“If the British administration and government do not return to the principles of moderation and equity, the evil which they profess to aim at preventing by their own rigorous measures, will the sooner be brought to pass - the entire separation and independence of the colonies.”-
Samuel Adams - 1775
Today, in early 2025, we prepare to enjoy The 250th USA Anniversary Celebrations of The beginnings of their fight for a New America

Cheers to Samuel Adams & the “All American” Men and Women from Boston and all the Patriotic Cities/towns throughout America Happy New Year’s America - Enjoy the Celebrations to come!

On February 19, 1775, British Parliament declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion against the Royal Crown. This declaration permitted British soldiers to shoot suspected rebels on sight.

“We find that a part of your Majesty's subjects, in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, have proceeded so far to resist the authority of the supreme Legislature, that a rebellion at this time actually exists within the said Province; and we see, with the utmost concern, that they have been countenanced and encouraged by unlawful combinations and engagements entered into by your Majesty's subjects in several of the other Colonies, to the injury and oppression of many of their innocent fellowsubjects, resident within the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the rest of your Majesty's Dominions ... We ... shall ... pay attention and regard to any real grievances ... laid before us; and whenever any of the Colonies shall make a proper application to us, we shall be ready to afford them every just and reasonable indulgence. At the same time, we ... beseech your Majesty that you will ... enforce due obedience to the laws and authority of the supreme Legislature; and ... it is our fixed resolution, at the hazard of our lives and properties, to stand by your Majesty against all rebellious attempts in the maintenance of the just rights of your Majesty, and the two Houses of Parliament.” Journals of the House of Commons, February 1775

PIKES PEAK - “AMERICA’S MOUNTAIN” - Colorado Springs, Colorado - USA
The spot of inspiration in 1893, For the Nation’s Song: America the Beautiful - Released July 4th, 1895 And source of inspiration for the Nation’s Beautiful New Patriotic USA 250th Birthday Magazine: AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250


O beautiful for glory tale

liberating strife, When once or twice, for man's avail, Men lavished precious life! America, America!

God shed His
grace on thee Till selfish gain no longer stain, The banner of the free!

(Stanza 3 Original version)

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

“Notes to Oneself “ WORDS THAT INSPIREA Historic Journal of your journey to the future,

And thoughts upon reading AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250

“Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”
- Noah Webster
(On the Education of Youth in America, 1788)

will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.”

- John Adams

Awesome American Citizens - The new year is here, and it carries with it a great hope for amazing new beginnings and a restored future for America. This is up to all of U.S. to help bring about for ourselves, our families, our friends, our coworkers, our businesses & employees, our communities and of course, in so doing, our country. America, we can do this!
It’s going to take lots of work, but together we can bring about a beautiful new future and a grand new adventure to the Nation’s 250th.
In this issue of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250, February 19th marks a very significant day. It was on this day, 250-years ago, when the British government officially declared that Massachusetts was in a state of rebellion against the Crown and that suspected rebels could be shot on sight by British soldiers. Word quickly spread throughout the colonies and essentially, this meant war was imminent.
On February 19, 2025, this not only marks the 250th Anniversary of that significant event but it also marks “500-days” until the 250th birthday of the Nation on July 4th - 2026. This is special, America...and we invite you to take part in the 500-Day Challenge to Restore America and prepare for the celebration of it!
In the quote on the previous page, our Nation’s Founding Father, John Adams (America’s 2nd President), reminds All of U.S. to make good use of the Freedom they fought so hard to win for themselves and all the citizens of today.
We should indeed, take his comment to heart. In so doing, we set the course for our grand future, and the Liberties we choose to fight for and leave to our future generations. It’s superworth, diligently participating in the 500-day Challenge! Are you up for the challenge to greatness? To a beautiful new America? To restored kindness, goodness, respectfulness, decency, and an overall, remarkable New America? We hope you are, and we wish to encourage you to this encounter throughout the pages to follow. Please read, meditate, and enjoy thinking about what is to come a short 500-days from now. We think you will be glad you did. On behalf of America - Thank you.
The wonderful new journey begins!

Daniel Burnham was the architect who helped Chicago win the bid for the 1893 World’s Fair
"The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money."
- James Madison

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
- Benjamin Franklin
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 has decided to do both...we want to write about the “special something” America is getting ready “to do” that everyone will want to read and write about, and hopefully be involved in. Are you ready to be part of that “do something?” Have you ever committed to and participated in a 500-Day Challenge? Are you up for a reallyimportant and necessary one, now? Let’s Go!!!
What is the Awesome American Citizen “500Day Challenge” you ask? Perfect!...we are off to a great start... because just in the very asking of the question, your mind is already workingthinking & wondering, “What is it?” So, thanks for engaging America: Ready? Here we go...
"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done."
- Thomas Jefferson

To best explain, allow us to first take you you back to the World Fair of 1893 in Chicago, Il... dubbed, “the fair that changed America.”
The architect, Daniel Burnham, who helped Chicago win the bid for the World’s Fair called his plan “City Beautiful.” He believed the grand architecture he designed, would play an important role in civic pride and be a spark for reform of the seedy side of cities throughout America and for city developments worldwide. The city of Chicago as a whole, had the goal to transform the city’s image from a stockyard city to a world-class destination. Success played out as 27M visiting guests and leaders saw the Fair’s grand designs and replicated this back in their own communities. The City Beautiful concept was achieved, and the idea was soon applied in cities around the USA.

Daniel Burnham was the architect who helped Chicago win the bid for the 1893 World’s Fair

“There is existing in man, a mass of sense lying in a dormant state, and which, unless something excites it to action, will descend with him, in that condition, to
the grave.”
- Thomas Paine (Rights of Man, 1792)

"A general Dissolution of Principles & Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the Common Enemy."
-Samuel Adams

"Whenever you do something, act as if all the world were watching."
- Thomas Jefferson

Cloudy days or Bright tomorrows? It starts with perspective America...
And it requires a lot of honesty and realism along with a determined decision as to the life one decides to choose. A life of kindness, peacefulness, happiness, joy, resourcefulness, goodness, respectfulness, hopefulness and yes - greatness - should be amongst the wonderful aspirations all of U.S. should desire for ourselves and the country at large. We have a choice. The question is what will you choose?
Awesome American Citizenship is a beautiful choice for yourself, and for the Nation at large. We trust you will choose wisely America, and we hope you choose to participate in the upcoming 500-Day Challenge to an Amazing, AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250. The color of the hat you wear shouldn’t matter but “what you do” does, and all of U.S. should well know:
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
- Thomas Jefferson
The whole world is watching!
Let U.S. all give the world something wonderful “to watch”, “to write about”, “to emulate” and “to do” for itself, all around the globe, just from having seen our example and our 2025 New Year’s American Resolution...to Restore America to the Beautiful America we really are - Let’s make it an America The Beautiful 250 on the outside and inside as well!

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
-Daniel Webster

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.”
-Alexander Hamilton

Anarchy or Freedom?
How simple of a choice is that America? One would think this is the simplest of choices, but because of the way things have gone for the past 50/60 years, and the pressures put upon our Nation, concerted efforts have been made to turn our country to becoming States of disorder rather than decency. There has been a concerted effort and “controlled” push to establish an absence, disrespect, and a nonrecognition of authority. All by a breed seeking authority of their own. How interesting and ironic is that, and what are we as a Nation going to do about it? Fortunately, all is not yet lost - nor will it ever be if America wakes up to the villainy within. How fortunate we are, that we can look to the past for excellent guidance in establishing an outstanding course forward.

We trust you are getting a glimpse of what the Nation will be fighting for over the next 550 days from the start of the new year & especially for the 500-Day Challenge, from February 19th, leading up to the Nation’s 250th Birthday.
It’s quite interesting that this was the choice for the men and women then - as it is today. Their “Resolutions” were resolute and so must ours be this New Year. Their 500-Day challenge leading up to July 4th - 1776, was a resolution for Liberty and they had to prepare for war to secure it. Their challenge required huge preparations as many costs and sacrifices had to be made. They were committed! So, must Americans be today...To help you, read on.

On the following pages you will learn of what the Patriots in 1775 made their pledge to. Our journey is so much easier and hopefully the following will encourage & help solidify (y)ours.
“Freedom and not servitude is the cure of anarchy; as religion, and not atheism, is the true remedy for superstition.”
- Edmund Burke
Second Speech on Conciliation with America, The Thirteen Resolutions, March 22, 1775

This new course begins with resolve:
The word “Resolve” is a determined “resolution”
- like New Year’s Resolutions - however, ones you really intend on keeping and are willing to commit to putting sincere effort towards.
Resolve’s definition:
To clear up
To find an answer to
To deal with successfully
To reach a firm decision about To change by resolution or formal vote

“500 Day Challenge,” is an Awesome American Citizenship Campaign, meant to ignite resolve amongst ”All Americans” to a place of betterment FOR all the citizens...BY the “All American” citizens, seeking to be:
The Resolutions of 1775
Jan 20, 1775, Virginia Gazette - Fincastle County Resolutions: “In obedience to the resolves of the First Continental Congress (in late 1774), a meeting of the freeholders of Fincastle County, was held this day, and the following was unanimously agreed to by the people of the county”...
“We should before this time have made known to you our thankfulness for the very important services you have rendered to your country, in conjunction with the worthy Delegates from the other provinces. Your noble efforts for reconciling the Mother Country and the Colonies, on rational and constitutional principles, and your pacifick, steady, and uniform conduct in that arduous...

“The best U.S. We can be.”

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “To know the road ahead, ask those returning” Fortunately, if we choose to utilize this “Gift of Understanding” (see page 33), available to U.S., we will better know the way to an “America the Beautiful 250”.

In this character of the Americans, a love of freedom is the predominating feature which marks and distinguishes the whole ...This fierce spirit of liberty is stronger in the English colonies probably than in any other people of the earth.”
- Edmund Burke

"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."
- Alexis de Tocqueville

“The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field — the object is attained it now remains to be my earnest wish & prayer, that the Citizens of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them....The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the preeminence of free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens and command the respect of the world...The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republic model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people...No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America.
Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us I cannot believe it will ever come to pass.
- George Washington
Having received the amazing gift of the United States of America from our forefathers, we trust “All Americans” can reflect with great reverence and deep regard, on the words of George Washington, and what the establishment of the country meant to him & his fellow compatriots.
Reflect well America!
“To secure the blessings ofliberty to ourselves andourposterity... ”
Preamble - U.S. Constitution

“It having pleased the Almighty Ruler of the universe to defend the cause of the United American States, and finally to raise up a powerful friend among the princes of the earth, to establish our liberty and independence upon a lasting foundation, it becomes us to set apart a day for gratefully acknowledging the divine goodness, and celebrating the important event, which we owe to His divine interposition.”
- George Washington

work, entitle you to the esteem of all British America, and will immortalize you in the annals of your country. We heartily concur in your resolutions, and shall, in every instance, strictly and invariably adhere thereto...We assure you, Gentlemen, and all our countrymen, that we are a people whose hearts overflow with love and duty to our lawful sovereign George III, whose illustrious house, for several successive reigns, have been the guardians of the civil and religious rights and liberties of British subjects, as settled at the glorious Revolution; that we are willing to risk our lives in the service of his Majesty, for the support of the Protestant religion, and the rights and liberties of his subjects, as they have been established by compact, law, and ancient charters.
We are heartily grieved at the difference which now subsist between the parent state and the colonies, and most ardently wish to see harmony restored, on an equitable basis, and by the most lenient measures that can be devised by the heart of man. Many of us, and our forefathers, left our native land, considering it as a kingdom subjected to inordinate power, and greatly abridged of its liberties. We crossed the Atlantick, and explored this then uncultivated wilderness,
bordering on many nations of savages and surrounded by mountains almost inaccessible to any but those very savages, who have incessantly been committing barbarities and depredations on us since our first seating the country. These fatigues and dangers we patiently encountered, supported by the pleasing hope of enjoying those rights and liberties which had been granted to Virginians and were denied us in our native country, and of transmitting them inviolate to our posterity. But even to these remote regions the hand of unlimited and unconstitutional power hath pursued us, to strip us of that liberty and property with which God, nature, and the rights of humanity, have vested us. We are ready and willing to contribute all in our power for the support of his Majesty’s government, if applied constitutionally, and when the grants...
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
- Thomas Paine

are made by our own representatives; but cannot think of submitting our liberty or property to the power of a venal British parliament, or to the will of a corrupt ministry. We by no means desire to shake off our duty or allegiance to our lawful sovereign, but on the contrary shall ever glory in being the loyal subject of a Protestant prince, descended from such illustrious progenitors, so long as we can enjoy the free exercise of our religion, as Protestants, and our liberties and properties, as British subjects.
But if no pacifick measures shall be proposed or adopted by Great Britain, and our enemies will attempt to dragoon us out of those inestimable privileges which we are entitled to as subjects and to reduce us to a state of slavery, we declare, that we are deliberately and resolutely determined never to surrender them to any power on earth, but at the expense of our lives. These are our real, though unpolished sentiments, of liberty and loyalty, and in them we are resolved to live and die. We are, Gentlemen, with the most perfect esteem and regard, your most obedient servants.”
These were the committed resolutions of the Virginians. Following are the Resolutions made by the First Continental Congress on behalf of all the Colonies, to which everyone got onboard.

’Tis a Common Observation here that our Cause is the Cause of all Mankind; and that we are fighting for their Liberty in defending our own.”
- Benjamin Franklin

The Americans have spoken and are resolute!
When the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, it formally declared through their resolutions that colonists should have the same rights as Englishmen. Trough the formation of the newly established Continental Association, the resolutions called for the suspension of trade with Great Britain. As we can see, the colonies and the patriots were resolute in body hopefully to bring about a peaceful solution and at this point was “not yet” a declaration of independence from the “now united colonies”.
We can also see that a battle was brewing, because the British Parliament was not going to bend - even despite best efforts to persuade otherwise by some of their very brightest.
Here were the New American Resolutions
The Resolutions began: “Whereas, since the close of the last war, the British parliament, claiming a power, of right, to bind the people of America by statutes in all cases whatsoever, hath, in some acts, expressly imposed taxes on them, and in others, under various presences, but in fact for the purpose of raising a revenue, hath imposed rates and duties payable in these colonies, established a board of commissioners, with unconstitutional powers... ”
“And whereas, assemblies have been frequently dissolved, contrary to the rights of the people, when they attempted to deliberate on grievances; and their dutiful, humble, loyal, and reasonable petitions to the crown for redress, have been repeatedly treated with contempt, by his Majesty's ministers of state:”
“Whereupon the deputies so appointed being now assembled, in a full and free representation of these colonies, taking into their most serious consideration, the best means of attaining the ends aforesaid, do, in the first place, as Englishmen, their ancestors in like cases have usually done, for asserting and vindicating their rights and liberties, DECLARE, That the inhabitants of the English colonies in North-America, by the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts, have the following RIGHTS:

now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them, as their local and other circumstances enable them to exercise and enjoy.
4 Resolved: That the foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative council.. excluding every idea of taxation internal or external, for raising a revenue on the subjects, in America, without their consent.”
5 Resolved: That the respective colonies are entitled to the common law of England, and more especially to the great and inestimable privilege of being tried by their peers of the vicinage, according to the course of that law.
6 Resolved: That they are entitled to the benefit of such of the English statutes, as existed at the time of their colonization...

In AMERICA, Hope for the new year 1775
granted and confirmed to them by royal charters or secured by their several codes of provincial laws.
8 Resolved: That they have a right peaceably to assemble, consider of their grievances, and petition the king; and that all prosecutions, prohibitory proclamations, and commitments for the same, are illegal.
9 Resolved: That the keeping a standing army in these colonies, in times of peace, without the consent of the legislature of that colony, in which such army is kept, is against law.
10 Resolved: It is indispensably necessary to good government, and rendered essential by the English constitution, that the constituent branches of the legislature be independent of each other; that, therefore, the exercise of legislative power in several colonies, by a council appointed, during pleasure, by the crown, is unconstitutional, dangerous and destructive to the freedom of American legislation...
11 Resolved: That the following acts of parliament are infringements and violations of the rights of the colonists; and that the repeal of them is essentially necessary, in order to restore harmony between Great Britain and the American colonies...”

“Political freedom includes in it every other blessing. All the pleasures of riches, science, virtue, and even religion itself derive their value from liberty alone. No wonder therefore wise and prudent legislators have in all ages been held in such great veneration; and no wonder too those illustrious souls who have employed their pens and sacrificed their lives in defense of liberty have met with such universal applause. Their reputations, like some majestic river which enlarges and widens as it approaches its parent ocean, shall become greater and greater through every age and outlive the ruins of the world itself.”
- Benjamin Rush
And there it is again: Politics, Religion & Peace (shared with a smile and an “It’s okay” to discuss!)
For yourself and your family, please allow New Year’s Day (and each day after), to be that day of gratitude to properly acknowledge the divine goodness of the Creator and all those men and women who placed themselves in His good service to fight for and establish the Greatest Nation on Earth. How could we possibly not be grateful...struggles and all? We’ve provided the previous page to help you count & note your many blessings - now and throughout the year.
If you haven’t done so already, please pause and really do some heartfelt reflecting. Do this exercise with your children and grandchildren. It may very well be a beautifully remembered moment - that you will laugh about fondly with a smile of joy, the next time politics and religion is brought up at the family table. America, this is a great thing to discuss, as our forefathers have given marvelous example to. I’m sure they would all lovingly approve, with a very sincere, “You’re welcome, Awesome American Citizens ...We are proud of you. ” Wow, what incredible words to hear from our forefathers (ancestors to some), and what beautiful words to pass along to our future generations. Keep this as a journal to share with the family as future years roll along. It will be a cherished family possession.

Having read the timeless resolutions of 250 years ago; along with counting your blessings; and mapped out (y)our own resolutions, you are now prepared to know of the 500-Day challenge. Looking back to the definition of “Resolve” and having done some of (y)our own, you may have recognized that there are many problems today, “WE” Need to clear up (resolve).
In this recognition, we have established that these problems are ones, “WE” Need To find an answer to (resolve).
With this in mind, we have determined that amongst the many answers, “WE” Need To reach a firm decision about (resolve).
And Finally, America was charged with the right, last November, to make the decision that, “WE” Need To change by resolution or formal vote (resolve). Vote, America did and in huge numbers they made their
In the process of this vote, vocally agreed that “things” needed up; that answers needed to be decisions needed to be made; was cast to elect “others” to do in bringing about resolve. What though, was to “Resolve themselves” game and take part in helping
Now is your wonderful opportunity
The Awesome American Citizenship 500-Day Challenge - Begins 2/19/2025
And it begins with your yes!
YES - I Love America
YES - I want a Great America
YES - I am an Awesome American Citizen
YES - I want to do my part to prepare for the Greatest USA Celebration in the World.
YES - I want to be one of the AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL

“All Americans”
Who will commit/resolve to help make the beautiful changes to the country for the next 500-days, up to the 250th Birthday of the USA!

Way to go, America... You Are Awesome!
Every team needs a fight-song and America’s first USA fight-song was sung throughout the colonies at political gatherings; patties; group celebrations and dinners. The Liberty Song was the first song to express American patriotism. It included the phrase still known to most Americans today, "By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.” The song was written by John Dickinson and was first printed in the Boston Gazette in July 1768, and next in the Boston Chronicle on August 29th -1768. Fight On America, Fight-On!

The Liberty Song
(Parts of the song)
join hand in hand, brave Americans all. And rouse your bold hearts, at fair Liberty’s call. No tyrannous acts, shall suppress your just claim. Or stain with dishonor, America’s name.
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all. By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. In so righteous a cause, let us hope to succeed. For heaven approves, of each generous deed. Two-bits, Four-bits, Six-bits, A Dollar...
- John Dickinson 1768

What did those resolves really mean? WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!
At the end of their proclamation against the woeful actions of the Motherland, they wrote:
“To these grievous acts and measures, Americans cannot submit, but in hopes their fellow subjects in Great Britain will, on a revision of them, restore us to that state, in which both countries found happiness and prosperity, we have for the present, only resolved to pursue the following peaceable measures: 1. To enter-into a non-importation, non-consumption, non-exportation agreement or association. 2. To prepare an address to the people of Great-Britain, and a memorial to the inhabitants of British America... 3. To prepare a loyal address to his majesty, agreeable to resolutions already entered into”...
The trauma the colonists endured had gone on for many years. It was finally in their uniting with one voice, that they “resolutely” determined to bring about the Life, Liberty and Happiness the Americans sought. They were looking forward then to RESTORE AMERICA!
Hopefully, as “All Americans” today, we can learn from the example of 1775, that this is an ongoing-dream worth fighting for & protecting. That’s what “American Resolution” is about!
And here’s what the 500-Day Plan means today: WE TOO WANT TO RESTORE AMERICA
This begins with (y)our proclamation against the woeful actions around Homeland-America:
“To these grievous acts and measures, I as an American cannot submit, but in hopes, with fellow subjects in America, will commit to a revision of them, restore U.S. to that state, which ”All Americans” re-find happiness and prosperity. I have at present, this day, resolved to pursue the following peaceable measures: 1.To enter-into a 500-Day Challenge, committing to my new-resolutions agreement or association. 2. To prepare an address to the people of America, and a memorial to the amazing forefathers of America... 3. To prepare a loyal address to His majesty, agreeable to resolutions already entered into”...
Dear God & Dear America:
(My personal note of commitment to be an Awesome American Citizen, along with my resolution to help Restore America over the next 500-Days, leading up to the amazing 250th Birthday of the Nation - and all my days thereafter...For Love of God, Family, Country)
We are off to a fantastic start with the stated commitments of Awesome American Citizens, like yourself who want to join TEAM USA250.

“ALL AMERICANS” Daily Commitment
America Patriotic Quote (2 min/day)
We provide the daily quotes for you to think about
Memorize Scripture Verse (2 min/day)
Positive verse to help build you up each day
Exercise/Energy Boost (10 minutes/day)
Easy-to-follow program to get you started and moving
Read something worthwhile (10 min/day)
We provide great materials to help you keep sharp
Internal Affirmation (2 min/day)
Awesome American Citizen Affirmations to build you up
Can-Do Commitment Pep (2min/day)
We all need to know we have it in us - “You can do it!”
Awesome American Action (2min/day)
An easy action message/suggestion to encourage
“A total personal commitment of 30 minutes/day x 500 Days = 250 hours
250 Hours of Personal Development
For the extraordinary purpose of Awesome American Citizenship And to help - RESTORE AMERICA!

“500 Da

“The America

Wake Up - Shape Up - Build Up


“Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I am with my country from this day on. You may depend on it.” - John Adams (Letter to a friend, 1774)


“This is the most magnificent Movement of all. There is a Dignity, a Majesty, a Sublimity, in this last Effort of the Patriots, that I greatly admire. The People should never rise, without doing something to be remembered—something notable And striking. This...is so bold, so daring, so firm, intrepid and inflexible, and it must have so important Consequences, and so lasting, that I can’t but consider it as an Epocha in History.”
- John Adams
Diary entry on the Boston Tea Party, Dec. 17, 1773 (Your diary entry on TEAM USA250, July 4, 2026)*

The ongoing American quest for Peace
Requires Awesome American Citizens
This is an extraordinary call, America. Your country needs you. Isn’t it great to be needed... to be wanted, hoped and longed for? Liberty is calling you and we hope you welcome her call.
The 25oth Birthday of America is going to come quickly and there is so much to do to get ready. Everyone should get involved. think about it - if you were going to have a party at your house to celebrate the most special of occasions, wouldn’t you want to get the house all picked up and presentable for your guests? Absolutely!
America, USA is (y)our house and we have the most special of celebrations to prepare for. Kids can do their part by cleaning their rooms, individuals and families can tidy up the homes, apartments, yards and neighborhoods. Towns and cities can take on initiatives to make their cities much nicer for everyone by implementing “Restore America” National, State, City, Town, Community and Neighborhood programs. How great that in 500-Days we all will be able to shout with confidence, like John Adams, that this was the most magnificent movement of all!


“To preserve peace will no doubt be difficult, but by accomplishing it we can show our wisdom and magnanimity, and secure to our people the enjoyment of a dignified repose by indulging which they will be prosperous and happy.”

- James Monroe

Here is the picture America...Two worlds are colliding, and they are not bringing about the peace we seek. Rather, there is a lot of atomic turbulence, that has the world in an excited state of chaos. If, as the stamp above encourages U.S. “to find the way by which the inventiveness of man shall be consecrated to his life,” then should we also have the inventive foresight to ask, “is it working?” To “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people”, so that “We the People” can preserve our Liberty, as Thomas Jefferson prompts U.S. to, then here it is by the numbers: The United States is $38,000,000,000,000 in debt. And that’s just the federal government. The additional collective debt of the States is also in the Trillions; and the total household debt of Americans is some $20,000,000,000,000 more. That’s a massive number of zero’s America.

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure-reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
-Thomas Jefferson

This is not a math problem folks, it’s a much bigger people problem. Maybe we as a Nation should do some re-figuring and deep-reflectingdare we say “soul-searching” - to re-discover that our “inventiveness” may have led U.S. to lose the way - by which man was/is already consecrated to his life by way of his creator. America should evaluate taking a crash-course and get back to the basics, before the crash-course takes U.S. If we are wise enough to seek understanding, then we should well-listen to Thomas Jefferson who considered “public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared,” He warned that “in order to preserve the people's independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” He long ago talked about the urgency of paying off debts, saying “it” (not inventive IT), would best help preserve the path to peace - “Smart!”

Let U.S. look to the Heavens To seek the Gift of Understanding...
Star Teachers + Star Students = Star Society

“Let our common people be compelled by law to give their children (what is commonly called) a good English education. Let schoolmasters of every description be supported in part by the public, and let their principles and morals be subjected to examination before we employ them... This plan of general education alone will render the American Revolution a blessing to mankind.”
- Benjamin Rush
The Gift of Understanding - Available to All?
In a discussion about American Education, Founding Father, John Jay, wrote his friend Benjamin Rush, “Knowledge is the soul of a republic”. With this assertion he added, “the weak and the wicked are generally in alliance and much care should be taken to diminish the number of the former as of the latter.” Education, he maintained was the way to do this, and he noted that “nothing should be left undone to afford all ranks of people the means of obtaining a proper degree of it - at a cheap and easy rate.”
Their correspondence was in the late years of 1780’s. Hopefully from their thoughtfully preserved communications, we could glean some of that wisdom for application today, as America is falling behind. What these founding Fathers “understood” in 1787, should be well “understood” today. Unfortunately, we may have lost our way and once again look to the stars. This Gift of Understanding is available to U.S. - “All Americans” if we ask for and desire it.
We must first know that education is not
Understanding...however, the wonderful “Gift of Understanding” is an education all its own. A proper education should lead U.S. to learn the Gift of Understanding is a gift we should seek.

In his later years, Thomas Jefferson shared in a letter to a fellow compatriot, W.C. Jarvis, “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.”
That’s what the aim of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 is to do. Therefore, Let’s get our collective minds back in the game and to the sage wisdom of 250 years ago, for wise direction and foresight. No more time to waste.
Think of what the dialogue between these figures must have been. Fortunately, for U.S., we can look to an article by Samuel Adams printed in the Boston in 1771, where he writes, “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated
out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. ”
Wow, America - Are we listening? Is this not the time to engage as we are exhorted to do? We have the best instructors, mentors and coaches in the tremendous lives/lessons of our forefathers, if we will be “inventive” enough to listen. Samuel Adams added in the article, “The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.”
Come on America - Next time you grab a Samuel Adams, thank “the Samuel Adams” for the words he wrote, with a commitment to his spirit, that you will engage (y)ours to the cause of Freedom today. Cheers to all you Awesome American Citizens who want to do more than just toast the American 250 Celebration. Those jumping in the game deserve the toast. Let’s make that “All of U.S.,” America! Cheers to U.S.

...And Cheers to the Spirit of Creation for the gift of our lives and the wonderful Gift of Understanding to help guide them by!
“Seek and you will find,” we are instructed. What are we to understand from that? A comprehension of truth perhaps? With a sound and determined sense of “reality verses fiction” we have a precise marker to go by and a much better understanding of the “what” we should be seeking.
Throughout the course of the magazine, AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250, has tried to enlighten America that we should all be seeking the True Freedom, our Forefathers left to U.S., that seems to be hidden away...and must soon be re-found. A new enlightenment of proper understanding is that which America should aim to find. Without it, America is sure to completely lose its way. With it?...America
Restored. That’s pretty easy to understand, however, true understanding is going way beyond hearing an expression and saying, “I get it” to a place of clarity and determination to the point where “We the People” proclaim, “WE GET IT” and “THE TIME IS NOW!”
When we can all say, "Oh, now I understand" That’s when we get to the heart and soul of the matter. Proper Understanding - Proper Action!

“When the people find
that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
- Benjamin Franklin
With good fortune to U.S., the winds of Freedom and Liberty seem once again to be blowing...and in a marvelous direction, back to proper sensibility. Hopefully, we will all wellutilize the Gift of Understanding to “Man the Sails,” and harness this gift and set sail to restore the Heart and Soul of America! Time will tell if we take this understanding to heart:
"Well done is better than well said."
- Benjamin Franklin

The Gift of Understanding is a gift of the Creator that allows revelation of life’s mysteries through thoughtful understanding of their meanings and being best able to live them out by applying them in one’s daily lives and decisions. It’s more about living out the understanding that has been revealed, rather than just knowing about something. Its like having sure direction. Something you can trust. Essentially, this understanding helps people see meaning in their lives, perhaps even in suffering. There are many people in America today, who are suffering and need the gift of understanding to help them know a divine perspective in addressing issues in their lives. This understanding provides an assuredness in remedying difficult situations with clarity. This gift helps one to really hear what another person is saying. and having a better appreciation of how, to bring faith to life. It’s education in the most enlightened sense.
“On education all our lives depend. And few to that, too few, with care attend.”
- Benjamin Franklin - Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1748

Have you ever heard or said, "But I don't know, I need to see. ” - and then the lightning flashes and the lights go on - that Eureka moment of clarity - The Gift of Understanding! It’s the “I’ve Got it!” moment, America certainly needs more of. This enlightenment is the key to better help ourselves and others in the situations we face. This means, not only are we more-fully able to comprehend our actions and those of the creator, we’re also better able to comprehend the actions of our fellowmen.
Illuminating our minds to truth is the greatest path to properly Restore America. If sought, the Gift of Understanding will best help U.S. move beyond the surface of the problems we face, to that point of inspiration & mode of life, where we collectively know what to do to set things right and in so doing, our enlightened efforts will bear the most eloquent testimony.

America’s Liberty is a puzzle, which “We the People” as Her guardians, have the sacred responsibility and obligation of attending to, and assembling with care... So, we must with certainty & skill, set the strong and sturdy puzzle pieces securely in place, with the most esteemed reverence prominence, and protection of her... Where all the world can see our regard for Liberty and Her timeless grandeur in America

As we contemplate the United States today and all that is happening in our world, there is all kinds of news focusing on the political figures and the Cabinet positions being filled. This is certainly important because these are the elected leaders who will lead the charge to America’s future - from a political perspective.
We are looking forward to sharing the stories of what “We the People” are going to be doing, as the “All Americans” join the action with:
pages of the magazine (Page AAC), we‘ve listed their names and ages at the time of their voluntary “enlistment” to defend the cause for Freedom. Little did they know then, that the fight for freedom would be just months away (Make sure to read March-April issue of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250).

We know there are going to be fantastic stories to tell, that the entire Nation will want to know about. Before we get going there, we thought it might be of particular interest to share who the first-round “All Americans” were in 1775 and what their lives were all about. Theirs’ is quite and interesting story and by asserting their position in 1775 (knowing war was more than likely), they were willing to sacrifice all. That folks, is courage! And it is En-courage-meant for U.S. Agreed?
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 wants to share who the first-team “All American” players were in 1775 and a little about this AllStar squad. On the Awesome American Citizen
While the yet to be written, Declaration of Independence would address the of rights of the American citizens, their names would be the ones signed to the parchment, and they were to unselfishly, place their honor and duty ahead of their own private rights. Most of these “All Americas” had so much to lose. And most did - some their lives.
Of the 56 signers, the youngest two were both 26-year-olds from South Carolina: Thomas Lynch, Jr. and Edward Rutledge
Thomas’s father was a member of the First Continental Congress who had signed the Continental Association in 1774. Shortly thereafter, he became ill and had to relinquish his position. His son, Thomas Lynch Jr. was selected to fill his post. 250 years ago, on February 11, 1775, Thomas was elected to the Provincial Congress, to prepare a plan of government for South Carolina and also, his representation of the “American” citizens there.

Imagine, here’s a young boy, who after finishing primary school in South Carolina, at the age of 14, was sent to England for higher education studies in law & political philosophy. Thomas’s father thought highly of English education and encouraged Thomas to remain in Great Britain to further study law. After eight years away from America, with the principles of law and the British constitution, under his belt, Lynch Jr., returned to South Carolina in 1772, at the age of 22. Four short, but ‘long-years’ later, he would be a signer of the Declaration of Independence. You might consider him the ”All American” Rookie of the Year!
Then there was our good friend, Benjamin Franklin, who in 1775, was the oldest player the team, at 69 years of age. Ben hailed from Boston - and stopped his formal education the age of 10. He got the rest of his education through voraciously reading books. Come America...Think about that. Hard knocks and equally hard will-power and determination to succeed. And succeed he did! Way to go, Ben!
We’ll only tell you this much of these two Americans” stories for now, so that it intrigue you to want to know a little more... to get you to dig-deep and put some skin in game of your own. With this desire and little of inspiration, what is your Awesome American
Citizenship story going to be 500-Days from now? We know there are going to be lots of amazing “All American” stories to tell. Please make sure to share your 500-Day “Journey to American Greatness” with us along the way. We can hardly wait to hear and share your exciting tale. Please, please, please, keep us posted.
To find out more of the exciting ventures of these early 56 American heroes, and to meet them yourselves, please check out our amazing Virtue All Back to Reality dynamic experience, by viewing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250

As you are learning about the “Virtue All Back to Reality”, “All American” Legends from 1775, on the previous pages, please also allow us to introduce you to some of the first presentday ”Awesome Americans Citizens” to join

Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet the group we are very proud to feature in this section of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 You Lift U.S. Up

Dan Kamanao President
U.S. Marine Corps (retired)

Howard Stein, BSD
Compliance Director
U.S. Army Veteran

John Apgar Executive Vice President
U.S. Army Veteran

Rocco Lacey
Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Marine Corps