Uber Brand Extension Project

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Brand Extension Project in collaboration with Forpeople Toni Ojo


BA Product Design Year 2 in collaboration with Forpeople Through focused primary and secondary research, design and develop an innovative, complementary product/ products for Uber. Consideration of new consumer behaviours, potential markets and brand impact is essential.

_CONTENT Final Product Brand Identity Visual Language logo colour illustration Core values Stakeholders Consumer core attributes Primary Research: online survey Pedestrian accident statistics Primary Research: User Journey Mapping Specification Concept Boards Development UberBouncer and uWatch/uSquare Sketches Prototype Presentation Boards

_Brand Identity: Purpose Uber is a transport company that uses an app to connect riders and drivers. Its main subsidiaries include Uber Eats - a food delivery service and Jump Bikes - an electric bike and scooter share service.

How uber works:

A rider opens the app

The rider is matched with a driver

The driver picks

s up the rider

_Brand Identity: Mission What I think the brand represents: to provide a personalised and reliable mode of transport.Uber represent reliability and punctuality, practicality and convenience. Uber’s mission statement: We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion

The driver takes the rider to the destination

The driver and rider leave ratings and reviews

_Visual Language

Uber’s visual language is centred around consistency. After a rebrand in 2018, their visual appeal has improved through their use of more efficient and functional designs. Due to purposeful marketing, the brand has become instantly recognisable. Uber’s brand system is made from 9 core elements - logo, colour, composition, iconography, illustration, motion, photography, tone of voice and typography.


Old and new logos

Perfectly legible Optically kerned Embraces the simplicity of black and white


Primary brand colours are black and white Colour coding eg blue for safety Secondary colors used sparingly


Simple, bold and telegraphic Use of white for dynamic compositions Use of negative space and simple geometric shapes

_Core Values • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

We build globally, we live locally We are customer obsessed We celebrate differences We do the right thing We act like owners We persevere We value ideas over hierarchy We make big bold bets


Identifying their purpose and interests

D Partner Drivers

Driving passengers and delivering food orders to a desired location Good pay and perks such as health insurance

Government & Regulatory Agencies Ensure that Uber are following local regulations Being payed tax and keeping passengers and drivers safe


Traditional Taxi Operators

Use uber to book transport Efficient and accessible transport

Main competitors Reclaiming their position as the main transport providers

Directors/Company Executive Making important decisions that contribute to the success of the company The operations of

_Consumers’ Core Attributes

Using my own knowledge as an Uber consumer, I have predicted the general demographic of Uber passengers: • • • • •

Mostly within the age of 16-30 who are less likely to own a car than an older demographic Approximately even gender split as Uber is inclusive Owns a smartphone which is needed to install the Uber app Medium to high disposable income - able to afford Uber trips over public transport Living in an urban or suburban environment with good transport links

_Clients’ Core Attributes: Online Survey

Research Methodology: I used this primary research method to identify the challenges faced by existing Uber users. This insight will highlight opportunties for solutions that can be incorporated into the design of the brand extension. Using this survey will provide an accurate understanding of the users, highlighting any differences between my presumptions and the survey results and allowing me to eliminate any misconceptions. This research will ensure a moreg refined and user-oriented outcome.

1. How old are you? Under 18 (3.57%), 18-24 (92.86%), 25-34 (3.57%), 25+ (0.00%) 2. What is your gender? Male (64.29%) and Female (35.71%) 3. Why do you use Uber? see following pages 4. In a typical week, how many times do you use Uber? 0-2 times (85.71%), 3-5 times (10.71%), 6-8 times (3.57%), 9+ times (0%) 5. Which destination do you book Uber to the most? Work (7.14%), School/College/University (17.86%), Town Centre (14.29%), Gym (0.00%), Other (60.71%) 6. How long are your trips on average (minutes)? 0-15 (82.14%), 16-30 (14.29%), 31-45 (3.57%), 46+ (0.00%) 7. Uber runs a food delivery service called UberEATS. What other complimentary services would you find useful? see following pages 8. If Uber didn’t exist, what would you use instead? see following pages 9. What issues do you have with Uber? Responses included cancellation fees, price surges, late arrivalsor ‘none’ 10. How is Uber better/worse than its competitors? see following pages



• Most participants only use Uber 0-2 times a week, suggesting that they usually rely on other forms of transport • The brand extension coul focus on destination related solutions • Most participants are in an Uber for no more than 15 minutes at a time, however 18% opt for longer trips • Although only 3.57% have trips 31-45 minutes long, the Uber brand extension could focus on a people that travel long distances, providing opportunity for expansion to larger modes of transport or customer care for longer rides

One of the aims of this survey was to find out what kind of brand extension would benefit existing Uber users by inferrring from their responses. It is also important to directly ask the user what they need, which is why I included this question. I have commented on the possibility of these opportunities under some of the survey responses: • ‘If I could actually eat on my Uber ride’ May cause an issue with drivers as not all passengers will be considerate of mess while eating. However a food line for other modes of transport such as flights could be considered or even a car cleaning service • ‘Maybe like an UberTours. For people maybe new to a city and want to have a look around’ A group tour is a much safer method of navigating a new city for tourists. Could incorporate itinerary for entertainment and hotspots • ‘Uberservices - where you can book people to carry out tasks- i.e a locksmith, a cleaner etc’ Useful local service, connecting you to people that live around you. Could also introduce an online Uber version of YellowPages • ‘Really long stretch but UberFuel. Just for times you run out of fuel far from the next services’ Could implement a survival package for warmth and safety when your car breaks down. Or Uber Emergencies - trained healthcare individuals who can arrive in specialised Ubers for emergencies - a stand-in until police or ambulance arrive • ‘Bike or scooter rental’ Existing subsidiary ‘Jump Bikes’, an electric bike hire scheme founded in 2010

• ‘In car entertainment’ Options include music, food, film - Uber cinema experience while en route or open air cinema with viewers/users sitting in Uber cars • ‘Delivery / Uber delivery service / Delivering clothes or shoes/ Quick mail delivery service maybe / Postage services / UberSHOPPING - deliveries of goods from supermarkets and stores’ This is definitely feasible but there is a lot of competition from existing couriers such as Amazon Prime and supermarket delivery services • ‘Uber Travel, driving to different countries’ Could extend to an Uber commercial or exclusive airline or ‘Uber class’ on trains with premium service • ‘UberHIRE - A hiring car service’ Could be complimented by Uber driving school wth discounted lessons for existing Uber users. Or discounted lessons for those aiming to become Uber drivers • ‘Alcohol’ Could incorporated into food and drinks delivery with UberEats or could be explored as an anti drunk driving programme or campaign, paired with the existing ‘Uber Safe’ breathalyzer kiosk Summary - Safety UberTours and UberServices are two of the most feasible ideas. For the latter, the user could locate people for the required job within their neighbourhood which some find more secure than hiring someone from an out-of-town company. There could be a customer satisfaction rating to make the system more trustworthy. All while connecting you with new people. UberTours ensures safety in numbers for tourists or people wanting to explore the city they live in. By introducing group walking tours there is more freedom to explore and discover compared to touring the city by bus or car. This idea is particularly useful as it retains Uber’s main role of navigation, repurposed for walking and tourism.

Responses (positive) Uber is better as the drivers are all very well mannered,the price is stable and it’s a very easy and quick use of travel

Better because quick arrival time Journeys are simple routes

Its available in most locations and cheaper

It provides entertainment

Easy in the fact that you just pay automatically after registering card in app rather than having to have physical money to pay.

It’s quickness in getting a car to you Easily to manoeuvre display Ease of Use and Payment Many Cars available world wide

Cheaper, online app, convenience

best for price They are just easier It definitely has better marketing and has its name out there

It’s better cause l dont have to awkwardly speak to someone to order transport. It’s got a really clean app interface Cheaper and more convenient It’s better than a regular taxi because you know where the car is and when it may arrive Quick and reliable

Better because you don’t need cash just the app It’s faster then any other cab service plus it’s a lot cheaper Better because it’s easy to use It’s marketing and branding, don’t really know much other services then Uber meaning it has become a well known service Better coz it’s cheaper It’s cheaper and more reliable Different options - can opt for more premium ubers It’s cheaper and quicker arrival times


I included this question in the survey to know what existing Uber users like and try and implement these things in the brand extension. The main points included: • Availability • Convenience - card transaction rather than cash • Reliable These points emphasise Uber’s values, particularly their concern for customer safety: Availability - the user’s Uber can be tracked by driver and number plate on the app which is safer than getting into any taxi that happens to be in your area Convenience - opting for card transactions is more professional and secure than cash in hand as there is an online record of the fee Reliable - if the user’s Uber has to cancel, another driver is immediately reassigned to you. This is especially useful when the user is in an unfamiliar area As previously mentioned, one of Uber’s core values is ‘we are customer obsessed’. In keeping with this, and supported by this research, the brand extension will primarily focus on promoting customer safety. Most of the responses were positive, aside from the following: ‘No’, ‘No difference tbh’, ‘I don’t know, haven’t used any’ and ‘all are equally bad with regards to personal safety and accountability’.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

It’s a faster way of getting around Cheap and convenience I don’t own a car When I’m feeling too lazy to walk to destination or destination is extremely far away Cheap transport alternative Convenient It’s an easy alternative to taxis To get from Point A to Point B Transport To get around on a night out, though I try not to use it Don’t have cash I am too unorganised to book a taxi in advance. Plus the interactive app with the little car driving about is amusing to watch. It’s usually a quick and affordable way to get somewhere efficiently Safe ride back home at night or from the train station To get to places when other means of transport isn’t convenient - i.e night times, raining days etc. To work Convenience, don’t drive To travel Don’t use it often but use it when it’s really late at night To get me from a to b To reach my destination safely Travel from place to place To get to places and I hate bus Travel cheap To get home safe after a late night Easy and quick to transport As a taxi service to get to a specific destination, it’s reliable, fairly cheap and accessible Easier n more quicker

_Key Insights I have highlighted in green the responses that are linked to customer security and safety. Evidently, for Uber users safety is a major priority especially at night. Uber is seen as a reliable and secure mode of transport, however Uber is not available in all areas. The brand extension could: • Explore safe navigation within another mode of transport - in inconvenient areas where even Uber is inaccessible • Appeal to these existing users by promoting safety but perhaps in a different context eg group navigation (safety in numbers) • Provide a solution to night navigation home, specifically from late night entertainment such as clubs

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Taxi/Cab (x 17) Would be walking or driving my own car Bolt Cab/ Public Transport Public transport Tram Walk, or get a taxi Viavan I would walk Taxis and Deliveroo Bus I would walk

20 participants said that would choose taxi, cab and other forms of public transport, even though in previous questions they have said that they consider these as less secure than Uber. 4 participants said that they would walk. Although this is the cheapest option, it is often less convenient than public transport and if you are walking to an unfamiliar location, it is more likely that you will get lost, which can be unsafe depending on the area you are in. One solution to this would be the use of Google Maps, however holding out your phone for navigation makes it known to passersby that you are unfamiliar with your environment, potentially making you more vulnerable to crime and pedestrian accidents.

_Walking Home - Students

Walking home at night presents even more danger, especially for students who often walk home from clubs late at night or in the early hours of the morning. This risk is heightened if they are intoxicated as they are more likely to be mugged or robbed in this vulnerable state, even if they are walking as part of a group.

As 56% of the Uber users in the survey were aged 18-24, it is logical that the brand extension appeals to this age group and subsequently their navigation home at night. To investigate real-world implications of this risk, I have gathered accident statistics.

_Accidents and Crime Statistics Department for Transport - Facts on Pedestrian Casualties - https:// assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/448036/pedestrian-casualties-2013-data. pdf • Pedestrians are one the of the vulnerable user groups... are particularly vulnerable to injuries and accidents. • An average of 1 death and 14 seriously injured pedestrians per day • Pedestrians killed or seriously injured (KSI) by road type: Urban roads (83%), Rural roads (16%), Motorways (1%) • The risk for pedestrian KSI casualties is 22 times higher than for car occupants • Walking has a higher risk than driving, probably as a result of a lack of pedestrian-based technologies • A considerable number of pedestrian KSIs (13 per cent) also occur on Friday or Saturday night between 5 pm and 2359 pm. This is due to a number of people going out to social events during these hours. In particular, some of the destinations will be parties, bars, restaurants and pubs in urban areas. These destinations will often offer alcohol and will be more easily accessed on foot rather than by driving. This increases the number of pedestrians travelling and increases the number of them under the influence of alcohol. (Other pedestrian risks include mugging and sexual assault)

Experience evaluation ~ 0 = least positive / 10 = most positive

_User Journey Mapping - Night Out

Task time - 6 hours

= Problem areas/p

potential design opportunities

_Analysis I created a User Journey Mapping of my own experience of navigation during a night out with two friends which included Uber and walking. Documenting research from my own perspective helped me to highlight the implications that I usually overlook when it comes to transport at night and it allowed me to analyse opportunities for improvement that can be transformed into a brand extension.

Problem Areas (circled) and Opportunities 1. Walking in heels using Google Maps to find the bar - we didn’t anticipate having to walk as much as we did, leaving our feet sore before even arriving at our destination. In addition the heels stopped us from being able to walk quickly and we had to stop at intervals, which was particularly unsafe in the dark sidestreet. None of us had bags large enough to store flats. The brand extension could entail an Uber branded shoe line or shoe accessory that makes heels more suitable for walking home once the user has left the club or a discrete bag that expands in shape to hold larger items or items for emergency supplies 2. Approached by a drunk man asking for directions - although he was non-threatening the experience made us uncomfortable. We felt a lot safer when we reached the Cukture Club entrance and saw the bouncers at the door. The brand extension could be Uber a specially trained ‘Uber bouncer’ to guide you home safely or help you navigate the city safely. This is suitable for tourists and student clubbers in general but could be applicable to any age demographic that is about at night. 3. Accidentally separated halfway through the night (2/3 phones dead) - the brand extension could be a device that helps you track the location of your friends. It could use a transmitter and be linked to the existing Uber app. It could take form in something more fashionable such as jewellery as wearable tech is appealing to teens and young adults.

From my research and analysis I have come up with the following suggested area of brand extension:

From this suggested area of brand extension and specification I came up with the following six concepts:


A pair of insoles that use vibrations to discretely navigate the user. Paired with an interactive watch to input your desired destination and to track progress. Aim: To ensure safe travel home at night, especially in areas where Uber is inaccessible Target Audience: Young people aged 16-25, walking home from late night events or entertainment

Watch interface similar to Uber app How it Works 1) Input destination




2) Visually follow you route while the in soles guide yourvsteps


3) Still shows available uber cars in case you change your mind along the way


Insole interior


Footste p


Brand Extension • Concept 1


Navigation System = where the insole vibrates

Insole exterior Vibrations occur along the interior stitch lines Turn left

Turn right



_Development After reviewing my concepts, I chose concept 5, The Walking Bus to develop because it solves the issue of safety at night by bring people together and connecting them by destination. However this concept still had some issues: • Using the screen to select your destination makes it obvious to others where you live = vulnerability • Wristbands may not be the most effective use of materials, may be seen as wasteful and can easily fall off or be misplaced in a club • Safety in numbers is valid but people may be uncomfortable walking with strangers, even if they are heading the same way To eliminate these issues, I decided to repurpose the idea of navigating people home together in a safe way through a previous idea from the User Journey Mapping Analysis - Uber Bouncer. ‘The brand extension could be a specially trained ‘Uber bouncer’ to guide you home safely or help you navigate the city safely. This is suitable for tourists and student clubbers in general but could be applicable to any age demographic that is about at night’. As previously recorded in the survey responses, existing users consider Uber as a symbol of safety when it comes to transport. Therefore, having a designated Uber professional to lead/walk a group home safely at night is an appropriate solution, especially useful in areas where Uber may be unavailable. Also, it is more secure than walking home within a group of strangers (Walking Bus) or walking home alone and considerably reduces your vulnerability. (Within Uber Bouncer I have included elements from previous concepts, highlighted on the next page)

_Uber Bouncer and uWatch Concept: Uber provides Uber bouncers to encourage safe night navigation Target Audience: they can be hired by clubbers and tourists Uber Bouncer duties include: • ensuring safe passage home, passage between events, passage from home to events and navigating the city at night in general • carry emergency supplies • have first aid training for emergencies (in order to qualify for the role) • wear the assigned uniform/accessories for recognition • carry full ID at all times


Book an Uber Bouncer using the uWatch (Uber Smart Watch) which can be purchased online or at most university student unions. Book an Uber Bouncer and the one closest to your current location will locate you

Final Concept

__uWatch Features

Colour scheme: Uber’s safety blue Similar to the Uber app interface Uber Bouncer rating system A visual of your journey progress The opportunity to share your whereabouts and trip status with friends and family, so someone you trust always knows where you are, for added security Your home address and I.C.E contact are automatically stored on it in case of emergency as the account is synched with the users’ original Uber account/app


Useful for when Uber/other transport isn’t available - many in the survey said they would walk if Uber didn’t exist, and now they can walk safely with bouncer AND others If you or your peer is too intoxicated to be allowed in an Uber or taxi Usually cheaper than Uber car journey - great for students Uber Bouncer is fully accessible and can reach you in places where Uber cars cannot go The user is at a reduced risk of an accident or becoming a victim of a crime eg mugging Great option for those that don’t own a car to drive home in Concept 1: Uber Footstep watch / Concept 3: Uber Buddy / Concept 5: Walking Bus / Concept 6: Uber SOS

_Does it satisfy the specification? • Discrete night navigation for optimum safety walking home - uWatch is more discrete than pulling out your mobile phone to try and lovate your destination • Wearable tech - uWatch • Uses Uber’s ‘safety blue’ colour scheme - Uber Bouncer’s uniform/accessories for recognition are in safety blue. The uWatch’s exterior could be all blue or it could have highlights of safety blue with the main exterior being black and whte, which is maybe more in keeping with Uber’s brand identity

Inspired by the form of the Nike Presto digital bracelet All in one material Curved edges

uWatch Inspired by the form of the Apple Watch with added chain links Uniform, structured desing Formal More futuristic design Screen and tactile buttons High-tech bracelet


Combination of curves and sharper edges Round screen Chain links

Students and tourists often lose accessories during nights out. And although using a wath for navigation is more discrete than a ohone, the watch is till visible on your wrist and counts as a valuable item, which can be stolen or easily misplaced.

_Prototypes Therefore I have decided to change to form of the ‘uWatch’ to a ‘uSquare’. It eliminates the straps of the watch, which is cheaper for manufacture and downsizes the device to a small square shape as I liked the uniformity and professionalism that the square shape of the apple watch communicated. The device will be able to be connected to the user’s keys like a key ring, as keys are symbolic of destination and security, which are what Uber and this brand extension are all about. I explored this final concept with cardboard testing.

uSquare Render

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