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CONTENTS 05 introduction

06 launch event

08 PUBLIC Relations




17 References

-introductionThis report outlines a proposed communication strategy to launch Four, a new original perfume collection based on the four elements, Earth Fire air and water .Our brand is positioned for the mass market with a reasonable prices aimed at the modern day individual forward thinking female. The launch event and consecutive promotional strategies need to be consistent with this market. To ensure consistency and for the brand to be successful our associated values will be highly visible and represented throughout these processes. The concept behind our fragrances are the four elements of nature, Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Each element has personality traits associated with them that represents the modern woman and reflects her changing moods throughout the day. Our idea stemmed from research on Mintel. The report states “Fragrances could benefit from being promoted by the mood or emotion they can complement or induce� (Mintel 2013). Earth traits are earthy, grounded, cautious, reliable, conservative, and realistic. Water traits are emotional, private, psychic, spiritual, and compassionate. Air comprises of detached, curious, social, unemotional, and argumentative. Finally fires personality traits consist of enthusiastic, impulsive, confident, impatient, energetic, and passionate. These traits reflect the smell of each fragrance. For example the fire element is passionate and confident so the base note of the fragrance would are spicy and strong. We reflected personality in our fragrances to adhere to our brand values of personal and organic to reflect the natural aspect of our brand (the four elements). Our price points are MID RANGE due to wanting to compete in the mass market area as our prices need to be competitive. However, we do not conform to mass market stereotypes of pink and girly. We found a gap in the market and decided to challenge this stereotype and produce sophisticated fragrances for the career orientated creative woman between the age of 20 and 30.


-The Launch Event -



our prides itself in being an alternative to the overtly feminine fragrance products seen in the mass market today. It offers sophistication, personalisation and style whilst reflecting the natural elements of our four fragrances. This means that the launch event for Four must be minimal, stylish and stay coherent with the brand values. The launch event will take place in Kew Royal Botanic Gardens which is stated on the outskirts of central London in Brentford Gate. We are hiring two locations on this site. The first site will be the Orangery which holds 400 standing guests, and this will be where the guest drink, socialise and learn about our brand. I feel this location fits our brand due to its original purpose ‘the Orangery was designed as a hothouse to grow citrus plants’ (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens). This helps aid to our brand essence

of natural and organic. Our second location on the site is the Prince of Wales conservatory; this is a fascinating site that recreates ten climatic zones. The conservatory grows Madagascan baobab trees, orchids from Central America and carnivorous plants from Asia. Again I feel this location would be perfect because not only is it beautiful to see but it needs all four elements working together for it to succeed and it offers the scent inspiration of our four fragrances all in one place. Due to the plants different growth climates the water, air, heat and earth need to be exact. This location will be open to all guests throughout the event. The launch party is scheduled for mid-June during the day when the garden is at its best and our creative agency will be present to ensure everything runs smoothly. The Orangery room will be used for the introduction of our brand and

Fig 2

Fig 1

Fig 3

for dining. The lawn that surrounds the Orangery will have white umbrellas, tables and chairs for our guests to socialise and drink from our outside cocktail bars. There will be four sections to the lawn each one reflecting the mood of the element. Each section will have a special cocktail on offer at our event, one for each element that reflects the personalities within them. The press will be invited to record the event and capture celebrities enjoying themselves, among them local newspapers and The Perfume Magazine. We will be targeting certain magazine editors to attend the launch as we want a certain type of person to buy into our brand. We want to impress these magazines so they can authenticate us to their readers. We want to target magazines like Dazed and Confused as we feel their readers are the epitome of who our brand is targeting – i.e. ’the creatives’. The Editor in Chief Tim Noakes of ‘Dazed & Confused will be invited. Their readers are the definition of trend-setting early adopters. They powerfully influence their consumer peer group and bestow credibility of the fashion, music and technology brands they adopt’ (OCS, Worldwide). Dazed and its website is read in print and online by over 500,000 style leaders who we wish to target. Due to our mass market appeal and price of our product we realise

we can’t predominantly target a certain type of person. Due to this we will also be inviting magazines like Cosmo and Glamour who we feel target our age range and also have a wide range of readers. We will be inviting celebrities we feel represent our brand to the event. I feel this is important as “the cult of celebrity is increasingly an important part of everyday British life” (Tim Jackson and David Shaw, p.164). Our target celebrity group will be Alexa Chung, Cara Delevingne and Jameela Jamil. I feel Alexa Chung is the epitome of our brand essence hence why she will be invited to the launch. She isn’t afraid to be herself and doesn’t conform to the idea of a perfect woman. She is the modern woman. Her style is simple and sophisticated which reflects our brand. Cara, Jameela and Alexa’s

fans would also be a beneficial factor as ‘celebrity influence is wide, with T.V presenters and media stars taking the roles once played by royalty and politicians’ (Tim Jackson and David Shaw, p.164). The celebrities will post on social media pictures of the event which will feed straight to their followers and will hopefully create brand awareness. We will also be inviting British bloggers such as Kavita Donkersley who have loyal followers, which will help us to create free advertising. Kavita Donkersley is a 20 year old fashion blogger who started her blog at the young age of 16. Her blog ‘She Wears Fashion’ is growing every day, with press mentions from Topshop, MTV,, Elle Spain, More Magazine, GLOSS magazine, London Fashion Week Official,’ (She Wears Fashion). The event

will give free goodie bags with a sample of each fragrance and in depth reading of each element. This will hopefully encourage our invited bloggers to write about us to their followers. Our launch event will be photographed and filmed by our team which will then be posted on our social media sites. To help with public relations during the launch we will be collaborating with the creative communications agency Exposure for our launch. Exposure is ‘one of the most talked-about companies in branding… Exposure is based on the concepts of networking, leveraging influence channels and brand advocacy’ (Mark Tungate, p. 83). This company is associated with many known names similar to our own brand. I feel the will do a great job of helping us to get our name out there.

- public relations -


he basic concept of marketing is that “people buy products for the benefits provided” A product “is primarily a benefit to the consumer because of the intrinsic feeling of being ‘in fashion’.” (Tim Jackson and David Shaw, p.89) therefore we need to ensure our promotional activity promotes our brand and product in an exciting, fashionable and favourable way. Our promotional strategy is to start slow and build a loyal fan base (snowball effect). We want to give free 50ml samples to competition winners and bloggers to review and create word of mouth before product launch. The competition winners and bloggers will answer a series of questions that will place you into one of the

four fragrances. This will be the sample they receive. Chris Macdonald lecturer at Nottingham Trent University said ‘Sampling enables consumers to experience or trial a product for free from traditional product sampling to live multi-player demonstrations’ (Product launch tactics, FASH10106:Creative Networks). Media timing is essential “It is often necessary to launch a product into the market and to start advertising ahead of its general availability” (Tim Jackson and David Shaw, p.170). The competition for our free samples will be held before our launch on our social media sites i.e. Instagram, to win this competition. The follower will have to repost a picture of our product to their followers

with the hashtag #four and also tag our official Instagram page ‘@fourwomen’. Our brand will be advertised heavily before the launch in the correct areas in order to create followers and a buzz on our social media site. Mark Tungate, author of ‘Fashion Brands ‘purported ‘despite the web, fashion consumers are still addicted to those glossy pages’ (2012, p.113). This implies that print advertising is still valid to target our consumer; therefore double page spreads will be used in magazines we feel target them. As previously stated, magazines like Dazed and Confused, I:D and Glamour will be used to promote our product. These magazines will hold small samples of each of the four fragrances with the descriptions of each element and the tagline ‘which woman are you?’ For the first 4 weeks of our product release we will have limited edition bottles designed by Damien Hirst an eminent English artist. Much like the case study of Coca – Cola Light collaboration with Karl Largerfeld in 2010. Coca-Cola sought a way to ‘serve that “fashion” persona while manifesting a distinct “Coke Light way of seeing things”’ (MIP Blog, 2011). This

Fig 8

quote represents what we are aiming for within our own brand. Damien Hirst’s designs will be released during the launch event and will create increased sales during these four weeks. This keeps true to the creativity aspect of our brand as we want our bottles to work not only as a fragrance but a piece of collectable art the consumer will keep and use continuously when they purchase our refillable sachets. These bottles will be available to all customers who sign up to our newsletters and purchase one of our fragrances in the first for weeks of the initial launch. Our boutique situated in London will stay true to our brand from window displays to visual merchandising. Our shop will work as an advertising campaign promoting to our customers through an

overall shop experience as ‘Customers today expect shopping to be a brand experience’ (Mark Tungate, 2012, p.59). Our store will offer a series of questions to match personality to one of our four fragrances. The consumer will then receive a card with a reading of that element. We realised from primary research to our target audience that our consumers would like the option of having four smaller bottles as almost a starter kit to introduce them to the brand and “allow them to choose their favourite fragrance” (Ajeto,A. Stenner, C, Interview on product release), which they then will continue to purchase at a larger size . These will be a set of four 15ml fragrance bottles which will also be sold as a gift set in our store.

in department stores such as Selfridges, House of Fraser and John Lewis. We will have a small concession in each department store where ‘the store may make’ us ‘the licensee, responsible for the fit-out’ (Fashion Law PDF, 2005) and in charge of hiring staff. This way we will be able to ensure that these concessions stay true to our brand even when our product is sold outside of our stores. However, we will have to compromise with the department stores regarding advertising the concessions as the store’s approval is most likely to be required where its name is included in the advertisement. It is likely that the department store will have to agree with our display and advertising within our concession before it can proceed. Nonetheless we will stay true to our Our product will also be selling brand values as much as possible.



rand ambassadors embody what a brand is all about. They create awareness, attention and sales leads’ (Alan Burks, Demand Media). Brand ambassadors will be used in all department stores where our concession is based. They will be there to give out free samples and to help customers wherever necessary. Our ambassadors will be free to dress however they wish embracing their personal style whilst following our store colours of black and white.

Fig 9

Large corporations realised that the image of a brand ambassador in society is a vital element to attract consumer attention, this resulted in a substantial increase in celebrity ambassadors ‘it was assumed that integrating a celebrity to a brand would increase chances of it being sold, which made companies value the business ideal of a ‘brand ambassador.’’ (Sweeney. R, 2002). Just like the case study of Jameela Jamil who has collaborated with Pandora to create a collection of ‘stacking rings’. We will introduce the former Made in Chelsea star, Fashion assistant at Tatler, photographer and designer Phoebe Lettice to be our celebrity brand ambassador. We know Phoebe will be a credibility to our brand as ‘when a celebrity wears something it has direct impact on sales’ (Mark

Tungate, 2012, p.105). She is an inspiration to our target consumer due to her achievements in the creative industry from the young age of 22 with fashion obsessed woman following her Tumblr to see where she shops. Phoebe is perfect for our brand as she emphasises all what our brand stands for. Three months prior to our launch we will be holding an in store event where first come first served customers can gain entry to the store where there will be live music, drinks, free goodie bags and a chance to meet and greet our brand ambassador. This will help keep the buzz alive and will most likely gain Four more customers. Exposure communications agency was perfect for our launch. We would like to continue to collaborate and renew our agreement throughout the initial 12 months of our product release to help with all of our promotional activity and help us to evolve as a brand. Exposure were also responsible for the hugely successful Coco-Cola and Karl Largerfeld collaboration mentioned earlier. This demonstrates that the company has experience with limited edition designs with celebrities outside the company which means they should handle our Damien Hirst collaboration with ease.



lthough print advertising and brand ambassadors are important ‘the internet arguably provides the greatest number of current innovations in promotion, as it extends the opportunities for mass communication’ (Tim Jackson and David Shaw, p.157). Due to our target age being between the ages of 20 to 30 we do not want our advertising to bombard our customer, we want to create a relationship between our brand and the customer via direct marketing. ‘Direct marketing… is increasingly being used by retailers in an attempt to build a closer relationships with shoppers’ (Sullivan and Adcock, 2002, p.221). Our methods would primarily involve emails direct to the consumers mobile once they have signed up to our newsletter informing them of our products and any upcoming events and offers. This is a great way of targeting our customer’s due to its low cost and the fact that customer responses can be generated rapidly. Other methods would include advertisement banners on sites like Facebook and Twitter to target a mass audience and generate brand awareness before the product launch. These banners can be viewed on mobiles or computers. By clicking on the advert you will be taken to our website where a video campaign will pop up and allow you to watch. These banners will stay present for the duration of the first 12 months of

launch. Television adverts will also be used on channels like E4 and the BBC in the lead up to the launch but also after the launch has passed to continue to create awareness and create buzz. As previously stated we will have social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook where we will keep all our current customers up to date with new products, celebrity interests and all events relating to Four. We will be targeting certain Bloggers before our launch and while our launch is in progress to create awareness and to give reviews on our products. Digital, direct and print advertising will stay strong in the 12 months prior to the launch of our product to ensure our brand stays in the public eye. Six months after the initial launch a digital campaign will begin which will allow our customers

to choose a new set of four fragrances for our winter collection. Advertisements for this will begin one month before on television, magazines and also our social media sites. Our customers who are signed up to our newsletters we receive an email informing them of our app, the first 100 people to download our app will have the chance to vote for their favourite four fragrances. Once they have downloaded and registered for the vote we will send 2 sample scents for each element. The customer can then vote on our app for their favourite four elements, the four elements with the highest votes will then be released as our four winter edition fragrances. This will allow the customer to be involved and will make the fragrance more personal to them. By choosing their favourite fragrances before their release will ensure sales before the product is even available.

Fig 10

-CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, I have outlined the brand, its ethos, its spirit and its target market. I have identified how we can best promote and market the brand through social media, publications and brand events. I have identified brand leaders who will be working with us to promote the essence of our product to the market that will be most susceptible and open to our concept. We have also introduced an additional layer to our marketing strategy for our brand in the form of the collectable bottle which adds a further dimension to the brand and the individuality of the product and its persona. I feel that if we follow these steps outlined up to the launch of Four, and all promotional activities are executed on schedule, Four will be a successful marketable concept with a true brand identity with a strong place in the market. Assuming the success of our concept, after 12 months we hope to expand our stores and concessions throughout the UK to attract customers nationally. To increase the brands longevity we hope continue to release seasonal adaptions of the four fragrances as well as limited edition fragrances throughout the years to keep our brand exciting and fresh, with the ultimate goal of maintaining our core custom base and introducing new custom through our ever changing new and innovative fragrance releases. .

Word count 2,908


Pre - launch advertising instagram sample competition launch party

customer store event Advertise new fragrances and launch digital campaign release of winter fragrances publicise winter fragrances

create promo video for our new fragrances

t.v adverts direct marketing planning and inviting guests to our one year party one year celebration party

expansion of stores throughout uk

-REFERENCESAngela Natividad. (2011). Liveblog: Branded Content Case Studies. Available: Last accessed 28th May 2014. Burks, A. (2010). What Is the Job Description for a Brand Ambassador?.Available: Last accessed 29th May 2014. Fox, W. (2014). A Concession Agreement For You. 1st ed. [ebook] p.3. Available at: agreement.pdf [Accessed 28 May. 2014]. Kew Garden. (2010). Orangery. Available: Last accessed 27th May 2014. Macdonald, C. (2014) ‘Product Launch Tactics’ [Lecture to BA Fashion Communication and Promotion] FASH10106: Creative Networks, Nottingham Trent University, 28th May. Mark Tungate (2012). Fashion Brands. 3rd ed. Great Britain: Kogan Page. p83, p59, p105, p113. Mintel. (2013). *The Consumer – Reasons for Wearing Fragrances. Available: Last accessed 26th May 2014. OCS Worldwide. (). Dazed and Confused . Available: http://www.ocsmedia. net/dazed-and-confused. Last accessed 27th May 2014. Sullivan, M and Adcock, D (2002). Retail Marketing. Cornwall: TJ International. P221.

Tim Jackson and David Shaw (2009). Fashion Marketing. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. p89 - 170.


-BIBLIOGRAPHYAjeto, A. (2014). Interview on product release. Alasdair, T. (2014). Web partnership contracts involving content-based promotion | SEQ Legal. [online] Available at: web-partnership-contracts-involving-content-based-promotion [Accessed 29 May. 2014]. blog, K. (2014). She Wears Fashion - UK Fashion blog. [online] Shewearsfashion. com. Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014]., (2014). Tim Noakes | Dazed. [online] Available at: http://www. Noakes [Accessed 27 May. 2014]. English, B. (2007). A cultural history of fashion in the twentieth century. 1st ed. New York: Berg., (2014). Building a fashion platform | ExposureEurope. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 May. 2014]. Fox, W. (2014). A Concession Agreement For You. 1st ed. [ebook] p.3. Available at: [Accessed 28 May. 2014]. i-D Magazine, (2014). i-D Magazine. [Online] Available at: gb/ [Accessed 27 May. 2014]., (2014). How to Plan a Product-Launch Event. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014]., (2014). Orangery | Attractions At Kew Gardens. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 May. 2014]. Magazine, B. (2014). TOP 15 UK FASHION BLOGGERS | Page 2. [online] BOE Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014]. Push PR, (2014). PUSH PR | London Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle PR Agency. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 May. 2014]. Sheridan, J. (2010). Fashion, media, promotion. 1st ed. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

Stenner, C. (2014). Interview on product release., (2014). The Perfume Magazine | The JANUARY ISSUE | January, 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014]. YouTube, (2014). Loud case study. [online] Available at: watch?v=88wiWj5JVUM [Accessed 26 May. 2014].

-LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSFIGURE 1, FIGURE 2, FIGURE 3, FIGURE 4, ALEXA CHUNG, FIGURE 5, JAMEELA JAMIL, ccc4a29c34_142365040_10.xxxlarge/i/Brit-model-Jameela-Jamil-outfitted-head-toe-color-injected-style.jpg FIGURE 6, CARA DELEVINGE, FIGURE 7, OWN ILLUSTRATION. FIGURE 8, EDITED BY MYSELF. FIGURE 9, FIGURE 10,, created by myself. BORDER,


Angela Natividad. (2011). Liveblog: Branded Content Case Studies.Available: http:// Last accessed 28th May 2014., (2014). Pandora #MyRingsMyStyle Case Study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2014].

Video interview Ajeto, A. (2014). Interview on product release.

Stenner, C. (2014). Interview on product release.

T: So do you think you would be more likely to the buy them as a pack? A: To begin with yeah as in like when it’s first brought out as a product I would be more likely to buy them as a pack, to get used to the fragrances C: As like a trial A: And then if you specifically liked one C: You can go out and buy the one you like the most T: Do you reckon it would be good as a gift for like a girlfriend? A: Yeah that’s a really good idea as its more personal and if they don’t know what kind of fragrances they like then they can give them a set of four to choose from

Olivia chamberlain N0507479 FASH 10106

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