SSUD - MArch 02 Portfolio

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SSUD Studio 2 Portfolio

Matthew Crossley Oliver Meads

Introduction 1.0


Studio 1 Summary Location Strategy Continuing Strategy River Disconnect River Reconnect Timeline Historic Maps Site Photos Existing Character Reinstating Wheel Visitor Experience Tectonic Strategy

Precedents 2.0 Macallan Distillery Cassina Innovation House Fondazione Querini Stampalia

Concept Development 3.0 Bioplastic Production Sequencing Adjacency Connections Circulation Connection Views

Developed Design 5.0

Detail Design 6.0 Exploded Axos Threshold Section Typical Details Reflection 7.0 Project & Partnership Reflection

Floor Plans Elevations Sections

Programme Strategy 4.0 Design Development Isometrics Perspective Sections Demolition Plans Environmental Strategy Carbon Counting Carbon Calculation M&E Strategy

Overarching Strategy

Studio 1 Summary

Restore Salmon Population The principle site strategy aims to restore conditions along the River Mersey and improve the natural habitat of the Salmo Salar

Reversing The Effects of Industry The project aims to invert the narrative of industry along the river . Can we develop Wier Mill to

The previous research has moulded the project's ethos and set key drivers for the design phase. The main aims of the architectural intervention are to facilitate bioplastic production whilst providing a space for education. This bolsters the wider strategy outlined in S1 to restore the river habitat

Cyclic Salmon & Human Relationship Using by-products of the natural salmon life cycle to offset the pollution of single use plastics

benefit the ecology and economy of the area

Location Strategy

The following design stage looks to develop on the wider scale masterplan interventions by providing a focal point, Wier Mill, for education, salmon study and bioplastic product

River Mersey

Gravel Bed


Educational Link


Cooling Vegetation

Channel Widening


Continuing Strategy

Channel Widening

The wider site strategy established in the previous research looks to widen the river, introduce gravel beds, salmon ladders and improved hydrological conditions for Salmon. Wier Mill will be developed to facilitate continued support, education and bioplastic production for the local area of Stockport

New Public Area

Rediscovering Salmon Creating quality public spaces for local people to reconnect to the River

Gravel Beds

River Disconnect

The current iteration between the human population of Stockport, the River Mersey and the salmon population is poor, with much of the city centre approaching the river as a hindrance with expansive hardscaped routes designed for vehicles. Much of the river is covered, narrowed or has no active frontage Social Connections to the Mersey Guiding the future evolution of Stockport to become more connected to the natural blue infrastructure and associated habitats

River Reconnect

The project proposes to implement a series of improvements adjacent to the Wier Mill site to improve conditions for the salmon and open up the river to the local people of Stockport for leisure, health and education. Principally through new public areas, channel widening, gravel hatching beds and ladders Reconnecting the Mersey The proposal will create new human and salmon spaces to allow improved health and wellbeing for both species


It’s crucial to assess the impact of the industrial revolution and the development of Wier Mill in Stockport against the effect on Salmo Salar population before proposing a new industrial typology on the site Flipping the Narrative We aim to change the story so that industry along the river doesn’t have to harm the habitat

Historic Map

Constructed: 1790 Size: Four Storeys

Constructed: 1831 Original Use: Cotton Spinning Mill + Engine House Rough Size: Six Storeys Constructed: 1884 Original Use: Cotton Spinning Mill Rough Size: Five Storeys

Site Photos

Fig 1

Fig 5

Fig 4

Fig 2

1 2 3 4 5 6

View from Kwik Fit View From East View from Town Centre Wheel House Entrace Aerial View from East View from South Loading Bay

Fig 3

Fig 6

Existing Character

Jacked Vault Ceilings

Vaulted Sash Windows

Wier Mill is of Victorian construction with architectural features of significant merit which we look to retain whilst also restoring a new building use to the space so that these features can be enjoyed again. There’s opportunity to expose and highlight these features throughout the user experience journey Retaining Heritage & Character The design approach toward the existing building is to be light touch and retain as much character existing as possible

Cast Iron Columns

Re-instating Wheel

Floor buildup was engineered to support heavy loads, allowing for versatile use in present day

Weir Mill was used as a cotton mill for 140 years, lighter looms would have been present in the wheelhouse from the building’s inception

The water wheel is the key to the victorial industrial expansion and the project looks to reinstate it to working condition. This would provide a renewable energy source, aeirate the water for the salmon, and provide a focal point for visitors Victorian Industry in a New World The original mechanical wheel is to be updated and connected to a modern BMS

Mechanical transition was required for operational energy via a series of cogs, belts and pulleys

Visitor Experience

Bioplastic Production

Interactive Exhibition

The scheme aims to provide a space for people that in turn, helps the salmon community. By creating a new bioplatic factory with an immersive visitor experience, the proposal looks to educationally and visually connect the people of Stockport to the river Mersey, whilst offsetting the impact of single use plastics. The aim is to ultimately allow sustained recovery of the salmon’s natural habitat by inclusion and awareness of the local people who visit the mill for it’s social, recreational and education benefits

Lecture Theatre

Sculpture Studio

Education, Health & Wellbeing Creating a place to foster social connections whilst educating people as to the importance of our river systems

Reinstated Watermill

Tectonic Strategy

In order to adaptively reuse the mill for bioplastic production and visitor experience, initial parti diagrams were developed to establish key views and access to ensure connection to the river and existing context. New visitor access and public areas are proposed with only selected key stages of the process accessible to visitors Access and Approach Connecting visitors to the river, the process and the salmon

Visual Connections to River

New Public Areas

Views of Process

Vehicular Access


Creating separate yet immersive routes for visitors and production


Macallan Distillery

Ground Floor


The Macallan Whisky distillery and visitor experience has production processes operating along the basement floor with a mezzanine deck for visitors to follow the process and view operations before arriving at the tasting bar to sample the final product visually connecting and educating visitors along the way


We take inspiration from this project in Brazil to retain the existing facade of a newer section of Wier mill to create a new public space giving access to gardens for local people and further connection to the bioplastic production project and their River Mersey Cassina Innovation House Facade retention to create an internal garden buffer space


We take inspiration from this project as a way to connect visitor spaces to the river, by reforming the adjacent river bank and brining the river and the salmon population physically closer to the human population of Stockport Fondazione Querini Stampalia A gallery designed to partially flood as water levels in Venice rise

Concept Development

Bioplastics Production

Once the salmon have laid their eggs in the gravel beds next to the Mill, their collagen rich biomass of scales and fins would be extracted and their bodies return to give nutrients back to the hatching eggs. This collagen is then extracted and processed by a series of industrial equipment in the Mill to produce a peptide solution which can be distribution around the UK and molded into bioplastics Process Principles Overview of key stages for Production chemistry


Once the skin and fins are removed it is then heated in large ovens to extract the oils. This is then centrifuged at high spread to break down the oils into the micro-proteins required for bioplastic production. This is then sorted and packed before being distributed to plastics companies to be molded into bags or packaging Key Stages of Process The equipment and sequence of









events to produce peptides from waste salmon biomass










Wheel House

Education Gallery



Goods Out Ovens


The west mill, shown in teal, is to house the production process with the east mill to facilitate the majority of the visitor experience spaces. Based on the equipment required, the key adjacencies and points of interest have been established for further development in order to create an immersive experience




Wheel House






Creating Visual Connections Orientating and connecting visitors on the journey around the building




Break Out

The visitor experience follows a prescribed route, taking you through a series of different scale spaces, following the life cycle of the salmon an the bioplastic production process, with key points of connection to the river and process along the journey


Lecture Theatre





Viewing Deck


Break Out



Break Out

Goods Out


A Connected Journey Spatial sequencing diagram through


the adapted Wier Mill




Connection 4

The production process begins at Ground floor and works its way up through the West mill before being sent down and out for distribution. The visitor experience, with additional breakout, cafe, studio and gallery spaces follows the process of production and creates a series of connections to the river and salmon

Connection 3

Connection 2

Connection 1 Connecting Routes Entanglement of journeys to create a series of memorable experiences



Cafe seating with views out toward the river and public area opposite

The initial entrance from under the viaduct takes you into the main cafe area which overlooks the river and connects visitors to their context and the salmon. The route through from the cafe to the wheelhouse shows visitors a close up of the oven process behind a glazed curtain

CONNECTION 2 Route between the Wheel House and East Mill with views of the ovens



Walkway to the double height gallery space with views of the lecture theatre

The journey continues up and through the mill buildings with regular reminders and connections to the process, the river and the hustle and bustle of primary spaces such as the lecture theatre, gallery and equipment rooms

CONNECTION 4 View from the visitor educational journey space through to the centrifugation units

Programme Strategy

Design Development




Lobby Lobby

Cafe Goods Out



Offices Prep


Goods In

Break Out





Initial sketch plans setting out principle spaces, fire escape and circulation cores as well as opportunities to create double height spaces to accommodate the new programme


Break Out

Molding Studio

Warehouse Plant



Wheel House

Viewing Terrace


Viewing Deck

The design develops as the previously proposed storage space is given back to the public and wildlife, creating a wild garden buffer space between the main road and mill. The existing facade will be retained with the windows removed so people can walk freely between the threshold and explore the original character Facade Retention The proposal looks to create a wild garden adjacent to the road whilst retaining the original Victorian facade

Wild Garden


Perspective Section

The mixed use of the different mills means the visitor experience encompasses more of the production process and allows views down the river, across to the viaduct and down to the new gravel beds, connecting to the salmon. This is achieved with a new service lift and circulation core between the two mills Intertwined Journeys Creating a new link between the East and West mills

Molding Packing





Goods Out Goods In

Ground & First


Demolition was carefully considered to be as minimally invasive as possible, with only necessities being removed. The oldest parts of the mill shall be sparingly modified to preserve existing character. New additions to the mill will be demolished with the masonry re-used on site to redefine the landscaping that banks down to the river edge Floor Plate Removal Opening up to allow the ovens to be introduced and new cores constructed


Second to Fourth


The demolition and retention strategy looks to retain almost all of the existing facade of the two main mill buildings and strip away later additions to return the site to an older form, more in keeping with the viaduct. The sash windows are to be replaced with like for like, energy efficient units and there will be minimal evidence of alteration externally


Wheel House Restoration Reinstating a new will to restore original function and act as a feature for visitors



The structural approach was to introduce new concrete cores to provide fire compartmentalisation and circulation. The removal of interior floor levels supports the new programme and gives variation in spatial experience, making the building more flexible for future adaptation Key

Single Floor Removed Only The load bearing masonry facade allows one jacked arch floor to be removed without significant bowing

Removed New


Re-using Demolition Masonry

Hydroelectric Power

All demolised masory will be re-used on site to make changes to the landscaping adjacent to the river to improve connection to the mill and allow visitiors and salmon to interact. This reduces the carbon footprint of the proposal as there’s reduced demand for materail such as concrete aggregate on site Modern Improvement Existing sash windows to be replaced with modern double glazed, like for like units

Upgraded Glazing

The River Mersey is a constant flowing lifeline of the project and a principle reason for the development of the original mill and the town of Stockport. It’s only fitting that it should be harnessed with a modern water wheel to power the future of industry along the river and offset the production processes energy demands

Carbon Counting

Published in 2019, the RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Survey is the organization’s response to the impending climate crisis and chronic ethical issues. The survey draws attention to how British architecture can fulfill its commitment to addressing each of the United Nation’s seventeen ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. To ensure its immediate uptake, the guide has ensured each goal complements the RIBA’s pre-existing ‘Plan of Work’ and Plan for Use Guide Why is Carbon Counting Important Overview of the importance in the architectural process to carb

We’re all in this together. Not-for-profit organisation ‘Architects Declare’ has called out to the profession for more collective will. Knowledge must be shared for climate change is such a burning issue, competition between architectural firms must take a back seat in this instance. So far over 1,200 firms have signed up to the initiative

Heeding the warning from Architects Declare, FCBS Studios has built a whole life carbon review tool that champions a data-sharing environment between firms. Design teams shall have a vast insight into the whole life carbon impact of a building from the very outset of a project, not only saving time and money but also building on a collective library

Carbon Calculation

Why is Carbon Counting Important Overview of the importance in the architectural process to carb

The results from the FCBS Carbon Counting data are promising. They show that, if the intended proposal is to carry forwards into a finalised design, the Weir Mill bioplastics factory shall demand an estimated 74kWh/m2/yr. For a commercial building of its size and scope, this is ‘ahead of the curve’ for expected energy efficiency. Inputs were calculated from published data concerning national average energy demands of similar building typologies

Carbon Calculation

In terms of embodied carbon, the proposal is to recycle much of the existing

Aside from the contemporary circulation link which features reinforced

on-site masonry. Up to 40% of the current building footprint is earmarked

concrete stair and lift cores, the remainder of the proposed design upholds

for demolition, with most of this brickwork finding new lease of life in the

a very strict ‘retain and repurpose’ design strategy, as is to be expected

internal wall fabrication

for buildings of the Weir Mill’s age and listed status. All building materials are either recycled direct from site or imported from elsewhere in Greater Manchester and the North West

4 4 79 79

DETDET Bio-Solar Roof

Existing Existing specification specification Fabric Fabric

Energy Use Intensity (EUI) over 2 2 kWh/mkWh/m /yr treated /yr nstrained) ined) floor Area (TFA)




21 21



water Hot water 10Hot10 Space heating Delivered demand demand 9 9 m /yr 2





kWh/m 2/yr


(constrained) -27


of roof area of roof area covered in PV in PV 21 covered panels panels

kWh/m 2/yr

10Hot water 9 demand



of roof area covered in PV panels

Heating Heating

Hot Water Hot Water


Lighting Lighting andWater and Hot unregulated unregulated

Lighting and unregulated

Retrofit ivered Delivered


19 19 11 11

19 11

30 30


Delivered ivered Delivered -34 energy -34 nergy energy

Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)


ating e heating vered Delivered mand demand

The proposal looks to offset the production process by reinstating the hydroelectric Energy Use Space Space heating heating Demand suspended wheel.,Floors supplemented withDelivered Uninsulated timber floors 1.00 W/m .K Intensity (EUI) 168 168 Centrifuges demand demand Roof Minimal loft insulation 16 1.00 W/m .K over Treated 16 Systems Systems Hot Water Hot Water a bio-solar roof. Minimal 200 170 170 4.80 W/m .K Post Post Retrofit RetrofitFloor Area (TFA) Single glazing 30 Glazing Shower Shower Use Use 35.5 35.5 litres/person/day litres/person/day (89% efficient Space Space heating heating kWh/m /yr Double 2.00 W/m .K 167glazing 167 Demand Demand Delivered Delivered 100 100 27 internal temperature gas boiler) Hot water Gas Gas Hot water 38 38 Other Other UsesUses 15 litres/person/day 15 litres/person/day Air Tightness Leaky building 11.50 ach@50Pa demand demand Pump Room 14 14 Thermalis Bridging bridging Tank Tank Insulation Insulation 3.0 0.20 W/K 3.0W/m.K W/K control required and 150 High thermal Ventilation Ventilation Space heating (percentage (percentage of the ofoverall the overall PipePipe Insulation Insulation 0% 0% Natural Natural No No 14 14 demand 168 Renewable Renewable theSystems wheel will generate primary primary pipe pipe length length (heat (heat source source (with(with extract extract fans) 14 14 50 50 fans)Hot Water 170 Post Retrofit PV PV energy energy to heat to heat store)store) that is that insulated) is insulated) Shower Use 35.5 litres/person/day Space heating 8 8 167 stored in power 24hrs Demand Ovens Delivered 100to be Gas Hot water 55 55 38 Other Uses 15 litres/person/day demand 14 Tank Insulation 3.0 W/K 37 37 batteries. The main energy Ventilation (percentage of the overall Pipe Insulation 0% Natural 0 No 14 0 primary pipe length (heat source 14 Renewable extract demand(withwould be for the 50 fans) PV energy to heat store) that is insulated) 8 55 ventilation and running of Hydroelectric Wheel FLATFLAT 37 the production process 0 2




2 2 kWh/mkWh/m /yr /yr



2 2 kWh/mkWh/m /yr /yr

kWh/m 2/yr

kWh/m 2/yr

Best Best practice practice

Fabric Fabric


Internal wall wall insulation Internal insulation

Floors Floors

Insulated between joistsjoists Insulated between

Best practice

usedused 2 2 2 0.18 0.18 W/mW/m .K 2.K 0.20 0.20 W/mW/m .K 2.K 0.15 0.15 W/mW/m .K 2.Kbeenbeen


Constrained Exemplar to achieve to achieve 250 250 Underlined Primary 2 2 2 2 2 0.12 2 2 Additional loft insulation 0.12 W/mW/m .K 2W/m .K 0.12 0.12 W/m W/m .KW/m .K 0.12 W/mhave W/m .K 2.Kthe postAdditional loft insulation .K 0.32 .K 0.15 .K 0.12values Internal wall insulation 0.18 W/m the postPre Retrofit Pre Retrofit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 retrofit EUI EUI Glazing Replace glazing 1.00 W/mW/m .K W/m .K 1.30 W/m W/m .K .K.K 0.8been W/m 0.8 used W/m .K 2.K retrofit Glazing Insulated Replace glazing .K1.00 0.20 .K 1.30 0.15 W/m Floors between joists 0.18 W/m to achieve 250 2 2 2 and space and space Delivered Delivered Demand Demand 0.12 W/m 3.00 .K 3.00 0.12 W/m .K 1.0 the Roof loft insulation 0.12 W/m Air Tightness Draught-proofing sealing 2.00.K2.00 ach@50Pa ach@50Pa ach@50Pa ach@50Pa ach@50Pa 1.0 ach@50Pa Air Tightness Additional Draught-proofing sealing postPre Retrofitand and heating heating 2 2 2 retrofit EUI 1.30 W/m .K 0.8 W/m .K Glazing 200 200 Replace glazing 1.00 W/m .K Thermal Bridging Mitigated Thermal Bridging Mitigated 0.10 0.10 W/m.K W/m.K 0.10 0.10 W/m.K W/m.K 0.08 0.08 W/m.K W/m.K demand demand Demand Air Tightness Draught-proofing and Delivered sealing 27 2.0027 ach@50Pa 3.00 ach@50Pa 1.0 ach@50Pa and space

Roof Roof Walls

200 Mitigated 27 27 Thermal Bridging

Systems Systems

150 150

Systems Space Space 150

heating heating Space ASHP ASHP heating

27Hot water Hot water


Energy Offset

Unconstrained Unconstrained Constrained Constrained Exemplar Exemplar Underlined Underlined 2 2 2 values havehave 0.18 0.18 W/mW/m .K 2.K 0.32 0.32 W/mW/m .K 2.K 0.15 0.15 W/mW/m .K 2.Kvalues

Final specification Fabric

Key Energy Load

Final Final specification specification FLAT

Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)


fuel free home

240 240

Intensity Intensity (EUI) (EUI)

2 .K 2.K Minimal Minimal loft insulation loft insulation 1.00 1.00 W/mW/m over over Treated Treated 16 16 16 16 Adiabatic Air Handling Units 200 200 2 2 Floor Floor Area Area (TFA)(TFA) .K .K Single Single glazing glazing 4.80 4.80 W/mW/m 30 30 Glazing Glazing Existing specification 2 2 (89% (89% efficient efficient 2 kWh/m kWh/m /yr /yr .K 2.K Double Double 2.00 2.00 W/mW/m 27 glazing 27 glazing gas boiler) gas boiler) Air Tightness Air Tightness Leaky Leaky building building ach@50Pa ach@50Pa Fabric Existing11.5011.50 Pre-retrofit 250 Pre Retrofit 2 .K 0.20 Walls Solid uninsulated walls 1.35 W/m Thermal Thermal Bridging Bridging HighHigh thermal thermal bridging bridging 0.20 W/m.K W/m.K 150 150

Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)

Fossil (constrained) (constrained)


79 Energy Energy Use Use


Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)

2 nergy m /yr

2 .K 2.K 1.35 1.35 W/mW/m

2 Delivered Delivered Demand Demand .K 2.K Floors FloorsDET Uninsulated Uninsulated suspended suspended timber timber floors floors 1.00 1.00 W/mW/m

Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)

Energy Energy Use Use Intensity Intensity (EUI) (EUI) over over treated treated floor floor AreaArea (TFA)(TFA)

M&E Strategy


FossilFossil fuel free fuel free home home

Annual Energy (kWh/m2/yr)

gy ets

Pre Retrofit Pre Retrofit SolidSolid uninsulated uninsulated wallswalls


Pre-retrofit Pre-retrofit 4

Existing Existing Battery Storage

250 250

0.10 W/m.K

0.10 W/m.K

Process Energy Demands

heating demand

0.08 W/m.K

Post-retrofit Post-retrofit

53 53

Use of Use low offlow low fittings flow and improved and improved insulation insulation 53 fittings Hot Post-retrofit 46 water 46 Use of low flow fittings and improved insulation

60 60 60

46Shower Shower use use 16 litres/person/day 16 litres/person/day Shower use 16 litres/person/day proProduction prton

Energy Energy Use Use


fuel free fuel free Energy Use Intensity Intensity (EUI) (EUI) Fossil fuelover free treated home home Intensity (EUI) over treated ASHP Other Other usesuses 9 litres/person/day 9 litres/person/day home over treated Other uses 9 litres/person/day floor floor area area Ventilation Ventilation 100 100 Post Post Retrofit Retrofit (0% from (0% from gas/ gas/ TankTank insulation insulation 1.5 W/K 1.5 W/K floor 2area 2 Ventilation 100 kWh/m kWh/m /yr /yr(0% Post Retrofit2 from gas/ Tank insulation 1.5 W/K (TFA) (TFA) MVHR MVHR kWh/m /yr (TFA) MVHR fossil fossil fuel) fuel) 124 124 fossil fuel) Pipe Pipe insulation insulation 90% 90% 124 Pipe insulation 90% Demand Delivered Delivered Demand Demand Delivered 118 118 118 (percentage (percentage of the (percentage of the of the Renewables Renewables Renewables 23 overall primary pipeprimary 23 23 overall overall primary pipe pipe Hot Space Hot Hot Space Space 50 50 Photovoltaics length (heat source 40% 50 Photovoltaics Photovoltaics length length (heat(heat source source water heating of roof area 40% of rooftop water water to heat store) that is heating heating 24 of roof area of roof area 40% 40% of rooftop of rooftop kWh/m /yr kWh/m /yr 23 2 to heat to heat store)store) that is that is covered in PV demand 24 24 demand 2 2 2 fitted with PV kWh/mkWh/m /yr /yr23 kWh/mkWh/m /yr /yr 23 insulated) covered in PV in PV demand demand panels covered demand demand fittedfitted with with PV PV

51 515120

40%40% panels panels





insulated) insulated)




26 26


13 13 14 14


Oven Units

Centrifugation Units

Battery Storage

Developed Design

Ground Floor

The river facing visitors spaces connect to the wheel house to allow street access from east or west. The production happens adjacent to the gravel bed for logistics and is served from a central service area when the salmon aren’t propagating locally. The arrangement allows full view of goods in, process and goods out

Connecting to The Salmon Visitors are always visually connected to the river and Salmon Salar GROUND FLOOR 1:200 at A2

First Floor

With the removal of the original floor, a mezzanine deck is introduced to allow visitors to get closer to the process and look down onto the bioplastic production. The East Mill is opened up to create a large exhibition space for museum style information stands for education on the salmon life cycle and bioplastic process External Terrace With walk on glass to view down into production and views out toward gravel beds where Salmon lay their eggs FIRST FLOOR 1:200 at A2

Second Floor

The East Mill houses a gallery space to exhibit different applications and sculptures that can be made with bioplastic molding. There’s a double height space to accommodate larger pieces. The West Mill allows visitors to experience the wheel house and centrifugation room with accommodating information stands

New Voids in Wheel House

Partial demolition of the wheel house floors allows visitors to see the wheel in action on every level SECOND FLOOR 1:200 at A2

Third Floor

The building supports a range of educational functions in order to raise awareness on the importance of the River Mersey and salmon population. A 50No. person lecture theatre provides space to further discussion around the topic and make further positive impacts to the health of the river Lecture Theatre Allowing conferences or speakers associated with Salmon or environmental issues surrounding the river THIRD FLOOR 1:200 at A2

Fourth Floor

The visitor lift core leads to a break out workspace. There’s then access along the river facade, with views into the lecture theatre, through to the molding studio. A partially open plant room was require to facilitate the air handling unit requirements and associated plant to support the production process Moulding Suite for Visitors

Giving visitors the opportunity to creatively interpret how bioplastics can be used for sculpture of packaging FOURTH FLOOR 1:200 at A2

North and South


The principle change to the North elevation is to open up the windows to allow access through to a new garden where the facade only is retained. The South elevation sees a new glazed link to contrast the existing masonry and maximize connections to the river and public area opposite Retaining Existing Facade Keeping the character of the original mill as much as possible


East and West


The facade retention creates a buffer between the road and service bay whilst providing new green space for the public. The new bank from the mill to the river allows the Salmon to get closer to the visitors and widens the channel and usable area for them

New East Entrance The new entrance gives sheltered access and utillises the space under the viaduct arch


Short Section




SECTION B 1:250 at A2

Plant Room

A raised access floor in the oven room creates level access for visitors and a services zone for the production. A new mezzanine deck is inserted to allow ovens to be viewed by the public. The steel structure in the deck laterally supports the existing masonry facade at where the original vaulted structure was removed



Goods In

Link Connection Picks up the floor level difference between the mills and provides a new goods lift to service the production process

SECTION A 1:150 at A2

Long Section

Plant Room Molding Lecture


Centrifuges Gallery





SECTION C 1:150 at A2

The section above shows the principle changes to the mills with the new link, oven room, vertical gallery and lecture theatre. The new cores, and existing fire escape stairs comply with the required statutory guidance. The position of the two new lift cores allow access to each mill to connect the series of visitor spaces along the journey Retaining Vaulted Ceilings A key feature of the architectural character we look to retain is the ceilings of the original mills

East Mill



The section of floor to be removed to create the lecture theatre is aligned with the existing row of columns. The ceiling above the lecture theatre will need to be reinforced in order to create a column-free space for the theatre. Tiered, retractable timber theatre seating will be installed for further flexibility of use Design For Adaptability Retractable seating and open space theatre can be adapted easily

SECTION D 1:150 at A2

SECTION E 1:150 at A2

Wheel House


The wheelhouse floors are to be partially demolished and the derelict roof to be re-constructed as per the original. This allows the visitors to experience the original space, view the river and wheel and appreciate the historical function of the building and it’s effect on the salmon population through history Reinstated Working Wheel The water wheel will generate electricity for the process and aerate the river for the salmon

SECTION F 1:150 at A2

SECTION G 1:150 at A2

Detail Design

Ground Floor

Lobby River Mersey Wheel House

Minimal Impact on Facade The principle programmatic adaptations retain the most of the historical character externally

Goods Out New Link

Cafe Service Yard

Goods In Ovens

Staff Facilities Open Garden Preparation


First Floor

Reinstated Fenestration The existing windows will be replaced with like for like, more thermally efficient units


Visitor Viewing

Pump Room


Second Floor

Exposed Columns & Ceilings The existing structure of the mills are to be exposed and retained to connect the visitors to the heritage





Third Floor

Utillising Traditional Construction The jacked arch floors were originally

d esigned to carry significant loads, allowing great flexibility in programme




Fourth Floor

Responsive Environmental Strategy Using hydroelectric power and battery storage to run a net neutral process

Break Out


Plant Room



A key section of the building to develop the detailing and junctions is the West Mill, Wheel House and the connection with the river. A new floor will need to be constructed to facilitate the oven and a new wheel installed




Biosolar Roof Green Roof & PV cells integrated into the existing flat roof


Typical Detail

Concrete Parapet Coping Existing Brickwork Flashing Lapped Over Membrane min. 150mm Gravel Edge Channel min 300mm Retention Trim on Filter Fleece on Growing Medium Draining Element on Water Reservoir and Root Barrier Rigid Insulation 225mm Waterproof Membrane 50mm Concrete Screed 65mm Existing Concrete Slab Retained Existing Beams Retained DETAIL A 1:10 AT A3

The proposal looks to make a light touch on the existing building by retaining as much existing structure, facade and character as possible whilst restoring derelict areas and a new function to bring life back to the space

Existing Lintel New Double Glazed Sash Framed Window to Match Existing Design & Profile

Existing Cill

Biosolar Roof Flat roof to be utilised as a biosolar roof to improve biodiversity and offset energy

Existing Masonry



Architects Declare. (2022) UK Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 January 2022].


Betchelor, T. (2021) Scientists produce biodegradable plastic made from fish waste. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 April 2021]. (2018) Broadbent Decanter Centrifuge for Bio-Plastics. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 January 2022]. Engels, F. (1887) The Condition of the Working Class in England. Leipzig: Otto Wigand. FCBS Studios. (2022) Climate. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 February 2022]. Grolms, M. (2019) A Bioplastic Made From Fish Waste. [online] Advanced Science News. Available at: <,bonds%20impart%20strength%20and%20flexibility.> [Accessed 16 December 2021]. Mawle, G. and Milner, N. (2003) The Return of Salmon to Cleaner Rivers - England and Wales. University of Bristol. RIBA. (2019) RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide. London: Royal Institute of British Architects. Richardson, A. (2022) ETFE Foil: A Guide to Design - Architen Landrell. [online] ETFE Foil: A Guide to Design. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2022]. United Nations Sustainable Development. (2021) Home. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 February 2022].

SOME KIND OF NATURE Salmon Sensitive Urban Design Matthew Crossley Oliver Meads


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.