Neuroscience 2019
World Congress on
NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE October 14-15, 2019 at Rome, Italy.
Welcome Message
I would like to welcome you to the Rome Interna onal Neurology and Neurosciences Conference with the main Theme: Breakthroughs and Achievements on the ďŹ eld of Neurosciences.
This is a unique opportunity to share the latest's studies and developments in this fascina ng world of the human brain and all related areas. I will be the keynote speaker at the conference and will bring you my longitudinal study that compared the results in an experimental nonverbal test (INSTACOG), for cogni ve impairment and demen a, that I have developed, with the results obtained in comparison with two major screening tests, the Montreal Cogni ve Assessment (MOCA) and the Addenbrooke Cogni ve Examina on Revised (ACE-R). See you all in Rome!
Alexandre Machado Brain and Behavior Clinic, Portugal
About conference
Ologymavens invite all the par cipants from all over the world to a end 'Neurology and Neuroscience on October 14-15, 2019 at Rome, Italy. The major theme of the conference is Breakthroughs and Achievements in the field of Neuroscience.
Two days of comprehensive session which includes comprehensive breakout sub sessions, symposiums and workshops. You will also find an abundance of networking opportuni es to build connec ons with colleagues related to the same field across the world. Why to a end?
Neuroscience 2019 will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders working on Neurological disorders to talk about their work. Neuroscience 2019 provides pla orm for renowned speakers, principal inves gators, experts, neurologist's and Demen a researchers from both academia and health care industry. The conference will be comprised of presenta ons by world class experts in the field of neurology and Neuroscience. Interna onal symposiums and workshops will also be organized to discuss the specific topics in the field of Neurology. Target Audience:
Neurologists Neurosurgeons Neurology Professors Neuroscien sts Neurology Researchers Health care professionals Industrial Experts Psychiatrists Students from Academia in the research of Neurology Lecturers and Students from Academia in the field of Neuroscience
Past conference Glimpses
About Rome
ROME, Caput Mundi during the Roman Empire, capital of Italy since 1870, home of the Catholic Church and the Italian government, is placed on the banks of the Tiber, there where the river, running weakly among the seven hills, creates vast meanders which originate li le plains. Rome contains an excep onal ar s c patrimony, glorious tes mony to its great past. Besides the imposing rests of its magniďŹ cent history through out all the period of the Roman Empire, Renaissance ar sts such as Bramante, Raphael, and Michelangelo were at work here under the papal patronage, along with Masolino in San Clemente, Ghirlandaio, Bo celli, Perugino, Luca Signorelli.
Speaker Registra on
Package A
Package B
Delegate Registra on
Package A
Package B
Student Registra on
Accompanying Person
E Poster
Package A (Registra on+2 Nights Accommoda on) Package B (Registra on+3 Nights Accommoda on)
Important Dates Abstract submission opens: April 25, 2019 Registra on opens:
April 25, 2019
Early bird registra on:
June 7, 2019
Program Manger | Neuroscience 2019 Ology Mavens Inc. 200 Hillside Ave, Timmins, Ontario, Canada, P4N4J6 T: +1 705 881 8889 Whatsapp: +1 705 885 5477 E:
Venue & Hospitality: Rome Italy