Chalk Line Magazine May/June 2016

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Chalk Line May/June 2016








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IN MEMORY OF JUNE DONOHUE PAGE 8-9 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OMB MEETINGS AND EVENTS! COVER PHOTO OMB BIG Home & Garden Show participant Nature Perfect Landscape and Design’s 2016 display.





May/June 2016


Mazama Pocket Gopher Update

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Chalk Line



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Interested in sharing your expertise, opinions or comments with Chalk Line readers? Please contact Angela White at or (360) 754-0912 to discuss the opportunity to write content for Chalk Line.


Looking Ahead-Meetings and Events May 10 at 4:00 pm - Executive Committee meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 19 at 11:30 am - General Membership Luncheon-REX AWARDS River’s Edge in Tumwater

June 15 at 6:00 pm - Lewis County Chapter meeting Legends Sports Bar & Grill in Centralia

May 10 at 4:30 pm - Board of Directors meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 24 at 4:00 pm - The Affordable Housing Council Olympia Master Builders

June 16 at 11:30 am - General Membership Luncheon TBA

May 12 at 3:00 pm - Nominating Committee meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 25 at 11:00 am- ROII’s ABCs of Claims Olympia Master Builders Office

June 21 at 12:30 pm - Associates Council meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 12 at 4:00 pm - Beer With a Builder The Society Bar and Nightclub, Olympia

May 26 at 4:00 pm - Government Affairs Committee meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 17 at 12:30 pm - Associates Council meeting (this committee sets policy for OMB events) Olympia Master Builders Office

June 7 at 4:00 pm - Remodelers Council meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

May 18 from 8:00 am-5:00 pm - EPA Certified Lead-Safely/Renovation/Repair/ Paint class Olympia Master Builders Office May 18 from 8:00 am-3:00 pm - EPA Certified Lead-Safely/Renovation/Repair/ Paint REFRESHER class Olympia Master Builders Office May 18 at 6:00 pm - Lewis County Chapter meeting Legends Sports Bar & Grill in Centralia

June 10 at 8:00 am - First Aid/CPR class Olympia Master Builders Office June 14 at 4:00 pm - Executive Committee meeting Olympia Master Builders Office June 14 at 4:30 pm - Board of Directors Meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

June 21 at 5:30 pm - Quarterly Mason County Chapter meeting El Sarape in Shelton June 22-24 - BIAW Board of Directors Meetings Wenatchee, WA June 23 at 4:00 pm - Government Affairs Committee meeting Olympia Master Builders Office

Meetings and Events are subject to change. For more details on these upcoming OMB events, go to

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Don’t Let Things Happen-Make Things Happen! L

Mike Auderer PRESIDENT

if you don’t like it “andEven don’t think politics is your thing - it is! ”


For help getting involved in TAHC, or any other arena, contact OMB’s Executive Officer, Troy Nichols at or (360) 754-0912 or myself at mike@olyconstruction. com or (360) 451-3191.

ast fall at election time, I shared my thoughts on the importance of The Affordable Housing Council (TAHC). I want to, again and often, touch on TAHC and the importance of electing good candidates. TAHC has already started meeting this year and you, my fellow members, are encouraged and welcome to attend! For those of you that don’t know, TAHC makes local candidate endorsements and contributions after conducting an extensive vetting process. We work in an industry that is impacted by elected officials every day! Even if you don’t like it and don’t think politics is your thing – it is! Getting involved in TAHC has given me the ability to take action and make a difference with something I never thought I had any control over. By pooling our resources and our voices, as an Association, we make a difference by helping get business and home builder friendly candidates elected. Last year, TAHC endorsed and supported two business and housing friendly candidates in the City of Shelton. Both of those candidates were elected by the people of Shelton. This year the City of Shelton has drastically dropped building fees in the City and are encouraging builders to come join them in improving their community! (More information on the City of Shelton fee decrease can be found on page 12) The TAHC also endorsed and supported a quality candidate in Thurston County last election cycle. Commissioner Blake is a lone voice on the Commission, but he is asking the right questions and making sure that the business community is being heard and included in discussions. And we have the opportunity to elect two additional like-minded individuals to the Commission this November! Homeownership is still the American Dream. WE build stronger communities

4 • Chalk Line

and improve the quality of life! It’s been proven that homeownership gives people a sense of pride and accomplishment, and improves social stability. According to the National Association of Home Builders, building 100 new single family homes creates 297 full-time jobs, $28 million in wage and business income and $11.1 million in federal, state, and local tax revenue. A robust, quality housing industry equals more jobs, a better economy and a tax base that supports our community and schools!! We need more elected officials in our local area that understand this, and wholeheartedly embrace it. We need more elected officials that understand that every fee and every regulation that increases the cost of housing is actually hurting the community, not helping it. Take a look at the article on page 10 that focuses on impact fees so you can understand the added cost to housing and why this matters. Honestly, there are days I would rather spend my spare time out on the water with friends and family than at a TAHC meeting, but I feel strongly that we have and we will make a difference in our local elections! And to be very honest, the more I participate, the more I am learning about the process and the candidates, and I am actually having fun doing it! Plus, by participating on TAHC I am improving the climate that I am doing business in. You can become a TAHC trustee by contributing $125 in one calendar year. Trustees are voting members. If you already made the $40 voluntary contribution to TAHC as part of your dues, and thank you to all you members that have, you only need to contribute an additional $85! Campaign contributions are the fuel that keeps candidates running, and we need to continue to support them in order to make real change. Let’s make things happen for our businesses and our community!

Chalk Line Official Publication of the Olympia Master Builders 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia WA 98506 Phone: (360) 754-0912

The Olympia Master Builders is a professional trade association representing 450 member companies located in Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Mason and Pacific Counties. Our members come from all sectors of the building trades and are committed to “building strong communities, one home at a time.”

Executive Committee

President Mike Auderer First Vice President Ron Deering Treasurer Stuart Drebick Associate Vice President Debbi Boyd Second Associate Vice President Kim Asay Secretary Jon Jones Immediate Past President John McKinlay Builder at Large Karen McClennen

Builder Directors Scott Bergford, Janine Ezzell, Andy Gruhn, Erik Jensen, John Johnson, Jennifer McDonald

Associate Directors Holly Constantine, Jeff Klingburg, Becky Rieger, Rusty Ruiz

Legal Counsel Jay Goldstein

In Loving Memory of June Donohue Ruby June Donohue passed away on March 5, 2016 from complications of Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. June had a long history of dedication to the housing industry and the community. June and her husband Kenneth Donohue founded and operated Donohue Construction Co. and ERA Delta Real Estate, and went on to serve the industry in many capacities. June served on the Olympia Master Builders (OMB) board of directors from 1991-1998 and was the Association’s President in 1995. In 2002, June even worked as the membership coordinator for the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW). Among the many community activities June took part in was a four-year stint on the Planning Commission for the

City of Lacey. June won several awards throughout her career and, more importantly, made countless friends in the industry. OMB extends our greatest condolences to June’s surviving family members. In memory of June, the family is asking you to consider donating to the American Diabetes Association or the Alzheimer’s Foundation. We would encourage you to read June’s obituary, which includes links to donate, by visiting theolympian.

National Directors Mike Auderer, Bob Kagy, Karen McClennen

State Directors Tina Allen, Mike Auderer, Debbi Boyd, Ron Deering, Stuart Drebick, Janine Ezzell, Karen McClennen, John McKinlay, Bob Kagy, Becky Rieger

Grays Harbor Chapter

President Harv Lillegard Associate Vice President Rusty Ruiz Secretary Bob Smith

Lewis County Chapter

President Erik Jensen First Vice President John Johnson Assoc. Vice President Becky Rieger Secretary Rick Borovec Builder Director Patrick Toby Associate Directors Jason Kunz

Mason County Chapter

President Andrew Spear Associate Vice President Julie Nichols Secretary/Treasurer Patty Tupper

May is National Membership Month! Do you do business with non-members that you know should be joining OMB? Well, May is the month to encourage them to join! New members will earn extra benefits on top of the awesome benefits of being a member of OMB.


Enhanced membership listing on OMB Website OMB Website ad (small size) for 6 months General Membership Luncheon sponsorship Chalk Talk (OMB’S email member communication) ad for 3 months Free meal at first chapter meeting or General Membership Luncheon

South Pacific County Chapter President Steve Waltemate

Association Staff

Executive Officer Troy Nichols Communications DIrector Angela White Membership Marketing Coordinator Amanda Cassman Events Director Brianna Bedell Government Affairs Director Joshua Deal

New member recruiters are also earning cash for recruiting all year long, so all the more reason to talk to someone about joining today! Contact Amanda Cassman, OMB’s Membership Marketing Coordinator at (360) 754-0912 or for details or recruiting help!

Chalk Line • 5


Established in



Party of the Y ear! Saturday, Ju


South Puget

Affordable Housin for all Econom g Segments of Socieic ty.

It ’s All Greek

o Me! 2016 Aucttio n

6:00 pm

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To reserve your tic ket(s) now, call th e OMB office at (360) 754-0912 or email brianna@om! Visit for m ore information or to learn about donating!

n Your Auctio m o r F e g a s A Mes Co-Chairs!


Life of the Pa


The Auction raises $6,000-$7,000 each year for the Scholarship Program. The OMB scholarship committee then awards scholarships to students who choose to continue their education in an industry related field after high school.


The Auction supports our ever-expanding membership services.

Debbi Boydm


ll Janine Ezzele it T o g a Chic

The Olympia Master Builders Association (OMB) is hosting our annual Auction this year on Saturday, June 4th at South Puget Sound Community College. We are asking our members and other business people in the community to support the OMB Auction with a donation and attendance! This year’s theme is “It’s All Greek to Me!” This means that as a guest, you get to come dressed in your favorite college or university wear! It’s going to be great fun, AND all the funds raised go toward providing financial support for the Association’s efforts to promote affordable housing for all economic segments of society.

What Exactly Does This Mean? WE REPRESENT YOU!

Proceeds from ticket sales and auction purchases help fund our government affairs program. This program allows OMB to monitor, participate and testify concerning local government activities in five different counties regarding issues that are important to the building industry and the local business environment!


We also use the proceeds to build our scholarship fund! 6 • Chalk Line

The goal this year is to raise $50,000, and we rely on many companies’ support to reach this target. When an OMB Auction Committee member calls on you to request a donation from your company, please show your support and make a donation. Not only does this Auction benefit the Association, but it can also help you. A donation to the OMB Auction is a wonderful opportunity to showcase a new product, and promote it among our membership. In addition to your merchandise being on display during the event, your company’s generosity will be recognized, as donor names are listed in the Auction catalog, and in OMB’s bi-monthly publication, Chalk Line, after the event.

We appreciate your support and can’t wait to see you at the Auction!


MAZAMA POCKET GOPHER UPDATE meeting, and without any opportunity for public review or comment. As a result, the “interim process” has changed each of the past two years in the soil types subject to review and the number of reviews required, and appears likely to change again in 2016 if the County proceeds as planned.



n 2014, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service listed four subspecies of the Mazama pocket gopher found in Thurston County as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Following the listing, in lieu of following clearly delineated permit review process in its Critical Area Ordinance (“CAO”), Thurston County worked with USFWS to fashion an “interim process” in 2014 and 2015 to review land use and building permits that may potentially affect Mazama pocket gophers and their habitat. The County has maintained that the point of the “interim process” was to address County and (according to the County) landowner liability under the federal Endangered Species Act for activities that could be considered a prohibited “take” of the gopher. The County’s “interim process,” however, with its limitations on review to a defined time period (June 1 to October 31), requirements for multiple site visits, unspecified exemptions, and an end state that directs some permit applicants to obtain an individual Habitat Conservation Plan (“HCP”) or wait for the County’s to be completed, is vastly different from the County’s adopted CAO. Even more troubling, the “interim process” was implemented by County staff without formal action by the Board of County Commissioners at a regular

applicant could submit an application today for the 2016 process. However, until the pending court cases are decided, we expect that the County will apply the 2016 Interim Process not only to new applications, but also to applications that were submitted, but review not completed, in 2015.

On April 13, 2016, legal counsel for the Meanwhile, a permanent solution to Olympia Master Builders, along with the gopher permitting in the County in the Thurston County Chamber of Commerce form of a final HCP remains a distant and Hinkle Homes, argued their case prospect. The County’s press releases against the 2015 Interim Process in continue to insist that the HCP is due out front of the Western Washington “later this year,” but no draft has been Growth Management Hearings Board released, and no specific timelines have (“WWGMHB”). OMB, along with the been published. other petitioners, have filed an action seeking an order from the Growth Board Looking Forward that would invalidate the 2015 Interim Process and Although final OMB is also one resolution of the pending prevent the County from implementing or applying of the plaintiffs in Growth Board and Lewis any future process in the a pending lawsuit County cases are weeks, same manner. OMB is if not months, away, we in Lewis County also one of the plaintiffs are optimistic that these over the “interim formal legal challenges in a pending lawsuit in Lewis County over the to the County’s unlawful process,” which “interim process,” which process” to date is also seeking to “interim is also seeking to require are the first critical steps require Thurston in bringing back clarity to Thurston County to follow the CAO that is already on County to follow the land-use permitting the books. The WWGMHB process in Thurston the CAO that is is expected to issue its County for projects with already on the final decision and order in potential impacts to books. that case on or before May Mazama pocket gophers 23, 2016. and associated habitat. This clarity should Status Quo Review take the form of simply following the and Into 2016 permit and appeal procedures called for in the County’s adopted CAO—or, if As of this writing, Thurston County is changes to the adopted CAO are needed moving forward with the 2016 version of resulting from the listing or changes in the “interim process.” While the County best available science, that the County has not yet announced full details to the be required to follow the Growth public, a recent County press release Management Act’s requirements for introduced a few significant changes— public participation in doing so. namely, the removal of approximately 23,000 acres from required review Heather Burgess is a partner at Phillips based on soil type and early review of Burgess, PLLC, a long time OMB Member, permit applications. The County has and is representing OMB on the Mazama not yet explained why the 23,000 acres pocket gopher Interim Permitting Process or soil type are being removed from litigation. gopher review, nor is it clear whether an

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Top Left: Dennis Adams of Virgil Adams Real Estate visits with Representative Andrew Barkis at the 2016 Housing Summit. Top Right: The Housing Summit gives members a chance to learn about what’s happening in the industry and to rub elbows with Elected Officials and other local movers and shakers! Above: OMB offers members a monthly General Membership Luncheon. Not only are there top notch speakers, but it’s a great opportunity to meet industry professionals. Left: Karen McClennen of the Olympian, Debbi Boyd of Naberly, Tim Dickey of Dickey’s Repair & Remodel, Barb Whitlow of Olympia Federal Savings and Tina Allen of Great Floors having a great time at the February Building Industry Association of Washington Board Meetings! 8 • Chalk Line

Top: The 2016 BIG Home & Garden Show had record attendance! Bottom Left: Beer With a Builder is a relaxed way to shoot the breeze with fellow members. Pictured: Karen McClennen, The Olympian; Gordon Osberg, Washington Business Bank; John Erwin, John Erwin Remodeling, Inc.; Bob Connolly of Skillings - Connolly, Inc.; Dan Sallee, Dan Sallee Construction, LLC Right: The 2016 BIG Home & Garden Show’s outdoor vendors had beautiful weather along with great attendance!

noun | net•work•ing According to Merriam-Webster networking is the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business. The most successful people in business will tell you it’s still all about personal relationships, no matter how much technology we have available to us. OMB offers members, in an average month, up to ten different networking opportunities. There is everything from Beer With a Builder-a casual gathering, to the Building Officials meeting where you can end up on a first name basis with the people who can make or break your next project!

Check out and attend a meeting or event soon! Right: Members and Building Officials from several local jurisdications discuss interesting topics at a recent Quarterly Building Officials meeting.

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The Impact of Building Fees (or in the mind of some individuals, to homebuilders and developers.) However, this logic is not sound. OMB adamantly opposes excessive impact and building fees for many, many reasons.



n March 21st, the Shelton City Commission voted to reduce building and impact fees by 50 – 60% in order to spur growth within Shelton. This is a huge victory for affordable housing in the greater OMB area and will hopefully succeed in increasing development within Shelton above the two homes built per year there over the past several years. But if a jurisdiction like Shelton can afford to reduce their fees at this rate, one has to wonder how these fees got so high in the first place. What is the mindset that drives building and impact fees higher and higher each year? Every so often, local jurisdictions consider assessing impact fees on development as a source of revenue for various types of infrastructure needs. This is beneficial to elected officials because the burden of cost is paid for, but it is shifted from current residents to expected future residents

10 • Chalk Line

Impact fees are unfair and regressive. They are paid, not by developers or home builders, but by the home buyer as a part of the purchase price of the new home. Accordingly, impact fees reduce the affordability of housing, especially for low and middle income families.

schools – will be more difficult to pass if voters are already paying impact fees. Impact fees are multiplied over the period of a home loan. The value of an impact fee over a 30-year mortgage is multiplied by interest that provides zero benefit to the public. For a $3,000 impact fee, over a 30-year mortgage at 3.75%, homebuyers will be paying interest of $112.50 to the lender that does not contribute to the designated purpose of the fee in any way.

1,107 local jobs

The additional, annually recurring impacts of building 312 single-family homes in Olympia include •

$9.8 million in local income, $1.9 million in taxes and other revenue for local governments, and 183 local jobs

These positive effects of development are why the Shelton City Commission is Impact fee proponents seeking growth by reducing usually assert that residential their fees. When you are Impact fees are development does not pay considering where to locate discriminatory your next project, in nature. consider building Not only does new Infrastructure in Shelton in residential development “pay order to show improvements benefit everyone what we can do for itself,” it is one of the in the community when elected economic engines of any area. and, therefore, officials partner should be paid with the building for by the public at large. for itself (thus justifying industry to drive economic Imposing a special financial a “special” fee on new development. burden on just a small home buyers to offset segment of the community the claimed “burden” on The Shelton fee reduction – new home buyers (many of existing taxpayers who are took effect April 2nd and whom are current residents “subsidizing” residential Habitat for Humanity of and longtime taxpayers) – is development). This assertion Mason County announced simple but not equitable. is simply not true. Not new projects within the city only does new residential on April 3rd. This is a perfect Imposition of impact fees development “pay for itself,” example of how building fee erodes public support for it is one of the economic reductions can have a positive revenue bond issues. Impact engines of any area. effect on housing affordability fees are a dangerous prospect for all sectors of society. because they damage Based on a NAHB study on Hopefully, other jurisdictions the sense of community the estimated one-year metro in our area will take notice. necessary to support public area impacts of building in institutions. It is well known the Olympia area, the 312 We asked several local jurisdictions that support for future bond single-family homes built to evaluate their impact fees for a issues will become less likely created: typical 2,500 square-foot home with among those who have been a 480 square-foot garage and a 180 forced to pay an impact • $65.8 million in local square-foot covered porch. Their fee. General obligation income; estimates are available on the city bond issues – a major tool • $11.2 million in taxes websites as well as in the for providing infrastructure and other revenue for chart to the right. improvements, including local governments, and

2016 BUILDING & IMPACT FEES Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Shelton $40,000.00










$10,000.00 $0.00


Infill Lot



Impact Fees Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) Parks Impact Fee School Impact Fee



Olympia Permit Fees Building Permit Plan Check Fee State Permit Fee Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler Driveway Water Meter Water Service Installation Sewer Lateral Construction Water Sewer Tap Right-of-Way Erosion Control Subtotal Permit Fees

Infill Lot

Subdivision $3,021.35 $1,963.88 $4.50 $178.00 $225.00 $225.00 $382.32 $331.00 $147.00 $50.00

Infill Lot $3,021.35 $1,963.88 $4.50 $178.00 $225.00 $225.00 $382.32 $158.00 $331.00

$175.00 $6,703.05

$147.00 $50.00 $368.00 $368.00 $175.00 $7,597.05

$3,432.00 $5,437.00 $5,240.00

Infill Lot





Infill Lot




Subdivision $2,152.95 $1,076.48 $4.50 $205.90 $130.00 $200.00

Infill Lot $2,152.95 $1,076.48 $4.50 $205.90 $130.00 $200.00

Subdivision $2,582.45 $1,622.48 $4.50

Infill Lot $2,582.45 $1,622.48 $4.50

Subdivision $1,060.50 $688.00 $4.50

Infill Lot $1,060.50 $688.80 $4.50

$140.00 $225.00

$140.00 $225.00

$84.70 $115.50

$84.70 $115.50


$381.00 $799.00

$300.00 $1,800.00


$200.00 $125.00


$75.00 $2,029.00






$3,432.00 $5,437.00 $5,240.00


$1,550.00 $3,300.00

$3,355.65 $3,726.86 $3,622.00 *



$3,355.65 $3,726.86 $3,622.00 *









$3,918.00 $1,235.00 $3,442.00

$3,918.00 $1,235.00 $3,442.00

$6,123.00 $120.00 $3,371.00

$6,123.00 $120.00 $3,371.00















Sidewalk Improvement Charge Subtotal Impact Fees Utility Fees Water General Facilities Charge (GFC) Stormwater GFC Sewer GFC Sewer Capacity Development Charge Lott Capacity Development Charge





Subtotal Utility Fees


$2,500.00 $16,449.57




$34,761.62 $38,155.62

Water Service Install Deposit

$23,968.40 $24,767.40

$27,730.51 $29,430.51 $9,151.20 $6,547.00 *Tumwater School District Only Chalk Line • 11

Government Affairs


Olympia Master Builders (OMB) is currently working on and/or monitoring many issues related to the building industry.


City of Olympia Olympia Discusses Impact Fees for Bike Lanes and Transit – Recently, a small Transportation Working

Group, including OMB staff, met at the City of Olympia to discuss a multimodal concurrency program for bridging gaps in transportation service throughout the city, especially for alternative modes of transportation. Transportation infrastructure is incredibly expensive. The only new funding mechanism proposed by city staff was impact fees on new development, which are already incredibly high. If this recommendation moves through this group, it will become a budget request to the Olympia City Council. OMB staff strongly urged city staff to utilize and integrated planning approach, where road maintenance, utility work, expansion for bike lanes and transit, and repaving are simultaneously done on individual streets throughout the City in order to save duplicative costs that occur when doing these projects separately. OMB also encouraged staff to find other alternatives for funding these projects.

Thurston County Thurston Considers Wetland Buffer Expansion –

Recently, the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing to take comments on a proposed update to Thurston County’s wetland development code that goes well beyond the standards set forth by Ecology, in some places expanding 100 feet buffers to over 240 feet. Additionally, the public notice for the hearing was misleading, indicating that the proposal “would not change buffer widths.” The County must follow transparent public process when proposing changes. If implemented, these changes would hurt local landholders and builders by dramatically changing the status of property throughout the County from buildable to protected buffers (for reasons not supported by Ecology’s own science.) OMB staff submitted extensive written and oral testimony to Thurston County, urging the Commissioners not to implement these changes. The matter has been tabled. To get more involved in the OMB Government Affairs Program, contact Joshua Deal at or (360) 754-0912.

City of Shelton Shelton Building Fee Reductions – The Shelton

Commissioners passed a Resolution amending the building fees within the City of Shelton. With only two houses built annually for the last several years, this legislation will hopefully spur some needed economic growth. The measure allowed for the following reductions: 1. Reduce all plan review and building permit fees by thirty (30) percent. 2. To eliminate all water and sewer application fees. 3. To eliminate the water connection charge (a deposit intended to cover the cost for crews to construct a lateral from the water main to the site property line). 4. To reduce water and sewer general facility charges (GFC) by fifty-five (55) percent. 5. To reduce Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) by fifty-five (55) percent. 6. To eliminate the Sidewalk Improvement Charge (SIC). OMB staff and members testified in support of the measure at several meetings and are working with city officials to encourage development within Shelton.

Local People Local Decisions! …for Custom Construction and Commercial Financing. Home Mortgage and Home Equity, too.


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Saturday & Sunday 11am-5pm

Homes in Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, Yelm and the greater Thurston County area

You may also wish to secure a winery/brewery/distiller and/or entertainment to accompany your chef/menu. The earlier you sign up, the more options of Chefs you have to be paired with. *Participation in the Chefs on Tour is not required to be on the Tour of Homes*

Please contact the OMB office for more information and pricing. 360-754-0912 or “Being a part of the OMB Tour of

Homes every year gives our company the opportunity to show off our craftsmanship to the public. Seeing a picture of a remodel is completely different than seeing it in-person. Future clients love to see workmanship first hand before deciding on a contractor, and that is when we get to shine.”

“The OMB Tour of Homes has given our firm excellent exposure and has directly contributed to a few sales this year. We are months removed, yet still fielding inquiries as a result.”

- Brian Reynolds Lexar Homes

- Chris and Jennie McDonald

Lifespan Construction

Chalk Line • 13

Welcome New Members Joined February-March 2016

DO BUSINESS WITH A MEMBER TODAY! AAG Insurance Jason Kunz PO Box 936 Chehalis, W.A. 98532 Sponsor: Becky Rieger Buck Electric, Inc. Steve Buck PO BOX 1499 Ocean Shores, W.A. 98569 Sponsor: Rusty Ruiz California Closets Judy Tucker 20450 84th Ave S. Kent, W.A. 98032 (800) 814-1729 Sponsor: Ross Irwin Cascade Windows Brian Stimson 10507 East Montgomery Drive Spokane, W.A. 99206 (800)442-8544 bstimson@cascadewindows. com Sponsor: Holly Constantine Cuz-D Industries, Inc. Mark Lunde 5707 Lacey Blvd Ste 108 Lacey, W.A. 98503 (855) 528-9346 Sponsor: Treacy Duerfeldt

GHB Insurance Ron Bruchet PO BOX 1608 Olympia, W.A. 98507 (360)943-4500 Sponsor: Becky Rieger

Pacific Stone & Floors Musong Kim 2770 Mottman Rd SW Ste A Olympia, W.A. 98512 (360) 352-3960 Sponsor: Karen McClennen

Schluter Systems Stuart Blocher 1609 Easthill PI NW Olympia, W.A. 98502 (360) 701-3484 Sponsor: Mike Auderer

Gritton Building Company Jordan Gritton PMB 3403 Steamboat Island Rd. NW Olympia, W.A. 98502 (360) 790-6646 jordan@gritton Sponsor: Matt Petersen

Puget Sound Window & Door Holly Constantine P.O. Box 816 Puyallup, W.A. 98371 (253) 904-8658 holly@puget Sponsor: Karen McClennen

South Sound Framing LLC Brayden Todd 4319 17TH Way NE Olympia, W.A. 98516 (360) 515-1674 Southsoundframing1 Sponsor: Holly Constantine

McKenna Custom Tile Andrea Peters 4325 Clearwater LP SE Lacey, W.A. 98503 (360) 789-5713 Mckennacustomtile Sponsor: Mike Auderer

Richmond American Homes Shannon Densmore 310 29th St NE, STE 200 Puyallup, W.A. 98372 (253)693-9730 Shannon.desmore Sponsor: Holly Constantine

Northwest Home Team Green Reality Jessica Chase 1722 Harrison Ave. NW Olympia, W.A. 98502 (360) 529-0992 Sponsor: Becky Rieger

Rycon, Inc. DBA Sunlight Woodworks Paul Norem E. 876 Johns Prairie Rd Shelton, W.A. 98584 (360)426-1393 Sponsor: Julie Nichols

Washington Federal Chris Campbell 1540 Cooper Point Rd SW STE 500 Olympia, W.A. 98502 (360)534-97222 chris.campbell@ Sponsor: Linda Mosier-Vaudt

Take OMB with you. Download the Mobile App.

Available in the Apple and Android store.

Serving Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Mason, and Pacific Counties.

14 • Chalk Line

Thank You Renewing Members 2017 Board of Directors Renewed February-March 2016 DO BUSINESS WITH A MEMBER TODAY! 25+ Years: ProBuild at Shelton Auseth Construction, Inc. Abbey Capitol Floors Hoel Construction 20-25 Years: Kamco Construction Moerke & Sons Pump & Drill, Inc. LTJ Builders, Inc. Nicholson & Associates Ins. LLC Pascher Construction The Roof Doctor, Inc. Timberland Bank 15-19 Years: B.T. Wilson Const. Inc. The Olympian Miller and Sons, Inc. 10-14 Years: Karen Jerome McClennen Steve Crass Construction Retail Services of America, LLC Local MFG. Inc. Mohoric Refrigeration, Inc. Mason County PUD #3 HiLine Homes Dickey’s Remodel & Repair

Mullinax Ford Miles Sand and Gravel Company Habitat for Humanity of Mason County Shea Homes Keystone Masonry, Inc. Olympia Construction Umqua Bank Active Enterprise, Inc. BC Gas Repair 2-4 Years: EuroCraft Painting Whitehouse & Nichols Attorneys at Law Interior Dimensions Smart Energy Today Genuine Auto Glass Western Steel & Supply Inc. Precisionary, Inc. C & H Construction Carrig & Dancer Insulation & Windows K.T. Charbomean Trucking Inc. Sock & Company

Nominating Committee Set Nominating Committee Chair and Immediate Past OMB President John McKinlay has called the first meeting of the 2017 Nominating Committee for Thursday, May 12th at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will take place at the OMB office. As per OMB’s bylaws, the committee is made up of: Chair: Immediate Past President-John McKinlay Members: President Mike Auderer, First Vice President Ron Deering, Treasurer Stuart Drebick Presidential Appointments: Becky Rieger, Andy Gruhn, Erik Jensen, Holly Constantine and John Erwin If you have interest in serving on the OMB Board of Directors feel free to contact any one on the Nominating committee members or OMB’s Executive Officer, Troy Nichols, at (360) 754-0912 or

One Year: Mill Pond MJD Electric Winston Quarry, Inc.

5-9 Years: Advanced Heating & Air, Inc. KPFF Consulting Engineers Robbin’s Air, Inc. B.T. Wilson Const. Inc. Active Enterprise, Inc. Kuster Homes and Remodeling, LLC Washington Health Insurance Agency, Inc.

Chalk Line • 15

1211 STATE AVE. NE OLYMPIA, WA 98506 $1.25 per copy 360-754-0912 800-456-6473

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