Love Story in New York City KEN & EVA Love in NYC New York City!! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. T here's nothing you can't do. T hese streets make you feel brand new.. T he lights inspire you. I met you in New York City. I love you and that's all I really know. I k n o w w h a t i t i s t o l o ve y o u , Ye t I w a s u n w i l l i n g t o s h a r e your love with anyone. 愛在紐約 紐約市! 夢想組成的叢林城市 沒有什麼你不能做 街道讓你煥然一新 燈激發你 我在紐約市遇見了你 我愛你,這是我所知道的 我知道什麼是愛你,但我卻不願意與任何人分享你的愛情
I promise to be faithful and tr ue to you in mind, body, and spirit; to cherish you and respect you; and to be a source o f comfor t and encourag ement, free and bound by our love, as long as we shall live. 〔Book Store at Grand Central〕
起舞,翩翩, 一生中最重要也是最困難的事, 就是找到自己所愛的人,
翩翩起舞,謝謝你,讓我遇到了你, 讓我參與你的未來。 〔Love at Grand Central〕
We pledg e to each other to be loving friends and par tners in mar riag e. To talk and to listen, to tr ust and appreciate one another; to respect and cherish each other's uniqueness; and to su ppor t, comfor t and strengthen each other through life's joys and sor rows. 〔Love at Grand Central〕
我們在親吻前,確認了二件事情。 『我愛妳』 『我願意』 〔Fifth Ave in New York City 〕
你必須參與才能夠有所感觸,有所感觸才能夠喚醒你有所領悟。 我們曾經在這條路上參與了許多,謝謝你,美好的第五大道。 〔Fifth Ave in New York City 〕
I take you as my par tner, my friend and my l ove. My hopes and dreams will now be inter mingled with yours. I will seek to balance my needs with those of our community and family. I will openly draw from our combined experience and feelings in our search for tr uth and meaning. I will strive for har mony through compromise and understanding.
三年多, 我們已經尋找到最適合的戀愛位置, 最平衡的相處模式。 〔Long Island City in New York〕
Love is patient, love is kind. 〔Sweet Home at Fifth Ave., New York City 〕
I promise to love you in g ood times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effor t. 〔Br yan Park in New York City 〕
I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest r eg ard. T hese things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. 〔Br yan Park in New York City 〕
Today, we reaffir m our commitment to each other as beloveds and par tners in mar riag e. We continue to strive to be sensitive to each other's needs, to be open and understanding with each other, and to share our thoughts, our feelings, and our experiences with each other. 〔Br yan Park in New York City 〕
We renew our promise to tr y always to bring out the qualities of forgiveness, compassion, and integ rity in our selves and in each other. We continue to cherish each other's uniqueness. We continue to share in life's joys and remain steadfast and comfor t each other through life's sor rows.
I love thee to the de pth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. 〔5 PointZ in Long island City 〕
I love thee to the level of ever yday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they tur n from Praise. I love thee with a passion put to use. 〔5 PointZ in Long island City 〕
I promise to kee p myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my inner most fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. 〔Time Square in New York City 〕
我們都曾經,在燦爛的青春時光,閱讀過一份想像, 關於戀愛的渴望。 〔New York Public Librar y of love 〕
那天,凌晨五點我們到了Brooklyn Bridg e ,很冷,冷到我們都在放空, KEN幫我披上了他的外套,有種被保護的感覺… 我將永遠記得那天風吹得很涼但心裡很溫暖在Brooklyn Bridg e 的甜蜜。 〔T he moment at New York Dumbo〕
As we stand beside the ocean tide,may our love always be as constant and unchanging as these never-ending waves that pour beneath our feet,f lowing endlessly from the de pths of the sea; your love came softly upon my hear t, 〔 T he mor ning at New York Dumbo〕
I promise to g row along with you, to be willing to face chang es in order to kee p our relationship alive and exciting. 〔T he mor ning at New York Dumbo〕
I pledg e myself to you this day. Our love will be as unchanging and de pendable as the tide; as these waters nourish the ear th and sustain life, may my constant devotion nourish and sustain you until the end of time. 〔T he mor ning at New York Dumbo〕
your love came softly upon my hear t, just as the foam comes softly upon the sand, and just as there will never be a mor ning without the ocean's f low, so there will never be a day without my love for you. (Brooklyn Bridg e)
流動飄渺的記憶.未曾褪去。 我們在這裡,一同經歷了在陌生環境中學習的無限美好。 〔Polytechnic Institute of New York University 〕
回憶,F Train,這台車曾經通往妳家,我家, 通往曾經彼此相遇的地方,不知不覺走進彼此的世界。 〔Subway in New York City -F train〕
I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength, and imagination to our relationship. 〔Shopping weekend in Union Square 〕
I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. 〔 NYC tour bus〕
I promise to love you in g ood times and bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how. Completely and forever.
I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires and needs are no less impor tant than my own. 〔NYC South Street Seapor t 〕
回台灣前夕,拍了拍這陪伴我們三年的窗前景色, 我們將永遠記得這裡的點點滴滴。 〔Sweet Home at Fifth Ave., New York City 〕
還來不及讀仔細,就已經情不自禁想念你, 開始仔細研究你,彼此意猶味盡地闔上眼,我愛你。 〔Sweet Home at Fifth Ave., New York City 〕
只要能夠和你在一起,靜靜生活,那就足夠了。 〔Sweet Home at Fifth Ave., New York City 〕
台北出身。 因為害怕消失所以開始攝影。 但卻在每個框住的瞬間裡,不停的得到與失去。 對我而言,攝影的本質是愛,坦若脫下了愛, 那照片也只不過淪為按下快門的一種行為輸出模式。 現為攝影工作者。 Web / 〔愛情萬歲攝影團隊攝影師〕 〔KOCK mag azine 合作攝影師〕 〔雜誌專訪:有「愛」的寫真創作 / 人像攝影師 蕭希如〕 traits-creation-aninter view-with-xiao-xir u 〔Canon 650D人像寫真創作邀稿〕 p/prod/booksfile.php?item= 0010556342
Graphic Designer . 熱愛時髦,喜歡美麗的一切, 身為E VA 前同事,雖說不同部門也毫無太大交集。 但我們都熱愛這美麗的事物,與美的眼光, 緣份就這麼奇怪,在公司或許連10句話都沒講到, 但第一次書信與電話聯絡後就達成共識, 或許這就是一種奇妙的緣分與物以類聚, 眼光這麼像,喜歡的東西都這麼美, 就和這本書與愛情一樣, 好美。