olivia le ary
d e sign + ph o to graph y
co p yrig h t 2 0 18 ol iv ia le a ry al l t e x t a n d ph ot os b y ol iv ia le a ry co v e r ima ge c r e at e d by o l i v i a l e ar y lett e rp re ss pr int e d w i t h wood t ype h and s e t on v a n d e rc ook s p -20
Hi! I’m Olivia Leary, a multidisciplinary design student who loves learning new things that help me to think, see, and create in different ways. It’s exciting to see how something I’m working on in a letterpress studio can influence spatial arrangements in an interior space plan or a photography assignment can affect the way I see light within an architectural space. I’m drawn to work that allows for a thoughtful and honest process and enjoy working within a variety of creative mediums.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
product photography and styling for the three-thirteen co. this store’s content is targeted at the small-town midwestern woman. to appeal to this group, we style our products to show them how a piece can be incorporated into their lifestyle. we also focus on the detailslike the textures in the tray and the handles’ finish. while we like to highlight these details, it’s also important to the brand that we represent our products in an authentic way to continue to earn the trust of our customers.
PR OJ ECT YEAR: Summer 2018-present D ISCIPL INES: Shoot Styling/Creative
Direction, Social Media
Marketing, Photography,
Photo Editing
PR OJ ECT TYPE: Product Photography
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
this jewelry shoot for the three-thirteen co. used depth of focus to highlight delicate pieces of jewelry among different textures of plants and flowers. the selection of jewelry and background were influenced by shapes that could be created through these pairings. from organic shapes, to more geometric arrangements, and even some implied repeating patterns create motion throughout the images and highlight their unique characteristics.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
styling this playful brand allowed for some quirkiness and a lot of fun. the pieces themselves bring a lot of this as it is, so my goal was to enhance that and see how their shapes and colors play together. i paired different patterns that aren’t obvious but work together to give customers new ideas. elements of surprise, such as the leaves peaking into the edges of the images and the hand popping in from the corner add to the fun.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
inspired by both the play between geometric and natural patterns and bright colors of Eames’ textile, furniture, and architectural designs, i created a series of images that uses carefully styled color and textures to highlight small scale details within the larger picture.
P R O JE C T YE AR: Spring 2019 DI S C I P LI NE S: Photography, Art Direction,
Styling, Photo Editing
P R O JE C T TYP E: Fashion Photography
the goal was to use bright and saturated colors and textures that demand attention even against the variety of organic texture that is created by the plants in the background.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
both the natural surroundings and gridded lines of the greenhouse are used to relate the subjects and create focus within the image series.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
these portraits used creative, low-tech solutions to work around lighting challenges. to create the light, i used a laptop with a cyan background in a room with no other light source. this gave me complete control over where the light fell, allowing the light to highlight the high points of the face. when editing the images, i worked between the balance of underexposure and not enough contrast and settled in a realm that left the background a little lighter and left much of the body silhouetted aside from the highlighted face.
03 PR O JECT YEAR Spring 2019
Photography, art direction, styling, photo editing
Portrait Photography
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
the image as a narrative: telling the story through color, light and styling.
airy light used to create a series of images that are cohesive but still reflect multiplicities of mood through color and styling.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
framing and focus are considered through all phases of photo production- when styling an image, shooting an image, and editing. in these portraits, i looked at framing to intentially draw focus to cetain elements in these frames within a frame. this strategy creates a mood that is enhanced through play with depth of field.
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
creating with watercolor is a method i find particularly influential in styling and shooting. when painting, it becomes obvious where light and shadow play into the way a piece looks. it also allows me to see how a blank canvas can become something entirely new, regardless of any preconceived notions about how pieces should be worn or how objects should be experienced. this freedom gives more opportunity for playing with something potentially unexpected.
P R O JE C T YE AR: Spring 2019 DI S C I P LI NE S: Art, Illustration P R O JE C T TYP E: Watercolor
olivia le ary
des i gn p o r tfo l i o
HONORS N ORTHW EST OHI O SC HOLA RSHI P 2 017 Miami University Dept. of Arch. + I.D.
M I LD RED Z . BI SHOP SC HOLA RSHI P 2 016, 2 018 Miami University Department of Arch. + I.D.
S TUD ENT C O - O P I N T E RN S ep t. 2 0 17 - pr e se n t Miami University Physical Facilities Department Planning, Architecture, + Engineering develop space plans, correct drawings, and create signage for buildings on Miami’s Oxford and branch campuses working alongside project managers
D EA N ’S LI ST, P RESI D EN T’S LI ST 2 015-2 018 Miami University
S UMMER FELLO W Ma y 2 0 17 - J uly 2 0 1 7 Miami University Center for Community Engagement Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, Ohio initiated conversations with the community about alternative development plans for a site in Over-the-Rhine and developed possible design solutions for this site DES IG NER & STO RE M AN A GE R Jun e 2 0 17 - pr e se n t the three-thirteen co. Willshire, Ohio created logo and various promotional content including social media posts, business cards, and photographing and staging shoots redesigned layout of the store to improve traffic patterns and highlight and feature merchandise developed a line of t-shirts sold in store assist with selecting inventory to purchase stage displays
ME O LIVIA LE A RY E M A IL learyol@miamioh.edu PHONE 419-771-8279 A D D R E SS 15347 State Line Road Willshire, OH 45898
E D U C AT I O N M I A M I UN I V ERSI TY A ug . 2 015 - Ma y 2 019 Oxford, Ohio | 3.78 GPA pursuing B.A. in architecture | minoring in graphic design
I N VO LV E M E NT AIAS A mer i ca n I n sti tu te of A r c hi tec tu r e S tude nts Fa l l 2 015 - p re se nt
secretary 2018-19 fundraising committee 2016-17 FREED OM BY D ESI GN 2 017-p re se nt
designed and built improvements to a local dog park in Oxford, Ohio including an obstacle course out of recycled material and a shade structure
D ESI GN LA B 2 018 Cincinnati, Ohio worked with fifth grade students teaching design thinking strategies as they worked to create and model an innovative food space