Olivet the Magazine Fall 2016

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CLASS OF 2020 Every fall semester brings a new class of freshmen to Olivet’s campus. Creating change and cultivating community, the class of 2020 is Freshmen number more than 700, hailing from 37 U.S. states and eight countries.


already casting its vision for the future and having fun along the way.


in this issue

DEAR FRIENDS, In her book, “A Gift for God,” Mother Teresa recalled:

6 FIRST PERSON Reflections on believing

ON THE COVER The Olivet seal is found in numerous places on campus and is an ever-present reminder of what Olivet strives to Be. OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group DESIGN SUPPORT Donnie Johnson Monique Perry ’03 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) JonesFoto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 MBA for Jordan T. Hansen Productions Joe Mantarian ’16

VOLUME 84 ISSUE 3 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2016 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

“Some people came to Calcutta, and before leaving they begged me: ‛Tell us something that will help us to live our lives better.’ And I said: ‛Smile at each other; smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other — it doesn’t matter who it is — and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.’”

19 the 'be' issue Believe. Belong. Become.



Students travel for study and service

Our hope is that this issue of Olivet the Magazine will bring a smile to your faces — and that you will feel the pages smiling at you — as we explore good-news stories of God at work in marvelous ways in and around the Olivet community.

PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min.

Olivetians have always been a people of hope and promise — an optimistic people, determined to follow a great God who spoke the world into existence and is capable of accomplishing anything. We begin this BE journey close to home, with images, articles and stories from current students, faculty and staff. We will continue to explore the influence of the broader Olivet family by sharing stories of hope from every corner of the human experience.


Mother Teresa also writes in “A Gift from God”: “Suffering is increasing in the world today. People are hungry for something more beautiful, for something greater than people round about can give. There is a great hunger for God in the world today. Everywhere there is much suffering, but there is also great hunger for God and love for each other.”

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Brad Arthur ’10 Sheryl Feminis Renee Gerstenberger ’85 Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Warfel Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices.

May we once again be startled by the immensity of the world's need, the immediacy of our calling, and the infinite power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through us. And may we remember to smile.

Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

WHAT DO YOU THINK? oliveteditors@olivet.edu



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The Editorial Board olivet.edu




“To be, or not to be” begins the most famous soliloquy in all of Shakespeare, perhaps in all of the English language. That is partly because these opening words are so unpretentious – just six simple single-syllable words. The Bard uses only 13 letters to set forth one of life’s great questions. The words are balanced, and yet they immediately introduce both tension and direct opposition — to be, or not to be. Hamlet is thinking about life and death and pondering a state of being versus a state of not being — being alive and being dead. The opening phrase, and the rest of the soliloquy as well, rests on the words, to be. In a way, the whole of the play rises and falls on the quest to be. Yet the question transcends the play. Those words continue to captivate and intrigue, because the call to be intersects every life and every person’s story. To be saturates our existence in phrase after phrase: to be alive, to be productive, to be significant, to be accepted, to be fulfilled, to be at our best.


This phrase is also at the heart of a university’s work. Great colleges and universities create a culture that fulfills yet also transcends the basic equation of teaching and learning.


Academically, our gifted faculty works diligently with students, assisting them to study, to learn and to become. This happens across the curriculum, from modern languages to mathematics, from engineering to economics, and from music theory to theology as young men and women become teachers, nurses, scientists, counselors, social workers and other professionals. Our University chaplain and the Spiritual Life staff find scores of ways to come alongside students, helping them to believe. The call of the Gospel certainly calls us to be — to be like Christ, to be loving, to be righteous and to be faithful. In scripture, in literature, in psychology and in all of life — to be always proceeds to do. Olivet provides a place where young men and women learn to love God with all their minds, hearts and spirits, and to love others as themselves.

A university education at its best seeks a measure of transformation as well as education, as individuals come to understand themselves, the world in which they live, their place in society, how to effectively communicate, and how to navigate the unfolding and ever-changing nature of life. This process begins and ends with the words, to be.

Every time class begins with prayer, each time a coach inquires about the spiritual condition of an athlete, for every staff member who sees her work as ministry, for every resident director who provides spiritual encouragement, and every time a lecture integrates faith and learning — therein our legacy is strengthened and our mission is renewed.

Certainly, the ethos of the Olivet Nazarene University experience begins with this call to be. We actively encourage and assist students to belong, to become, to believe.

This issue of Olivet The Magazine addresses this theme in a variety of articles, so keep reading. This emphasis is to be continued in the pages that follow, and in the lives of the students, faculty and staff of Olivet.

The opening of school this fall, just a few weeks ago, demonstrated this commitment. The work of our Student Development staff provided guidance for new students,



as well as our returning students, to find a natural way to belong. Our Freshman Connections program and the new student program called “Jump Start” are designed to help foster and facilitate belonging. Often a student’s academic success and retention rises or falls on his or her sense of belonging: having friends and feeling genuinely a part of the community.

Dr. John C. Bowling recently began his 26th year as president of Olivet Nazarene University. He is the University’s 12th president. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, Dr. Bowling is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is “ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life.” olivet.edu



FIRST PERSON Tara Beth Leach - Senior Pastor, Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene

Somewhere, debates rage online between brothers and sisters in Christ as others watch, confused by the anger, division and lack of love. Somewhere, a family mourns the loss of a loved one as yet another 9/11 anniversary looms. In a broken world, life often goes awry. There is always a somewhere, and sometimes it’s right here. As we confront the challenges of war, transition, loss or any trauma, it’s easy to wonder where God is in these moments. College students today are well aware of pain and disaster. I was a sophomore at Olivet on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. As I watched the airplanes hit the towers, I stood with my fellow students in shock, horror and tears. Many wondered, “Where are you, God?” Many wondered how God could allow such tragedy. But even in our grief, as we tried to make sense of the evil, we were able to process through our pain in a safe, loving and Spirit-led community. We lamented and prayed together in our classrooms and chapel, and together we kept our eyes on King Jesus in total hope, commitment and belief. Olivet offers a safe place for students to ask the hard questions and wrestle through pain, and also to find the affirming hope and truth in Scripture.

Scripture is full of stories of godly people who dealt with loss, trauma and heartache. Through it all, those who seemingly were dealt a bad hand still kept their eyes looking forward. Many anticipated God’s justice, righteousness and deliverance to prevail on earth. Many of those we read about in the Scriptures were full of hope that someday the world would be put to right and that the Kingdom of God would burst with light into the world’s dark and broken spaces. Even today, the people of God expect to someday know a world without pain, oppression, brokenness, loneliness and grief. As the people of God, we rejoice for what God has done. We rejoice, for God has heard the cry of His people. We rejoice because we know that God will complete the good work. Even though we live in a world of somewhere and even right here, I still believe. Belief bursts forth in those who trust in God’s deliverance, God’s righteousness and God’s justice. Paul says it best: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. — 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


Somewhere, a mother roams the streets of a country that is not her own. Fear, desperation and maternal instinct drove her to cross a dangerous sea with nothing but the clothes on her back and her infant nestled in a sling. Where will she raise her children? Where will they rest their weary heads at night?

Tara Beth Leach ’05 began pastoring at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene after full-time ministry at churches in upstate New York and the Chicago area, including Christ Church of Oak Brook. She earned her Master of Divinity degree at Northern Theological Seminary. Pastor Leach is a regular writer for Missio Alliance and has contributed to Christian Week, Christianity Today, The Jesus Creed, The Table Magazine, Reflecting the Image devotional and Renovating Holiness. She contributed a chapter in “The Apostle Paul and the Christian Life: Ethical and Missional Implications of the New Perspective.” She also authored “Emboldened,” an InterVarsity Press book to be published in 2017.

Even in the darkest moments, God is still God. Most of all, God is Emmanuel — the God who is with us. He is not simply with us in our pain, but He knows our pain. We are not alone.





FIRST WEEK 2016 Fall semester is a season of firsts — first classes, first hangouts,


first chapels, first weekend of Ollies Follies. First week represents possibility and promise for the coming months and years. Above all, it lays a foundation for academic, social and spiritual fulfillment.













OLIVET NAMED A BEST VALUE BY U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT Olivet Nazarene University is a top-10 best value among regional universities in the Midwest, according to the 2017 Best Colleges Guide published by U.S. News & World Report, the most widely recognized annual analysis of its kind.

The Best Colleges information, published at usnews. com, points out: “You wouldn't go out and buy a computer, cell phone or car without making sure it was the best you could afford given your budget. The same rule should apply in choosing a college.”

In addition, U.S. News ranks Olivet among the best regional universities in the Midwest.

“The college search is subject to greater scrutiny than ever as students and their families seek value — the best-quality education for a reasonable cost,” said Dr. Carol Maxson, Olivet’s vice president for Academic Affairs. “Year after year, tomorrow’s leaders arrive at Olivet to find the value they’re seeking — and so much more.”

U.S. News defines best-value schools as those that are above average academically and cost considerably less than many other schools after accounting for financial aid awarded in the form of need-based grants and scholarships.








Olivet’s class of 2020 enthusiastically took on the new experiences of college life as fall semester began with a flurry of traditional start-of-school activity.

As home of the reigning NAIA National Champions in men’s swimming and diving, Olivet is making waves among young swimmers. ONU hosted its inaugural swim camp, inviting 11- to 14-year-olds for intensive instruction from ONU Head Coach Scott Teeters, 2016 NAIA Coach of the Year in men’s swimming and diving. Assisting Teeters was Samantha Elam ’15, assistant coach and a former ONU Tigers swimmer. Underwater cameras in the University’s Aquatic Center pool captured students’ progress.

Right-handed pitcher Ben Heller, a 2013 Olivet graduate, is a member of the New York Yankees. Heller was part of a tradedeadline transaction last summer that brought him to New York and the big leagues from the Cleveland Indians farm system.

Ten members of Olivet’s nationally recognized men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams used their athletic gifts last summer to provide clean water for 143 people living in poverty in Africa.

Elam is deaf and communicates using sign language, hearing aids and lip reading. She interpreted Teeters’ instruction in sign language and gave one-on-one critiquing and coaching for three deaf or hard of hearing students who participated. OLIVET.EDU



Dubbed “Visionary Class of 2020,” the youngest members of the student body number more than 700. The freshmen hail from 37 U.S. states and eight countries. On the ACT, 10 percent of the class scored 30 or higher. They brought the number of Olivet undergraduate and graduate students to 4,953 at the start of the semester.








A standout in the ONU Tigers’ rotation, Heller was drafted by Cleveland in 2013. He is the 23rd Tiger to be drafted and the second former Tiger to play in the majors this season, joining Chicago Cub and two-time All-Star Ben Zobrist. Heller’s wife, Martha (Arntson), is also a 2013 Olivet graduate. At press time, the Yankees were making a push to reach post-season play, and the Cubs had just clinched the National League central division championship.

Tiger swimmers raised more than $7,000 for the clean water initiative coordinated by the fundraising program of World Vision, the international partnership of Christians who help children, families and communities reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. They completed a two-day, 40-mile relay swim across Lake Michigan from Michigan City, Ind., to New Buffalo, Mich., and back to Michigan City. The students call their event Water 4 Water, a name coined by an Olivet team that swam in a previous fundraiser. “This was a cool opportunity for us to be able to make a difference with what we do every day,” said Austin Bennett, an Olivet junior who led the effort. In 2017 and beyond, the swimmers hope to double the number of participants and the amount they raise, swimming farther and engaging more college teams to participate. Funds raised are helping provide clean water access through interventions that include deep wells, rainwater storage containers, piping systems for crops, purification equipment, and latrines and hand-washing stations.




Olivet’s presence now extends beyond training camp to include official sponsorship of the 2016 Chicago Bears Ladies Night at Soldier Field, and involvement with this year’s Moms Football Safety Clinic at Halas Hall, the team’s headquarters near Chicago. Additional hospitality opportunities will be planned throughout the football season. Lee Twarling, Chicago Bears senior vice president of Sales and Customer Relations, noted the impact of the relationship with Olivet on fans’ engagement with the team: “For the last 15 years we have enjoyed the outstanding accommodations that Olivet Nazarene University has offered to our team and our fans. The campus provides a great experience for the many Bears fans that attend Training Camp each July and August. We are proud to have Olivet join our team beyond the summer months as a Proud Partner, and we look forward to growing our communities and brands together year-round.” In addition to the Bears partnership, Olivet is the Official Education Partner of the Chicago Cubs. Ben Zobrist, Cubs second baseman and an Olivet alumnus, is featured in media spots promoting Olivet. The University also partners with the Indianapolis Colts’ mascot, Blue. The furry blue steed appears at events and in Olivet advertising, courtesy of his creator, Trey Mock.




Four Olivet alumnae this year joined Teach For America, the organization that expands educational opportunity for children facing the challenges of poverty.

As a summer intern, Olivet accounting major Christina Huebner helped her healthcare employer recover $420,000 in insurance underpayments. Nice!

Olivet sophomore Matt Winkelmann continues to score low and aim high.

As members of the Teach For America corps, the grads accepted teaching assignments in low-income communities, supporting the mission to give all children access to excellent education. Three 2016 grads — Emily Kane, Taneka Lawson and Jessica Putnam — are teaching in Memphis, Tenn. Meagan Ramsey, a 2013 grad, is teaching in Massachusetts. Another ONU alumnus — Addison Newell ’15 — is in his second year as a corps member in Indianapolis.

Many other Olivet business students spent their summer gaining valuable workplace experience by interning in accounting, manufacturing, higher education, youth services, athletics, marketing, health care, engineering, fashion and numerous other industries.

Teach For America selects exceptional leaders who commit two years to helping students overcome inequities in the educational system and achieve success. 16



After years of hosting the Chicago Bears summer training camp, Olivet Nazarene University announced a new phase in the relationship between the University and the National Football League team: Olivet and the Bears have established Olivet as a Proud Partner of the Chicago Bears.




Internship is a graduation requirement for Olivet business majors. The School of Business assists students in identifying internship opportunities, and the David L. Elwood Center for Student Success offers resources for resume preparation, interview readiness and related job search activities.

Now in his second year of Tiger men’s golf, Winkelmann continues to excel on the links. In September, he shot a careerlow 139 for 36 holes, winning an individual medal and the tournament at the St. Francis (Indiana) Cougar Invitational. He was the individual champion at the annual St. Francis (Illinois) Fall Invite, shooting a career-best 67, at five under par. At the inaugural Governors State University (Illinois) Jaguar Invitational, he won an individual medal and led Olivet to the tourney title. As a freshman, Winkelmann was among the top five in the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC). He was one of two freshmen named to the CCAC allconference team. olivet.edu




MATH AND SCIENCE STUDENTS GAIN EXPERIENCE IN GRANT AND PROPOSAL RESEARCH Overlooking the non-stop babble of the U.S. presidential campaign, Christine Dorband prefers to let data do the talking. Dorband, an Olivet senior, received an Olivet research grant to fund an intense, datadriven project about the predictability of election polls and the mathematics of politics. She plans to report her research from a non-biased, statistical viewpoint that does not focus on the candidates’ personalities. Dorband received one of four 2016 Pence-Boyce research grants funded by Olivet alumni and available annually to math and science students. She wrote the grant proposal for her study, “Analysis of the 2016 Election Polls,” with supervision from her faculty mentor, Dr. Dale Hathaway, chair of Olivet’s Department of Mathematics. With the other Pence-Boyce grants, Olivet students are funding research in: Robotics. Senior Chase Fierro designed a neural network that runs on hardware and results in a teachable circuit that knows how to respond to different sensors. He wrote the grant proposal for his project, “Binary Artificial Neural Network,” with supervision from his faculty mentor, Professor Joe Makarewicz, of the Walker School of Engineering. Pharmaceuticals. Senior Macy (Murray) Sprunger is working on an organic chemistry synthetic sequence to make a new chemical compound that could ultimately be useful for pharmaceutical companies. She wrote her grant proposal with supervision from Dr. Douglas Armstrong in the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences. Medicine. Senior Rachel Stidham is conducting research to discover if reactive oxygen species are being produced in heart cells by stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. Working with biology professor Dr. Dan Sharda, Stidham is gaining research experience that will be an advantage as she applies to medical schools.



BELIEVE. BELONG. BECOME. This is the essence of the Olivet experience: BELIEVE in the Almighty God and his son, Jesus Christ, who spoke the world into existence and who is at work on our behalf each day. BELONG to something so much greater and bigger than ourselves. BECOME so much more than we might even imagine.



BELIEVE I’M NOT MISSING THE MARK In early September, the Olivet community lost an alumnus and dear friend, Dr. Edward Heck, to a brief, intense battle with cancer. Dr. Heck was Olivet’s 2014 Ministerial "O" Award recipient, a member of the ONU Board of Trustees, an adjunct professor in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry, and the longtime pastor of Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene. He held a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Literature from Olivet, a Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Heck was a loving father and husband, a gifted preacher and pastor, a trusted friend, and a truly excellent person. His wife, Kathy, is the administrative assistant in Olivet’s David L. Elwood Center for Student Success. Their daughter, Alea, will graduate from Olivet in December. For the last four weeks of his life, Dr. Heck chronicled his cancer journey in his blog, “Shards of Grace.” His family graciously allowed us to publish Dr. Heck’s final blog entry, which was posted after his passing. May these final words from Dr. Heck encourage all of us to believe.



I wish it weren’t necessarily so, but a companion of suffering is the ability to remember the time before the challenge. Yet, isn’t that what life is — an unfolding drama introduced in different acts or chapters?

So, I propose that framing your heart and mind within this kind of theology is absolutely essential if you are ever going to traverse the path of healing in a time of intense suffering!

I’ve been given a gift, and that is to leave nothing undone that God wants me to do. That is precisely what I intend to do. Everything I am and have been able to do must bring Him glory, or I’ve missed my mark.

Early on, I realized that if I were to have any prospect of hope for a future different from what I had been exposed to at that point (it wasn't pretty), I would be required to release some of the unworkable, undesirable elements of my past. That was not easy. But it was certainly necessary.

In my heart I have determined to face the new reality of my life circumstances with 1) a deep sense of personal gratitude for everything I remember from my past, and 2) a lingering confidence for everything I will face in the future!

I have no intention of missing my mark!

Just about the time I thought I had figured it out and was able to put all of the unworkable, undesirable elements of my past behind me, all of the elements of my new life were clearly on the horizon but still exceeding my reach. To make sense of it all, there was only one thing to do: keep at the diligent work of revitalizing a future that I knew would be even better than my past. This, I think, is precisely how Job helps distill a sense of persistent hope for us. He extols the power of God, exalts the work of His Spirit and proclaims the mystery of His grace. He says, “And these are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand the thunder of His power?” (Job 26:14)

My suffering will end one day — either in a triumphant act of gracious, compassionate and loving healing through my Father God, or in receiving the reward I strived to achieve during my entire journey of faith. It’s a win-win! Paul was right on the money when he said, “For me, to live is Christ; to die is gain!” In the evaluation of my life, please don’t look at accomplishments, popularity, reputation or anything else that can so easily be tarnished, distorted or exaggerated. Instead, I hope to be remembered as a man who loved God and served people with integrity and passion.

Even in pain, tragedy, challenge and suffering, God is faithful, allowing even these undesirable things to help recreate and renovate us into the person He wants us to be! Love you and need you, Pastor Heck

To read all of Dr. Heck's blog posts, visit: shardsofgraceblog.wordpress.com

Let me leave no doubt: I have no regrets.



RIGHT WITH OTHERS Suffering rarely results in a dramatic reversal in either one’s character or conduct. Instead, what I’ve seen and am now experiencing is how suffering only propels us in the direction we were already going. Suffering either draws us closer toward God or pushes us farther away from Him, depending on where we were. Suffice it to say that I’ve been shaken like never before. There are moments I find myself still shaking in the aftershock of what I am resolved in my heart to fight with every ounce of my being. My prayer is and has been from the very beginning that God spills out of my shaken life! Let me declare it while I still have the ability to do so: I am right with God, I am right with things and I’ve put things right with others! — Pastor Ed Heck, From “Right With Others,” posted in the blog, “Shards of Grace in Job,” September 5, 2016



“Some people would rather debate

doctrine or beliefs or tradition or interpretation than actually do what

Jesus said. It’s not rocket science. Just go do it. Practice loving a difficult

person, or try forgiving someone. Give away some money. Tell someone ‘thank you.’ Encourage a friend. Bless

an enemy. Say ‘I’m sorry.’ Worship God. You already know more than you need to know.” — John Ortberg




What makes the ONU School of Music unique?

BELONG Dr. Don Reddick ’79 knows something about belonging. In nearly two decades as dean of Olivet’s School of Music, Dr. Reddick has — ahem — set the tone for how students learn to belong and thrive in the world of music. He is a gifted pianist, organist, music educator, worship leader, music director and conductor as well as a prolific arranger, orchestrator and producer. Olivet The Magazine chatted with Dr. Reddick about the arts and finding that place to belong. What is the mission of the ONU School of Music? We focus on preparation for career and service — because music isn't only a career, it is also a service providing education and enjoyment. Why is music essential to the Olivet experience? It is in the very fabric of who we are. There is hardly an event that occurs on campus that doesn’t include music — church services, athletic events, concerts, even fun and games. We often include music in some form or another. Olivet offers one of the largest and most expansive programs for a Christian College in the U.S. What is your vision for the future of the ONU School of Music? We plan to expand our offerings even further into the realm of music technology. As technology changes, the way people receive and create music changes as well. We have to remain on the cutting edge of that trend, and we work hard to do so — educating our students in a way that enhances the intersection of music and technology — not just viewing it from the sidelines. 24


There are many fine college choices. If you want a high-quality Christian college that offers the full breadth and depth of a quality School of Music on par or exceeding offerings at many state institutions, you’d be hard-pressed to find a school better than Olivet. How many students are involved in music activities? At this point, we have more than 500 students involved in the music ensembles and programming at Olivet. Only around half of those are music majors. With music being a central tenet of the Olivet experience, we get increased interest in our bands, orchestras and vocal ensembles each year. Do music students receive cross-discipline training? That is another strength of Olivet’s School of Music. It is intentional that we have students focusing on jazz, electronic music composition, vocal and instrumental performance, all gaining the same core techniques in the early stages of their college careers. This cross-disciplined nature helps all these students to learn from one another, while still allowing them to pursue their desired concentration at the undergraduate level, a feature many colleges reserve for the graduate experience. We seem to graduate a great number of music educators, don’t we?

year, students are sometimes overwhelmed by the scale and scope of some of the pieces we take on. It is exciting to see them challenged by great works of music, and then see their pride when they finally perform it together. What are your thoughts about music in church? Music is a powerful tool for ministry. Every church incorporates the spoken word and music in its worship. It’s such a powerful tool for communicating our theology, and bringing our message to life. We take music ministry very seriously and encourage all our students to find their place of service in the area of music in their home church, if not their career. Tell us about your experience accompanying the ONU Marching Band to London. Many of our students have never been out of the country, and some had never even been on an airplane. Watching that event unfold through their eyes was thrilling. Then, on the parade route, because of a glitch in the parade schedule, we ended up with nearly 10 minutes of on-camera time, playing three songs on international television. It was amazing. We have two more international trips planned for this year. What’s on your personal playlist? Singers Unlimited (an a cappella group from the 70s), David Foster and his arrangements (anything he touches), Michael Bublé, Chris Botti.

In a 50-mile radius of Bourbonnais, almost every music educator is connected to Olivet, with many of those receiving their undergraduate degree here. That is a feature that makes student teaching placement a dream and also raises the University’s influence among young music students in the area. In the last decade, we have maintained 100% placement of our music education majors immediately after graduation. Every year, prior to the start of the school year, I get calls asking if we have any recent graduates available for teaching positions around the country. Our graduates are in demand.

You are a skilled arranger and pianist. Where are you most fulfilled?

What’s in it for the student?

Why is it important to invest in the arts?

It’s not just about the musical experience, which is huge. It’s also about the community experience. A music ensemble is the perfect place to build relationships and experience community. The pride factor in hard work, achieving success, and making art together is thrilling and fulfilling. At the start of the

It is at the core of who we are. If art is going to happen, it takes the investment of individual communities to encourage the creation and sustainment of that art.

I absolutely love it and am in my zone when I am able to accompany someone -- vocal, instrumental -- it doesn’t matter. I love making music together. When did you know music would be your life’s focus? In 1964, I was 9 years old at General Assembly in Portland, Oregon. Hearing the music there, with that great crowd singing and worshipping, I knew then that music was my calling.




As I stood in line at the grocery store, an adorable and articulate 4-year-old named Ashley began chatting intently with me. We had shared eye contact and a brief smile, so she was now comfortable enough to tell me her name, introduce me to her mother and baby brother, tell me about her preschool, and explain the details of her life and future.

She probably enjoyed one of her preschool teachers, or watched a movie about a heroic fire fighter, or perhaps even experienced the loving comfort of a nurse. I can picture her sheer joy at realizing there is actually a job that allows her to care for animals. Somehow, my new delightful friend, Ashley, has already figured out that she is designed to become.

Ashley: “I want to become a teacher or a fire fighter or a nurse or a veterinarian when I grow up.” Me: “Wow, that’s a lot of great choices! So are you in college now or will you be starting after preschool?” Ashley: “I’m starting college right after church on Sunday.” Me (grinning, appreciating her innocent wit and cheering her on): “Good for you! Whatever you become, I’m sure you’ll be great at it.” Ashley: “Thank you! Mommy says I’m becoming quite a handful. But I already told her that I’m becoming a teacher or a fire fighter or a nurse or a veterinarian. Mommy says that she’s working on becoming a better listener.”

We tend to idolize people who have achieved, made their mark and become. We see them as bigger than life — at least bigger than our own life. We admire their accomplishments and we want to capture their unique qualities, so that we can emulate their success.

Mommy and I share a smile. At the ripe old age of 4, my new friend, Ashley, is already busy making her plans to become. Somewhere along the way she has picked up messages that confirm certain career choices might be a great fit for her.



Ironically, these role models would likely explain that they have not yet become. Instead, their unique quality is that they have never quit becoming. They have been mindful to capture valuable life lessons that were embedded within failure and success, within the mundane and the exciting. You see, individuals who have truly become never settle. They stretch themselves so that they are constantly in the process of developing, improving and transforming. Olivet is committed to helping our students become. We offer a relevant, current and cuttingedge educational experience within a connected, family-like atmosphere. We are proud of our strong

academic programs and our reputation as a place for spiritual growth and discovery. We want our students to be challenged and stretched educationally, but we also want them to be challenged and stretched personally and spiritually. Our students work beside faculty and staff who model service to Christ. We recognize that our students are relational and see faculty as mentors who lovingly teach them that becoming is not an overnight process. Instead, becoming emerges only after repeating, testing, trying, learning and then owning moments of character development. We know that college years are a key time in students’ lives when they continue to clarify their values, morals and the lens through which they see the world. So our faculty interactions are intentional and dedicated to helping students to develop, transform and become. Our faculty members understand that college students are sustained not by mere books. Instead, they are nourished by time spent with people they grow to admire and respect. In fact, becoming involves finishing strong every hour, every project and every opportunity. It means showing up — really showing up — with a commitment to excellence, integrity and service. Our students become doctors, social workers, engineers, accountants and pastors, fulfilling dreams they may have imagined since childhood. But, more importantly, our students become men and women who lead, who are committed to ongoing growth, and who strive to glorify God as they serve professionally and personally.

AMBER RESIDORI is dean of Olivet’s School of Life and Health Sciences. A licensed clinical social worker, she has worked extensively in residential treatment settings with youth and adolescents who have severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Her experience in developing ground-up programs includes an outpatient practice for sexual offenders, a healthy-touch/anger management curriculum for elementary and high schools, various new residential treatment programs, a transitional living program and acute inpatient psychiatric hospital programs.



BECOME BECOME ALL ALL YOU YOU CAN CAN BE BE It often helps to reach out to those who have gone before you. Olivet Seniors offer their best advice to freshmen for starting the year off right! Samantha Morey, Marketing - ‟My advice would be to study hard and do good work, but don’t get so caught up in academics that you forget to make memories and have fun.” Christina Huebner, Accounting - ‟You might not know what you want to do with your life, and that's okay. Most people don't. Take life one step at a time, and enjoy it along the way.”



Madison Davis, Elementary Education - ‟Olivetians! EMBRACE that name. EMBRACE your experience here. Because your time here will go by much too fast. Be ready to laugh so much your belly aches, to make lifelong friends, to encounter the Lord in crazy new ways and to learn. Be open to what the Lord has for you. His plans are SO good because we serve a good God. EMBRACE this adventure. Hand in hand with the Lord, nothing can stop you.” Gunther Maddock, Mechanical Engineering - ‟Try and keep yourself on top of your work. Let your weekdays be productive so your weekends can be stress-free and spent with friends!” Kaleb Miller, Marketing - ‟A classmate becomes a friend, a friendship turns into a story, and stories turn into memories for a lifetime. Soak in every second you have with the people you meet at ONU, because they will be the ones who leave a mark on your heart you WON'T forget.” Spencer Allen, Electrical Engineering - ‟Some of your best memories and your best friends will be made in the smallest of instances, so say ‘yes’ as much as you can. God has an incredible plan for you here, but you have to be willing to say ‘yes.’” Kelly Tabisz, Child Development - ‟Go out of your way to make friends and get out of your comfort zone. God has so many doors He wants to open for you.” Kari Brown, International Business/Marketing - ‟You are going to create a ton of memories with the people that you become friends with, so choose them carefully. Allocate your time wisely.”

Sarah Allison, Psychology - ‟Don't beat yourself up for the little things. At some point, you will fall asleep in chapel, you will skip a class to sleep in, and you will put off studying to go to IHOP at midnight with your friends.”

Rachel Blunier, Marketing and Graphic Design - ‟Embrace the unknown. When you get chances to go out of your comfort zone, take them. Someday, when you look back, these moments will be the ones that define you.”

Kati Brown, Child Development - ‟Coming in as a freshman can be intimidating. You don't really know anyone, and it’s a whole new environment. But don't be afraid to be yourself and get involved. Participate in Ollies Follies, intramurals, music groups, clubs, whatever you enjoy. Just have fun.”

Hayley Uhlman, Family & Consumer Sciences and Fashion Merchandising - ‟Create relationships with your professors. They should be able to remember they had you as a student and why you are a great asset. This will help you when applying for grad school and/or jobs in the future.”

Madison Karrick, Graphic Design and Photography - ‟As a student of Olivet, you have the opportunity to be in an academic program where you are known by the professors as opposed to larger schools where you are just someone who fills a seat in the lecture hall. Don’t be afraid of the intimacy of the program. Instead, use it to your advantage.” Faith Meitzler, Nursing - ‟No matter what your major is, don't study on a Friday night. Make time for friends, movies and adventures every week. There will always be homework, exams and projects to work on, but your most cherished memories from college will be made outside of the classroom.”





Maddie Buseth, Math and Intercultural Studies - ‟Be thankful for every moment of your time here. Be willing to get out of your comfort zone and take steps that will challenge and shape you academically, socially or spiritually.” Wes Neal, Accounting - ‟Keep your pre-college life in check. I made most of my best friends at college within the first few months. If you are going home every weekend and not putting yourself out there, you are going to miss out.” Destiny Paden, Biology - ‟Don't be afraid to simply just dive right into campus life. If you're wrapped up in the idea that you have to know everything like your major, the social scene and your future career, you'll miss new experiences, personal development and value-adding relationships. College will bring some of the most stressful moments, but always aim to be the best version God has called you to be.” Matt Reed, Political Science and Spanish Major - ‟Don't forget to call your parents. Your parents are probably your biggest supporters in college. They want to know how you are doing on the good days and the bad. Plus, they probably miss you more than they are willing to admit.” Logan Cooper, Psychology - ‟Get involved in every possible activity you can freshman year. Get out and meet new people. Don't stay glued to your roommate or one select group of people. It is a lot harder to meet people and get to know people the farther along in college you get. Plus, it could be one of the only years you have dorm life, so experience that to the fullest.”

at Olivet In the formula for career success, math and science are important factors for just about everyone. CareerBuilder.com shows employers clamoring for grads from these majors that could lead to prospective STEM-related career choices: business, computer and information services, engineering, math and statistics, health professions, and related clinical sciences.

Michael Whalen, Zoology - ‟Be present in chapel — actually PRESENT. Because if you let it, it'll get you through your day when nothing else does.” olivet.edu



Experts say three of four jobs will soon rely on knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering and/or math (STEM). That goes for any jobs, not just those that used to be labeled STEM. In fact, the line between STEM and non-STEM jobs is forever blurred because of widespread technology advances.

Senior Charles Spencer is looking to begin his career as a chemical engineer. He connected with potential employers at a recent career fair hosted by Olivet’s Martin D. Walker School of Engineering: ‟This career fair is a learning experience for me. It’s the integration of the professional world and academia. That’s just what we need. I appreciate the exposure to professional opportunities and learning how the world works outside of academia.”

In a statement early this year, the National Science Board — the policy-making arm of the National Science Foundation — declared that ensuring access to high-quality education and training experiences for all students at all levels is absolutely essential to individual opportunity and national competitiveness.

Olivet graduates are at work around the world shaping the trajectory of our most fundamental industries — technology, medicine, business and dozens more. Years after graduation, alumni continue to benefit from programs taught by faculty members — with years of professional experience — who intentionally invest in their students.

Fortunately, Olivet specializes in high-quality education and real-world training experiences.

Many professors lead student research or mission trips to locations including Alaska, New Guinea, Costa Rica and South Africa. These trips allow students to put their classroom learning into practice collecting field research, studying exotic animals, designing water filtration systems or even assisting in surgery.

Snoozing through science or math class today might cost you in the job market tomorrow.

STEM majors are immersed in top-tier classroom learning, benefitting from hands-on work with industry-standard equipment. State-of-the-art facilities include an additive manufacturing lab, 3D printers and human cadaver labs. One in four Olivet students is preparing for a STEM career. Mentorship and experiential learning play significant roles in STEM disciplines, as personal connections and practical experience often lead directly to internships and job opportunities. Olivet STEM majors have completed internships for multiple Fortune 500 companies, prominent research organizations and leading healthcare networks. Many of these internships lead to well-paying job offers upon graduation.



For information on STEM-related areas of study at Olivet, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.






ROAD WARRIORS Every year, Olivet students embark on journeys to destinations around the globe to live, learn and serve. Researching in the Costa Rican rain forest, mentoring children in a Tanzanian community and ministering to people in Argentina are a few experiences from the past year that will shape minds and hearts for years to come.








CULTURAL IMMERSION From the moment students arrive in a new locale, change begins. They immerse themselves in the culture. The words and pictures in their textbooks come to life. Real people, real places, real questions command their attention, their knowledge and even their hearts.









As students live, they learn. A forest ecosystem, an unfamiliar school, a church in a faraway corner of the world — these places become the classroom. The lessons are tangible, and the experiences unforgettable.









TRANSFORMED What started as a field trip or a ministry opportunity becomes the transformational experience of a lifetime. Students now know they can and do influence the world. They change lives, and their lives change. They come away realizing they can be more than they ever imagined.




SERVING UP SUCCESS Sophomore Grant Esposito is among more than 500 Olivet scholar-athletes who work hard in and out of the classroom. Tiger teams number 21, all aiming to develop champions and win championships.


Now that the general election is just days away, and the campaign trail is littered with the debris of less-thanChristian comportment, Olivet The Magazine returns to DVH for the Christian perspective — and maybe some guideposts on the way to the ballot box.

KEEP THE FAITH Making Your Way to Election Day

Before Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won nomination as the majorparty U.S. presidential candidates, Olivet’s resident political scientist, Dr. David Van Heemst, talked with Olivet The Magazine about Christians in politics.

Olivet The Magazine: Before the political caucuses and primary elections, you reminded us that the Old and New Testaments offer more than 800 verses calling Christians to seek justice in society. How can voters — young voters, in particular — feel confident that any candidate will have a significant impact on fostering justice? What should we consider in assessing the candidates? David Van Heemst: In a fallen world, I’m not sure we can say with absolute confidence that any candidate will have a significant impact on fostering justice. But that doesn’t mean we withdraw from politics altogether! Rather, it means we have to see the appropriate place of politics in the Kingdom of God. It’s one part of God’s kingdom — no more, no less. As Christians, we confess that God’s kingdom is already here but not yet complete. St. Augustine captured this tension in writing about our dual citizenship in the City of Man and the City of God. Similarly, theologian Reinhold Niebuhr wrote about moral man and immoral society. Another theologian, Lesslie Newbigin, described the disposition of a 21st century Christian as a “patient revolutionary.” That is, we’re called to be agents of transformation (revolutionaries) but also humble and realistic, knowing that the Kingdom will not be complete until Christ’s return (patient). One way that some fellow Christian political scientists have expressed this tension is by encouraging citizens to work toward “proximate justice.” Rather than framing justice in grandiose terms, proximate justice focuses our attention to specific places in society or culture where justice is beginning to emerge or where a policy has made an unjust situation somewhat less unjust. Therefore, our challenge as voters is to remind ourselves that even though politics is not the be-all and end-all (former White House Counsel Charles Colson told us, “The kingdom of God will not arrive on Air Force One …”), it is still one important avenue toward justice.



Political scientist Bernard Zylstra reminds us, “Doing justice is one of the ways we love our neighbors.” The church can contribute to the political discussion by offering a realistic assessment of the importance of how our political institutions can contribute to a more just society. In that way, Christian citizens will be faithful in contributing to the ongoing struggle for justice. OTM: Our political process has produced major-party tickets headed by candidates who are among the mostunpopular-ever choices of their respective parties. How do voters choose under these circumstances? DVH: It certainly can be a challenge. After all, if you’ve resigned yourself to choosing the lesser of two evils, you’re still choosing an evil! One thing we can state with confidence is that our calling as citizens is to bear witness to Christ’s in-breaking kingdom. If that’s true, then we need a broad vision of cultural renewal, striving to be holistically pro-life. Our task then becomes one of moving beyond single-issue voting. Some of the most important guidelines to consider are these: • Assess the competing candidates’ philosophies. • Analyze their policy stances and track records. • Research the party platforms. • Consult multiple media sources. • Discuss insights with those you trust. • Prayerfully consider your decision. If we do these sorts of things, we will be informed as we draw conclusions about which candidate will best fulfill the U.S. Constitution’s Article II duties of the office of the president. We’ll be making a reasonable assessment of which candidate will contribute the most toward fostering a more just society. So, we certainly have our work cut out for us as citizens.

One excellent source to help in researching objective, nonpartisan information is votesmart.org — a treasure trove of information about candidates for a variety of offices. One other thing I’d add is that God is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. The sovereign God of the universe cannot be contained by a single human political party. He is the sovereign Lord over all. His call to 21st-century disciples is to transcend the partisan landscape and to boldly work for justice in some of the most challenging places of our country and the world. OTM: What are your thoughts on the future of U.S. politics and political campaigns? Is the 2016 race an aberration, or does it set a precedent for what to expect in the future? DVH: It’s too early to tell if this campaign is an aberration or the beginning of something new. However, there are some very significant, noteworthy, long-term trends emerging in the 2016 campaign: 1. There’s an increasing number of third and fourth parties, including the Libertarian party and the Green party. The emergence of third and fourth parties holds the possibility of fundamentally transforming the political landscape in upcoming decades. 2. The increased use and prominence of free social media is altering the longstanding connection between money and politics.

3. There’s an increasing Balkanization of Americans, divided into red and blue states, which is raising questions about our underlying common bonds as Americans. 4. Dissatisfaction with both parties has led to a rise in independent voters. This increase is especially prevalent in the millennial voting category — those born early 1980s to late 1990s. What conclusions might we draw? I think it’s safe to say that much of contemporary politics might be characterized as sounding a hollow ring, especially during a campaign season. But there’s reason for hope. It’s precisely at this point that Christians can contribute to our liberal democracy. By raising fundamental issues, by highlighting the need to seek justice, by working beyond our own self-interest, and by holding our candidates to a higher standard, we can begin to be faithful to our calling to be salt and light in 21st-century American politics.



Come home to Olivet for an exciting time of celebration, reunion, entertainment and blessing. Check highlights and the schedule of events on the following pages. For updates, visit: www.olivet.edu DR. DAVID VAN HEEMST ’96 M.P.C./’98 M.A. developed the political science program at Olivet Nazarene University. He chairs the University’s Department of History and Political Science. He is an author and a member of the American Political Science Association. Dr. Van Heemst has received Olivet's Samuel L. Mayhugh Award for Scholarly Excellence and the Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. In 2016, he was named Olivet’s Faculty Member of the Year. Dr. Van Heemst and his wife, April, are the parents of five daughters — twins Maggie and Ellie, and triplets Elizabeth, Annika and Jessica.







Saturday, October 29 | 9:30 A.M. OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY



W E D N E S DAY Coronation 8–9 p.m., Chalfant Hall T H U R S DAY Powder Puff Football 7 p.m., Fortin Villa Student Pancake Feed 9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center F R I DAY

Planetarium Show 5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium

Women's Soccer Game 1 p.m., Snowbarger Athletic Complex

Football Game 7 p.m., Ward Field

Men’s Basketball Game 1 p.m., McHie Arena

Chemistry Reunion Reception 7–9 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Room 204

University Archives Open House 2–4 p.m.; Benner Library, First Floor, Archives

Geology Reunion Reception 7–9 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Room 204 Women’s Basketball Game 7 p.m., McHie Arena Fall Play: “A Piece of My Heart” 7:30–9:30 p.m., Kresge Auditorium, Larsen Fine Arts Center

Men̓s Soccer Game 3:30 p.m., Snowbarger Athletic Complex The Center for Law and Culture Open House 3–5 p.m., The Center for Law and Culture offices (387 S. Main Street, directly across from main ONU campus entrance)

Catch up with old friends over breakfast! Celebrating reunions this year: Classes of 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1976, 1971, 1966 and Purple & Gold Grads (anyone who graduated before 1966).

Shine.FM Presents Mercy Me

Saturday, October 29 | 7 P.M. Be there for the annual Shine.FM Homecoming concert, a perennial hot ticket for music fans. Headlining this year’s evening of inspiration and worship is acclaimed Christian music band MercyMe. Also on the program: Citizen Way and Zealand Worship.

School of Music Concert and President's Dinner Saturday, October 29 | 6 P.M.

Planetarium Show 3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium

Join in a celebration of the arts and enjoy dinner in Chalfant Hall. The evening features performances by the University orchestra and choirs, as well as special alumni guest soloists. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit Olivet’s fine arts programs.

Spoons 4 Forks Comedy Improv 9:30–11 p.m., Wisner Auditorium

Missionary Reunion Dinner 5–7 p.m., Ludwig Center, Conference Rooms B & C

Tiger Athletics

Taste of Olivet 9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center Dining Room

Chemistry & Geosciences Poster Contest 5:30 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Hallways

Planetarium Show 3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium


Biology Open House & Photo Winners 3:30–5 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Atrium

Department of Mathematics Alumni Gathering 8:30–9:30 a.m., Burke Administration Building, Lower Level, Room 001

President’s Dinner and School of Music Concert 6–8:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall

Organ Recital featuring Jane Holstein 3:30 p.m. – 4 p.m., Centennial Chapel

Undergraduate Class Reunions 9:30–11:30 a.m., Various locations Classes of 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1976, 1971, 1966 and Purple & Gold Grads (Anyone who graduated before 1966)

Campus Tours 9 a.m.–3 p.m., Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour) Homecoming Chapel 10–11 a.m., Centennial Chapel (Balcony seating only) Shine.FM Open House 2–4 p.m., Shine.FM, foyer

Powder Puff Football 4 p.m., Fortin Villa Phi Delta Lambda Open House 4:30–6 p.m., Warming House No charge (RSVP required)


Women’s Basketball Reception 9 p.m., Birchard Gymnasium

O.N.You! Homecoming for Kids 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., College Church, Lower Level

Shine.FM Presents Mercy Me 7 p.m., Centennial Chapel S U N DAY President’s Prayer Breakfast 8–9:30 a.m., Chalfant Hall

Friday & Saturday, October 28 & 29 Football under the lights Friday, Oct. 28, 7 p.m. Women’s Basketball Friday, Oct. 28, 7 p.m. Women’s Soccer Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. Men’s Basketball Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. Men’s Soccer Saturday, Oct. 29, 3:30 p.m.

President’s Prayer Breakfast Sunday, October 30 | 8 A.M.

Join Dr. John C. Bowling, President of Olivet, for a special time of fellowship and inspiration.

Reserve your tickets today by calling the ONU ticket line at 815-928-5791 or visit www.olivet.edu olivet.edu


olivetthemagazine.com Expanded stories, back issues and video features online.


Olivet University, Olivet, Illinois




COLOR US FUN Buckets of paint and 800 classmates on a sunny Saturday in September. What’s not to love? Paint Wars is a time-honored tradition waged every other year, early in fall semester. Armed with pool noodles, inner tubes, foam balls and socks dripping in bright-colored paint, students engage in multi-hued warfare for fun, stress relief and great photo opps!


We value your memorabilia! To donate to Archives, contact Archives@olivet.edu or 815-939-5148.









Idella Pearl (Liskey) Edwards ’61 added two titles this year to her body of published work. “All Things New” is a Christian devotional book that contains personal stories and Edwards’ original photography and poetry.    “I’m Just Ducky,” Edwards’ newest book for children in primary grades, comes after last year’s “The Adventures of Trudy the Tree Swallow.” Edwards wrote both stories and illustrated them with her original photography.

estate company CBRE as director of asset services for the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan. Reilly is the former vice president of property management for the central region of Behringer Harvard. He served as a longtime board member of the BOMA/Chicago trade association for commercial building service professionals.



B Dr. Patrick Allen ’73 authored “Morning Resolve: To Live a Simple, Sincere, and Serene Life,” published in December 2015 by Cascade Press. A devotional book for personal or small group discipleship and spiritual formation, “Morning Resolve” is based on a prayer that Dr. Allen and his wife, Lori, have prayed for more than 10 years.    Dr. Allen is a professor in the doctor of education program in the School of Education at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.


Reneé J. (Michel) Herman ’80, RN, BSN, MHSA, was elected to the 2016 board of directors for the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. The foundation provides leadership advocacy and resources that eliminate barriers to quality health for the uninsured and underserved in areas of Missouri and Kansas. Herman is a high-risk transition care coordinator at St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.


Sandi (Foster) Frederickson ’84, RN, is the nurse consultant for the Alaska Board of Nursing. Her duties include evaluating and recommending approval of nurse aide training programs and conducting on-site review of 54

training programs. Under her direction, the fifth annual Alaska Nurse Aide Instructor Conference received nursing continuing education hours for the first time. Sandi’s husband, Trig ’83, works in program integrity for the State of Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services.


C Michael Reilly ’84 recently joined commercial real

D Natalie (Carter) Kant ’88, Alaska 2014 School Counselor of the Year and Alaska’s 2016 state representative, attended First Lady Michelle Obama’s Second Annual Counselor of the Year event in Washington, D.C., in January. Obama emphasized a support movement to increase awareness of the critical role school counselors play in students’ education and preparation for jobs and successful lives. Kant is a counselor at Skyview Middle School in Soldotna. Stephanie Herman ’88/’00 was named vice president of product quality lifecycle management for GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines Division. Herman leads implementation of global strategies, ensuring the highest product quality from product launch through commercialization. She has worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years and is passionate about her contribution to making the world better and healthier. Herman and her family live in Gilford, New Hampshire and Brussels, Belgium.


Kimberly Cherry ’91 was recognized as Counselor of the Year by the Austin Peay State University/Clarksville Montgomery County School System Counselor Collaborative. A school counselor for 12 years, Cherry is on staff at Oakland Elementary School in Clarksville,

Tennessee. She received Teacher of the Year awards in 2009 and 2010, and Green Apple awards in 2006 and 2008 for outstanding service in education.



Troy Gray ’94 became the director of Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum in Beaumont, Texas. Gray holds a master’s degree in museum studies from Baylor University. The Boomtown museum, located on the campus of Lamar University, celebrates the history and significance of the Spindletop oilfield, discovered in the first days of the 20th century and widely acknowledged for launching the modern petroleum industry.


E Sherri Sloan-Bohinc ’96 joined the board of directors of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. She also joined the board of trustees for Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, a CareFirst affiliate. CareFirst is the largest health care insurer in the U.S. mid-Atlantic region, serving 3.4 million members. Sloan-Bohinc, a freelance marketing consultant, lives in Bethesda, Maryland with her husband, Scott, and their four children. Rev. Danny Goddard ’96 authored a new book, “Such Great Faith,” published in December 2015. The book relies on scripture and personal experiences to motivate Christians to exercise their faith. Rev. Goddard’s earlier books are “Pastoral Care in Times of Death and Dying” (2009) and “What Will We Do Without Bob?” (2011). Rev. Goddard and his wife, Sandie, reside in New Castle, Indiana, where they pastor First Church of the Nazarene.

F Wayne Walts II ’96 and wife Amy welcomed a son,

Brady Robert, on August 21, 2015. He follows brother Dylan, 4, and sisters Haley, 8; Macy, 6; and Alyssa, 3. Wayne is the associate broker for RE/MAX River Haven, and Amy is a homeschool mom. The family lives in Gladwin, Michigan.







Paul Schwada ’97 authored his first book, “8 Blocks: The Critical Realities for Growing Any Business,” published in December 2015. Schwada is the managing partner of Locomotive Solutions, a Chicago-based consulting firm.


G Chris ’98 and Kristan Buckman welcomed a son, Easton Marshall, on July 1, 2015. He follows sister Lydian, 2. Chris is a senior geophysicist for Amec Foster Wheeler, in Lisle, Illinois, and Kristan is an eighth grade science teacher in Geneva, Illinois. The family resides in North Aurora, Illinois.


H Sean and Alison (Krock) Kelley ’01 welcomed a daughter, Pearl Jacqueline, on December 9, 2015. She follows sister Ruby, 2. Alison works on the HR learning team at Deloitte Tax, and Sean is an investment manager at OFS Management. The family lives in Naperville, Illinois.


I Dr. Brian ’15 Ed.D. and Melissa (Leatherman) ’03

Hyma welcomed a son, Reid David, on July 18, 2015. Reid follows sister Nora Kate, 6, and brother Titus, 3. Dr. Hyma is a professor in the School of Life and Health Sciences at Olivet Nazarene University, where he directs the athletic training education program. Melissa is a physical therapist. The family resides in Bourbonnais, Illinois. olivet.edu




J 1#




welcomed a son, Alexander Eagle, on September 4, 2015. Jamie is the customer service manager for USMattress.com and president of Ameenamattress.com. The family lives in Howell, Michigan.

June 6, 2015. Liam is a sales representative for a turf company, and Sarah is an elementary school teacher. They reside in Kings Lynn, England.

J Jed and Jamie (Bowman) ’04 Harrington,


1) Jonathan and Mallori (Lesh) ’05 Demildt welcomed a son, Caleb Charles Jonathan, on October 14, 2015. He joins brothers Curtis, 3, and Conner, 2. Jonathan is an engineer at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mallori is a stay-at-home mom who is very involved in the family’s church. The Demildts reside in Marion, Iowa.

1! Liam and Sarah (McDevitt) ’07 Chapman were married

1@ Adam and Megan (Smalley) ’07 Hastings announce the

birth of their son, Josiah Walter James, born January 10. The family lives in South Bend, Indiana. Adam teaches at Ring Lardner Middle School in Niles, Michigan, and Megan coaches softball at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana.


1# Justin and Cherith (Turner) ’08 Breckan were married

July 31, 2015, in Chicago. Cherith works for a pharmaceutical research company, and Justin is a children’s pastor at Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois.

1$ Jacob and Maria (Mast) ’08 Jones were married June 27, 2015, in Kokomo, Indiana, where they now live. Maria is a social worker for Miller’s Health Systems, and Jacob is an electrical engineer at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.

1% Joshua and Ashley (Greene) ’08 Henry welcomed a

daughter, Zoey Nicole, born October 26, 2015. She joins brother Elijah, 2. Ashley is a registered nurse, and Joshua is an engineer for Cummins, Inc. The Henrys live in Columbus, Indiana.

1^ Tyler and Amanda (Essex) Rector ’08 welcomed a A group of Olivet graduates gathered in August 2015 for an annual reunion weekend, their tenth since graduating in the class of 2005. The reunion took place at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp in Vicksburg, Michigan. In attendance were Courtney (Bergman) Baker, Kristin (Heppe) Collins, Jenni (Bast) Durbin, Laura (Banks) Goble, Kelsey (Gardner) Hendrix, Kati (Dafoe) Morris, Tara (Mast) Pomerhn, Nathalie (Tomakowsky) Ruppel, Cyndi (Peters) Smith, Jenna (McGraw) Stapleton and Bryanna (Hill) Tanner.



daughter, Claire Marie, born August 17, 2015. Amanda works in accounting and payroll for Cameron Brothers Construction, and Tyler is an owner/operator in his family’s seventh-generation grain farming business. The Rectors live in Table Grove, Illinois.


1& Nathan and Bethany (English) ’09 Barr welcomed a

daughter, Daisy Irene, on July 21, 2015. She was 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 19½ inches long. Nathan works for Napier Roofing, and Daisy works in the registrar’s office at Western Illinois University. The family lives in Bushnell, Illinois.

1* Dr. Derek Phillips ’09 is completing a two‑year


fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at Psychological and Neurobehavioral Services, P.A. in Lakeland, Florida. This summer, he will take the national licensure exam in clinical psychology. After earning his bachelor’s degree in psychology, Phillips enrolled at Adler University in Chicago, where he earned a master’s in counseling psychology and a doctorate in clinical psychology (concentration in clinical neuropsychology).


1& 1!


1% 1*

1( Zachary ’13 and Kristin (Cheney) ’11 Kohlmeier

were married September 12, 2015, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Zachary is an information technology officer at Olivet Nazarene University, and Kristin is a physical therapist at South Suburban Hospital in Hazel Crest, Illinois. They reside in Aroma Park, Illinois.





Caleb ’14 and Jenna (Haenni) ’14 Rogers were married July 11, 2015. Caleb is the pastor at Lowell Church of the Nazarene, Lowell, Michigan. He is pursuing a master’s degree in the ministry program in Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies.

Left to right: Logan Buck, Molly Peterson ’14, Adrian Calhoun ’14, Joanna Helmker ’14, Jared Haenni, Jamie Haenni, Brynn Bontrager (flower girl), Jenna (Haenni) Rogers ’14, Andrew Stahl (ring bearer), Caleb Rogers ’14, Rebekah Rogers ’14, Schaad Thomas, De’Niece Harrison-Hudson ’14, Bradley Buhro ’95, Kelly Lickteig ’15 and William Cooper.




IN MEMORIAM Leone M. (Horner) Nelson ’41 died November 29, 2013. She was born to Howard and Mary Horner in Racine, Wisconsin, on July 11, 1921. A registered nurse, she served her family, her country during World War II and hundreds of patients at Racine Medical Clinic. She retired from nursing in 1985.    Mrs. Nelson served as a greeter and small group leader at Community Church of the Nazarene in Racine. She was married for 53 years to Vernon “Red” Nelson, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Nelson is survived by her children, Howard (Marsha) Nelson, Kathleen Seal, Cindy (Todd) Schulz, Jon (Brenda) Nelson and Bonnie (Gordy) Gibson; 14 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren; her twin sister, Grace (Beryl) Dillman; her sister-in-law, Dorothy Nelson; and many nieces and nephews. Carolyn E. (Helms) Gard ’53 died July 5, 2014, in Muncie, Indiana. She was born in Winchester, Indiana, to Forrest and Ethel Kiser Helms on July 13, 1932. She was a teacher for more than 35 years, employed by Randolph Eastern School Corporation. She and her husband, Robert M., also co-owned and operated Gard’s Meat Market in Union City, Indiana.    Mrs. Gard attended Wesley United Methodist Church, and she loved Indiana University basketball and the Cincinnati Reds. Survivors include her husband of 59 years and their children, Robert J. (Dorinda Kaye) Gard of Portland, Indiana; Rhonda Gard of Pensacola, Florida; and Jay Gard of Foley, Alabama; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Rev. Richard L. Hawley ’57 died January 7 in West Peoria, Illinois. He was born November 2, 1926, in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, to Floyd and Ruth (Ballard) Hawley. He married Eleanor Hayward on February 18, 1946, in New York, N.Y.    Rev. Hawley pastored North Side Church of the Nazarene in Peoria until his retirement in 1991. In October 2009, he was honored with the distinction of pastor emeritus of the church. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and he was proud to have joined the September 2013 Honor Flight to Washington, D.C.    From 1978 to 1991, Rev. Hawley served as the work and witness coordinator for the Northwestern Illinois District, leading numerous volunteer mission teams in building Nazarene churches and parsonages around the world.    During his tenure in Peoria, Rev. Hawley volunteered as a chaplain for Methodist Hospital as well as the manager for the Manville Nazarene Campground. In retirement, he and his wife spent 17 years building churches and parsonages for Navajo and Spanish congregations in Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma.    Surviving Rev. Hawley are his wife and their children, Richard D. (Carolyn) Hawley of East Peoria, William D. (Pat) Hawley of Peoria and Nonie C. (Tony Jr.) Fiumara of Georgetown, Texas; six grandchildren; 19 greatgrandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.




Karla K. (Hayman) Grable ’69 of Bourbonnais, Illinois died January 19. For 31 years, Mrs. Grable was a first grade teacher in the Momence (Illinois) School District. For 13 years, she was an adjunct professor at Olivet Nazarene University. A member of College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, she served on the missions council and policy committee, was church library coordinator and sang in the Chancel Choir. She also taught Sunday school. Mrs. Grable is survived by her daughters and sons-in-law, Trina ’93 (Matt ’93) Meyering of Bourbonnais and Tawni ’97 (Kyle ’99) Buente of Bonfield, Illinois. Patricia Ann (Schramm) Wright ’75, 62, of Smithfield, Illinois died December 7, 2015. A teacher of elementary and high school vocal music, Mrs. Wright was an accomplished soprano who performed for local church services and ceremonies. While a student at Olivet, she was the soprano soloist for Handel’s “Messiah,” and she received the Walter B. Larsen award for musical excellence.    For 38 years, Mrs. Wright was active in Smithfield Church of the Nazarene, serving at various times as choir director, worship leader, NYI director, Sunday school superintendent, vacation Bible school director, and organizer of many activities for children and teenagers. She wrote choral and instrumental arrangements as well as skits and plays, and she performed in local ensembles.    Surviving Mrs. Wright are her husband, Robert ’75 of Smithfield; son Andrew ’03 (Audrie) Wright of Portland, Oregon; daughter Stephanie ’06 (Matt) Oost of Peoria, Illinois; son John Wright ’09 of Boston, Massachusetts; and two granddaughters, Eowyn Wright and Anna Oost. Marlin K. Wallace ’04, a longtime member of the Olivet family, died April 2. From 2004 until the time of his death, Mr. Wallace had served as the University’s director of Student Accounts. Previously, he worked as Olivet’s building services manager.    During Mr. Wallace’s tenure in Student Accounts, his caring and creativity helped countless students and their families identify scholarship options that allowed students to remain at Olivet when costs seemed insurmountable.    Mr. Wallace was born October 24, 1958, in Richland Center, Wisconsin, to Willie and Maxine (Thomas) Wallace. He married Barbara Hansche ’80 on May 8, 1982. The Wallaces ran a dairy farm for several years before he became a plant manager at Service Master. In 2000, he began working at Olivet. Four years later, he earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration.    A faithful member of College Church of the Nazarene, Mr. Wallace participated in Steven Ministries, Outbound Communion, junior high youth volunteers, and a work and witness trip to Kenya. He enjoyed farming, camping, hunting and fishing.    Mr. Wallace is survived by his wife; son Mathew ’11 and daughter-in-law Megan Wallace of Peoria; daughter Nicole of Bourbonnais, Illinois; a sister, Deena (Kenneth) Janecek of Lyman, South Carolina; sisters-in-law Marilyn ’76 (Randy) Myers of Bourbonnais and Jackie (Dan) Oathout of Edmond, Oklahoma; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.    Memorials may be made to Hospice of Kankakee County, Illinois; and Compassionate Ministries’ Center of Hope in Kankakee, Illinois and at College Church of the Nazarene, Bourbonnais. olivet.edu



More than 4,900 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. State, 17 countries and more than 40 religious denominations.


Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24.


More than 150 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong.

dollars in financial aid awarded last year to $110 million ONU students



Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities



Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world.

GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration

Criminal Justice: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education: Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Ed Endorsement English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement, Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Engineering: Master of Engineering Management Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Paramedics Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-MSN), Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry

advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies


study-abroad opportunities

Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Communication Studies Communication Teaching Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement


Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth and Space Science Teaching Economics Economics and Finance Applied Economics Economics and Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics and Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Geological Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family and Consumer Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences Family Studies Family and Consumer Sciences - Hospitality Family and Consumer Sciences Education Fashion Merchandising Finance

intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


French General Studies Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing - Management Marketing - Public Relations Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Management

intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,200 participants each year

Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Physical Education and Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations and Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation, Sport and Fitness


percent of students receive financial aid

Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religion - Philosophy Religion - Theology Religious Studies Science Education Earth and Space Science Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management - Marketing Theatre Theology Writing Youth Ministry Zoology


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of 4,916

Statistics compiled from 2014, 2015 and/or 2016


A college education requires great sacrifice, and then some. Annual Giving demonstrates your faithful commitment to students who rely on the generosity of others to receive all that Olivet has to offer – and all that God has in store as a result of their Olivet experience.




THE benediction Dear Lord, They move in to the dorm this weekend and will bring

Weave Your wisdom into the fibers of his soul, bearing

books. But You see what they bring in their hearts —


their bags filled with clothes and their boxes filled with

anticipation, adventure, love, regret, anxiety, motivation

and hope. They are a mix of excited, ready, terrified and

the fruit of confidence, clarity, contentment and a light

May he not despise his humanity. Rather, may he

wide-eyed freedom.

embrace it. May she not despise her body. Rather, may

As he looks for a fresh start, remind him of Your

May he not despise his weakness. Rather, may he see

faithfulness every morning, no matter where he calls home. As she looks for community, remind her You are

she learn to receive and respect her shape as a gift. how weakness brings a daily reminder to trust.

always with her, no matter where she may go.

May they not fear failure. Rather, may they thrive in

As he looks for adventure, remind him how You walk

may they be patient and curious. Help them to find

on water, turn water to wine, feed thousands from just

a few pieces of bread. Remind him how You bring life straight up out of death, beauty straight out of ashes.

the midst of it. May they not be quick to judge. Rather, true friends and be a true friend in turn. Help them to find their voice and to use it to be an advocate for themselves and for others.

May she have the patience to believe even when

Replace her shame with courage. Replace his

adventures are found in Your presence, the greatest

moves within her beyond her ability to understand. May

she doesn’t see results. May he know the greatest love comes from Your heart, the greatest hope is that You’ve made his heart Your home.

When insecurity, comparison, disappointment and failure knock on her dorm room door, may she turn to You with her questions rather than run the other way.

confusion with peace.Replace her fear with a love that Your grace surprise them kindly. Amen. E m i l y P. F r e e m a n a t e m i l y p f r e e m a n . c o m

SACRED SPACE Even with thousands of people moving about campus every day, sacred spaces are plentiful at Olivet. Quiet corners become places to converse, to catch up, to connect.



PURPLE & GOLD DAYS A special Olivet visit event, individually designed for high school seniors and their parents.

REGISTER TODAY AT OLIVET.EDU Your visit may include: Chicago sightseeing trip or campus event, meals with the student body, customized visits with faculty, guided campus and departmental facility tours, ONU Tiger athletic events, personal appointments with your admissions counselor and financial aid seminars, overnight housing in a residence hall with a current ONU student (don’t forget your sleeping bag!), and reduced lodging rates for parents at recommended area hotels!

2016 DATES:

2017 DATES:

October 14 - 15 October 21 - 22 November 4 - 5 November 18 - 19 December 2 - 3

January 27 - 28 February 24 - 25 March 17 - 18 April 7 - 8

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