AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 - Prelude to the Vote

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And It’s Finest...


Dear United States of America Congressional Representatives

On behalf of “We The People” of the United States of America

AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 & the “ALL AMERICANS” SALUTE YOU! This very first issue of the magazine goes to you, on this very Historic day in Colorado...

As Congressmen & women, “We The People” ask you to embrace great love for the country with an outstanding tenacity to continually fight for her - and all of U.S.! You are doing a mighty service and should feel Divinely Appointed to the call to do this profound and incredibly necessary work. We appreciate you! We ask for you to reflect on what your office as a Congressional Representative really means - with a look back to where it began.

The early journey of the forming of the Nation was a tremendous, hard-fought struggle for the men and women of the 13-Colonies and the Founding Fathers, who were elected to represent them in The First Continental Congress - 250 years ago. On October 11, 1774 - the First Continental Congress sent a letter to Britain's’ General Gage, seeking a peaceful resolution to the situation in Boston (You more than most should appreciate the history and the timeliness to the eve of the 250th Anniversary. Through their wisdom - coupled with blood, sweat, tears and prayers - “THE GRACE OF GOD” shined down on the Fledgling Nation, and Freedom did finally endure. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 25o is a tribute to them.

We trust this note of appreciation and the pages of the Nation’s Newest Patriotic Magazine“AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250”- And its Inaugural Issue - “PREAMBLE TO THE VOTE” –Will provide you great solace and encouragement for the duration, to November 5th and all the rest of your days! During any “down time” you may have to find a moment to read something worthwhile, we trust this magazine will GREATLY INSPIRE YOU. There are many incredible stories within that you will find very significant. Through reading the writings in this publication, I know you will grasp the importance of “We The People”!

You will love the back cover and soon learning more about my friend, Col James Harvey III, the 101-year-old Tuskegee Airman and the Nation’s 1st “Top Gun”, who lives in Colorado, and is the 1st “Awesome American Citizen” to be profiled in AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250.

May God’s Grace shine down on you all your days! Most sincerely... ALL THE BEST,


“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.”

The name of AMERICAN - which belongs to you in your national capacity must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation With slight shades of difference you have the same religion manners habits and political principles You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts of common dangers sufferings and successes Here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the Union of the whole ”

George Washington Love “Your” Country!

PIKES PEAK - “AMERICA’S MOUNTAIN” - Colorado Springs, Colorado - USA

The spot of inspiration in 1893, For the Nation’s Song: America the Beautiful - Released July 4th, 1895 And source of inspiration for the Nation’s Beautiful New Patriotic USA 250th Birthday Magazine: AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250

O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea!



A Historic Journal of your journey to the future And thoughts upon reading...AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250



“To encourage Literature and the arts is a duty which every Good citizen owes to his country”
George Washington
“I agree that it is the duty of every good citizen to use all the opportunities which occur to him, for preserving documents related to the history of our country”
Thomas Jefferson

Awesome American Citizens:

“Remain committed to advancing useful knowledge for “the benefit of Mankind in General”...”there is no Rank in Natural Knowledge of equal Dignity and Importance with that of being a good Neighbour or Friend, a good Subject or Citizen”

Benjamin Franklin

America’s first magazines debuted in 1741, When Andrew Bradford’s “The American Magazine” and Ben Franklin’s “General Magazine” began publication in Philadelphia a mere three days apart from each other...

We hope you will enjoy America’s Newest! Thanks for being: AWESOME AMERICAN CITIZENS

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee...

And enjoy some quiet time with America’s Newest Magazine


THE BEAUTIFUL 250” Being launched on October 14th, 2024 In honor of the First Continental Congress 1774

Already you can see, we have some great endorsements. We trust you will enjoy and widely circulate to family, friends, co workers, and “All Americans”

In honor of the 250th Anniversary of the First Continental Congress 1774



“A wise & frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned...this is the good government.”

- Thomas Jefferson



Celebrating the Nation and the 250th Anniversary of The First Continental Congress September October 1774 with a beautiful reminder of what they were fighting for...

“America’s Mountain” Pikes Peak A SALUTE


America’s Newest Magazine


We Are Blessed America... Please share the magazine with everyone far and wide... It will be One small step... but a giant leap for promoting

AWESOME AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP and taking the Country to new heights

New U.S. stamp celebrates 250th anniversary of the First Continental Congress

Sep-Oct 1774


O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee. To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their cause and if they persist in their sanguinary purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle!

Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior. Amen

Reverend Jacob Duché

Rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September 7, 1774 - 9 o’clock a.m.

America Loves a Great Party...And YOU are invited to the best-ever!


Our Nation’s 250th Birthday AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250

If USA is going to have a bash, then “WE THE PEOPLE” should get America spiffed-up to be the most beautiful (the most handsome), and the most Patriotic Shining Star of the grand:


(with the most “Awesome American Citizens” the Country has ever known, getting the party started) With just less than two short years to go, we have something super-extraordinary to look forward to...but it’s up to all of U.S. to get ourselves, our families and our communities ready for this greatest event in the entire world. YES!, YES!, YES!, YES! ... It’s Our Nation’s Birthday - AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 - July 4th, 2026

Much like my dear friends, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington (all whom, I’ve admired since my youth), I have a love for a lot of things. God, Family and America are three of them. Literature and the arts two others. I hope these are things you love as well. Should it be that this great country of ours and all that it has to offer, is not yet a great passion of yours, or if you don’t yet share a like-minded expression, I hope from my abiding by our Founding Father’s call to encourage literature and the arts and putting this publication together for every American citizen to enjoy and be challenged by, you will at least be moved in some way, by the tenacity and courage of the men and women, who a quarter-millennium ago, set out on their own quest and adventure to change the world. I hope you’ll also appreciate my gusto in setting out to do the same today, for our Nation that is hurting. I trust the magazine will inspire you to join along to do great exploits for yourself and the Nation - just in time for its 250th Birthday celebration - now less than two years away! By choosing to be an Awesome American Citizen - and doing your part to HELP THE NATION become, “THE BEST U.S. WE CAN BE”, you will have the tremendous and memorable, personal-satisfaction of being one of the citizens, who “Millennials” of the future will talk about in a great way on America’s 500th. Let’s give Citizens today (and then), something remarkable to talk about and how we changed the world by setting the Nation Northward! Wishing you great reading, great thought, great action, and great happiness. GO GET TO READING...And as Ben Franklin says, go be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise as an Awesome American Citizen, casting your vote for USA and great leadership. Enjoy and be inspired! Sincerely, SILENCE DOGOOD - a fond friend of Ben’s - and possibly known to you. You’ll learn more about all of U.S. in the upcoming issues of the Nation’s Newest Patriotic Magazine... AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 – The mission, if YOU accept, is for YOU TO SHARE THIS WITH ALL!

To encourage Literature and the arts is a duty which every Good citizen owes to his Country -


Issues in the Series:

SEP-OCT 2024

Preamble TO THE VOTE

NOV-DEC 2024

JAN-FEB 2025

MAR-APR 2025

MAY-JUN 2025

JUL-AUG 2025

SEP-OCT 2025

NOV-DEC 2025

JAN-FEB 2026

MAR-APR 2026

MAY-JUN 2026

Jul-Aug 2026




USA 250 “Tis Well”

George Washington’s Dying Words

“AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250” is an incredibly special, National, two-year, mission-driven magazine culminating with a fantastic, commemorative “250” Edition on the 250th Birthday of the Amazing USA, on July 4, 2026 The mission of this beautiful magazine is to promote a groundswell of Patriotism; Wisdom to appreciate the genius and tenacity of our Nation’s Forefathers; Historical Knowledge of the United States’ founding and the country’s development; Understanding of America’s Providential and unique position in the history of mankind; Compassion to bless and build up our fellow citizens; Fortitude to stand for what’s right in the celebration of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; Piety in National Character; Awe in the beauty and wonder of God’s Divinely appointed country; along with…Faith, Hope and Love for the USA, all throughout the land and around the world.

In preparation for the soon to come, 250th Birthday of the Nation, we know the good men and women of today will enthusiastically join and support the patriotic endeavor of the Nation’s newest magazine - “AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250” - with a zeal and fervor the likes of our Founding Fathers. It is our hope that in this zeal and receptivity to the magazine, hearts and minds of millions of Patriotic Americans will commit to join the glorious celebration of Life, Liberty, and the true Pursuit of Happiness. This is the Dawning of a New Day in America if we all heed Wisdom’s call to trustingly ask for and seek the wisdom of the Divine Creator. Our Nation’s Founding Fathers lit the torch of freedom to light the way. It’s time for the citizens of the country to pursue righteousness and to keep this beautiful light burning bright with the desire to pass this precious gift along to future generations. At an investment of just $2.50 per copy of this AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250PREAMBLE TO YOUR VOTE - please PASS IT ALONG! This is a nominal investment in yourself – and it’s entirely on the honor system, if you wish to contribute IN GOD WE TRUST, YOU WILL!

The “AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250” magazine will have an anticipated, combined digital and print circulation of approximately 2.50M subscribers/viewers. Upcoming digital versions of the magazine will have the benefit of fun video applications built within the magazine. In addition, advertisers will have the ability for their ads to be directly linked to their company website and/or to their very own promotion page - we are encouraging great deals for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 readers! Most importantly, we hope it will inspire the USA to be “ALL AMERICAN” AWESOME AMERICAN CITIZENS!

Beloved American Citizens ... This is an appeal for: A RESOUNDING VOTE FOR A DECENT AND RESPECTFUL AMERICA!

On behalf of the millions and millions of individuals who trust that all may go well with the Nation and that each citizen may be in good health - mentally, physically, and Spiritually - there is great hope that the Soul of America may be restored, made well, and always divinely protected. In this knowledge...we can all greatly rejoice and celebrate together, when we as citizens of this outstanding Nation, unite to acclaim to the truth and goodness of America. In this good life of America, there will be great joy, knowing that the citizens are walking in this truth and choosing to be Awesome American Citizens, for themselves, their families, and others.

Therefore, dear must know, America is the most compassionate of nations. The world has testified for two and a half centuries to the love of America. Please remember It is a loyal thing when we offer service to fellow compatriots and strangers. All citizens would do well to journey on their way in a manner befitting of this “heavenly” service. Be mindful to ponder President Kennedy’s poignant statement, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country”. So, in good faith as Awesome American Citizens, we ought to seek (along with our fellow American workers), to support this cause of true liberty, and those men and women seeking leadership roles who are most worthy of leading the nation in this truth.

Unfortunately, there are some amongst us who choose to put themselves and their contrary agendas first, and who do not aspire to the greatness of the Nation. They speak falsely with evil intent, and in their perverseness, they cloak wicked acts as ones of the demise of the country and the Soul of America. And not content with that, their efforts are to subvert all that is holy and good, while demanding and openly celebrating and promoting all that is profane. We as citizens should not stand idly by and this should never be our vote! Our Nation and the Soul of America is something we are called to protect. We are exhorted to not imitate evil but rather to imitate that which is GOOD. With this calling, please dear American citizens, seek to make an informed and well-thought decision. Before going to the polls, please read our country’s early history article as a start, and THEN make your strong voices and votes heard!

We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future
- John F. Kennedy
Let the wise listen and add to their learning

- Proverbs 1

His words were written “to give prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young,” and he even added something to the wise: “let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance.” We all fit in there somewhere…now it’s up to all of U.S. to listen and apply/reapply the teaching. And that time is now…The best benefits of doing so lie in store, so why wait another second, America?

This truly is beautiful America...The Nation’s 250th is a few short years away and it’s up to U.S. to be properly prepared for “Our” historic birthday celebration. It will be well worth the effort, so let’s get ready for the grandest celebration the world has ever known.

This wisest person of mankind - a King (can you guess his name?) - began his counsel: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Have you noticed any of that in the World and Our Country today? This is really a time for personal and community reflection. Begin by taking a minute to REALLY THINKRIGHT NOW! It will be a moment well spent - with tremendous dividends if you choose to internalize. PLEASE - EVERYONE - DO! Stop and think for one moment. RIGHT NOW!

Parents and Grandparents, sit and read this to your children and grandchildren (along with future issues of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250, over the next two-years leading up to the 250th). They will appreciate and remember you did, especially when the Fourth of July for the Nation’s 250th rolls around. THE TIME IS NOW!

This sage man added a sound lesson we all should have learned when we were little: “Listen, my child, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.”

Remember back when you were little? Did your dad and mom give you good instruction teaching? Any “Good Boy’s / Good Girl’s?” Any proper scolding’s to appropriately, correct? “I’m Sorry’s”? and “I Love You’s”? Certainly, it’s hoped so. However, some individuals may have been so fortunate, and they now need the love of all of U.S. to spread this love America AND (throughout the world while we’re at it) - as a beacon of hope for civilization thinking about this, what would YOU, tell that little YOU right now? And what would that YOU say to YOU, here today? Possibly a, “Please, listen to your heart, WONDERFUL YOU”? Listen deeply and well to that small voice of consciousness within.

In really listening, how can it be clearer than that? Yet we live in a day where wisdom, knowledge, proper instruction, and listening are lacking. So, it’s good to ask, “Why is that?” “What about me?” ... “What can I do?”

This wise King (Solomon, by name), shared the Why and the What: “Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall, she cries out; at the city gate she makes her speech: “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings”.

That’s fairly, easy to understand and worthwhile to listen to, wouldn’t you agree?

And if we don’t?...“Then they will call to me, BUT I will not answer; they will look for me BUT will not find me, since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them… BUT, BUT, BUT...

Freedom Without responsibility Degenerates into License

(The abuse of freedom)

“There can be no rule of law … unless citizens and especially leaders are convinced that there is no freedom without truth.”

- Pope St. John Paul II




To those who are Americans, may mercy peace and love be multiplied to you. We appeal to you to contend in good faith, for love of God, Country, and your Families. Work to keep America in the love, care, and protection of the Almighty, by your prayers for the Nation. Build yourselves up in this “Freedom of Faith”. Make your vote a call to convince some - to save some - and to snatch those out of the fire of destruction of America, set by those who have longed to fundamentally transform America in every subversive manner. As the founding fathers made known, make your vote a decision to uphold the self-evident truths and unalienable rights granted to us by our Creator, that we are all created equally for life - a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This happiness comes about by choosing to be an Awesome American Citizen and hoping others will as well. If we all do our patriotic part, others are sure to follow ... Let U.S. all set the example!

With your vote you are free to choose, but remember with your vote also comes responsibility: Freedom without responsibility degenerates into license (the abuse of freedom)



let the wise listen and add to their learning

















Cruelty vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs






















Love of Country


Family stability


For the people











Hatred of Country


Family destruction


From the people

“Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

How is that for a choice? Something very serious to think about, for (y)our own good. What will YOUR choice be? And what will our Country’s choice be? It’s time for all of U.S. to choose wisely. This wisest of men, gives us the best of instruction for doing exactly that:

“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding; cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.”

Many of America’s citizens may never have heard this before, but the time is TODAY to consider and warmly embrace. Afterall, who doesn’t want a glorious life? I know, hundreds of millions of Patriotic Americans do. Please Commit or Re-commit, and join the glorious celebration of Life, Liberty, and the true Pursuit of Happiness. This is “The Dawning of a New Day in America”, if you and we all heed Wisdom’s call: “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God - who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly - and it will be given to you”.

Our Nation’s Founding Fathers lit the torch of freedom to light the way. It’s time for the citizens of this great country of ours to ask for the same Wisdom and to keep the beautiful light of USA’s glory burning bright - “Shine on America.” Future generations will be glad you did! God, please Bless America with Wisdom, and the desire to pass this precious gift along:


As an Awesome American Citizen getting ready to cast your vote, we respectfully ask you to please first read the next AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 article, on early history of America and its beginnings. Through a greater understanding of some of the events that transpired then, and that which necessitated the establishment of the First Continental Congress, 250 years ago, in the months of September and October 1774, you’ll have a much better appreciation of how this correlates to what is going on today. This will also provide you a much better appreciation for (and understanding of), what your informed vote means. With this understanding and historical knowledge as a backdrop to all we as American citizens are facing today, please well-utilize this information as “logical” consideration for a sound and well-thought-out vote, for those seeking to represent you and all of U.S..

(Y)our future well-being and that of your families, as well as the nation as a whole, demand nothing less of you. Yours is a vote for yourself, YES, but its also a vote for the good of your family, your city, your state and the country at large. Our Founding Fathers wanted to form a government - a democratic republic - that empowered “We the people” to decide our USA representation through elections. Much lead up to the establishment of this new government. Their efforts were for a “Government for the People, By the People”. Their genius has survived for almost 250-years. In honor of all of them, and appreciation for all that we really have to celebrate, much should be expected from ”ALL” of U.S.. Since this is demanded of you, shouldn’t you also wisely expect the same of fellow Americans and most especially from those seeking to be (Y)our elected Leaders. THINK ... what do WE get from (Y)our vote?

With this background knowledge, you can now vote with confidence for a wonderful U.S.A

The Best U.S. We Can Be”

Thanks for your commitment to be an Awesome American Citizen And for your well-informed and thoughtful vote for the betterment of our fabulous country... AMERICA



250 years ago, in these months of September and October (September 5th - October 26th, 1774), due then to years of earlier propagation of the idea that there was a need for an “American Congress” which would represent the American colonists in determining appropriate responses to increased British oppression, fifty-six deputies - representing 12 of the 13 colonies - were sent to Philadelphia and the First Continental Congress was established. There in Philadelphia, at Carpenter's Hall, these 56 representatives (congressmen), would speak on behalf of the Americans. At this convention, there was an insistence that this independent American congress should have equal status with British authority. This was outlined in very clear terms and word was quickly disseminated throughout the colonies.

The idea of this independent American union first emerged in 1763, when the British Parliament began imposing heavy taxes on the colonies to help pay for debts the Crown incurred during the battles of the French and Indian War. However, the idea for an independent union was not yet one of complete separation from the motherland in England. The assumption was that the colonies would still be an essential component of the British Empire and would still function under the authority of the King and Parliament.

Because the end of the French and Indian War had also brought about a postwar recession, British merchants began requesting payment for debts which the colonists had incurred in buying British imports. Additionally, these British merchants wanted payments made in British Pounds Sterling, rather than the colonial currency which they deemed of less and questionable value. However, when the British Parliament passed a sequential new series of laws regulating trade and taxes between 1763 and 1773, starting with the Currency Act which forbade the colonies from issuing paper currency, this made it even more difficult for colonists to pay their debts and taxes. More tensions between the colonists and imperial officials arose. As a means of maintaining power, the British officials made it clear that the British Parliament was not going to listen to American complaints about these new laws and legislation being too oppressive and burdensome. This British Parliament’s unwillingness to respond to American demands for change, allowed

The idea of an Independent American Union first emerged in 1763

Unmindful of names or distinctions they came, For freemen like brothers agree; With one spirit endued, they one friendship pursued, And their temple was Liberty Tree.

colonists to argue that they were part of an increasingly corrupt and autocratic empire in which their traditional liberties were threatened. To effectively coordinate opposition to the British Parliament, a collection of American political organizations was formed, and a now famous place of meeting was established. One such example from journal notes of John Adams, who later became the 2nd President of the United States, outlined: “Spent the Evening with the Sons of Liberty, at their own Apartment in Hanover Square, near the Tree of Liberty,” This would become a regular meeting place.

This “Committees of Correspondence”, as it was named, was the mastermind of a Patriot from Boston - Samuel Adams. These “Committees of Correspondence” sought to establish an underground communication network of written letters amongst the Patriot leaders in the Thirteen Colonies. The first committees of correspondence were established in 1764 in Boston, to garner support in opposition to the newly imposed Currency Act, and other unpopular reforms on the customs services being imposed. The function of the committees was to alert the residents of the colonies of the actions taken by the British Crown. This information was disseminated to cities and towns throughout the countryside. Via hand-written letters and printed pamphlets, the news was carried and spread by couriers riding horseback or traveling aboard vessels. The committees dispatching the news to appropriate receiving groups who were responsible for ensuring that this news accurately reflected the views of Patriots, many of whom were correspondents and members of the colonial legislative assemblies. Soon after Parliament had passed the Currency Act, another bill known as the Stamp Act was also passed This legislation requiring colonists to purchase a government-issued stamp for delivery of legal documents and other printed pieces. This was simply another means of imposing “Parliament’s right” to tax the colonies and to keep them subjugated.

After news of the Stamp Act reached the colonies, the Virginia House of Burgesses passed resolutions denying the British Parliament’s authority to tax the colonies. On August 14, 1765, a band of discontented merchants and artisans hung an effigy in the tree to protest the Stamp Act. Hundreds of Boston citizens gathered under the tree to witness the happenings After this event, the tree became a symbol of objection to further British policies Complaints were often posted

“Labor to keep alive in your of celestial fire, called George Washington

your breast that little spark called conscience”



I trust this new AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 magazine has already captured your attention and that you will be happy to forward a copy of this issue to your family, friends and coworkers.

In putting together the magazine, the wonderful idea for The Extraordinary America Makeover, came about. I gave a great deal of thought to what can be done to help Restore America (which almost, the entire Nation is talking about daily)... And I’m talking about what can be done before our beautiful Nation’s 250th Birthday, less than two short years away.

As I was working on future issues of the magazine and exploring all the tremendous stories that will fill the pages, I was captivated by a story of a friend’s friend, and the beginnings of his amazing company - Poly America. Doing a bit of research, I was quite impressed that at the inception of the company in 1976 - the Bicentennial year of our Country - the owner’s father and founder, had seen a tremendous opportunity in a landfill of plastic waste. It appeared as trash to everyone else, but to this man of ingenuity, he saw it as treasure. It’s quite an amazing story. Mr. Ross bought this mountain of rubbish - located 400 miles away from where he would take it. He began packing it all up truckload after truckload and hauled it away to the site of the now, multi-Billion-dollar company’s HQ in Texas. His idea sparked the beginning of his vision being put it into reality. I imagine the ”genius” runs in the family, as the son and current owner, has successfully carried on his father’s legacy. It’s a great story that will fully be told in the July 4th, 2026, issue of the magazine, especially due to the Company’s beginning in 1976. I believe it’s a story all readers will enjoy and one sure to bring inspiration to the Nations restoration.

As I thought about this story and others like it, the TV show “Extreme Home Makeover”, came to mind and this too got “My wheels spinning”. The show was a huge success, and such a feelgood, humanitarian heart-tug program (with a 98% approval rating). Coupling all these ideas together, I had a brainchild of my own in The Extraordinary America Makeover.

“Light The Spark”


has a National mission to get “All Americans” involved to Clean Up America and convert all the “Trash” to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250 “Treasure”...just in time for the historic National celebration of America’s 250th Birthday, twenty-one months away.

Everyone from children to Grandparents can join the celebration, in a myriad of ways, to help Restore America. This will give “U.S. All” something to thoroughly celebrate and take real pride in, since “Husky” efforts will certainly be required. Hopefully, the inspiration of Poly America’s story nearly 50-years ago, will lead the way...since as you can easily imagine, there will be lots of need for trash bags for the “All America” AMER “I CAN” RESTORE AMERICA project, and the grand celebration of the USA250 extravaganza - July 4th, 2026. In addition to reading the “Best of America” stories in AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250, there will be tremendous marketing opportunities; Corporate and Community Sponsored Events; Veteran & Workforce Programs; Church and Civic Outreaches; Youth Projects, etc., at Federal, State and Local levels.

We believe, The Extraordinary America Makeover, could very well be the spark that ignites the thrill of Patriotism throughout the country. There is no greater endeavor to ask “All Americans” to get behind. This opportunity provides WE THE PEOPLE and the wonderful “ALL AMERICAN” teams throughout the USA, to participate in the absolutely, remarkable and historic thrill of victory we get to embrace in the quest to RESTORE AMERICA

In “The Spirit of ’76” and “The Spirit of ’26” America’s 250th Birthday Please join and the The Extraordinary America Makeover

(Details will be shared in Nov-Dec “THANKSGIVING” Issue – Plan to read all about it)


on the tree’s trunk, to spread the news. The tree continued to serve as an important place to demonstrate opposition to British actions. British troops, cut the tree down in August of 1775, Colonists in Boston rioted and destroyed the house of the stamp distributor. Circulated news of this protest and others, inspired similar protests in other colonies It was the Stamp Act which served as the common cause to unite the 13 colonies in opposition to the British Parliament.

In October of 1765, delegates from 9 colonies met to issue petitions to the British Government denying Parliament’s authority to tax the colonies An American boycott of British goods, coupled with the recession, also led British merchants to lobby for the repeal of the acts on pragmatic economic grounds. Under pressure from American colonists and British merchants, the British Government decided it was easier to repeal the Stamp Act rather than to enforce it.

The repeal of the Stamp Act quieted colonial protest - but only temporarily. Soon afterwards, in that same year, there was great outcry and resistance to the Quartering Act in New York. New York served as headquarters for British troops in America, so the Quartering Act (1765) had a great impact on New York City. When the New York Assembly refused to assist in quartering troops, a fight broke out where one colonist was wounded. This caused Parliament to suspend the Assembly’s powers however the suspension was never carried out because the New York Assembly acquiesced and agreed to contribute money toward the quartering of troops. Responses were quieted, but trouble was brewing.

Then in 1767, came the British “Townshend Acts” - whereby, to help pay for the expenses involved in governing the American colonies, the British Parliament initiated taxes on paper, glass, lead, paint, and tea. In response to these new taxes, the colonies again decided to discourage the purchase of British imports

Samuel Adams wrote a statement and circulated another “Committees of Correspondence” letter in 1768, that was approved by the Massachusetts House of Representatives, which attacked Parliament's persistent taxing of the colonies without proper representation, and which called for unified resistance by all the colonies. Many colonies issued similar statements. In reaction to this, the British Governor of Massachusetts dissolved the state's legislature and British Troops soon arrived in Boston.

If taxes are laid upon us in any shape without our having a legal representation where they are laid, are we not reduced from the character of free subjects to the miserable state of tributary slaves? We claim British rights not by charter only! We are born to them.

- Samuel Adams 1768

The Sons of Liberty threatened armed resistance to the announced arrival of the British troops. However, the defiance dwindled when the troops, were stationed and started arriving in Boston.

“Virginia Resolves” Assert citizens rights of self-governance

Furious about the news in Massachusetts, The Virginia House of Burgesses in May 1769, passed the Virginia Resolves, which condemned Britain's actions in Boston, and which also stated that only Virginia's governor and legislature could tax “its” citizens. The members drafted a formal letter to the King with four resolutions known as the “Virginia Resolves” which were passed by the House of Burgesses. These resolves asserted the rights of citizens in Virginia which were a response to the imperial government's enforcement of the duties levied under the Townsend Act and the British government ignoring protests of these duties. The Virginia House of Burgesses avowed its sole right to tax Virginians and its right to petition the Crown for redress of grievances. Two of the Resolves mandated the legal right of joining other colonies in such petitions, and the illegality of deporting colonists accused of crimes in Virginia to England for trial there In direct response to these “Virginia Resolves” being published, the Royal governor, dissolved the Assembly on the following day, which only had the effect of stoking the flames of rebellion even more.

The boycotts were working. At the beginning of 1770, Parliament decided to withdraw all of the Townshend Act taxes except for the tax on tea. This was due to profits being significantly reduced by the colonial boycott of imported British goods In response to Parliament's relaxation of its taxation laws, the colonies tempered their boycott of imported goods from Britain. However, with the “Committees of Correspondence” letters traveling far and wide, many colonists were still angry because they did not have self-government. In addition, to not being able to govern themselves and make their own laws, the colonists still had to pay high taxes to the King. With these frustrations mounting along with the ongoing news of the British troop arrival in Boston to support crownappointed officials and to enforce unpopular Parliamentary legislation. With the British troops having been stationed in the Province of Massachusetts Bay since 1768, more and more conflicts arose... It was there in Boston, on March 5th, 1770, where things escalated between citizens and soldiers. A crowd of three or four hundred formed around a British “Red Coat” and verbally berated him. This British soldier was immediately supported by seven...

If America is a people of free thought and independence, where we can freely speak our minds, then are we not also free to ask “ourselves” important questions? In a day when almost every citizen is asking, “What is going on with our crazy world?”, with hopefulness for sanity being restored and implied in the asking, then here is a wise and prudent answer with a question:

“America, it’s time to think - don’t you think?

Great...then here are a few more beginning questions for America to contemplate, in the way of establishing sound and successful answers for getting things remedied and properly restored.


* Are you sound asleep? No, then let’s shake off the slumber and let’s “Wake Up America”.

* Have you lost your mind? No, then let’s invigorate the collective U.S.A. mindset towards sanity.

* Have you given up your spirit of loyalty and faith? No, then let’s re-embrace these qualities.

* Have you lost your way? No, then let’s be good leaders to help so many others who have.

* Have you lost your resiliency to defend and protect your liberties? No, then let’s not only ask the important questions, let’s also: wake up; gather our composure; lift our spirits; recalibrate our bearings; and put in the work necessary to maintain our freedoms and the liberties we are blessed to enjoy. Let’s be the AWESOME AMERICAN CITIZENS of today, who get the questions right and who in so doing, get all A’s...and pass the test of righteousness and goodness, honesty, integrity and all the traits, qualifying U.S. as Awesome American Citizens.

Alive; Awake, Alert; Aware; Ardent...Tremendous A+ qualities that have driven history’s patriots to fight for and maintain independence all along the way, for the past 248 years - and which because of them and their foresight, we still enjoy today. Our Founding Fathers had these inspirational traits and, by well-employing them, were successful in establishing the greatest country the world has ever known. For generations now, freedom-loving patriots have fought selflessly to preserve and defend this great nation, and the wonderful liberties America offers. These qualities remain a bedrock of the USA, so let’s work hard and re state with confidence and share with everyone we can:

“Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Our country and its citizens remain a nation of deep-rooted faith - with a diversity of religious backgrounds; strong family bonds; and a loving connection to its communities. From the onset, the citizens of this great nation were told - by Benjamin Franklin himself - that, “Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” He added, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” Have we lowered ourselves to become that corrupt and vicious nation of people, Franklin spoke about, in need of others ruling over us? That is certainly not the government the Founding Fathers established for the United States, is it? If not (which it wasn’t), then what kind of government and who as our legally, established leaders, do we want to properly represent U.S. That means, all of U.S. THE BEST U.S. WE CAN BE!

America, instead of pushing the “Snooze” button and pulling the covers over (y)our eyes, let’s instead, as decent, and wide-awake citizens, press the “Pause” button to take some time to critically think and ask ourselves the personal questions that will help us guide our own lives with a true and better sense of personal responsibility. In so doing, these collective answers will also best help us to determining votes of confidence in others (of OUR choosing), that we seek to represent U.S. as a whole and the true freedoms we live by. Already by reading this far, you have started to think. Well-done and Way to go! Don’t stop here - press in and press on...Let’s turn this into a little game of fun and personal exploration...a self-governance exercise, if you will.

Ben Franklin had another bit of sage wisdom which we will use to start this game of personal insight. He said, “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.”

This game is meant to help you improve your life with a hopefulness/happiness for the future:

NEW FUTURE FOR YOU AND THE BEAUTIFUL AMERICA 250! Your new journey of THOUGHT & ACTION begins right now:


America’s got problems and it’s up to U.S. to fix them

According to the Heritage Foundation, amongst the biggest issues facing the country are: The Economy, Health Care Costs, Immigration, Religious Freedom, Marriage, Education, Environment, Spending, Welfare, Election Integrity

The Pew Research Center’s 2023 study adds that the public’s top list includes: Inflation, Affordability of Health care, Partisan cooperation, Drug addiction, Gun violence, Federal Budget deficit, The state of moral values, Illegal immigration, Quality of public K-12 schools, Climate change, Racism, Condition of Roads Bridges and Infrastructure, Domestic terrorism, international terrorism, and unemployment. WOW...REALLY, AMERICA? IS THIS WHO “WE THE PEOPLE” ARE? There’s more...

Also, there are the problems of: theft, a National obesity epidemic, sex trafficking, homelessness, graffiti and litter throughout America, Disrespectfulness of others, pornography, lewd talk and behaviors, public safety, government and corporate corruption, lawlessness, etc.

These are just some of the problems identified in study after study of America. These Problems are not the “liberties” that properly define “Freedom” and who we are as Americans. Are they?

Is this the America you are happy and satisfied with? If being honest, what’s on your problem list and what would you like to see changed? Do you feel it’s worth being a part of the solution?

Are you willing to get involved to help? A daunting task, for sure...but as the business adage and formula for success goes: “Identify a problem and come up with a solution”

We’ve identified the problems and as a wonderful and worthwhile solution, TEAM 50 has the goal to tackle the issues and help fix them... And here’s how...

Retail crime alone, Costs the U.S. Economy More than $150 Billion (And that’s per year) Really, America?

“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of Every American to be informed” -

Thomas Jefferson

America’s got problems and it’s up to U.S. to fix them

TEAM 50 wants to recruit you and “All Americans”, for the collective TEAM effort to:

Help you; your family; your community; your town; your city; your state; and the Nation, become “THE BEST U.S. WE CAN BE”. We all face the problems together, and we can all be part of the solution! Now, more than ever, The Country needs you!

And TEAM 50 wants you on the “All American” roster. It’s time for all of U.S. to get in the game! Please join with TEAM 50 today, to help “Restore America” and to proudly get the Nation back on track and “ready to roll” onward to “OUR” 250th Birthday.

So that we all can have something to thoroughly celebrate and take great joy in together, let’s combine the efforts of all those Awesome American Citizens around This Great Nation.


The Project Starts Today, with your pledge to be an Awesome American Citizen ready to help! ... Its hustle time, America! Our Nation’s 250th Birthday on July 4th, 2026, is less than two short years away. To make this the best success story ever, please do your part to celebrate with TEAM 50 – by exuberantly joining The Extraordinary America Makeover, and proudly proclaim with all of U.S.

“Our Very Positive TEAM 50 “One-Word Motto AMER “I CAN”


additional soldiers. All of them were hit by clubs, stones, and snowballs. In reactionary retaliation, one soldier fired a shot which prompting the others to fire on the crowd as well (without orders). The gunshots killed three people and wounded eight others (two of whom also later died due to their wounds) This event was heavily publicized as "a Boston massacre" by leading Patriots such as Paul Revere and Samuel Adams. A colored engraving produced by Paul Revere along with other depictions, committee reports, and propaganda about the event, heightened tensions throughout the Thirteen Colonies and matters got worse Believing they were confronting increasingly hostile threats by the British royal government, Pro-revolutionary Patriot leaders in Boston established and codified the first long-standing “Committee of Correspondence” with the approval of townhall meeting officials in late 1772.

By spring 1773, other Patriots decided to follow the Massachusetts system and began to set up their own committees in their colony. The Colony of Virginia appointed an eleven-member committee in March 1773, which was quickly followed by the colonies of Rhode Island, Connecticut, the Province of New Hampshire, and the Province of South Carolina These colony’s committees promoted patriotism and home manufacturing. The committees gradually extended their power over many aspects of American public life with the call to Americans was to lead more simple lives and avoid British luxuries, including tea.

The colonists staged more vocal responses and widespread protests against the British Parliament’s decision to grant the East India Company a monopoly on the tax-free transport of tea. Although Parliament had lowered taxes levied on other tea importers, the tax-free status of the British East India Company meant that colonial tea traders simply could not compete. Enraged colonist finally responded once again by encouraging a general boycott of all British goods.

On December 16, 1773, a group of American colonists disguised themselves as Indians and boarded the East India Company ships ported in the Boston Harbor and then threw crates of tea overboard This protest would famously come to be known as the Boston Tea

Once news of the Tea Party reached England, British officials quickly moved to enforce discipline and order in the colonies. The British Government ordered the closure of the port of Boston...

“Committees of Correspondence”

Crispus Attucks

until the East India Company was compensated for the destroyed tea, and it also passed several pieces of legislation which attempted to place Massachusetts under direct British control which was further solidified by the appointment of General Thomas Gage as military governor of Massachusetts. In the American colonies, these laws were referred to as the Intolerable Acts.

At the end of 1773, after the Boston Tea Party, the idea of a colonial independent union with its own government, began appearing and promoted in various newspaper articles and essays, most often written anonymously by newspaper editors - out of fear of reprisal and prosecution.

First American Patriot to die... during, The Boston Tea Party

By February 1774, 11 colonies had set up their own committees. Of the thirteen colonies that rebelled, only the provinces of North Carolina and Pennsylvania did not The “committees” became the leaders of the American resistance to Great Britain and largely directed the rebellion efforts at the state and local level. The reaction of the colonists was mixed. While some Bostonians felt that the time had come to ease tensions by sending a written offer to London to pay for the destroyed tea, others put out a colony-wide call for an all-out boycott Out of fear of reprisal, many of the colonial merchants were reluctant to participate in this difficult-to-enforce boycott. Despite disagreement, most colonists did agree that a meeting to discuss appropriate collective responses to Great Britain’s actions was a good and warranted idea.

The committees solidified and were instrumental in Colonial Legislatures sending representatives to Philadelphia to form the First Continental Congress which began in September 1774. The two months of meetings was convened, and The First Continental Congress agreed to the Articles of Association on October 20. These Articles outlined colonial grievances and called for a locally enforced boycott of British goods in all the colonies. This boycott would go into effect 10 days later, on December 1st, 1774.

Does any of this sound familiar to that which is going on today?

Are there any QUALIFIED LEADERS stepping up to get America on the right track?

If so, then that’s who YOU, and “ALL AMERICANS” should cast your vote for!

Involve yourself with this exercise - Ever heard of the game 25 questions?

How is my life going and what do I want from it?

How is my liberty, and am I treating it well

How is my true happiness, and am I pursuing it?

How fit is my body and physical health?

How are my finances and retirement looking?

How are my personal and family relationships?

How is my future looking?

How is my allotted time on earth being spent?

What life accomplishments am I most proud of?

What am I truly enjoying in my life?

How is my physical well-being?

How is my mental well-being?

How is my spiritual well-being?

How is my personal diet?

How is my work and/or business going?

What positive things am I working on in my life?

How am I really treating myself?

What are my regrets?

What do I need to be forgiven of?

How am I treating others?

Who do I need to forgive?

What are my hopes and dreams?

How can I make a difference with my life?

What can I do to be an Awesome American Citizen?

What can I do to help myself, others, and the Country?

Government’s job is to Protect and defend these God-given rights!


“We the People”

It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part.

- Benjamin Franklin

These questions have to do with personal leadership of ourselves and the life, happiness we choose to pursue. Personal freedoms come along with...and so does responsibility. These questions are meant to inspire a quest for self-governance and for all citizens to collectively be - “THE BEST U.S. WE CAN BE” - Awesome American Citizens!

The road to the Nation’s independence wasn't easy, and personal sacrifices had to establishing a government “For the People, By the People” and with: The Vote of The road to personal independence isn’t easy either, and similar sacrifices are develop a life one can be happy with. This requires staying strong. Personal leadership leadership in general, requires a don’t quit mindset, especially when things get leadership and in life, we must forge ahead with a desire for principled goodness for and others. This means, we must remain brave and stay strong. Courage is not just and fighting for ourselves. It’s necessary to take a good look at the big picture and having backs as well. The Golden Rule well applies, but we need to continually live it out to live



To select those who BEST REPRESENT the common goal of health, wealth, and happiness, important to ask the deep AND important questions of those seeking our vote. In thought-out question-asking, and decision-making process - coupled with the exercise just undertaken for yourself - you now have a much better perspective of what is required leaders and who are best qualified to lead you - and all of U.S. - in the unity for the good...and the wonderful purpose of enjoying our life, liberty and the true pursuit of



AMERICA - Having themselves gone to the extreme measure of forming the First Continental Congress and laying out the grievances in a petition to King George III - along with the boycott - the congressional leaders doubted that this crisis would be resolved peacefully. However, this position which was held so dear, eventually served as the basis for the colonial Declaration of Independence.

The British military Governor Gage realized that additional coercive steps would only enrage the colonists all-the-more and might even lead to war. He wrote to London to recommend the suspension of the Intolerable Acts, in hopes that this would appease many of the colonists and thereby split colonial moderates from radicals. Gage’s attempts to secure his position in Boston only brought him into more conflicts with the local militias, a hostile populace, and an angry King George III. Governor Gage wrote a letter to London, stating that if the Crown was not agreeable to his recommendations, he would most certainly need substantial reinforcements to crush the growing rebellion The British ministers responded to Gage’s suggestions, but not as he had wanted Instead, they removing him from his office as military governor. The British government also implemented even more punitive measures where it deemed necessary. Parliament pressed to pass additional trade restrictions on New England. With these additional measures soon established, London declared the colonies to be in rebellion of the Crown. To quell the so-called rebellion, it offered to stop taxing those colonies who supported the British Government. By this time, it was too late. The most astute and savvy leaders from both sides, knew battle was the inevitable consequence.

While these permanent committees and its leaders had performed the important planning steps necessary for the First Continental Congress, their efforts for the opportunity of peaceful negotiations had come to an end. In early 1775, the committees supervised the elections of provincial conventions, which began the operation of a true colonial government, and they would then be in the support for American independence throughout the American Revolution, which began on April 19, 1775, when British troops and American colonists clashed at Lexington and Concord. This position eventually served as the basis for the colonial Declaration of Independence.

Congratulations to Congress on the 250th Anniversary. AMERICA NEEDS YOU MORE THAN EVER... We Look forward to sharing about your great efforts for U.S. in upcoming issues and the fantastic, USA250 Birthday issue, in July-August 2026...AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 250! -

1774 - First Continental Congress Articles

“United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.”
Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free

- John Adams

John Adams wrote, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.” Virtue is an inner commitment and the voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law. Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to morallaw...all the time. Public virtue - the character to voluntarily sacrifice or forego personal wants for the greater good of other individuals and the community. These moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty. They are the moral fiber and guiding force to have U.S act in righteousness, prudence, wisdom, truth and great faith.

So why, dear Awesome American Citizens, is the history of the Committees of Correspondence; the First Continental Congress of America; the American Revolution; and the Declaration of Independence, important for U.S. to hear about today?

Great Question - Especially as this next vote for the 47th President of the United States and the 119th Congress is very soon upon us. We have the honor and responsibility to decide who will best representation the UNITED STATES!


Here’s the answer: American History Matters; You matter; the USA matters; Awesome American Citizenship matters, and proper/wise representation and leadership matters! So does this “Preamble to the Vote” it’s meant to get you to think about the stakes for yourself, your family; your friends, and the whole country before you cast your vote.

These first wise representatives of the people, would meet again to pen the extraordinary words of the Preamble to the U.S Constitution. They contemplated and gave incredible concentration to this after a long-fought, 11-year war, that began in 1776 and lasted until 1787: These amazing words live on still today!


the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

are our men (and women) of abilities?
do they not come forth
save their country?

America’s Five Keys For the enjoyment of

The Preamble is not the law of the land - it’s an introduction to the highest law of the land. The Preamble does not define government powers - It’s the prelude to the most wisely thought-out government powers constitution, ever established. And the Preamble does not define individual rights - it foretells the God-given blessings and unalienable individual rights of every American “citizen”, written into the U.S. Constitution - the world’s most admired and longest surviving written charter of government. We have a great deal to be thankful for!

The Framers drafted this magnificent document during the hot Philadelphia summer days of 1787 and found a way to agree on five basic principles that have held secure and are ours to uphold a quarter of a millennium later - TODAY 2024! Consider this - YOURPreamble to the vote, as you reflect with wisdom on what is transpiring in the country today and deciding who you thoughtfully, believe will best represent, fulfill, and fight for these five timeless principles and keys to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness:

(1) Establish Justice

(2) Insure Domestic Tranquility

(3) Provide for the Common Defense

(4) Promote the General Welfare

(5) Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity

Voting begins soon - November 5th, 2024 - and Inauguration Day takes place on January 20th, 2025. The Vice-President-elect will be sworn in first at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC. The new Vice President will repeat the same oath of office that has been used since 1884. This is the oath of office Senators, Congressmen (women), and other federal employees also state upon their election:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enterSo, help me God.”

Around noon, the President-elect will be sworn in and shall recite the following oath in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution: First spoken by George Washington April 30, 1879.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."




And now AWESOME AMERICAN CITIZEN, having thoroughly read



And some of our Nation’s early history in: “Preamble to the Vote”

You can now cast your vote with confidence in And for Wonderful U.S.A Leadership

Before you do, please state YOUR OWN PREAMBLE TO YOUR VOTE:

“I do solemnly swear to faithfully uphold my duty to be an Awesome American Citizen; and will to the best of my ability, be informed about the representatives seeking my vote: to make the wisest decisions that will help protect myself, my family, and my country, along with my personal vow to adhere to and defend the Constitution of the United States of America (with the freedoms and liberties it provides, including my wonderful chance to vote), So help me God.”


Thanks for your commitment to be an Awesome American Citizen and for your well-informed and thoughtful vote for the betterment of our fabulous country.




Much can be said from pictures: If this 101-year-old Tuskegee Airman and National Hero, who won the first USAF “Top Gun” Competition in 1949 at Las Vegas (Nellis) AFB; AND who also fought for and loves the country; AND who can still do all that he does to “inspire greatness”, then everyone younger than him (And that’s all of U.S. Americans), can take note and seek to follow his example. He very happily, lives by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Make sure to watch the American Valor - Salute to our Heroes Ceremony, on November 9th. Let’s live by his tremendous example America

st to be profiled in America The Beautiful 250 Col James Harvey III America Salutes You!

Thank you for your 101 years of service to the Nation God Bless You, My Friend!

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Proverbs 14:34


Great ideas are meant to be shared...words of wisdom to pass along to everyone!

“Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on Earth”

George Washington

General Orders - Tuesday July 2, 1776

A Sppecial Tribute to America’s 1st “Top Gun” Winner s At Las Ve gas (Nellis) Air Force Base 1949

Victory By Valor (Motto of the 20th Fighte G o p)

Tuskegee Airmen Fight Song Fighting 99th!

Tuskegee Airmen Fight Song - Fighting 99th!

Contact Joy stick back Sailing through the blue Gallant sons of the 99th Brown men tried and true

We are the Heroes of the Night To hell with the Axis might FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Fighting 99th. Rat tat, Rat tat tat Down in flames they go

The withering fire of the 99th sends them down below

We are the Heroes of the night To hell with the Axis might FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Fighting 99th...Drink up, Drain your cup

To those daring men Flying torch of flame, Oh GOD, Red, White, and Blue Amen. For we are Heroes of the ninth

To Hell with the Axis might FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! The Fighting 99th

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