3 minute read
Boullée’s Cenotaph for Newton acted as a central precedent. Conceptually, it raised questions about remembrance and a building’s historic importance. Tectonically, it could compare in size, if only as a fictional space, with the silo.
The creation of a VR/Digital Art exhibition in the silo was a softtouch intervention, which had the future in mind. Moreover, it was also a manifestation of Boullée’s thinking, who’s beliefs are similar to the concepts behind VR technology.
Plato’s Cave Parable was used as a metaphor for creating the building’s programme. The entrance, a dark and gloomy space, signifies a lack of knowledge. As one travels further, he/she learns more about the building’s history, hence the path becomes better lit.
Lifting Devices
3.28 The installation of lifting devices will satisfy an unobstructed manoeuvring space of 1500mmx1500mm
Fire Escapes - direct fire escapes from the upper level, with fire escape doors leading to the exterior.
Part M
Level Approach from Boundary of Site
1.6 As far as possible, access should be level from the boundary
1.13 A ‘Level approach’ will satisfy if: a. It has a surface width at least 1.5m, free of obstructions d. Its surface is firm, durable and slip resitant.
Stepped Access a. A level landing is provided at top and bottom of each flight b. Landing is no less than 1200mm wide c. No doors swing across landings. m. The going of each step is between 280mm and 425mm. (as shown in Part K)
Lifting Devices
3.28 The installation of lifting devices will satisfy: a. there is an unobstructed manoeuvring space of 1500mmx1500mm or a straight access route 900mm wide in front of each lifting device. b. Landing call buttons beteen 900mm-1100mm from floor
Ramped Access fire escape ramped access/ delivery access
1.20 Gradients should be as shallow as practicable.
Part B
circulation cores
2.6 - Table 2.1 Limit on Travel Distance Use of the premises: Residential (institutional) More than one direction: 45m
2.9 Number of occupants and exits Table 2.2 Minimum number of escape routes
Maximum no. of People: 60/600
Minimum no. of Escape Routes: 1/2
Width of Escape Routes
2.18 - Table 2.3 Width of Escape Routes and Exits
Maximum no. of People: 110 Minimum Width: 850mm
1. Spacetherme Stick-on insulation - U-value: 0.667 m2K/W
5.10 If achivement of the relevant U-value set out is not technically or functionally feasible (...) the element should be upgraded to the best standard that is technically and funcionally feasible.By using this sort of insulation for the upper Continuity in the insulation layer throughout the building ensures that the required thermal comfrot is achieved and air thightness is in place.
Additionally, the new glazing system consists of encapsulated aerogel particles - a material with extraordinary insulating capacity.
This is achieve by isulating around all openings and the presence of a vapour barrier and DPC.
Schdeule 1 - Part L
Part L2b
L1. Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and power in buildings by:
(a) limiting heat gains and losses -
(i) thermal elements and other parts of the built fabric
(ii) pipes, ducts and vessels used for space heating, space cooling and hot water services
(b) providing fixed building services which
(i) are energy efficient
(ii) are comisioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure they use no more fuel and power than is reasonable
General guidance - for listed buildings
3.9 The work should not prejudice the character of the host building or increase the risk of long-term deteioration of the building fabric or fitings.
Material change of use
Change of energy status
4.16 “any change which results in a building becoming a building to which the energy efficiency requirements of these Regulations apply, where previously it was not” - from an industrial building to a leisure space/museum.
Controlled fittings
4.24 Where windows, roof windows, rooflights or doors are to be provided - installation of draught proof units - performance requirements: Windows, roof windows, rooflights - U-value 1.8W/(m2.K) New ones - the percentage should not exceed (Places of assembly):
40% of exposed walls for windows
20% of roof for rooflights
Controlled services
4.29 Reasonable provision demonstrated by following NonDomestic Building Services Compliance Guide
Section 5: Guidance on thermal elements
Continuity of Insulation and air thightness insulation thermal bridge
5.5 The building fabric should be constructed so that there are no reasonably avoidable thermal bridges in the insulation layers caused by gaps within the various elements.
Exploded Axo
Structural Layers
1. steel expansion bracket
2. insulation around column
3. insulation inside steel column/arch
4. 8mm floor finish
58mm screed
30mm heating/cooling system
20mm impact sound insulation
22mm access floor support plate
167mm ventilation void
50mm insulation concrete slab
5. steel plate connection
The detail section shows all the construction layers introduced through the re-use of the silo. Most notably, the parabolic shell was left nearly untouched, in order to retain as much of the existing built fabric as possible.