In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
When it came to the sound used in Deluded Dreams, I took lots of inspiration from what is typically used in documentary. I edited in sound bridges to link together one interview to the next. These sound bridges were either within a soundtrack, which I carefully chose to help set the right atmosphere for my documentary, or with the presenter (Imogen Smith) explaining what location she was travelling to next. Choosing someone with a strong and clear voice was very important in enabling the audience to have full understanding on what was being discussed and spoken.
I used handheld camera throughout my documentary to make the audience feel like they are actually in documentary, watching the presenter. This is achieved by mimicking the movement of the presenter with the camera. It was also really important for me to include handheld during the interviews to provide an uneasy and unsettled atmosphere. Within these interviews close ups and extreme close ups were used to highlight the facial expressions of the person talking.
My research showed that to keep a realism element within my documentary, I had to keep the editing minimal. I did not use any ‘harsh’ or articfical looking effects but simple changed the contrast and brightness to enable that the shots were professional looking. When it came to the titles I took lots of inspiration from the Jesus Camp titles. Keeping the font simple and small makes sure that the titles do not take away to from attention from the shots onscreen. Also having the font colour in white and in the bottom left or right of the screen helps contribute to this.
The reconstructions are found within my documentary are perhaps the key element in helping the audience to understanding the meaning behind my documentary. Including them during Sophia’s interview allows the audience to really understand her story and physically see the events she is explaining. The use of archive or stock footage in used within most documentaries as, similar to the reconstructions, it provides the audience with tools to create a better understanding of the subject. Uses footage from horror films, for example, displays the commercial side on demonic possession.
The only image that can be used on the page is a mid shot of the presenter Imogen Smith. I decided on this design instead of including stills from my documentary as it gives more of a mysterious feel to the magazine spread. By having Imogen’s picture A4 size, it highlights how she is going to be a dominant feature in my documentary, she could almost be seen as a selling point. When it came to the layout of this picture I decided against the rule of thirds as I wanted my magazine to differ from the norm, equalling to a possible reflection of the film. The second largest feature within this spread is the title of my documentary, Deluded Dreams. This enables the name of my film to stick in people’s minds. My pull quote ‘The devil is real’ is typical of magazine spreads and by using a controversial quote, it enables me to draw in a wide audience. Using columns is another typical element of double page spreads and allows for easy reading by the audience as it divides up the information.
My radio advert lasts for around 40 seconds and falls within the typical 15 to 60 seconds duration. By keeping within these time frames, it stops the audience from getting bored and losing interested. The music in my ad is key in, one linking my ad with documentary, but also setting the mood. Also having popular music (The XX) help to appeal to a modern day audience. Although including music is a normal convention of radio ads, I decided against following the typical structure as, similar to my magazine spread, I wanted it to stand out. Having multiply audio clips, then the voiceover and music starting help keep my advert unique.