Olivet the Magazine; Parent Guide Plus - Autumn 2020

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GATHERING PLACES Each inner-campus residence hall has a communal space where students can study, share a pizza or hold small group meetings. With a focus on community and engagement, Olivet campus life supports safety and health across all activities. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO

AUTUMN 2020 OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. VOLUME 88 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright ©2020 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 800-648-1463 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Dr. David J. Pickering ’89/’94 MBA, D.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88/M.A., Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ONU GLOBAL Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 MBA, D.B.A. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Lauren Beatty ’13 Erinn Proehl ’13/’19 MBA ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson ILLUSTRATION Thomas Dinkleman ’18 PHOTOGRAPHY Jones Foto Image Group Adobe Stock Mark Ballogg Joe Mantarian ’16 Austin Siscoe ’17 Additional photography submitted EDITORIAL SUPPORT AND DESIGN Adam Asher ’01/’07 M.O.L. for 989 Group Alicia (Gallagher) Guertin ’14 Rebecca Huber Austin Siscoe ’17 Heather (Kinzinger) Shaner ’98 Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois, Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited. News, events and announcements are printed at the discretion of the editorial board. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent Olivet Nazarene University policy.

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CHANGING SEASONS Each autumn, the main campus esplanade is resplendent with color, as the tree-lined paths begin to signal the changing of the seasons. Students make every corner of the campus their home-away-fromhome, hammocking in the century-old oak trees or playing pickup football or Frisbee.


FROM THE PRESIDENT The Importance of Belonging




8 STUDENTS: HIGHER PURPOSE Our Graduates Are a Step Above


COMMUNITY: A PLACE TO BELONG We Believe. You Belong Here.

O L I V E T T H E M AG A Z I N E Dear Friends, You have been on our minds a great deal over the past few months. What an extraordinary and challenging time this has been. But even in the midst of such difficulty and a pandemicsized interruption, we have good news to share. We have seen God at work in mighty and unusual ways. He has guided and sustained us over the past few months and proven once again to be an “ever-present help” in our time of need. We are open for business! We are pressing forward! And the Olivet community is walking boldly and carefully into the new academic year. We have assembled as much good news as we have space to print. The first priority of this issue is to encourage all of us, lift our spirits and once again declare “Look what God has done!” The second priority is to welcome new parents of prospective students to the Olivet family. We have embedded The Parent Guide, a special issue of Olivet The Magazine, especially for you. This section is designed specifically to assist you in navigating the college search process.



The process of choosing a college can be vast, complicated, time-consuming and even stressful at times, so we trust you will find this issue informative, useful, inspiring and reassuring. We hope you embark on this journey with a sense of excitement and that you are startled by the grace and goodness of God at many stops along the way. Wherever you are in the process, the entire Olivet community is with you in spirit and available to you should you have questions at any point. So as we begin, the advice of Saint Francis of Assisi seems especially prudent as a centering thought for all of us: “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” May God be with you and bless you all! The Editorial Board


FROM THE PRESIDENT The Importance of Belonging

For more than 20 years, Olivet has been using the expression “We Believe. You Belong Here.” as a way to engage prospective students. When young people begin the process of selecting a college or university, they are confronted with several important considerations: “Does the school have a solid academic reputation?” “Will I receive a good education?” “Can I afford to attend a particular university?” “What about campus life, which is such a big part of the university experience?”



As students and their families work their way through those issues, there is often an additional unspoken question that also plays an important part in finding the right school: “Will I fit in there — will I belong?”

within the orchestra. In like manner, an athlete finds his or her place on a sports team by playing a specific position. Winning comes as each team member contributes individual skills in harmony with others.

Belonging is a deep need for all people.

Olivet offers a fine education. Our academic programs are rigorous and highly accredited. The faculty is well qualified and gifted. Olivet also provides generous financial support through scholarships and grants to help students attend. In addition, the campus life is a vibrant part of the Olivet experience. Each of those important aspects of university life are in place. However, at Olivet, there is more!

Our individual sense of belonging nourishes us both physically and emotionally. It provides a sense of identity and security. Belonging fosters a feeling of fitting in — a confirmation that you are an important member of a group. Just as a close family gives each of its members a strong sense of belonging, the right university environment can do the same. This is particularly important as young men and women leave their families to join a larger, more diverse group. We long to feel valued and supported. We long to share our thoughts, emotions, and life with others. And we long to feel needed by others. These desires reflect a fundamental human need to not only be in the physical or digital presence of others but also to belong with them.¹

Our self-identity is strengthened as we develop a sense of belonging. We feel more secure when we know that we have others around us who share our goals and care about our progress. Yet, interestingly, belonging does not mean or demand strict compliance or a commitment to “groupthink.” Just as a family is made up of individuals who often have different gifts and opinions, “belonging” within a university community does not erase a person’s individuality. In fact, a sense of belonging often reinforces individuality. A person can belong to an orchestra without playing the same instrument as everyone else. In fact, it is the member’s individuality woven together with other individuals that makes an orchestra possible. The beauty of the music comes from the differences

We provide a community of faith and learning that makes it easy for students to belong. We value each person’s gifts and embrace the variety of experiences and expectations that students bring to campus. At the same time, the University provides an overarching ethos — a value system that unifies the many aspects of university life. The mission of Olivet is the unifying element. Faculty, staff and students share a common commitment to seek an “Education With a Christian Purpose.” This shared purpose provides continuity across the campus. I am now beginning my 30th year as the president of Olivet. Across the decades, I have seen waves of students come and go. Each class takes on its own personality and characteristics, and, yet, there is a common thread that creates a tapestry of belonging. We still believe … you belong here!

¹ Kelley-Ann Allen, “The Importance of Belonging,” Psychology Today, June 20, 2019, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sense-belonging/201906/theimportance-belonging-across-life

DR. JOHN C. BOWLING is in his 30th year as president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, Dr. Bowling is a bestselling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is Windows and Mirrors: Exploring the Parables of Jesus.




There is no shortage of options when you’re trying to help your child choose a place to pursue higher education. The real challenge is finding the right place — the college or university where your student will thrive.

Our Parent Guide serves as a handy guidebook, providing some nice-to-know specifics about Olivet Nazarene University.








A colleague’s email signature includes this quote often attributed to

Yet, the liberal arts are more than transcendent skill development.

lighting of a fire.”

formation of persons. A liberal arts education allows human beings to

William Butler Yeats: “Education is not the filling of a pail. It is the It’s unclear whether Yeats actually said those words. But they affirm the Greek writer Plutarch, who wrote nearly two millennia ago that the mind is “not a vessel to be filled but wood to be ignited.”

The idea that learning should go beyond professional or career preparation to the shaping of the whole person — mind, body and

soul — is the touchstone of a liberal arts education. The acquisition

of skills and accumulation of knowledge are certainly part of the educational endeavor, but they cannot be the only part.

Education does not exist primarily to serve industry. It exists for the deeply perceive the world and humanity’s cultural heritage within it. It

provides — as described by Donald Schmeltekopf, provost emeritus

at Baylor University — an opportunity to explore the “formative and enduring ideas surrounding God, nature and human life.” At Olivet,

this means students become more engaged, more compassionate and better-rounded citizens.

John Herschel, the 19th-century British astronomer and polymath, said that “to the natural philosopher there is no natural object

unimportant or trifling. ... He walks in the midst of wonders.” For the

A liberal arts education is the formation of personhood. It is the

man or woman trained in the liberal arts, the world is never something

school or life itself — is built. Career preparation is training for a job.

and gratitude. It is something that forms a rich, interwoven tapestry

groundwork upon which all further learning — in career, graduate

to exploit or take for granted. It is something to approach with humility

Liberal arts education is preparation for a life.

with humanity’s cultural heritage.

Continuing issues of racial inequality. The enduring challenge of

Will studying astronomy — exploring the narrative of science and

media environment boiling over with division, uncertainty and

better accountants or ministers or nurses? Will studying literature

arts education is necessary. The ability to think critically, to engage

themselves in verse and prose — make better engineers or doctors

a global pandemic and subsequent economic downturn. A social

what humanity has learned of our place in the universe — make

suspicion. Now, more than ever, the grounding context of a liberal

— learning how the greatest minds of the ages have expressed

diverse voices, to listen with humility and wisdom: These are some

or teachers?

of the fruits of a broad education. Historically, a liberal arts education has been a liberating education. It has been an education that can make one free.

Far from being an antiquated study of dusty topics, the liberal arts allow wide engagement with literature, arts, humanities, the sciences

and mathematics. They hone communication skills; develop cultural

and scientific literacy; and cultivate the ability to wrestle with ideas

and engage differing points of view. These are exactly the skills most needed in our world today. And, in an environment where

Undoubtedly. More than this, though, a liberal arts education is part of our heritage and charge as followers of Christ. The tradition of Wesleyan holiness

and the testimony of the Incarnation give us confidence that, in the words of poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, “the world is charged with

the grandeur of God.” Thus, a Christian education is one that must encompass that world and humanity’s engagement with it as broadly as possible.

the average person will have many different jobs in the course of a

At Olivet Nazarene University, we aspire to such an endeavor with

transcend the particulars of professional preparation.

liberal arts are not only alive but also vital in this millennium.

career, employers are beginning to recognize the value of skills that

the “deepest piety and the highest scholarship,” confident that the

STEPHEN CASE ’05, Ph.D., is the director of Strickler Planetarium, a professor and the associate director of the faculty team for the

University Honors Program. He teaches and writes about the history of astronomy. He is the author of Making Stars Physical (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018). Dr. Case’s research has appeared in Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, American Scientist, Endeavour and

Annals of Science. He holds a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame. His website, stephenrcase.com, features samples of his writing, photography and other interests sparked by the fire of his liberal arts education.


As I stood in line at the grocery store, an adorable and articulate

quit becoming. They have been mindful to capture valuable life

shared eye contact and a brief smile, so she was now comfortable

mundane and the exciting.

4-year-old named Ashley began chatting intently with me. We had enough to tell me her name, introduce me to her mother and baby

brother, tell me about her preschool, and explain the details of her life and future.

Ashley: “I want to become a teacher or a firefighter or a nurse or a veterinarian when I grow up.”

Me: “Wow! Those are a lot of great choices! So, are you in college now or will you be starting after preschool?”

Ashley: “I’m starting college right after church on Sunday.”

Me (grinning, appreciating her innocent wit and cheering her on):

“Good for you! Whatever you become, I’m sure you’ll be great at it.” Ashley: “Thank you! Mommy says I’m becoming quite a handful. But I already told her that I’m becoming a teacher or a firefighter

or a nurse or a veterinarian. Mommy says that she’s working on becoming a better listener.”

Mommy and I share a smile. At the ripe old age of 4, Ashley is already busy making her plans to become. Somewhere along the way, she has picked up messages that confirm certain career choices might be a great fit for her.

She probably enjoyed one of her preschool teachers, watched a

movie about a heroic firefighter or experienced the loving comfort of a nurse. I can picture her sheer joy at realizing there is actually

a job that allows her to care for animals. Somehow, my new delightful friend Ashley has already figured out that she is designed to become.

We tend to idolize people who have achieved, made their mark

and become. We see them as bigger than life — at least bigger than our own life. We admire their accomplishments and we want to capture their unique qualities so that we can emulate their success.

Ironically, these role models would likely explain that they have not

yet become. Instead, their unique quality is that they have never

lessons that were embedded within failure and success, within the You see, individuals who have truly become never settle. They

stretch themselves so that they are constantly in the process of developing, improving and transforming.

Olivet is committed to helping our students become. We offer a relevant, current and cutting-edge educational experience within a connected, family-like atmosphere. We are proud of our strong academic programs and our reputation as a place for spiritual

growth and discovery. We want our students to be challenged and stretched educationally, but we also want them to be challenged and stretched personally and spiritually.

Our students work beside faculty and staff who model service to Christ. We recognize that our students are relational and see

faculty as mentors who lovingly teach them that becoming is not an overnight process. Instead, becoming emerges only after

repeating, testing, trying, learning and then owning moments of character development. We know that college years are a key time in students’ lives when they continue to clarify their values, morals

and the lens through which they see the world. So, our faculty interactions are intentional and dedicated to helping students develop, transform and become.

Our faculty members understand that college students are sustained not by mere books; instead, they are nourished by time spent with people they grow to admire and respect. In fact,

becoming involves finishing strong every hour, every project and

every opportunity. It means showing up — really showing up — with a commitment to excellence, integrity and service.

Our students become doctors, social workers, engineers,

accountants and pastors, fulfilling dreams they may have imagined since childhood. But, more importantly, our students become men and women who lead, who are committed to ongoing growth and who strive to glorify God as they serve professionally and personally.

AMBER RESIDORI ’93, ED.D., dean of the College of Professional Studies, is a licensed clinical social worker. She has worked

extensively in residential treatment settings with youth and adolescents who struggle with emotional and behavioral disorders. She has a

wide range of experience developing new programs, including outpatient therapy, transitional living and acute inpatient psychiatric hospital

programs. She has also served at Olivet as a social work professor, chair of the Department of Social Work and Criminal Justice, and dean of the School of Life and Health Sciences.










D R . PA U L K O C H

In both my introductory and upper-division courses in economics,

Christian institutions like Olivet are also particularly well positioned

“perfect competition.”

mentioned by David Brooks in his column, “The Big University,”

we address a particular form of market structure that is known as This framework assumes that there are many producers of a virtually identical product, which means that no one firm has any

power over the market price. As a result, these enterprises are often characterized as “price takers” and are usually found in

sectors known as “extractive industries” or “commodity markets.” Examples such as agriculture and other natural resource markets

within the marketplace of higher education to respond to the issues

which was published in the Oct. 6, 2015, edition of The New York Times. Brooks began his commentary by observing that “many American universities were founded as religious institutions,

explicitly designed to cultivate their students’ spiritual and moral

natures.” After explaining the reasons why this emphasis has declined over time, he makes the following statement:

come readily to mind because those companies cannot differentiate

Universities are more professional and glittering than ever, but

potential buyers to pay more.

taught how to do things, but many are not forced to reflect on

in some ways there is emptiness deep down. Students are

their product from the output of other firms in a way that would lead

why they should do them or what we are here for. They are

During our present age, it has become fashionable, at least in

given many career options, but they are on their own when it

some quarters, to refer to a college education as a commodity,

comes to developing criteria to determine which vocation would

where the “product” is indistinguishable from one institution to

another. Upon further reflection, however, this assumption breaks down fairly quickly.

Every university has a distinct mission and identity. For example, even colleges which might appear at first glance to have the same academic purpose are not going to be identical with

respect to the qualifications of their faculty, the specific nature of their programs, their physical facilities or their extracurricular

opportunities. No two teacher education programs or land-

grant institutions are going to offer identical experiences to their students. The same can be said for schools that emphasize the liberal arts or preprofessional programs.

Every university has a distinct ethos and culture. If we look just within the realm of faith-based institutions, those colleges sharing a

common commitment to the integration of Christianity and learning

lead to the fullest life.

When I read Brooks’ words in the preceding paragraph, I think of

Dr. John C. Bowling’s frequent admonition to Olivet students: Focus not just on making a living but also on making a life. I also think of

my favorite section of our University’s mission statement, which was first printed in our Catalog more than 100 years ago: “We seek the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) … a Christian environment … where not only knowledge but character is sought.”

One of the privileges of teaching at ONU for 30 years has been

the opportunity of working alongside colleagues who are engaged

in the process of combining scholarship and knowledge with piety and character as they invest daily in the lives of students. That is the Olivet difference.

across the various academic disciplines do not all pursue this calling in the same way. The spirit of each Christian college is going

to be influenced by the history and tradition of that institution as well

as its theological commitments and the unique contributions of its faculty, staff, students and alumni over time.

PAUL KOCH, PH.D., is an expert economist, master teacher and member of the American Economic Association and the Association of Christian Economists. As a member of the faculty for the International Business Institute program, he lectures nationally and internationally on economic issues and spends the summer months teaching in Europe. He holds a bachelor’s degree from George Fox University and master’s

and doctorate degrees from Illinois State University. A trusted professor of business and economics at Olivet since 1992, Dr. Koch is a past recipient of Olivet’s Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.

D R . L E S PA R R O T T

In the early 1880s, evangelist and professor Henry Drummond

Dr. Seligman gave his students an assignment: to engage in one

asking a disarmingly simple question: “You have life before you.

about both. Turns out, the “pleasurable” activity of talking with

began his famous sermon “The Greatest Thing In The World” by Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet?”

The rhetorical question required no reply. Everyone knew the

pleasurable activity and one philanthropic activity and then write friends, watching a movie or eating a delicious dessert paled in comparison with the effects of a loving action. Time stops when we lend a helping hand, nurture a hurting soul or offer a listening ear.

answer: Love. Self-giving love is the ultimate good. It lifts us

We love the story Mary Ann Bird tells in her article for Guideposts

human vision — and over walls of resentment and barriers of

... and hated it. She was born with a cleft palate and, when she

outside ourselves. It helps us see beyond the normal range of

betrayal. Love rises above the petty demands and conflicts of life and inspires our spirit to give without getting. As the famous

“love chapter” of the Bible says, “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ...”

When you set out on a consciously chosen course of action that accents the good of others, a deep change occurs in your soul.

Pretentious egoism fades and your days are punctuated with spontaneous breathings of compassion and generosity. Your life

is given to the summum bonum — the supreme good. The noblest of human qualities becomes your new compass on this “most excellent way” (I Corinthians 12:31b).

Sound sappy? Science doesn’t think so. Recent studies find that

the ability to practice appreciation and love is the defining mark of the happiest of humans. When people engage in self-giving love

by doing something for others, they use higher-level brain functions

and set off a series of neurochemical reactions that shower their system in positive emotions.

Perhaps you’re wondering if this kind of happiness is triggered

just as readily by having fun as it is by an act of love. Dr. Martin Seligman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, wondered the same thing.

titled “The Whisper Test.” It’s about a little girl who was different started school, her classmates made it clear to her how she looked: “a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and garbled speech.”

She was convinced that no one outside her family could love

her. When her classmates asked, “What happened to your lip?”

she would tell them she had fallen and cut it on a piece of glass. “Somehow,” she writes, “it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different.”

Mrs. Leonard, a second grade teacher, administered a hearing test to everyone in the class each year. Here’s what happened when it was Mary Ann’s turn:

I knew from past years that as we stood against the door and covered one ear, the teacher sitting at her desk would whisper

something, and we would have to repeat it back — things like, “The sky is blue,” or “Do you have new shoes?” I waited there

for those words that God must have put into her mouth — those seven words that changed my life. Mrs. Leonard said, in her whisper, “I wish you were my little girl.”

Mrs. Leonard had a lock on love. You can be confident that she enjoyed the deepest levels of emotional satisfaction and connection

in her life. Her tender care clearly embodied the summum bonum, the supreme good, the most excellent way.

DR. LES PARROTT ’84, PH.D., is a psychologist and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous

books, including his latest book with his wife, Dr. Leslie Parrott ’84, Healthy Me, Healthy Us. For more information, visit HealthyMeHealthyUs.com.




GAME ON We want students to learn and thrive emotionally and socially — in addition to academically. Recreational spaces around campus, including the Perry Student Life and Recreation Center, the recently renovated lower level of Ludwig, and student lounges in almost every academic and residence hall, space for students to play a round of table tennis, check out a board game or relax with a cup of coffee. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


Olivet Nazarene University has been recognized as a College of Distinction. Again.

EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE At Olivet, scholarship and mentorship combine for a complete academic experience. In a challenging academic environment with encouragement to explore personal interests, students do more than simply learn skills; they gain wisdom and knowledge. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO




Earning a bachelor’s degree at Olivet Nazarene University can be the first step into a life filled with promise and success. Many students take the next step of earning a master’s or doctorate degree from Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies or from other universities worldwide.



Olivet The Magazine recently spoke with eight outstanding young alumni who are continuing to pursue a higher purpose in higher education.



Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University


EMMA (KUNTZ) WOLFF ’19, ONU Major: Biology


’13, ONU Major: Engineering

The education that Emma (Kuntz) Wolff received at Olivet provided her with the academic foundation necessary to succeed in medical school. It also prepared her for a lifetime pursuit of loving God and serving others. “I know what it feels like to be a part of a community that challenges, encourages and makes people better,” Emma shares. “I hope I reflect and attract that type of community in every role I have for the rest of my life.” Emma’s experiences in the University Honors Program and the Department of Biological Sciences particularly inspired her to pursue a meaningful career that blends science and faith. “This was instrumental to my growth as a Christian and will be the foundation of my career in medicine,” she explains. Particularly encouraging were Dr. Greg Long ’84, Dr. Dan Sharda and Dr. Mike Pyle, who served as mentors during her capstone research project, encouraged her to explore leadership opportunities, and opened her eyes to medicine beyond clinical practice. When she graduates from medical school at Midwestern University, Emma will be a doctor of osteopathy. In addition to traditional curriculum, osteopathic medical schools place extra emphasis on caring for the whole person. “We are taught to see others fully — to show empathy and to understand that a person is much more than one particular symptom,” says Emma, now one year into the program. She continues, “Empathy is an essential component of loving others in a way that reflects Christ’s love for us. For that to have such a prominent role in my medical education and my career is an incredible privilege.”

Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University Although he enjoyed studying engineering at Olivet, one professor and an international mission trip opened Jesse Dawson’s mind to the possibility of a career beyond engineering. The late Dr. Ken Johnson ’93 asked Jesse to take on the role of project manager for an irrigation system an engineering team was developing to meet the needs of a community in Swaziland. “Taking a real-world project from concept to completion while being mentored by a leader like Dr. Johnson was so profound that I started expanding my ideas of what my career could look like,” Jesse says. After working in the industry for Ford Motor Company for six years, Jesse decided to pivot his career to finance and strategy. He realized he needed more training to make the transition. The MBA program at The Ohio State University is structured to provide a survey of important business functions, including marketing, operations and finance, while integrating curriculum that is focused on experiential learning. Over the course of the program, students take three courses in which they partner with local companies to solve a real-world problem, moving beyond theoretical principles into practical application. Living in Columbus, Jesse has access to multinational banks, insurance companies, financial technology companies and investment firms, which gives him firsthand experience of what his career could look like and what skills he needs to get there. “This gives me great opportunities to network and develop important relationships,” he explains.

Ph.D. Candidate at Northwestern University Research Assistant at the Institute for Policy Research Through various campus ministries at Olivet, Katie Fitzgerald interacted with the homeless population and county jail inmates in the local community. Additional travels to Burkina Faso and Papua New Guinea collectively exposed her to the great needs and injustices around the world. Wrestling with how to use her math degree to address these pressing needs, Katie pursued an internship with Barna Group following her junior year and with World Vision following her senior year. Through those experiences, she discovered the need for statisticians in global development and social policy. “I came to appreciate statistics as a unique opportunity to combine my love of numbers and mathematics with my Gospel-informed desire to work towards justice,” she says. Now, as a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University, her training in statistical methods for social policy has broadened her understanding of how statistics can be used for social good, whether that be in addressing homelessness or unequal access to education. Her experiences at Northwestern opened doors to address questions about maternal and child health in Kenya; facilitate discussion among inmates at the Cook County Jail about data ethics in the criminal justice system; and study how to use data to address human rights abuses. Eventually, she would like to pursue a career as a professor at a liberal arts university. “Data and statistics have the power to unearth knowledge, to illuminate injustices and to tell stories that otherwise remain hidden, which can, in turn, empower people to think and perhaps respond differently in the world,” Katie says. “I am excited to expose future students to the many possibilities for using data for social good in their spheres of interest.”

Master of Business Administration and Nonprofit Management Certificate at ONU While Rebecca Plomero always knew that she wanted to work in the nonprofit sector, it took some time for her to figure out what specific area interested her. However, the MBA program at Olivet and her graduate assistant position in the University’s Office of Development have increased her passion for fundraising. A unique aspect of Olivet’s MBA program is small class sizes. Rebecca has benefited from the relationships she has built with her professors and classmates. She is confident that those connections will benefit her future career endeavors after finishing the program. “The past few years at Olivet have been so great,” Rebecca reflects. “I have been able to create new friendships that will last a lifetime, earn a great education and grow in my faith. I knew the first time I stepped foot on Olivet’s campus that my time here was going to be very special.”



’15, ONU Major: Mathematics


’19, ONU Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication

Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University



’18, ONU Major: Electrical Engineering


’17, ONU Major: Political Science

Sometime between his junior and senior years at Olivet, Bradley Fitzgerald realized he had developed a strong appreciation for his professors and the work they did. He decided to go to graduate school in hopes of becoming a professor and is now just over halfway through a 5 ½-year Ph.D. program at Purdue University. After completing his doctoral studies, Bradley hopes to gain a few years of industry experience before transitioning to teaching engineering at the university level. “I hope to be able to be a professor of engineering at a small or mid-size university with a strong emphasis on teaching,” he says. The dedication and diversity of teaching methods he experienced at Olivet from University Honors Program faculty Dr. Stephen Case ’05, Dr. Beth Schurman ’03/’05 M.A.E., professor Erik Young ’94 and Dr. Brian Stipp ’02 profoundly impacted Bradley’s undergraduate experience. “The research component of the Honors Program certainly helped to set me up for graduate school,” Bradley says, adding that his electrical engineering professors, Joe Makarewicz ’07 and Amanda Luby ’13, were equally important in his preparation. Bradley enrolled at Purdue hoping that he would be able to study biomedical applications of engineering. The size and diversity of engineering disciplines at Purdue facilitate an academic environment that stimulates strong interdisciplinary research. He is studying electrical engineering, but he has expanded his research by working with the Purdue Neurotrauma Group, which specializes in researching mild traumatic brain injury through magnetic resonance imaging.

Master of Public Health in Community Health Sciences at UCLA After graduating from Olivet and working for a year in city government, Erica Browning realized that she didn’t want to work in creating and maintaining policy but in practical applications of public health. She enrolled in the Master of Public Health program at UCLA, where she is also pursuing a Certificate on Population and Reproductive Health through the Bixby Center. “My friends and professors at Olivet constantly showed me how to be an advocate for others who are not traditionally accepted within communities,” Erica says. “My career is dedicated to building a healthier future alongside historically underrepresented people groups; connection and belonging are essential to leading thriving lives. “My ultimate goals are to continue working with social services as a preventative health service, recognizing that social determinants can lead to lifelong health challenges and present barriers to individuals leading thriving lives within a community.” Erica was interested in pursuing a degree at UCLA, in part, because the staff continually adds their voices to active health work not only locally but also throughout the country. Many have worked on the front lines of public health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they provide students with access to real-world problem-solving with research opportunities. “The Fielding School of Public Health has amazing partnerships with the other professional schools at UCLA, allowing us to work on projects with students across the university, including the medical and business schools,” Erica says. “They acknowledge the importance of cross-sector communication and prepare you to be a connector for health across a wide age range.”

Master of Social Service Administration at School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago The nature of social work tends to attract civic-minded and passionate individuals. Danielle Maranion has been inspired by her classmates at the University of Chicago. “The people in my program definitely understand that this degree is to be used for the betterment of others,” she says. “I am challenged and inspired by their experiences.” Danielle specifically chose the social service administration program because it takes the social work mindset and applies it to system-level work. “I never want to be detached from clinical interactions,” she says. “This program allows me to prioritize learning about direct-service insights while challenging me to apply those insights to program and policy design.” In addition to her studies, Danielle is a Mayoral Fellow with the City of Chicago. The highly competitive position provides graduate students with the opportunity to support a variety of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s key initiatives. A few of Danielle’s projects have supported the Chicago Youth Service Corps, COVID-19 requests, the Healthy Chicago 2025 vision, census engagement and the Solutions Toward Ending Poverty (STEP) initiative. “I realized that I didn’t want to be educated for the sake of being educated — but to help equip myself with the tools to tackle everyday injustices,” Danielle reflects. “My goal now is to pursue equitability and cultural humility while serving others.”


DANIELLE MARANION ’18, ONU Majors: Psychology and Sociology

Nurse Practitioner Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellow at Johns Hopkins University After graduating from Olivet, Blake Reddick moved to Chicago to pursue a career in theatre. However, his priorities changed in 2012, when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. “I received great care from nurses and began to see the health care profession through a new lens,” Blake reflects. “I had a unique experience that gave me insight that I could and should give back.” In 2015, Blake enrolled in the accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program through Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. After receiving his degree, he worked at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Illinois, as a nurse in the cardiosurgical intensive care unit for two years. As he learned more about the health care field, Blake realized that he wanted to dive deeper into advanced practice nursing. Purdue University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) program proved to be a great fit, and he finished the program in May 2020. This next year, Blake will be a Nurse Practitioner Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellow at Johns Hopkins University. This prestigious fellowship — which only accepts one D.N.P. candidate per year — pushes the boundaries of what a nurse practitioner does as a health care provider. One goal of the program is to prepare fellows to perform endoscopic procedures. “There’s going to be a significant rise in population who are at risk for colon cancer due to their age,” Blake says. “Colon cancer is highly treatable through screening and the removal of polyps. After completing this fellowship, I’ll be able to help in that process. I’m very proud to be labeled and categorized as a nurse. I don’t view what I do as special; it’s just part of the profession.”


’11/’15 B.S.N., ONU Major: Music

THE ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Olivet has provided academic instruction for the purpose of personal development and career preparedness since 1907. Students choose from more than 140 areas of study as they embark upon lives of service to God and humanity. Through high-quality instruction and practical application through internship, practicum and clinical opportunities, students find meaning and purpose through their educational pursuits. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


In 1999, Olivet’s marketing office added an unofficial tagline to traditional undergraduate recruiting materials: “We Believe. You Belong Here.” The phrase simply reframed Olivet’s mission of providing an “Education With a Christian Purpose” by connecting the University’s purpose and vision with its community.


We collectively believe that Olivet is a place where students and employees can establish a sense of belonging through the blending of shared experiences and celebrated diversity.



“What is unique about the people who make up the culture of Olivet?” The answer that emerged was this: Olivet’s why is what sets the University apart.

More than a catchy phrase, “We Believe. You Belong

The Office of Student Development hosted an Olivet-

place where students and employees can establish

live-streamed fitness classes on social media. Senior

Here.” reflects the University’s belief that Olivet is a a sense of belonging through the blending of shared

experiences and celebrated diversity. Believing and belonging are critical in the formation of young

adults as they prepare for lives of service to God and humanity, and while the University seeks to shape its community, that community continually shapes

the culture of the University. After all, a campus

community is only as strong as the individuals who comprise the group.

A healthy community is able to evolve with the changes in culture and society while, at the same time,

maintaining its core tenets. When the coronavirus pandemic threatened the safety of Olivet’s normal operations in March 2020, the University made the

difficult decision to close campus. That decision not

only briefly stymied academic operations; it also

meant a temporary pause on campus community as it was previously known.

However, out of the challenges came immense

amounts of creativity. After an extended spring break, academic courses resumed with full force using digital

formats. Class councils independently produced

weekly devotionals to encourage their classmates.


themed March Madness tournament and offered students presented final speeches, projects, papers

and performances using Zoom and Microsoft Teams. The Olivet community looked different but maintained its strength and hope.

In late spring, Olivet leadership tasked a group of faculty and staff with overseeing plans for fall 2020,

recognizing that the effects of the pandemic would be felt for the foreseeable future. The Fall Planning

Steering Committee took form, pulling together the

chairs of 10 task forces to create strategic plans for how, and if, the campus could open again in the fall.

Early in the summer, Dr. Dan Sharda, professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and chair of

the Academic Task Force, wanted to create a strong vision for his task force, even in the midst of constantly

evolving circumstances. To frame their work, the Academic Task Force did a revisioning exercise that

sought to answer the questions “Why Olivet Nazarene University?” and “What is unique about the University?

And, more specifically, what is unique about the people who make up the culture of Olivet?”

WE BELIEVE All truth is God’s truth. There are false narratives that need challenging from Christ followers. A life connected to the Creator and community is a life abundant. We are to solve creatively. Values matter in our lives and in our work. This means making decisions differently in our careers or relationships. Learning and wisdom are best in a Christian community.

The answer that emerged was this: Olivet’s why is what sets the University apart.

“What we offer here is education with a Christian purpose, but that in and of itself is not unique from many other

institutions,” Dr. Sharda says. “The why sets us apart. The

why draws us to our students and them to us. The why makes us missionaries together.”

Many of the responses from the task force started with

the phrase “I believe.” In contrast to think or feel, the word

believe comes from a deeper place and carries the weight of conviction and purpose. At the end of the exercise, Dr.

Sharda compiled the list to the right of corporate statements that the task force felt embody the we and the why of Olivet. The revisioning exercise reminded faculty of their shared

responsibility in maintaining Olivet’s unique focus on

communal learning, living and truth-seeking as they set the tone for moving forward in fall 2020.

“We Believe. You Belong Here.” Each word holds weight and meaning. Over the past two decades, that phrase has continued to set forth guidelines for community at Olivet.

We are all called in deep and meaningful ways regardless of our talents and abilities. We are all servants of and leaders for God — living out His will for our lives. You don’t know what you don’t know. There are intangibles to communal living that make the ONU experience. Teaching is more modeling than talking. Every life has a calling as a child of God — a calling to serve, make a difference, grow and live into whom that life is created to be. There exists in our world a hunger for relationships that have depth. Experiential learning, enriched opportunities and habits of obedience all work together to inform personhood. Academic Task Force – May 11, 2020

WE While







spiritually, socially and even emotionally — and in

members per academic year, the institution has

a chance to engage, to own their learning and

undergraduate students and 500 faculty and staff

more than 40,000 living alumni and even more

family and friend connections around the world. Those thousands of people are represented in the word we. Many experienced something at

Olivet that positively impacted their lives and

has prompted them to continue to invest in the campus community.

Dr. Kristy Ingram ’01 enrolled at Olivet anticipating that she would transfer after one semester. However,

connections with the professors in the Department of English, her friends and the overall focus on community life were why she stayed. Now, as the executive

director of the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE),

Dr. Ingram’s desire for the CAE is to foster a culture of support and scholarship for students of all academic backgrounds and abilities.

development, and to contribute in meaningful ways to

local and global communities. The distinctive mark of

a university is not just what can be learned but what

can be learned and then disseminated to others for application and advancement.”

She continued, “We want our students to immerse themselves in theory and concepts and academic information, but we also want them to see how what they’re learning can create new solutions, innovations

and transformative work in the world around them. Success is not just knowing all the answers on the

test; it is also asking questions, making connections, collaborating and communicating information in daily

life. We want our graduates to thrive through active participation in collaboration and the healing of our communities.

“Students can get an academic degree anywhere

“We like to think of things in life as a checklist, college

to help students develop holistically — academically,

join these clubs, go on this mission trip, graduate with

these days, but Olivet is distinctive in its commitment


community,” Dr. Ingram says. “Olivet gives students

included: if we buy these books, take these classes,

this GPA, get into this graduate school or get this job and so on, that we will somehow control the sum gain

of time spent in college. But I think God is known for the ways He multiplies our experiences and talents — not just how He adds them all together.”

Likewise, she explained, “the Olivet experience

“Olivet gives students a chance to engage, to own their learning and development, and to contribute in meaningful ways to local and global communities.”

is not numbers and statistics and checklist items completed. It is the names and stories and memories that shape who we are so that we can go shape the world around us.”

Senior Lily Jarzabkowski, student body president,

understands these sentiments. As a representative of her classmates, she has put a lot of thought into what

Olivet’s Associated Student Council is comprised of 50 student leaders who simultaneously reflect and shape the culture of life at Olivet.

community looks like at Olivet. Two recurring themes

“It is impossible for just one person to represent our

constantly find ways to use their gifts to glorify God

is necessary not only to be open to receiving different

she has noticed are creativity and passion: Students

complex and diverse student body, and I believe that it

and serve others.

opinions but also to actively seek them out in order

“We have a diverse student body full of different

excited to work with and hear from our class councils

worldviews, interests, backgrounds and personalities

on campus,” Lily says. “Those distinctions are woven throughout the various student groups, worship styles, clubs, initiatives and academic discussions.”

to better understand our students,” Lily says. “I am and executive officers as well as collaborate with

Dr. Woody Webb, Olivet’s vice president for student development, to advocate for the student voice and continue to pour into the Olivet community.”



Olivet is a denominational university in the

However, even with the clear vision for spiritual

heritage of the Church of the Nazarene continues

students as evangelistic projects but, rather, as

Wesleyan tradition, and the evangelical holiness to provide a benchmark for the University. In describing the mission of Olivet, the 1915 Catalog explained, “We seek the strongest scholarship

and the deepest piety, knowing that they are

thoroughly compatible (and) … a Christian

environment … where not only knowledge but character is sought.”

While rooted in the Wesleyan tradition, an education

at Olivet encourages students to grow in their personal

faith journeys. With more than 40 denominations represented on campus, the University gives students a diverse environment in which to have gracious conversations about faith and fellowship.

“The way we go about creating community and the

ways we seek to shape this place spiritually are

very unique to us,” says the Rev. Dr. Mark Holcomb ’81/’18 D.D., University chaplain.

One of those distinctions is Olivet’s commitment to weekly chapel services. Even though social distancing

restrictions have necessitated the prerecording of

chapel messages for the fall semester, the Office of Spiritual Development has strategically planned daily ways to connect with students.

“Many universities have walked away from chapel,”

Dr. Holcomb explains, “but here, it shapes our

community — giving us a common language that shapes our conversations.”


development on campus, Dr. Holcomb doesn’t view

humans made in the image of God who long to be reunited with their Creator.

“We aren’t here to deconstruct the faith of our students but to help bring clarity to what it means to be people seeking to live in the way of Jesus in modern society,”

he says. “I’m biased as to how I believe that happens,

but I also believe the way we treat people speaks to the kind of faith we have. Seeing students as anything less than that is dehumanizing, and treating them in

ways that are less than human isn’t the way of Jesus.” When a student has no sense of belonging, there is no belief, Dr. Holcomb says.

“Everything the University does is communal,” he notes. “We don’t seek to just help individual students

thrive here, but we want our entire community to

thrive. If students don’t feel like they belong, they won’t stay. But once that decision is made, everything

shifts. It’s not about me; it’s about us. This place was and is full of family for me. When you are an Olivetian, you are an Olivetian for life.”

As someone who has dedicated her entire career

to Olivet, professor Susan (Hendley) Wolff ‘94/’02

MBA, director of student success services, implicitly understands the power of developing a sense of belief and belonging during the college years.

Following graduation, she took a position in the Office of Admissions.

BELIEVE “Olivet had been a place where transformation

“The first year is critical,” professor Wolff says.

staff that were quite impactful on my life as a student,

and doing it with success is our goal.”

occurred in my life,” she reflects. “There were several and I thought this would give me a chance to give back just a little of what I received.”

Along the way, her two-year commitment turned into a 26-year career at the University.

“Olivet is its own mission field of young people

needing a community to rally around them as they pursue their life calling,” professor Wolff says. “The

University is unique because of its faculty and staff. I’ve witnessed countless people on our campus

devote their lives to our students. We are a Spirit-led group of people who are driven to make a difference for the sake of Christ.”

Professor Wolff’s hope is that students witness a team of professionals assisting them in the pursuit

of their life’s calling and are inspired to go forth

confidently in their own careers. This starts with building a strong foundation during a student’s first

year at Olivet. The CAE helps students transition into the life of the University while also preparing them for graduation and their careers.

“Engaging the students in the life of the University

The CAE is a place for students to gain confidence in areas of their life where they need advice and

encouragement through coaching, tutoring, career planning,





interviewing skills. It is a big task to individually connect

with 600 new students, so the center initiated a new

peer mentoring program for the fall semester. Groups of new students are guided by an upperclassman mentor to help with their first-year transition as they

engage in the Olivet culture. This is an important step in establishing community for new students.

“Building one’s confidence is critical for life outside the

university setting,” professor Wolff says. “If you never find your niche or place of comfort, you’re always peering in versus being in and being yourself.”

“We are a Spirit-led group of people who are driven to make a difference for the sake of Christ.”



YOU The backgrounds of students at Olivet are varied

people whose main focus is Christ. We can spur

depth of their interactions and experiences at the

modeling, encouraging and rewarding authenticity,

and diverse — characteristics which add to the

University. Students come from all over the United

States and around the world to study at Olivet. The

unique differences found within the student body are the key elements that enhance the campus

culture. However, for the community to thrive and grow, students must step into what they were created to be by harnessing their potential and inspiring others to do the same.

Dr. Kristian Veit, professor of behavioral sciences, explains this connection.

“Students can be healthy to the extent that they are

authentic,” he says. “As humans, we can expect imperfection of ourselves and others, and we can be forgiving when it happens.”

The years after high school are extremely formative for young adults as they develop an understanding of identity and purpose.

“Building meaningful connections with other students,

staff, faculty and members of the community is

important for the physical, emotional, spiritual and academic development of young adults,” Dr. Veit

says. “Olivet is a laboratory for faith and life, and some of the best lessons learned here come in

the context of interpersonal relationships. We need others, and they need us. In relationships, people simultaneously teach and learn.”

However, the goal isn’t to be perfect. Students,

knowing that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it.

“Research tells us that learning requires challenge,

effort, experimenting, failing, falling, getting up again, setting new goals, persisting and overcoming fears. But along the way, we’ll also develop personal confidence, which is crucial to understanding ourselves, God and how to live together in community.”

While working on her master’s degree at Olivet,

Dr. Cynthia Taylor ’06 M.A., director of Multiethnic Student Services (MSS), completed her internship through the campus counseling center. She worked with students who were experiencing an array of emotional adjustments and issues, including selfesteem,




depression and anxiety. The experience gave Dr. Taylor insight into the emotional and mental needs of a campus community.

“I was fortunate to walk alongside students as they processed and progressed in becoming healthier

mentally,” she says. “It was so rewarding to watch

students unfold into seeing life and situations from various perspectives and choosing a path that was best for them.”

Although Dr. Taylor is no longer a practicing staff therapist, her background in counseling is still relevant in MSS.

faculty and staff shouldn’t hide their flaws but seek

“I am grateful to have the opportunity to honor the

Veit explains.

she says. “Nurturing students to lean in and embrace

to encourage each other through grace and truth, Dr. “Doing so impacts the entire University in a positive

way,” he says. “Olivet becomes healthier to the extent that it is filled with authentic, forgiving and growing


each other on to grow in the direction of health by

differences and celebrate these differences in unity,”

who God created them to be leads to collaboration for the Olivet community.”

The goal of MSS is to help students develop a

“My years at Olivet were so transformative that I

they are important and valued. All Olivet students

figure out God’s plans for their futures,” she says. “I

personal sense of belonging and knowledge that

are encouraged to participate in MSS activities to embrace ethnic diversity mindfulness while becoming

agents of change in their communities. Specific affinity groups, including the Asian Student Christian

Association, the Black Student Christian Association and the Hispanic Student Christian Association, meet

weekly to plan for campus events, study for class exams and enjoy fellowship. These groups enable

students to enjoy a supported sense of identity and empower them to not only survive but thrive all the way to graduation.

“One of the primary ways we accomplish this is by affirming students and their various cultures,” Dr.

Taylor explains. “We help all students recognize and honor differences while at the same time promoting

our shared value found in Christ Jesus and the Body of Christ at large. Ultimately, our collective identity

found in Christ Jesus leads to the larger objective of promoting student success.”

Dr. Taylor knows that when students from various cultures can learn about and from each other, they become more culturally and emotionally intelligent.

“When one belongs to a community and develops personal confidence, it serves as ‘good soil’ for a

positive growth experience,” she says. “When one is

wanted to be involved in students’ lives today as they have chosen to stay here because Olivet is a family

to me — a place where I can care for others and be cared for as well.”

Dr. Bonilla believes that Olivet goes beyond education, challenging students to wrestle with how they are going to use their individual gifts and talents to serve others.

“As a Spanish professor, I often have conversations with students as to why they want to pursue additional studies in languages,” she explains. “It’s very telling

of their growth when I hear first-year students say they want to become more marketable, and upper-

class students talk about a desire to connect with others and serve those around them.

“That’s what Olivet can do for you. Students are challenged in the classroom, chapel, small groups, athletics … to figure out how to use their knowledge, talents and skills for God’s Kingdom.”

Living in a global society, people can interact across cultures and boundaries without ever leaving their

hometowns. Therefore, knowing how to appreciate a peer, coworker or neighbor who has a different background and experience is a vital skill.

rooted in an ecosystem where they feel they belong,

“Language and culture can’t be separated,” Dr.

and creates a diverse cultural soil where they can

heart language fosters a deeper connection with

becoming all that God desires for them to be.”

behind the product or practice. However, our goal at

For Dr. Nancy Bonilla ’96, associate professor and

the same values as individuals in other cultures; they

this fosters personal confidence that also cultivates

Bonilla explains. “Being able to speak in someone’s

grow spiritually, socially, culturally and emotionally,

them. We often teach culture in light of the values

chair of the Department of Modern Languages, Olivet provided the kind of environment where she

Olivet is for students to realize that they often share just express those values differently.”

was able to earn an undergraduate degree while simultaneously being challenged in her faith.



BELONG Humans are relational beings and crave building

Now, as the associate director for student life

boundless opportunities for students to establish

experiences for current Olivet students. Her goal

connections based on affinity groups. Olivet offers a sense of belonging — with more than 140 areas of study, 22 varsity athletic teams, more than

90 student organizations, 22 music ensembles, Associated




honor societies, and a variety of on-campus and

is to create vibrant, creative, relevant and valued experiences that help shape each student’s unique life at Olivet.

“When you feel a sense of belonging, you feel

community ministry groups.

supported, confident and your ability to cope

When narrowing her college choice, Chelsea Speas

you have a community behind you cheering you on

’13/’18 MBA was choosing between a state school

and Olivet. In making her final choice, she determined

increases,” Chelsea says. “Most important, you know every step of the way.”

there was just something different about Olivet.

She hopes all students experience that belonging

“I knew that being a Tiger was something that I didn’t

self-confidence and awareness out into the world

want to miss out on,” she says.

While a student, Chelsea was a resident assistant for two years, sang with Proclamation Gospel Choir and

participated in intramural sports. It was through those experiences that she grew as a leader, met some of her

best friends and made Olivet “home.” She also worked

on campus at Olivet so they are ready to bring that after graduation.

“Dr. Bowling often says that if you dust the world for fingerprints, you will find the fingerprints of Olivet

everywhere,” she says. “No matter where life takes us, we will always be a Tiger and we will always belong.”

for Matt Smith ’00 and Kathy Steinacker ’83 in the

As a student, Ashley Sarver ’15/MBA ’17 appreciated

Chelsea joined the Student Development team full

integrated with a faith component.

Office of Student Development. Following graduation, time. Eight years later, they are still her coworkers.

receiving a rigorous and credible education that was

Now, as the director of the ONU Theatre Program

“Matt and Kathy believed in me as a student, saw my

and an associate professor in the Department of

and helped develop me into the leader I am today,”

that same environment for current students through

strengths, weren’t afraid to call out my weaknesses

Communication, professor Sarver is excited to create

she says. “I often tell students the best way to

the art of storytelling.

establish a sense of belonging here is to get involved.

Whether … through a music ensemble, intramurals, a club, sport, a leadership position, there is something for everyone.”


and recreation, Chelsea provides many of those

“The performing arts is a place for students to better understand the world and humanity,” professor Sarver says. “Through creative exploration, students

naturally find a sense of belonging because they

MacKenzie immersed herself in an applied learning

powerful, but they are even more powerful when

center after meeting director Kristen (Berdych)

are on the journey with other people. Stories are we’re doing them with Kingdom-building intentions.”

Professor Sarver’s vision for ONU Theatre is to create a “brave space” for students to see the world from new perspectives, grow as individuals and, most

importantly, use their gifts for Jesus. One of the most effective ways to facilitate that learning environment is to build community.

“It’s not hard for a ‘family’ to form when working on

creating a story on stage,” professor Sarver says. “People need people. One of the best lessons I’ve

learned in theatre is the importance of collaboration. Effective collaboration can spark a sense of belonging in any field.

“Students should embrace opportunities where this can

happen not only to have a group of people they can connect with after college, but so they can also practice

collaboration and connect with new people and groups. When we use our gifts and talents to serve others and

glorify God, a sense of community and belonging is created for the collaborators and the audience.”

Sometimes, however, things don’t quite go according

to plan. When senior MacKenzie Ream started her freshman year at Olivet, she anticipated furthering

her basketball career with the women’s team. However, a resurgence of back pain from old injuries

put a forced stop on her playing time, and MacKenzie

transitioned to being the manager of the team. It was a blessing in disguise. The new opportunity not only

gave her a fresh perspective on team dynamics and

the importance of deep relationships but also freed

volunteer experience at the local pregnancy resource Lonberger ’05 at a campus career fair.

“Kankakee County is a tight-knit community, and you never know who you’re talking to or how those

conversations can further your career,” MacKenzie says. “These connections will last a lifetime.”

Courtney McGee ’18, resident director of Chapman Hall, experienced similar connections within the

student body and through service opportunities during his time at Olivet.

“I was disciplined in seizing those opportunities and,

from that, I experienced much growth,” he reflects. “I established a sense of belonging by being intentional in pursuing opportunities that prioritize God’s priorities.”

Now in charge of a residence hall full of freshmen,

Courtney is excited to support 200 young men as

they experience a formative experience similar to the one he had at Olivet.

“The opportunities that the University makes available

to students to strengthen their relationship with God are vast,” he says. “My vision for emphasizing that

environment is to have eyes for and intentionally pursue students who are vulnerable, lacking or in

need. The Bible demonstrates that true belonging is being fully known and fully loved. When we’re secure in Christ, we’re established and rooted in how He has

made us. We become who we were meant to be: fully adopted and secure children of God.”

up some of her time to pursue other interests.



For more than 100 years, the University’s

that each student really embraces their sense of

academic instruction for the purpose of personal

a catchy phrase, but so every student knows how

mission has been “to provide high-quality development, career and professional readiness,

and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.”

As an admissions counselor, Daneli Rabanalez

Hernandez ’17/’19 MBA introduces families to

Olivet and guides prospective students through the

crucial they are to the formation of a better Olivet.

When students embrace that Olivet is their home, their school, their place, it allows for their four years here to not only be great for professional preparation but for personal and spiritual transformation.”

Those core values will always remain steadfast in

enrollment process.

the vision for the University, but Olivet is adapting

“I want students to know what it’s like to have their

the landscape of higher education. When Olivet

school want them, believe in them and challenge

them to become the best version of themselves,” she explains. “I want Olivet to have the opportunity to be influenced and made even better by the students

we bring in. It’s a life-giving cycle. I am so excited to think of the deep growth we will experience together

in the years to come — a growth that starts with each individual student who decides that Olivet can be their second home.”

Daneli’s goal is to reassure each family that all are welcome at Olivet.

“Your student is wanted here,” she says. “And if they

choose to attend Olivet, I believe it’s because they are meant to be here. This is why it’s so important


belonging here — not so the University can have

in order to stay relevant and purposeful within

moved classes temporarily online last March, the

University’s mission didn’t die. In fact, the University

demonstrated incredible potential to pivot, adjust and change the modes of learning and campus

community. The connections simply required more

creativity, more innovation and more intentionality. Olivet maintained its purpose, but its sense of the word here shifted.

Seeking to help Olivet realize its potential as a leader

in higher education, Dr. Jay Martinson ’86, dean of

online learning for the undergraduate campus, is excited to propel the University into this new era.

“The idea of the small, residential, liberal arts Christian university has faced enormous economic

HERE challenges across the country,” Dr. Martinson says. “It’s an idea worth preserving, but doing so requires creative and innovative adaption and can expand the mission far beyond our brick-and-mortar campus.

“While most of us have a need and a preference to be close to others, we’ve learned that our relationships don’t hinge upon and aren’t limited by the boundaries of physical

proximity. Sometimes, we use the word virtual as almost a pejorative term to mean ‘not real,’ but that’s simply not the case.”

Regardless of the tenuous circumstances the world is experiencing, Olivet will continue to offer an “Education With a Christian Purpose.”

“Here is still a place, but that place no longer is restricted

by property lines,” Dr. Martinson says. “Here refers more

broadly to who we are and where we are together with God.

Here is the common mission we all embrace. When we’re

on campus, we’re here. When we’re on videoconference a thousand miles away, we’re here. In person and on ground, or virtual and online, we’re here. You belong here.”

“When students embrace Olivet as their home, their school, their place, it allows for their four years here to not only be great for professional preparation but for personal and spiritual transformation.”



STAGE READY There are a multitude of performance art opportunities for students at Olivet. Participating in one of the ONU Theatre productions is a fun way to engage with other students and the community through creative storytelling. This semester, audiences will enjoy Broadway Revue, two Shakespeare productions in the park and a classic Christmas radio show. PHOTO BY IMAGE GROUP


CAREER PREPAREDNESS Olivet consistently exceeds the national average of career outcomes, as reported by the First Destination Survey. In fact, 96% of Olivet graduates in the Class of 2019 were employed (full time or part time), serving in the military or missions, or in graduate school within six months of crossing the stage. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO



WHAT TO DO SENIOR YEAR The best way for your student to prepare for college is to make the most of senior year. Your daughter or son should dig into classes. Good study habits, focused determination and solid grades are the best preparation. She or he should invest in extracurricular activities that highlight athleticism, musical talent, leadership or public service. It will be a busy year, and graduation will be here before you know it. These steps, written for your student, will help your family navigate the enrollment process and get a head start on the college experience.

Does the college offer your major? Are there ample areas of study (in case the student changes majors)? Are the professors accessible in and out of the classroom? Are the professors renowned in their fields? Are the academic programs rigorous? What defines the classroom experience? How many students are in each class? Does the college have strong internship and study-abroad opportunities? Does the school provide a multicultural experience? After financial aid is awarded, how affordable is the school? Are there added-value opportunities and services? What is the campus city or town like? What is the weather like? How important is distance from home? Is the school near additional internships, jobs and culture? Does the college have on- and off-campus guidelines for living? Do you value the school’s policies regarding residential life? What arts opportunities are there? Are there athletic teams to cheer on? What are all the on- and off-campus dining options? Are there fitness activities for students? Does the college offer off-campus living? What are some alumni success stories? Is academic tutoring and career counseling readily offered? What clubs, intramural sports, ministries and volunteer activities exist? Is the school a good fit? 40 OLIVET.EDU



Visit! Fall is a great time to look at the schools on your college list. The perfect time to connect with students and professors is when classes are in session. Even sit in on a class or two. Olivet’s Purple and Gold Days are ideal occasions to experience campus firsthand or virtually.

Follow up on applications. Verify with the guidance counselor that all forms are in order and have been sent in.

Finalize a short list. Use the information gathered from

college visits, interviews and research to determine where to apply. Compare and contrast schools on the short list to determine where they rank in priority.

Stay on track with grades and activities. Colleges look at senior year, so stay focused on classes and maintain commitments to extracurricular activities.

Take standardized tests. Register for and take the ACT,

SAT or SAT Subject Tests as necessary. Add Olivet's school code so test scores are sent automatically.

Keep track of deadlines. It’s important to know whatm is due when. Make a calendar showing the application deadlines for admission, financial aid and scholarships. Connect with a guidance counselor. Be sure the

counselor knows where to send transcripts, score reports and letters of recommendation. Give counselors any necessary forms much earlier than the actual deadlines so they have time to complete them.

Complete applications for schools on the short list.

Make sure the guidance office has sent all necessary materials, including test scores, recommendations, transcripts and application essays. Plan to get all this done before winter break, so you won’t be rushed.es.

File the FAFSA. Filing for the following school year starts on

Oct. 1 of the current year. File as soon as possible to ensure access to eligible state and federal aid as well as priority status for university scholarships (Olivet’s school code is 001741). Some state programs have limited resources and are first-come, first-served.

Send mid-year grade reports. Ask the guidance

counselor to send these reports to colleges on the short list. Remember, schools will continue to keep track of grades, so it’s important to keep working hard throughout senior year.

Review college financial aid packages. Award letters

should begin arriving at homes in late November for those who filed early. Though finances should never be the only factor in a decision, consider each package carefully, as not all colleges use the same format.

SPRING Prepare! Take any last standardized tests and ACT/SAT retakes (statistically, students improve their score on the second or third attempt). Take AP or CLEP tests to earn college credit as senior year winds down. Be sure to discuss these options with an enrollment adviser at each school on your short list, as every school awards college credit and academic scholarships differently. Make the final college decision. Notify all schools

of your intentions by May 1. If still undecided, schedule campus visits to the schools being considered. Send in the enrollment deposit and have the guidance counselor send a final transcript upon graduation. Submit any other paperwork required by the university.

Follow up on financial aid information. Be sure you

have received a FAFSA confirmation and award letter. If necessary, explore and apply for loans. Maintain contact with the financial aid adviser to discuss the best options for paying for college.

Interact with future classmates. Attend college events, check out class Facebook and Instagram pages, and finalize roommate selection.

Continue your scholarship search. Apply for scholarships


Ask colleges about their scholarship opportunities.

Attend new student summer orientation. Finalize course selections, choose a dorm room, meet freshman classmates, interact with faculty and staff, and begin the exciting experience of the next four years!

with approaching deadlines, and keep searching for more scholarship and grant opportunities. Using free online scholarship search tools is a great way to find potential aid.

Be sure to take this information into account when making a short list. A university’s sticker price can fluctuate greatly after financial aid and scholarships are applied. Talk with a family advocate and enrollment adviser at Olivet to discover how scholarships and financial aid change your bottom line.




UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL AID The college choice will be heavily influenced by how you and your student perceive cost and the financial aid process. Be sure to make decisions based on accurate information. You don’t want to rule out schools based on sticker shock when financial aid could bring those schools within reach.



File your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),

The FAFSA allows your student to select up to 10 schools to

and file it as early as possible. The FAFSA is the gateway

automatically receive your family’s FAFSA information. Each

to state and federal financial aid, and universities use this

school that has accepted your student for admission will

information to determine your student’s awards. The FAFSA

then send a financial award letter outlining the federal, state

can give access to grants as well as loans that tend to have

and institutional aid for which your student is eligible.

lower interest rates with the most advantageous payback schedules. Some state grants have limited resources. It’s important to file as soon as possible

WHEN CAN WE FILE THE FAFSA? You can now file the FAFSA at fafsa.gov beginning Oct. 1 for the following school year. You previously had to wait until Jan. 1, but the government moved up the filing date so you can have your financial aid picture sooner and longer to best prepare for the start of school. Another improvement: You’re able to pull financial information directly from electronic tax documents into your FAFSA form. 42 OLIVET.EDU

WHAT ROLE DO STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES PLAY? It’s important to find out how each admissions office handles test scores, as each school is different. If your student takes the ACT or SAT more than once (not required but permitted by both testing organizations), some universities take the highest score, while others take an average. A higher test score could improve an academic scholarship by thousands of dollars per year.

ASK THE EXPERTS At Olivet, the Office of Admissions is a great resource for families in every stage of the financial aid process.

ARE THERE OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE? additional opportunities. Like academic scholarships, most

KIMBERLY STRICKLAND klstrickland@olivet.edu

others are provided on the basis of merit and/or participation.

“It’s my pleasure each day to

At Olivet, there are scholarships for athletics, music (including

assist students and their families

University Marching Band and University Orchestra), art, ministry

with their award packages. The

and ROTC.

options are almost limitless.”


MARK REDDY mwreddy@olivet.edu

Some schools offer only academic scholarships. Most have

YES! Students should seek out local and national scholarships. Consider organizations your student has been a part of, businesses you frequent and your employer. Many offer scholarships. For national scholarships, register at reputable websites such as scholarships.com, bigfuture.collegeboard.org or fastweb.com and begin applying as soon as possible. Never pay for scholarship searches. The reputable sources are always free.

“One of my favorite moments is when families see their students awarded for their diverse, outstanding achievements.”

LUKE FRANKLIN lfrankl1@olivet.edu “From afar, it seems like a puzzle.


But when we get into it, the facts

The reality for most college students is that scholarships

clear, affordable picture.”

come alive and paint a pretty

and government assistance alone do not fully cover tuition loans, student loans or payment plans. There are many federal

DEBBIE RATTIN drattin@olivet.edu

and private loan options. You should know that student loans

“My goal is to connect the dots for

require a cosigner. Payment plan options are unique to each

students and their parents, and

institution. Financial aid isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” process, so

to use every available resource to

work with your financial aid adviser to explore your best options.

make Olivet affordable.”

expenses. The remaining portion can be covered by parent


Our amazing team is available to answer your

This process can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to lean on

questions. Call 800-648-1463 and ask for

financial aid advisers. They will work with you to find financial aid

them by name, or reach out via email.

solutions based on your needs. Ask the tough questions and stay informed. The more involved you are, the easier it will be. OLIVET.EDU 43


FINDING YOUR WAY AT OLIVET Not every student has a simple answer when asked the unavoidable question “What’s your major?” Welcome to the perfect place to explore all the possibilities that question presents.



Each year, about 17% of students entering college haven’t

Get free access to four assessments that help you learn

declared or decided on a major. Around 15% of Olivet’s

more about your values, workplace preferences, interests

incoming students are unsure of their exact field of study.

and personality.

Considering that nearly 50% of all college students change


their major (at least once), why worry?


Olivet Nazarene University is higher education focused on the

majors and requirements for each.

liberal arts — where you get to explore all areas of knowledge

Consult Olivet’s online course catalog for a list of available

and understanding: literature, science, religion, mathematics,

Imagine the Future

health and the arts.

Review the 140 areas of study Olivet offers. List careers you

The Center for Academic Excellence, located on Olivet’s campus, strives to create a culture and a climate that

might want to pursue. Consider the majors that will help you get there.

encourage students to explore all their educational and


academic interests and assists students in identifying their

This assessment helps you discover the one true you. Find

specific career or calling.

out more about what you naturally do best. Use the results to live your best life.


ASK THESE QUESTIONS: What is most important to me in a career? In which areas do I naturally excel? What do I most enjoy doing? Which majors fit best with my personality? What do I most think about regarding the future? For which issue or cause am I most passionate? If I could do anything I wanted and knew I would be successful, what would I do?

JumpStart This three-day conference introduces new students to college life and life at Olivet. Large and small group events, challenging messages and many opportunities to get acquainted make this a valuable start to a life-changing adventure.

OAR Peer Mentoring Program Meet monthly with your OAR group throughout the first year of your Olivet experience to help get acclimated into the life of the University. Your peer mentor provides advice, insight and practical tips, along with fun opportunities to meet others in the same boat as you.

Career Coaching Meet with a career coach or faculty adviser to work through the rewarding process of choosing your major.

Introductory Courses

THEN, FIND THE ANSWERS HERE: Academic Coaching Center

Peer coaches

help students develop independent learning skills in a relaxed, comfortable setting. Students’ unique learning preferences and education goals are primary in all sessions. Coaches help with enhancing academic skills, improving critical-thinking skills and fostering independent scholarship.

Career Services

Students explore careers

and employment opportunities using a variety of resources. Assistance with résumés, cover letters, the job search process and interviewing skills set students apart in the professional world.

Take the first course in one or two areas that interest you. Sample

On-campus job fairs give potential employers

before committing.

opportunities to meet students in person.

Shadowing Experience Learn more about the careers that interest you. Reach out to

Handshake.com connects employers with jobseekers and employees with jobs.

professionals in those fields. Arrange to interview them or

Counseling Services

shadow them on the job.

professional counselors are available to help


is the top priority at Olivet.

Ask God to direct you in your decisions. Listen for His answers.

When stresses build,

students grow and succeed. Students’ well-being

Health and Wellness Services

Being healthy

physically benefits students as they pursue their For more information about how you can begin your exploration with Olivet Nazarene University, go to olivet.edu or call us at 800-648-1463.

education and prepare for their future careers. Complete, personalized, quality health care is available for all students.




WITH HONORS Emily Ziemba, Class of 2022


An important element of Olivet’s mission statement is “… the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.” One of the most focused groups in pursuit of that mission is the University Honors Program. Students who are accepted into the Honors Program take four courses as part of a cohort during the course of the freshman and sophomore years. The emphasis of these courses is to address the conundrum of what it means to be human while strengthening students’ communication, research and critical-thinking skills. After taking four core classes as part of a cohort during their freshman and sophomore years, Honors Program students formulate a topic proposal for a capstone research project. Students spend their junior and senior years diving into their topic with the mentored guidance of a faculty member in their field of study.


Junior Emily Ziemba decided early in high school to pursue a degree in an industry that would provide a variety of career paths following graduation. When it came time to consider where to study for college, Emily knew she wanted a small, Christian college environment where she would be academically challenged. Her campus tour and visit with a few of the engineering professors at Olivet sealed the deal, and she enrolled as a chemical engineering major and applied to the Honors Program. Emily has been overjoyed with her experience in the Honors Program. “The classes have helped me grow personally and academically,” she says. “The classes and projects gave me confidence in my own communication skills. I’ve always been a shy peacemaker, but the Honors Program taught me that it’s possible to have deep conversations on hot topics without people getting upset.” The Honors Program course this past spring was particularly enlightening for Emily, as it focused on current social issues, including topics on race. Students read books written by minority authors to explore the human condition. “The class was fascinating because I hadn’t previously realized how different a story could be based on an author’s unique life experiences,” Emily says. “All of the class discussions were extremely eye-opening to the different ways people interact with culture in America. “I know I made a good choice in joining the program. It’s been amazing to be with the same group of people — classmates and professors — for two years. All of my closest friends came from the cohort.”

This fall, Emily will begin her capstone research project with mentorship from Dr. Bruce Heyen, professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences. Taking a chemistry class with Dr. Heyen provided great inspiration for Emily’s capstone research. “Dr. Heyen is so enthusiastic about chemistry,” she explains. “Between what I learned in his class, the Honors Program and my engineering classes, I was inspired to do research on a topic that was applicable and useful to daily life.” Emily’s capstone project will explore how to use organic acids to efficiently recycle lithium ion batteries and avoid the toxic byproducts. Finding a way to recycle the metals within batteries would help ensure that the Earth doesn’t run out of those resources. Lithium ion batteries are found in common items such as flashlights and cars. However, many people don’t know where they can recycle the used batteries, so most batteries are thrown away and end up in landfills. Even when batteries end up in recycling facilities, current methods used to process old batteries can create toxic byproducts. Emily hopes that her Honors Program project will contribute research on more efficient and less harmful recycling processes. “My experience in the Honors Program really expanded my view of the world and humanity,” Emily reflects. “The four courses taught me how to respect and consider the billions of different people in the world, and I feel more integrated in society because of it. Being in the program has been such a wonderful blessing.”

She credits some of her Honors Program friendships as the source of her inspiration to pursue environmental conservation through engineering. During her freshman year, Emily discovered an interest in the alternative energy field. “Engineering in itself is mostly about efficiency, and I’ve always enjoyed learning about the processes of balancing materials and energy,” she says. “I want to help our country get to the point that we’re being more efficient with how we use our resources.”

The culmination of students’ Honors Program research is published in ELAIA: The Honors Journal

of Olivet Nazarene University, featuring the work of the previous year’s graduating class. The 2020 ELAIA will be published digitally in early September. For more details about the Honors Program and application information, visit www.Olivet.edu/Honors.



S T AY S O C I A L Check out the latest from Instagram by following @olivetnazarene and @lifeatolivet




STUDENTS RETURN TO CAMPUS FOR UNPRECEDENTED SEMESTER After an abbreviated spring semester, Olivet leadership tasked a group of faculty and staff with overseeing plans for fall 2020. In July, Olivet launched the Tiger Pause initiative, outlining basic safety standards for community living. Signage posted on campus buildings, sidewalks, classrooms, recreational spaces and dining facilities reminds students, employees and visitors to practice recommended health protocols, including wearing a mask, maintaining six feet of distance and frequently washing hands. The University also added increased cleaning and sanitizing measures and minimized classroom capacity to comply with social distancing guidelines. Prior to moving in to residential housing, students were asked to quarantine to help facilitate a safe start to the year. The fall semester started on Aug. 17, 2020, and will conclude on Nov. 24. For more information on the Tiger Pause initiative and other health and safety protocols, visit www.olivet.edu/update.






Olivet’s Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) business club participated in the virtual Illinois PBL conference in June. At the conference, Olivet PBL members received 12 state titles in various categories, including computer concepts, contemporary sports issues, personal finance, sales presentation, marketing concepts and parliamentary procedures. Senior Ellie Murphy received the Outstanding Business Student Award. The award recognizes students who have clearly shown leadership potential through business courses and involvement with student organizations, activities and the local community. Ellie serves as president of Olivet’s chapters of both PBL and Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society. She is also vice president of PBL’s National North Central Region of Illinois and is involved with the Law and Political Society on Olivet’s campus.



This fall, all students, staff, faculty and campus guests are expected to wear a face covering while on campus. To help keep everyone safe and covered, BamBams, LLC, owned by Dan Taylor ’79, president of Olivet’s Alumni Board, generously donated 93,600 KN95 face masks to the University. This summer, Dan reached out to Erinn Proehl ’13/’19 MBA, director of alumni relations, to express the company’s willingness to donate and ship five pallets of masks to the campus. The donation from BamBams provides access to KN95 masks, some of the safest nonmedical masks on the market. The Olivet bookstore has also partnered with BamBams to sell Olivet-branded reusable cloth masks.

SCHOOL OF MUSIC READY TO RECORD IN FALL 2020 Olivet’s School of Music now boasts its own recording studio in the lower level of Larsen Fine Arts Center. The ONU Presents Studio, a fully digital Dante protocol studio, will provide students and faculty with state-of-the-art equipment for recording and producing music. The Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel is equipped with similar technology, meaning that events happening in chapel can be live-streamed and professionally mixed in Larsen. Able to fit up to 40 people, the studio will be used to record ensembles and faculty projects, and students will get hands-on training for careers in the music industry. Additionally, opening the studio will allow Olivet to move forward with offering a music production major.



DYKHOUSE FAMILY AND SODEXO FUND MAJOR CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS Students will benefit from transformed academic programming and experiences this fall thanks to updates and renovations in five campus buildings. Capital improvements such as these are made possible by the generous giving of donors. Lead giving partners Rick ’85 and Debbie Dykhouse provided vision and financial support specifically for projects in Reed Hall of Science and Wisner Hall of Nursing. “I continue to be inspired by the generosity and partnership of the Dykhouse family,” President John C. Bowling said. “Their determination to help Olivet students succeed and their passion for placing gifted young women and men in strategic leadership positions is important work that advances the mission of Olivet. These advances and renovations in the sciences and nursing will be tremendous advantages to ONU students for generations to come.” Improvements in Wisner and Reed include new design enhancements in classrooms and building interiors as well as upgrades to the buildings’ science equipment, media and technology. These changes will increase flexibility for instruction, collaboration and study space use while also offering state-of-the-art opportunities for professors and students. Improvements include an overhaul to Wisner Auditorium and expansion of the nursing Virtual Learning Center and lab areas to provide better simulation for future nurses. Additionally, Reed gained a new cell culture laboratory space, which will improve research and laboratory experiences for science students. “We believe there is no better time to do all we can to partner with the outstanding ONU professors of the sciences and nursing and do our part to equip and encourage current and future Olivet students,” Rick and Debbie said in a statement. “In these unprecedented times, our world needs the keen minds and compassionate hearts of students trained to be transformative agents in the redemption and restoration of the world at home and abroad.” Across campus, Phase 3 of a multiyear renovation project in Ludwig Center was completed this summer. Funded by Sodexo, the University’s campus food service for more than 50 years, the renovations are aimed at improving the student and guest experience in a building that is the hub for dining and several student services. The project began in 2018 with the addition of a Starbucks location; in 2019, Phase 2 featured full renovations of the bookstore, post office and lower level. Highlights of Phase 3 include upgraded equipment for existing food service options, a new dedicated allergen station, a robust reusable container carryout program and the addition of Seattle’s Best Coffee to menu offerings. Burke Administration Building and McHie Arena also received facelifts this summer. The much-used iconic stairs, columns and portico of Burke were replaced. In McHie, the court was refinished with new artwork and dedicated to the late Ralph “Tres” Hodge ’75/’96 M.A.E., Olivet’s men’s basketball coach for nearly four decades. Coach Hodge passed away in 2018.




ACADEMIC AFFAIRS EXPERIENCES EXCITING CHANGES This past April, President John C. Bowling announced Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88 as the new vice president for academic affairs. He replaces Dr. Carol (Maxson) Summers ’88/’90 M.A.E., who retired. In making the announcement, Dr. Bowling noted that Dr. Lowe, who has served at Olivet for 27 years, is “an academic, a historian, an author and a champion for the liberal arts.” Most recently, Dr. Lowe served as the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University’s largest academic division, and as the director of the University Honors Program. He also gave leadership to the recent general education review. For many years, Dr. Lowe was a full-time faculty member and, before his tenure as dean, he served as the chair of the Department of History and Political Science. Under Dr. Lowe’s leadership this past summer, the structure of Academic Affairs evolved to streamline leadership and allow for more school and departmental flexibility. Olivet now has a reorganized College of Arts and Sciences in addition to the existing School of Theology and Christian Ministry, plus a newly formed College of Professional Studies. The remaining current schools will be brought into one of the two colleges or, in the case of Life and Health Sciences, cease to exist. The College of Arts and Sciences will now include the School of Music and a new Martin D. Walker School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), housing the four departments of Biological Sciences; Chemistry and Geosciences; Engineering; and Mathematics and Computer Science. Remaining in this college will be the departments of Art and Digital Media; Behavioral Sciences; Communication; English; History and Political Science; and Modern Languages. Adding a college for professional programs reflects Olivet’s significant curricular evolution over the last half-century. The College of Professional Studies will include the Center for Academic Excellence; the Mick McGraw School of Business; a revived School of Nursing; and the departments of Education, Exercise and Sports Science, Family and Consumer Sciences, Military Science, and Social Work and Criminal Justice. The chairs and deans of these respective areas as well as Dr. Jay Martinson ’86, dean of online learning for the residential campus, comprise the vice president for academic affairs’ cabinet.





Steve Hoekstra of Hoekstra Transportation, LLC, in Kankakee, Illinois, took the Olivet marching band’s transportation needs under his wings this summer. When Steve updated his fleet of trucks, he generously provided the marching band with a new vehicle. The Marching Tigers’ new truck, which includes a 53-foot trailer, is decked out with the Olivet logo, new doors and lights, and a generator to power the interior lighting.

NEW TO THE ONU BOOKSHELF Patrick Allen ’73, Ph.D., recently authored The Good Shepherd, Gentle Guide, & Gracious Host: Metaphors & Meditations from the Twenty-Third Psalm, a collection of 15 discipleship meditations organized around three metaphors from Psalm 23. Dr. Allen spent his career in higher education, serving as provost at George Fox University, Point Loma Nazarene University and Southern Nazarene University. He and his wife, Lori, reside in Newberg, Oregon. The latest published title from Joseph Bentz ’83, Ph.D., a professor of English and American literature at Azusa Pacific University, is 12 New Testament Passages That Changed the World. In addition to teaching in higher education, Dr. Bentz is an established author with 12 titles to his name. He and his wife, Peggy, reside in La Verne, California. Sam Mayhugh ’61, Ph.D., an executive psychologist, recently co-authored Covid-19 Resources for Coping with the Pandemic and Beyond with his son, Dr. Brian Mayhugh. The book provides resources for readers to embrace the power of mindfulness and manage stress-related anxiety and depression. Dr. Sam Mayhugh taught psychology at Olivet in the late 1960s. He is the founder of Integrated Behavioral Health and has served as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He resides in Newport Beach, California. Robert L. Sloan ’68 recently authored Inspired: Chronicles of Sibley Memorial Hospital. Robert served as the president/CEO of Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., from 1985 to 2012. He currently serves as the chairman and president of the Joseph Robert Shaw Foundation. Inspired takes a look at the storied history of Sibley Memorial Hospital, part of the Johns Hopkins Health System. Robert and his wife, Janet, reside in Washington, D.C. Sheila Stabile ’79 is the founder of Connection You. She recently published Connection You: Build, Strengthen, and Profit by Making Connections with Work, Life, and Self. Over the course of her career, Sheila has been an educator, award-winning national sales executive and business development manager for Fortune 500 companies. In 2019, she was elected the 69th president of the Capital Speakers Club of Washington, D.C. Sheila is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach© and Jack Canfield Success Principles Trainer©. She resides in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.



FIRST PERSON Mike Conway, Director of Athletics

Mike and Beth Ann Conway SUBMITTED


“In the midst of these challenging times, I am learning to stay anchored in my core foundational beliefs, to give energy to what I can control, and to continually learn and improve regardless of the obstacles that get in the way.”

As the new director of athletics at Olivet, Mike Conway ‘83 is charged with casting a vision for a network of 22 intercollegiate varsity teams. The task of connecting with the coaching staff while staying accessible to student-athletes is a big job. “I have always been a relational coach, and I enjoy watching coaches grow in their faith and profession,” he says. “I feel that I am still, and always will be, a coach. Now, the coaching is coming from an administrator’s perspective. God has called me to be a transformational coach, and my purpose in athletics has been to lead students and coaches to grow and develop into Christian leaders while continuing to develop the principles of being a mentor leader.” Organized sports can create an inclusive environment that can enhance the college experience for all students. According to Mike’s personal leadership philosophy, being a team means living in community, respecting each other, training with each other and working toward common goals through the good times as well as the difficult ones. Mike believes that athletics have a unique ability to bring a campus together — bolstering comradery and school pride. “Personally, playing sports at Olivet was integral in helping me build the foundation for the rest of my life — both professionally and spiritually,” he says. “Competing for and with my teammates gave me the most satisfying memories. I very seriously value the opportunity to be part of a campus community and actively provide support to sports and student organizations on campus. “We must seek to honor God in all that is said and done, recognizing the great responsibility we have as Christian coaches to build into the lives of our students. We must develop and maintain our own priorities and model for students how to develop and maintain theirs. Athletics and competition provide opportunities to establish relationships and develop the strength of character necessary for spiritual, academic and athletic well-being.” Regarding his interest in returning to Olivet to continue his career in college athletics, Mike points back to his own journey in faith.

“My purpose in life has been and continues to be following the will and calling of Jesus Christ,” he explains. ” I feel strongly that God led me back to Olivet. I have a story to tell and many experiences to share with students, coaches, alumni, churches and families that can impact them and their future. It starts with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and I feel that it can continue where my foundation was established through ONU Athletics.” While his career accolades as a coach speak for themselves, Mike’s predecessors at Olivet left some big shoes to fill. He is only the fifth athletic director in the University’s 55 years of participating in intercollegiate athletic competition. “I have tremendous respect for coach Gary Newsome, having played baseball and football for him at ONU in the 1980s. Now, to continue his work is an honor,” he says. “The leaders who have preceded me in this position — Gary Newsome, Jeff Schimmelpfennig, Larry Watson and CW ‘Butch’ Ward — I proudly call my mentors and friends.” Mike elaborates, “My love for Olivet spans over four decades as a student, coach and alumnus. It is my desire to provide measurable impact and support to the University and its athletic programs while building into the legacy of ONU. Athletics is highly visible in the representation of any university. It is important that a team approach runs throughout all departments on campus and displays collaboration, support and inclusion. As a representative of Jesus Christ and the Nazarene Church, our commitment will continue to be to honor Him both on and off the playing field.” This summer, Mike Conway ’83 took the helm as Olivet’s new director of athletics, following the 12-year tenure of Gary Newsome ’74. Just prior to his most recent coaching assignment at Taylor University (Indiana), Mike served as the head football coach at North Park College in Chicago for six years. Over the course of four years as head coach at Olivet, he led the Tigers to a 31-14 record, an inaugural NCCAA Victory Bowl win in 1997 and an appearance in the NAIA National Championship game in 1998. He was also named the 1998 NCCAA Coach of the Year. Mike is married to Beth Ann (Moore) Conway ’86. They have two adult sons and daughters-in-law, Dakota and Rachel Conway and Tyler and Emma Conway.




RAVING FANS Jennifer (Hasselbring) ’91 and Chris Shride ’93

Christian ’20, Morgan ’18, Chris ’93, Jennifer ’91, Makenzie and Chaz SUBMITTED


“My family members all had positive experiences, and I truly felt like I belonged at Olivet. I honestly never considered attending anywhere else.”

Olivet The Magazine (OTM): Like many others, you have an Olivet legacy family in terms of multiple generations of alumni. Why do you think Olivet is an attractive place for so many generations of students? Jennifer: I think Olivet’s motto, “Education With a Christian Purpose,” is the reason it draws so many generations of students. At ONU, not only can you receive a quality education, but your relationship with Jesus is a top priority. Chris: The great outcomes that many alumni experience generate a drive for us to plant seeds with our children and others around us. Those individuals are then receptive to the University because they’ve seen positive results in the personal lives and professional careers of ONU alumni. OTM: How did you first hear about Olivet? Jennifer: My parents were both Olivet alumni, so I don’t even remember not knowing about Olivet. Also, my oldest sister was beginning her freshman year at Olivet when I was starting kindergarten, so I visited often at a young age. My family members all had positive experiences, and I truly felt like I belonged at Olivet. I honestly never considered attending anywhere else. Chris: I was very familiar with the University, as I grew up attending a Nazarene church on the Illinois District. I also had an older sister who attended Olivet as a nursing student. I also had the opportunity to walk on to play football, which prompted me to switch plans from attending the University of Pennsylvania to enrolling at Olivet. OTM: Did any faculty or staff members significantly influence your life or career path? Jennifer: There are so many people at Olivet who poured into my life and helped form me into the person I am today. In the field of education, Dr. Aggie Veld was my professor for teaching elementary science, and she was influential in several ways. I knew I wanted to be like her when I began my teaching career. Chris: There were a host of ONU professors, coaches and staff who were influential in key moments of my life. Many of them spoke into decisions on my career path, spiritual development and

how to persevere through tough times. In retrospect, it is clear that without God working through faculty and staff members during those pivotal undergraduate years, I wouldn’t have the wife, family and career path I’ve been blessed with. OTM: How has Olivet impacted your life? Jennifer: My time at Olivet was life-changing. While I entered ONU with a relationship with Christ, my walk with Him was deepened through so many Godly people and experiences. What I learned at ONU also empowered my teaching career and many areas of ministry. Now that we live in Bourbonnais, ONU still impacts me, since I am blessed getting to know current students through volunteering and on-campus fitness instructing. Chris: After leaving Olivet, I pursued graduate degrees at Saint Louis University. Over the next 20 years, our family stayed involved with Olivet through homecomings, alumni events, giving, continued friendships with other alumni and the enrollment of our two oldest kids. In 2016, God completed the circle by opening the door for me with a job with AMITA Health St. Mary’s Hospital in Kankakee. Living back in town has made Olivet a consistent part of our lives, especially given the revolving door of ONU students roaming our house over these past few years. OTM: What is unique about the Olivet experience? Would you recommend the University to families in their college search? Jennifer: I have witnessed many Olivet administrators, faculty and staff bathe the University and students in prayer with an authentic heart to empower young adults to Christ-centered lives through “Life at Olivet.” I’m beyond grateful for the impacts on my life as well as my children’s. I couldn’t recommend the University more! Chris: Olivet is a must-see in any college search. Surrounded with a high-quality student body, the blend of academic rigor and focus on faith formation make it genuinely unique. Generations within our family, including my children, can attest to its value. Through thousands of successful and grateful alumni, Olivet’s ripples continue growing and getting stronger.



can’t afford afford Olivet. Olivet. II can’t I’m at at Olivet Olivet I’m this semester this semester thanks to thanks to scholarships. scholarships. Rewrite their Story Rewrite their Story The Olivet Fund will allocate 100% of dollars raised through October 2020, studentraised scholarships. The Olivet 31, Fund will toward allocateincreasing 100% of dollars through With the financial difficulties students and their families are October 31, 2020, toward increasing student scholarships. facing a resultdifficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, With theas financial students and their scholarship families are support is more critical than ever. Every dollar counts. facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, scholarship

support is more critical than ever. Every dollar counts.

Make a gift today at Olivet.edu/give

Make a gift today at Olivet.edu/give The Olivet Fund, formerly Friends of Olivet, is the University’s annual giving program that directly supports the University’s mission of an “Education With a Christian Purpose.” Annual gifts to The Olivet Fund provide support on behalf of the University for initiatives such as increased scholarship opportunities, enhanced academic resources and athletic programs. Theimproved Olivet Fund, formerly Friends of Olivet, is the University’s annual giving program that directly supports the University’s mission of an “Education With a Christian Purpose.”

Annual gifts to The Olivet Fund provide support on behalf of the University for initiatives such as increased scholarship opportunities, enhanced academic resources and improved athletic programs.


FROM THE ARCHIVES What do you remember about your first semester at Olivet?


Students leaving Chalfant Hall after the first chapel of the fall semester, 1977 Share your memories! Email us at Archives@Olivet.edu @OlivetArchives UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES/GORDON C. WICKERSHAM ’47





Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births & Adoptions



PATRICK ALLEN ’73 recently released his sixth book, The Good Shepherd, Gentle Guide, and Gracious Host, a personal and small-group devotional based on Psalm 23. He and his wife, Lori, reside in Newberg, Oregon.

1980 GERON SCATES ’80 won a six-year battle with cancer and, in 2020, he completed a doctorate of education from Texas Tech University.


1984 After 34 years as a mobile DJ in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan handling 150‑plus weddings annually, GREG BUGBEE ’84, along with other family, will be opening an upscale, industrial-style wedding event center in Champaign, Illinois.


2005 DR. MONTAGUE R. WILLIAMS ‘05/ ’09 M.A. received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Wesleyan Theological Society during the organization’s annual meeting on March 7, 2020. Dr. Williams’ dissertation is entitled “Youth Ministry and Race: A Practical Theological Analysis.”

 AMY (QUINLAN) ’08 AND STEPHEN HOLLENBERG ’13 welcomed their third son, Quinlan Geoffrey, on Feb. 7, 2020. Quinlan joins big brothers Corban James, 5, and Gideon Stanley, 3. Stephen earned a master’s degree in biochemistry from UMass Lowell in 2019 and currently spends his time homeschooling and doing ministry through his church. Amy works as a pediatric clinical nurse manager and is currently working on a master’s degree in nursing through Rivier University. The couple resides in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

2012  PAIGE (SCHWARTZ) ’13 AND JAKE SALOMONE ’12 welcomed their son, Levi Alexander, on March 24, 2020. Jake is an accountant at Nucor Corporation, and Paige is an elementary school social worker. They reside in Momence, Illinois.



 KIRSTEN (NIEDERWIMMER) ’13 AND GEORGE RODEGHERO were married on Oct. 6, 2019, in Yorkville, Illinois. They just bought their forever home and are excited for this next journey.

Su b m i t a C l a s s No t e


To OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu or online at Olivet.edu/class-notes 60 OLIVET.EDU







2016  HANNAH (SOHL) ’17 AND CALEB CORNELL ’16 welcomed their daughter, Nolynn Ruth, on Jan. 7, 2020, in Sutter Creek, California. She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long.  ABBIE (ALLEN) ’16 AND GARRETT MUHLSTADT ’16 welcomed their son, Micah Lee, on Sept. 5, 2019. Garrett is a first-year family medicine resident at Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Abbie is an ICU registered nurse and will begin Olivet’s Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner program this fall.

2017  DIANA (BILEA) ’17 AND BLAKE ELMER ’18 were married on March 28, 2020, in Branson, Missouri. They are currently building their home in Kansas City, Missouri, and enjoying the blessings God has put before them.


CAROLYN (COBB) SHEHANE ’50, passed away March 14, 2020, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the age of 92. Carolyn was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the daughter of the late Thera and Carroll Cobb. She was the beloved mother of Doug (Marilyn) Shehane and Laurie (Roger) Ammerman; devoted grandmother of Beth (Bryan) Swiotek, Judy Shehane and Kevin (Aby) Ammerman; great-grandmother of Allison and Katie; and dear sister of the late Fred Cobb. Carolyn is also survived by nieces, nephews and several cousins. She was preceded in death by her lifelong best friend, Maxine Steele, and other special friends.


 ARLENE (MIDDLETON) MAYHUGH ’59, was born on April 21,

1934, in Hammond, Indiana, and passed into eternal life on Dec. 11, 2019, in Newport Beach, California.    Arlene was a loving and compassionate wife, mother and grandmother. She graduated from Olivet with specialties in business and elementary education. She was an elementary school teacher and was a consummate hostess for friends, church groups and students at Pasadena College (now Point Loma Nazarene University). She always credited her hostess skills to mentors Lois Brown and Hazel Lee. She was a great cook, continuing the Mayhugh tradition of Southern comfort food. She was a member of Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene and worshiped at Coast Hills Community Church until continued on next page

Su b m i t a n Ob i t u a r y


To OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu or online at Olivet.edu/class-notes OLIVET.EDU


her illness worsened. She thoroughly enjoyed participating in a women’s Bible study and she was a part of a group that initiated women’s ministries at Pasadena First Church.    During her long illness, she sang hymns and choral music on key and with recall of all verses — something many dementia patients often experience. For her family and caregivers, this was a blessing. Most importantly, she loved the Lord and is with Him now. She is survived by her devoted husband, Dr. Sam Mayhugh ’61; son Todd; son Dr. Brian (Terri) Mayhugh; and grandsons Capt. Andrew Mayhugh and Nathan Mayhugh.


JANET “JAN” (KIEMEL) REAM ’67, passed away on Jan. 20, 2020, of complications from her 12-year struggle with multiple myeloma. Born on Sept. 22, 1945, to Harold and Ruth Kiemel, she spent most of her childhood years in Honolulu, Hawaii. She is survived by her husband, Thomas Ream, a retired healthcare IT executive in Sacramento, California; and her three adult sons, Tre, Nash and Christian.    Janet, a graduate of Olivet, was honored with the Alumna of the Year award and served a term on the Alumni Board. She graduated with a master’s degree in clinical counseling from State University of New York and was a marriage and family therapist for more than 45 years in Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, Illinois, Maryland and California.    She and her husband founded New Source Counseling Centers in northeastern Ohio in 1978, serving with 15 therapists through a network of 25 centers. Janet was a widely sought inspirational speaker for retreats and conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada. She also co-authored Struggling for Wholeness with her identical twin sister, Ann (Kiemel) Anderson.



away on June 8, 2020, at his residence with family and friends encircling him. Andrew was born Oct. 21, 1983, in Muncie, Indiana, the son of Dr. Renee (Samples) ’75





and Barry Twibell ’74. He attended Burris Laboratory School and graduated from Heritage Hall Christian School, Muncie, in 2002, where he served as class president, was valedictorian, and was a member of many successful athletic and academic teams.    Andrew graduated summa cum laude from Olivet in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and then with a Master of Arts in Religion degree in 2007. As an undergraduate student, Andrew served as class president during his sophomore year and as student body president during his junior and senior years. Following his college career, Andrew served as a resident director for four years on the campus of Olivet.    In 2010, Andrew enrolled at Asbury Theological Seminary and was selected as the Beeson Scholar for his class. After he graduated in 2013 with a Master of Divinity degree, Andrew was ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene. Following five years of meaningful pastoral ministry at Grace Community Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky, Andrew and his family moved back to Bourbonnais, Illinois, where he served as the assistant district superintendent for the Chicago Central District of the Church of the Nazarene.    In 2017, Andrew was called to serve as the lead pastor of Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene. Andrew’s life and ministry reflected the heart of Jesus. While intensely battling cancer, he walked 1,000 miles in one year to support the mission of

Kankakee First Church. Residents of the Bradley-Bourbonnais area will remember seeing Andrew walking many miles in rain and snow, early morning and late at night, carrying a medical backpack and often wearing a brace. He reached his goal in February 2020.    Andrew served on district and national leadership committees for the Church of the Nazarene and authored several articles for denominational publications. Along with his wife, Dr. Simone (Mulieri) Twibell ’06/’07 M.A., he led many mission trips to Central and South America and Europe. Andrew and Simone also served as volunteer missionaries in the Meso-American Region of the Church of the Nazarene.    More important to Andrew than all of his many life accomplishments was his deep faith in God and his relationships with family and friends. He was a committed and loving father to his children, Lucas and Sofia, and he deeply cherished his wife of 12 years, Simone. He was a student of God’s Word and lived out his faith by serving others. On his journey of suffering, he embraced humility, gratitude and worship. To know Andrew was to love Andrew, and those who knew him learned much from him. His greatest desire in life was to see lives transformed by God’s redemptive grace.    Pastor Andrew is survived by his wife, Simone; son, Lucas Andres; daughter, Sofia Caris; parents; grandfather, Glen A. Twibell; two brothers, Cory ’98 (Jamie ’96) Twibell and Craig ’98 (Amber ’99) Twibell; parents-in-law, Alfredo and Rute Mulieri, of Buenos Aires, Argentina; two sisters-in-law, Aline and Beth (Devin) Harwell; aunts and uncles Cindy (Kip) Gross, Teresa Dittus, Scott (Jan) Twibell, J.R. ’78 (Megan) Samples and Douglas ’74 (Cheryl ’74) Samples; nephews Ethan, Camren and Elijah; a niece, Avery Renee; and many cousins and friends around the world. Andrew was preceded in death by his brother, Christopher Twibell, and grandparents Mary Twibell and James and Naomi Samples.    The family sincerely thanks the Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene and

Olivet Nazarene University communities for their incredible support during Andrew’s journey. They are also grateful for the exquisite and innovative care they received at the Lou and Jean Malnati Brain Tumor Institute of the Lurie Cancer Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.


 KATHERINE “KATIE” MARIE MILLER ’18, of Jamestown, Ohio, met

her Savior on March 14, 2020. She was born on July 2, 1996, in Kettering, Ohio, to Stephen and Michelle Miller.    Katie attended Xenia Christian School from pre-K through 12th grade. She accepted Christ as her Savior when she was 6 at an Awana Club meeting. As an artist with a natural flair for theater, Katie participated in multiple drama/ musical productions while in junior high and high school. She stretched her faith on two mission trips to Costa Rica. Active at church, she helped in a variety of children’s ministries. When not at school or church, she could be found shelving books at the Greene County Public Library.    Immediately following high school, Katie attended Olivet, graduating with a degree in psychology with minors in biology, chemistry and criminal justice. Her college experience was full, as she was involved in organizations and took part in many campus activities. In addition to classes, she also worked as a chemistry lab assistant and for three years in the Office of Admissions as an ambassador.    For the last two years, Katie had pursued an MBA focused in corporate communication as a graduate assistant at Olivet and worked as the University’s undergraduate recruitment and lead specialist, overseeing a team of 30 college students. To support her love of “the glorious coffee bean,” she also worked at Starbucks and was the store’s resident chalk artist.    Katie lived a life filled with joy, humor and a quick wit with an infectious laugh, and she valued the relationships she had with her vast network of friends. She never knew a stranger. Katie is survived by her



parents; sister, Elizabeth; grandparents Robert Longo and Bill and Joyce Miller; and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

Friend of Olivet

 FREDUS NELSON (PETE) PETERS, 87, received his ultimate reward when he passed from this earth into the waiting arms of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on May 22, 2020. Born in Evanston, Illinois, on Aug. 3, 1932, he was the son of Fredus Nelson Jr. and Helen (Moulton) Peters. He attained the rank of captain in the U.S. Army during the Korean War era and served in the Chemical Corps in Nevada and the South Pacific, assessing fallout from nuclear bombs. He was a 1950 graduate of Evanston High School, went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering as a Phi Beta Kappa at Princeton University (1954), and later received a master’s degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in electrical engineering. He retired from General Electric in 1990 as vice president of engineering after a 36‑year career. For a side job, he also formed the Fort Wayne Organ Center and sold and serviced church organs for a number of years.    Pete was a devout Christian and a

member of Grace Point Church of the Nazarene. He never saw a person he didn’t want to help. He had often said that one of his proudest accomplishments was teaching Sunday school to all ages up to 100 years old. He had a variety of interests, including; music (especially singing and organ); ham radio (W9AY) electronics; collecting old Army insignia; and collecting and restoring classic Corvettes, Cadillac Eldorados and Model T’s. In fact, Pete was renowned for escorting newlyweds to their wedding receptions in one of the Eldorados, and he would play the appropriate role by wearing his chauffeur cap. In 2017, he received the Conner Prairie Festival Chairman’s Award for Vehicle Presentation. Some of his support included membership in the American Guild of Organists, Cadillac & LaSalle Club, Model-T Ford Club International, American Radio Relay League, Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi.    Pete was very innovative throughout his life, having helped to develop one of the first electric vehicles in the 1960s. As a fifth-grader, he fashioned a device that would alert him to an approaching teacher so he could “rest his eyes” in the back of the classroom when the teacher was out of the room. During his later years, to keep himself sharp, he earned a master certification through the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) program. While a student at Princeton University, he was a banjo player for the Princeton Tiger Paws, who recorded their first (and only) album in 1954 after appearing live on the The Original Amateur Hour hosted by Ted Mack. As a freshman at Princeton, he took a calculus class from professor John Forbes Nash Jr., who later became the subject matter for the 2001 Hollywood movie A Beautiful Mind.    He was a loving and devoted family man and is survived by his wife, Sally, whom he met on a rifle range in 1949 at age 16 and married on June 25, 1954, and by his children Liz, Nelson, IV (Tammy) and Andy (Mary Jo) Peters. A third son, Scott, preceded him in death in 2018. Pete is also survived by three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and several step-grandchildren and step-great-grandchildren. OLIVET.EDU 63



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students


percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities

AT A G LA N C E STUDENTS More than 4,300 — 2,700 undergraduates — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 living alumni making a worldwide impact. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Council on Social Work Education, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training, the National Association of Schools of Music and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In addition, the Teacher Education Program is a recognized education preparation provider by the Illinois State Board of Education. ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 22 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half the student body participate in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; Enactus; Student Philanthropy Council; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine.FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including University Marching Band and the University Orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 45 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Illinois. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Business, Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Leadership, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration. Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Bilingual Endorsement, Safety and Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Learning Behavior Specialist Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement. Multidisciplinary Studies: Bachelor of Applied Science in Multidisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-B.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-M.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing: Education, Master of Science in Nursing: Leadership/Management, Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification. Ministry: Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies, Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity. Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 1,540 participants each year


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,300


percent career outcomes rate for Class of 2019

Statistics compiled from 2017, 2018 and/or 2019.

AREAS OF STUDY Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Graphic Design Art - Drawing/Painting Art - Media Arts Art - Photography Art Education Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biology Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Philanthropy/ Not-for-Profit Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Christian Studies Communication Studies Computer Science – Networking & Data Communications

Computer Science – Software Development Computer Science – Software Entrepreneurship Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Cybersecurity Data Science Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Education English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science

Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Fashion Merchandising Finance French Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - Corporate Relations Marketing - International Marketing - Management Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication

Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Mgmt. Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Philosophy & Religion Photography Physical Education Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant

Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religious Studies Science Education - Biology Science Education - Chemistry Science Education Earth/Space Science Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Theatre Theology Writing Youth Ministry Zoology




VISIT ONLINE Explore campus with an online tour and set up a virtual meeting with your admissions counselor. Of course, you will want to come to campus as soon as possible, but our online visit should help you in the meantime.

PURPLE & GOLD DAYS SEPT 18, 25 OCT 2, 16, 23 NOV 6, 13

Join other high school seniors and their parents for this exciting visit experience. Exploring campus, meals together and group fun are just elements of this Olivet tradition.

PERSONALIZED VISIT It’s all about your dreams and goals! We want to plan a personalized visit just for you. We will schedule a time for you to take a campus tour, meet your admissions counselor and visit with a professor. Schedule a campus visit today and receive a $1,000 Olivet Visit Grant! Explore your options at Olivet.edu/visit JONES FOTO

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