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deep thought 2.1
THESIS PROJECT//Sep ’21-May ‘22
TOP SECRET Research facility located in the North Sea
deep thought 2.1 is a research station found in the middle of the North Sea in the year 2122. Classified as a “TOP SECRET“ facility, its existence is only known to the scientists working in and around it.
The research base uses leading-edge technology (Quantum Computing) in order to gather and analyse future trajectories of the world. The facility’s mission is to compare all these possible trajectories and stop any potential disasters from happening - therefore ensuring worldwide balance.
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2. Data Centres
Situated at the bottom of the sea, they are an essential part of the system, gathering real-time Big Data which is then analysed through the power of Quantum Computing.
1. Conference Space
At the core of the facility is the Conference Space, where the Quantum Computers are located and from where they operate. This space also acts as a conference area.
Seal Suit
These titanium suits act as oneperson submarines. They are used by the researchers accessing the facility to travel around the main building (deep thought 2.1), as well as reach the other parts of the system.
5. deep thought 2.1
A self-sufficient living quarter which offers spaces for study, access to the last books on Earth and spaces for contemplation, deep thought 2.1 is also the largest element of the system.
4. Submarines

The name is selfexplanatory, however the function of these is not clear. The Submarines represent the research areas of the facility, ready to flee in case a threat approaches.

Considering the highly classified and specialised nature of the facility, its programme had to satisfy two essential criteria: ensuring access to bespoke tools and areas (dry and wet laboratories, study areas) alongside a top-tier security system. These requirements had a great influence on the volumetry of the building, which was intentionally designed to be symmetrical. Hence, its shape is successfully deceptive, as it hinders easy access into the building to any intruder. Furthermore, the entrance is guarded by a three-layer security system. The central core (the main access route to all areas of the building) was designed to reduce security breaches as well. Therefore, to access the four individual regions of each level, one must be authorised to do so (through security codes/access keys which allow entry in the main core and to other areas).
The complex form of the roof required an equally complex structural system. This allows for large, open spaces with a minimised number of columns. Where columns are used their shape was informed by trees, a way in which biophilic design was integrated to compensate for the lack of access to nature the users have to face for extended periods of time. Considering the highly corrosive nature of seawater, non-corrosive steel was used in the overall structure, with bespoke steel beams designed to carry the bespoke roof design.

Informal Meeting Area
The library space had a more symbolic aim, as most research documents would have been digitised by then. It was a space destined to be filled with some of the last remaining copies of books in the world. It allows access to a variety of fields of knowledge, being both an artefact and an area of fascination. The curvaceous design draws you in, and at second level, one can truly appreciate the complex design of the stepped roof.
INTERIOR DESIGN High-end research facility

As mentioned before, security and bespoke areas were a prerequisite in the initial design. However, the wellbeing of users was also high on the priority list. Hence the interior design of the facility was influenced by biophilic design, with structural elements’ design being inspired by nature and access to natural light being achieved to a high degree (in spite of the harsh sea environment).

ROOF DESIGN Final Iteration
The roof of the Top-Secret facility was developed using a series of patterns inspired by the tones and textures of the sea. Initially, there was a lack of complexity in the design generated, but through several iterations, a series of 4 different patterns (shown on the right) were overlapped to create the 3D texture above. Additionally, a heightmap was developed, which helped with associating the right colour shades to the different levels in the roof. In this final render, one can appreciate the success in camouflaging the building.

Ship View
As deep thought 2.1 must be untraceable, stealth techniques were used in its design, alongside biomimicry. The final iteration was created in such a manner that from different angles, the design of the roof successfully camouflages the entire facility.
Pattern #1

Pattern #2
Pattern #3
Pattern #4