recently released an album titled Fanfare for a New Century: The Concert Organ Works of Aaron David Miller, recorded on the Ruffatti Organ in the Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel.

“I wanted to record something that was fun and accessible to everyone, not just other organists,” Dr. Ring reflected.

“Aaron’s music is rhythmically energetic, harmonically stimulating, and many of his compositions are based on hymn tunes and other well-known melodies. Olivet’s Ruffatti organ is one of the largest organs in the Midwest, and it is equipped with a great variety of tone color and timbres, including many solo stops, which are vital components of Aaron’s compositions. My goal throughout the album was to show off as many sides of the organ as I could, using almost every possible solo sound.”

The album can be found on Apple iTunes, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and Spotify.

ONU Theatre Presents The Time We Have

A student-written play kicked off the 2022–2023 Olivet Nazarene University (ONU) Theatre season in September. Winner of the second annual ONU Theatre New Works Festival, The Time We Have, an original play by senior Sisi Clark, explores life through the viewpoints of a group of New York City subway passengers.

All ONU Theatre productions will be held in the black box theatre at Sims Education Center.

For tickets and more information about performances, visit Olivet.edu/tickets.


getting to know jason stephens

Olivet The Magazine sits down with Jason Stephens, vice president for student development

You started in this position at the beginning of August, so you’re still fairly new to life at Olivet. What has been a highlight of your experience so far?

There have been two things that stand out as highlights. First, Ollies Follies! There were over 1,200 people coming out to each event (athletic games, wacky games and the variety show). There were opportunities for all students to get involved in a variety of ways. I’ve seen so many schools try to create competition between halls or classes but fail miserably. Olivet is just different! It was amazing to see the friendly competition between the classes, hear seniors chanting “We love freshman” and feel the excitement of being a student at Olivet!

The second highlight was the second chapel of the year. University Chaplain Antonio “Tone” Marshall gave a powerful message about Abraham. There were at least 50 students who went to the front to respond to the message. Beyond that, there were an additional 300 or more students who stayed after being dismissed just to worship a bit longer. There is something special happening at Olivet, and I am excited to be a part of it!

Student Development oversees so many social events, residential life elements, health and counseling services, etc. How are all of those things enhanced at a Christian institution?

I think these things are enhanced at a place like Olivet because of our theological understanding of holiness. The Church of the Nazarene is part of the holiness tradition, which emphasizes both personal transformation and social engagement. We believe God

came to restore that which was broken, to advocate for justice in the world and create learning of the whole person in the pursuit of truth. Student Development is a critical part of the educational mission of the institution by creating ways for students to engage with others who might have different opinions, develop a heart of service, and discover purpose and meaning through intentional experiences at Olivet.

The Olivet community is like a family. Tell us a little about yours.

I have been married for 12 years to Kendra and have two kiddos Caleb, age 7, and Hannah, age 5. Kendra is a CPA and works within the consulting practice of CapinCrouse, an accounting firm specializing in nonprofit organizations. Caleb is in first grade and loves Batman, LEGOs and reading. Hannah is in kindergarten and enjoys coloring, unicorns and anything pink or purple.

Where are some of your favorite places to spend time on campus?

I enjoy the cafeteria and Starbucks. I like being able to see students just being students! They are hanging out with friends, talking on the phone with parents, enjoying a cup of coffee with a mentor or advisor, or just being alone. It helps keep students at the center of my work and reminds me that students have more than just their academics to worry about; they have loved ones at home who are dealing with health issues, financial stressors, searching for jobs, managing multiple relationships and so much more. These are simple reminders of what we are tasked with: the holistic support of our students.


So, what is your go-to Starbucks order?

White mocha with caramel drizzle!

Do you have any podcast, book, song or TV show recommendations for the greater Olivet constituency?

Wow! Professionally, I like Michael Hyatt a lot. He has a podcast (Lead to Win) and multiple books. My favorite is Free to Focus. Personally, my favorite TV shows are The West Wing and The Office

As a new vice president, what are some of your goals for the position?

My goal is to continue to do the good work that was established by Dr. Woody Webb in caring for students, cultivating a community of mattering and allowing students to experience God in unique and dynamic ways. My hope is that because of their experience at Olivet, students have a better understanding of how to use the skills that God has entrusted to them to better His Kingdom.

What are some of your favorite aspects of working in Student Development?

I love the student stories, unexpected moments, and mentorship and discipleship that naturally occurs throughout the day. I also love seeing how students have grown because of their time at college. Personally, I was transformed because of mentors like RAs, RDs, staff and faculty members. It is fun to watch a student be transformed during these critical years!

Describe Olivet in five words or less.

We believe. You belong here. Just kidding! I would say: “lives transformed through intentional experiences.” So much of what happens at Olivet has a lot of thought, meaning and intentionality behind it — from assigned seats in chapel to planned events like Ollies Follies to the curriculum students engage with inside and outside of the classroom. These experiences are intentionally created to help transform students’ lives into a posture of service, worship and pursuit of God’s calling.

What does “We Believe. You Belong Here.” mean to you and your work?

I am in the midst of writing my dissertation for a Ph.D. in educational leadership. My topic is exploring the relationship between spirituality and psychological sense of community among first-year marginalized students.

What I found is that the top predictor of student success is sense of community, and the top pathway to build that community is spirituality. Students who have a higher sense of their spiritual identity tend to have better relationships with peers; better relationships with mentors like faculty, staff or pastors; and tend to be able to make meaning out of their college experience. So, when I hear “We Believe. You Belong Here,” it resonates with the core of my being. “We Believe” demonstrates the strong spiritual commitment that exists within the Olivet community, which represents the best pathway to build community. “You Belong Here” highlights the important role of belonging in fostering an educational community that allows students to thrive. I strongly believe the competitive advantage for colleges in today’s society rests on finding ways for students to belong, build community and thrive. Our motto demonstrates Olivet’s commitment to that important work.

What is your prayer for Olivet students this year?

My prayer is that students are attentive to the Lord’s nudging, receptive to new opportunities and confident in the skills and abilities they have been gifted with.


playing above par

The athletes of Olivet’s intercollegiate athletic teams benefit from Christ-centered coaching that not only improves their physicality but it also promotes good sportsmanship beyond the playing field.


olivet in the pacific rim

In 2021 the Office of Admissions at Olivet began to actively recruit students from the Pacific Rim, with a desire to expand into emerging markets. This fall 65 freshman and transfer students from Hawaii, Guam and Alaska enrolled at the University — many of whom attended a special summer orientation the Office of Admissions hosted in Hawaii.


how I spent my summer

Summer breaks are impactful times for students to step away from the classroom and gain valuable experiences through internships, jobs and travel opportunities. Here are some first-person examples of how Olivet students grew personally and professionally through their unique internship opportunities.

Tanalian Bible Camp is off the road system and requires a bush plane to get to. My primary responsibility was to produce the camp’s weekly recap videos, along with many marketing tasks, photography and running all media and sound during twice-a-day chapel services. I also was part of the program crew and had the opportunity to lead campers on hikes in the Alaskan backcountry of Lake Clark National Park.

Going to my hometown school, I promised myself that I would spend my summers away from Bourbonnais, find a new adventure, or find an internship or job in an unfamiliar place to grow me and to stretch myself outside my comfort zone. Then I considered serving, and on a deep, third-page Google search, I ran into Tanalian Bible Camp in middle-of-nowhere southwest Alaska. It was quite the unorthodox way of finding an internship. I had an amazing summer full of adventure, full of learning new things and at a place that I loved!

I could write a novel on significant experiences and lessons learned this summer. We hosted eight weeks of camp, and I successfully produced a video each week. I was able to shadow and work on marketing projects for the camp. I learned to be more lighthearted, and I learned time management in a workplace setting. It was an honor to serve this summer!


Samantha Joy Martin Oswego, Illinois Class of 2023

Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication

This summer I was the marketing and communications intern for Soul City Church. I provided social media support to the communications coordinator by creating content such as reels, Sunday stories, sermon recap videos and fun posts. I also provided project management support for the Soul City Cafe and bookstore. And I researched and presented branding recommendations for Soul City Worship, as they are launching a new album this fall.

During my internship, I learned how to be a better content creator and leader. I learned that public relations professionals are to advocate for a client, consumer, designer or contractor and how to foster healthy conversations while doing so. I learned in content creation that it is important to know the story you’re trying to tell and ask how each piece is conveying it.

This experience impacted my life by confirming my vocation in the public relations and communication industry. The staff at Soul City was very encouraging and helped me to steward my gifts this summer. It helped me to grow in my faith by being in church more consistently than I have been and helped me to trust God’s plan for me, as I stepped into a place where I didn’t know anybody but did know that I was where God wanted me to be.

Pricila Carmona

Kankakee, Illinois

Class of 2023

Major: Marketing-Management and Commercial Graphics Concentrations

This summer I was chosen as a finalist for the Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP). The MAIP is a national fellowship program for aspiring diverse entry-level advertising professionals that lasts 22 weeks, including 12 weeks of virtual spring training and a 10-week internship at a top advertising company. Selected applicants obtain real-world job experience, networking opportunities within the industry and a significant career pathway to better position oneself in the marketplace.

I interned with Havas in the Chicago office. Havas is the world’s fifth-largest communications group and a top 10 advertising agency. Havas is an outstanding advertising firm with a large network and an abundance of brands as clients. My summer-long team project through MAIP with other students from throughout the country was working with Yellow Shoes by Disney as our client. My team’s marketing strategy project was one of the five finalists.

As part of my strategy internship at Havas, I assisted in the development and implementation of strategic projects. In addition, I collaborated with multiple departments to obtain data and provide insights that gave a deeper understanding of the market and our customers to support strategy development. I was also able to expand my horizons and discover new opportunities in the advertising industry that I was previously unaware of. Hands-on experience is a beautiful thing that no textbook can teach you. I thank God for this blessing that has opened so many doors for me and helped me figure out what role in advertising I want to work in.


Emmet Wolff

Bourbonnais, Illinois

Class of 2025

Major: Business Administration; Minor: Legal Studies

I was chosen as the strategist intern at Prolific for a 10-week internship program. Prolific is the parent company to four others, which includes a paid media firm, a marketing firm and two additional firms. Prolific describes itself as a growth firm. I was part of a team of three other interns, and we were given California Closets as a client. We worked with their team to learn about their business and develop a strategic growth plan for them. Our team did a large amount of research respective to commercial construction and general contractors. We then strategized and developed a strategic growth plan. The team from California Closets decided they wanted to expand into commercial casework, and we created a plan for them to do so.

I chose this internship opportunity because of the team aspect and due to us having our own client. I learned a lot from this experience. I not only improved my professional skills and professional behavior in the workplace, but I also just met a ton of super-smart people. Over the 10 weeks, we met with people across the family of companies under Prolific and met people in different fields to learn about what they do. This experience gave me an idea of what work in this field looks like and has helped me regain my love for school and love for learning. It made me excited for the rest of college, because I will be able to apply the things I did and learned to things I will continue to learn.

Aimee Nana

Bethany, Oklahoma

Class of 2023

Major: Interior Design; Minor: Marketing

This summer I had the opportunity to be a design intern for an interior design company out of Edmond, Oklahoma, called Kelsey Leigh Design Company (KLDC). I was on call for a multitude of different tasks ranging from technical design to business management.

For this internship, I was hoping to gain hands-on experience in a specific residential field. I also searched long and hard to find a design company with a Christian foundation and was able to find just that at KLDC.

I learned so much from this internship. I learned about design, about life, about leadership, about faith, about hard work — and even smaller things like this season’s popular paint colors or the best pillow cover vendors! We traveled for projects every few weeks and would run local errands daily. I had the opportunity to meet with specific trades like cabinetmakers, carpenters, ironworkers and plumbers. I was able to sit in on client meetings, expert calls and various master classes, soaking up information about my future industry.

Working under Christians was a blessing, as I got to witness real-life application of morals in the workplace. Each person on our teamed valued faith in all aspects and represented the love of Christ through each part of the design process. I was able to grow tremendously in my understanding of interior design but was also able to meet the Lord in a new and unique way through my vocation.


Adriana Thayer

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Class of 2024

Major: Biology; Minor: Chemistry

This summer I worked in the Regenerative Medicine and Disability Research Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. During my eight-week internship, I conducted a project studying the effects of antioxidants to both minimize the amount of corrosion and treat the negative side effects of corrosion in a hip implant. Throughout the internship, I worked under Dr. Mathew T. Mathew as well as a graduate student in his lab. At the end of the eight weeks, I was able to present my research at a scientific forum that took place at the medical school.

I chose this internship because I was personally invested in the project I was working on. Previously, my dad was in a car accident that caused massive damage to his hip and will probably cause him to have a hip replacement in the future. This internship allowed me to help others and possibly provide a better future for my dad.

This experience taught me a lot of patience. Research is a slow process that may not work all the time and takes a lot of problem-solving. Patience was a necessary skill that I had to develop. This internship also gave me an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge that I learned in my classes here at Olivet.

Olivia Winters

Bartlett, Illinois

Class of 2023

Major: Zoology; Minor: Music

I worked as an intern at First Environmental Laboratories as a lab technician in the organic preparation department. We received samples of soil and water from places as far as the Virgin Islands to test if there were contaminants or if the water was drinkable and then would give those reports to our clients. I chose First Environmental Laboratories because I thought it would be a good fit after meeting with some of the people that worked there. I was also curious about what it would be like to work in a lab.

The things I learned from my Organic Chemistry class at Olivet came in handy, but, in addition, I learned the various methods of how chemists extract organic components from samples so that they can come back to their clients with accurate reports.

This job also taught me how life-changing it is to work under someone who believes in God. As both a Christian and scientist, I learned a lot from my boss. He set an example as someone who knows how both Christianity and science go hand in hand instead of the two being conflicting ideas. Other chemists in the lab said they preferred their current job over past jobs because of how much they said their boss cares for them.



Scholarly Pursuits

Kairos: An Opportune Moment

In celebration of Olivet Nazarene University’s centennial year in 2007, administrators and faculty members launched the University Honors Program. Current University President Gregg Chenoweth ’90, who was then vice president for academic affairs, was influential in planning for a program that would challenge high academic achievers and deepen their discipleship through multidisciplinary Christian education.

“The decision to start the Honors Program was more about kairos than chronos,” Dr. Chenoweth reflected. “It was not so much ‘a next thing for year 101’ but about entering a new era of Olivet’s maturity with academically gifted students.

“The academically gifted student can almost earn A grades passively, but that isn’t impressive; we expect A’s from them. But scholarship is impressive as the fruit of stewarding their gift and, best of all, faithintegrated scholarship. In this, academics is discipleship.”

Liberal Arts: A Theory and a Practice

Olivet was founded as a liberal arts institution offering required courses in humanities, natural sciences, mathematics and social sciences. Every student who enrolls at the University takes courses covering a wide variety of subject material, with a goal of diversifying students’ perspectives on society and human interconnectedness while also helping them build skills needed for career success — all through the lens of Christianity.

The Honors Program takes this concept a step further by combining four general education course requirements into unique team-taught classes, which students take over the four semesters of their freshman and sophomore years. Honors Program students also participate in cultural experiences, including excursions to Chicago and service projects in the local community.

Since the program’s inception, 34 faculty members representing a wide range of disciplines have taught courses in the program.

Sustainable Scholarship

The culmination of student research in an undergraduate thesis paper is an extraordinary accomplishment that wraps up the undergraduate academic experience and provides a solid foundation for further scholarship. Students who choose to complete the program and research project are eligible to receive funding, and 100% of projects that request funding are supported.

Over the years, 146 students have completed the capstone research project and graduated from the program. All projects can be found on Benner Library’s Digital Commons site, an online repository at digitalcommons.olivet.edu. Since 2018 the final theses have also been printed in ELAIA: The Honors Journal of Olivet Nazarene University. Alumni from the Honors Program have completed medical and law degrees; starred in independent films; opened small businesses; published books; assumed leadership roles in accounting and finance firms; taught future generations at every grade level; provided medical care as nurses; and contributed to expanding research on everything from cures for cancer to deep space observations.

“All who complete the Honors Program become creators, having added to the body of knowledge — to the delighted exploration and exposition of God’s creation,” wrote Dr. Stephen Case ’05, professor and director of the Honors Program. in a previous issue of this magazine. “Scholarship isn’t just the icing on the cake of a college education or something extra to pad a résumé. It’s the pursuit of knowledge central to who we are as Christians and what it means to be created in God’s image.”

There are currently 10 faculty members co-teaching freshman and sophomore courses or junior and senior research seminars. An additional 22 faculty members are mentoring junior and senior Honors Program students working on their capstone research projects.

This fall the program welcomed 30 freshmen into its 16th cohort. These students represent the top 10% of college freshmen in the nation, based on ACT score, high school GPA and class ranking.

The culmination of students’ Honors Program research is published in ELAIA: The Honors Journal of Olivet Nazarene University, featuring the work of the previous year’s graduating class. The 2021 ELAIA was published in early September. For more details about the Honors Program and application information, visit Olivet.edu/Honors.


In celebrating 10 years of Olivet The Magazine, we’ve chosen to highlight a sampling of wonderful contributions from Olivet faculty, staff, alumni and friends over the past 10 years and 40 issues. While we couldn’t publish all the articles in their entirety, we invite you to visit Olivet.edu/Olivet-Magazine to peruse all the archived issues and articles. We hope these texts will encourage and inspire you once again.

The letter from the editors in the spring 2018 “Higher Purpose” issue summarized our thoughts about the grand mission and expansive influence of Olivet, and it seems to be the ideal place to begin our journey of reflection.

Higher Education. Higher Purpose. 2018

Dear Friends,

Many of the fundamental precepts of various academic disciplines are the same across the landscape of higher education, and Olivet is no exception. The pianos in our studios have 88 keys. The periodic tables in our labs have 118 elements. Shakespeare is critical to our study of literature, and Aristotle is central to our understanding of philosophy. We are a university, and education is our daily task.

But at Olivet, students receive so much more than just the transfer of knowledge. The real Olivet difference — setting us apart from so many of the rest — is our mission, our purpose, our calling. We believe higher education should have a higher purpose, and that higher purpose is transformation!

Our aim is to elevate the grand mission of Olivet and illuminate the core tenets of the Olivet experience. May we all once again be startled by the call of our great God to live significant lives and be inspired to revisit our own personal calling.

Let’s be candid. The world does not need just another college or university. There are 4,500 in the United States alone. But a university dedicated to the cause of Christ, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, and intent on continually sending young women and men into the world as a force for good and for God — now that is a university with a higher purpose! And a purpose worth believing in. That is Olivet.

Igniting a Love for Learning 2013 Dr. Darcel Brady

Each semester, I go into the Olivet classroom excited about what my students and I will discuss in the History and Philosophy of Education course. Not every student is excited about taking the course. I ask God to give me the Spirit of wisdom to ensure that each student will leave the class with a passion to be a great teacher in their future classroom. These students are not too different from the students they will one day teach. For all of us, the passion of the teacher has to be there to feed the students.

Transformation: Why Christian Higher Education? Transforming the World for Christ 2014

Dr. David Van Heemst

A freshman in my college-level American Government class, Daryl got into a friendly pencil fight with another student. I met with him after class and explained that it wasn’t funny that he won the pencil fight. He agreed not to pencil fight again. Seven years later, Daryl — armed with his Olivet degree and a law degree — was in Mexico, working to free young women and girls from human trafficking. What happened? Christian higher education captured Daryl’s heart, transformed his mind and captivated his imagination.



26 OLIVET.EDU Dr. Karen Ball, 2015

J.S. Bach began his music manuscripts with “JJ” for Jesu Juva, or “Help me, Jesus.” He ended them with “SDG” for “To God alone the glory.” In the margin of his Biblical commentary next to II Chronicles 5:13–14, the composer wrote, “Where there is devotional music, God is always at hand with His gracious presence.”

All things in the Bach household began with religion, said C.P.E. Bach (the composer’s son), and all was done in the name of Jesus. What a powerful example of artistry and inspiration — born of God’s Spirit — that still has the power to touch people’s lives after two centuries.

Like all true artistry, music is born of natural ability, hard work and passion. It is an expression of the soul. Without it, human existence is barren. Music can stimulate or diminish brain function, cause a state of relaxation or hypertension and influence behavior. It is a powerful tool. Presented with profound passion, music resonates with audiences who identify with what they are hearing. People need and want to feel.

I believe this to be the innermost yearning of mankind for the Creator God. True creativity is cathartic, allowing the observer to feel what the composer or artist intended. Is it any wonder that the arts have amazing power to influence society — for good or bad? God’s very essence is one of life and creativity. He is constantly creating and recreating each of us and the wondrous world we live in. For the believer in Christ, artistry — whether it is music, dance or the visual arts — is the evidence and expression of God’s presence in our lives.

My mission as a professor at Olivet is to shape powerful and productive musicians who can be competitive and successful in the music market. Although building technique, skill, understanding and artistry are absolute priorities in my

teaching, my mission extends much further. I sincerely believe that society is influenced by music. Opening the soul through a passionate performance or a powerful composition creates a channel through which God can speak. Most times, audiences are unaware they have been visited by the Supreme Creator Himself when they hear stirring and uplifting music. They know only that they felt something deeper than superficial entertainment and that the experience left its mark, softening the heart and refreshing the mind.

Human contact in music class or private lesson is important for the teacher who sees his or her position as one of ministry, bringing healing to students with broken lives or families. Many times, the music and the passion associated with it can stir the soul more effectively than mere words. In today’s world of depersonalization, this contact is crucial for our future generations. As young teachers enter the workforce, it is my sincere prayer that they see beyond the subject matter to the limitless possibilities God has for them as ambassadors of Christ to heal a tormented world. I am blessed to work at a university where this mission is encouraged and lived out daily by the administration, faculty and students. It is an environment that encourages creativity and growth and provides the skills to achieve.

Our world is immense. May we daily live by the words of J.S. Bach: “To God alone the glory.”

DR. KAREN BALL is an accomplished performer and composer who for many years taught and inspired Olivet student-musicians. A consummate musician, she specializes in piano performance, piano repertoire, piano pedagogy, improvisation and composition. She and her husband, Stephen, live in South Carolina.



“You’re wrong!” thundered the professor. Dr. Johnson, a Har vard University product, punctuated his statement by leaning across the table and pointing his finger at my face. The other committee members nodded their heads in solemn agreement.

Those two words — “you’re wrong” — not only ended the hour-long oral exam required to complete my doctoral degree but also created several dilemmas.

The first dilemma was whether this marked the end of my graduate school experience at the University of Oregon. I had invested five grueling years there. Would I now walk away with nothing to show for my efforts?

The second dilemma related to Olivet Nazarene University, over 2,000 miles away. Four months earlier, I had visited Olivet’s campus, interviewed and subsequently signed a contract to join its faculty. Should I now call the academic dean and ask that the contract be voided?

A final dilemma occurred after I arrived back home, an hour north of the university. My wife, Beth, had planned a surprise party to celebrate what she assumed would be my successful completion of another academic milestone. The congratula tory cake and colorful streamers only added salt to the wound of humiliation. Triumph gave way to tears on that spring day in 1995. I had failed. The party was canceled.

Later that same day, still numbed by discouragement, I half heartedly began sorting through our mail. Tossing aside the usual collection of unwanted flyers, I noticed a letter. It was from a widowed missionary in South America, Margaret Bra bon, with whom I had spent a summer in Colombia 20 years earlier. We had not corresponded for well over a decade, so the letter surprised me — especially since it was handwritten and personal, rather than the standard missionary newsletter.

I paused momentarily, wondering if it might be best to read the note at another time when I was not so emotionally depleted. Curiosity got the best of me, and I opened the envelope. This is what I read:

“How thrilled I am to hear how God is leading you. Be sure I … will pray for your ministry now and in the future. How special if God would lead you … to become a professor. How we need Godly professors. These are awesome days to watch God work. Knock on the door and keep knocking! Sometimes it takes two or three times.”

An overwhelming sense of God’s presence engulfed me. Within the span of six hours, I had received competing two-word mes sages. The professor said, “You’re wrong!” The missionary said, “Keep knocking!”

Should I quit or press on? The roller coaster of emotions made it a day I will never forget.

I learned three important lessons then that continue to shape me today.

One, failure need not be the final word. It is only final if we al low it to be. Margaret’s letter emboldened me to contact my committee and ask for another opportunity. A few weeks later, I found myself back at the university. In the same room, before the same seasoned professors, addressing the same question that had tripped me up the first time. This time, I passed the test.

No one sets out to learn the lesson of failure because, well, it re quires failure. Yet, I know few people who ever reach their full potential without overcoming disappointments and setbacks. Young people need to see that failure is not fatal; the real trag edy is giving in to it.


Two, God’s sovereign care and timing can be trusted. Margaret and I had lost contact for more than a decade. Furthermore, she was a continent away, serving the Lord and caring for the needs of others. God knew a dejected graduate student in distant Or egon would soon need an encouraging word. Margaret listened to God and sent her personal note. Witnessing the Lord’s pre cise timing has encouraged me to look for ways that I, too, may be an available and obedient instrument for Him.

Three, a few words can make a big difference. “Keep knocking! Sometimes it takes two or three times.” Those words are why I am at Olivet today.

Solomon was correct when he wrote, “How good is a timely word” (Proverbs 15:23). I will be forever thankful for the time ly word that not only changed the trajectory of an otherwise dismal day but also changed the entire trajectory of life for my family and me. I still have Margaret’s letter, 22 years later. Peri odically I pull it out, read it and reflect once again on how often God’s message reaches us just when we most need it.

These lessons have proven useful in my work with students. Painful and humiliating though my experience was at the time, God knew in advance that I would encounter those who feel like failures. Those who doubt His care because life has turned sour. Those who need a timely and encouraging word.

Not a day goes by without my having to decide what my influ ence will be. What few words might someone need from me? A timely word or two can change someone’s life.

So, though I am now a professor, I do my best to speak like a missionary. Keep knocking!

DR. KENT OLNEY has had a stellar career as an educator, sociologist, minister, speaker, writer, researcher, sign language interpreter and student of human behavior. At Olivet he has taught courses in sociology, marriage, family and human sexuality. Dr. Olney and his wife, Beth, live in Bourbonnais.

Dr. Kent Olney, 2017

Character Counts: The Case for Moral and Spiritual Development 2014

I ask myself the same question at the end of every class period, every semester, every academic year: “How did it go?” My criteria for answering this question have changed for a couple of reasons. Success in the classroom has to be more than the delivery of facts. Even if I said everything that I thought needed to be said, I cannot admit that a class went well if this is all that I did.

Development of students’ character should also be considered when we consider our success.

Majesty & Glory: The Fingerprints of God 2015 Dr. Max Reams

Wooden Hangers and an Ironing Board: Lasting Gifts From My Mother 2013 Dr. Beth Patrick-Trippel

Mom had been saving S&H Green Stamps for years. She went to the redemption store and returned with a gift for me to take to college: a fullsized ironing board. Perhaps some might not appreciate an ironing board as a gift today, but I loved it in the 1980s! At the time, I didn’t think much about her sacrifice. When I arrived at college that fall, her gift to me became my gift to all the girls on my floor during our four years together.

My fascination with the Earth began on my grandparents’ farm in Kansas. Construction of a pond unearthed a rich concentration of fossils. I avidly collected these and made them into a science fair project. With time and study, my desire to understand the Earth increased. I made my first attempt to merge faith with a love for my home planet through a paper for an English class in my senior year of high school. All of life and learning are part of God’s revelation through the natural universe.


The Case for Liberal Arts 2016

Dr. Stephen Case

Will studying astronomy — exploring the narrative of science and what humanity has learned of our place in the universe — make better accountants or ministers or nurses? Will studying literature — learning how the greatest minds of the ages have expressed themselves in verse and prose — make better engineers or doctors or teachers?

Yes. Undoubtedly.

Liberal arts education is preparation for a life. More than this, though, a liberal arts education is part of our heritage and charge as followers of Christ.

Stay on the Path 2017 LaMorris Crawford

When I was 10 months old, my 17-year-old mother was murdered. Three years later, my uncle was murdered, and shortly after that, my aunt was killed as well. I have never met my father, and my family does not know who he is. I didn’t understand why I came into life under these circumstances. I struggled with coming from poverty and a broken family. But God had a plan for me that I could never have imagined on my own. At Olivet my perspective on life radically changed.

Remnant of Faith 2018 Mary Lou Carney

I stood holding the package — the sounds of real parrots in my ears, the perpetual sweat creeping down my back. I felt very foolish. Silently, I chided myself for such impulsive buying. What possible use would Santos have for my gift? As I gave it to her, I stared down at my sandals, feeling my cheeks flush. I listened as she slipped off the ribbon, removed the paper. Then there was silence. Such silence. I looked up into the face of Santos, unprepared for what I saw there. She was crying!



You see them everywhere: little inspirational sayings like “You are the only one who can limit your greatness” or “Make your optimism come true.” They’re on posters in gyms and offices. Social media is plastered with them. Do they help? Do they work? Maybe. If you don’t feel guilty for not measuring up, a powerful quote might give you a boost. But for a deeper and abiding change — a true transformation — you’ll need more than a feel-good slogan.

Why? Because, ultimately, inspiration that comes from the outside is synthetic. It won’t last for long. It has a short shelf life. Long-lasting, life-transforming inspiration comes from a deeper place. True growth is an inside job that has nothing to do with performance.

It doesn’t matter if you’re married or single, young or old, shy or assertive; if your self-worth hangs on a condition of good performance, you’re forever riddled with self-doubt, guilt, insecurity and anxiety. Upbeat quotes fade or eventually become white noise.

We have to look deeper.

When I was a graduate student in seminary, a professor asked a class of more than 50 students, “How many of you have been conscious of God’s love for you, personally, in the past week?”

A half-dozen hands went up. The professor wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t his first time to pose the question to a class of students. He waited a couple of beats and continued, “How many have been conscious of God’s disapproval of you this week?” Hands shot up all around the room.

To borrow a phrase from French philosopher Blaise Pascal, there is a “God-shaped vacuum” in the heart of each of us. And until we fill that vacuum with God’s love — until we feel it deep

in our being — true transformation becomes illusive. We will forever equate our worth with our performance. The only true catalyst for growth and transformation is experiencing God’s unconditional love.

I’m not talking about knowing God’s love, which comes as a result of a studied and reasoned, or academic, pursuit. You can know things you don’t experience. For example, you can argue that the Bible says God loves the world (John 3:16), and you are part of the world, so you are loved by God. That’s a mental exercise, not an experience.

God’s transforming love is more about your heart than your head. It’s what John Wesley was getting at in pondering God’s love when he described his heart as being “strangely warmed.” Pascal, who was a mathematician and scientist as well as a philosopher, said his heart was “directed into the love of God.” God’s love is beyond knowing with your head. In fact, it’s beyond comprehension. How can you wrap your head around being loved by the Creator — so much so that you feel it?

It comes down to admitting that you are inadequate — that you haven’t and won’t ever earn God’s love. It’s an impossibility. You can only receive it as a grace gift. Each of us is undeserving. But when we open our hearts to receive it and continually walk with God to experience it, true transformation occurs, and we have a lifetime of motivation to be exactly who we were designed to be.

The payoff? Insecure feelings are few and far between. Worry wanes. Peace reigns. Your relationships become rich and vital. You are less defensive and more caring, generous and attractive for all the right reasons. You are becoming healthy and whole. You are being transformed.



DR. LES PARROTT is a psychologist and No.1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous books. He and his wife, Dr. Leslie Parrott, live in Seattle.

Dr. Les Parrott, 2020


Dr. John Bowling, 2014

From its earliest days, Olivet Nazarene University has consistently aspired to excellence in undergraduate, then graduate, and now distance and online learning. Our primary focus is on an academic life together: teaching, learning, studying, researching, writing, professional preparation and so on. Yet, at the same time, we are deeply committed to the integration of faith with learning. Our mission recognizes the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Thus, an “Education With a Christian Purpose” is not manifested in content or courses alone — but also in character.

The American writer Walker Percy warned about what he called the temptation that lurks around the corner of every heart — to believe that competence can be separated from character, that excellence can be defined in merely academic terms without a corresponding concern for the kind of people we are. One of the first written statements of purpose for the University appears in the Olivet Catalog of 1915: “We seek the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) . . . a Christian environment . . . where not only knowledge but character is sought.”

Without virtue, without character development, without the education of the heart, knowledge is ultimately barren — it bears no lasting fruit.

Character is not a garment to be taken up or laid aside depending upon the prevailing wind or the social climate. It is a person’s essential self which flows from the values, faith and commitments of the inner person. As Emerson noted, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

The most significant thing about one’s life is not what appears on an academic transcript or what can be seen from the outside looking in; the significant thing is what is on the inside — that which flows ever so surely to the surface through one’s actions

and reactions. Character is to be understood as the integrated set of a person’s most fundamental attributes and tendencies. Moral perception, moral judgment, attitude formation, emotion, actions and reactions all blend to produce one’s character. Having a good character, therefore, involves integrity, honesty, patience, courage, kindness, generosity and a strong sense of personal responsibility.

The world in which we live places great emphasis on the physical, intellectual and social development of individuals. How I wish that there was the same passion for character development. In the end, all education should seek to develop character, for without building a good character, it is impossible to build a truly successful life. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus summed it up in three words: “Character is destiny.”

One of the distinctive hallmarks of Olivet is that, in addition to providing exceptional academic, career and professional preparation, Olivet students are also given encouragement and guidance to assist them with character formation. We are concerned with who they are — as well as what they know. This emphasis helps ONU students develop a strong moral compass and a sense of confidence that propel them forward and hold them steady as they go. An Olivet education provides buoyancy and balance for life.

Somewhere, years ago, I came across these words from the Prayer for Princeton; it is my prayer for Olivet as well: “O eternal God, endow our university with grace and wisdom. Give inspiration to those who teach, understanding to those who learn, vision to its trustees and administrators, courage and loving service to those who bear her name. AMEN.”

DR. JOHN C. BOWLING, president emeritus, led Olivet Nazarene University for 30 years before retiring in 2021. He is an accomplished author and gifted speaker. Dr. Bowling and his wife, Jill, live in PawPaw, Michigan.


The Thing With Feathers 2012

Separated from his family as a child, Philip had traveled alone on a refugee ship from Liberia to Ghana, West Africa. He had made his own way, living on the street and lying about his condition so he could attend school. In 2010, just weeks before our Olivet missions team arrived in Ghana, Philip learned that his mother and siblings were still alive in Liberia. He hadn’t seen them in 20 years, and he began to plan how he could visit them someday. God had a new plan for him, and we were part of that plan!

Enactus: A Laboratory for Leaders 2014

College Is Not a Commodity 2016

Perfect competition assumes that there are many producers of a virtually identical product, which means that no one firm has any power over the market price. During our present age, it has become fashionable, at least in some quarters, to refer to a college education as a commodity, where the “product” is indistinguishable from one institution to another. Upon further reflection, however, this assumption breaks down fairly quickly. At Olivet we combine scholarship and knowledge, along with piety and character, as we invest daily in the lives of students. That is the Olivet difference.

Olivet’s chapter of Enactus is providing the ideal laboratory for students to apply their classroom knowledge and passions in addressing realworld problems. Partnering with entrepreneurs, both local and abroad, they help provide assistance while gaining valuable industry experience. In the process, they become capable, confident leaders as they pursue their careers. Like they did in Swaziland, Africa, in 2014, Olivet’s team implemented a business plan to provide sustainable sources of income for a group of women who serve as an HIV/AIDS task force there.


Story Problems 2013

Pencil in one hand, the weight of my weary head rested in the other. Both elbows resting on the kitchen table in our Wisconsin farmhouse, I sat staring at my math book and the infamous canary yellow legal pad. Alongside me sat an infinitely patient man who desperately wanted me to see that which could not be seen, touched or held — but yet was still very real. “Just draw a picture.” According to my architect/ engineer dad, the unknown could become known if it could be seen.

Success Imagined 2020 Dr. Cynthia Taylor

Adversity is inevitable, but figuring out ways to effectively work against it helps to get the job completed. Students don’t have to be perfect to have a successful college experience. They do have to believe that they can persevere with determination and confidence and that they have what it takes to earn their degree. When they embrace the importance of prayer in their life, they can overcome anything and be successful. At Olivet we work to let them know: “You do belong here, and be sure to convince yourself of that.”

Read all the archive issues of Olivet The Magazine at Olivet.edu/Olivet-Magazine

Come Home to Olivet


Reserve your tickets today


BASKETBALL: Friday, 5:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. McHie Arena

FOOTBALL: Saturday, 1 p.m. Ward Field

Enjoy the women’s and men’s basketball games Friday night and the football game at midday Saturday.


Friday, 9:30 p.m. Chalfant Hall

Enjoy this modern take on an old classic! This is the perfect time to gather with friends for food and desserts after the basketball games or fall play.


Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Chalfant Hall

We hope you make the trip back home to ONU for your class reunion. Enjoy food and fellowship with classmates of days gone by.



for these main events!


David Crowder

Saturday, 7 p.m. Centennial Chapel Join artist David Crowder for this year’s Shine.FM Homecoming Concert. You won’t want to miss this night of worship!


Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Chalfant Hall Enjoy a wonderful night with the Orpheus Reunion Choir, University Orchestra and alumni soloists.


Sunday, 8 a.m. Chalfant Hall

Year after year, this is an unforgettable event! Join University President Dr. Gregg Chenoweth for a delightful morning of inspiration and exceptional music by Orpheus Choir.

#ONUHomecoming tickets

Raving Fans

Don and Yvonne Wilson

Yvonne (Ellis) ’91 and Don Wilson ’20 M.P.L. met through a mutual friend while she was attending Olivet and he was pursuing a business degree at Governors State University. Yvonne, a social work major, chose the school for its close proximity to home and beautiful campus, but she stayed for the educational preparation and social activities. Don wasn’t aware of Olivet’s then-rule against going to movies, so he had a hard time getting Yvonne to agree to a first date at a theater. But as fate would have it, their relationship prevailed.

“I had never heard about Olivet before,” Don says. “But that rule put it on the radar as a ‘different type of school.’ At the time, I didn’t fully grasp what that really meant. I’m a product of secular schools, and now I see the difference. There is true purpose with an Olivet education.”

Don worked in business operations for technology companies before starting his own real estate company. Then, a transition to a new church reignited a call to ministry for Don, setting him on a path to ordination in 2018 with the Church of the Nazarene and a master’s degree in pastoral leadership at Olivet. “I like to say that God has a great sense of humor but a profound sense of purpose,” Don reflects. “He didn’t immediately open the door all the way. But I was confident in the call, so I kept trying to turn the knob over the years.”

Yvonne needed more convincing.

“I resisted being a pastor’s wife,” she said. “At first I thought, ‘Lord, You’re funny. Let’s stay on the other side of the pulpit.’ But, ultimately, I knew it was the right thing for our family.”

Yvonne left a successful corporate career to stay home and homeschool their four children, Mason, Sydnie, Grant and Christina, who were born in successive years. The couple didn’t necessarily anticipate that any or all of their kids would attend Olivet but are thrilled that all four are now enrolled at the University — one in each class year.

“Our kids had always participated in different events at Olivet through the Nazarene district,” Yvonne says. “They knew Olivet very well, but I don’t think it was something they thought about until a youth pastor suggested that Sydnie check out Olivet. She wanted to study multimedia communication at a school where she would get great instruction from industry professionals but also gain her own hands-on experiences. We visited during a Purple & Gold Day, and Sydnie fell in love with it. The Lord provided an opportunity to go.”

Don is thankful for a school that educates the whole person. “It has been such a blessing for us that our kids are at Olivet,” Don says. “Their faith journeys are just as important as their educational ones. As a pastor, I mentor other college-aged kids. Over the years, I’ve seen what helps them triumph and what knocks them off course. It’s great that our kids are going to school at a place that has resources to help our kids navigate that process.”

Life at Olivet has changed quite a bit from when Yvonne was attending in the late ‘80s. Now, the Wilson students are involved in student activities ranging from music ministry teams to business clubs.


“So much has changed culturally,” Don says. “Olivet has had to look at societal shifts and change with the times — including changes to rules about movies. The University has done a great job balancing in the midst of all the changes, but the core of Olivet has not changed. The school has stayed true to the heart of its purpose.”

Looking forward to the day that all six Wilson family members will have a degree from the University, Don and Yvonne are thankful for how they and their kids have grown through their unique Olivet experiences and recommend that prospective students visit the campus to see the Olivet difference for themselves.

“The professors really care,” Yvonne says. “I had professors intentionally invest in my life 30 years ago, and now I’m seeing

that for my kids. The faculty really want to see your student succeed; they’re rooting for them along the way. When I graduated, I really felt prepared for just about any job coming out of Olivet.”

Don has advice for high school students and their parents embarking on the college search process.

“Look for a school that is intentional about their mission and vision,” Don adds. “It’s really hard to see that in many other institutions, but you will immediately find that Olivet is on its mission and vision. Olivet is a gatekeeper between youth and that final jaunt to adulthood. As a parent, you’ll be hardpressed to find a school that will prepare your kids as well as Olivet does.”



Often, parents of Olivet Nazarene University students say, “I wish I could enroll again!” Captivated by the complete Olivet experience, many adults choose to continue their education here. The university offers more than two dozen graduate and continuing studies degrees, certificates and programs.

Our top-ranked master’s programs include Business, Education, Nursing, Ministry and Dietetics (new for 2022)! The Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership is also offered, ideal for those who desire to lead change, transform society and apply strategic decisions.


Scan here for more information, or go to




Kankakee Community College (KCC) recently announced the appointment of SHERI (BLANKENSHIP) CAGLE ’89 as its new vice president for academic affairs. As vice president, Cagle oversees KCC credit division instructional services, faculty development and instructional technology; the Miner Memorial Library; tutoring services; Perkins Grant management; and the Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center.

STEVE KRAMPITZ ’89 has started a free internet streaming radio station that plays music 24 hours a day exclusively from his personal Olivet audio archives. His archive includes over 500 LPs, CDs and cassettes featuring Olivet and Nazarene-related artists and musicians. The station can be found at LIVE365: https:// live365.com/ station/The-O.N.U.-AudioArchives-a80341.

Amy and WAYNE WALTS ’96 welcomed a son, Clayton Charles, on March 15, 2022. He joins sisters Haley, Macy, Alyssa and Paisley, and brothers Dylan and Brady. Wayne is the associate broker for RE/MAX River Haven Real Estate, and Amy is a very busy homeschooling mom. The family lives in Gladwin, Michigan.

KATI JO (BUSHARD) ’07 and AARON PAYNE ’07 welcomed a daughter, Karis Joy Payne, on Aug. 7, 2022. She joins a sister, Eden, 7, and a brother, Toby, 4. Aaron is an active-duty U.S. Army engineer, and Katie Jo enjoys homeschooling their children. They reside in Eagle River, Alaska.

This group of ladies met in the fall of 1990 as residents of Nesbitt Hall and have remained good friends ever since. This year they got together in Evansville, Indiana, to celebrate two momentous occasions: They all turned 50, and Jodie George was ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene at the Southwest Indiana District Assembly. Pictured above, (L to R): SHERI (BAKER) SMITH ’94, RACHELLE (TURNER) FOX ’94, STEPHANIE (BURGGRAF) SCOTT ’94, JODIE GEORGE ’94, APRIL (CORDES) VANHEEMST ’94, DAWN (TRIEZENBERG) MOORE ’94/’22 LBS-N and RACHEL WALTERS WARFEL ’94.

continued, next page



JORDAN THORSE ’10/ ’13 M.A.E. received a new position this summer as the comptroller/treasurer for Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200. He and his wife, Lauren, and their two boys, Evan and Jacob, live in Naperville, Illinois.

KATE KETTELKAMP ’17 received a master’s degree in apologetics from Houston Baptist University and is completing her Ph.D. in philosophy, cosmology and consciousness at California Institute of Integral Studies. Her sister, MEG KETTELKAMP ’20, is completing a master’s degree in art at Savannah College of Art and Design.




Jan. 9, 1935–Aug. 8, 2022 Overland Park, Kansas Hammes Bookstore Manager


Jan. 14, 1947–Aug. 7, 2021 Bourbonnais, Illinois Assistant to the Registrar


Dec. 16, 1955–May 15, 2022 Kankakee, Illinois Counseling and Health Services


Dec. 26, 1931–July 11, 2022 Chebanse, Illinois National Direct Student Loan Officer


Jan. 21, 1955–April 6, 2022 Momence, Illinois Department of Art and Digital Media Administrative Assistant

July 12, 1935–April 11, 2022 Greencastle, Indiana Foundation Board Member


Jan. 18, 1939–March 6, 2022 Kankakee, Illinois


Jan. 31, 1982–July 15, 2022 Kankakee, Illinois


May 22, 1960–May 5, 2022 Center Township, Pennsylvania


July 18, 1934–July 16, 2022 Milltown, Illinois



Oct. 26, 1926–March 9, 2022 Nashville, Tennessee


June 10, 1934–Feb. 11, 2022 Grove City, Illinois


July 23, 1940–Jan. 5, 2022 Pasadena, California


April 23, 1940–Feb. 3, 2022 Appleton, Wisconsin


Feb. 8, 1947–April 18, 2022 Land O’ Lakes, Florida


March 31, 1936–Feb. 24, 2022 Apache Junction, Arizona


Dec. 16, 1947–Oct. 29, 2021 Mount Vernon, Ohio


June 19, 1942–Dec. 18, 2021 Pendleton, Indiana


Oct. 6, 1947–Aug. 5, 2022 Manteno, Illinois


Nov. 19, 1981–July 15, 2022 Kankakee, Illinois


April 8, 1956–April 20, 2022 Fergus Falls, Minnesota


May 31, 1986–Aug. 18, 2022 Washington, D.C.


Jan. 7, 1966–Dec. 25, 2021 Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Submit a Class Note or Obituary to OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu or online at Olivet.edu/class-notes


for parents

parent & family network

Discover ways to keep up with and encourage your Olivet student throughout his or her academic, social and spiritual journey at Olivet. To receive quarterly communication (important dates, upcoming events and resources for parents) during the school year, sign up at Olivet.edu/Parents.

31-day prayer guide

We have created a 31-Day Prayer Guide for parents of college students and those preparing for college. To receive your free copy for parents and families, visit Olivet.edu/Parents.

STUDENTS More than 3,700 — 2,500 undergraduates — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations.

ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 living alumni making a worldwide impact.

ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of undergraduate areas of study and graduate degrees, including the Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership, offered on campus and online through the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies and the School of Theology and Christian Ministry. Study abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Honduras, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.

ACCREDITATION The University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Specialized accreditation includes the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Council on Social Work Education, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training, Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, the National Association of Schools of Music, and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In addition, the Teacher Education program is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as an education preparation provider.

ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 22 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis,

track and field, and volleyball. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half the student body participate in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.

CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; Enactus business club; Student Philanthropy Council; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine.FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including University Marching Band and the University Orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.

CAMPUS Olivet Nazarene University has a beautiful, park-like campus featuring 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 45 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, the campus is situated on what was once tallgrass prairie. While not much of the original habitat remains, caretakers of the University have spent the past few decades intentionally planting trees native to the area as well as diversifying the flora. In spring 2022, Olivet joined the ranks of 508 internationally accredited arboreta with a Level I Certification through the Morton Arboretum’s interactive community, ArbNet.

SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do.

Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in

OLIVET AT A GLANCE Olivet.edu/About

FOUNDED IN ONU stands committedto integrating and learningfaith


the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


BUSINESS – Bachelor of Applied Science in Business, Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Leadership, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration

EDUCATION – Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist, Bilingual Endorsement, Safety and Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Learning Behavior Specialist Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement

MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES – Bachelor of Applied Science in Multidisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies

NURSING – Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion (RN-B.S.N.); Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nursing (RN-M.S.N.); Master of Science in Nursing: Education; Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner; Master of Science in Nursing: Transformational Leadership; Postgraduate Certificates in Education, Family Nursing Practitioner and Transformational Leadership


MINISTRY – Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies, Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity DOCTOR OF EDUCATION: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Art Art – Drawing/Painting Art – Graphic Design Art – Media Arts Art – Photography Art Education Communication Studies Corporate Communication English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Education English Education Geography History Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication – Film Studies Multimedia Communication – Journalism Theatre Production & Performance Writing SCHOOL OF MUSIC Music Music – Composition Music Education Music – Jazz Studies Music Ministry Music – Performance Music – Recording Arts WALKER SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS Actuarial Science Biology Chemistry Chemistry – Biochemistry Chemistry – Earth/Environmental Chemistry Chemistry – Forensics Computer Science –Networking & Data Communications Multimedia Communication –Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication –Ministry Media Multimedia Communication –Radio/Audio Media Multimedia Communication –TV/Video Production Musical Theatre Photography Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Law Psychology Public Policy – Domestic Public Policy – Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Social Science Social Science Education Sociology Spanish Spanish Education COLLEGES, SCHOOLS & MAJORS UNDERGRADUATE AREAS OF STUDY AND GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Explore the Possibilities __ Olivet.edu/Academics
Computer Science – Software Development Computer Science –Software Entrepreneurship Cybersecurity Data Science Earth & Space Science Engineering – Architectural Engineering – Chemical Engineering – Civil Engineering – Computer Engineering – Electrical Engineering – Mechanical Environmental Science Geological Science Geological Science – Geochemistry Geological Science – Geotechnical Geological Science – Life Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Physical Sciences Pre-Dental Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Veterinary Science Education – Biology Science Education – Chemistry Science Education – Earth/Space Science Zoology COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Criminal Justice Criminal Justice – Criminology Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement Dietetics Family & Consumer Sciences – Hospitality Interior Design Kinesiology Kinesiology – Exercise Physiology Kinesiology – Pre-Athletic Training Kinesiology – Pre-Occupational Therapy Kinesiology – Pre-Physical Therapy Military Affairs Military Science Recreation & Sport Studies Social Work Sport Management Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Child Development Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Health Education Physical Education Special Education Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education: Educational Leadership Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership MCGRAW SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Accounting Business – Entrepreneurship Business – Healthcare Management Business – Human Resource Management Business – Management Business – Philanthropy/Not for-Profit Business – Operations Management Business – Public Administration Business Administration Economics Economics & Finance –Applied Economics Economics & Finance –Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance – Corporate Finance Finance International Business Leadership Management Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing – Commercial Graphics Marketing – Corporate Relations Marketing – International Marketing – Management Master of Business Administration Master of Organizational Leadership SCHOOL OF NURSING Nursing Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Master of Science in Nursing: Education Master of Science in Nursing: Transformational Leadership SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AND CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Children’s Ministry Christian Education Christian Studies Greek Hebrew Intercultural Studies Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Philosophy & Religion Pre-Seminary Religious Studies Theology Youth Ministry Master of Arts: Christian Ministry Master of Arts: Family Ministry Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry Master of Arts: Religion Master of Arts: Urban Ministry Master of Divinity Master of Ministry Master of Ministry: Spanish GENERAL STUDIES General Studies Multidisciplinary Studies
goldpurple&fridays october 14 october 21 november 4 november 11 november 18 december 2 december 9 Scan here to learn more and schedule your campus visit. There is no better way to experience Olivet than Purple & Gold Days, our personalized visit days for high school seniors and parents. Pick a Friday this fall to visit Olivet and see why thousands of young men and women choose an “Education With a Christian Purpose.” We can’t wait to see you! Start your Olivet journey today at Olivet.edu. JONES FOTO

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