July/August 2012 Chalk Line

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the President..................... 2 From the EO............................... 3 Fire Sprinklers............................. 6 Golf Tournament Winners........... 9

Don’t miss the 2012

OMB Goes On Record At Public Hearings In June, Thurston County held public hearings on both the draft Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) and implementing impact fees. The CAO is a document that regulates how development and redevelopment can occur on lands that contain critical areas. The CAO affects property owners in Thurston County. What property owners can and can’t do on their property, in turn, affects demand for the services builders, remodelers and developers provide. Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Board of Directors authorized funding to hire experts to review and comment on the CAO science and process. These comments were submitted as part of the public process along with additional comments

collected from the CAO member workgroup. OMB also worked with other like-minded organizations to get the word out about the issue. Nearly 400 people showed up to the public hearing and an overwhelming majority of those testifying spoke against the ordinance. An impact fee is a fee charged by government entities on builders and developers to cover the cost of infrastructure and related services. A See “Public Hearing”

page 2

August 18, 19 & 25, 26

OMB Members Give Blood, Get ROII Checks Five Counties Strong


Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific & Mason Counties

BUILDING STRONG COMMUNITIES ONE HOME AT A TIME. 1211 State Avenue NE Olympia, WA 98569 360-754-0912 800-456-6473 www.omb.org

On June 15, Olympia Master Builders (OMB) hosted a blood drive and member barbecue at the OMB office, benefitting the Puget Sound Blood Center. The blood drive resulted in 14 total donors, with 5 first-time donors. For those that did not wish to donate blood, OMB also collected non-perishable food that as donated to the Thurston County Food Bank. OMB also distributed Return on Industrial Insurance (ROII) checks. OMB members received over $500,000 in refund checks this year. To see if your company qualifies for the program contact the Building Industry Association of Washington at 360-352-7800. Thank you to John Erwin of John Erwin Remodeling, Inc. for

From left: OMB President, James Peterson of Lanza Construction, Lewis County Assoc. Vice President, Rich James of Olympia Fireplace & Spa and OMB First Vice President, John McKinlay of Olympia Overhead Doors. sponsoring the event and thank you to Rich James of Olympia Fireplace & Spa for donating his time and the use of a gorgeous barbecue grill for the event.

From the President

OMB Working for You on Key Issues By James Peterson President 4. New development and remodeling contribute more to the local economy than almost any other industry. As you may have already read on page one of this issue of Chalk Line, Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members and staff have been working hard recently to represent you on two important issues in Thurston County. We were especially busy in June when the Thurston County Commissioners held two public hearings in one week. The first public hearing was regarding the implementation of impact fees and the second public hearing was regarding the complete rewrite of the Critical Areas Ordinance. As a developer, builder and remodeler, these two issues have caused me great concern because the first issue increases the cost of doing business in an already fragile economy and the second issue not only increases the cost of doing business, but it also severally restricts the use of private property in Thurston County. Impact Fees Historically the home building industry has been opposed to impact fees for the following reasons: 1. Impact fee income is not a reliable source of income for local government, 2. Impact fees are fundamentally inequitable, 3. Impact fees price potential homebuyers out of the market, and

fully urged County staff to provide a cross reference document to assist in tracking changes.

2. There are more balanced, innovative approaches to determining wetland buffers,

(For a more complete explanation of these points, see page 5 of the May/ June 2012 issue of Chalk Line which can be found at www.omb.org.)

In early 2011 OMB created a “White Paper” about the CAO to better educate OMB members on the issues of this topic and to distribute to other interested parties.

3. Buffers are an area designed to protect the critical area, but are not critical areas themselves,

Prior to the public hearing, OMB submitted a guest editorial to The Olympian titled “Impact fees for new homes do more harm than good.” In the editorial I stated, “Thurston County should be considering stable and more equitable revenue sources to fund public infrastructure improvements.”

OMB’s Board of Directors also committed financial resources to hire a scientific expert to review the wetland sections and hire an attorney to provide legal comment regarding the scientific findings. The scientific report and the legal comments were submitted at the Planning Commission public hearing in 2011.

In addition, OMB provided our members with talking points so they could submit written comments or testify at the public hearing.

Last month OMB members and staff along with approximately 400 people attended the public hearing in front of the County Commissioners. Throughout this process OMB has continued to voice the concerns of our members that:

Critical Areas Ordinance In 2005 Thurston County began the update process of the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO). Due to the overwhelming response at the public hearing and other factors the process was put on hold for several years.

(For a complete explanation of these points, see page 5 of the January/February 2012 issue of Chalk Line available at www.omb.org.) What Now? It’s now up to the Thurston County Commissioners to rule on these two issues. They are currently reviewing all the comments from the June public hearings and are expected to vote sometime between now and this fall’s elections.

1. One size buffers do not fit all,

“Public Hearing”

In 2010 the Planning Commission announced they were beginning the review process. At that time, OMB’s 2010 President, Ron Deering, went before the Planning Commission and successfully urged them to hold an additional public hearing since five years had passed since the last public hearing had been held.

fee can be charged for parks, traffic, schools and fire. The fees proposed by Thurston County range from $7,500 per single family home built in the Urban Growth Area (UGA) of Tumwater to $2,697 per single family home in the northwest portion of the County. Impact fees are paid for every home built, not just for housing developments.

Then in 2011 Thurston County staff decided to do a complete rewrite of the CAO instead of continuing with the update process. OMB success-

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

4. An updated Shoreline Master Program trumps a CAO. Thurston County’s CAO needs to terminate CAO jurisdiction when the SMP update is done.

Continued from page 1 opposition of impact fees in Thurston County, requesting the Commissioners find ways to jumpstart the housing industry instead of crushing it further with additional fees on small builders. At this time, the public comment period is closed on both issues and the Commissioners are reviewing the comments collected by the public. OMB will keep you apprised on both issues.

OMB members and staff testified in 2

July/August 2012

From the Executive Officer

What if OMB Didn’t Exist? By Laura Worf, Executive Officer

Several weeks ago Dick Pust asked me a question that took me by surprise. He was writing a story about Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and he asked me, “What if OMB didn’t exist?” My answer to Dick was in the global, theoretical realm. I said something like “if OMB didn’t exist, there would not be a voice in our five-county region representing the home building industry. There would not be a voice advocating for the families who would like to purchase a new home. There would not be a voice explaining to our elected officials and their staff the ramifications of their proposed ideas and decisions. Since then I’ve thought about Dick’s question many times. And I’ve thought of many tangible, concrete examples to answer the question, “What if OMB didn’t exist?” To begin with, if OMB didn’t exist, since OMB’s membership is a threein-one membership, OMB members would not only lose out on the efforts of OMB, they would lose out on the efforts of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW). So the question needs to be expanded to include “What if NAHB and BIAW also did not exist?” Here are some tangible, concrete examples of what would not have happened in the past few years if OMB ceased to exist. NAHB Affordable Care Act – The U.S. Senate version of the Affordable

July/August 2012

of business due to their inability to get insurance coverage for this new requirement, increased costs and frivolous lawsuits.

Care Act required any construction related business that had more than five employees to participate in the program while they only required other businesses with more than 50 employees to comply. NAHB successfully lobbied Congress and the five-employee mandate was removed before the bill was presented to President Obama for his signature.

OMB Impact Fees – Dues to the efforts of many OMB members and staff, proposed School Impact Fees in both Shelton and Mason County were defeated. Transportation Impact Fees in Olympia were proposed to increase by 81% in 2009. Due to OMB’s efforts the increase was 25%.

Endangered Species Act – NAHB is currently proceeding with a lawsuit seeking to challenge implementation of the settlement agreement that could result in the Mazama Pocket Gopher being listed as an endangered species.

Tumwater proposed a 400% increase in their Transportation Impact Fees. Due to OMB’s efforts the increase was substantially less and the increase was phased in over 1 ½ years.

While this lawsuit does not guarantee that the Mazama Pocket Gopher will not be listed, it could result in preventing implementation of the settlement agreement which could give us more time here on the local level to secure an agreement with U.S. Fish and Wildlife staff.

The City of Shelton proposed a Pedestrian Impact Fee which OMB was quick to point out was illegal. The proposed ordinance with withdrawn. Issues Education – There are many issues that OMB members and staff spend time on that you never read about in Chalk Line. That’s because these issues never “grow legs” thanks to OMB’s efforts.

BIAW Mandatory Residential Fire Sprinklers – In May BIAW members and staff convinced the State Building Code Council’s International Residential Codes Technical Advisory Group to keep fire sprinklers as a local jurisdiction option for new single-family construction rather than mandating them in all new single-family construction state wide. (Read Angela White’s column on page 5 for more details.)

Here’s an example. A while back a sub-committee in the City of Olympia was considering greatly restricting heat pumps due to a complaint they had received from a citizen. OMB staff discussed the issue with our members and then began a series of meetings with the City Council members on that sub committee to educate them on the ramifications of their proposed decision.

Home Warranties – In 2008, 2009 and 2010 legislation requiring all home builders to provide extensive warranties to all customers was introduced. If BIAW had not existed these bills would have become law and more home builders would have gone out

shouldn’t have air conditioning in their homes—they should just plant more trees—the majority of the sub-committee members agreed with OMB’s information and the issue died. Here’s another example. A Thurston County sub-committee was exploring the idea of requiring all new construction in the county to include solar panels. Because OMB members and staff were serving on that committee, they were able to educate the committee members on the value of providing incentives instead of mandates for energy efficiencies and allow for a variety of innovations rather than limiting it to solar panels. You may have noticed all of my “what if” examples have to do with government affairs issues – being an advocate for OMB members. That’s because if OMB didn’t exist some other organization could put on a home show, host a Tour of Homes, hold education classes, organize a golf tournament, create networking opportunities, etc. But no other organization would step up and be a solid voice for the home building industry. Being that voice is the most important thing OMB does on behalf of its members. So the answer to the question, “What if OMB didn’t exist?” essentially boils down to this…there would be no voice for you.

In spite of one sub-committee member telling me that people 3

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Government Affairs Report - The Latest Highlights Olympia Master Builders (OMB) is currently working on and/or monitoring several issues related to the building industry. Visit www.omb.org to see a list of issues. Below are a few recent highlights which include links to further information. To easily access these links go to the online version of Chalk Line at www.omb.org/news.

LOCAL Olympia Comprehensive Plan Update

Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance The Thurston County Commissioners held a public hearing on Saturday, June 23rd on the draft rewrite of the Critical Areas Ordinance. The public comment period was closed on July 5, 2012. OMB members and staff testified during the public hearing. At this time the Commissioners are reviewing the public testimony.

The Olympia Planning Commission will be holding two public hearings on the latest draft Comprehensive Plan; the first on Monday, July 23, 2012 and the second on Wednesday, July 25, 2012. Both hearing will begin at 6:30 pm in the Olympia City Council Chambers. OMB has been monitoring progress, has made comment and will continue to participate in the public process.

Visit http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/planning/critical_areas/criticalareasbocc-public-hearing-draft.html for additional information.

Written comment can be submitted online at imagineolympia.com, or by email to imagineolympia@ci.olympia.wa.us. The written record will remain open until 5:00 PM on Friday, July 27, 2012. Review the latest draft at: imagineolympia.com.

Thurston County Impact Fees The Thurston County Commissioners held a public hearing on imposing impact fees on Tuesday, July 19th. OMB members and staff testified during the public hearing. At this time the Commissioners are reviewing the public testimony.

Shelton Shoreline Master Program The City of Shelton is in the process of updating their Shoreline Master Program. They have organized a Citizen’s Advisory Committee. OMB staff has been appointed to the citizen’s advisory committee.

Visit http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/planning/impact/impact_home.html for additional information.

Mason County Shoreline Master Program


Mason County is in the process of updating their Shoreline Master Program. The City has organized a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to help review and evaluate the SMP. Paul Muldoon, Mason County Resident and OMB member representative has been appointed to the Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

Thurston Regional Planning Council/Population and Employment Forecast Advisory Committee

Visit http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community_dev/shoreline_master_program/ for additional information.

TRPC is updating their Population and Employment Forecast and has invited OMB staff to participate on the Advisory Committee because of the buildable lands component. The advisory committee will be looking at the county-wide forecast to update it based on state forecasts of employment and migration patterns, and working on local allocation to cities, towns, tribes, school districts, etc. for both population and employment.

Olympia Shoreline Master Program Update The City of Olympia’s Planning Commission has passed the draft version of the Shoreline Master Program on to the City Council for approval. The City Council met with the Planning Commission members to discuss the SMP update on Tuesday, June 19th. OMB has been monitoring progress, has made comment and will continue to participate in the public process.

For more information about any of these issues, contact OMB’s Government Affairs Director, Angela White at 360-754-0912 or email Angela@omb.org.

Mandatory Fire Sprinklers in Olympia

Scan this code, link to www.omb.org and you’ll be up to date on OMB events, news

The City Council’s Land Use and Environment Committee requested staff to begin looking into mandating fire sprinklers in all new residential construction as part of the 2012 work plan. The Committee instructed staff to begin working on this issue when the SMP is finalized.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

and educational information. 4

July/August 2012

What Others Are Saying

The Economic Impact of Home Building in WA Editor’s note: The following information was presented to board members of the Building Industry Association of Washington on June 218, 2012 by Elliot F. Eisenberg, Ph.D. who is an economist with the National Association of Home Builders. Home building generates economic impacts in the state where it takes place, including income and jobs for residents of the state, and revenue for the state government and local governments within the state. It also typically imposes costs on state and local governments—such as the costs of providing primary and secondary education, police and fire protection, and water and sewer service. Not only do these services require annual expenditures for items such

as teacher salaries, they typically also require capital investment in buildings, other structures, and equipment that state and local governments within the state own and maintain. In the first year, the 13,825 singlefamily homes built in Washington result in an estimated: • $828.1 million in tax and other revenue for the state government as well as local governments in the state.

ment for new structures and equipment undertaken by the state and local governments

• $96.4 million in current expenditures by the state and local governments to provide public services to the net new households at current levels, and

The analysis assumes that state and local governments finance the capital investment by borrowing at the current rate of 4.62 percent on tax-exempt bonds.

• $176.4 million in capital invest-

In a typical year after the first, the single-family homes result in: •$198.5 million in tax and other revenue for the state and local governments, and See “Impact”

page 13

LEW RENTS - Equipment -






Proud OMB Associate Member Since 1988 “Helping to Support Our Local Community Builders Since 1928” OLYMPIA 360-357-7731 2216 East 4th Avenue July/August 2012

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WESTSIDE 360-357-3314 405 McPhee Road SW Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Government Affairs Report

Fire Sprinklers Should Be a Voluntary Choice By Angela White, Government Affairs Director

Earlier this year the Washington Fire Sprinkler Coalition made another run for a state mandate for residential fire sprinklers. Your State Association, the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), acted immediately and submitted a letter to the International Residential Code (IRC) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the State Building Code Council (SBCC) urging them to leave this issue as is: adoptable by local jurisdictions. There was a hearing in front of the TAG at the end of May, for which BIAW gathered a group of members and Association staff from around the State to testify, including OMB member Don Koidahl of MDK Construction Inc. and myself. The TAG voted to recommend to the SBCC to leave mandatory fire sprinklers adoptable by local jurisdictions. The SBCC voted 8 to 1 to accept the recommendation of the TAG. A final hitch took place at the end of June when the SBCC agreed to hear and review the minority report after they had already voted on the issue. Once again BIAW was there and ready to testify. The good news; the SBCC affirmed their original decision. As I watch the members of OMB do business in the community I have been struck by a very real point in this process. I haven’t seen our Associate members developing a product they believe in, starting a business and then trying to force their product on the market through a mandate or regulation; greatly increasing the cost of housing! Our members joined OMB,

advertise to and educate the public through available avenues, work hard to form relationships with the builders in the community and together, give potential homebuyers OPTIONS when building a home.

ing discussions about whether to mandate fire sprinklers. Since this will, for now, remain a local option OMB will continue to discuss these points with the local jurisdictions you are doing business in. And

Fire Sprinklers should be a voluntary choice left to a consumer when they are building a home, period! If the Washington Fire Sprinkler Coalition had worked with BIAW and encouraged companies to educate builders about their product, who in turn, could provide information to the people building homes, this could be a much different playing field we are working on right now.

Members, as you talk with elected officials keep in mind these points: • Fire deaths have continued to decline without a fire sprinkler mandate in new homes.

What we have instead is an “us against them” fight. The building industry has been forced to defend itself against the ever rising cost of building a home in an economic environment where the profit margins are extremely tight. The industry has been painted as being against life safety when this is FAR from true. Over the last 30 years residential construction technology has greatly improved and building code requirements for electrical and smoke alarm systems are leaps and bounds more stringent. Paired with a concerted effort from firefighters, home builders and other safety advocates to educate consumers there has been a dramatic drop in the number of home fire fatalities. This is an impressive trend given the significant population growth and increase in housing stock over the same time period.

• Smoke alarms work. • New homes are safer than ever. • Fire prevention education is a more practical and effective way of reducing home fire incidents. • Fire sprinklers are costly equaling in fewer people will be able to afford new homes.

Background on SHB 2475 The state Legislature passed SHB 2575, titled “An act relating to fire sprinklers systems in private residences,” in the 2007 session. Basically SHB 2575 requested the SBCC to form a technical advisory group to “examine issues, barriers, and incentives pertaining to….the voluntary installation of sprinkler systems in private residences.” The SBCC was required to report back the findings of the TAG to the appropriate committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate by January 15, 2009. The TAG came out with a report in December of 2008 outlining 7 barriers to voluntary installation of sprinkler systems in private residences along with recommended solutions. This report is available at biaw.com.

Last year the Lewis County Chapter of OMB worked hard to educate the City of Chehalis, who in turn voted to keep fire sprinklers a voluntary choice by a homebuyer instead of making them mandatory. This year the City of Olympia will be start-

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

because I can’t say it enough, fire sprinklers should be a voluntary choice left to the homebuyer because it keeps housing affordable in our community.


July/August 2012

OMB Member Spotlight Throughout 2012 each issue of Chalk Line will be featuring companies who have been OMB members for over 25 years.

Associate Member

David Lesinski

Member Since 1981

In 1998 I started at Puget Sound Energy reading meters and became a New Customer Development Representative for Natural Gas until December of 2006. I then became an Engineering Specialist for Electric and Gas feasibility and learned the Electric side of the business. I currently provide customers with feasibility (Can it be done? and How much will it cost?) for Electric and Gas, residential and commercial. Trivia Tidbits: 1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? I (and others before me) am able to provide Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and it’s members with a direct contact to PSE. Being an OMB member also provides us with the opportunity to interact with our customers on a closer level. 2. Who or what inspires you? I am inspired when I experience appreciation from customers for giving them the answers to their questions. 3. What is your best business practice? My best business practice is caring about our customers and their concerns. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? That the employees at PSE really care about customer service. And that I am available to answer all questions and if I cannot answer at that time, I can research and call back when I find the answer. 3130 S. 38th Street, Tacoma, WA 98409, 253-476-6426 Cell: 253-905-4592 david.lesinski@pse.com, www.pse.com

Associate Member

Barbara Whitlow Member Since 1981

Olympia Federal Savings, started in 1906, is a local financial institution with a proven commitment to the communities we serve. We are knowledgeable and dedicated to providing personalized competitive financial services that will consistently exceed our customers’ expectations. Thanks to an adherence to prudent financial policies and sound loan programs, the institution has continuously earned a five-star “superior” rating for 96 consecutive quarters from Bauer Financial, an independent national ranking service for banks and thrifts since 1988. This rating is presented to the nation’s top tier of financial institutions for safety, strength and performance. Trivia Tidbits: 1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? Olympia Federal is proud to be a part of this creditable organization that supports and works toward the rights of the building community while providing education for the continuance of quality and integrity in the construction industry. We have enjoyed the networking opportunities and relationships we have made over the years. 2. Who or what inspires you? Our community, our customers and our employees all inspire us. We are so proud of the quality of our community, the loyalty of our customers and the longevity and expertise of our employees. A key principle in Olympia Federal Savings’ business philosophy is its support for a generous cross-section of worthy programs and organizations. Through sponsorships, contributions and other forms of involvement, Olympia Federal promotes the overall social, cultural and ultimately, economic well –being of the place we all live and work. 3. What is your best business practice? Oly Fed is hometown banking at its best, where officers, directors and employees know their customers because they are their neighbors. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? At Oly Fed we believe lending shouldn’t have to be such a process. Whether you are buying, building or renovating with more “green” features our experienced loan officers are here to help. 421 Capitol Way S., Olympia, WA 98501 360-456-3470, bwhitlow@olyfed.com, www.olyfed.com

July/August 2012


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Membership Report

Mid-Year Membership Update By Regina Greer, Membership/Marketing Coordinator

As of the end of June 2012, Olympia Master Builders (OMB) recruiters have brought in 56 new members compared to 66 new members recruited in all of 2011. We only need to recruit 10 more new members to match last year’s new members! The Membership Committee’s goal is to recruit 70 new members in 2012. That’s only 14 more new members. That’s less than three new members per month for the rest of

the year. I know we can do it!!!!

Thank You to These 2012 Recruiters

There are a lot of reasons to join OMB now. On top of the already great benefits of being an OMB member, the first ten new members recruited as of the first of July will receive a list of incentives that value over $400. AND the first ten recruiters to bring in a new member will receive two FREE movie tickets.

8 New Members John McKinlay 7 New Members Scott Nolan 6 New Members James Peterson

Let’s work together and smash through that goal of 70 new members for 2012. Contact me at 360754-0912 or regina@omb.org for more information or questions about recruiting new members.

3 New Members Tina Allen Harv Lillegard

Carmen Rowe 2 New Members Jim Asher Ross Irwin Bob Kagy Paul Muldoon 1 New Member William Childress Ron Deering John Erwin

Andy Gruhn Rich James Don Koidahl Karen McClennen Scott Oliver Walt Robertson Rusty Ruiz Mark Shaffer Jim Simmons Barb Whitlow

Wake Up & NETWORK! There will be no meetings during July and August. See you on September 26! Contact Regina at regina@omb.org or 360-754-0912 for more information.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


July/August 2012

33rd Annual Golf Tournament Winners The Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Annual Golf Tournament was held on Thursday, June 21 at The Golf Club at Hawks’ Prairie. More than 100 golfers enjoyed the sunny and dry break in the weather. Thank you to Main Event Sponsor Pro-Build, Goodie Bag and Golf Cart Sponsor Protective Coatings Group, Hole in One Sponsor All Star Ford, Long Drive Sponsor Sierra Pacific Windows, Practice Green Sponsor Parr Lumber, and Sign Sponsor Fast Signs. And thank you to the following Hole Sponsors: Adair Homes, First Investors Corporation, Hung Right Doors LLC, Olympia Federal Savings, RSVP Olympia, Sierra Pacific Windows, Sunset Air, Inc., Thurston County Chamber, Tradesmen International, Inc., Washington Business Bank and Washington Health Insurance Agency, for making the event possible!


Sunrise Landscaping & Tree Removal LLC


Olympia Fireplace & Spa

Golf players enjoy lunch and prize-winner announcements.


Parr Lumber Co.

The Packwood Ace Hardware team!

Remodel Now Magazine Available The Remodel Now magazine, a publication of the Remodelers’ Council of Olympia Master Builders (OMB). was recently published. Included in this edition are articles on small projects that bring big satisfaction such as different types of flooring: countertops and backsplashes; lighting and security; and safety/accessibility. Also there are the 2012 winners of the Remodeling Excellence awards.

Printing is more than Ink on Paper... 7009 Martin Way PO Box 3309 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 456-4545 www.abcprinting.net

This colorful, informative magazine is available at the OMB office 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506. It is a great marketing tool for remodelers, builders and associate members.

It’s the quality in craftsmanship that goes into every job we print.

July/August 2012


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Endorsed Candidates Need Your Vote The Affordable Housing Council of Olympia Master Builders (TAHC) has endorsed the following federal, state and local candidates. TAHC will be making additional endorsement decisions after the primary election. Please support these candidates who understand the important role of the home building industry on the national, state and local level. This year’s primary election is August 7. REMEMBER TO VOTE!

Federal Races Jaime Herrera, U.S. Representative, District 3, Republican (incum-

Gary Alexander, 2nd Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican

Dick Muri, U.S. Representative, District 10, Republican

JT Wilcox, 2nd Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican


(incumbent) (incumbent)

Michael Baumgartner, U.S. Senate, Republican

Dan Swecker, 20th Legislative District, Senate, Republican (incumbent)

Statewide Races

Richard DeBolt, 20th Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican

Rob McKenna, Governor, Republican


Brad Owen, Lieutenant Governor, Democrat (incumbent)

Ed Orcutt, 20th Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican

Kim Wyman, Secretary of State, Republican


Reagan Dunn, Attorney General, Republican

Jim Hargrove, 24th Legislative District, Senate, Democrat (incumbent)

Clint Didier, Commissioner of Public Lands, Republican

Dan Griffey, 35th Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican

Washington State Supreme Court Richard Sanders, Washington State Supreme Court, Position 9

Drew MacEwen, 35th Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican

Washington State Legislature Randi Becker, 2nd Legislative District, Senate, Republican (incumbent)

Thurston County Andrew Barkis, Thurston County Commissioner, District 2, Republican

OMB Class Calendar for Fall Except where noted - Register today by calling the BIAW at 360-352-7800. For a complete class description go to www.omb.org.

Lien Law and Public Works; Construction Contracts Understand the circumstances under which you must give a preliminary lien

notice to the owner and / or general contractor. Prepare and utilize contract clauses that are designed to expeditiously and economically resolve disputes over payments and much more. Accreditation: CGA, CGB, CGR credit. 3.5 RE clock hours; 3 Insurance CE hours. Thursday, Sept. 13

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Cost: $110 members,

$165 non-members

OSHA 10 Course TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE: Falls; electrocution; struck by; caught between; personal protective equipment; health hazards in

construction including lead, asbestos, silica; material handling storage, use and disposal; tools; stairways and ladders. TO REGISTER CALL THE OMB OFFICE AT 360-754-0912. Tues. & Wed., Sept. 25 & 26 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cost: $140 members, $180 non-members

CAPS I Marketing and Communication Strategies Learn best practices in communicating and interacting with 50+ customers and

take advantage of one of the fastest growing market segments in remodeling and related industries. Designations: CAPS, CGA, MCSP. Cont. edu. credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CGP, CSP, Master CSP, CMP, MIRM. 8 RE clock hrs., 6 AOTA Cont. Edu. hrs. Thursday, Nov. 1 8:00 a.m.

to 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $220 members, $255 non-members

CAPS II Design Build Solutions for Aging in Place As a graduate of this course, you’ll be able to: describe the home ownership market

as it relates to the three segments of the Aging-in-place market; consider contractual and legal concerns for building professionals providing design solutions to the client; perform a needs assessment to identify and prioritize the needs, wants and wishes of the client. Designation credit: CAPS, CGA, MCSP. Cont. edu. credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, MASTER CSP, CMP, MIRM, 8 RE clock hrs., 8 RE appraiser hrs., 6 AIA cont. edu. hrs., 6 AOTA cont. edu. hrs. Friday, Nov. 2 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $220 members,$255 non-members.

Reading & Understanding Construction Drawings

This class is designed for builders, sub-contractors, remodelers, building department workers and material suppliers, new employees or as a refresher course. Learn to read drawings and find information needed to provide a material take-off. Thursday, Sept. 8 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $145 members, $199 non-members.

Business Management for Building Professionals

This course will give ;you a solid foundation in those best business practices so valuable to smaller businesses: planning, organizing, staffing/directing and controlling. Designation credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, CGP, Master CSP. Cont. edu credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, Master SCP, CMP, MIRM. 6 AIA. Thursday, Dec. 6 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost:

$225 members, $275 non-members.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


July/August 2012

National and State Update From the

From the

Congress Extends Flood Insurance Program In an important victory for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and its members who rely on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Congress has reached an agreement to reauthorize the program through Sept. 30, 2017. In the past few years, the NFIP has experienced several short-term lapses in authorization, forcing many home buyers to delay or cancel closings due to the inability to obtain NFIP insurance for a mortgage. In other instances, builders were forced to stop or delay construction on a new home due to the lack of flood insurance approval, resulting in unnecessary delays and job losses.

Mandatory Fire Sprinklers Defeated

to roll the flood insurance legislation into a larger legislative package that also includes the transportation reauthorization and student loan bill. The legislation was subsequently approved by the Senate and House and is expected to be signed into law shortly by President Obama.

Working with a bipartisan group of senators, NAHB was also successful in removing “residual risk” language from the flood insurance bill, which would have required the mandatory purchase of flood insurance for areas located behind dams or levees. “NAHB believes the local investment in these flood control structures takes into account the risks, and to mandate the purchase of additional flood insurance policies at a cost to “NAHB has been working tirelessly the home owner is simply unfair,” to make sure that this vital program, said Rutenberg. which was set to expire on July 31, was reauthorized for five years to Established in 1968, the NFIP offers ensure that the federally-backed affordable flood insurance to home flood insurance program oper- owners and businesses in flood ates smoothly and without delay, plains and other low-lying areas remains efficient and effective in that otherwise might not be able protecting property owners, and to obtain coverage. creates more stability in the housing market,” said NAHB Chairman Barry More than 20,000 communities Rutenberg, a home builder from nationwide participate in the insurGainesville, Fla. ance program, which currently covers about 5.6 million policyholders. Congressional negotiators agreed

NAHB / Wells Fargo Housing Market Index The index, which measures builder confidence in the market for newly built single-family homes, gained one point in June from a slightly revised level in the previous month

July/August 2012

On May 31 the State Building Code Council’s International Residential Code Technical Advisory Group voted 8-1 to keep fire sprinklers as a local jurisdiction option for new single-family construction.

risks and residential fire sprinklers have a negligible effect on overall life safety. A home that is hardwired with smoke alarms has a 99.45 percent chance of surviving a house fire.

BIAW provided talking points and recruited members from around the state to testify. BIAW members effectively highlighted real statistics regarding fire sprinklers and life safety. BIAW has long advocated that new homes are not high burn

New construction in Washington is safe from mandatory fire sprinkler systems for another code update cycle. Local jurisdictions are still free to mandate them and BIAW encourages members to fight them at the local level.

In June the Building Industry Association of Washington’s (BIAW) summer board meeting was held in Pasco, WA. Olympia Master Builders’ member Derrick and Jennifer Presley of United Roofing Solutions Inc. received the BIAW’s Excellence in Remodeling award during the Excellence in Remodeling reception at the Red Lion Hotel.

to rest at 29. This is the index’s strongest reading since May of 2007. Any number under 50 indicates that more builders view sales conditions as poor than good.

Derrick and Jennifer won in the “Residential Exterior Over $25,000” category. Congratulations!


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

“Triple Crown” Themed Auction a Runaway Hit The Live Auction is always where the real “action” is, and where the bidding gets even more exciting. Returning OMB Master of Ceremonies, Jerry Farmer of 94.5 ROXY, Olympia Broadcasters, did a fantastic job once again, getting the whole crowd revved up with “Triple Crown” theme.

The Olympia Master Builders (OMB) returned to the Great Wolf Lodge on Saturday, June 9 for their 26th Annual Auction. According to Auction Chair, Kim Asay of Sterling Bank, “It was a fun event! Guests had a great time bidding on items and supporting the Association.” The night started off with the three Silent Auctions which featured nearly 150 items to bid on.



popular “Date Night Raffle” package. Certificates for twelve different activities, a n d t we l ve different restaurants were included in this package, which came to over $1,200 in value.

This year’s auction, which was sponsored by Olympia Overhead Doors (Preview Party Sponsor), Sterling Bank (Wine Sponsor), Chicago Title (“Date Night” Raffle Sponsor), Jay A. Goldstein Law Office PLLC (Photo Booth Sponsor), Crescent Lighting (Centerpiece Sponsor), Asher Remodeling (Raffle Basket Sponsor) and Pardiman Productions (Scholarship Video Production sponsor), featured over $77,000 in procured items.

From left front: Mike Collins and John McKinlay, both of Olympia Overhead Doors, get their bidder cards ready during the Live Auction.

In addition to this package, the Raffle Baskets returned this year – thanks to the generous donations of several Auction Committee Members.

In all, the combined sales of Live and Silent Auction items generated more than $28,600. This represents a 53% value of procured items! The success of this auction is due to the generosity of all the companies who donated items.

This year’s event had two raffle activities. One was the return of the


For the first time during the FundA-Need portion of the Live Auction, OMB showed a video of three past scholarship recipients, who were able to convey how instrumental the scholarship has been to the success of their education. During this portion of the Auction, guests pledged $3,950 towards Olympia Master Builders’ scholarship fund. (To view the video, visit the YouTube website and search “OMB Scholarship”).

Fill in your name & address below. Pass the notes out to all your friends. When they get their carpets cleaning & turn in the noted, we will mail you a coupon to get 5% off your next residential carpet cleaning. Coupons can be combined!

A Steve’s Professional Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning “A referral is the best compliment a customer can give.” nd

My Frie

Thank you goes to the 2012 Auction Committee members: Kim Asay, Chair, of Sterling Bank, Kathi Daly, Crescent Lighting Supply, Inc., Joyce Galligan of Crescent Lighting Supply, Inc., Carol Goodman of Crescent Lighting Supply, Inc., Sarah Huffer of Heidi Persson of KGY Radio AM 1240 & 96.9 The Sound FM, Karen McClennen of The Olympian, John McKinlay of Olympia Overhead Doors, Linda Mosier-Vaudt of ProBuild, Heidi Persson of KGY Radio AM 1240 & 96.9 The Sound FM, and Erika Strong of Pro-Build.

The gang from Olympia Construction.

t Me Sen

Turn in this referral note to your carpet cleaning technician at time of service and your friend will receive 5% off their next residential carpet cleaning. CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT! 360-701-9544 * 253-691-3150 For more referral notes, find us on Facebook! Attendees look over items to bid on during the silent portion of the Auction.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


July/August 2012


• $192.8 million in state and local government expenditures needed to continue providing services at current levels. The difference between government revenue and current expenditures is defined as an “operating surplus.” In this case, the first-year operating surplus is large enough so that all debt incurred by investing in structures and equipment

Continued from page 5

Chapter Reports

at the beginning of the first year can be serviced and paid off by the end of the first year. After that, the operating surpluses will be available to finance other projects or reduce taxes. After 15 years, the homes will generate a cumulative $3,606.8 million in revenue compared to $2,983.9 million in costs, including annual current expenses, capital investment, and interest on debt.

Lewis County

There will be no July or August meetings. The next meeting will feature local candidates and will be held on Wednesday, September 19 at the Rambin’ Jacks Rib Eye in Napavine at 6:00 p.m. Read Chalk Talk for complete details.

Twin Harbors

The Twin Harbors Chapter will not meet during July or August. The next meeting will be held on September 6. Read Chalk Talk for complete details of meeting site.

Nothing But Networking Tuesday August 14 5:00 p.m. Cost $5.00

RSVP OMB:360-754-0912

South Pacific

The South Pacific Chapter will not meet in July or August. The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 13 at the Lightship Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. Local County Commissioner Candidates will be on hand to answer questions before the election.

Mason County

There will be no July or August meetings. The next meeting will be held on September 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Taylor Station and will feature local candidates.

4511 Lacey Blvd. S.E., Lacey, WA

Thank You

to these renewing members May and June 2012

30+ Years Olympia Federal Savings 20+ Years Sandrini Const. & Remodeling Lew Rents Company Mr. Electric Hoel Construction Lew Rents West, Inc. Rob Rice Homes W.E. Davis Company, Inc. Wilder Contractor, Inc. 15-19 Years Buehler Homes, LLC Hudson’s Drywall, Inc. Olympia Overhead Doors Rainier General Development Southgate Fence, Inc. Title Guaranty of Lewis Co. C H 2 O, Inc. Chehalis Rentals Desco Audio & Video South Bay Excavating Black Hills, Inc. Boyd’s Plumbing DJ’s Plumbing, LLC Northwest Design & Dev. Olympic Heating & Cooling Western Washington Constr. BMC Building Materials John’s Plumbing & Pumps McKinney’s Appliance

July/August 2012

Northwest Vinyl Systems, Inc. Wiseman Utilities, Inc. Pioneer Digging Wirkkala Construction

Home Resource Company Hung Right Doors, LLC Wichert Electric, Inc. Willapa Logging Co., Inc. Zeigler’s Welding American Pump and Electric Brodie Heck Construction C P I Corporation Edward Jones Investments Snell Crane Service, Inc. Taurus Industries, Inc. Aaron Carter Construction Campbell Electric Co., Inc. H & R Waterworks, Inc.

10-14 Years FGM Construction & Devel.t Franciscovich, Inc. Huttmann Electric, Inc. A+ Septic and Plumbing Bathroom, Inc. Brown Building Contractors Gerald Bailey Construction Industrial Electric Service Co. Oman & Son Bldrs Supply Ashby Homes, Inc. Harbor Ventilation, Inc. Jodesha Broadcasting, Inc. KSWW-FM/KJET-FM/KBKW-AM/ KANY-FM Stable Systems, Inc. Sunlight Woodenworks, Inc. Tops Solid Surface J & S Holding Company A Steve’s Professional Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning House Brothers Construction Industrial Fabric. & Testing Washington Business Bank

J.A. Goldstein Law Office, PLLC

Olympic Iron Works, LLC Steamboat Island Constr. Superfloors Turner Insulation, Inc. A Glass Enterprise, Inc. A Personal Touch Painting, Maintenance & Remodeling All American Propane West E & B Homes Northfork Construction, Inc. Pete’s Lawn & Garden Maint. 2-4 Years Kinetico Home Water Systems/ Water Doctor of Washington Little River, Inc. Parr Lumber Company Solid Designs

5-9 Years C A & G General Construction Hoeks Painting, LLC 13

Action Pest Control, Inc. Albert Lee Appliance Exeltech Consulting, Inc. Franzen Brothers Roofing H2O Jet, Inc. Northwest Hearth & Home Packwood Ace Hardware Pardiman Productions RLJ Constr./Gutter Cover Guy Strategy Insurance Brokers Travers Sound & Telecommunications Systems, Inc. Budget Blinds of Lacey How Charming Quinault Beach Resort and Casino RailPro Rodda Paint Summit Marketing Associates 1 Year Curtis Lumber Co. In To Win Promotions Lotus House Development Lowes of Lacey McLees Mobile Automotive Repair Shipp Construction, Inc. Trillium Carpentry Inc. Winters Construction

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Welcome New Members Advanced Energy Systems Assoc-Lewis Chuck Dillon 2022 Jackson Hwy Chehalis WA 98532 P: (360) 748-1817 F: (360) 748-3557 E: cdillon@advancedenergyinc. com Sponsor: Jim Asher Allen-Westfall Assoc-OMB Fred Westfall 5241 Carole Dr NE Olympia WA 98516 P: (360) 789-3827 E: fredwestfall@hotmail.com Sponsor: Tina Allen American Plumbing Contractor Assoc-OMB Kevin J. Conner PO BOX 701 East Olympia WA 98540-0701 P: (360) 438-0611 F: (360) 438-3383 E: american.plumbing@comcast. net Sponsor: Jim Asher Baker Underground & Construction, LLC Assoc-OMB Gregory W. Baker 3403 Steamboat Island Rd. NW PMB 372 Olympia WA 98502-9619 P: (360) 493-1680 F: (360) 493-1799 E: greg@bakeruc.com; tanya@ bakeruc.com Sponsor: Donald Koidahl Bay Concrete Construction, Inc. Assoc-OMB Steve Webster 3122 E 104th St Suite A Tacoma WA 98446 P: (253) 377-3560 F: (253) 531-6444 E: bathroom@comcast.net Sponsor: Tina Allen Bud’s Lumber Assoc-So Pacific Steve Clements PO Box 305 South Bend WA 98586 P: (360) 875-6507 F: (360) 875-6352 E: buds@willapabay.org Sponsor: Tina Allen Bushnell Energy Consulting dba Jeb Inc. Assoc-OMB John Bushnell

1407 S Fersinand Dr Tacoma WA 98405 P: (253) 549-5858 E: zeroenergyhomes@q.com Sponsor: Walt Robertson

Jen McCauley 3425 Stoll Rd SE Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 456-0287 F: (360) 481-1663 E: rickr@edenpest.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan

C.A. Simpson Construction LLC Bldr-OMB Chris Simpson 3819 Ravine Lane SE Olympia WA 98513 P: (360) 280-0729 F: (360) 493-2375 E: casconstruction@comcast.net Sponsor: James Peterson

First Investors Corporation Assoc-OMB Diane Suarez 14900 Interurban Ave S - Suite 201 Seattle WA 98168 P: (206) 204-3066 F: (206) 204-3067 E: diane.suarez@firstinvetstors.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Chetties Creative Woodworking Assoc-OMB Chettie White PO BOX 692 Rochester WA 98579 P: (360) 500-9099 E: chettieswoodworking@comcast. net Sponsor: Paul Muldoon

Four Seasons Home Repair LLC Bldr-OMB Scott Smith 2130 Maple Valley Rd SW Olympia WA 98512 P: (360) 259-4567 E: mx567@comcast.net Sponsor: Harv Lillegard

Corley Company, LLC Bldr-OMB Bill Wysocki 6432 Young Rd NW Olympia WA 98502 P: (360) 529-3219 F: (360) 259-3216 E: bill@corleycompanyllc.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Fury Riccio Construction Inc. Assoc-OMB Fury Riccio PO BOX 1043 Rainier WA 98576 P: (360) 951-5098 E: furyfurydog@yahoo.com Sponsor: James Peterson

Devcon Security Services Assoc-OMB Kevin Carson 1508 O St SW #101 Auburn WA 98001 P: (253) 202-9085 E: esnow@devconsecurity.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan

George Gill Construction, Inc. Assoc-Lewis George Gill PO Box 1163 Chehalis WA 98532 P: (360) 748-3200 F: (360) 748-1047 E: georgegillconstruction@gmail. com Sponsor: Harv Lillegard

DPR Builders & Developers Bldr-So Pacific Patrick Lucero PO Box 996 Ocean Park WA 98640 P: (360) 665-4225 F: (360) 665-4226 E: dprbuilders@centurytel.net Sponsor: Bob Kagy

Hood Canal Communications Assoc-Mason Jennifer Goos PO Box 249 Union WA 98592 P: (360) 898-2481 F: (360) 898-3854 E: jennyg@hcc.net Sponsor: Rich James

Drywall Inc. Assoc-OMB Reuben Knoblauch PO Box 989 Sumner WA 98390 P: (253) 926-8667 F: (253) 926-8712 E: drywallinc@comcast.net Sponsor: Andy Gruhn

Installed Building Products II, DBA Insulation Northwest Assoc-OMB Corey Spence PO BOX 732069 Puyallup WA 98373 P: (253) 846-0212 F: (253) 846-8096 E: corey@insulationnw.com Sponsor: James Peterson

Eden Advanced Pest Technologies Assoc-OMB

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


Joncin Plumbing Assoc-Mason John Anway PO BOX 1152 Shelton WA 98584 P: (360) 943-9458 E: ajoncinservices@aol.com Sponsor: James Peterson Lassen Electric Service Inc. Assoc-OMB Tim Kaufman 301 N. Capitol Way Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 352-8512 F: (360) 352-8513 E: tim@lassen-electric.com Sponsor: Tina Allen O Bee Credit Union Assoc-OMB Shelle Young 3900 Cleveland Ave SE Tumwater WA 98501 P: (360) 528-5386 F: (360) 943-5282 E: syoung@obee.com Sponsor: Carmen Rowe P&L Cabinet & Stone LLC Assoc-OMB Peter Dong 8001 Martin Way E Lacey WA 98516 P: (360) 742-3783 F: (360) 742-3783 E: peter@plcabinets.com Sponsor: Ron Deering Pacific Office Automation Assoc-OMB Randy Jacobson 1114 Pacific Ave Tacoma WA 98402 P: (253) 572-6400 F: (253) 922-9480 E: randy.jacobson@pacificoffice. com Sponsor: Bob Kagy Palmer Construction Company Bldr Lewis Lisa Palmer PO Box 232 Randle WA 98377 P: (360) 497-7352 F: (360) 497-7009 E: lisa@palmerconstructioncompany.com Sponsor: Jim Simmons

See “New”

page 15

July/August 2012


Continued from page 14

Pettit Oil Company Assoc-OMB Mr. Bill Freeman 1498 Pacific Avenue, Suite 520 Tacoma WA 98402 P: (253) 627-6430 F: (253) 627-3841 E: bfreeman@pettitoil.com Sponsor: John McKinlay Radcliff Construction, Inc. Assoc-OMB Marcus Williams PO Box 20782 Olympia WA 98507 P: (360) 239-7502 E: marcus@radcliffconstruction. com Sponsor: James Peterson Rosenbach Plumbing, Inc. Assoc-Twin Harbors J. Rosenbach 390 Monte Brady Rd. Montesano WA 98563 P: (360) 249-6197 F: (360) 249-5608 E: rosenbach@techline.com Sponsor: Karen McClennen Southgate Roofing & Const. Assoc-Mason Ron Gregory PO Box 2191

MA_4.25X5.5Ads_2011:Layout 1

Belfair WA 98528 P: (360) 275-2415 Sponsor: Paul Muldoon


Tile With Soule Assoc-OMB Chuck Soule 4019 Lake Cove Lp SE Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 561-3878 E: soule@aol.com Sponsor: James Peterson

Executive Committee

President..............................James Peterson First Vice Pres.................... John McKinlay Treasurer.................................. Scott Nolan Assoc. Vice Pres.............. Blake Knoblauch Second Assoc. VP.......................Ross Irwin Secretary.................................... Tina Allen Immed. Past Pres....................Janine Ezzell Builder at Large......................Ron Deering Bldrs. Council Chair.......... John McKinlay

Tom Nicholas CPA, Inc. PS Assoc-Lewis Tom Nicholas 107 N Tower Centralia WA 98531 P: (360) 623-1515 E: tom@tomnicholascpa.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Builder Directors

Jim Asher Andy Gruhn Harv Lillegard

Wayne-Dalton div of Overhead Door Corp. Assoc-OMB Dirk Leachman 5511 SE 26th Ave Portland WA 97219 P: (503) 234-0941 F: (503) 231-0367 E: dleachman@wayne-dalton.com Sponsor: John McKinlay 3/21/11

2:45 PM

Scott Bergford John Kaufman Walt Robertson

Associate Directors

Kim Asay Rusty Ruiz

Rich James Holly Constantine

Legal Counsel Jay Goldstein

National Directors

Daimon Doyle James Peterson

Linda Mosier-Vaudt

State Directors

Tina Allen Ron Deering Harv Lillegard Don Koidahl John McKinlay Aaron Nester James Peterson Jim Simmons

Page 2

National Association of Home Builders

Put your membership to work now.

Tim Dickey Janine Ezzell. Blake Knoblauch. Karen McClennen. Paul Muldoon. Scott Nolan. Carmen Rowe. Lori Wirkkala

Life Directors

Jack Anderson Debbi Boyd William Childress Michael Cornforth Daimon Doyle Peter Fluetsch Don Koidahl Mason Manning Linda Mosier-Vaudt Brian Panush Tommy Poplin Mark Shaffer Andrew Spear

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for these and other participating companies.

Rick Borovec Clark Burkheimer Patrick Connor Merrilee DeForest Stuart Drebick Bob Kagy Bob Love Karen McClennen Al Mullins Bill Peters Rob Rice Greg Stevens Brad Wilson

Life Members

George King Mary Gordon, Honorary Douglas DeForest, Honorary

Lewis County Master Builders

President...................................Scott Nolan First Vice Pres....................... Jason Reimer Assoc. Vice Pres........................Rich James Secretary............................... Rick Borovec Immed. Past Pres...................... Scott Nolan Builder Directors.................... Don Koidahl Dave Danton, Dustin Westfall Associate Directors.................. Emma Ball, Becky Rieger, A.J. Treleven

Mason County Master Builders

President.................................Aaron Nester First Vice Pres....................... Rob McGuire Assoc. Vice Pres....................Todd McPhee Secretary..................................... Bob Love Immed. Past Pres................... Rob McGuire

South Pacific County Master Builders

President................................Lori Wirkkala First Vice Pres.......................... Ray Bonnie Immed. Past Pres...................... Glen Trusty

Twin Harbors Master Builders President.............................. Harv Lillegard First Vice Pres..................................... TBD Assoc. Vice Pres........................ Rusty Ruiz Secretary....................................Bob Smith Immed. Past Pres........................ Mike Foss

Association Staff Executive Officer......................Laura Worf Dir. Member Services......Stacey Genzlinger Govt. Affairs Director................Angela White Bookkeeper............................Sally Darrow Mbr. Marketing Coordinator. ...Regina Greer

Chalk Line is the official publication of the Olympia Master Builders, an affiliate of the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders. The Olympia Master Builders can be contacted at 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 985064234. Telephone 360-754-0912 or 800-456-6473. Fax 360-754-7448. Visit our web page at www.omb.org.

July/August 2012


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line




1211 STATE AVE. NE OLYMPIA, WA 98506 $1.25 per copy 360-754-0912 800-456-6473 www.omb.org




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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

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N150 Lake Cushman Rd. Hoodsport, WA 98548 Hours: M–Sa: 8am–5pm (360) 877-6881


July/August 2012

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