We dream big‌ We add values and experiences to our products in order to have as many features as possible. The reason is to fall in love very easily with what we do. We believe it is possible to combine color, irreverence, emotion and dynamism in a simple product. We break the rules and we go ever further. Are we proudly different?! We think, develop and test, endlessly, all the products that we launch. We like to make part of that development. We promote the learning and creativity in order to grow and be what we dream. Growing together!
sheets .
wirebound A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
ado . agra raf
. fĂŠ
stapled . ag
flower flower flower flower
2460022017015 2460022017016 2460022017017 2460022017018
has . feuille fol
Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard.
espiral re .
Flower wirebound notebook
piral . reli u . es
Stapled Flower notebook Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
2460022017011 2460022017012 2460022017013 2460022017014
flower flower flower flower
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
s silicon .
Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. Two patterns available, with double cover.
daily | diรกria | jour a jour | diรกria
Flower ring binder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. Two patterns available.
24700224701 24700224702
247-01 247-02
A4 A4
4 4
Flower student daily planner
one . silico ilic
Flower project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. Two patterns available.
248-01 248-02
A4 A4
g . anĂŠis e rin
O . anneaux O . redon en
s da
2480022017011 2480022017012
Flower ring binder School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. Two patterns available.
2470022017011 2470022017012
247-03 247-04
A4 A4
2 2
glitter collection glitter collection glitter collection glitter collection
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
sheets .
40 40 40 40
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
piral . reli u . es
espiral re .
2460022017031 2460022017032 2460022017033 2460022017034
Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
has . feuille fol
Glitter Collection stapled notebook
stapled . ag
. fĂŠ
ado . agra raf
Glitter Collection wirebound notebook Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard.
2460022017035 2460022017036 2460022017037 2460022017038
glitter collection glitter collection glitter collection glitter collection
A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
silicon .
one . silico ilic
Glitter Collection student daily planner Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. 3 patterns available, with double cover.
O . anneaux
g . anĂŠis e rin
School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. 3 patterns available.
O 2470022017034 2470022017035 2470022017036
247-19 247-20 247-21
A4 A4 A4
2 2 2
O . redon en
Glitter Collection ring binder
s da
0650022017031 glitter collection daily | diĂĄria | jour a jour | diĂĄria
Glitter Collection project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. 3 patterns available.
2480022017031 2480022017032 2480022017033
248-09 248-10 248-11
A4 A4 A4
Glitter Collection ringbinder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. 3 patterns available.
2470022017031 2470022017032 2470022017033
247-16 247-17 247-18
A4 A4 A4
4 4 4
espiral re . has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
piral . reli u . es
Game Over wirebound notebook Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard
game over game over game over game over
A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
ado . agra raf
. fĂŠ
stapled . ag
2460022017025 2460022017026 2460022017027 2460022017028
Game Over stapled notebook Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
2460022017021 2460022017022 2460022017023 2460022017024
game over game over game over game over
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
s silicon .
one . silico ilic
Game Over student daily planner Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. 3 patterns available, with double cover.
game over daily | diรกria | jour a jour | diรกria
Game Over ringbinder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. 3 patterns available.
2470022017021 2470022017022 2470022017023
247-05 247-06 247-07
A4 A4 A4
4 4 4
Game Over project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. 3 patterns available.
248-03 248-04 248-05
A4 A4 A4
g . anĂŠis e rin
O . anneaux O . redon en
s da
2480022017021 2480022017022 2480022017023
Game over ring binder School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. 3 patterns available.
2470022017024 2470022017025 2470022017026
247-08 247-09 247-10
A4 A4 A4
2 2 2
stapled . ag
has . feuille fol
i’m just saying i’m just saying i’m just saying i’m just saying
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
piral . reli u . es
espiral re .
2460022017041 2460022017042 2460022017043 2460022017044
Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
sheets .
. fé
I’m Just Saying stapled notebook
ado . agra raf
I’m Just Saying wirebound notebook Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard
2460022017045 2460022017046 2460022017047 2460022017048
i’m just saying i’m just saying i’m just saying i’m just saying
A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
s silicon .
one . silico ilic
I’m Just Saying student daily planner Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. 3 patterns available, with double cover.
i’m just saying
daily | diária | jour a jour | diária
g . anéis e rin
O . anneaux
I’m Just Saying ring binder School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. 3 patterns available.
2470022017044 2470022017045 2470022017046
247-25 247-26 247-27
A4 A4 A4
2 2 2
O . redon en
s da
I’m Just Saying project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. 3 patterns available.
2480022017041 2480022017042 2480022017043
248-12 248-13 248-14
A4 A4 A4
I’m Just Saying ringbinder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. 3 patterns available.
2470022017041 2470022017042 2470022017043
247-22 247-23 247-24
A4 A4 A4
4 4 4
espiral re . has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
piral . reli u . es
Outlaw wirebound notebook
Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard.
outlaw outlaw outlaw outlaw
A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
ado . agra raf
. fĂŠ
stapled . ag
2460022017066 2460022017067 2460022017068 2460022017061
Outlaw stapled notebook Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
2460022017062 2460022017063 2460022017064 2460022017065
outlaw outlaw outlaw outlaw
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
s silicon .
one . silico ilic
Outlaw student daily planner Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. 3 patterns available, with double cover.
daily | diรกria | jour a jour | diรกria
Outlaw ringbinder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. 3 patterns available.
2470022017061 2470022017062 2470022017063
247-11 247-12 247-13
A4 A4 A4
4 4 4
Outlaw project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. 3 patterns available.
248-06 248-07 248-08
A4 A4 A4
g . anĂŠis e rin
O . anneaux O . redon en
s da
2480022017061 2480022017062 2480022017063
Outlaw ring binder School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. 3 patterns available.
2470022017064 2470022017065 2470022017066
247-14 247-15 247-15
A4 A4 A4
2 2 2
stapled . ag
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
. fĂŠ
ado . agra raf
Kids Fun stapled notebook Stapled notebook with softcover, lined in printed paper and interior in white ruled sheets, with margins and corners.
kids fun kids fun kids fun kids fun
A5 A5 A4 A4
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
has . feuille fol
s. hojas
sheets .
piral . reli u . es
espiral re .
2460022017051 2460022017052 2460022017053 2460022017054
Kids Fun wirebound notebook Silicon wirebound notebook with 80g/m2 sheets, double margin, microperforates with 4 punches, cutting frame in beginning and round corners. Cover in plastified cardboard
2460022017055 2460022017056 2460022017057 2460022017058
kids fun kids fun kids fun kids fun
A4 A4 A5 A5
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
s silicon .
one . silico ilic
Kids Fun student daily planner Student Daily Planner with propylene cover, plastic wirebound in black. Dimensions 12x17cm, 320 paper pages, 80g/m2 + cover sheet. Includes several informative segments to help students in their daily tasks such as personal data, school schedule and school terms avaliations. 4 patterns available, with double cover.
kids fun
daily | diรกria | jour a jour | diรกria
Kids Fun project box with elastic band Project box with 4cm spine and vertical elastic. 4 patterns available.
2480022017051 2480022017052 2480022017053 2480022017054
248-15 248-16 248-17 248-18
A4 A4 A4 A4
s da
g . anĂŠis e rin
O . anneaux O . redon en
Kids Fun ring binder School ring binder with thin spine, 2 rings. 4 patterns available.
2470022017055 2470022017056 2470022017057 2470022017058
247-32 247-33 247-34 247-35
A4 A4 A4 A4
2 2 2 2
Kids Fun ringbinder with elastic band School ring binder with thin spine, 4 rings and an elastic band closure. Paper refill and dividers included. 4 patterns available.
2470022017051 2470022017052 2470022017053 2470022017054
247-28 247-29 247-30 247-31
A4 A4 A4 A4
4 4 4 4
sales@pajory.net +351 309 700 191