Portfolio 2012

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OLGA TREBUHINA architecture & urban planning 2 0 0 8


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Here are selected some of my most important study and contest works. These projects are attempts to find a sustainable solution for different kind of present and future issues, to deal with the context, to create a functionally effective, aesthetically valuable space, which would form new identity and quality of the site. The typology of works ranges from small scale architectural design objects to complex urban development masterplans. Architecture and urban planning, in my opinion, is an art of making frame for life, a vessel, where the life occurs. Like a cup for tea. The cup should direct our attention to the taste, so we can enjoy it.

letter of content

Curriculum Vitae 2011

Kipsala Urban Development Proposal



Terraced Houses in Kipsala



Andrejsala Portable cafe



Trent Basin teritory Revitalization Proposal * Nottingham ‘Sun Portal’ * Multifunctional Apartment House * Multicomfort Terraced Houses

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Sun Observing Platform in Saulkrasti


curriculum vitae

Personal data Name Date of birth Gender E-mail

Olga Trebuhina 17.10.1989 Female olga.trebuhina@inbox.lv


Date 2012 - present School Riga Technical University Awarded qualification 2nd degree professional higher education in Architecture and Urban Planning Date 2008 - 2012 School Riga Technical University Awarded qualification Bachelor of Engineering Science in Architecture Date 2006 - 2008 School ELLADA L professional education center, Riga, Latvia Awarded qualification Interior designer Date 1996 - 2008 School Riga Secondary School Nr. 65, Riga, Latvia Awarded qualification General Secondary Education


Languages russian - native english - fluent latvian - fluent french - elementary Soft Autodesk AutoCad, ArchiCad, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesing, Artlantis Studio, Google Sketchup, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Exel

Work experience Date Position held Main responsibilities Employer

September 2012 - present intern architectural design (technical drawings, detailed drawings) A2C (lead arch. - Dzintars Bernhards), Riga, LV

Date Position held Main responsibilities Employer

2011 (for 72 hours) architect technician architectural design (concepts, 3D Modeling, project vizualization) A plus architekts Ltd. (lead arch. - Dace Kalvane & Ralph Schürmann) LV/GE

Extracurricular activities Date Activity Awards Organization

2012 International Team Engineering Competition DIY “Materials and techniques to build just about everything“, GR 2.place Board of European Students of Technology

Date Activity Team Organization

2012 Student Contest ISOVER Multicomfort House - Trent Basin Revitalization, UK/LV Olga Trebuhina, Tamara Kalantajevska, Pavels Saveljevs ISOVER Saint-Gobain

Date Activity Awards Team Organization

2011 Student Contest - Landscape design proposal for Sigulda railway station, LV 1. place Olga Trebuhina, Jekaterina Smirnova Riga Technical University + Sigulda city government

Date Activity Team Organization

2011 Urban Design Proposal Competition for Brivibas alley in Riga, LV Olga Trebuhina, Jekaterina Smirnova European Commission Representation in Latvia

KIPSALA URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Riga, LV Kipsala is one of Riga city`s islands. Due to it`s location close to the city center, it plays an important role in Riga further development. The South part of Kipsala is proposed as skyscraper business quarter , but destiny of the North Kipsala territory is still under the question. The aim of the project was to analyze the character, scale, environmental context, strengths and weaknesses of the site, and, in correspondence to this facts – to create territory`s future development concept proposal. The project was made in three levels: 1. urban situation analyzing, 2. urban scale development proposal, 3. detailed architectural projects of one housing quarter.

Date: 2011 Type: urban and strategic planning

One of the biggest Kipsala island`s values is water. Historically this land was in close connection with the sea, it was sailors` place of residence, water transport was given a priority. The closeness of water was taken as a starting point for the concept of Kipsala urban development.

Team: Tamara Kalantajevska, Olga Trebuhina, Zane Pastare, , Jekaterina Smirnova, Agnija Rubene, Aleksandrs Dembo, Santa Lazukina




cosiness of 19. century streets widely open city panoramic view

river Daugava

the breath of the Sea city

Ilguciema olf factories

urban romantic

connection to the waterfront

monumentality green city city wild meadows

Port views

Balasta damb Dzeguzkalna hill (park) Old Riga town panoramic view Vant bringe

STREET STRUCTURE today 19. century factory zone

human scale

Balast damb Quiet Riga center Old Riga panoramic view

Development of Zunda Channel: floating residental house quarter, embankment as a public space, flooding meadow park, water transport track

heritage + contemporary structures Old Riga panoramic view

Agenskalna gulf




*sustainability, *open public space, *water as a urban spaces connecting element, *diversity of views and pedestrian routes, *pedestrian/ bicyclist friendly infrastructure, *nature and architecture integration, *building function diversity, *preservation of historical buildings *correspondence of new structures to site`s historical scale.


pedestrian route bicycle route

Key words for Kipsala development concept are:

biggest plazas

public zone - culture, recreation public zone - hotels public zone - offices, workshops mixed use public zone - primary school public green zones


housing zone - apartments housing zone - terraced, 1-2 storey house apartments tram trolleybus bus

floating housing



water promenade

promenade on the water water sports center green roof architecture

Enbankment forms the identity of Kipsala craftsman quarter yacht club lighthouse terraced housing with boat piers yacht club

new bridges, new opportunities, new routes

floating housing Zunda channel floodable park

floating workshop pavilions

North cape of Kipsala - important landmark for water transport users

Riga TU student club

pier for sailing vessels

green amphitheater

One of the proposals – to use water space potential possibilities, to attract attention to the new public space – promenade of Kipsala, which is proposed to be created borderless and united in the perimeter of the island.

Kipsala is an important Riga city observing platform. Views of the Old City, Harbour and Daugava river are seen from the promenade.

the coastline is lenthened buildings with different type and function provide the diversity of urban environment


green amphitheatre pier for sailing vessels

water facilities, bath house


TERRACED HOUSES IN KIPSALA Kipsala sustainable neighbourhood Date: 2011 Team: Olga Trebuhina Type: architectural design

Terraced houses design project is a try to find contemporary architectural form, that would fit the site`s context, scale and density. Sunlight studies had been made to develop psychologically the most comfortable interior space. Designed as an energy efficient house, it is small and compact, south faces of the building are covered with photovoltaic film to produce electricity. Vegetation is integrated with the exterior for microclimate control.


Riga, LV Date: 2009 Team: Olga Trebuhina Type: architectural design

staff entrance

west sun terrace

visitors entrance

The aim of the project was to develop new positive-oriented, open, inviting space, that would become a starting point for abandoned and dilapidated territory revitalization.

Optimistic future prospects are the symbolic metaphor of this building, because Andrejsala (Andrej-island) has a big potential for further development. This pavilion could become a positive note also for other territories. Due to its compact form, universality in function and light construction it is easy to transport. GROUND FLOOR PLAN

Vanguard and contemporary, the pavilion is designed in contrast with the environment, giving it a bright accent. Pavilion is a travelling space of art and recreation. Pavilion is proposed to work as a cafe, with a possibility of exhibition, installation and other small scale facility arranging.



Nottingham, UK

Date: 2012 Team: Olga Trebuhina, Tamara Kalantajevska, Pavels Saveljevs Type: urban planning, architectural design

The aim of the contest was to develop sustainable passive house neighbourhood in the abandoned post-industrial Trent Basic warehouses` territory. The proposal of revitalization includes complex strategies for urban planning, as well as passive house detailed architectural design projects. Guidelines of concept: sun energy use, sun-oriented housing, embankment space development, preservation of site`s identity and authenticity, new public spaces, water as space organizing tool.


NOTTINGHAM ‘SUN PORTAL’ Sustainable neighbourhood New urban structure consists of multifunctional apartment house and terraced housing. High building volumes (multifunctional house – 3-storey, old ware houses – 5-storey) form relatively enclosed space for smaller and more private terraced houses.

Parking is arranged parametrically under the built quarter that allows the quarter centre ground to be used as zone of intense vegetation.

In order to keep the advantages of the site maximally used, terraced housing is transparent in direction to the Trent river, so new structures do not separate itself from the embankment and form united, continuous public space.

The configuration of housing units it guided by cardinal directions. The skylights, that are a base point of quarter concept, are oriented to south. Houses and their inhabitants follow the sunlight.

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MULTIFUNCTIONAL APARTMENT HOUSE Multicomfort passive housing


Water channel combines three functions – it is a landscape design element, a place of recreation and the main quarter public space organizing tool – WATER PLAZA. Water is no longer a barrier, it is an integral part of the space structure.


Two-storey apartment housing 1.FLOOR






MULTICOMFORT TERRACED HOUSE Multifunctional passive housing 5 different housing types composed in 3 floors. Most of them have green terrace, situated in chess order next to each other, to receive enough sunlight. Compact form with irregular inclined roof helps to keep heat inside the passive house.




S; C;

M; T

M; T; W; C

L; T; W

S - small (~ 40m2), M - medium (~ 60-70m2), L - large (~80m2) C - commercial zone for family business on the grounfloor T - green terace on 1. floor W - enbankment walkthough






SUN OBSERVING PLATFORM Date: 2008 Team: Olga Trebuhina Type: architectural design

“Saulkrasti” in Latvian means – Sun Coast, and it is a calm small town on the coast of the Baltic Sea, that is significant with its outstanding beach side and wild nature. Aim of the project was to identify the boarder between two historical parts of the beach, Neibade and Peterupe. The object is proposed to be a place to for people to meet, a landmark and a facility for recreation.

on Saulkrasti beach, Latvia


Sun observing platform is designed is to pay human attention to the simple things and phenomenon, the rhythm of live, the path of the sun. When a person comes to the seaside, he comes back to what he is. The triangular form symbolizes the sail, motion and aspiration to the new horizons.


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