olivia le ary
arch ite cture & d e sign
co p yrig h t 2 0 2 0 ol iv ia le a ry co v e r a r t lette r pr e ss pr in t oliv ia le a r y 2 0 19 tex t a n d ph ot os b y: oliv ia le a r y w e d d in g in vit a t i o n ph ot os b y: ca itlin a nd luke pho to g r a phy wr ite with lig ht pho to g r a phy oliv ia le a r y
I’m Olivia Leary, a designer who loves learning new things. I’m drawn to design fields that allow for a thoughtful and honest creative process. I love that design allows me to work with (and for) people in creative capacities. I get excited about working on projects that make people happy and respond to what they want or need.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
THE PERFECT GEOMETRY The project called for a fondazione designed to honor and house a portion of Michelangelo’s work. Programming included spaces for exhibits, rare books, performances, a cafe, along with apartment spaces for visiting scholars on the proposed site, the Villa Madama in Rome. This location offered its own challenges considering historical elements. Influenced by the perfect geometries Michelangelo used in St. Peter’s Basilica, I saw an opportunity to incorporate these ideas into my design for the Fondazione. My design proposes a square “twin” to a circular courtyard mirrored across the Villa Madama. Further making use of perfect geometries, the facade of the Fondazione design is comprised of three squares and three golden rectangles. Each element relates to the spaces and functions within the program, which is divided into thirds by spaces that provide service-related functions.
relationship between served/service spaces
proportioning systems used in facade
P R O JE C T YE AR: Fall 2017 DI S C I P LI NE S: Historic design, Museum and Exhibit Design
P R O JE C T TYP E:: Cultural, Residential
olivia le ary
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view from architect’s apartment
view of permanent exhibit space
temporary exhibit space
Exhibit and residential spaces within the Fondazione. Each space is linked together by elements of perfect geometries- framed views, exhibit structures, etc.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
Section cut through lobby illustrates how this set of proportions is used to create spaces throughout the fondazione.
While creating a relationship to the existing courtyard, this design solution also allows a portion of the gardens to be maintained and utilized as an additional space between the Villa and the Fondazione.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
In order to connect a library to young adults in today’s society,
Spring 2017
dynamic needs must be considered. This library, located in the Clifton
D ISCIPL INES Library Design
Community Design
neighborhood in Cincinnati, OH, aims to focus on connecting young adults to spaces around them both in the library and in their community. The space in this library aims to imitate rooms in a home; a large open
atrium provides a gathering space by the cafe, like a living room right off
the dining room. The smaller spaces in the back provide individualized
and more private experiences for activities such as reading, or studying. Front and back yards provide more outdoor public spaces at street level.
The outdoor areas play a large role in
context through a special program
connecting the library with its context.
area. A kitchen provides a place for
Balconies off the private back rooms
young adults to learn about food
and a rooftop community garden adds
they grow in this garden. Kids can
to this experience.
get involved with their community and context while learning about
The community garden integrates the
different environmental factors
library’s place, the people, and its
influencing everyday health.
olivia le ary
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olivia le ary
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olivia le ary
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Highlights the relationship between exterior balcony spaces and the interior spaces attached.
The large volume of the atrium helps to create relationships between spaces throughout the library.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
DO DEVELOPMENT DIFFERENTLY The Over-the-Rhine (OTR) district in Cincinnati has been experiencing rapid gentrification. The site, a piece of undeveloped land is currently owned by the city and located across from the only public school in the area. Students often utilize the space after school. The site is currently home to a set of basketball courts, an important activity for many community kids, and an eco-garden created by an organization called Permaganic that works with local youth. The rest of the site remains undeveloped and unsafe. While a resident in the community for the summer, studio members became acquainted with the neighborhood, went to community input sessions for other development projects, and worked a children’s camp with a local non-profit to get input from the kids who use the space. Through conversations with community members, Permaganic, and others who have invested time, money, and energy to keep this land as a community asset for its children we gained better insight into the needs of the community. Site photograph of the Permaganic garden
P ROJECT TEAM Caroline Asplundh Shuting Chen Angela Evans Kelly Huang Conan Huo Olivia Leary Tanner Rice Candace Zhang
Site photograph looking down Hughes Street in its current state
P R O JE C T YE AR: Summer 2017 DI S C I P LI NE S: Community-based design and Urban Planning
P R O JE C T TYP E:: Cultural, Community
olivia le ary
H OUS ING Options developed for housing in this location imagined 28 dwelling units (8 three bedroom units and 20 two bedroom units) and multiple retail spaces accessible from Main and Mulberry Streets.
E CO GARD EN Maintain Permaganic garden program with minimal disruption
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
H U GH E S STREET An option to redo Hughes Street using pervious pavement with infiltration trenches alongside it to temporarily store surface runoff and improve water quality. A recreational stair at the end of Hughes connects our site to the surrounding community
G R E E N S P AC E This portion of the site could include a fire pit that serves as a community gathering space. Green space surrounding the fire pit could provide a space for Permaganic to expand into orchards, deciduous trees, etc.
This design reimagines the space differently from previous development plans. Our team looked at the project through three different lenses: affordable housing, green space, and recreation. The topography of the site provided opportunities
HOUSING Additional townhouses
to incorporate rainwater management strategies
along Hughes Street
as well- a much needed feature to mitigate
provide opportunity for
runoff issues the city faces.
multi-generational housing with one senior unit and two two-bedroom units
While we considered leaving the space in a more
per townhouse.
natural state with little intervention, it became apparent that affordable housing is a necessity for the OTR community. In order to ensure any housing developed would remain affordable,
an idea for the site was to set up a community land trust. This could be a potential source for funding from public and philanthropic resources.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
Spring 2017
User Interface
Visual Identity
PR O JE CT TY P E Graphic Design
This user-experience based project focused on creating a food truck app for young women. I examined my target audience through persona, narrative writing, storyboarding, and prototyping to develop elements of the app. Check out the entire project in this link to a clickable app tinyurl.com/ycaxezzj.
olivia le ary
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The menu is clearly organized with
Before adding an item to the order, users are
categories at the top and allow for filtering
able to customize it or add a note about the
by different categories related to dietary
preparation of items. After an item is added,
restrictions, calorie counts, etc.
the menu appears again.
When a user scrolls up on the “My Order�
After tapping the button to place an order,
banner at the bottom of the menu they are
users have the option to pay from the app using
prompted to review items added to the
ApplePay or pay at the truck when picking up
order. They can edit or remove these from
their order. See the rest of the ordering process
here before placing their order.
through this link: tinyurl.com/ycaxezzj
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
WEDDING INVITATIONS Each wedding invitation set transforms hand-painted elements digitally into a cohesive set of unique pieces. I begin by listening to each bride’s upcoming wedding plans; we work together to pull inspirational imagery and discuss style and colors, likes and dislikes. The goal is understanding what each bride’s vision is for her day and further connecting to the details that are special to her- whether it’s the perfect colors, details of the ring, or location. From memories of these conversations and imagery pulled, I create a set of watercolor flowers and leaves inspired by the details. As an artist, I work to maintain a consistent personal style between the paintings, but place a heavier focus on being a responsive designer in the other choices I make by thinking about how to make each set respond to the bride’s style.
Summer 2018, 2019
DIS CIPLIN E S Typography
Above images show original paintings
that were scanned in and incorporated
PROJECT TYP E Graphic Design
throughout the invitation sets.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
These elements are scanned and manipulated to best fit the type layouts on each card. In order to preserve the inherent quality that comes from creating a piece by hand, I am careful to ensure the intention of the brush strokes remains visible. Editing each element requires attention to detail to maintain these marks.
olivia le ary
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Final type layouts also respond to the stylistic choices each bride visualized to tie together every detail.
olivia le ary
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Product photography and styling for the three-thirteen co. This store’s content is targeted at the small-town midwestern woman. To appeal to this group, we style our products to show them how a piece can be incorporated into their lifestyle. We also focus on the detailslike the textures in the tray and the handles’ finish. While we like to highlight these details, it’s also important to the brand that we represent our products in an authentic way to continue to earn the trust of our customers.
PR OJ ECT YEAR: Summer 2018-present D ISCIPL INES: Shoot Styling/Creative
Direction, Social Media
Marketing, Photography,
Photo Editing
PR OJ ECT TYPE:: Product Photography,
Fashion Photography
olivia le ary
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This jewelry shoot for the three-thirteen co. used depth of focus to highlight delicate pieces of jewelry among different textures of plants and flowers. The selection of jewelry and background were influenced by shapes that could be created through these pairings. From organic shapes, to more geometric arrangements, and even some implied repeating patterns create motion throughout the images and highlight their unique characteristics.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
Inspired by both the play between geometric and natural patterns and bright colors of Eames’ textile, furniture, and architectural designs, I created a series of images that uses carefully styled color and textures to highlight small scale details within the larger picture.
The goal was to use bright and saturated colors and textures that demand attention even against the variety of organic texture that is created by the plants in the background.
olivia le ary
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Both the natural surroundings and gridded lines of the greenhouse are used to relate the subjects and create focus within the image series.
olivia le ary
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HONORS N ORTHW EST OHI O SC HOLA RSHI P 2 017 Miami University Dept. of Arch. + I.D.
PRODU C TIO N D ES I G N E R Augu st 2 0 19 - pr e s e n t
M I LD RED Z . BI SHOP SC HOLA RSHI P 2 016, 2 018 Miami University Dept. of Arch. + I.D.
Calico Wallpaper Brooklyn, New York design elevational layouts for wallpaper murals prepare custom artwork files for production render vignettes for marketing material update catalog and wallpaper book for print
D EA N ’S LI ST, P RESI D EN T’S LI ST 2 015 - 2 019 Miami University
STORE MA N A G ER & DE S I G N E R J un e 20 17 - J uly 2 0 1 9 the three-thirteen co. Willshire, Ohio created logo and various promotional content including social media posts, business cards, and photographing and staging home decor photo shoots redesigned layout of the store to improve traffic patterns and highlight and feature merchandise purchased inventory from wholesale vendors created and staged store displays STUDEN T C O - O P I N T E RN Sep t. 20 17 - M a y 2 0 1 9 Miami University Planning, Architecture, & Engineering Dept. Oxford, Ohio developed space plans and updated drawings for buildings on Miami’s Oxford and branch campuses working alongside project managers
I’m drawn to design fields that allow for a thoughtful and honest creative process. I love that design allows me to work with (and for) people in creative capacities while always learning new things. I get excited about making people happy through design by responding to what they want or need. LIV LEA R Y oll.leary@gmail.com 419-771-8279 776 Classon Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11238
E D U C AT I O N M I A M I UN I V ERSI TY A ug . 2 015 - Ma y 2 019 Oxford, Ohio | 3.81 GPA B.A. in architecture | minor in graphic design
I N VO LV E M E NT AIAS A mer i ca n I n sti tu te of A r c hi tec tu r e Stude nts 2 015 - 2 019
secretary 2018-19 fundraising committee 2016-17 FREED OM BY D ESI GN 2 017 - 2 019
designed and built improvements to a local dog park in Oxford, Ohio including an obstacle course made from recycled material and a shade structure
D ESI GN LA B 2 018 Cincinnati, Ohio worked with fifth grade students teaching design thinking strategies as they worked to create and model an innovative food space