Celebrating, Empowering, Inspiring... the Women of Omaha.
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October/November 2009 • www.heromaha.com
Creighton's New Home for Women Athletes Complimentary, Take and Share In support of:
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Can’t be stopped by a tackle, linebacker or cystic fibrosis Some would think it unusual that a girl would play football. But Victoria Franklin is proof that with or without cystic fibrosis, a girl can hold her ground. Dr. John Colombo isn’t surprised. He and other pulmonary specialists at the Nebraska Regional CF Center work to give children with cystic fibrosis futures where no dream is out of bounds.* And, as we see it, Nebraska can always use another great quarterback.
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October/November 2009, Volume 8 / Issue 5
Letter from the editor
Health Breast Cancer Treatment Advances
community Omaha Theaters Take the Stage
Celebrating, Empowering, Inspiring... the Women of Omaha. published by
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todd lemke editor
sandy lemke
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How-to Managing Credit Card Debt
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suzanne smith arney susan meyers • maggie tunning melissa mcelroy • ywca stephanie lynam mar y anne vaccaro • girl scouts
A letter from the Girl Scouts spirit of nebraska
A Letter from YWCA omaha
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Comments? Story Ideas? Send your letter to the editor: letters@heromaha.com Her Magazine is a community magazine. A special community of women. Please enjoy and share your issue of Her. Our advertisers make Her possible. So make sure to thank and support them as often as you can. Do you know a woman role model, mentor, activist, leader, artist, business owner, model, adventurer, survivor, or volunteer? Let us know and we may share her story with the Her community of women. Her is your magazine; for the women of Metropolitan Omaha.
ON THE COVER: CU's head volleyball coach Kirsten Bernthal Booth Creighton University's New Sports Complex
20 feature
Lisa Maciejewski: Beads for Humanity
26 ART
Agneta Gaines: Interwoven
r e s s H e n i Bus profile
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Owned and managed by Omaha Magazine, LTD Her Magazine is published bi-monthly by Omaha Magazine, LTD, P.O. Box 461208, Omaha, NE 68046. No whole or part of the contents herein may be reproduced without prior written permission of Omaha Magazine, LTD, excepting individually copyrighted articles and photographs. Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted, however no responsibility will be assumed for such solicitations.
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Beauty Fitness Made Fun Again
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Editor sandy lemke
Dear Readers,
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his issue we welcome back Judy Gilliard of www.judyalacarte. com. Her recipes are as saucy as her style. You can find her article, “Enjoying Pork for Fall Dishes,” on page 30. I would like to take a moment as well to thank Colleen Cleek of The Classy Gourmet, for her fine service to HER Magazine as Food Editor. We wish her well in all her endeavors, including commenting on “What’s in Season” on KFAB Radio. This month’s Beauty segment is devoted to refreshing your fitness routine. What better way to look and feel more beautiful than to work from the inside out? To help you with your goals, the American Heart Association and WOWT are offering “BetterU, The Go Red Makeover, a free 12-week online nutrition and fitness program. Simply go to www. wowt.com/betteru to read more and begin the program. You will receive expert tips and an online journal. You can improve your overall health in just 12 weeks! HER Magazine would like to salute and support the organizers of the 10th annual Heartland Latino Leadership Conference & Expo. I thought this might be of interest to many of you. “Every company needs to be able to improve and thrive in a global economy,” said Cristina CastroMatukewicz, president of the Heartland Latino Leadership Conference Board of Directors. “This conference is for the whole community, nonLatinos and Latinos alike. We all benefit by coming together to learn to live and work in a productive, healthy atmosphere.”
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The speakers cover topics which are of interest to all: Dr. Jorge Cherbosque will present two workshops on “How Emotional Intelligence Can Help Us Build Resilience and Cope with Stress in this Difficult and Uncertain Time.” Pegine Echevarria will present “Carry the Torch…Building Trust” and “You Are a Gem!” Catrice Jackson is known for her signature programs “Create Your Vibrant Life” and “Take Back Your Life.” Carlos Ojeda Jr. will present “Power of You!” and “Developing and Cultivating Personal Power.” Marisa Rivera-Albert will be presenting “Preparing and Marketing Yourself for Leadership Positions” and “Business Etiquette and Dressing for Success in Business.” The conference on November 13 is held at Embassy Suites LaVista. On-line registration and additional information are available at www.latinoleadership.info or by calling Turner Events and Marketing at 402-614-2399. I hope you enjoy this issue and the HER Business Profiles featured on pages 14-17. Let’s be a community of supportive women when it comes to the local economy. Visit their businesses and the advertisers you see on our pages. They will appreciate it and so will we!
Sandy Lemke Editor
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October 31, 2009 - January 24, 2010 American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print illustrates the fascinating fusion of art with popular culture and music history. Featuring the work of one of the nation’s oldest operating printing shops – Nashville, Tennessee’s Hatch Show Print – the exhibition highlights the uniquely American posters produced to advertise everything from vaudeville shows, state fairs and stock cards to the Grand Ole Opry, Elvis Presley and Herbie Hancock.
Smithsonian Institution 801 SOUTH 10TH STREET g OMAHA, NE 68108 402.444.5071 g www.durhammuseum.org
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National tour sponsored by the Wallace Foundation. Sponsored locally by the Peter Kiewit Foundation, Douglas County Commissioners, U.S. Bank and the Whitmore Charitable Trust. Additional support provided by Webster Design Associates.
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health story By Susan Meyers
Breast cancer cure rates are on the rise, thanks to improvements in screening treatment technology. One of the newest is Breast Specific Gamma Immaging (BSGI), also known as a gammogram.
Medical Advancements Fuel Cure Rates for Breast Cancer Mammography key to early detection
couple years has seen a slight decline in mammography screenings. Mammography, says Dr. Block, is a woman’s best tool for detecting breast cancer early and achieving a cure. One of the most recent advances in mammography is digital mammography, which is providing physicians with crisper, brighter images of breast tissue. Recent studies indicate that digital mammography is more accurate than film mammography as a screening tool for women with dense breasts, those younger than 50, and those who are premenopausal or perimenopausal. “Digital mammography is the new gold standard for mammography and is helping us increase detection rates,” says Dr. Block. Other new sophisticated techniques, such as ultrasound and MRI, which can be used in combination with mammography for special continued on next page
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reast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among American women, striking one of every eight women by age 70. Despite its increasing prevalence, the mortality for breast cancer has slowly dipped during the past five years. “In the world of medical advancements, progress often comes slowly and in small steps,” says Margaret Block, M.D., medical oncologist at Nebraska Cancer Specialists. “We are slowly but surely increasing the cure rate for breast cancer.” Dr. Block attributes this trend to advancements in screening and detection methods, improved treatments and the advent of targeted therapies. One of the key factors to improving cure rates is early and accurate detection, she says. Even though cure rates are rising, women cannot become lazy about getting their annual mammograms. The last
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Bergan MerCy Methodist estaBrook MediCal BUilding CanCer Center
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health cases, are helping physicians narrow the gap in detecting tumors that might be missed by mammography. Ultrasound is usually performed when there is uncertainty regarding a mammogram. MRIs are better at picking up small spots that may not be detected in a mammogram, especially for women with dense breasts. It is also used to as a regular screening device for women at higher risk for breast cancer. This includes those with the mutations for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and those who have an estimated higher risk for breast cancer of 25 percent or more based on family history and personal history. Another new screening device now available at Midlands Hospital is Breast Specific Gamma Imaging (BSGI), also called a gammogram. The gammogram produces images at a sub-cellular or molecular level compared to mammography, which examines fatty tissue. The screening device is being used as a complementary tool in combination with current methods to further define a spot when uncertainty remains. Recent studies show that BSGI has increased sensitivity and specificity when compared to MRI. According to Jon Bleicher, M.D., radiologist at Alegent Health, BSGI provides peace of mind for the patient and greater diagnostic capabilities to physicians to reduce unnecessary biopsies, especially for women over the age of 65 who account for 30 percent of breast cancers diagnosed each year. Unnecessary biopsies for these women can be serious due to higher-risk complications. “The gammogram has a very high negative predictive value,” says Dr. Bleicher. “In some cases, it can be used as an alternative to MRI, which is much more expensive and is not an option for all patients. It has also been shown to be more sensitive at detecting lobular cancer, which comprises approximately 5 percent of all breast cancers.” Another recently introduced test is the oncotype DX test, which examines the genetic makeup of a patient’s tumor to determine the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence as well as whether a patient will respond to chemotherapy. This information can be extremely valuable to a patient considering that 96 percent of stage one breast cancer patients do not benefit from chemotherapy. The oncotype DX test determines the level of activity of 21 genes, including 16 genes linked to breast cancer and five control genes within a tumor sample. The measurement of these genes correlates with the likelihood that a woman’s breast cancer will return and whether she is likely to benefit from chemotherapy.
health In the past, chemotherapy was often given to women with breast cancer whose nodes were negative and whose tumor was estrogen positive based upon the size of the tumor. With this new test, many of these women would no longer be recommended for chemotherapy, says Dr. Block. It is now known that the genetic make-up of the tumor is more important than the size in determining the likely recurrence for node-negative breast cancer. Information about genes and the makeup of cancerous tumors is allowing physicians to customize treatments to meet a woman’s individual needs to a greater degree than ever before, says Dr. Block. This is especially true for newer forms of therapies called targeted therapies, which are often used in combination with traditional treatments.
We are slowly but surely increasing the cure rate for breast cancer. — Dr. Block
Targeted therapies attack tumors by attaching to receptors that are more prevalent in the cancer. Another new targeted therapy is Herceptin, which is used for women who develop an aggressive class of cancer tumors that produce too much of a gene called HER-2. These women tend to be younger and until recently, had little or no options after completing chemotherapy. Many of these women are now candidates for the monoclonal antibody drug Herceptin, which works by slowing or halting the growth of cancer cells with large amounts of HER-2.
Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
Margaret Block, M.D., medical oncologist at Nebraska Cancer Specialists: "Digital Mammography is the new gold standard."
continued on next page
©2009 Methodist Women’s Hospital, an affiliate of Methodist Health System
Proud to be a member of
private rooms “With the increasing need for superior maternity, gynecological and specialty services, it’s time for Omaha to have a hospital dedicated solely to women’s health care.” —Dr. Westcott, OB/GYN
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From state-of-the-art technology and relaxing, healing gardens to cozy, private rooms with hotel-style amenities—every aspect of the new Methodist Women’s Hospital is being planned to provide you with the best overall experience. We will have a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to deliver one of the highest levels of care for at-risk babies. We’ve also invested in advanced training for our staff in maternity and newborn care to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. And with an entire medical campus and hospital dedicated to caring for women of all ages, it will be even more convenient to receive the services you need—all in one place. Our doctors and nurses share the details at methodistforwomen.org. o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
The new home for women’s health. Opens 2010. 192nd & West Dodge Road.
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health In women whose cancers are hormone-receptive, meaning they are fueled by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, aromatase inhibitors have been found to significantly reduce the ability of cancers to grow. Studies suggest that aromatase inhibitors could prevent 70 to 80 percent of cancer recurrences in postmenopausal women with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors
“ Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
The gammogram has a very high negative predictive value. — Dr. Bleicher
Jon Bleicher, M.D., radiologist at Alegent Health: "In some cases, (gammogram) can be used as an alternative to MRI."
Looking for a Massage Therapist? Come to:
currently FDA-approved include: Arimidex, Femara and Aromasin. Recent studies in both pre- and postmenopausal women who were given Femara as adjunct (preventive) treatment after breast cancer surgery show that the addition of Zometa, a bone strengthening agent, further decreases breast cancer recurrences, particularly bone metastases. “This is exciting data and opens up new avenues for treatment,” says Dr. Block. Several options are also available for women who choose breast reconstructive surgery after mastectomy. Women may choose artificial implants, or they may choose autogolous breast reconstructive surgery, which involves using a women’s own tissue to reconstruct the breast. The breast implant surgery is a staged surgery usually requiring two to three surgeries to complete the reconstruction and can be performed using silicone or saline implants. The first stage of the procedure involves the placement of a tissue expander with a port.
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health Every week for three to six months, saline is injected through the port to stretch the skin. The expander is then removed and replaced with the implants. The last surgery involves reconstruction of the nipple. However, the majority of women are able to preserve their breasts despite a breast cancer diagnosis. Most women are candidates for
(A mastectomy) is a procedure that has been done for many, many years that is safe and reliable. — Dr. Miller
lumpectomy, which is then followed by radiation to prevent recurrence in the breast. Standard radiation involves treatment of the whole breast. However, more women are now being treated with partial breast irradiation, limiting side effects and shortening the treatment time to five days instead of five weeks. For women who need or choose mastectomy, reconstruction allows them to regain their self-image. From a self-esteem point, women who get breast reconstruction are happier overall,” says Jason Miller, M.D., plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Village Pointe Aesthetic Surgery and Dream Spa. “It’s a procedure that has been done for many, many years that is safe and reliable. It’s a very good option, especially for younger women who develop breast cancer. It’s a way for these women to regain some of their dignity and self-esteem.” “The message today is that breast cancer is individualized and tailored to each person’s unique situation,” says Dr. Block. H
Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
Jason Miller, M.D., plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Village Pointe Aesthetic Surgery and Dream Spa: "From a self-esteem point, women who get breast reconstruction are happier overall."
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Creighton’s head volleyball coach, Kirsten Bernthal Booth
sse n , asmu iR e c u n Br ht o n U Creig y ’s Athletic it s r e v tor. Direc
Creighton University’s New Sports Complex
A new home for women athletes story by Stephanie Lynam
o c to be r /n ove m b e r 2 0 09
new sports facility built from the ground up is one way of showing Creighton University’s women athletes they are valued. Another goal with this center and arena is to draw more of the community to visit Creighton’s campus. It is yet one more exciting venue added to Omaha’s changing downtown landscape. The opening of the Wayne and Eileen Ryan Athletic Center and D.J. Sokol Arena was celebrated with an open house on August 9 at its 9th and Webster locale in downtown Omaha. This two-part facility will be the home to Creighton’s volleyball and women’s basketball teams, and will host a variety of campus and community events. Bruce Rasmussen, Creighton University’s Athletic Director, was instrumental in the success of this project, but he was not alone. “There were hundreds of people who made a commitment to make this a reality,” Rasmussen said. The sports center and arena will be used by women’s basketball and volleyball for competitions, and other campus sports will use it for practices, scrimmages and games as well. Included are locker rooms and athletic training facilities, meeting rooms, ticket offices and
12 www.heromaha.com
media rooms. In addition, the entire campus can use it for meetings and events. “It will be well used by the university outside of sports,” Rasmussen said. Additionally, the community can use it for concerts, programs, speakers, sports, graduations and other events. The Sokol Arena will seat approximately 3,000 to 3,500; the 78,000-square-foot Ryan Center, about 2,500. Creighton’s head volleyball coach, Kirsten Bernthal Booth, in her seventh season with Creighton, feels extremely fortunate to be a part of this project. “I think it’s going to be one of the premier volleyball facilities in the country,” she said. “We are one of the few… to have this kind of a facility for women. It shows the dedication from the president down to our female athletes. Only a few in the country have facilities built from the ground up,” Bernthal Booth said. “I love the statement it sends to women, that we care about both the men’s and women’s programs.” Jim Flanery, Creighton’s head women’s basketball coach and former Creighton student, has worked at the university for 17 years. He considers this a first-class building, and said people are excited.
Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
Jim Flan ton’s he er y, Creighbasketb ad women’s all coac h
o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
“I think it gives them a sense that women athletes are valued and moving forward. It gives our program and Kirsten’s program an opportunity to get more people going to Creighton’s campus. Maybe this will translate into people coming downtown to watch more of our games,” Flanery said. His athletes previously played at the Civic Auditorium and the old gym on campus, and the Qwest Center would have been too large of a location in which to play, he said. A bonus to Flanery and Bernthal Booth is that their offices will move to the new building, along with several other athletic offices from the Vinardi Athletic Center and some that have been scattered around campus. Flanery said it will be advantageous to have athletic offices in the same location where they will play, and Bernthal Booth is pleased that this will join the offices in a central location. The project spanned about three years and was donation-driven from private contributions. The cost was approximately $19.4 million, including construction, furniture, equipment and architect fees. Rasmussen said this project was made a priority because of the need and the desire of donors. Numerous donors were just people interested in Creighton, Flanery said. “The primary donors are the Ryan and Sokol families, although there were hundreds of people who made a commitment to make this a reality,” Rasmussen said. H
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Her Business
Carol Jones brings a unique mix of work and life experience to her residential real estate sales career. The NP Dodge agent, who represents downtown and midtown condo developments as well as single family homes, said those experiences have helped her build a strong business network and clientele base.
She now is one of the premier agents representing notable developments in Omaha, including the Beebe+Runyan Lofts in the Old Market and the Ambassador Condos in Dundee. Said Jones: “My clients range from first-time homebuyers to luxury penthouse buyers, and everyone in between.” Jones, herself, is very familiar with relocating. She grew up in a military family, moving frequently from state to state, including Hawaii. When her husband, Mike, an employee with Union Pacific, was transferred to Omaha 19 years ago, she took it in stride and saw it as another adventure. Through the years, Jones saw changing careers no different than changing locales. In her years prior to selling real estate, she worked as an advertising director and later, an investment banker. “My experience as an ad director has been of enormous value to my big [real estate] projects as I create the branding and marketing campaigns,” said Jones. “One of my biggest challenges is rebranding historic loft/condo developments. I’ve dedicated a lot of time building successful marketing campaigns to attract my target audience. “And I probably approach my job a little differently because of my investment banking experience. I look at the investment value of a property, while my client is looking at where to place her couch.” Jones’ clients appreciate her thorough understanding of real estate from all perspectives, as well as her commitment to making the buying experience a pleasant one. “I really try to listen to what my client needs. I do a ton of research and I’m very detail-oriented. I genuinely want to take care of my clients. I try to make the process as stress-free as possible so that their outcome is a happy one.” Taking this approach has helped Jones develop long-term relationships with her clients, which translates to repeat business, rather than one-time transactions. Most of her business is referral-based, she said.
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Being there for clients often means Jones works seven days a week and off hours. “Real estate is not an 8-to-5 job,” she declares. But she appreciates the flexibility it sometimes offers as well. That allows her to travel, one of her great loves. “I try to take two great vacations a year…the work hard, play hard thing.” Jones’ mission of the moment: “To sell out the remaining penthouses at the Beebe+Runyan before the College World Series starts downtown. I want to be invited to one of the tailgate parties there.” She describes herself as a laid-back mother of three grown children, and two English bulldogs. “I gave a great career doing what I still think is fun, and a wonderful family.”
14 www.heromaha.com
cjones@npdodge.com www.npdodge.com (402) 490-2065
Her Business
If given two words to describe The Nail Shop, a nail spa located on the main floor of the Beebe+Runyan Building in downtown Omaha, the obvious choice would be “naturally different.” Owners Didi and Derek Olsen, who opened the shop in April, have gone to great lengths to make their business as “green” as possible in every way. The design of the spa itself was inspired by nature, Didi said. “We have used reclaimed wood to custom build our stations and tables, and we enlisted the efforts of local artists from the Hot Shops to create our outdoor signage out of natural materials — glass and iron,” she said. The salon also features a tankless water heater to conserve energy, and makes use of natural ventilation. Offering clients a healthy environment in regard to services is a top priority as well. Some examples: The salon features pedicure areas with removable vessels, which are individually cleaned and sanitized after each use. Dry heat sterilization is used for all their instruments, in addition to traditional sterilization methods. “And we chose a product line that reflects our philosophy. We only use products from SpaRitual, a newer line of products that are organically based and 100 percent vegan,” Didi said. The Nail Shop’s fresh, “green” approach to nail care and initial success in building clientele are products of the Olsens’ work-life history. Didi’s a licensed esthetician and nail technician, and studied marketing in college. Derek’s background is in customer service and operations management. The Nail Shop has many downtown residents and hotel guests as customers, “but so far, the greatest contributor to our growth has been from the kind referrals and reviews of our patrons, of which we are grateful,” Didi said. For her, meeting new people and forming relationships has been the most gratifying part of owning her own salon. Originally from Vietnam, Didi has lived in Omaha for 15 years. She is a ‘07 graduate of Creighton University, with a degree in Marketing and International Business Studies. She and Derek, her husband of two years, enjoy biking running, vacationing and spending time with friends and family.
o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
105 S. 9th, Unit 309 Omaha, NE 68102 (402) 595-8805
15 www.heromaha.com
Her Business
Melissa DeLong, owner of Rockbrook Women’s Gym, is committed to motivating women to incorporate healthy habits into their lives – a mission she, herself, set out on a few years ago, resulting in an amazing 140-pound weight loss. “I got started in my business after leading a very unhealthy lifestyle and turning it around on my own,” DeLong said. “I wanted to share my experience with others… and I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so it seemed logical to incorporate my new-found passion for health and fitness into a business venture, making the marriage an act of love.”
Rockbrook Women's Gym
Rockbrook Women’s Gym is a fully equipped gym offering cardio and strength training equipment, group fitness classes, biometric testing, a swimming pool, sauna and hot tub, and 24-hour secured access. Members receive equipment orientation and a session with a holistic health counselor, and can also opt for personal training sessions, lifestyle change counseling, and soon, partake of a healthy home cooking program. DeLong said Rockbrook Women’s Gym fills a fitness niche in Omaha for women who like a private, comfortable home atmosphere while tending to their health and fitness needs. “We have all the same equipment as other full service gyms, just on a smaller, more intimate scale,” she said. “The women keep coming back because they love the support they receive and the friends they make while working out here.” DeLong spent over 20 years working in corporate business, marketing, product development and information technology. “I had a strong business foundation, but nothing prepares you for all the details of running your own business.” With the help of the small business development center, other entrepreneurs, experienced personal trainers, and others, she’s succeeded in making Rockbrook one of Omaha’s premier gyms for women. In the past two years, the gym has seen almost 100 percent growth in members to date.
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DeLong said she’s inspired daily by her members. “I believe one of the most interesting and inspiring members is a breast cancer and pancreatic cancer survivor. She is an open book about her experience and her outlook is inspirational for everyone she talks to.” Also inspiring, “the older women who come to the gym who are in their 80s. They continue to work out religiously and recognize what exercise has done for them throughout the years. I want to grow up to be just like them!”
16 www.heromaha.com
One of the challenges of a small business, DeLong said, is competing with larger companies, which typically have bigger ad budgets and many marketing opportunities. “Small businesses [have to] rely on word of mouth, which may be slow to realize the appropriate gains.” DeLong has developed a website called www.localcrow.com, which helps create a portal into the local community and opportunities for additional exposure at no cost. “Using viral marketing on the Internet, but still keeping the focus local, the owner can promote their business in an extremely effective way.”
www.rockbrookwomensgym.com www.localcrow.com (402) 933-6031
Her Business
You know you’re talking to a dog lover when you talk to Bark Avenue owner Suzanne Wilke. “My friends would describe me as boundlessly energetic, fun-loving and loyal. I learned this from my canine friends. They love so unconditionally. It is inspiring.”
Suzanne Wilke
Wilke says of her business, “It has always been a dream to offer a salon where pet owners feel comfortable and safe leaving their babies…where dogs go home happy and beautiful…and love to come back.” Wilke’s Bark Avenue, a pet grooming salon, dog daycare and retail store, has been open 8 ½ years now. Just north of 153rd and Maple, it has clients from all over Omaha and other surrounding Omaha areas. “We have 60-100 dogs through our facility on any given day,” said Wilke. Bark Avenue has experienced tremendous growth and loyalty. Her customers voted Bark Avenue First Place in 2008 and 2009 in Omaha Magazine’s Best of Omaha’s Grooming Salon category. “I attribute a large amount of our success on the way we handle our four-legged friends…gently and calmly. Establishing a happy and trusting bond with them is extremely rewarding,” said Wilke. The dog daycare has been a great addition to Bark Avenue since 2004. “It is a great fit for us as well as the dogs and their families. Dogs learn so much about socializing with other dogs and are tired from playing all day,” said Wilke. Dogs are placed in groups by size and play style. It is a perfect place for them to spend their daytime hours while their parents are at work or play . Wilke’s staff has over 125 years of combined experience. They attend continuing education seminars and stay inspired about new techniques and products. Wilke knows her customers see their pets as members of their families and treats them as such. “I look at this as a long-term relationship with a pet and their owner, so we pride ourselves on working with puppy owners about care and behavior as well as helping current clients with everything from skin and allergies issues to behavior problem solving. It is hard to beat the amount of experience we bring to the table. This is one great reason people keep coming back. Our customer service, integrity, and genuine caring for the dogs is unmatched in the area,” she said. Wilke, an Omaha native, has been married for 25 years to her husband Kevin. They have two children, Ashley and Clint “they are great people” and one granddaughter, Layla, “she is a joy every day.” Wilke loves motorcycle riding with family and friends, music concerts, gardening, and golf “when I can find time.”
3731 N. 153rd St. www.barkavenueomaha.com (402) 496-4005
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What’s surprising about Wilke? She lives on an acreage with horses and chickens – but no dogs? “People are always surprised by this… but I tell them that I have so many dogs I love like my own at Bark Avenue, they are like grandchildren now. I love them and play with them, and then they go home with their moms and dads.”
17 www.heromaha.com
community story by melissa mcelroy Photography by minorwhitestudios.com
A scen Playh e from the ouse's O "The C maha Com munit rucible y ."
Theater director Bridget Robbins
n productio." Theater's n Blue Barn grees of Separatio of "Six De
Omaha's Drama Queens (and Kings) Take the Stage
o c to be r /n ove m b e r 2 0 09
o say that Omaha has a strong community theater population is like saying Laurence Olivier could act. Omaha boasts one of the most impressive community theater communities in the country and the largest community theater in the nation. The Omaha Community Playhouse employs 34 full-time staff members, as well as an impressive supply of local volunteer actors. “There is no lack of talent in Omaha,” said Tim Schmad, executive director of the Omaha Community Playhouse. He explains that being an organization that has been around for 85 years has provided the opportunity to nurture local talent. He adds that women have played a pivotal role. A large number of local women work on stage and behind the scenes of the organization’s many productions. In fact, three of the founders were famous women of the 20th Century: Sarah Joslyn, Dodie Brando (Marlon’s mother) and Herberta Fonda (Henry’s mother). Sue Clement-Toberer, Artistic Director at the Blue Barn, says that local theater in Omaha is strong because “there is a demand for great art in Omaha.” She has the patrons to prove it. “Our houses are always full.” She noticed that there is something topical about theater. “Whenever the financial world is in turmoil, theater has blossomed. It provides much needed escapism... theater provides a voice and it is important for there to be a creative outlet to express that voice.” Bridget Robbins has been involved in local theater for years. She started out as an actor and later went on to direct shows at venues such as the Omaha Community Playhouse and the Bellevue Little Theater. Robbins says businesses have played a big role in providing financial support to the arts and keeping local theater alive. “Theater touches 18 so many lives. Local corporations have been wonderfully supportive www.heromaha.com
and play an important role in the (community theater) community.” That financial support could range from companies buying tickets for shows for their employees to actually underwriting a production. According to Robbins, most people who do community theater have to work a 9-to-5 job to support their passion. Among those people is Erika Zadina, a local actress who has been very active in the community theater world. She got very involved in theater in high school, continued on in college and began acting in Omaha in about 2000. Zadina describes herself as “an intrinsically shy person” who enjoys the personal challenge of doing live theater. “It’s all about taking those words that someone took the time to write and that character that someone created and turning it into someone real who the audience can identify with and relate to... If I can turn that person into someone real and can take the audience with me on whatever journey we’re embarking on in that show, and if people can forget about work, or laundry, or whatever it was they entered the theater thinking about, just for those couple of hours, then I’ve done my job,” Zadina said. Theater life presents challenges both on stage and off. There is the challenge of interpreting a character. She said that there is more pressure when recreating real people because they have specific nuances to convey, which requires a lot of research and work. But she said it is worth the effort if she can transport the audience to another place and time by taking on the persona of someone new. Zadina played everyone from Patsy Cline to Annie Oakley. She has
also performed at numerous venues, including the Omaha Community Playhouse, the Baby D Theatre, the Millennium Theatre and the Blue Barn. She juggles her many performances while working a full-time job and also maintaining a personal life. Thirteen-hour days is the norm while she is doing a play. It leaves little time for much else. Luckily her husband is in theater too, so he understands the hectic schedule. With such a grueling schedule, you have to wonder what drives her to keep doing theater. “I’m not sure I can even explain it. When a show comes up that I’m suited for and I know would be a challenge for me, I just have this sort of need to make it a part of my life for a couple of months. If I feel like I’ve been successful in bringing a character to life, I just feel a huge sense of accomplishment,” Zadina said. H
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Community Theaters of the Omaha Metro Bellevue Little Theatre 203 W. Mission Bellevue, NE 68005 402-291-1554
The Rose 2001 Farnam St. Omaha, NE 402-345-4849
Blue Barn 614 South 11th St. Omaha, NE 68102
Shelterbelt Theatre 3225 1/2 California St. Omaha, NE 68131 402-341-2757
John Beasley Theatre 3010 Q Street Omaha, NE 68107 Omaha Community Playhouse 6915 Cass St. Omaha, NE 68132 402-553-0800
SNAP! Productions 3225 California St. Omaha, NE 68131 402-341-2757
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Circle Theatre 55th & Leavenworth Omaha, NE 68106 402-553-4715
19 www.heromaha.com
Lisa Maciejewski: Beads for Humanity
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atching Lisa Maciejewski curl silver wire into delicate arabesques embellished with tiny pearls, you may not think of concrete blocks being assembled into a family home. Visiting her studio in Omaha, Nebraska, you don’t see an inventory of cookstoves awaiting delivery, and you aren’t introduced to Carolien van Heerde. But these two women, one an American jewelry designer, the other a Dutch project manager, are linked by their concern for families living in poverty. Both have used their talents and business savvy to answer the question, “What can I do?” In 2006, Maciejewski launched her company, Beads for Humanity, dedicating one-third of her profits to charitable organizations. Van Heerde established Constru Casa in 2004, offering basic housing to families in Guatemala where she now lives. Maciejewski heard of Constru Casa through architect friends, and was soon connected with van Heerde. “I admire Carolien’s hands-on approach and small scale,” says Maciejewski. “She’s personally involved and so authentic.” Authenticity is also a characteristic of Maciejewski, whose background is commercial art. “Art per se never worked for me, but with jewelry it all came together. I got accepted into the first art show I tried and it felt very comfortable.” Maciejewski loves combining semi-precious stones, such as cool aquamarine and turquoise, deep red garnets,
Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
Photo by minorwhitestudios.com
story by suzanne smith arney
quartz, amethyst, and pearls, with sterling silver and gold-filled metals. Working at the kitchen table, she designs each piece instinctively, allowing each stone or gem to dictate its best setting. “Since I’m untrained,” she says, “there’s no right or wrong — I’m free! My weakness becomes my strength.” Her latest interest is ancient Roman glass shards found in Iran. “After being buried for millennia, mineral deposits on the glass give it a wonderful opalescence.” Maciejewski buys from bead dealer Pam Bates, whom she trusts implicitly. “Pam goes to the international shows and hand-picks everything. She knows the history.” In addition, Maciejewski does her own research and appreciates the connections it brings. She savors the sense of holding something shaped by a glassmaker 2,000 years ago. “Often, people who buy my work tell me stories,” she says. The jewelry inspires conversation, whether at an
fashion faux pas story by sandy lemke
Fashion Faux Pas —
on Facebook!
Carolien van Heerde, Founder and President of Constru Casa, at work on a project.
Beads for Humanity is featured during October at Old Market Artists Gallery, 1034 Howard Street, lower level of the Passageway (www.oldmarketartists.com). A reception is planned for October 2, 6-9pm. See also: www.construcasa.org
ASHION is how you present yourself to the world. Think about it – one of the ways you present yourself to others is with your online presence – your Facebook profile. For many contacts in your life, it’s the only way they see you most of the time. This issue’s Fashion Faux Pas is dedicated to reviewing your profile photo for possible Facebook Fashion Faux Pas! The worst Facebook Fashion Faux Pas? The webcam photo! If you have one of these, change it right away. These inevitably have a ghastly cast to them from the computer screen light. Most of the time, you are looking at the screen, not the camera. Have a friend take your photo or better yet, use a good snapshot of yourself! Don’t hold drinks or make silly hand signals or worse, kiss your girlfriends in your profile picture. These make you look well, silly, and could make the wrong impression. Savvy
potential employers do Google searches on applicants, and these photos could show up. Remember, nothing on the internet is personal. Resist the urge to get an avatar or a cartoon version of your picture. These not only look strange, we should be grown out of this stage by now! Use a photo that is flattering, of course, but use a current photo. It’s a Faux Pas to use a photo that is so dated it doesn’t match your tagged photos. Last but not least, use something, anything, besides the default icon. Remember, this is Facebook. It’s more than just email, people want to associate an image with your account. In other words, your friends want to see you, including your online friends. Be proud of who you are. Have any other ideas for Facebook Fashion Faux Pas? Share them with us on HER Magazine’s Facebook Page! H
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Old Market opening or imaginary shoptalk between the original maker and 21st-century designer. “It becomes a connection,” continues Maciejewski, “and through that, a way of understanding other times, other people.” She also found that her unique jewelry pieces could be a means of making a difference. “It’s about the power of one,” she says. Beads for Humanity has connected her to the American Refugee Committee, women entrepreneurs in Ghana, and now Constru Casa. Choosing smaller philanthropies gives her a more immediate link with the people directly involved. In fact, as this copy goes to the publisher, van Heerde is finalizing plans for a trip to Omaha to meet Maciejewski. Van Heerde is excited with the invitation to tell a new audience about Constru Casa. “Families that we help with the construction of a new house will really face towards a better future,” she says. She explains that each selected family participates in construction, makes a monetary contribution (in payments), and benefits from a social program. “They have to work a lot for it,” she says, “but it is really worth it for the whole family. The living conditions improve, and through that their future will be better, especially for their children.” Can one person make a difference? Yes, you can — just by buying a unique piece of art jewelry. You look fabulous; you’ve supported a local artist; and added blocks to the next home being built for a Guatemalan family. H
how-to story by Linda persigehl Photography by minorwhitestudios.com
Managing Credit Card Debt
Michaela Harper, at right, a certified personal finance counselor with Credit Advisors in Omaha.
Knowledge of terms, payoff plan are keys
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aving worked in a retail clothing store for many years, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve witnessed young women flippantly whipping out a credit card to make a purchase, giving little or no thought to their credit limit or the interest they’ll pay on those purchases. Inevitably, many of these women end up with a mountain of credit card debt, unable to keep up with minimum payments — let alone pay off those cards— and in a credit card panic. Sharon Taubert, vice president of housing and education with Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Nebraska, said one of the biggest mistakes young women make is viewing credit cards as extra income – income which is often used for “wants” rather then “needs.” She advises, “Credit cards should only be used for emergencies. You should keep just one credit card with a low limit that you know you can pay off.” Another common mistake is making just the minimum payment on their statements. “If you just pay the minimum, the card is designed for you to pay down the interest first and then start paying the principle. They count on you to be late or go over your limit, and then charge
adsorbent fees. If you commit any of these mistakes, you are out of control and your debt can escalate to an amount that you will drown in. “You have to have a solid form of income to pay over the minimum payment amount every month and on time to pay down your debt.” Perhaps the biggest mistake young women make regarding their credit is being unaware of the terms of their debt, said Michaela Harper, a certified personal finance counselor with Credit Advisors in Omaha. “Few could tell you their current rates of interest or variances in rates based on how you use the card…Most are aware of the grace periods, default terms, arbitration agreements, or how to access information on available credit with better terms,” Harper said. Today, with credit card companies hiking rates and changing terms with little notice, staying up to date is even more challenging. As a result, cardholders often end up paying higher interest rates, being assessed charges that could have been avoided, and ultimately making mistakes that negatively impact their credit score. “Credit decisions affect more than your activities today,” said Harper. “Each credit decision you make – what to charge, when to borrow, how
Look Fabulous In Green. to repay – will create a record on your credit history.” Good information in your credit history file produces a higher credit score; poor information, a lower score. A score in the mid700s or higher is desirable. “A good credit Sharon Taubert, vice president of housing and score allows you education with Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Nebraska. to get credit to use for the extra large items in life (cars and homes), or emergencies that you don’t have savings for. It also helps you qualify for a lower interest rate,” Taubert said. Those might be things you don’t need or care about today, but likely will in the not-too-distant future. Harper added, “Good credit can affect the neighborhoods where you can rent a home…can qualify you for jobs that have judiciary responsibilities or bonding requirements…help you obtain small business financing,” and in many other ways. In short, your credit score can impact where you live and work, what you drive, and countless other choices. Harper said managing your credit card debt is best done by following these rules of thumb: • Know the terms and conditions of every account you hold. These may change, so keep up on new rates, rules. • Don’t use more than 50 percent of your total outstanding credit line, and never exceed your credit limit. • Choose your cards carefully. Carry no more than two major credit cards at a time. • Always pay at least the minimum payment on the card well in advance of the due date. • Do not use credit cards to pay for basic living expenses. • Do not carry a total in outstanding credit lines that exceeds a quarter of your gross income. If your income is $30,000, $7,500 is your credit line max. • Develop a spending plan and learn to live by it. • Build up an emergency savings account to cover expenses that might otherwise be charged. Six months of necessary expenses is ideal.
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o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
If you find yourself already in over your head, Taubert advises three things: get organized, seek help, and stop charging. “Make sure you have all your credit card statements in front of you. Then see a counseling agency to help you review your budget and set an action plan. And put your cards away until you gain control of your spending.” An accredited counseling agency will provide credit counseling for free, and for a small monthly fee ($25 or so), will administer a debt consolidation management plan custom designed for you. “After seeing an agency and abiding by your new budget, you will pay off your debt. It may take time, but it will build character and perseverance.” H
Omaha’s premiere cleaner is
23 www.heromaha.com
beauty story by sandy lemke Photography by minorwhitestudios.com
Janice Batt, Blue Belt in the Nia Technique, leads a class at Prairie Life Fitness.
Fitness Made Fun Again Omaha women weary of their workouts can take a tip from these trainers.
o c to be r /n ove m b e r 2 0 09
24 www.heromaha.com
t’s a common complaint: I’m bored with my fitness routine. Boredom leads to apathy, which often leads to plain slacking off. Regardless of your goals, whether they be strength, weight loss, maintenance or cardiovascular health, sticking to your routine is key. Sometimes a refresher is in order. It may be just the thing to get you back in the game! Some fresh suggestions: Eliminate Negative Self-Talk “People don’t want a trainer. They want results,” says Personalized Fitness owner and trainer Mark Sullivan, whose first order of
business with every client is establishing a relationship to find out their goals. Sullivan then helps them begin to realize that the limiting thoughts they have turn into limiting behaviors. “Women do a lot of negative selftalk. We work to shake those off and flip them into enabling thoughts and positive behaviors,” he said. Sullivan likes to work with individuals and small groups. “It’s like with our kids in school. We like them in the smallest classrooms possible -- they are going to get better attention. Same here. I get to know my clients and what will get them the best results.”
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Re ac h
ne ss !
Get Your Groove Back Think about the things you can do with a fitter body. It could be fitting into those jeans, or it could be getting more out of life! An example from Nick Ryan of Fitness Together: “I have a client who is 84 who was struggling to walk on steps. Now, she’s almost running. She’s also back to gardening and playing with her grandkids.” About 70% of Ryan’s clients are women, and he enjoys working with them because of the variety of situations they present. Ryan, a former strength and conditioning coach at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said training is about empowering people. “It’s very rewarding.” H
www.personalizedfitness.com www.nianow.com www.ftomaha.com
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o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
Dance Like Nobody’s Watching Add a Nia Technique class to your routine for fun with your fitness. What brought millions to dance aerobics classes in the ‘80s could spur a Nia craze now. What’s different about Nia is it feeds the soul as well as the body’s need for movement. The bossa nova beats lead you into the simple dance moves. You then find yourself lost in the music, forgetting that you are in a fitness class. Fellow participant Penny Cox said “All of it is so easy to go with the flow from start to finish. In other workout classes I would find myself hoping the end would be coming soon. Nia just flies by.” The instructor periodically encourages “free dance.” The class is done in bare feet, which is so comfortable! Instructor and Nia Blue Belt Janice Batt said, “the feet are our hands that touch the Earth.” It’s pure joy and a good workout for all ages and fitness levels.
for f it
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Agneta Gaines: Interwoven
o c to be r /n ove m b e r 2 0 09
A 26
gneta Gaines’ home in the wooded north hills gives her away. The wide borders of flowers offer every texture and every possible shade of blue. Greeting you at the entry is a Dala horse and a handpainted sign reading Välkommen. She echoes the welcome in softly accented English and shows me to her weaving studio. Here again there is texture, nuanced color, and the interwoven Swedish and American threads of her life. The large space is neatly crowded with six looms, yarns and materials, work in progress and finished pieces. Since learning to weave in 1987, she’s made rugs, functional things for the home, fashions, and wall hangings. The hangings entice visitors to the Artists Co-op, where Gaines is a member. They are alluring and intriguing with surface
design, dimensionality, subtle color range, and added natural elements such as reeds or wheat. This collaboration with nature strikes a responsive chord with Midwesterners, but also connects Gaines to the rich textile heritage of her native Sweden. Weaving with wheat and straw is an ancient craft in Scandinavia, and woven garments found there date from the early Bronze Age. One wall hanging, Waves, is woven of variegated black-gray-brown cotton in a traditional rosepath pattern. This technique produces ridges, which Gaines exploits by working bleached reeds under the raised warp threads. “I like to have something happening,” says Gaines. This attitude explains her openness to unusual materials or unexpected treatments. Formal Occasion is an amusing wall hanging made from
column By Suzanne Smith Arney Photography by minorwhitestudios.com
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o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
red plastic garment bags; others incorporate feathers, beads, or the grasses mentioned earlier. A series of flowers, each a single bloom on a dark background, was inspired by ryas (Swedish shag rugs). “My favorite garments to make are sweater wraps,” she says, slipping one on. It has an unstructured, easy elegance. The black and white variegated wool has some Merino, and is very soft. Even these wraps have unexpected design elements — yellow felted wool ropes hide-andseek across the back, a surprise when she turns around. Gaines is always open to ideas from books, shops, and patterns; she has several guild affiliations and attends classes and workshops. All of these are starting points but, “Once I’m on the loom, I work intuitively. I listen to the cloth.” Each loom has a specialty, and several projects may be going at once. Towels are woven on an 8-harness jack loom. A transportable loom goes to workshops and demonstrations. The two largest looms are made by Glimåkra of honey-colored Swedish pine. Patterns attached to the post are written in Swedish with notes and graphs. Much of Gaines’ materials are also Swedish — rug linen for weft, the paper yarn for her flowers, some hand-dyed wool — purchased on trips to Stockholm. “It’s a connection, yes,” she says. “But Nebraska is my home now, this is where I want to be.” She is like the variegated yarns she admires so much — a new and complex shading is made by combining different colors and/or fibers. Working in her studio, there is only the sound of the loom — a muffled, regular thud of the beaters. In warm weather, the windows are open to birdsong. She especially likes the chatter of wrens. “The loom’s rhythm is meditative,” she says. She may listen attentively as the pattern takes shape, or go off “planning my next project or thinking through some problem.” The future, present, and past are woven together; fibers, colors, and ideas submerge and reappear. The buyer adds another element in the way the piece is worn, used, or displayed. This is the allure of fine handcrafts, something that is a synthesis of every thought and movement that brought it to this moment. Stockholm’s water, Nebraska’s wind, the weaver’s expertise, and the ultimate owner’s response to the cloth — all of these create a pattern as unique in each instance as a flower in a garden. H
27 www.heromaha.com
message from
Theresa Cassaday, Chief Communication Officer
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska
Girl Scouts Have Always Been Green It's Your Planet — Love It!
View job postings and apply online.
o c to be r /n ove m b e r 2 0 09
f you have ever donned a sash, vest or the unmistakable Brownie beanie, you remember that as a Girl Scout you learned to always leave things better than when you found them. Fortunately for all of us, you did your part, and Earth has been the beneficiary of this Girl Scout guiding principle. There is no bandwagon onto which Girl Scouts will jump as it relates to the new (and necessary) “greenification” of our planet. From its very inception, the Girl Scouts organization and its members have been stewards of conservation and in 1972, even began to officially include this long-held belief in the Girl Scout Law; a simple formula for living an honorable life.
28 www.heromaha.com
The Girl Scout Law (1972-1996) I will do my best: to be honest to be fair to help where I am needed to be cheerful to be friendly and considerate to be a sister to every Girl Scout to respect authority to use resources wisely to protect and improve
the world around me to show respect for myself and others through my words and actions Now, with overwhelming evidence that climate change is a reality, Girl Scouts everywhere are stepping up their attention to the environment. As we approach our 100-year anniversary in 2012, we are cultivating ideas to get every citizen (yes, even boys) involved in projects that promote a healthy planet. This year, Girl Scouts of the USA released a new collection of books called “Journeys,” to encourage girls as they take on issues facing our energy and water usage, food supply and environmental justice. We invite you to embark on an environmental community action project of your own beginning on September 11, and going until… well, until the work is done. We will send you information to help you get started and update Girl Scouts across the state on the progress of your endeavor. Working together, we can make the world a better place. Girl Scouts have been doing it for nearly 100 years. H For more information, call our Omaha office at 402.558.8189 x210, or visit our website, www. girlscoutsnebraska.org.
Every issue, Her Magazine brings you an important message from the girl scouts – spirit of nebraska. You can help, get involved!
message from
Natalia J. Peart, PhD, Chief Executive Officer
YWCA Omaha
Career Fair
and Clothing Extravaganza
A client dressed for success after visiting the Career Closet.
xcitement is building at the YWCA for our Career Fair and Clothing Extravaganza, which will be held:
YWCA 222 South 29th St. (29th & Farnam) Saturday, October 3rd 9am-4pm Wednesday, October 7th 8am-2pm Saturday, October 10th 9am-4pm
For further information about the YWCA Omaha Career Fair and Clothing Extravaganza please call: Margo Parsow or Lisa Nyberg at the YWCA Omaha, 345-6555.
Every issue, Her Magazine brings you an important message from YWCA Omaha. you can help, get involved!
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o c tob e r / n ove m be r 20 0 9
Last year more than 300 women attended our three- day extravaganza, which offered an opportunity for participants to come to the YWCA Omaha and benefit from donated professional career clothing, shoes, jewelry, and personal care items at no cost. This year, for the first time, an exciting opportunity is now also available for all women in our community attending our extravaganza if they also require job and educational assistance. The University of Phoenix, Metropolitan Community College, and Boys Town have each partnered with the YWCA Omaha to help design college programming for potential students based on the individual’s interests and goals. Women who are interested will have the option of a varied learning format consisting of on-campus, or online study. Businesses in
our community who are currently in need of employees will also be represented. The Career Fair and Clothing Extravaganza is open to all. The YWCA Omaha Career Closet is well known in the community, and we are thrilled to pair our signature event with our Career Fair this year. Our hope is that every woman who attends will feel empowered to pursue their dreams of an independent and rewarding future while possessing the confidence for embarking on their new career pursuits. Due to an overwhelming demand for our services, we have changed our client intake process to better respond to community needs. Our clothing closet is open 9-3 Monday-Friday to any client with a referral from one of our community partners. For clients without a referral, they can attend our Resume writing and Support for Success workshops, which are held every Wednesday at 9 am prior to accessing the Career Closet. The YWCA is here for YOU, and we look forward to serving the career needs of all women in our great community. H
Column by Judy Gilliard
for Fall Dishes
ctober is National Pork Month…although I use pork all year round as I find it a versatile and healthy meat. My favorite is the pork tenderloin or pork chops. What people do not seem to realize is that pork tenderloin and chops should be cooked medium rare to get the wonderful juiciness and flavor from it. I like to cook my pork to an internal temperature of 135, then after it rests, its will temperature will reach 140 or 145 – perfection! You could cook it to 140, then after resting, it will reach 145 to 150…try this. You will be amazed how great it tastes. This is a rule of thumb with cooking any meat: remember, it continues to cook after you take if off the heat. So if you think your chicken or meat is always dry, that is most likely why. Here are a couple of pork recipes you may want to try. H
Peaches and Pork
If you can’t find fresh peaches you can use canned half peaches, or replace the peaches with apples.
Background fabric provided by Textiles Inc.
3 tablespoons Southern Comfort Whiskey 1 1/2 pounds pork tenderloin, cut in 2” cubes 4 each peaches, firm, cut in 2” chunks 1 teaspoon dried thyme 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Preheat grill to medium temperature.
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Old Market Gallery Crawl Take a Poke Break with Dr. Yoo
Combine pork, peaches, thyme, Southern Comfort and oil in a large bowl. Cover and refrigerate, marinating for 1 hour. Put the pork and peaches alternately on a skewer. Grill 5-10 minutes, basting occasionally with marinade.
Results are in!
Pork Chops with Mushrooms 4 pork chops 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/4 teaspoon white pepper 2 teaspoons grape seed oil 1/2 cup dry white vermouth 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1/2 cup sour cream, light
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Combine flour, salt and pepper. Lightly dredge chops in flour mixture. Heat grape seed oil in nonstick skillet; add chops and sauté about 2 minutes on each side. Add vermouth; cover and cook over low heat about 4-5 minutes. Remove chops, set aside and keep warm.
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Add mushrooms and cook until soft. Add sour cream to skillet; cook over low heat, stirring constantly, just until thickened. Return chops to pan and add any juices from the pork, cook just to reheat and serve immediately.