Mixed-Use Tower 02
Museum of Art 03
Hotel 04
Housing 05
Kemeri Observation Tower 06
Dna Group - Collective Startup
Curriculum Vitae
01 mi xed us etower year: 201 8
Simple building volume. City scale. 47 floors.
The volume is shifted to the west to create space for public towards the park.
Design pattern acts as a Jenga game by shifting the volume to open vertical garden space.
Circulation core.
Create opening for the public.
Vegetation and expansive views toward the dense city fabric and historical centre of Tirana.
Hot el
Spa+Fi t nes s+Pool
Hot el
Restur ant
1 300m2
Of f i c e
30, 000m2
L obby+L ounge+Ret ai l
Publ i caudi t or i um +Gr eens pac e
1 300m2
Par ki ng
46, 000m2
T ot al :1 01 , 000s qm
02 mus eum ofart p artner : Ambripeli nku year: 201 4-201 5
The museum of art is conceived as a perfect circle projected on the natural topography
Stretch the mass to fit variety of programs and allow for different connection to the building
The mass is lowered towards the ground in order to be accessible for the public
Fusion of culture and nature. Defining the entrance. Create atrium for light and ventilation
03 hotel p artners : I viandoni year: 201 6
Building Volume with an internal courtyard. “Set-back� opening for public space
Optimal orientation. Maximize the program, create urban relationship and views
Creating entrance. Continous roof. Integrating all the program into a continous volume
Strategic splitting. Differentiate the volume with a deck for public space. Two masses are connected
Elevation views of physical models
section view of the project
hous i ng p artners : Ens o nezi ri , i viandoni year: 201 5
pol y c ar bonat emode lwi t hl e dl i ght i ng
s e c ondl e v e lf l oorpl an
f our t hl e v e lf l oorpl an
Kemeriobs ervati on tower p artners : Ens o nezi ri , i viandoni year: 201 8
dnagroup-collecti ves tartup p artners : Ens o nezi ri , i viandoni year: 201 6-201 8
I nt er i orDes i gnCompet i t i onent r y , F i r Pr i z e, Mi l ano
I nt er i orDes i gn, T r av elAgenc yS t or e, Ti r ana, Al bani a
I nt er i orDes i gn, Compet i t i onEnt r y , Rome, I t al y
Nov ember201 8
Fur t herDoc ument at i on
Compl et epr oj ec t sofDNAGr oupandupdat eson:
www. behanc e. net / ol t i dc 60f dnagr oup. c ar goc ol l ec t i v e. c om
curri culum vi tae
Shkodër 04.08.1994
Robert Schwartz street, Vasil shanto, Tiranë +355 69 3877930 olti.d@hotmail.com
Studying at FAU - Polytechnic University of Tirana AL
2012 - ongoing
Diploma at “Hasan Riza Pasha” College - Shkodër 30% tuition fee scholarship Final grade 94/100
DNA group - Collective startup
2016 - 2018
Archistart - San Cataldo, Italy Design Code - Theth, Shkodër, AL
2015 2018
Albanian - Native English - Excellent Turkish - Conversational
Exellent level
Design research Interior Design projects Competition entry
AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, V-Ray, Corona
Good level Revit, 3ds Max, Adobe Indesign, Microsoft Office
Beginner level Adobe Ilustrator, Sketchup, Rhinoceros